rm e prestressing basic part3 earthquake

RM Bridge Professional Engineering Software for Bridges of all Types TRAINING PRESTRESSING BASIC - RM - PART 3: DYNAMIC EARTHQUAKE ANALYSIS RM Bridge V8i March 2012

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  • RM Bridge Professional Engineering Software for Bridges of all Types


    RM Bridge V8i

    March 2012

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis I

    Bentley Systems Austria


    1 General ................................................................................................................... 1-1

    1.1 Scope .............................................................................................................. 1-1

    1.2 Generating a new construction schedule ....................................................... 1-1

    2 Definition of Masses .............................................................................................. 2-3

    2.1 Definition of load sets for self weight and SDL ............................................ 2-3

    2.1.1 Generating the load sets for SW and SDL ................................................. 2-3

    2.1.2 Defining the load set for SW ..................................................................... 2-3

    2.1.3 Defining the load set for SDL .................................................................... 2-4

    2.2 Definition of load case for masses ................................................................. 2-4

    2.2.1 Generating a load case for the masses ....................................................... 2-4

    2.2.2 Assigning the load sets to the load case ..................................................... 2-5

    3 Calculation of Eigenvalues .................................................................................... 3-6

    3.1 Generating a stage for the calculation of the eigenvalues ............................. 3-6

    3.2 Calculating the eigenvalues ........................................................................... 3-6

    4 Preparation of Response Spectrum ........................................................................ 4-8

    4.1 Defining a response spectrum diagram .......................................................... 4-8

    4.1.1 Generating tables for horizontal and vertical response spectrum ............. 4-8

    4.1.2 Defining the tables for horizontal and vertical response spectrum ............ 4-8

    4.1.3 Assignment of the tables to variables (formulas) .................................... 4-13

    4.2 Response Spectrum defined by formulas ..................................................... 4-13

    5 Definition of the Earthquake Load ...................................................................... 5-16

    5.1 Defining the earthquake events .................................................................... 5-16

    6 Evaluation of the Response Spectrum ................................................................. 6-18

    6.1 Generating a stage for the evaluation of the response spectrum .................. 6-18

    6.2 Evaluating the response spectrum ................................................................ 6-18

    6.2.1 Initializing envelopes for storing the resuts of the evaluation ................. 6-18

    6.2.2 Evaluating the response spectra ............................................................... 6-18

    7 Superposition of the Seismic Loads ..................................................................... 7-20

    7.1 Generating a stage for the superposition of the seismic loads ..................... 7-20

    7.2 Superposing the seismic loads ..................................................................... 7-20

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis II

    Bentley Systems Austria

    8 Result Presentation .............................................................................................. 8-22

    8.1 Plotting the response spectra data ................................................................ 8-22

    8.2 Plotting of eigenmodes ................................................................................ 8-22

    8.2.1 Definition of the DoPlot action ................................................................ 8-22

    8.2.2 Definition of the Plot File in the Plot Container ...................................... 8-23

    9 Time History Analysis ......................................................................................... 9-25

    9.1 Preparation of the tables and variables ........................................................ 9-25

    9.2 Definition of the load cases and load sets .................................................... 9-27

    9.2.1 Definition of the load sets for the masses ................................................ 9-27

    9.2.2 Definition of the load sets for the displacements ..................................... 9-27

    9.2.3 Definition of the load cases for the time history calculation ................... 9-28

    9.3 Calculation of the Time History Events ...................................................... 9-30

    9.4 Definition of Damping ................................................................................. 9-31

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 1-1

    Bentley Systems Austria

    1 General

    1.1 Scope

    In the following the procedure for performing a dynamic earthquake calculation using

    the response spectrum analysis shall be explained. All necessary steps including load

    case definitions, preparation of response spectrum, and required calculation actions and

    superposition in the schedule will be given. The principle input procedure is the follow-


    1.) Definition of masses of all permanent loads (i.e. self weight and superimposed dead load)

    2.) Calculation of the eigenvalues

    3.) Preparation of the response spectrum

    4.) Definition of the earthquake load

    5.) Evaluation of response spectrum for earthquake analysis

    6.) Superposition of the seismic loads

    7.) Result presentation

    In addition in chapter 9 there is given a general overview of the necessary input proce-

    dure for performing a time history analysis.

    1.2 Generating a new construction schedule

    To separate schedule actions and results it can be favourable to create a new schedule

    variant (it is of course not obligatory), where the dynamic calculation is performed. This

    is done as follows:

    Create a new

    schedule variant

    Schedule CS will be skipped deactivate

    Name earthquake

    Schedule Variants Description response spectrum analysis

    Sequence No 1

    Top Table

    Then change in the main GUI to this construction schedule (drop down menu to the

    right of the Recalc button). All input of loads and stages will now refer to this (active) schedule.

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 1-2

    Bentley Systems Austria

    NOTE: If the final superposition file containing the results of the earthquake calculation

    is needed and used in the calculation of the DEFAULT schedule (e.g. combination table), the sequence for calculating the different construction schedules has to be

    changed in accordance. In the recalculation pad one can then choose Recalc all, which will use this given sequence. All envelope results (*.sup) are stored in the main project

    directory of RM and are therefore available for all the construction schedules. Alterna-

    tively one can just calculate a particular construction schedule by selecting it in the GUI

    first or in the recalculation pad and using Recalc.

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 2-3

    Bentley Systems Austria

    2 Definition of Masses

    All permanent loads acting on the structure, i.e. self weight and superimposed dead

    loads, have to be defined as masses. These masses must be defined in one single load

    case, whereas it is favourable to group them by means of load sets.

    2.1 Definition of load sets for self weight and SDL

    2.1.1 Generating the load sets for SW and SDL

    Create new load

    sets for the self

    weight and super-

    imposed dead load

    Schedule Name LS-SW LS-SDL

    Description self weight mass SDL mass

    Load Definition

    Load Set Defi-


    Top table

    2.1.2 Defining the load set for SW

    Define load set for

    the self weight

    Schedule Name LS-SW

    Loading Uniform


    Uniform load

    Uniform load

    Load Definition Type Self weight -


    Self weight -


    Self weight -


    From 101 1201 1301

    Load Set Defi-

    nition To 135 1204 1304

    Step 1 1 1

    Bottom table Rx 0 0 0

    Ry -1 -1 -1

    Rz 0 0 0



    0 0 0

    The load type for the self-weight mass can be specified as just as mass (only used for dynamic calculation) or load and mass (also used for static calculation).

    These defined self weight masses act in the centre of gravity.

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 2-4

    Bentley Systems Austria

    2.1.3 Defining the load set for SDL

    Define load set for

    superimposed dead


    Schedule Name LS-SDL

    Loading masses masses masses

    Load Definition Type



    mass + ec-




    mass + ec-




    mass + ec-


    From 101 101 101

    Load Set Defi-

    nition To 135 135 135

    Step 1 1 1

    Bottom table g*mx

    [kN/m] 35 6.1 6.1


    [kN/m] 35 6.1 6.1


    [kN/m] 35 6.1 6.1


    [kNm] 0 0 0

    Ey [m] 0.06 0.45 0.45

    Ez [m] 0 +6.3 -6.3

    In RM masses are defined as forces (and moments respectively) and internally trans-

    formed into masses by dividing them by the gravity acceleration value, which is set to

    9.81 m/s2 by default (this can be modified in the Recalculation Pad in the menu Dy-

    namic). Since mass is a scalar value the definition of the vectors has to be given for all three


    The eccentricities are not related to the center of gravity (local element coordinate

    system), but to the node (node axis, i.e. connection between start and end node of the

    element), that means the internal element eccentricities are added automatically!

    2.2 Definition of load case for masses

    2.2.1 Generating a load case for the masses

  • RM Bridge

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    Bentley Systems Austria

    Create new load

    case for the load

    sets of self weight

    and superimposed

    dead load

    Schedule Name LC-MASS

    Description dead load mass

    Load Definition

    Load Case Def-


    Top table

    2.2.2 Assigning the load sets to the load case

    Assign load sets to

    load case

    Schedule Name LC-MASS

    Loading Load set input Load set input Load Set LS-SW LS-SDL

    Load Definition

    Load Case Def-


    Bottom table

    This load case is needed then as reference for calculating the eigenvalues (see 3.2)

    All loads not specified in this manner using the respective load types for masses will

    not be considered for the calculation of the mass matrices in the dynamic analysis.

    (That means on the other hand that it is possible to include load items, which should

    not be taken into account as masses, but only as loads in the static or time history


  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 3-6

    Bentley Systems Austria

    3 Calculation of Eigenvalues

    3.1 Generating a stage for the calculation of the eigenvalues

    Create a stage for

    the calculation of

    the eigenvalues

    Schedule Name EIGEN

    Description calculation of eigenvalues



    Top table

    Activate all ele-

    ments of structure

    Schedule Activate From 101

    Stages To 1402

    Step 1


    Bottom table

    3.2 Calculating the eigenvalues

    Calculate the ei-


    Schedule Action Calculation (Dy-

    namic) List/plot actions

    Type Eigen ListMod

    Stages Input-1 30 eigen.mod

    Input-2 LC-MASS

    Schedule Actions Input-3

    Output-1 eigen.mod

    Bottom table Output-2 eigen.lst eigen-mod.lst



    Calculate eigen

    frequencies and

    eigenvectors (natural

    modes) of structure

    Create listfile of

    binary modal file

    The load case, where the effective masses are defined, has to be given as reference for

    the eigenvalue analysis (see 2.2).

    The number of eigenvalues (lowest natural frequencies) to be calculated has to be

    given. (The tolerance value for determining the accuracy of the calculated eigenval-

    ues is specified in the Recalc pad in the menu Dynamic). For receiving 90% of mass participation in vertical direction in this example approximately 30 eigenvalues

    were necessary (see comments for the output of mass participation below).

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 3-7

    Bentley Systems Austria

    The eigenvalues and natural modes are stored in a binary modal file, which name has

    to be given. A readable output list of this file can be printed using the list/plot action

    ListMod The name of the output list with a protocol of all the relevant input and output data

    has to be entered (or left to default *). An essential part is the output of the mass participation factors at the end of this list, which should be greater than 90% of the to-

    tal mass in the relevant direction of the acceleration of the structure (see Diagram 1).

    In some cases the number of calculated eigenmodes is smaller than expected. In such

    cases the dimension of the iteration matrix may be increased by additional iteration

    vectors (Subspace). This may lead to better iteration results and a higher number of

    eigenmodes found.

    Note: Eigenvalues and eigenfrequencies (natural frequencies) are calculated on the

    un-damped structural system; therefore no damping parameters need to be specified

    yet within this action.

    After performing this action a number of n load cases is generated and can be accessed

    from the load case pool (named name#n), where n is the number of the eigenmode and

    the name being taken from Output-1 (e.g. eigen#3). These load cases contain normal-

    ized eigenvectors as displacements and may be used for graphic presentation (see 8.2).

    Diagram 1: Output of mass participation factors in eigen.lst

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 4-8

    Bentley Systems Austria

    4 Preparation of Response Spectrum

    4.1 Defining a response spectrum diagram

    The response spectrum is defined in Properties Variables in terms of tables and/or formulas according to the rules of the respective codes.

    The response spectrum used in this example is in accordance with Eurocode 8 (Type 1,

    Ground type A, 5% damping). It is prepared by means of tables where the particular

    values have been evaluated before. Also an alternative will be shown in 4.1.3 illustrat-

    ing a direct definition by formulas.

    4.1.1 Generating tables for horizontal and vertical response spectrum

    Create a new table

    for the horizontal

    and vertical re-

    sponse spectrum

    Properties Name resp_hor_tab resp_vert_tab

    Type table table

    Variables Description table for horizontal

    response spectrum

    table for vertical

    response spectrum

    Top table

    Note: Do not use special characters in variable names (formulas and tables) except un-

    derline _!

    4.1.2 Defining the tables for horizontal and vertical response spectrum

    Define the tables

    for the horizontal

    and vertical re-

    sponse spectrum



    Bottom table

    The units used are period (T) [s] for the abscissa (VarA) and the elastic response spec-

    trum divided by the design ground acceleration (Se/ag) [-] and (Sve/avg) [-] respectively

    for the ordinate (VarB).

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 4-9

    Bentley Systems Austria

    Table for horizontal response spectrum

    VarA T [s] VarB Se/ag [-] Interpolation

    VarA T [s] VarB Se/ag [-] Interpolation

    0.00 1.0000 linear

    1.70 0.5882 linear

    0.15 2.5000 linear

    1.75 0.5714 linear

    0.40 2.5000 linear

    1.80 0.5556 linear

    0.45 2.2222 linear

    1.85 0.5405 linear

    0.50 2.0000 linear

    1.90 0.5263 linear

    0.55 1.8182 linear

    1.95 0.5128 linear

    0.60 1.6667 linear

    2.00 0.5000 linear

    0.65 1.5385 linear

    2.10 0.4535 linear

    0.70 1.4286 linear

    2.20 0.4132 linear

    0.75 1.3333 linear

    2.30 0.3781 linear

    0.80 1.2500 linear

    2.40 0.3472 linear

    0.85 1.1765 linear

    2.50 0.3200 linear

    0.90 1.1111 linear

    2.60 0.2959 linear

    0.95 1.0526 linear

    2.70 0.2743 linear

    1.00 1.0000 linear

    2.80 0.2551 linear

    1.05 0.9524 linear

    2.90 0.2378 linear

    1.10 0.9091 linear

    3.00 0.2222 linear

    1.15 0.8696 linear

    3.10 0.2081 linear

    1.20 0.8333 linear

    3.20 0.1953 linear

    1.25 0.8000 linear

    3.30 0.1837 linear

    1.30 0.7692 linear

    3.40 0.1730 linear

    1.35 0.7407 linear

    3.50 0.1633 linear

    1.40 0.7143 linear

    3.60 0.1543 linear

    1.45 0.6897 linear

    3.70 0.1461 linear

    1.50 0.6667 linear

    3.80 0.1385 linear

    1.55 0.6452 linear

    3.90 0.1315 linear

    1.60 0.6250 linear

    4.00 0.1250 linear

    1.65 0.6061 linear

    Diagram 2: Table for the horizontal response spectrum

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 4-10

    Bentley Systems Austria

    Table for vertical response spectrum

    VarA T [s] VarB Sve/avg [-] Interpolation

    VarA T [s] VarB Sve/avg [-] Interpolation

    0.00 1.0000 linear

    1.60 0.1758 linear

    0.05 3.0000 linear

    1.70 0.1557 linear

    0.15 3.0000 linear

    1.80 0.1389 linear

    0.20 2.2500 linear

    1.90 0.1247 linear

    0.25 1.8000 linear

    2.00 0.1125 linear

    0.30 1.5000 linear

    2.10 0.1020 linear

    0.35 1.2857 linear

    2.20 0.0930 linear

    0.40 1.1250 linear

    2.30 0.0851 linear

    0.45 1.0000 linear

    2.40 0.0781 linear

    0.50 0.9000 linear

    2.50 0.0720 linear

    0.55 0.8182 linear

    2.60 0.0666 linear

    0.60 0.7500 linear

    2.70 0.0617 linear

    0.65 0.6923 linear

    2.80 0.0574 linear

    0.70 0.6429 linear

    2.90 0.0535 linear

    0.75 0.6000 linear

    3.00 0.0500 linear

    0.80 0.5625 linear

    3.10 0.0468 linear

    0.85 0.5294 linear

    3.20 0.0439 linear

    0.90 0.5000 linear

    3.30 0.0413 linear

    0.95 0.4737 linear

    3.40 0.0389 linear

    1.00 0.4500 linear

    3.50 0.0367 linear

    1.10 0.3719 linear

    3.60 0.0347 linear

    1.20 0.3125 linear

    3.70 0.0329 linear

    1.30 0.2663 linear

    3.80 0.0312 linear

    1.40 0.2296 linear

    3.90 0.0296 linear

    1.50 0.2000 linear 4.00 0.0281 linear

    Diagram 3: Table for the vertical response spectrum

    The internal variable for evaluating the response spectrum is the angular velocity () [rad/sec]. Therefore if other values are used for the abscissa in the table of the re-

    sponse spectrum diagram (Frequency (Hz), Period (T), or if these are given in terms

    of logarithm), a respective transformation has to be performed (see 4.1.3).

    The related ordinate value of the ground motion amplitude can either be given as dis-

    placement (d), velocity (v) or acceleration (a). (The used value has to be referred to

    later when defining the earthquake load see 5.1). The ordinate values of the re-sponse spectrum must be given in the internal units [m] and [s]. When other units (or

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 4-11

    Bentley Systems Austria

    factors of the gravity constant (g)) are used for the motion amplitude of the response

    spectrum, a respective transformation has to be performed.

    For a detailed description for performing such transformations refer to the RM User

    Guide 14.3.2.

    The dimensionless ordinate value of the ground motion amplitude used in this example

    shall be transformed into acceleration. This can either be done by multiplying it with the

    design ground acceleration by defining a respective formula (see explanations above

    and also 4.1.3) or within the definition of the earthquake load when defining the respec-

    tive directions and intensities of the excitation vectors (as will be performed in this ex-

    ample (see 5.1)).

    For the practical application it can be helpful to prepare an Excel sheet for the genera-

    tion of the values of the response spectrum tables and copy/paste them into a Tcl file,

    which then can be imported (added) to the project.

    Diagram 4: (Partial) Tcl file for horizontal response spectrum

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 4-12

    Bentley Systems Austria

    Diagram 5: Graphical presentation of horizontal and vertical response spectrum

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 4-13

    Bentley Systems Austria

    4.1.3 Assignment of the tables to variables (formulas)

    In order to enable the correct evaluation of the data of a table the used value for its ab-

    scissa (abscissa of the response spectrum) has to be defined, i.e. the table needs to be

    related to the value of its abscissa. This can be done in the variable definition (as shown

    in the following) or alternatively within the definition of the earthquake load when se-

    lecting the table (see 5.1).

    In the following the defined tables of the horizontal and vertical response spectrum are

    assigned to formulas to enable the evaluation of their data for the response spectrum


    Create two varia-

    bles of the type

    formula for assign-

    ing the two tables

    of the response


    Properties Name resp_hor resp_vert

    Type formula formula

    Variables Expression resp_hor_tab(2*pi/om




    Description formula for horizontal

    response spectrum

    formula for vertical

    response spectrum

    Top table

    resp_hor and resp_vert are the variables (formulas) that describe the response spec-

    trum using the values of the tables resp_hor_tab and resp_vert_tab, which have been

    defined as functions of the period T. Since the internal variable for the evaluation of

    the response spectrum is omega, a respective transformation has to be performed

    within the assignment in terms of F = f(T) = f(2*pi/omega):

    resp_hor = resp_hor_tab(2*pi/omega) and

    resp_vert = resp_vert_tab(2*pi/omega).

    Referring to 4.1.2 it would be possible to perform the transformation into acceleration

    here by including a factor for the design ground acceleration (ag) and (avg) respectively

    in the expressions above (e.g. resp_hor = ag*resp_hor_tab(2*pi/omega)). In this case

    the normalized vectors have to be used within the definition of the earthquake load in-

    stead of referring to the design ground acceleration there (see 5.1).

    4.2 Response Spectrum defined by formulas

    An alternative to setting up a table with a series of particular evaluated values is to di-

    rectly define the formulas that describe the response spectrum. The definition for the

    horizontal response spectrum is illustrated below. The particular parameters are defined

    by variables and thus easily can be adjusted by the user. In that way also other types of

    the response spectrum can be defined by changing the respective values.

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 4-14

    Bentley Systems Austria





    Description Definition (default values)

    S S soil factor 1 [-]

    xi viscous damping ratio in percent 5 [%]

    eta damping correction factor max(SQR(10/(5+xi)),0.55) [-]

    TB TB limit of the constant spectral acceleration branch (1) 0.15 [s]

    TC TC limit of the constant spectral acceleration branch (2) 0.4 [s]

    TD TD value of beginning of constant displacement response range 2.0 [s]

    Se Se/ag function for elastic response spectrum in terms of Se/ag (T) S*Se_tab(2*pi/omega) [-]

    Se_tab table of resp. spectr. in terms of Se/ag/S (T) VarA VarB

    0 1+TabA/TB*(eta*2.5-1)

    TB eta*2.5

    TC eta*2.5*(TC/TabA)

    TD eta*2.5*(TC*TD/TabA^2)

    4 eta*2.5*(TC*TD/4^2)

    Diagram 6: Definition of the horizontal response spectrum by formulas

    The definition of the vertical response spectrum is performed analogously. Both sets of

    definitions can be viewed in the corresponding example (see Properties Variables; Group EC8_RESP_form).

    The advantage of this method is the general definition that can easily be adapted for all

    types of response spectra and the exact evaluation of the particular values of the re-

    sponse spectrum (while the accuracy of the values derived from a table relies on the

    (linear) interpolation of the defined values).


    The formulas of the elastic response spectra and design spectra according to Euro-

    code 8 can be generated automatically within RM Bridge by using the respective

    options in the menu Extras > Loading and Stages > Response Spectra:

  • RM Bridge

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    Diagram 7: Generating the design spectrum in RM Bridge

    See online-help (F1) within the input window for more details.

  • RM Bridge

    Training Prestressing Basic - RM - Part 3: Dynamic Earthquake Analysis 5-16

    Bentley Systems Austria

    5 Definition of the Earthquake Load

    The earthquake load is defined in Schedule Load Definition Earthquake Load.

    5.1 Defining the earthquake events

    The upper table contains the basic parameters of the particular earthquake events.

    Define a seismic

    event for each of

    the three directions

    Schedule Number 1 2 3

    Modal-File eigen.mod eigen.mod eigen.mod

    Load Definition Rule CQC CQC CQC

    Duration [s] 60 60 60


    Load Description

    earthquake in

    x-dir (longi-


    earthquake in

    y-dir (verti-


    earthquake in

    z-dir (trans-


    Top table

    Number of the earthquake event for storage in the database

    Name of the modal file containing the results of the eigenvalue analysis (see 3)

    Combination rule for superposing the particular contributions of the different natural

    modes (see RM User Guide 14.3.1 for the different available rules in RM)

    Duration [s] of the seismic event (influencing the results only in combinations with

    rules using duration dependent correlation factors (DSC, CQC, CQCX))

    The lower table contains the related ground motion parameters and the assigned re-

    sponse spectrum.

    Define a seismic

    event for each of

    the three directions


    Type of re-

    sponse spec-

    trum graph

    a a a

    Vec-Vx 1.5

    Load Definition Vec-Vy 1.35

    Vec-Vz 1.5


    Load Damp-Fact 0.05 0.05 0.05


    Name(Graph) resp_hor resp_vert resp_hor

    Bottom table

    Type of the specified ground motion in the response spectrum (displacement (d), ve-

    locity (v) or acceleration (a)) (see 4.1.2)

    Vector of the ground motion, multiplied by the respective design ground acceleration

    to transform the dimensionless ground motion amplitude of the defined response

    spectrum into an acceleration value (see 4.1.2). The design ground accelerations in

  • RM Bridge

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    this example are assumed with ag = 1.5 m/s2 and avg = 0.9 ag = 1.35 m/s

    2 respec-


    Referring to the comments given in 4.1.3 the normalized components (value of 1) of

    the vectors have to be given here, if the design ground acceleration is already in-

    cluded in the values of the ground motion amplitude of the response spectrum.

    Damping value only used for the calculation of the correlation factors with combina-

    tion rules DSC, CQC and CQCX (note that the damping ratio for the response spec-

    trum is already incorporated into the table!).

    Name of the variable or table representing the respective response spectrum (see

    4.1.2). The particular response spectra must be given in terms of the same type.

    The selected variable must already be defined as a function of the value of the abscis-

    sa of the response spectrum in the variable definition (as done in this example). If a

    table is selected it must be defined as a function of the value of the abscissa of the re-

    sponse spectrum within the input here.

    If the response spectra are given by the formulas as illustrated in 4.2, the respective

    input for Var-Name(Graph) would be the variables Se and Sve respectively. The input

    is performed in the schedule variant formula in the corresponding example.

    So the possible inputs for the horizontal loads would be:

    Var-Name(Graph) Remark

    resp_hor resp_hor = resp_hor_tab(2*pi/omega) as defined in the Variable menu

    resp_hor_tab(2*pi/omega) The reference value of the defined table has to be given here

    Se Se = S*Se_tab(2*pi/omega) as defined in the Variable menu

    S*Se_tab(2*pi/omega) The reference value of the table is given and the multipl. with soil factor is performed

  • RM Bridge

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    Bentley Systems Austria

    6 Evaluation of the Response Spectrum

    6.1 Generating a stage for the evaluation of the response spectrum

    Create a stage for

    the evaluation of

    the response spec-


    Schedule Name RESP

    Description response spectrum evaluation


    Schedule Ac-


    Top table

    6.2 Evaluating the response spectrum

    6.2.1 Initializing envelopes for storing the resuts of the evaluation

    First a superposition file (envelope) has to be created for the storage of the results of the

    evaluation of the response spectrum for all three directions.

    Initialize envelopes

    for the storage of

    the results of the

    response spectrum


    Schedule Action







    Type SupInit SupInit SupInit

    Stages Input-1


    Schedule Actions Input-3 - - -

    Output-1 resp-x.sup resp-y.sup resp-z.sup

    Bottom table Output-2 - - -



    envelope for

    storing results

    of x-dir (lon-


    envelope for

    storing results

    of y-dir (ver-


    envelope for

    storing results

    of z-dir


    6.2.2 Evaluating the response spectra

    The evaluation of a response spectrum is performed with the dynamic calculation action


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    Evaluate the re-

    sponse spectra for

    the three directions

    Schedule Action

    Calcula-tion (Dynam-


    Calcula-tion (Dynam-


    Calcula-tion (Dynam-


    Type RespS RespS RespS

    Stages Input-1 1 2 3

    Input-2 ALL ALL ALL

    Schedule Actions Input-3

    Output-1 resp-x.sup resp-y.sup resp-z.sup

    Bottom table Output-2 * * *





    spectrum in

    x-dir (longi-




    spectrum in

    x-dir (verti-




    spectrum in

    x-dir (trans-


    Number of the seismic event for evaluating the structural response referring to the

    given number in the earthquake load definition

    Selection of elements to be considered for the calculation (ALL or ACTIVE)

    Name of the envelope where the results shall be stored

    Name of the output list for the data of the response calculation (default resp0001.lst

    for seismic event 1) NOTE: In this example constant damping is assumed (no input in optional Input-3).

    For how to apply modal damping with sinlge response spectrum, tables of response

    spectra and weighted element damping see separately available example.

    The results of this action are stored in the given superposition file and are extreme

    forces and displacements. As the superposition rules are statistic, only leading values

    may be obtained. With the use of a special algorithm, called TDV-Superposition method (set in the Recalc-option), it is possible to obtain affiliated results in the superposition file.

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    7 Superposition of the Seismic Loads

    7.1 Generating a stage for the superposition of the seismic loads

    Create a stage for

    the superposition

    of the seismic


    Schedule Name SUP

    Description superposition of the seismic loads


    Schedule Ac-


    Top table

    7.2 Superposing the seismic loads

    The particular results of the three basic directions are now combined according to the

    30%-rule. An envelope is initialized for the maximum results of each direction (resp-

    max-x.sup, resp-max-y.sup, resp-max-z.sup), where the particular results of the respec-

    tive directions are added up with 100% (factor 1.0) and the other two with 30% (factor

    0.3). Then one final envelope (resp-max.sup) is initialized for evaluating the maximum

    results out of these three envelopes.

    Initialize envelopes

    for the superposi-

    tion of the maxi-

    mum results for

    each direction and

    superpose results

    according to 30%-


    Schedule Action







    Type SupInit SupAddSup SupAddSup

    Stages Input-1 resp-x.sup resp-max-




    Input-2 1.0 resp-y.sup resp-z.sup

    Schedule Actions Input-3 - 0.3,0.3 0.3,0.3

    Output-1 resp-max-


    Bottom table Output-2 - - -




    envelope for

    max results in

    x-dir and add

    up 100% of


    Add up 30%

    of y-direction

    Add up 30%

    of z-direction

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    Action LC/Envelope actions LC/Envelope actions LC/Envelope actions Type SupInit SupAddSup SupAddSup

    Input-1 resp-y.sup resp-max-y.sup resp-max-y.sup

    Input-2 1.0 resp-x.sup resp-z.sup

    Input-3 - 0.3,0.3 0.3,0.3

    Output-1 resp-max-y.sup

    Output-2 - - -



    Initialize envelope for

    max results in y-dir and

    add up 100% of y-


    Add up 30% of x-


    Add up 30% of z-


    Action LC/Envelope actions LC/Envelope actions LC/Envelope actions Type SupInit SupAddSup SupAddSup

    Input-1 resp-z.sup resp-max-z.sup resp-max-z.sup

    Input-2 1.0 resp-x.sup resp-y.sup

    Input-3 - 0.3,0.3 0.3,0.3

    Output-1 resp-max-z.sup

    Output-2 - - -



    Initialize envelope for

    max results in z-dir and

    add up 100% of z-


    Add up 30% of x-


    Add up 30% of y-


    Initialize envelope

    for the maximum

    results of the three

    envelopes and


    Schedule Action







    Type SupInit SupOrSup SupOrSup

    Stages Input-1 resp-max-

    x.sup resp-max.sup resp-max.sup

    Input-2 resp-max-




    Schedule Actions Input-3 -

    Output-1 resp-max.sup

    Bottom table Output-2 - - -




    envelope for

    max results

    and add up

    first envelope


    second enve-

    lope with OR


    third enve-

    lope with OR

  • RM Bridge

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    8 Result Presentation

    8.1 Plotting the response spectra data

    The tables and diagrams of the response spectra defined in Properties Variables can be plotted either directly in this menu by clicking on the blue info button in the top table

    or within the schedule actions using the List/plot action PlVar and selecting the respec-

    tive table.

    8.2 Plotting of eigenmodes

    The load cases deriving from the eigenvalue calculation (e.g. eigen#1, eigen#2, eigen#3

    etc., see 3.2) containing the normalized eigenvectors as displacements can be used for

    graphic presentation.

    The corresponding RM training to this document contains a sample using Plot Contain-

    er with variables and special settings within the DoPlot action to allow for plotting mul-

    tiple load cases (i.e. all eigenmodes) with just one command. Also special internal vari-

    ables can be used for printing the values of the particular eigenmodes.

    A brief principle description shall be given in the following:

    8.2.1 Definition of the DoPlot action

    Diagram 8: Definition of the DoPlot action

    The names of the prepared plot container and plot file have to be given as usual.

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    The plot file contains a variable EigLC for the load case to be plotted (see 8.2.2). The

    load cases to be plotted are eigen#1, eigen#2 up to eigen#30. Therefore the variable is

    defined to be the load case eigen#, i.e. the consecutive number is again de-

    fined by another variable (given in angle brackets), which is defined in a second in-

    put: num = {1 30} to define the range of values that it should take.

    Note that also the output file name needs to be changed for each generated plot file,

    therefore also here a variable is used (e.g. names of the load cases, i.e. eigen#1, eig-

    en#2 etc.).

    See also the input help when pressing F1 within the input window of the action.

    8.2.2 Definition of the Plot File in the Plot Container

    A plot file can be set up from the scratch or easier can automatically be generated by

    making use of the Macro function (option Eigenform) and be adapted afterwards.

    The specific input shall be explained below:

    Diagram 9: Definition of the load case to be plotted

    The load case is not given directly, but referred to by the variable EigLC.

    To print the particular values of the eigenmodes a text field can be added and defined by


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    Diagram 10: Definition of the text field for plotting the values of the eigenmodes

    E.g. to plot the values of the angular velocity or frequency of the particular eigenmode

    load cases, the internal variables _OMEGA and _FREQU can be used.

    In order to retrieve the values of each load case it has to be referred to by its variable

    name using the following syntax:



    Also press F1 for a description and a list of all available internal variables within the

    general window of the plot definition.

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    9 Time History Analysis

    The following input procedures can be followed when changing to the schedule variant

    time_history in the corresponding example.

    9.1 Preparation of the tables and variables

    The data sets describing the time history events are set up in terms of tables and varia-

    bles as described in chapter 4 of this document.

    Three different real events with a probability of exceedance of 2% in 50 years are exam-

    ined in this example. The respective tables are stored in the group Time_Hist with the

    names T1_acc, T2_acc and T3_acc.

    The amplitude (ordinate) is given in terms of acceleration values (m/s2). RM Bridge

    provides an option for automatically converting a table using acceleration or velocity

    values into a table using displacements values (see diagram below).

    Diagram 11: Conversion of tables from acceleration to displacements

    Using this option the three tables are converted into (additional) tables with the names

    T1_dis, T2_dis and T3_dis (the names have to be given within the input window).

    In the same way as shown in chapter 4.1.3 the tables have to be assigned to respective

    variables in dependency of the time (t).

    In regard to this one has to take care that the internal variable for the time (t) possibly is

    not equal to zero at the time the time history calculation is performed (e.g. in case creep

    calculation has been performed in advance). Therefore a new variable for the time his-

    tory calculation tint is set up in terms of

  • RM Bridge

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    tint = t tstart,


    t is the internal variable for the time (global time axis in the schedule) and

    tstart the internal variable for the time at the point of the global time axis where the ac-

    tion is started.

    That means in that way at the begin of the action of the time history calculation tint = 0

    (since t = tstart) and at the end of the time interval t of the action tint = t (since t = tstart + t).

    Diagram 12: Definition of the variable tint

    The definitions of the tables and variables are summarized below:

    Name Type Expression Description

    T1_acc Table - time history set1 in terms of acceleration

    T2_acc Table - time history set2 in terms of acceleration

    T3_acc Table - time history set3 in terms of acceleration

    T1_dis Table - time history set1 in terms of displacements

    T2_dis Table - time history set2 in terms of displacements

    T3_dis Table - time history set3 in terms of displacements

    var_T1_dis Variable T1_dis(tint) variable for the time history set T1

    var_T2_dis Variable T2_dis(tint) variable for the time history set T2

    var_T3_dis Variable T3_dis(tint) variable for the time history set T3

    tint Variable t-tstart time to be used for time history analysis


    tint = t = 40 tint = 0

    tint = t tstart

    t = tstart + t = 120 t = tstart = 80

    t = 40


    t2 = 30 t1 = 50

    STG 1 STG 2 STG 3 STG 4

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    9.2 Definition of the load cases and load sets

    A load case to be used for the time history analysis needs to contain the masses of the

    structure and the displacements of the time history event described by the variable. In

    this example for each of the three particular events two load cases are set up in regard to

    the two horizontal directions (x and z); each load case consists of one load set for the

    self-weight, one for the superimposed dead loads and one for the displacements in the

    particular direction.

    9.2.1 Definition of the load sets for the masses

    The definition of the load sets for the masses of the self-weight and superimposed dead

    loads are defined as shown in chapter 2.1.

    The load sets for the masses just needs to be defined once and can be used for all the six

    load cases.

    9.2.2 Definition of the load sets for the displacements

    For each direction of each time history event one load set defining the element end dis-

    placements of the soil springs in the particular direction is generated as shown below.

    Create new load

    sets for the time

    history events

    Schedule Name LS-T1_dis_x LS-T1_dis_z

    Description displacements

    event T1 for x-dir


    event T1 for z-dir

    Load Definition

    Load Set Defi-


    Top table

    Name LS-T2_dis_x LS-T2_dis_z LS-T3_dis_x LS-T3_dis_z

    Description displacements

    event T2 for x-dir


    event T2 for z-dir


    event T3 for x-dir


    event T3 for z-dir

  • RM Bridge

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    Define load sets

    for the for the time

    history events for

    each direction

    Schedule Name LS-T1_dis_x LS-T1_dis_z

    Loading Actions on Element End

    Actions on Element End

    Load Definition Type Element end


    Element end


    From 1100 1100

    Load Set Defi-

    nition To 1400 1400

    Step 100 100

    Bottom table Vx -1 0

    Vy 0 0

    Vz 0 -1

    Rx 0 0

    Ry 0 0

    Rz 0 0

    Global / Local Global Global Begin / End End End

    Name LS-T2_dis_x LS-T2_dis_z LS-T3_dis_x LS-T3_dis_z

    Loading Actions on Element End

    Actions on Element End

    Actions on Element End

    Actions on Element End

    Type Element end


    Element end


    Element end


    Element end


    From 1100 1100 1100 1100

    To 1400 1400 1400 1400

    Step 100 100 100 100

    Vx -1 0 -1 0

    Vy 0 0 0 0

    Vz 0 -1 0 -1

    Rx 0 0 0 0

    Ry 0 0 0 0

    Rz 0 0 0 0

    Global / Local Global Global Global Global Begin / End End End End End

    9.2.3 Definition of the load cases for the time history calculation

    The prepared load sets are now assigned to the respective load cases to be used for the

    time history calculation; each load case consists of the load set for the self-weight, the

    load set of the SDL and the respective load set of the displacements. As can be seen in

    the input below the load set for the displacements gets its constant factor set to zero, but

    the variable factor is defined by the variable describing the time dependent loading of

    the time history event which has to be entered in the respective input field.

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    Create new load

    cases for the time

    history calculation

    for each direction

    Schedule Name LC-T1-x LC-T1-z

    Description load case for event

    T1 for x-dir

    load case for event

    T1 for z-dir

    Load Definition

    Load Case Def-


    Top table

    Name LC-T2-x LC-T2-z LC-T3-x LC-T3-z

    Description load case for event

    T2 for x-dir

    load case for event

    T2 for z-dir

    load case for event

    T3 for x-dir

    load case for event

    T3 for z-dir

    Assign load sets to

    the load cases

    Schedule Name LC-T1-x

    Loading Load set


    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load Definition Load Set LS-SW LS-SDL LS-


    Const-Fac 1 1 0

    Load Case Def-

    inition Var-Fac 0 0 var_T1_dis

    Bottom table

    Name LC-T1-z LC-T2-x

    Loading Load set


    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load Set LS-SW LS-SDL LS-

    T1_dis_z LS-SW LS-SDL



    Const-Fac 1 1 0 1 1 0

    Var-Fac 0 0 var_T1_dis 0 0 var_T2_dis

    Name LC-T2-z LC-T3-x

    Loading Load set


    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load Set LS-SW LS-SDL LS-

    T2_dis_z LS-SW LS-SDL



    Const-Fac 1 1 0 1 1 0

    Var-Fac 0 0 var_T2_dis 0 0 var_T3_dis

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    Name LC-T3-z

    Loading Load set


    Load set input

    Load set input

    Load Set LS-SW LS-SDL LS-


    Const-Fac 1 1 0

    Var-Fac 0 0 var_T3_dis

    9.3 Calculation of the Time History Events

    The defined load cases describing the time dependent loadings are now evaluated using

    the schedule action Tint. The maximum and minimum results are stored in envelopes,

    which have to be initialized (SupInit) in advance.

    Perform a time

    history calculation

    for the respective

    time dependent

    load cases

    Schedule Action Calculation


    Calculation (Dynamic)

    Type TInt TInt

    Stages Input-1

    (Load Case) LC-T1-x LC-T1-z


    (Delta-t) 40.94 40.94

    Schedule Actions Input-3

    (RM-Set) T-x-Mz T-z-My

    Output-1 T1-x.sup T1-z.sup

    Bottom table Output-2 tint_T1-x-Mz tint_T1-z-My


    Perform time

    history calcula-

    tion for load

    case LC-T1-x

    Perform time

    history calcula-

    tion for load

    case LC-T1-z

    Action Calculation


    Calculation (Dynamic)

    Calculation (Dynamic)

    Calculation (Dynamic)

    Type TInt TInt TInt TInt


    (Load Case) LC-T2-x LC-T2-z LC-T3-x LC-T3-z


    (Delta-t) 40.94 40.94 40.94 40.94


    (RM-Set) T-x-Mz T-z-My T-x-Mz T-z-My

    Output-1 T2-x.sup T2-z.sup T3-x.sup T3-z.sup

    Output-2 tint_T2-x-Mz tint_T2-z-My tint_T3-x-Mz tint_T3-z-My


    Perform time

    history calcula-

    tion for load

    case LC-T2-x

    Perform time

    history calcula-

    tion for load

    case LC-T2-z

    Perform time

    history calcula-

    tion for load

    case LC-T3-x

    Perform time

    history calcula-

    tion for load

    case LC-T3-z

    The load case to be evaluated (Input-1) and the time period to be considered (Input-2)

    have to be given. The results are stored in the given envelope (Output-1). Optionally an

    RM-Set of the type Time integration (TINT) can be given (Input-3), within which

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    specific result components at particular element positions for graphical output can be

    defined. These results are as well printed in a list file (Output-2).

    The particular envelopes of the evaluated load cases are then superposed exclusively

    (SupOr) in one final envelope T-final.sup which thus contains the maximum and mini-

    mum results deriving from the three events.

    9.4 Definition of Damping

    Differently from the response spectrum analysis where the damping is incorporated by a

    constant value, in the time history analysis the Rayleigh damping is dependent on the

    frequency. Design codes usually define a damping as a percentage of the critical damp-

    ing not dependent on frequency and the Raleigh coefficients are usually not known.

    Therefore RM Bridge provides a function to approximate this presumption with Ray-

    leigh damping as accurate as possible by recalculating the coefficients from damping

    ratios given for two relevant frequencies. In order to do that the user has to determine

    the natural frequencies and to assign the given damping ratio to the two most important

    ones. The assignment of these values is done in the Recalc pad in the submenu Dy-namic. When clicking on one of the buttons next to the Rayleigh coefficients Alpha or Beta a menu opens where two pairs of values (w1, xi1 and w2, xi2) describing the first

    and second frequency value (w1, w2) with the corresponding predefined damping ratio

    (xi1, xi2) have to be given. After confirming with Ok the Rayleigh coefficients Alpha

    and Beta are evaluated (note that the input of the factors w1, w2, xi, xi2 is not stored).

    In this example the natural modes 1 and 6 have been assumed to be the two relevant

    frequencies derived from the list eigen.lst:




    1 0.4550E+04 89.10 0.00 3.21 89.10 0.00 3.21 0.849

    2 0.2055E+04 2.40 0.00 72.05 91.50 0.00 75.26 1.581

    3 0.1016E+04 0.01 5.21 0.04 91.50 5.21 75.30 2.929

    4 0.2175E+04 1.14 0.01 0.05 92.65 5.22 75.36 3.568

    5 0.1288E+04 0.24 0.01 0.01 92.89 5.23 75.36 5.112

    6 0.1349E+04 0.00 58.91 0.01 92.89 64.14 75.37 5.921

    7 0.2050E+04 0.44 0.02 7.41 93.33 64.16 82.79 6.683

    8 0.1079E+04 0.10 0.00 0.05 93.43 64.16 82.83 9.120

    9 0.6110E+04 0.11 0.04 3.61 93.54 64.20 86.44 9.449

    10 0.1840E+04 0.17 0.00 0.01 93.72 64.21 86.46 10.958

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    Therefore the factors for evaluating the coefficients of the Rayleigh damping for a pre-

    defined damping of 5% are approximated as follows:

    Relevant Modes Frequency f [Hz] w (in terms of angular velocity [rad/s]) xi (damping)

    1 0.85 w1 = 5 xi1 = 0.05

    6 5.9 w2 = 35 xi2 = 0.05

    Thus the evaluated Rayleigh coefficients used for the calculation are:

    Alpha = 0.4375

    Beta = 0.0025

    1 General1.1 Scope1.2 Generating a new construction schedule

    2 Definition of Masses2.1 Definition of load sets for self weight and SDL2.1.1 Generating the load sets for SW and SDL2.1.2 Defining the load set for SW2.1.3 Defining the load set for SDL

    2.2 Definition of load case for masses2.2.1 Generating a load case for the masses2.2.2 Assigning the load sets to the load case

    3 Calculation of Eigenvalues3.1 Generating a stage for the calculation of the eigenvalues3.2 Calculating the eigenvalues

    4 Preparation of Response Spectrum4.1 Defining a response spectrum diagram4.1.1 Generating tables for horizontal and vertical response spectrum4.1.2 Defining the tables for horizontal and vertical response spectrum4.1.3 Assignment of the tables to variables (formulas)

    4.2 Response Spectrum defined by formulas

    5 Definition of the Earthquake Load5.1 Defining the earthquake events

    6 Evaluation of the Response Spectrum6.1 Generating a stage for the evaluation of the response spectrum6.2 Evaluating the response spectrum6.2.1 Initializing envelopes for storing the resuts of the evaluation6.2.2 Evaluating the response spectra

    7 Superposition of the Seismic Loads7.1 Generating a stage for the superposition of the seismic loads7.2 Superposing the seismic loads

    8 Result Presentation8.1 Plotting the response spectra data8.2 Plotting of eigenmodes8.2.1 Definition of the DoPlot action8.2.2 Definition of the Plot File in the Plot Container

    9 Time History Analysis9.1 Preparation of the tables and variables9.2 Definition of the load cases and load sets9.2.1 Definition of the load sets for the masses9.2.2 Definition of the load sets for the displacements9.2.3 Definition of the load cases for the time history calculation

    9.3 Calculation of the Time History Events9.4 Definition of Damping