rotary record #4771 07.26

Rotary Record Club Executives & Directors President Adam Hayward Executive Secretary Blair Bailey Secretary Blair Bailey Treasurer John Bennett Past President Adam Hayward Vice President Garry Burns President Elect Directors: Club Administration Carol Timlin Service Projects Christine Paradoski International Projects Lynda Rickard Membership Garry Burns New Generations Anthony Polito ROTARY CLUB OF LINDSAY #4771 JULY 26, 2021 July 26, 2021 President Adam called the meeting to order and asked for a toast to Queen and country. President Adam told us a story about a man who had devised a way to make money that he thought would be a winning formula. He advertised a cure for anything and everything that ails humans with a thousand dollar money back guarantee. A physician was highly

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Page 1: Rotary Record #4771 07.26

Rotary Record

Club Executives & Directors President Adam Hayward Executive Secretary Blair Bailey Secretary Blair Bailey Treasurer John Bennett Past President Adam Hayward Vice President Garry Burns President Elect

Directors: Club Administration Carol Timlin

Service Projects Christine Paradoski International Projects Lynda Rickard Membership Garry Burns New Generations Anthony Polito


July 26, 2021

President Adam called the meeting to order and asked for a toast to Queen and country.

President Adam told us a story about a man who had devised a way to make money that he thought would be a winning formula. He advertised a cure for anything and everything that ails humans with a thousand dollar money back guarantee. A physician was highly

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skeptical of the scheme and thought he would put this charlatan to the test. The doctor went to the clinic complaining of a loss of his sense of taste. The entrepreneur called to his assistant asking for the elixir in box 23. He administered three drops on the doctor’s tongue. The doctor spluttered and said “that’s gasoline!” “Congratulations” said the charlatan, “you’ve regained your sense of taste. That will be $500 please.”

The doctor was determined to expose this crook. He went back the next day and complained that he had amnesia and couldn’t remember anything. The crook called his assistant and asked for the elixir in box 23. “Wait a minute said the doctor that one has gasoline in it.” Congratulations,” said the grifter “you’ve regained your memory. That’ll be $500 please”. The doctor was furious. Determined to expose this dastardly mountebank, the doctor visited the clinic a third time. He complained that he had gone blind. The fraudulent quack said, “ ah that calls for the elixir in box number 11” and he reached for box 23. The doctor was incredulous. He blurted “no, no, you‘ve got box 23! That’s the one with gasoline in it!”. And the sly grifter said, “Congratulations doc, you’ve got your eyesight back. That’ll be $500 please.

President Adam’s Updates:

President Adam reminds us that our new RI President Shekhar Mehta from Kolkata, India has formally begun his presidential duties. Read about him in the July issue of “ROTARY”.

Next year’s convention. will get you to the right page.

Bernie Nickerson tells me that the next order for Bricks 🧱 to install in the Friends of the Rotary Traill wall will be $250 each. Each brick can have a maximum of 4 lines of print with 22 characters per line. These bricks are not exclusive to Rotarians. They can be customized as memorials, supporting messages, significant achievements or simply names. If you aren’t familiar, go to the King Street entrance of the trail and have a look. There aren’t too many spaces to fill at this point and our 100th anniversary is 2022. Anybody up for finishing the project this year?

District Governor Lynne Chant has completed her term of office but her Wednesday nite talk show will continue under the guidance of our new District Governor Steve Meadley. The first one will be on September 1st at 6:00 p.m.


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The District 7010 Convention will be held in Timmins on September 10-12 at the Senator Hotel.

President Adam threw out the question; “Are we ready for an outoor real live meeting? He will explore the possibilities and get back to us.

President Adam reported on the memorial to Dom Fox dedication of the boat launch for the physically challenged. He expressed appreciation for those who were involved in making it happen and to those who attended at the Old Mill Park. It was well received by members of the Fox family.

Some of you may have seen Catherine Whitnall’s excellent piece in the paper showing our intrepid President Adam giving us a demonstration of the apparatus. And, he managed to do it without needing a change of clothes.

Family of Rotary:

Rohan reports:

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Mike and Cathy Puffer 34 years

JOINED ROTARY Carol Timlin-20 yr

Don Finlayson-23 yr Larry Stevens-26 yr

Jim Mackey-30yr


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Happy, Sad and Catching up with Life in General. President Adam recently picked up a new 🛻 from Anthony Polito. He is exceedingly happy that he made that choice. His 13 year old has begun to act like a teenager. He likes to sleep late. Studies show that teenagers’ circadian 🕰 goes out of whack for a while at that age. He mentioned a new kitchen and a great summer for the kids too. 😃

Mike Puffer says that compared to Pres. Adam, his life has been dull. Cathy is very busy with Covid-19 vaccinations and they are not planning any travel until at least fall. But, next year…… Portugal. 😊

Rohan hasn’t seen his grandkids in person for 18 months!! 😞

Larry is going to Calgary on the 10th, driving thru the mountains to BC and returning at the end of the month. What a great way to visit the family! 😊

Al says life is about the same except that its been nice to get out for a meal or two with the more relaxed Covid rules. Visited his son’s new home and actually went in. Considering whether to travel to the usual winter location this year. And golf has been a much enjoyed activity this summer. ⛳

Gary T. is holding off on travel so far. Had an operation 2 weeks ago and was such a good boy they sent him

home early. Well, maybe they sent him home to be safe from Covid. 😃

Marlene’s business has been busy. Noting that staff has been happy to be able to enjoy some holidays without Covid restrictions. She has enjoyed

significant anniversary 🎉 and

birthday 🎂 celebrations and is happy that her family is healthy and she continues to enjoy her work.

Garry B says life couldn’t be better.


Carol is still unpacking. Living on the same block as her sis who has a pool;

🏊 great fun for the grandkids. Went

camping 🏕 at Silent Lake. Has a coyote visiting the back yard.

Carol also brought information forwarded to her from past member Eric Dean who, with his wife, hosted exchange student Friederike Schultz. “Freddie” and her family have suffered in the recent flooding in Europe. Freddie’s house was destroyed and her father (a fellow Rotarian) was hospitalized with injuries sustained. Freddie’s brother Will sent a link to what is essentially a “go fund me” account if you would like to help.

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Past Presidents


President Bruce Symonds

Secretary Dan McQuarrie

Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves.

Paul Harris

Polio: There is no cure. It results in paralysis and death. It affects children. It is preventable by immunization.

If all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years, polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year.

What impact can one donation have?

It can save a life. A child can be protected from polio with as little as 60 cents. Our partners make your donation go even further. For every $1 Rotary commits to polio eradication, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $2.


Get your vaccinations!

Wash your hands!

Wear a mask!

Keep your distance!

No ONE is safe until we ALL are.