romani people

Romani People

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Romani People. 1926. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Romani People

Romani People

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1926FROM THE BAVARIAN LAW FOR THE COMBATING OF GYPSIES, TRAVELLERS, AND THE WORKSHY OF 16 JULY 1926 Article 1 Gypsies and persons who roam about in the manner of Gypsies ¯ "travellers" ¯ may only itinerant with wagons and caravans if they have permission from the police authorities responsible.

Article 4 Gypsies and travellers may not possess firearms or ammunition unless they have been expressly permitted to do so by the responsible police authorities. Article 5 Gypsies and travellers may not roam about or camp in bands. The association of several single persons or several families, and the association of single persons with a family to which they do not belong, is to be regarded as constituting a band. A group of persons living together like a family is also to be regarded as a band.

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Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases (July 14, 1933)

The Reich government has passed the following law, which is hereby promulgated: § 1. Anyone suffering from a hereditary disease can be sterilized by a surgical operation if, according to the experience of medical science, there is a high probability that his offspring will suffer from serious physical or mental defects of a hereditary nature. Anyone suffering from any of the following diseases is considered hereditarily diseased under this law: 1. Congenital mental deficiency, 2. Schizophrenia, 3. Manic-depression, 4. Hereditary epilepsy, 5. Hereditary St. Vitus’ Dance (Huntington’s Chorea), 6. Hereditary blindness, 7. Hereditary deafness, 8. Serious hereditary physical deformity. Furthermore, anyone suffering from chronic alcoholism can be sterilized.


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A 1937 booklet of material for Hitler Youth leaders

• Serious genetic disease, particularly mental illnesses, make their victims incapable of living a normal life. They rob their victims of their reasoning powers and sense of responsibility, reducing their value to the people’s community. The unfit proliferate wildly and spread their genetic diseases. This is clear from the average number of children per family in the German Reich:

Healthy families have 2.2 childrenFamilies with inherited mental deficiencies have 3.5 childrenFamilies with criminal tendencies have 4.9 children.• Thus the number of unfit inhabitants rose from 10 per 1,000 in 1880 to 40 in 1930. The

population as a whole rose by about 50%, but the number of the unfit rose by about 300%, six times greater than the average. It is no wonder that in Germany today we have:

1,000,000 feeble-minded250,000 cases of genetic mental deficiency90,000 epileptics40,000 inherited cases of physical handicaps

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Dr. Robert Ritter (not to be confused with)

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John Ritter

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Importance of Ritter

1. Aryan loophole2. Designs Nazi racial theory regarding Romani

people3. Links criminal behavior to Romani race4. Resolves Gypsy Question

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Adolf Eichmann