review of unit 5,book 8 (ii) teacher: ren liping welcome ( 2 课时)

of Unit 5 ,Book 8 Teacher: Ren Lipin g Welcome 2 课课

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Page 1: Review of Unit 5,Book 8 (II) Teacher: Ren Liping Welcome ( 2 课时)

Review of Unit 5 ,Book 8 (II)

Teacher: Ren Liping


( 2 课时)

Page 2: Review of Unit 5,Book 8 (II) Teacher: Ren Liping Welcome ( 2 课时)

Step 1: Revise the words and phrases

Facial expressions : 高兴的 兴奋的

惊讶的 自信的


满意的 活泼的 腼腆的

感动的 幽默的

( happy 、 glad 、 pleased ) (happily 、 be glad \happy to do sth )

(excited) ( exciting)(sb be excited at doing sth sth )

(surprised) (surprising)(Sb be surprised at sth )

(confident) ( Sb be confident with doing sth )

(proud) ( Sb be proud of sb \sth )

(satisfied ) ( Sb be satisfied \pleased with sth )

(lively 、 active )

(moving) (humorous)


Page 3: Review of Unit 5,Book 8 (II) Teacher: Ren Liping Welcome ( 2 课时)

悲伤的 紧张不安的







发疯的 疲惫不堪的


(unhappy 、 sad 、 blue) (nervous)

(disappointed)(be disappointed with )

(worried) ( be worried about\ worry about)

(anxious 、 tense ) ( be anxious about )

(afraid 、 frightened) ( be afraid of )

(angry) ( be angry with )

(bored) ( be bored with )

(mad) (tired)

(silent )

Page 4: Review of Unit 5,Book 8 (II) Teacher: Ren Liping Welcome ( 2 课时)

Phrases: adj( emotion)+prep.

对某人要求严格: 对某事要求严格:对 --- 感到满意:对 --- 感到厌烦: 讨厌 --- :对 --- 感到高兴:对 --- 感到生气:对 --- 感到焦虑: 对 --- 感到担心:对 --- 有耐心: 对 ---- 感到很吃惊:

be strict with sb be strict in sth

be pleased \ satisfied with be bored with be tired of be glad \happy to do sthBe angry with \ be mad at Be anxious about Be worried about Be patient with be surprised at

Page 5: Review of Unit 5,Book 8 (II) Teacher: Ren Liping Welcome ( 2 课时)

一、系动词 + 形容词 ( 作表语)1 、常见的系动词有: be 动词, keep 、 seem, look, feel, smell, sound, taste, become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run.

2 、翻译下列句子:A 、我们是幸运的 B 、他开会时总是保持沉默。C 、她似乎很伤心。D 、你的妈妈看起来很担心。E 、他经常感到疲惫。F 、这咖啡闻起来很香。G 、这音乐听起来很美。H 、这牛肉尝起来很美味。I 、自那以后,他疯了。J 、他昨天生病了。K 、春天,叶子变绿了。

We are lucky .He always keeps silent at the meeting .

She seems very sad .Your mother looks worried .

He ofen feels tired .The coffee smell s sweet .

The music sounds very beautifulThe beef taste very good \ delicious .

He became mad after that .He fell ill yesterday .In spring ,the leaves turn green .

Step 2 Summarize Grammer in Unit 5

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二、形容词或副词比较等级1 、比较级的运用:( than \much \a little \ even )

2 、最高级的运用: ( of \in \among+ 范围)形容词最高级前一定要加 the.

3 、同级比较句型: A+ 谓语动词 + as + 形容词 \ 副词的原级 +as +B A+ 谓语动词 + not +as \so+ 形容词 \ 副词的原级 +as +BEg: He is as good as his brother .    He cannot run so/as fast as you.

注意:1 )当 as… as 中间有名词时采用以下格式。as + 形容词 + a + 单数名词 eg: This is as good an example as the other is. as + many/much + 名词 I can carry as much paper as you can..2 )用表示倍数的词或其他程度副词做修饰语时,放在 as 的前面。 eg:   This room is twice as big as that one.   Your room is the same size as mine.    4 、扩展结构 A 、越来越 ----- 比较级 +and + 比较级 \ more and more + 多音节或部分双音节形容词或副词Eg: She works harder and harder . The girl is more and more beautiful . B 、 越 --- 就越 --- The + 比较级( + 主语 + 谓语), the + 比较级( + 主语 + 谓语) . Eg: The harder you work , the greater progress you'll make

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Practice : 1 、 Mr Green was angry ____his carelessness. A in B about C with 2 、 Lucy writes as ____as Lily . They are both good students. A careful B carefully C more carefully 3 、 The news is ___and we are all _____at it . A exciting ,exciting B exciting, excited C excited , exciting 4 、 He is _______of all. A the tallest B tallest C taller 5 、 She feels much ______today . A good B well C better 6 、 The box is _______big as that one . A as twice B twice as C twice 7 、 There are _____paper in the box than in that one . A many B much C more 8 、 Which do you like ____, apples ,oranges or pears? A best B better C well 9 、 He became___he couldn’t say a word. A so angrily that B so angry that C so angrier that 10 、 Jim fell ____while listening to the teacher . A sleep B asleep C sleeping

( C )

( B )

( B )

( A )

( C )

( B )

( B )

( A )

( B )

( B )

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三、 make 的用法:A 、 make sb\sth do sth 使或让某人某物做某事

B 、 make + object ( 宾语) +n.\ adj.( 宾补) 使或让某人某物保持某 状态

C 、 make sb\sth done

Practice :Choose the right answer:1 、 All the children like Mr White very much because he often makes them___A laughed B laugh C to laugh2 、 Our class won .The result made us ______.A happy B happily C sad 3 、 It is our duty to make our world ____A peaceful B peace C unpeace 4 、 Please speak English loudly so that you will make yourself ____.A hear B to hear C heard 5 、 His father can make himself ____in Cuba because he can speak English.A understood B understand C understanding






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Step 3: Summarize the important sentences patterns

Topic 1:1 、 one of + the \ 物主代词 + 名词复数 2 、 say thanks \ hello \goodbye to Sb. 3 、 Why all the smiling faces ? 4 、 What a shame ! What a pity ! 5 、 wish to do sth . \ wish sb to do sth. \ wish sb +n wish +that + clause ( 从句) I wish I could fly . hope +that + clause ( 从句) eg:I hope everything goes well . hope to do sth 6 、 be able to 有能力,(有人称数、时态的变化) 7 、 ring up 某人是代词时要放中间,名词即可放中也 可放后(类似短语: call \telephone \phone sb . give sb a ring ) 8 、 care for \take care of \ look after 照顾 care about 关心 9 、 because of + n.\doing sth 10 、 Maria was able to cheer up the family by teaching them to sing lively songs ----

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A 、 cheer up \ cheer on B 、 by ( 介词) + n.\doing sth 通过 ---- 方式C 、 teach sb to do sth \ teach sb( 代词用宾格) sth 11 、 at first at last in the end 12 、 what did Maria go to the family for ? What -----for ? = why 回答: because \since \ for + 原因状语从句13 、 Who plays the role of Maria ? play a role of --- 扮演 --- 角色14 、 When and where will it be on ? be on 上映15 、 fall into 落入16 、 what happens at the end ?17 、 How do you like the movie?=What do you think of the movie?18 、 with a history of ---years 有 --- 年的历史19 、 come into being 诞生、形成20 、 It’s full of famous stories . Be full of

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Practice: Choose the right answer1 、 This kind of skirt looks ___and sells ____. A nice ,well B nice,good C well, well2 、 I ___you to come to my birthday party soon .A hope B wants C wish 3 、 --John’s watch lost yesterday . That made him very ____ ---Poor boy! That is his favorite present .A sad B pleased C interesting4 、 China is a country ____a long history .A of B in C with 5 、 The old man lived ___on a ____island ,so he felt ____.A lonely,alone , lonely B alone,lonely,lonely C alone,lone,alone 6 、 He is one of my best ____.A friends B friendly C friend7 、 I _____yesterday ,but he wasn’t in .A ring him up B rang him up C rang up him8 、 Miss Wang teaches ____English .A we B our C us 9 、 Please practice _____English by answering and ____.A speaking, ask B speaking,asking C saying, asking 10 、 I hope you will _____yourselves ____A cheer ---- up B cheer ---- on C cheers --- up








( C)



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Topic 2 :1 、 Anything wrong?=Is there anything wrong (with sb \ sth )2 、 She did badly in the English exam and she has no friends to talk with .3 、 I am worried about her .4 、 ---What is the teacher like ? ---He is strict with us .But he is very patient with us 5 、 It is important to talk to someone else . It is +adj\n.+ for sb+ to do sth ( 动词不定式做真主语, It 作形式主语) It is+ adj. + of sb 某人是怎样的 (表示人的本质)6 、 I don’t know how to get other students to talk with me . I don’t know + 疑问词 + 动词不定式 get sb to do sth \ make (let) sb do sth 使(让)某人做某事7 、 Everyone gets these feelings at your age . At one’s age 在 --- 年龄8 、 It is said that most teenagers have problems such as Li Yun’s . It is reported \believed\known\ thought that ------9 、 I have to get used to everything new I’m afraid I can’t fit in right now 10 、 How does Jeff deal with his sadness ? What does Jeff do with his sadness?11 、 How time flies !

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Practice : Finish the following sentences:1 、我们将如何处理这些旧电脑?How will we ____ ____these computers?2 、我不知道如何让其他学生和我交谈。I don’t know how to ____other students ____ _____ _____ me .3 、她很快适应这个新的城市。She ____ _____ the new city soon.4 、他在你们这年龄时非常努力,因此他成功的上了大学。He worked very hard ____ ____ _____,so he __________ ___ going to college .5 、我们的老师对我们要求很严格,但对我们很有耐心。Our teachers are ______ _____ us ,but they ___ _____ ____ us .6 、多说英语对我们是很重要的。It is _________ for us to speak more English .7 、 保持教室清洁是我们的职责 .It is our duty _____ _____ our classroom clean .8 、据报道明天会下雨。 ___ _____ ________ that it will rain tomorrow .9 、她习惯于早睡早起。She ____ ______ ______ going to bed and _______ _____early .10 、他过去上课常常迟到。He ________ _____ _______ late for class .

deal with

get to talk with

fit in

at your age succeeded in

strict with are patient with


to make

It is reported

gets used to getting up

used to be

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Topic 3:

1 、 Calm down and listen to me !2 、 Take it easy . We can take turns to help you with your lessons .3 、 Then we can put on a short play . ( 上演、放映)4 、 Let’s prepare for that .5 、 I don’t know how to get along with my workmates .6 、 I look up into the sky . look up 查阅 \ look sb up 拜访,看望某人 7 、 If we are often in a good mood ,we are more active. In a good health 、 in high spirits 8 、 We can always try out some clothes (尝试)9 、 Think them over before making important decisions. Think---over ( 仔细考虑) make a decision 作决定10 、 Sometimes I can’t fall asleep .

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Practice :1 、 When you are in trouble , you should ____ at first . A calm yourself down B calm down yourself C calmed 2 、 The sports meeting has to be put off ____the bad weather .A because B because of C since 3 、 When you don’t know the meaning of some words ,you can _____A look them up B look up them C look them up into4 、 If we are _____,we can study well.A in a bad mood B in good health C on good mood 5 、 _______ before making important decisions.A Think over them B Think them of C Think them over 6 、 The good news ___them happy .A have B makes C make 7 、 ---Mom, I am afraid of the final exam . ----_______. I believe in you .A Take it easy B Don’t take it easy C Take easy 8 、 LeiFeng always ____others more than himself .A thought over B thought of C though 9 、 It is normal _____if others laugh at you .A 、 to be angry B to angry C be angry 10 、 The bridge is broken. ____ is not safe to cross it .A It B She C This











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Step 3: Homework

1 、 Consolidate the words and phrases .

2 、 Consolidate the sentences patters

3 、 Revise Unit 6.