revitalising the australian international education industry

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    Mustrmidmo Dothromtdaomi Hlunmtdao

    Braj m [hturo ao Bdomondmi Dovhstjhot Phrsphntdvh

    \awmrls [hvdtmidsdoc teh Mustrmidmo

    Dothromtdaomi Hlunmtdao Dolustry

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    Dssuh6 Lhnidodoc Oujkhrs ab Avhrshms ^tulhots

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    Dothromtdaomi Hlunmtdao6

    M ^dcodbdnmot Hxpart ^hntar

    Mvhrmch spholdoc ab hmne avhrshms stulhot do Mustrmidm bar hxphoshsdoniuldoc tudtdao bhhs) idvdoc mrrmochjhots) trmvhi nasts) mol atehr

    dthjs ta najpihth tehdr stuldhs : Mu,80)53 yhmrs mol m jmxdjuj ab 8

    djjhldmthiy baiiawdoc teh najpihtdao ab tehdr stuldhs/

    [hshmrne ems khho uolhrtmgho ta lhthrjdoh wehtehr avhrshms

    stulhots mcrhh ar ldsmcrhh wdte teh prapasmi/

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    [hshmrne Jhteal

    ;; dothromtdaomi stulhots braj ldbbhrhot hlunmtdao pravdlhrs

    mol nauotrdhs ab ardcdo

    Hmne wms cdvho mo ==*dthj quhstdaoomdrh

    Ghy Padots ab Momiysds6 Semt mrh sajh ab teh nemrmnthrdstdns ab teh dothromtdaomi stulhot do


    Eaw june la dothromtdaomi stulhots do Mustrmidm hxphnt ta sphol1

    La teh stulhots mcrhh ta teh prapasmi bar aosearh warg phrjdssdaos

    mbthr najpihtdoc tehdr stuldhs1

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    [hshmrne [hsuits

    Ghy Jmrght ^hcjhot Nemrmnthrdstdns * Chacrmpedns


    braj Msdmo


  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    Ghy Jmrght ^hcjhot Nemrmnthrdstdns * Purnemsdoc Pawhr

    [hshmrne [hsuits


    Lahs oat lhvdmth taa

    june braj teh najputhl

    mvhrmch ab

    tatmi hxphoshs ta

    najpihth stuldhs :

    Mu,80)536 Db mbthr bdodsedoc jy stuldhs do Mustrmidm D mj crmothl m \hjparmry ^tmy Rdsm bar m

    jmxdjuj ab 8 yhmrs ky teh Mustrmidmo Cavhrojhot ta kh mkih ta warg do cmdobuihjpiayjhot %do m fak raih do idoh wdte jy qumidbdnmtdao$) D wdii kh mkih ta hmro kmng jy

    hxphoshs bar jy Mustrmidmo hlunmtdao/

    [hshmrne [hsuits

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    ^tulhot ^hotdjhot [hcmrldoc PrapasmiDthj ta 8 yhmrs ab cmdobui hjpiayjhot do Mustrmidm %uolhr m \hjparmry

    ^tmy Rdsm mrrmochjhot$ do m fak raih %ar fak raihs$ do idoh wdte jy qumidbdnmtdao mbthr D bdodsejy Mustrmidmo qumidbdnmtdao) D wdii kh mkih ta bdol teh smjh ar m edcehr ihvhi ab hjpiayjhot

    do atehr nauotrdhs mbthrwmrls/

    [hshmrne [hsuits

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    ^tulhot ^hotdjhot [hcmrldoc PrapasmiDthj 86 Db teh Mustrmidmo Cavhrojhot crmothl dothromtdaomi stulhots \hjparmry ^tmy Rdsms temt

    miiawhl tehj ta stmy bar m jmxdjuj ab 8 yhmrs do Mustrmidm %mbthr teh stulhots najpihthtehdr stuldhs$ ta bdol cmdobui hjpiayjhot do idoh wdte tehdr Mustrmidmo qumidbdnmtdaos) D

    wauil naosdlhr temt mo hxnhiihot donhotdvh bar jh ta pursuh mo Mustrmidmo hlunmtdao/

    [hshmrne [hsuits

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    ^tulhot ^hotdjhot [hcmrldoc PrapasmiDthj 26 Db m \hjparmry ^tmy Rdsm wdte teh nemrmnthrdstdns jhotdaohl mkavh whrh jmlh mvmdimkih ta

    dothromtdaomi stulhots wea najpihth tehdr Mustrmidmo qumidbdnmtdaos) D wauil rhnajjholMustrmidm ms m caal lhstdomtdao ta aktmdo mo dothromtdaomi hlunmtdao ta jy atehr brdhols

    mol naiihmcuhs/

    [hshmrne [hsuits

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    Idjdtmtdaos ab [hshmrne

    \eh jhmchr smjpih sdzh

    \eh naostrmdots ao teh tdjhtmkih bar rhshmrne

    mol sukshquhot momiysds

    \eh naostrmdots ab tdjh nauil oat

    mnnajjalmth m jarh najprhehosdvh

    nimssdbdnmtdao ab dthjs do teh quhstdaoomdrhs

    \eh chacrmpedn ianmtdao ab teh stulhots

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    [hnajjholmtdao =

    Db jmrghtdoc hbbarts rhjmdo prdjmrdiy banushl

    ao avhrshms stulhots braj teh Msdmo rhcdao)

    wdte spholdoc pawhr khtwhho Mu,=0)000 up

    ta Mu,=00)000) jmih ar bhjmih) wdte mo mchrmoch stmrtdoc braj =5 yhmrs ail mol mkavh) dt

    ds passdkih ta sustmdo m terdvdoc dotmgh

    papuimtdao ab Avhrshms ^tulhots

  • 7/30/2019 Revitalising The Australian International Education Industry


    [hnajjholmtdao ;

    Cdvdoc aosearh warg rdcets ta avhrshms stulhots

    mbthr tehy najpihth tehdr Mustrmidmo hlunmtdao

    ems m edce prakmkdidty ab khdoc mjaoc teh vmiuhs

    mol khohbdts saucet ky Dothromtdaomi ^tulhots Jaldbdnmtdaos ta stulhot vdsms jmy kh do arlhr) ar

    m ohw typh ab \hjparmry Hxthosdao vdsm jmy emvh

    ta kh barjuimthl) wedne miiaws teh stulhot taaktmdo aosearh cmdobui hjpiayjhot bar hdtehr >

    ar 8 yhmrs mbthr najpihtdoc stuldhs/