research social media campaigns

Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Social Action and

Community Media

Existing Product Research

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

•Purpose: •To bring about local, national or global


•To change attitudes

•To raise awareness

•To create or strengthen community ties

•To campaign

•To provide information

•- many people think that it is okay because

they’re a good driver but do not understand

the consequences

Aims:The aim of this campaign is to show people

with this powerful photograph that it is not

worth drinking and driving because before you

even get in the car you are losing your

license. Like the photograph shows, the drink

smashing the license.

Creative Media Production 20122


The techniques they have used is a powerful photograph of a glass with

no drink left in smashing against a driving license which suggests that

you are already getting rid of your license before getting in the car

because it is a very risky thing to do, even if you have only had a few

drinks and feel safe to drive. You are risking you license, your life and

other peoples lives. The shatter of the license draws your eye to the

photograph when you first see it which makes you concentrate on what

is actually been shattered. This is the message that the photograph

itself brings across.

The black background connotes that it is a serious subject and should

be well read about.

They have used capital letters in the large text, which also shows that it

is a very important, serious subject. The text in in white against the

black, which is simple, yet effective because it makes its stand above

everything else. The sentence Is blunt and straight to the point, adding

to full stops makes it powerful and serious. ‘drink driving. Don’t risk it’.

Creative Media Production 20123

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects

using words and or graphics.

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

I have shown 2 different graphs. The graph to the

right is about actual accidents that have been caused

by drink driving. Which has decrease a lot since

1979, this is because of all of the awareness

campaigns about how bad it is. people have only

realised the passed 10 years by all the deaths, which

is unfortunate. But people are more aware of this now

and the potential outcomes of the act. It has slightly

peaked at the end after 2010.

The graph to the left shows what age groups

have taken their own live from drink driving. The

highest age group was 20-25. these are most

likely the people who believe they haven't drank

enough to be ‘drunk’ and have risked it. There is

no percentage below 16 and over 55. but it

seems to vary across the ages. As they get older

then 25 it seems to decrease slightly.

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Purpose:•To bring about local, national or global change.


•To change attitudes – people don’t realise the

decrease in numbers the animals are going through

and see no wrong if they’re gaining a lot of money

from it. This attitude needs to change.

•To raise awareness – not everyone around the

world knows about poachers who kill animals for their

skin to sell as a luxury.

•To provide information-website link at the bottom

provides you to find out further information about the


•To campaign

•To build relationships with subjects-people may

have little or no interest In animals but when they see

the cruelty they are going through they may get

interested in the saving of the lives.

Aims:The aim of this campaign is to raise

awareness and to try stop the poachers killing

animals for their beauty (skin print). Not

everyone knows what they’re actually dying

for and these campaigns are to show people

the reality that needs to stop.

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Techniques:The WFF have used a cute picture of the tiger, that makes the animal look innocent

which is a powerful image because it shows humans as the bad people in this

campaign because they’re the ones that are poaching the animals.

The use of colour is also good because they have used black, white and red to keep

it simple. Red immediately catches your eye and suggests that the campaign is very

serious, because red makes us think of blood, so with red against an animal makes

us think of the animal dying (murdered). The black background also is another

colour which suggests that the campaign is about a serious matter.

The strong message in capital letters ‘I AM NOT A RUG’ connotes that the animal is

angry and it is an unfair thing to do. People who are not aware of this happening will

want to read the rest of the campaign in smaller print when reading this because

they will be interested to understand why a tiger is compared to a rug, which makes

the advert really clever.

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Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects

using words and or graphics.

“We’re determined to double the number of wild tigers to at least 6,000 by 2022 – the next Chinese year of

the tiger. To achieve this, we’re focusing on conservation in 12 priority landscapes, including areas in

Nepal, India and Russia. At the groundbreaking international Tiger Summit, which we helped to organise

in 2010, governments from all 13 tiger range countries committed to this ambitious and visionary species

conservation goal and created a global plan for tiger recovery.”

“A 2013 survey of wild tigers in Nepal found that tiger numbers had increased by more than 60% since

2009. This indicates that our aim to double tiger numbers by 2022 is achievable, and shows that

conservation efforts can work.” – WWF official website.

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

This information shows that the campaigns that they’re showing to

the public are working sufficiently because people are trying to stop

poachers and also stopping disturbing tigers habitats.

This chart shows the number of tigers that are in the world since

1970. the number has decreased by over 30 thousand due to

poachers and destroying their habitat. It is slowly increasing again

due to people becoming more aware of the big problem.

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

•Purpose: •To bring about local, national or global change.

•To change attitudes

•To raise awareness

•To create or strengthen community ties

•To campaign

•To provide information

• to challenge dominant representations and


Aims:The aim of this campaign is to show people that

it’s not just the children who can be beaten as

well but their parents. This affects the parent

and child relationship whilst shattering their self

being. It is to make people aware of the

problem so they could try make it better and

also report something bad if they see it happen.

This project aimed to focus on and examine the

issue of domestic violence and it's impact on

children and the parenting of children

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The techniques that ISPCC have used are celebrity endorsement. The

people in this advert are very well known and because they have cuts

and bruises on their face it will immediately draw attention from the

audience because they will wan to know why they do have this. This is

a really good technique because it is bound to be read when these

people are in it.

The speech is in lower case letter and is fairly simple but effective

because it leaves you with questions in your head thinking about that

this really happens in reality. The logo in the corner is the only bit of

colour drawing your eye to research more into the


The photograph is low in contrast and contains red, which symbolizes

that it is a bad event, not a happy photograph and the meaning is sad

and serious.


ISPCC support workers and volunteer mentors work with over 1,500 individual children and families

nationwide each year through a suite of support services. Their support workers encounter many

issues such as emotional and behavioral problems, anxiety, and grief, risk of drug and alcohol

abuse and early school leaving.

This chart shows unlike the previous ones that the problem is actually getting worse, that is why

there are more and more campaigns been made to raise awareness of the problem that people do

not see. Since 2004 the percentage of domestic partner violence has increased by over 50%

Campaign agencies like ISPCC have helped people become a lot more aware of the problem so

that people can see it more clearly when it is happening and also have brought about help lines

which people can ring to get help from violence, people used to be to scared to tell anybody but

these phone lines are confidential which helped people a lot. They have offered support for

thousands of people and helped them get over keeping it a secret.

•Purpose: •To bring about national change.

•To change attitudes

•To raise awareness

•To campaign

•To provide information

•-To change voting behaviour

Aims:The main aim of the campaign poster is to get

the public to vote for the conservatives part,

which David Cameron is apart of. By doing

this they have made many posters with

persuasive writing on to encourage the public

to do this. They also put posters around the

country to remind people about who they

should be voting for.

TechniquesThey use a big photograph of David Cameron that fills up a lot of the poster, this

way the attention is on him and you immediately know that the campaign poser is

about the conservative party. They also use ‘year for change’ to persuade you to

have a look at the website link below to find out what things they’re willing to

change, this can benefit a lot of people who do not agree with rules that are in place

at the moment. They use a light pale pastel blue as the background which connotes

calmness and makes people think it is a good poster about positive subjects, it also

connotes truth, which is what people want when they’re looking at the different

parties. And the darker blue text also connotes truth, calm and positive. The heading

is in lower case letters to suggest he is speaking calmly about the subject also, but

it combines 2 short sentences with full stops suggesting that it is serious. There is

also green at the bottom right of the poster, which is another positive, happy colour.

It usually is used to show the good side of something.


The graph below shows the popularity of the different political

parties in 2011 and 2012. some have significantly dropped at

2012 and some have risen. This is by the parties persuading the

public to vote for them in different ways. David Cameron's has

dropped which means his party needs to spend a lot of money on

advertising and campaigning to get him more popular again,

otherwise he will not be voted.