rffo tt beszámoló 2009. Április 27.. in memoriam prof. jÓzsef zimÁnyi who is the main...

RFFO TT Beszámoló 2009. Április 27.

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Page 1: RFFO TT Beszámoló 2009. Április 27.. In memoriam prof. JÓZSEF ZIMÁNYI Who is the main responsible for it that we can be here

RFFO TT Beszámoló

2009. Április 27.

Page 2: RFFO TT Beszámoló 2009. Április 27.. In memoriam prof. JÓZSEF ZIMÁNYI Who is the main responsible for it that we can be here

In memoriam


Who is the main responsible for it that we can be here

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From [email protected] Mar 18 15:39:59 2009Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:02:00 +0100 Cc: RMKI-s kollegak <[email protected]> Subject: Re: [Rmkiusers] RMKI logo (fwd)

Tisztelt ex-Kollegak! Imhol egy masik jo pelda: szerepel rajta az intezet nevenek roviditese, tovabba egy jellemzo kep is a hatterben. (A bal oldali mezo a logo, azt

hasznaljuk posztereken.) Esetleg el kellene gondolkodni az RMKI profiljan es egy esetleges nevcseren is. Ki foglalkozik meg reszecske es magfizikaval? Paran biztosan, de en ugy latom, hogy a fuzios plazamafizika, a szilardtestfizika, az altalanos relativitaselmelet, az urfizikia es a biofizika a legintenzivebben kutatott teruletek az intezeten belul.

Udvozlettel (es a kivulallo nyugalmaval):

Facsko Gabor -- Dr. Gabor FACSKO, PhD [email protected] CAA Research Associate http://lpce.cnrs-orleans.fr/~gfacsko/


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Motivations for CERN membership in 1991 and NOW(?)







What is the correct order????

There is no unique answer. Mixed arguments.

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ALICE a TeV-ek országában

ALICE a TEVÉK országában

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Belépés a Csodák Palotájába

ALICE in WONDERLANDSezám tárulj!!

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Kérdés: Tevék országában vagyunk-e? Tudományos sivatag Financiális sivatag Társadalmi közöny, érdektelenség sivataga

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1510 m

1810 m

2110 m

2410 m

2710 m

3010 m

3310 m

The highway across

the desert

Today’sLimit …


3510 mPlanck length :

Super partners

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Starting points in the 50’s: a) Hungarian “MANHATTAN-Project” KFKI (1950) and ATOMKI (1954) b) Experimental Cosmic Ray PhysicsResearch reactor, MeV accelerators, nuclear electronics and detectors

Beginning of HEP in the 60’s: JINR-Dubna membership: HU was providing personel and instrumentation Most active period 1969-1973 Serpuhov 70 GeV accelerator Hungarian colony in Dubna includes more than 50 scientists and engineers

First contacts to CERN a) CERN-Dubna agreement (1964) Some people of Dubna staff can visit CERN b) HAS-CERN : “scientific visitor” agreement (1970) 1-2 year fellowship for theorists and experimentalists alternatively

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LEP-L3 the first Hungarian CERN experiment

By special grant of HAS a Hungarian team as official BUDAPEST group from the beginning became the member of the L3 experiment

The grant was just enough to cover the obligatory yearly “running cost”,but no resource for construction. Minor hardware contribution was achieved to the SMD Si-detector monitor system.

Main contribution: core-software development, data processing, physical analysis

In 1995 the group was reorganized to concentrate for gamma-gamma analysis.

Due to the complexity of the analysis software, effective work was only possibleduring the short 1-2 months visiting periods of the Hungarian team members to CERN. The home computer base was under-developped to install the necessaryprogram packages.

In 1999 the ATOMKI-Debrecen University team also became an official member.

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What did we learned from L3?

By the contemporary Hungarian standards the team got relatively large financial support, but the real sum turned out to be marginal compared to western levels of funding.

Most of the team members had no real direct affiliation to any subdetector,they were drifting around according to occasional short-term grants.

E.g. the key person of the gamma-gamma project left for OPAL continuinghis successful carrier there. Thus we reached only 1 complete PhD and2 “half” ones.

Trivial conclusion: We missed the critical mass

BUT! There is no universal way to the success. Let us try some variants!!!

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A természetes rádióaktivitás felfedezése óta nem fedeztünk fel semmiféle új anyagfajtát

- sugárzás: He atommag kvarkokból

- sugárzás: Elektron nyaláb

- sugárzás: Foton nyaláb

HIGGS-BOZON tölti ki az egész teret

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Az Univerzum leghidegebb es legmelegebb pontja

Világűr 2.73 K LHC 1.9 K 27km*.5m2=15 ezer m3


200*3100= 620,000 TeV 200*3100= 620,000 TeV

1 200 TeV / 7*7 * 7/3100= 0,3 fm3

r = 7 fm

d = r/3100

4 Peta eV/ fm3

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Three CASE STORIES for CRITICAL MASS experiments

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Small country vs Big-science

Early start: founding father already in RD5.

Large contribution to smaller sub-detector Very Forward Calorimetry

Challenge: same number of particle as in barrel, prompt signal, rad.hard

Parallele-Plate-Chamber vs Quartz-fibre calorimetry

Partners: USA, Russia,Turkey

Prototyping 2 times 15 kCHF Production: fibre stuffing

MULTI-GROUP approach: second hardware group for Muon Alignement

Physics subgroups: see F. Sikler and D Horvath talks

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High-speed data transfer (RD3) project + a talented engineer: S-LINK

DDL-project for ALICEConcept, protocol, design, prototype G. Rubin’s team Production in Hungary

Tecnhology transfer: FPGA design technology, rad.hard electronics

Spin-off company supported by Hungarian R&D funds

Physics see in Levai’s talk

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Az ALICE adatgyűjtő rendszere



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ALICE Detector Data Link

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Detector Data Link (DDL)

• Detector readout: fast data transfer to PC memory

• Electronics configuration: pedestals download

• Interface and data-transfer detector/DAQ

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High-speed optical links produced in Hungary High-speed optical links produced in Hungary work at data acquisition systems at:work at data acquisition systems at:

CERN ● INFN (Roma ● Torino ● Bologna ● Napoli ● Pisa) IPN (Orsay, Nantes) ● CEA (Paris) ● NIKHEF (Amsterdam) Max-Planck Institute (München) ● KFKI-RMKI (Budapest)

Stockholm University ● IFAE (Univ. of Barcelona) ● Univ. of Valencia Univ. of Lausanne ● TU München ● Bärgische Univ. Wuppertal

Johannes Gutenberg Universität ● Mancester University Univ. of Chicago ● Indiana University ● Caltech (Los Angeles)

● Argonne Nat. Lab. (Chicago) ● Los Alamos Nat. Lab. Fermilab (Batavia) ● Brookhaven Nat. Lab. (New Yersey)

IRAM (an observatory in the Pirennes) a space telescope in Hawaii ● etc.

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Critical mass in a “small” experiment (NA49)

3 components of an explosive mixture:

-- Experienced hardware team from nuclear physics environment-- Continuous influx of talented students-- Committed theory support group


-- GRID-TOF stand-alone Hungarian subdetector Original design, production, installation, on-line DAQ, off-line software,analysis-- Specific RESEARCH AIMS: concentrate on pp/pA physics Motto: AA can be understood only relative to simpler systems-- In house EDUCATION CENTRE (thanks to H.G.Fischer) Every year 2 new students with a new hardware piece is added: centrality detector, (new/old) n-detector, veto-chambers, GAP TPC, np-trigger, Leadglass..

Highlights: see next slides

Reasonable HOME FUNDING in average 30 kCHF/year

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Artist’s view of NA49

GRID-TOF (Budawall)

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Centrality det



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pp pATarget combinations

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Unique tool to identify centrality in pA

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First step: RING-calorimeter is a good neutron detector, but no tracking at 0 degreeSecond step: Build cheap, simple and robust veto chambers

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Before After

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The CRITICAL POINT’s puzzle is well characterized by the letter of leading theorists to the SPSLC Committee which was the highest scientific decision body of CERN at that time:

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Water analogy for QGP phase transition


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9 Strong interactions and the interface of particle and nuclearphysicsA variety of important research lines are at the interface between particle and nuclearphysics requiring dedicated experiments; Council will seek to work with NuPECC inareas of mutual interest, and maintain the capability to perform fixed target experimentsat CERN.QCD plays a multiple role in particle physics. On one side QCD is one of thecornerstones of the SM, and in spite of its phenomenological successes more work isnecessary to fully establish its quantitative predictions in the long-distance and stronglyinteracting regimes. On the other side, QCD is a crucial tool for the measurement of theelectroweak parameters of the SM (e.g. the quark masses and mixings) as well as tosearch for BSM phenomena, both at low energies (e.g. in the decays of K or B mesons)and at high energies, where the production of new heavy particles may be hidden bylarge QCD backgrounds, and often manifests itself in the form of multijet signatures.Finally, QCD leads to new states of matter, when temperature and densities exceed thevalues beyond which quarks and gluons are confined inside hadrons. Progress in thefield of strong interactions, guaranteed by a diversified programme of national orregional facilities operating at different energies and with different beams, plays animportant role in the future of particle physics.

In parallel, a fixed-target programme, to specifically address the problem of identifyinga QCD critical point by improving and diversifying the available data, could beimportant. The ability to carry out fixed-target experiments at CERN with heavy ionsbeams should be preserved.

STRATEGY DOCUMENT 14 July 2006, Lisbon

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ALICE ALICE - A Large Ion Collider Experiment


CMS CMS - The Compact Muon Solenoid


LHCF LHCf-measurement of forward neutral particle production for cosmic ray research

TOTEM Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC


CNGS1 (OPERA) An Appearance Experiment to Search for nu_mu --> nu_tau Oscillations in the CNGS Beam

CNGS2 (ICARUS) A search programme of explicit v-oscillations with the icarus detector...

NA58 (COMPASS) COmmon Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy

NA61(SHINE) Study of Hadron Production in Hadron-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the CERN SPS

NA62 Proposal to Measure the Rare Decay K+ -> pi+ nu nu at the Cern SPS

NA63 Electromagnetic Processes in strong Crystalline Fields



GLIMOS: Zoltan FODOR (RUN coordinator)


Approved:   21-FEB-07

Status: Data Taking


Study of Hadron Production in Hadron-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the CERN SPS


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From this table one should notice the fact that in the huge CERN Laboratory exists only 12 officially acknowledged high energy physics experiments.

There is 6 planned experiments at LHC:ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, LHCf and TOTEM

and an other 6 registered experiments at SPS:


Hungary has relative large groups in CMS and ALICE, but they represent only a small minority amongst the few thousand participants.

In the small SHINE/NA61 experiment already 10 people represent a strong contingent,

but our role even more significantbecause this is the only experiment in CERN where Hungarians are occupying leading positions:

G Vesztergombi together with M. Gazdzidki are the spokespersons,

responsible separately for the proton- and heavy ion physics, respectively.

Beyond these administrative posts it is more important that the position of RUN coordination is also in Hungarian hand. Z. Fodor (RMKI) is the Technical Coordinator,

who is the commander of the real experimental work on the floor, knowing all the technical and scientific details.

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Detector development – engineering

The NA49 data acquisition rate was limited to 4 - 5 Hz with a duty factor of 25% (effective rate around 1 Hz) and that seriously limited the statistics that could be collected for all measurements, including

the high pT measurements.

With this upgrade we can achieve a readout rate in excess of 40 Hz.An additional factor of 2 will be gained by reducing the sampling frequency of drift electrons . An overall readout rate exceeding 80 Hz will be thus achieved. With the typical 25% duty factor of the SPS that will result in an effective rate in excess of 20 Hz. A total of 240 MB and 8 CD were produced.

In ALICE detector one finds similar TPC as in SHINE, which has about only 3 times more (500,000) pads, but using 500 DDL channels and 200 CPU units to collect the data. In case of the SHINE detector, however, one uses about 60 times smaller number (8) of DDL channels and 200 times less number of CPUs, i.e. the new SHINE-DAQ system capable to handle similar order of magnitude data volume by a SINGLE COMPUTER!!!

PCI-bus in„1” PC

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30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

Fokozat nélkül: 5

PhD: 10

Doktor: 3

Korfa/Tudományos fokozat

RMKI Részecskefizikai Főosztály

Létszám: 18 (kutató:15/mérnök:3)Teljes fogl.:15; rész fogl.(nyugdíjas): 3

Tartósan távol: 4

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