ross jeffries - nailing women under 25 (ebook - english)

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Nailing women under 25From: "Ross Jeffries" Subject: Nailing women Under 25 Date: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 6:57 PM One of my students on the SS list, who is 48, requested some good tips and strategies on nailing women under 25.

Some cues: 1. Get yourself in a VERY playful, let's go fuck with 'em mindset. Invoke Bugs Bunny, Wile E. Coyote, etc. 2. Get an approach that allows you to present yourself as someone with mystical knowledge, special abilities, someone who can teach them something VERY valuable about themselves. . 3. Comment/observe/question. rather than compliment. Comment/observe on their energy, how they carry themselves.... 4. Give them a compelling reason to want to talk with you then and their or meet later and make sure you make it clear your time is scarce. 5. Fractionate the crap out of them and make sure they ratify they are enjoy themselves 6. Make sure you connect the dots for them and get ready to do ALL the work. Younger women will seldom call you, in the beginning, even if they DO like you! Most of them, in the beginning, won't even call guys THEIR OWN AGE. 7. Test early to see how open they are to physical touch; non-sexual at first. Run from the ones who don't strongly and positively enjoy it. You want a highly suggestible, very sexual young lady. 8. Incorporate challenges to her; does she have her own mind or does she need to do what her friends tell her she should? T 9. Be EXTREMELY careful about what you do with them over the phone, PRIOR to banging them. You can phone sarge like nuts ONCE you've nailed them, but younger ones WILL get scared and run if you phone sarge them too much BEFORE you nail them. 10. Be calmly ready for flakiness, both as a test of you and also, because they are just flakey with EVERYONE, even their female friends! Young women often have very turmoil-filled lives, and often it is NOT about you. If/when they flake/don't show up, just calmly point out that you don't know whether they are letting hesistation or something in their environment interrupt their own opportunities, but you THOUGHT they were stronger than that..oh well...maybe see you around. 11. Never, NEVER ask the younger ones out "on a date". You shouldn't be doing this anyway with any age group, but young ones...asking them to dinner, etc...NO NO NO! Offer to meet them somewhere, hang out a bit so you can show them this cool thing they must learn, meet them for coffee, use Riker's methods for getting them to your place FIRST before you go somewhere else, but NEVER ask them to dinner or do "dating" things. 12. Once you are ready to close physically, be strong and unhesitant about it. Show her you are in the lead and in control. And for God's sake, once you get her alone and can close the deal, DO it. If you let her slide

2that first time, after say only eating her out or getting a BJ, dont' assume you will ever see her again! Her old programming WILL assert itself! Subject: Nailing women Under 25 BIG POINT: I want to emphasize this for all guys reading; MUCH of young women's flakiness is about simply being out of control of their lives, and they don't get that this isn't a good way to do things, or they just don't have the means to get more in control Why should they? There's always another offer just around the corner, especially when they are hot. Hell, when they are hot, someone is always willing to buy them, rescue them, etc. so why SHOULD they have to learn a better way? Most of them who are flakey are just scattered, not testing, cunty, mean or evil. They have bad organization strategies, poor time-management, poor self-discipline (except when it comes to putting on their make-up), families out of control. Trust me...I know this. Now, SOME are testing, cunty, evil and mean, but really what it is a irresponsible use of the power their beauty gives them. They are angry with Dad, Mom, the world and using the power to take it out on others. Angry at getting so much attention but STILL being unhappy. Angry at early child-hood abuse. Angry at lots of things. Avoid these girls like the plague...if there is a deep anger under the beauty (not initial caution or fear, but ANGER) then run like hell! RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN! Only a guy who is more unhappy and ANGRIER than they are will really serve their twisted needs. Don't make yourself that way for the "prize" that is really a punishment. Now most of the other testing behaviour is just hesitation; uncertainty about stepping into something they find unfamiliar. And hesitation about doling out what little spare time they have to what may not be something they really like or enjoy; after all, it is unfamiliar to them, yes? I took a big step forward when I finally realized this and incorporated it into every bit of my approach with them. So you have to give them a taste, have them imagine having MORE, and make it compelling and scarce. An analogy to help: You are a very busy traveller. You fly out of town twice a week, have lots to pull at your attention. Whenever you fly a major city, you always eat at a fabulous Steak house that has restaurants in most cities you go to. Pretty good service, though occasionally you get bored and want something else. But you know all the staff and feel at home. While on the flight, someone sitting next to you mentions they have a restaurant in the town you are going to. It's a little out of the way from your hotel, a different kind of food than what you are used to, he gives you a card and invites you to come in. What are the odds you will actually go? Hmm? Now, suppose we change things a bit. Instead of just inviting you with a card, as you are staring at your airplane food you notice he doesn't have a meal. He notices you noticing and says, "Hmm.." He picks up your tray and says, "Put this aside a moment". Then gets out of his seat, reaches to the overhead bin, and pulls out a tupper-ware container. He opens it up, and the scent of something steaming hot and delicious assaults your nostrils....


It's an incredible dish exotic and inviting instead of putting the whole thing down in front of you, he puts it down in front of him, and says, "This is from our restaurant". Subject: Nailing women Under 25 He dishes out his food in front of him, sets a little bowl in front of you, and spoons some into it for you. He tells you not to rush...and the first few bites are just heaven. Now, he says, "Normally, on a weekend like this, we're booked up by Wed, but do come in and present this card ask for me, and I will personally seat you at your own table, right by the window if you'd like to bring a guest or two, just call and use my name, and let us know in advance. Sat, we have a very special menu I know you're going to like. Since I know the restaurant is a bit far from your hotel, I know a limo service that actually costs the same as a when you call for your reservation, just let me know what time to have them pick you up and we'll take care of that too!" Now which is more likely to get you to come in? The guy took the lead, took away what you are used to, teased you with a taste, had you imagine coming in and having the greatest time, and NEVER asked you to come in once, did he? He just assumed it in a way that made you hungry for more, because he'd already given you a small taste! Summary: Major Differences: If the women you want are under 25: *Use observation/compliment/questions instead of direct approaches/pickups *Offer to show them something of perceived high-value and present yourself as scarce. Try to give them a small taste, right at the initial meeting. *CAUTION when phone sarging young ones BEFORE YOU HAVE NAILED THEM *Don't expect them to do ANY of the work; they usually will not, even when they are sincere in the moment they promise too! It's just too out of the ordinary for them. *Challenge her to prove she is adventurous, has her own mind, doesn't need approval, is strong enough to see and grasp an opportunity. *With the ones over 25, generally you CAN do some more phone sarging, expect them to do some of the work, do less dot connection, etc. etc. etc. -Get Laid NOW! Ask me how! Free Newsletters and Real Audio files!