revival of field trips to mark 23rd fall meeting

TItE ,JoIJRNAL OF TIIE AMERICAN OIL CIIE.~HSTS' ~OCIETY, OCTOBER, 1949 Revival of Field Trips to Mark 23rd Fall Meeting S INCE the last report on the number of fall meet- ing papers, the number has again climbed so that the total (at press time) appeared to stand at 64, which makes the program even more impressive and renders the three concurrent sessions even more neces- sary. To (late there have been one cancellation and three new papers. The former is "The Relationship of l Tltraviolet Induced Peroxide Formation to Ran- eidity Development in Soaps" by P. Bradford and J. II. Johnson, Swift and Conlpany. The latter are as follows : Review ef Glyeeride Polymorphism, by E. S. Lu~ton, Procter al~d Ga mbh~.. Chemi(.al Examination of Sugar Cane Oil, by D. E. Whyte, S. C. Johnson "tnd Son inc. The Nature of Soil to Be Deterged and Its Bonding to the Surface, by Foster D. Snell, Coruelia T. Snell, and Irving ]leith. A short business session will be held at the close of the Tuesday afternoon ses- sion, November 1, at which various eomnlittees will re- port, such as Fat Analysis and Soap Analysis, and other Society business may be transacted. The, 23rd fall meeting will open at 9 a. m. each day on October 31, No- vember 1 and 2, at the Edgewater Beach hotel, (:hieago, according to the general chairman, C,. E . Morris, of Armour and Company. Registration hours will I)e Sunday, the :l()th, from 2 to 7 p. m.; Monday and Tuesday, 8 Mrs. W. II. Prosch to 4; and Wednesday, 8 to 12. Registration fees are $3 for members and $4 for non-members, accord- ing to A. F. Kapeeki, chairman. Among the tiehl trips scheduled for Thursday, No- vember 3, are those to Armour and Company, McCook, IlL, and the Quartermaster Depot, Food Container Institute, (~hieago. R. W. Bates will be in charge. (',ommittees which wish to meet during the conven- tion period may eount on facilities, and chairmen are asked to notify A. A. Kiess of Armour and Company, Chicago, in advance of October 29, if possible, so that he may assign meeting rooms. The (}ovcrning Board with V. C. Mehlenbacher presiding will meet Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m. in the Berwyn room; the Fat Analy- sis Conunittee from 7:30 to 9 p. m. in the Lincoln room. A 1)ress room and a general headquarters office, as an innovation, will be set up during the convention in 190 an(l 190-A. All Section A sessions will meet in the East Lounge ; exhibits will be in the West Lounge ; Section B sessions will probably be in the South room. Charges for the stag smoker in the ballpoom on Monday, November 1, will be $3; for the banquet in the, Marine dining room on Tuesday, $6. In addition to these events there will be a coml:)limentary social horn' on Sunday for early arrivals, according to J. L. Sehille, chairman. 18 A Pleasant three-day program has bl~en arranged for the ladies by Mrs. W. R. Proseh. For Mon- (lay there will be a bus tour of the city, beginning at 12:30 p. m., with stops at the 3]useum of Science and Industry on the south side, the Rockefeller Memorial chapel at the University of Chicago, and 6 p. m. din- her at the Pantry in Park Ridge, 111., which is west of Chicago, on the north side. Tuesday events will include the radio broadcast, "Welcome Travellers," over WMAQ at 8:30 a. m., walking tour of the Mer- chandise Mart at 10 a. m., which is the largest com- mercial building in the world, and hmcheon at the Well of the Sea, Sherman hotel, at 11:45 a. m. Wed- nesday will feature a hmeheon and fashion show at Marshall Field and Company at 11:30 a. m. Charges will be $2.50 for Monday and $1.50 for the Tuesday hmeheon. The mailing to prospective exhibitors was sent oat by R. II. Rogers, Jr., chairman, on September 21. Available are 25 booths, which are to have a uniform background. Charges are $60 for space 12x8 feet; $50 for 10x8; and $40 for 8x8. The list of exhibitors up to press-time is as follows: Ace (}lass Company American Mineral Spirits Corolla ny V. 1). Anderson Company Atlas Powder Company 9 l~;law-Knox Company Central Scientific Company Chicago Apparatus Company Colemau Iustrunmnts inc. (:orning (}lass Works Cr(,ll-lteynolds Company I)arco Corl)oratiou l)e lmval Separator (?ompany I)istillation Products in('. Gener'tl Reduction (!omp'my Girdler Corporation Industrial Chemical Sales. divi- sion of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company Nimble Glass I)ivislon, Owens- IlIiuois Glass Company l'reeision Scientific Conqmny Ivan Sorvall inc. Swift and Company Universal Oil Products Will (Jorporation Correction A re-statement of the phrasing used in the report on tile short course le(.tures, which appeared in the Sel)tenlber issue, p. 30, first paragraph, should be as follows: "Mr. Bailey eoneluded by recommending that variability in sele('tivity for the hydrogenation of different I)roducts is best accomplished by varying only the pressure and teml)erature of hydrogenation while maintaining a moderate eoneentration of cat- alyst and the best possible agitation." People and Products I]EYI)EN CtIEMI('AL ( ORt'ORATION announces a group of new products to be made available in pilot plant quantities. The tlrst items will be anisic acid. anisoyl ehh)ride, ortho-ehloro-(:innanlie acid, and 4,4'-diehloro- bcnzoI)henone. They will be manufactured in the Fords, N. J., plant. .,*o CLYDE C. MCINNt~% manager of the Extraction Sol- vents division, American SpMts Company, (!hieago, since Jmmary, 1949, celebrated his 20th anniversary with the company on September l, 1949. Amsco will distribute the Pure Oil Company's lubricating oils and greases in 10 northeastern states. Methods for controlling corrosion in the major milts of a refinery charging a sour crude containing 1U2 to 2% sulfur are. discussed in the special section of a corrosion issue of Kelloggram, just published by lt~e M. W. Knl,r~(~o COMPANY, ,Jersey City, N. J.

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Page 1: Revival of field trips to mark 23rd Fall Meeting


Revival of Field Trips to Mark 23rd Fall Meeting

S I N C E the last report on the number of fall meet- ing papers, the number has again climbed so that the total (at press t ime) appeared to s tand at 64,

which makes the p rogram even more impressive and renders the three concurrent sessions even more neces- sary. To (late there have been one cancellation and three new papers. The former is " T h e Relationship of l Tltraviolet Induced Peroxide Format ion to Ran- eidity Development in Soaps" by P. Bradford and J. II . Johnson, Swift and Conlpany. The la t ter are as follows :

Review ef Glyeeride Polymorphism, by E. S. Lu~ton, Procter al~d Ga mbh~..

Chemi(.al Examination of Sugar Cane Oil, by D. E. Whyte, S. C. Johnson "tnd Son inc.

The Nature of Soil to Be Deterged and Its Bonding to the Surface, by Foster D. Snell, Coruelia T. Snell, and Irving ]leith.

A short business session will be held at the close of the Tuesday af ternoon ses- sion, November 1, at which various eomnlittees will re- port , such as Fa t Analysis and Soap A n a l y s i s , and other Society business may be transacted.

The, 23rd fall m e e t i n g will open at 9 a. m. each day on O c t o b e r 31, No- vember 1 and 2, at the E d g e w a t e r Beach hotel, (:hieago, according to the general c h a i r m a n , C,. E. M o r r i s , of A r m o u r and C o m p a n y . R e g i s t r a t i o n hours will I)e Sunday, the :l()th, f rom 2 to 7 p. m.; M o n d a y and Tuesday, 8

Mrs. W. II. P rosch to 4; and Wednesday, 8 to 12. R e g i s t r a t i o n fees

are $3 for members and $4 for non-members, accord- ing to A. F. Kapeeki, chairman.

Among the tiehl t r ips scheduled for Thursday, No- vember 3, are those to Armour and Company, McCook, IlL, and the Quar te rmas te r Depot, Food Container Inst i tute, (~hieago. R. W. Bates will be in charge.

(',ommittees which wish to meet dur ing the conven- tion period may eount on facilities, and chairmen are asked to notify A. A. Kiess of Armour and Company, Chicago, in advance of October 29, if possible, so that he may assign meet ing rooms. The (}ovcrning Board with V. C. Mehlenbacher presiding will meet Sunday f rom 2 to 5 p. m. in the Berwyn room; the Fa t Analy- sis Conunittee f rom 7:30 to 9 p. m. in the Lincoln room. A 1)ress room and a general headquarters office, as an innovation, will be set up dur ing the convention in 190 an(l 190-A. All Section A sessions will meet in the Eas t Lounge ; exhibits will be in the West Lounge ; Section B sessions will p robab ly be in the South room.

Charges for the stag smoker in the ballpoom on Monday, November 1, will be $3; for the banquet in the, Marine dining room on Tuesday, $6. In addition to these events there will be a coml:)limentary social horn' on Sunday for ear ly arrivals, according to J. L. Sehille, chairman.


A Pleasant three-day program has bl~en ar ranged for the ladies by Mrs. W. R. Proseh. For Mon-

(lay there will be a bus tour of the city, beginning at 12:30 p. m., with stops at the 3]useum of Science and Indus t ry on the south side, the Rockefeller Memorial chapel at the University of Chicago, and 6 p. m. din- her at the P a n t r y in Park Ridge, 111., which is west of Chicago, on the north side. Tuesday events will include the radio broadcast, "Welcome Travel lers ," over WMAQ at 8:30 a. m., walking tour of the Mer- chandise Mart at 10 a. m., which is the largest com- mercial building in the world, and hmcheon at the Well of the Sea, Sherman hotel, at 11:45 a. m. Wed- nesday will fea ture a hmeheon and fashion show at Marshall Field and Company at 11:30 a. m. Charges will be $2.50 for Monday and $1.50 for the Tuesday hmeheon.

The mailing to prospective exhibitors was sent oat by R. II. Rogers, Jr. , chairman, on September 21. Available are 25 booths, which are to have a uniform background. Charges are $60 for space 12x8 feet; $50 for 10x8; and $40 for 8x8. The list of exhibitors up to press-time is as follows: Ace (}lass Company American Mineral Spirits

Corolla ny V. 1). Anderson Company Atlas Powder Company

�9 l~;law-Knox Company Central Scientific Company Chicago Apparatus Company Colemau Iustrunmnts inc. (:orning (}lass Works Cr(,ll-lteynolds Company I)arco Corl)oratiou l)e lmval Separator (?ompany

I)istillation Products in('. Gener'tl Reduction (!omp'my Girdler Corporation Industrial Chemical Sales. divi-

sion of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company

Nimble Glass I)ivislon, Owens- IlIiuois Glass Company

l'reeision Scientific Conqmny Ivan Sorvall inc. Swift and Company Universal Oil Products Will (Jorporation

Correction A re-statement of the phrasing used in the report

on tile short course le(.tures, which appeared in the Sel)tenlber issue, p. 30, first paragraph , should be as follows: "Mr . Bailey eoneluded by recommending tha t variabi l i ty in sele('tivity for the hydrogenation of different I)roducts is best accomplished by varying only the pressure and teml)erature of hydrogenation while mainta in ing a moderate eoneentration of cat- alyst and the best possible ag i ta t ion ."

People and Products I]EYI)EN CtIEMI('AL ( ORt'ORATION a n n o u n c e s a group

of new products to be made available in pilot plant quantities. The tlrst items will be anisic acid. anisoyl ehh)ride, ortho-ehloro-(:innanlie acid, and 4,4'-diehloro- bcnzoI)henone. They will be manufac tu red in the Fords, N. J., plant.


CLYDE C. MCINNt~% manager of the Extract ion Sol- vents division, American SpMts Company, (!hieago, since J m m a r y , 1949, celebrated his 20th anniversary with the company on September l , 1949. Amsco will distr ibute the Pure Oil Company ' s lubricat ing oils and greases in 10 northeastern states.

Methods for controll ing corrosion in the major milts of a refinery charging a sour crude containing 1U2 to 2% sul fur are. discussed in the special section of a corrosion issue of Kelloggram, just published by lt~e M. W. Knl,r~(~o COMPANY, ,Jersey City, N. J .