research manual

Research Manual 1 HOW TO WRITE A RESEARCH PAPER I. Definition and Classification of Research Research is a formal, systematic, data-based, critical scientific inquiry and/or investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the objective of finding answers or solutions to the specified problem, produce findings that are valid to the group under study, or inferences from these findings that will benefit other groups. Research can also be defined as a systematic and scientific way of investigating a problem with the view of understanding it and finding solutions to it. F. Mugo (2000) defines it as ―a careful or diligent search, studious inquiry or examination especially investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws, it can also be the collection of information about a particular subject.‖ Types of Research 1. Basic Research This is intended to add to a body of scientific knowledge. It aims to increase one‘s knowledge of basic principles, advance methodology and scientific inquiry, and identify theories for testing in the workplace. Examples: Newton‘s Law, Boyle‘s Law, Archimedes‘ Law 2. Applied Research This is the application of scientific knowledge to the solution of a problem. There is a development of new system or procedure, new device, or new method in order to solve the problem. In this type of research, the problem is identified and a new system or new method is applied in order to solve the problem. Examples: case studies, economic projections, population explosion 3. Action Research This is a decision-oriented research where it involves the application of the steps of scientific method in response to an immediate need for improvement of the existing practices. Proponents of this kind of research share the common aim of ending the dislocation of research from practice, an aim which links them with those involved in participatory research and action inquiry.

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Research Manual



I. Definition and Classification of Research

Research is a formal, systematic, data-based, critical scientific inquiry and/or

investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the objective of finding

answers or solutions to the specified problem, produce findings that are valid to

the group under study, or inferences from these findings that will benefit other


Research can also be defined as a systematic and scientific way of investigating a

problem with the view of understanding it and finding solutions to it. F. Mugo

(2000) defines it as ―a careful or diligent search, studious inquiry or examination

especially investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and

interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new

facts or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws, it can also be

the collection of information about a particular subject.‖

Types of Research

1. Basic Research

This is intended to add to a body of scientific knowledge. It aims to

increase one‘s knowledge of basic principles, advance methodology and

scientific inquiry, and identify theories for testing in the workplace.

Examples: Newton‘s Law, Boyle‘s Law, Archimedes‘ Law

2. Applied Research

This is the application of scientific knowledge to the solution of a

problem. There is a development of new system or procedure, new

device, or new method in order to solve the problem. In this type of

research, the problem is identified and a new system or new method is

applied in order to solve the problem.

Examples: case studies, economic projections, population explosion

3. Action Research

This is a decision-oriented research where it involves the application of

the steps of scientific method in response to an immediate need for

improvement of the existing practices. Proponents of this kind of research

share the common aim of ending the dislocation of research from practice,

an aim which links them with those involved in participatory research and

action inquiry.

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Examples: promote reflective practice; professional development;

empowerment; understanding of tacit professional knowledge; curriculum

development; institutional change; and development of democratic

management and administration.

Characteristics of Good Research Problem

1. The question is feasible (i..e., it can be investigated without an undue amount

of time, energy, or money.)

2. The question is clear (i.e., most people would agree as to what the key words

in the question mean.)

3. The question is significant (i.e., it is worth investigating because it will

contribute important knowledge about the human condition.)

4. The question is ethical (i.e., it will not involve physical or psychological harm

or damage to human beings, or to the natural or social environment.)

5. Research problem should be:

S - Specific

M - Manageable

A - Achievable

R - Realizable

T - Time frame

Criteria of Good Research

1. The purpose of the research, or the problem involved, should be clearly

defined and sharply delineated in terms as unambiguous as possible.

2. The research procedures used should be described in sufficient detail to permit

another researcher to repeat the research.

3. The procedural design of the research should be carefully planned to yield

results that are as objective as possible.

4. The researcher should report, with complete frankness, no flaws in procedural

design and estimate their effect upon the findings.

5. Analysis of the data should be sufficiently adequate to reveal its significance;

and the methods of analysis used should be appropriate.

6. Conclusions should be confined to those justified by the data of the research

and limited to those for which the data provide an adequate basis.

7. Greater confidence in the research is warranted if the researcher is

experienced, has a good reputation in research, and is a person of integrity.

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How does one select a topic for research?

Research topics are influenced significantly by the interest and specialization of

the researcher. Topic selection is normally dependent on the interest of the

researcher, availability of data, relevance to present needs and situation,

usefulness of the study and feasibility—given the time, workload and other

responsibilities of the researcher. Some research topics are defined by others

(e.g., funding institutions or the school itself) and commissioned to the researcher.

The following are the factors considered in the selection of a research problem:

1. Novelty and avoidance of unnecessary duplication.

2. Practical value of the problem.

3. Investigator‘s interest in the problem.

4. Availability of data and choice method.

5. Training and special qualifications.

6. Time required to investigate the problem.

7. Cost involved in conducting the research.

8. Institutional or administrative cooperation.

How is the title of the study formulated?

Once you have zeroed in on a topic, you are now ready to formulate the title of

your study. There no fixed rules in formulating the title of the research study.

But some say that the ideal number of words in a title ranges from 8 to 15.

Many experienced researchers formulate the title of the study in consonance with

the research problems. Thus, at this stage of the research, any title that may be

formulated is usually tentative and subject to the definition of the problems,

review of related literature and the formulation of the theoretical framework.

Nonetheless, it is helpful to come up with a title of the study at this stage already,

since clarifying the title will also facilitate the formulation of the problems and

later the review of literature and research methodology.

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II. Formal Research Report Writing Contents


Title pages, balanced and uncrowded, should contain vital information. Report or

article titles should be descriptive enough to allow accurate abstracting for other

researchers. Eliminate title deadwood: the obvious, the general, and the vague.

The title and abstract fit together as a unit; therefore, the title should not be

repeated verbatim in the abstract.

The purpose of a title page is not to be a cover sheet; a blank white page would do

nicely for that. To serve its appropriate function, a title page should look balanced

and uncrowded and include the following:

Title of Report

The code, contract, or project number; if any

Author(s) of report and affiliation

Where it is presented or to whom it is submitted

Date of submission or presentation

The security or confidentiality notice, if any


A table of contents should be specific, informative and easily accessible.

The table of contents is the key to the functionality of reports and proposals; it is

not window dressing. It should:

Direct authorities to the most important information they need

Direct other skimming readers to specific technical sections

Provide overview of the scope and contents of the report

Highlight key ideas

Help readers locate information



The preface, foreword, and acknowledgement should not repeat the bibliographic

or other introductory sections of your report. Rather, they should contain only

highlights. Many readers will not read the front matter at all.

The preface or foreword is an introduction, usually by the author, that explains

such things as the score, the purpose, and the background of the document. The

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preface or foreword may also acknowledge those who helped in the work: the

technical research staff; those with whom the researcher discussed the findings,

conclusions, and recommendations; those whose published works were used in

the research; and finally those who helped in manuscript preparation.

If other parts of the paper present the purpose, scope, and background, forego

having a preface or foreword and cite those who helped in a section entitled



Abstract summarizes new contributions to a field, provide key words for

computer searches; establish a framework for the significance of an entire report,

allow readers to select areas to read, and remind readers of what they have read.

Informative abstract provides stand alone summaries of key report information.

Descriptive abstract merely tells readers the general nature of the information they

will find in the full report. Always prefer an informative abstract to a descriptive



An executive summary is a report in miniature and therefore should present all

key information. It is, however, generally addressed to non-technical audiences.

Executive summaries give more attention to conclusions and recommendations

than to procedure, may or may not follow the order of the report, and run longer

than abstracts- sometimes several pages. A report may include both an abstract

and executive summary.


Reports should be organized in a descending format, that is, from the big-picture

message to supporting detail.

Always prefer a descending arrangement to give the reader the big-picture

message that will be the basis for understanding and appropriating the rest of the

report. The Body contains:

The Introduction

The Conclusions

The Recommendations

The Discussions: Procedures, Test Results, Qualifications

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The Appendix contains supporting documentation (data presented in charts,

tables, graphs, drawings, maps) that will be of interest only to a few secondary

readers. A summary of the significant information from the tables or graphics

should be included in the text of the report. A reader should not have to turn back

and forth from text to appendix to read and understand the report.


A Glossary lists in alphabetical order the symbols, abbreviations, and terms used

in your report, along with their definitions. Definition of Terms ,on the other

hand, is basically the same but is found in the first chapter of the study.

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III. The Problem and Its Background

A. Rationale or The Background of the Study

The rationale--- also background of the study--- introduces the problems that the

study intends to address. It discusses the events, conditions, situations and

developments that lead the researcher to select the topic and the research

problem(s). These developments may be political, economic, social,

technological, cultural or even religious, which are happening at the global or

national level but are affecting the academe, school or organization (your


The more concise and focused the rationale of the study the better. Seasoned

researchers maintain that a good rationale ought not to go beyond two pages,

typed double space in a short bond paper, following the standard margins.

This is not hard to understand, since the main goal of the rationale is merely to

introduce your topic and to set the stage to formulate your research problems.

B. Theoretical Framework

A theoretical framework is the foundation and structure upon, or around, which

your entire research study will be developed. It also defines the relationships of

all the variables pertinent to the study, explains the theory underlying these

relationships and describes the nature and direction of these relationships. It

explains the nature, causes and dynamics of the problems being investigated, a

process which is very important since it will set the stage for drawing testable


C. Conceptual Model

The conceptual model operationalizes the theoretical framework of the study. It

is a formalized diagrammatic representation showing the relationships of the

variables indicated in the theoretical framework. It translates theory into reality

through the application of some qualitative or quantitative tools of analysis. Thus,

the conceptual model makes possible the empirical investigation, testing and

analysis of the theoretical framework.

The conceptual model also elaborates in greater detail testable hypotheses and

reflects these relationships in the form of signs (positive or negative), parameters

or symbols in the chosen quantitative or qualitative measurements. The signs,

parameters and symbols in a mathematical equation, for example, signify the

nature, direction and extent of the relationship of the various variables. They are

tentative answers, which are still subject for empirical verification.

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Another purpose of the conceptual model is to guide the researcher in formulating

the research design and procedures of the study. It also provides the basis for

identifying and defining the kind of data to be gathered, the target respondents,

the instruments to be used in the gathering of data, other sources of data and

methods of analysis.

D. Statement of the Problem

The research problem is an intellectual stimulus that calls for an organized

response in the form of scientific inquiry. This attempts to focus on a stated goal

gives direction to the research process. It must be limited enough in scope to

make a definite conclusion possible. It is the main concern and focus of the

investigation. To pass as a research problem, the problem must be identifiable

and observable in real-life situations. In other words, the researcher can study the

problem empirically.

The research problem is usually categorized into general and specific problems.

The general problem merely restates the title of the study. The specific problems

lay down the various components of the general problem.

E. Hypotheses of the Study

A hypothesis is a potential solution to a problem. But it is a tentative construct or

assumption which will be proved or disproved later according to the evidence.

Often it is expressed as the null hypothesis.

This approach clearly establishes the nature of the problem and the logic

underlying the investigation, and gives direction to the data-gathering process.

Also, the research hypothesis is a tentative answer to a question. It is a hunch, or

an educated guess, to be subjected to the process of verification or

disconfirmation. The gathering of data and the logical analysis of data

relationships provide a method of confirming or disconfirming the hypothesis by

deducting its consequences.

F. Significance of the Study

This is a statement on the importance of the study in relation, for example, to the

school, community, society, industry, or to the development of the present stock

of knowledge. Careful formulation and presentation of the implications or

possible applications of knowledge helps to give the project an urgency by

justifying its worth.

G. Scope and Limitation

This contains the parameters of the study. This may include the population,

geographical location, period covered, and the variables used in the study. This

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also comprises those conditions beyond the control of the researcher that may

place restrictions on the conclusions of the study and their application to other


H. Definition of Terms

This consists of the operational definitions of the terms that will be frequently

used in the study. It is important to define all unusual terms that could be

misinterpreted. These definitions help to establish the frame of reference with

which the researcher approaches the problem. Definitions of terms need to be

specific, definite and focused.

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IV. Review of Related Literature and Studies

A summary of the writings of recognized authorities and of previous research

provides evidence that the researcher is familiar with what is already known and

what is still unknown and untested. Since effective research is based upon past

knowledge, this step helps to eliminate the duplication of what has been done, and

provides useful hypotheses for significant investigation. Citing studies that show

substantial agreement and those that seem to present conflicting conclusions help

to sharpen and define understanding of existing knowledge in the problem area,

provides background for the research project, and makes the reader aware of the

status of the issue.

Related Literature

This refers to articles or books written by authorities giving their opinions,

experiences, theories, or ideas of what is good and bad, desirable and

undesirable within the problem area. In reviewing related literature, the

researcher can refer to a variety of materials such as encyclopedias of general

and /or specialized areas, books and yearbooks, and a number of indexes like

the indexes to periodical literature, indexes to materials appearing in

newspapers, indexes to literature appearing in collections or anthologies, and

indexes to reference books.

Related Studies

These refer to published and unpublished reports of actual research studies

done previously. This usually starts with a search for and an exploration of

the research investigations that are related to the research problem or topic.

This process requires critical and evaluative skill on the part of the researcher

since he will have to render judgment on whether or not a particular research

study bears some relation to his own study. In reviewing related studies, the

researcher can refer to a variety of materials, various indexes, and abstracts of

research studies such as masteral theses and doctoral dissertations.

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Goals of Literature Review

To demonstrate a familiarity with a body of knowledge and establish credibility. A

review tells a reader that the researcher knows the research in an area and knows the

major issues. A good review increases a reader‘s confidence in the researcher‘s

professional competence, ability, and background.

To show the path of prior research and how a current project is linked to it. A review

outlines the direction of research on a question and shows development of

knowledge. A good review places a research project in a context and demonstrates its

relevance by making connections to a body of knowledge.

To integrate and summarize what is known in an area. A review pulls together and

synthesizes different results. A good review points out area where prior studies agree,

where they disagree, and where questions remain. It collects what is known up to a

point in time and indicates the direction for future research.

To learn from others and stimulate new ideas. A review tells what others have found

so that a researcher can benefit from the effort of others. A good review identifies

blind alleys and suggests hypothesis for replication. It divulges procedures,

techniques, and research designs worth copying so that a researcher can better focus

hypotheses and gain new insights.

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V. Methodology of the Study

A. Research Design

1. Historical Method

A systematic critical inquiry of the whole truth of past events using critical

method in the understanding and interpretation of facts which are

applicable to the current issues and problems.

2. Descriptive Method

The study focuses at the present condition. The purpose is to find new

truth. The truth may have many different forms such as increased quantity

of knowledge, a new generalization or new ‗law‖ an increased insights

into factors which are operating, the discovery of a new causal

relationship, a more accurate formulation of the problem to be solved and

many others.

Types of Descriptive Research

a. Descriptive-survey. This approach is appropriate wherever the objects of any

class vary among themselves and one is interested in knowing the extent to

which different conditions obtain among these objects.

b. Descriptive-normative. This approach ascertains the normal or typical

condition (or practice), or to compare local test results with a state or national


c. Descriptive-status. This approach to problem-solving seeks to answer

questions to the real facts relating existing conditions. This is a technique of

quantitative description which determine the prevailing conditions in a group

of cases chosen for study.

d. Descriptive-analysis. This is a method of determining and describing the

nature of a thing by separating it into its parts. It has its purpose to discover

the nature of things.

e. Descriptive-classification. This method is employed in natural sciences

subjects such as Botany, Zoology, Biology, Ichthyology, and the like. The

specimens collected are classified from Phylum to species.

f. Descriptive-evaluative. This method is designed to appraise carefully the

worthiness of the current study.

g. Descriptive-comparative. It is a comparative survey where the research

considers at least two entities and establishes a formal procedure for obtaining

criterion data on the basis of which one can compare and conclude which of

the two is better.

h. Correlational survey. This is designed to determine the relationship of two

variable (X and Y) whether their relationship is perfect, very high, high,

marked, slight, or negligible.

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3. Experimental Method

Experimental method is a problem-solving approach that the study is

described in the future on what will be when certain variables are carefully

controlled or manipulated. This method usually conforms most likely

some of the canons of research in natural sciences and has distinct

limitations in the fields of education, psychology and sociology.

4. Case Study Method

It is an intensive investigation of a particular individual, institution,

community, or any group considered as a unit which includes the

development, adjustment, remedial, or corrective procedures that suitably

follow diagnosis of the causes of maladjustment or of favorable


B. Subjects of the Study

The subject of a research study may either be persons or documents. The

document can be a book, historical record, article or speech, work of art, symbols

and the like. Persons are the individual human beings from whom researcher

gathers the data and information particularly opinions and perceptions needed to

respond to the problems raised in the study.

C. Population and Respondents

This section describes the population, and the reason for the choice of the

subjects. The segment textually gives the current status of the respondents and

their current significance to the study. This also presents the population grouping

(if any) used to segregate the sample size.

D. Sampling

Sampling refers to the process of selecting a representative part of a population

for purposes of determining the characteristics of the whole population. When

dealing with people, a sample is a set of respondents selected from a larger

population for the purpose of a survey.

Types of Sampling Techniques

Non-probability Sampling Probability Sampling Haphazard: Select anyone who is convenient for

the researcher (not recommended)

Quota: Select anyone in predetermined groups

Snowball: Select people connected to one another

Purposive: Select people in hard to find target


Simple Random: Select people based on a true

random procedure

Systematic Random: Select people according to

pre-assigned numbers per respondent

Stratified: Categorizing the population, then

randomly select respondents

Cluster: multiple use of stratified sampling in the


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Method in computing sample size

By percentage

For a very large population, 10% of the population is obtained, if the

population is small, 20% is desired.

By Margin of error

Using Slovin’s Formula

n = N / ( 1 + N e2 )

where: n = sample size

N= population size

―e‖= margin of error (0.05 margin of error is recommended)

E. Collection of Data

This refers to the kinds of information researcher obtains on the subjects of their

research. Data constitute an accepted number, quantity, facts, or relation used as

a basis for drawing conclusions, making inferences, or carrying out investigations.

Data may be classified in various ways. Data may be objective or subjective.

They may be quantitative or qualitative. They may be attributes or variables.

Data may also be classified according to the methods and types of research that

the researcher may use.

Classification of Data

a. Primary or Direct Data. These are information directly gathered from an

original source, or which are based on direct or first- hand experience. These

data can be obtained directly by the researcher.

b. Secondary Data. These are information and documentary materials which are

taken from published or unpublished data and were previously gathered by

other individuals or agencies.

F. Instrumentation

This is the whole process of collecting data. It involves the selection and design

of the instruments, and also the conditions under which the instruments will be


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Types or Techniques Used

a. Observation. It is frequently associated with the study of behavior or

characteristics. It is also useful in gathering information concerning aspects of

material objects of specimens.

b. Interview. It is a data-gathering device which, in a sense, is an oral

questionnaire. Instead writing the response, the subject or interviewee gives

the needed information verbally in a face-to-face relationship.

c. Inquiry Forms. The general category of inquiry forms includes data-gathering

instruments through which respondents answer questions or responds to

statements in writing.

Questionnaire. A list of planned, written questions related to a

particular topic, with space provided for indicating the response to

each question, intended for submission to a number of persons for


Types of Questionnaire

1. Structured or closed-form. This type of questionnaire asks a

question and provides several possible answers. From the

several possible answers provided, the respondent asked to

select the most appropriate answer. It is easy to fill out, takes

little time, keeps the respondent on the subject, is relatively

objective, and is fairly easy to tabulate and analyze.

2. Unstructured or open form. This type of questionnaire

primarily asks questions but no suggested answers are given

by the investigator. This type calls for a free response in the

respondent‘s own words.

Opinionnaire. Refers to the information form that attempts to measure

the attitude or belief of an individual.

Q Methodology. It is a technique for scaling objects or statements. It

is a method of ranking attitudes or judgments and is particularly

effective when the number of items to be ranked is large.

Sociometry. Refers to the technique for describing social relationships

that exist between individuals in a group. In an indirect way, it

attempts to describe attractions or repulsions between individuals by

asking them to indicate whom they would choose or reject in various


“Guess-who‖ Technique. This process consists of description of the

various roles played by children in a group. Children are asked to

name the individuals who fit certain verbal descriptions. Items of this

type yield interesting and significant peer judgments, and are useful in

the study of individual roles.

Social- Distance Scale. This device attempts to measure to what

degree an individual, or a group of individuals, is accepted or rejected

by another individual or group. Various scaled situations, with score

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value ranging from acceptance to rejection, are established. The

individual checks hi or her position by choosing one of the points on

the scale.

d. Psychological Tests and Inventories. It is an instrument designed to describe

and measure a sample of certain aspects of human behavior. Tests may be

used to compare the behavior of two or more persons at a particular time, or

one or more persons at different times. Psychological tests yield objective and

standardized descriptions of behavior, quantified by numerical scores.

e. Library Technique. This technique mainly used the source in the library for

both conceptual and research literature.

Qualities of Good Instrument

a. Validity. A test is valid to the extent that it measures what it claims to

measure. It is also the defensibility of the inferences researchers make from

the data collected through the use of an instrument.

Types of Validity

Content Validity. Shows how adequately the test samples the universe

of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that a student is expected to master.

Construct Validity. It is the degree to which scores on a test can be

accounted for by the explanatory constructs of a sound theory.

Concurrent Validity. It is the degree to which the test agrees with or

correlates with a criterion which is set up as an acceptable measure.

Predictive Validity. It is evaluated by relating the test to some actual

achievements of the student of which the test is supposed to predict his


b. Reliability. A test is reliable to the extent that it measures consistently, from

one time to another. Reliable tests, whatever they measure, yield comparable

scores upon repeated administration. A test may be reliable, even though it is

not valid. A valid test is always reliable.

c. Usability. Means the degree to which the measuring instrument can be

satisfactorily without undue expenditure of time, money, and effort.

d. Objectivity. A test should yield a clear score value for each performance, the

score being independent of the personal judgment of the scorer.

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Principles to Consider in Constructing Questionnaires

1. Define or qualify terms that could easily be misinterpreted.

2. Be careful in using descriptive adjectives and adverbs that have no agreed-

upon meaning.

3. Be careful of inadequate alternatives.

4. Beware of double negatives.

5. Avoid the double-barreled question.

6. Underline a word if you wish to indicate special emphasis.

7. When asking for ratings or comparisons a point of reference is necessary.

8. Avoid unwarranted assumptions.

9. Phrase questions so that they are appropriate for all respondents.

10. Design questions that will give a complete answer.

11. Provide for the systematic quantification of responses.

12. Consider the possibility of classifying the responses yourself, rather than

having the respondent choose categories.

G. Data Treatment and Analysis

Identifies the kind of data yielded by the study and presents the testing of the

hypotheses. The statistical tool and/or application that is to be used in the study

should be the appropriate one to use in the said study.

Statistical Tools

1. Measurement Scale

a. Nominal scale

In scaling the nominal variable, two or more different identifier can be

used. The most common identifier to use is that of ―1‖ and ―0‖. (e.g.

gender : 1 for male, 0 for female )

b. Ordinal Scale

Have the properties of a nominal scale except scores in an ordinal scale

can be compared which is greater or lesser. (E.g. socio-economic status,

conduct grade)

c. Interval Scale

Have all the properties of the Ordinal scale except measurements in

Interval Scale, the difference between two measures can be identified and

be interpreted. (e.g. Temperature, Scholastic grades )

d. Ratio Scale

Have all the properties of the interval scale except measures in the Ratio

Scale has an absolute zero-point, having a ―0‖ measure in Ratio Scale

means absence of that measure ( e.g. length, volume )

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2. Data Processing

Once the data has been gathered, the researcher should process the data into

quantitative and qualitative form. These forms are involved in data processing

to acquire precise analysis and interpretation of the data. Data Processing,

which involves 3 Mechanism output, is a means of converting information

either manually or by machine into forms for use in research analysis.

3 Basic Steps in Data Processing

1. Categorization of Data

Refers to the grouping of subjects under study according to the

objectives or purpose of the study

2. Coding of Data

After the categorization of the subjects, data are then encoded to

facilitate tabulation of data. The codes may be either numerical,

alphabetical or both.

3. Tabulation of Data

The raw data should be converted to arrive at a frequency

distribution table. This should facilitate in organizing the data in a

systematic order in a table or several tables.

3. Statistical Treatment

a. Descriptive Statistics. These are used to describe the data that have been

collected on research sample. The mean, median, and standard deviation

are the main descriptive statistics: They are used to indicate the average

score and the variability of scores for the sample. The advantage of

descriptive statistics is that they enable the researcher to use one or two

numbers (e.g., the mean and standard deviation) to represent all the

individual scores of subjects in the sample. The capability to reduce a

mass of ―raw data‖ to a few descriptive statistics greatly simplifies the task

of data interpretation.

Three Aspects of Descriptive Statistics

a.1 Frequency Distribution. It is any listing of a set of classes (test

scores, for instance) and the frequency of observations in that class

(number of students who made that score). The frequency distribution is a

first step in summarizing and describing data. It removes the names of the

subjects and provides a way of grouping the measurements. This can be

presented through histogram or bar graph, and frequency polygon or


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a.2 Measures of Central Tendency. Refers to a single number which will

be used in some definite way to indicate the central value of a group

observations or individuals where this central value represents all the

figures in a group of which it is a part. In other words, an average is a

measure of central tendency where a single central value can stand for the

entire group of figures as typical of all the values in the group.

Three Measures of Central Tendency

1. Mean. The mean is the most frequently used measure of

central tendency because it is subject to less error, it is

rigidly defined, and it is easily calculated. This is the best

measure of regular distribution because it is most reliable,

stable, least probable error, and is most generally

recognized measure of central tendency. However, it does

not supply information about the homogeneity of the group.

The more heterogeneous the set of observations or group of

individuals, the less satisfactory is the mean.

2. Median. The sum of absolute deviations about the median

is less than or equal to the sum of absolute deviations about

any other value. The median is the best measure of central

tendency when the distribution is irregular or skewed. It

may be located in an open-end distribution or when the data

are incomplete. However, the median necessitates

arranging of items according to size before it can be

computed. It has a larger probable error than the mean. It

does not lend itself to algebraic treatment. Also, It is

erratic if the data do not cluster at the center of the


3. Mode. The mode is entirely independent of the extreme

measures, its position is not stable, it is not contributed by

all the items in a series, and it may not always be well-

defined or possible to locate properly. However, the mode

is inapplicable to small number of cases when the values

may not be repeated. It is nor rigidly defined and is

inapplicable to irregular distribution.

a.3 Measures of Variability. This measures the spread or dispersion of

scores in a distribution.

Methods in Measuring the Variability

1. Range. It is the distance between the highest and the lowest

score. The range is a crude measure of variability in that one

extreme score could alter its size.

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2. Standard Deviation. It‘s a more stable measure of

variability. It is a summary of the distance of every score

from the mean. When the standard deviation is small, it

shows that the average distance between the scores and the

mean is small. When the standard deviation is large, it shows

that the average distance between every score and the mean

is large.

3. Correlation Coefficient. Correlational research has its own

descriptive statistic. It assesses the strength of a correlation

or the degree and direction of relation between two variables.

b. Inferential Statistics. These are used to make inferences from sample

statistics to the population parameters. This important because a whole

population is rarely studied but rather a sample or sample randomly drawn

from the population. Inferential statistics can be used to estimate the

probability that the observations made in one sample are also true for a

larger population, and to infer whether a pattern of observations was due

to a particular independent variable or whether it might well have been

due to chance alone.

Kinds of Inferential Statistics

b.1 Probability. This is a basic tool of inferential statistics. It is a

complex area that was developed so that researchers and mathematicians

can estimate reasonably and accurately the chances that a particular event

will occur.

b.2 Statistical Significance. This allows the researchers to determine

exactly how small the probability is that their results have come about by

chance. If computations of probability indicate that the outcome could

occur by chance only once in twenty times, the probability of that outcome

is 0.05.

c. Test Statistics. These are mathematical methods for describing and

analyzing the psychometric properties of tests and other instruments.

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V. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Results

This section discusses the results of the investigation with the corresponding

interpretations. Tables or charts may be used in the presentation to further

improve and simplify the analysis and interpretation of the results of the study.

Three Modes of Presenting Data

1. Textual. This mode embraces the discussion and analysis of data.

2. Tabular. This mode is used to present, through tables, the data of the study.

3. Graphic. This mode of presenting data, through graphs, charts, and other

devices, clarifies further in a more vivid fashion certain facts, trends, and

relationships in cases where tables can not show various shades of meanings.

Sorting and Tabulation of Data

Tabulation. It is the process of transferring data from the data-gathering

instrument to the tabular form in which they may be systematically examined.

Hand sorting, hand recording, and hand tabulation. In this method tabulations

are written on tabulation sheets. To save time and to ensure greater accuracy, it is

recommended that one person read the data while the other records them on the

tabulation sheet. Marks are best recorded by fence tallies, with a cross line for

every five tallies. In constructing tally form sheets it is important to provide

enough space to record the tallies in each category.

Careful planning is needed before the sorting and tabulation of data start. The

researcher should decide upon the categories that are to be established for analysis

before tabulating questionnaires or opinionnaires.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures do not serve merely as aids to a reader‘s understanding. They

serve an even more important purpose, namely, to help the researcher to see the

similarities and relationships of his data in bold relief, as places in rows and

columns according to some logical plan for classification.

Table. It is a systematic method of presenting statistical data in vertical columns

and horizontal rows, according to some classification of subject matter. Tables

enable the reader to comprehend and interpret masses of data rapidly, and to grasp

significant details and relationships at a glance.

Rules for Handling of Tables

1. Good tables are relatively simple, concentrating on a limited number of ideas.

It has been said that the mark of a good table is its effectiveness in conveying

ideas and relationships independently of the text of the report.

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2. If a table is large enough to occupy more than a half-page, it should be placed

on a page by itself, carefully centered for a balanced effect. If it is short,

occupying less than a half-page, it may be placed on the page with textual

material, preferably following as closely as possible the textual discussion that

related to it.

3. Text references should identify tables by number, rather than by such

expression as, ―The table above,‖ or ―the following table‖.

4. Tables should not exceed the page size of the manuscript.

5. The word Table is centered between the page margins and typed in capital

letters, followed by the table number in capital Roman numerals or in Arabic


6. Expressions such as ―table showing‖, ―distribution of‖, ―frequency of‖ should

be avoided because they are unnecessary.

7. The top of the table is placed three spaces below the last line of the title.

8. It should be mentioned in the title those numbers that are shortened by the

omission of zeros (in millions of pesos, in thousand of tens).

9. Numerical data are usually arranged in descending order of magnitude or

frequency, so that comparisons by position can be noted readily.

10. Decimal points should always be aligned in the column.

11. When footnotes are needed to explain items in the table, small Arabic letters

or typewriter symbols are used.

Figure. This is a device that presents statistical data in graphic form. Figures

include graphs, charts, drawings, diagrams, maps, photographs, blueprints, some

kinds of computer print-outs, and so forth.

Characteristics of Good Figures

1. The title should clearly describe the nature of the data presented.

2. Figures should be simple enough to convey a clear idea, and be

understandable without the aid of textual description.

3. Numerical data upon which the figure is based should be presented in an

accompanying table, if it is not included in the figure itself.

4. Data should be presented carefully and accurately, so that there will be no

oversimplification, misrepresentation, or distortion.

5. Figures that occupy more than a half-page should be placed on a separate


6. Figures should follow, never precede, the related textual discussion.

7. Figures are referred to by number, never as ―the figure above‖ or ―the figure


8. Figures are numbered with Arabic rather than Roman numerals.

9. The title of the figure is placed below rather than above it.

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Limitations and Sources of Error in the Analysis and Interpretation of Data

1. Confusing statements with facts.

2. Failure to recognize limitations.

3. Careless or incompetent tabulation.

4. Inappropriate statistical procedures.

5. Computational errors.

6. Faulty logic.

7. The researcher‘s unconscious bias.

8. Lack of imagination.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Interpretation. The process of interpretation is essentially one of stating what the

results (findings) show. What do they mean? What is their significance? What is

the answer to the original problem? This process calls for a critical examination

of the results of one‘s analysis in the light of his previous analyses concerning the

gathering of data.

Two Phases of Interpretation

1. Deductive phase. Involves the analysis of data (classification and tabulation

of data).

2. Inductive phase. Involves the synthesis of data (the formulation of

generalizations or principles that may substantiate or refute the hypothesis or


Analysis. It is a process which enters into research in one form or another from

the very beginning. This is concerned with four things:

1. One must analyze his research problem carefully to see what is necessary to

provide a solution to it.

2. One must see the factors that he chooses for study will satisfy the conditions

of the problem- a more detailed step than the first one.

3. One must examine his source of data carefully to see that the factors in which

he is interested will have an opportunity to demonstrate themselves.

4. One must examine the means which he expects to employ in gathering data,

to see that these means are capable of registering variations of appropriate

magnitude, simplicity (purity, or singleness), and at the same time complexity.

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Examples of Data Presentation

Frequency Distribution Table

Data in ordered array: 12, 13, 17, 21, 24, 24, 26, 27, 27, 30, 32, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44,

46, 53, 58




10 to 19

20 to 29

30 to 39

40 to 49

50 to 59
















Total 20 1 100

Cumulative Frequency Table

Data in ordered array: 12, 13, 17, 21, 24, 24, 26, 27, 27, 30, 32, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44,

46, 53, 58





10 to 19

20 to 29

30 to 39

40 to 49

50 to 59











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Bar Chart

Pie Chart

0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0


S a v i n g s

B o n d s

S t o c k s

S t o c k s

4 2 %

B o n d s

2 9 %


1 4 %

s a v i n g s

1 5 %

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Research Manual


VI. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


It gives an overview of the study starting from the statement of the

problem to the analysis of the investigation. It also presents a summary of

findings, which provides the answers to the problems raised in the

research study.


This gives the generalization drawn up from the findings. The conclusion

should be the adequate answer to the statement of the problem posed in

the beginning of the study. Conclusions must be brief, terse statements

that capsule the findings.


Recommendations must be based on the conclusions you conjured.

Appropriate measures are suggested to strengthen identified weaknesses,

eliminate or solve conflicts or introduce innovative ideas and practices.

Recommendations should be addressed to the specific sectors for

implementation. One might also recommend further related research to be


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Research Manual



Aquino, Gaudencio (1992). Fundamentals of Research. National Bookstore:

Mandaluyong City, Philippines.

Calmorin, Laurentina P. (1994). Educational Research and Measurement. National

Bookstore: Mandaluyong City, Philippines.

Dejillas, Leopoldo (2000). A handy Guide to Research for Higher Educational

Institutions. IDRS: Makati, Philippines.

Fraenkel, Jack and Wallen, Norman (1994). How to Design and Evaluate Research in

Education. McGraw-Hill Inc.: New York.

Mugo, Fridah W. (2000). ―Sampling in Research.‖

Neuman, W. Lawrence (1994). Social Research Methods. Allyn and Bacon Publishing:


Tan, Winecito and Castro Faith (2002). Statistical Report Writing Module, May 20 – 24,

2002. Quezon City: Statistical Research and Training Center: Qeuzon City,



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Research Manual


College of Business Administration & Accountancy THESIS OUTLINE

(Management, Economics, Financial Management, and Marketing)

Chapter 1 – The Problem and Its Background



Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation

Definition of Terms

Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature



Related Studies




Chapter 3 – Methodology of Research

Methods of Research

Source of Data

Respondents of the Study

Sample and Sampling Techniques

Research Instrument

Statistical Treatment of the Data

Chapter 4 – Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 5 – Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

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Summary of the Project

1.1 Name of the Firm

1.2 Location

1.2.1 Head Office

1.2.2 Plant Size

1.3 Brief description of the project

1.4 Project Summary

1.4.1 Market Feasibility

1.4.2 Technical Feasibility

1.4.3 Management Feasiblity

1.4.4 Financial Feasibility

1.4.5 Socio-Economic Impact

Introduction/ Background of the study

2.1 Brief Background of the study

2.2 Objectives of the study

2.3 Operational Definition of Terms

2.4 Scope and limitation of the study

Market Study

3.1 Objectives of the study

3.2 Methodology

3.3 Demand

3.3.1 Consumption for the past years

3.3.2 Major Consumers of the product/service

3.3.3 Projected demand

3.4 Supply

3.4.1 Supply for the past years ( imported and locally produced)

3.4.2 Projected Supply

3.5 Demand and supply analysis, demand/supply gap

3.6 Projected Sales / market share

3.7 Marketing strategies / programs\

3.7.1 Product Product Category Brand Packaging

3.7.2 Pricing

3.7.3 Place of Distribution

3.7.4 Promotions/ advertising

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Technical Study

4.1 Objectives of the study

4.2 Product/ service

4.2.1 Description of the product / service

4.2.2 Uses of the product / service

4.3 Manufacturing Process

4.3.1 Description of the process

4.3.2 Alternative process considered

4.4 Production Schedule

4.5 Machinery and equipment

4.6 Plant location, geographical location of competing companies

4.7 Plant size and layout

4.8 Raw materials and supplies

4.9 Utilities ( electricity, water, fuel, etc.)

4.10 Waste Disposal

4.11 Direct Labor requirements

Management Study

Objectives of the study

5.1 Form of business ownership

5.2 Capitalization

5.3 Organizational structure

5.4 Manpower requirements

5.5 Compensation

5.6 Organization policies

5.7 Legal requirements

Financial study

6.1 Objectives of the study

6.2 Total project cost – all items considered consumption made

6.3 Initial capital requirements – all items considered

6.4 Sources of financing

6.4.1 Sources selected or proposed for both long-term and short-term


6.4.2 Alternative sources

6.4.3 Amount and terms of financing

6.5 Financial statements

6.5.1 Assumptions

6.5.2 Projected income students

6.5.3 Projected cash flow statements

6.5.4 Projected balance sheet

6.6 Financial analysis

6.6.1 Ratios

6.6.2 Break-even point analysis

6.6.3 Capital recovery, and earnings showing the cash payoff period, rate

of return

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6.6.4 Sensitivity analysis – if possible


7.1 Contribution to the Philippine economy

7.2 Employment generation

7.3 Social desirability

7.4 Others

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THESIS OUTLINE (Computer Management)

Chapter I. Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study

1.5 Methodology

Chapter II. Review of Related Studies and Literature

2.1 Local studies/ Literature

2.2 Foreign Studies / Literature

Chapter III. Analysis of the Existing System

3.1 Flow of the Existing System

3.2 Examination of the Process

3.3 Comprehensive List of Problems

Chapter IV. Presentation of the Proposed System

4.1 Overview of the Proposed System

4.2 Benefits of the Proposed System

4.3 Flow of the Proposed System

Chapter V. Design Plan of the Proposed System

5.1 Enterprise Data Model

5.2 Normalized Database

5.3 Data Dictionary

5.4 Relational Database Model

Chapter VI. Summary and Recommendation

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Guide Notes for the Contents of the Document for CM Students’ Research System

Chapter I. Introduction

The introduction of the research project clarifies the relevance of pursuing the study.

Usually, a study persists after problems or opportunities have been identified.

1.1 Background of the Study

This part contains the setting of the study. It may present a brief history of the

environment but it must not be crowded with the whole story about the company.

The goal of this section is for readers to know the actual line of work concentration.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Whether written in statement form or in question form, the problems must make the

readers aware of the difficulties being encountered by affected personnel using the

present system.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This part outlines the researcher‘s planned solution to the problems identified in the

existing system.

1.4 Scope and Limitations of the Study

By setting the focus of the study, readers can get a better grip of the boundaries that

will be affected by the course of the study. It will also prohibit readers from asking its

impact on other areas.

1.5 Methodology

This part introduces and speaks for the people and materials used by the researcher.

For example, the sample of the survey used, the people interviewed, the libraries

where the researchers researched from, and the environments the researcher observed,

must be identified for the readers to be certain of the truthfulness of all the

information used in the study.

1.6 Significance of the Study

A discussion on the relevance of pursuing the study in relation to the organization, its

neighborhood, the society, and the general mass preserves the contributions that the

research can make to bring human life into a better state.

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Chapter II. Review of Related Studies and Literature

Studies about the same field of work of the same technology application must be cited.

This allows readers to support the technique used in solving the problem or the

researcher‘s improvement for the opportunity.

In discussing these studies, the researcher must summarize the problem or opportunity

that the writers have encountered, their solution or plan, and their conclusion. Lastly, the

researchers must define the relationship between these studies and the researcher‘s


2.1 Foreign/Local Literature

2.2 Foreign/Local Studies

Chapter III. Analysis of the Existing System

This part documents the in-depth dissection of the present system. It explains in detail the

current procedures, the user‘s position about these procedures based from their

experience, and the researcher‘s observation and findings as researchers.

3.1 Flow of the Existing System

With the aid of a Data Flow Diagram, this section acquaints the readers with the

processes involved I the system, the kind of information that the organization

keeps, and the people and departments that constitute the operation.

3.2 Examination of the Processes

To emphasize the drawbacks of the system, these situations are identified by

drawing data from the processes involved in the previous section. By explaining

these shortcomings while looking at the diagram (DFD), readers can understand

better the user‘s experience.

3.3 Comprehensive List of Problems This part integrates all the problems or areas of improvement in the organization.

It numbers the detailed occurrence of problems that were identified in the first

chapter of the research document.

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Chapter IV. Presentation of the Proposed System

The proposed system is brought up with a rationalization of the modified environment

that will be staged for the new system, the advantages that it promises, and the new flow

of procedures.

4.1 Overview of the Proposed System

Here is where the researchers state the controlling variables in the new system,

such as the technology or IT technique applied, the equipment needed, the

improvement in the personnel‘s skill(s), and its advantages.

The system software to be used and the language incorporated, the software

supports needed to run the application system, and the platform and operating

system to hold the system also needed to be discussed.

4.2 Flow of the Proposed System

How the new system has altered the flow of the current system controls this

section. The processes must be explained with the improvement that the new

system offers. The detailed explanation is important, especially for the situations

where all the old procedures still remain and what has been changed is only the

mode of operation.

4.3 Benefits of the Proposed System

This part expects that all the problems in the system could either have been solved

or minimized. All benefits must be numbered and they must have answered the

listed problems in Chapter 3.

Chapter V. Design Plan of the Proposed System

In this chapter, the specific detail of the proposed information system is defined. The

formation of data, the changes in the procedures, and the algorithm of the program are

clearly illustrated.

Data Layout

Using data diagrams such Entity-Relationship Diagram (ER-D), data dictionary,

normalization, and data definition; readers can have a view as to how information

will be stored and accessed in the new system.

Process Layout

The process layout may be best depicted with the specification of the Hierarchy of

Input, Process and Output (HIPO). This diagram can show the processes involved,

the data that must be supplied, and the information that can be produced.

Decision rules can also be included using diagrams and trees to supplicate the

principles needed in the system.

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Code Layout

This section presents the algorithm for the rules and processes included in the

research system.

Forms and users-view can also be displayed for readers to identify the data that

are needed for a certain process. Moreover, readers can also determine the reports

and information that the research system can produce.

5.1 Enterprise Data Model

This is a diagram which shows the relationship between the different critical

entities which are sources of information in the research system and the degree of

their association.

5.2 Normalized Database

Normalization is the process of decomposing relations into two or more relations

with fewer attributes. The normalized database is a table which details relations

that have been limited from anomalies through the normalization of its attributes

up to the nth (third would be reasonable) normal form. Repeating items, non-

repeating items, partial functional dependencies, and transitive dependencies are

all grouped to form a stable structure.

5.3 Data Dictionary

The normal form can also be interpreted as the data dictionary of the database.

The names represent the entities while the details spell out the characteristics

and/or data elements of the entities.

5.4 Relational Database Model

Associations may also be represented by the values that are contained in tables.

Relationships between the tables are exhibited using lines that connect one table

to another through a common field. The field will then be used to get details about

a particular table.

Chapter VI. Summary and Recommendation

This chapter closes the document with a brief summary of the study including the

problems found and the proposed solution. Most importantly, this section should

recommend to the readers the benefits of pursuing the proposal based on the researcher‘s


The summary part of this chapter is a concise report of the study. It repeats the

discussions on every chapter by reporting the gist of each.

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The conclusion part answers the problems that were brought up in the study. A good

conclusion construction guides the readers to remember the problems and how they were

solved by the research.

The recommendation part explains the relevance of implementing the study and suggests

future studies that may be done to continue man‘s desire for superior education.

Source : Notes prepared by Rizaldy R. Rapsing for CM research students.

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Research Manual


Testing and Evaluation Documentation of Researches on

Information Systems and Computer-Aided Instruction

Topic Outline

Basic Computer-Based Application Components

Menu Hierarchy


User Interface



Help Facilities

User’s Manual

Operation’s Manual

Testing and Evaluation


1.1 Identify Risks

1.1.1 Reliability

1.1.2 Product Complexity

1.1.3 User Interface

1.1.4 Security

1.1.5 System Control

1.1.6 Response Time

1.1.7 Auditing

1.1.8 Data Retention

1.1.9 Recovery

1.1.10 Installation

1.1.11 Fall-Back Policy

1.2 Develop Test Strategy

1.3 Develop a Test Plan

1.4 Execute Tests

1.5 Evaluate Findings

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Research Manual


Basic Computer-based Application Components

Research writers for CAI and IS need to explicitly explain the primary parts of their

application systems as these will be their basis in the testing and evaluation stage.

Menu Hierarchy

It‘s a common mistake for students to write a Visual Table of Contents (VTOC) or a

Hierarchy of Input Process Output (HIPO) starting with the words Main Menu followed

by the options that users see in the main form of an application. Although they may all

contain 80% similar items, the latter is still a representation of the Menu Hierarchy.


Functions measure the viability of an application system to the target users.

Writers must then be discreet in classifying them to clearly impart to the users that

the functions answer the problems and/or opportunities identified in the project.

User Interface

How the user communicates with the system starts to aware them about its

easiness of usage. In choosing the interface, the researchers must consider the

devices and forms where the user is already accustomed or where they can easily

be trained. For example, one who chose mouse and keyboard as interfaces may

say that a knowledge on using them gives users edge on accessing other

computerized systems available, while a POS implement or may say that it

reduces keystroke.

Accordingly, the objects that you‘ll put in your form needs proper explanation like

pressing enter key against clicking a button to trigger an event, or using a memo

object against a text object to display values.


Almost all applications use a database to control its information. Needless to say,

the database structure, the management utility, and its restrictions must be detailed

for the readers to easily grasp the strength of the database.

Questions like, How many tables are there?, What‘s the size of each record?, Why

did you choose that dbms (Access, DB2, ORACLE)?, and What‘s your back-up

strategy? must be distinctly answered.


The reports that a system provides gives the user an idea of the kind of help that it

can do for the users including the management. The complexity and variety of

reports will assure the usefulness of the system.

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Research Manual


Help Facilities

There are three kinds of Help Facility, Help Option, Common Help Facility, and

Context-Sensitive Help. Writers may provide one, two or all the kinds depends on

the systems‘ formats, specification and user‘s sophistication.

User’s Manual

This is the user‘s guide in accessing the system. It details the daily procedural

routines and is usually supported with the actual screens to see in each function.

Operation’s Manual

This represents the more detailed guide in running the system. For example, the

procedures to recover a crashed data or to secure information and functions should

be contained in this document.

Testing and Evaluation


Identify Risks

Risks identify the sensibility of the system. Controlling the risks assure that the

system has certified its stability.

Items that need to be considered here include: Reliability, Product Complexity,

User Interface, Security, System Control, Response Time, Auditing, Data

Retention, Recovery, Installation, and Fall-Back Policy.

Develop Test Strategy

System Developers must organize a means to test the details of the code in the

system and the functions at the same time.

Develop a Test Plan

How the tests will be implemented to assure that all modules of the system have

been covered should be properly timed. Bottom-up and top-down approaches may

be used as guides for this plan.

Execute Tests

Executing the tests sometimes need manning and support from different areas of

the actual market. Strategically choosing the places of test must be carefully


Evaluate Findings

These answer whether the researchers have achieved their goal or not. The details

of the findings will inform the researchers of the weaknesses and strengths of the


Source: Notes prepared by Mr. Bartolome T. Tanguilig III for CM research students.

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Research Manual


College of Liberal Arts & Sciences THESIS OUTLINE

(Political Science & Philosophy)

Chapter I. The Problem and its Background

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Hypothesis

1.4 Significance of the Study

1.5 Definition of Terms

1.6 Scope and Limitation

1.7 Framework of the study

Chapter II. Review of Related Literature

2.1 Local

2.2 Foreign

Chapter III. Methodology of the Study

3.1 Research Method

3.2 Research Locale

3.3 Samples and Sampling Technique

3.4 Data Gathering Procedure

3.5 Instrumentation

3.6 Statistical Treatment

Chapter IV. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Chapter V. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

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Research Manual




Chapter I. The Problem and Its Background

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Significance of the Study

1.4 Theoretical Framework

1.5 Conceptual Framework

1.6 Hypothesis

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

1.8 Definition of Terms

Chapter II. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Chapter III. Research Methodology 3.1 Research Design

3.2 Population and Sampling Techniques

3.3 Research Instrument

3.4 Data Gathering Procedure

3.5 Statistical Treatment of Data

Chapter IV. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Chapter V. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

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Research Manual


THESIS OUTLINE (Communication Arts)

Chapter I

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Research Problem and Objectives

1.3 Significance of the Study

1.4 Scope and Limitation

1.5 Endnotes

Chapter II

2.1 Review of Related Literature

2.2 Study Frameworks

2.3 Definition of Terms

2.4 Endnotes

Chapter III.

3.1 Methodology of the study

3.2 Research Design

3.3 Research Coverage

3.4 Data Collection Method

3.5 Data Collection Procedure

3.6 Sampling Design

Chapter IV

4.1 Results and Discussions

4.2 Endnotes

Chapter V

5.1 Summary of Findings

5.2 Conclusions

5.3 Implications

5.4 Recommendations

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Research Manual


College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA)

Duties and Responsibilities of the Thesis Adviser

Thesis advising formally commences when the faculty member, assigned by the

area chair as thesis adviser, accepts the assignment by signing the appointment paper.

(Form 1rm)

Specifically, the adviser is expected to perform the following duties and


1. Sets the direction in thesis writing.

2. Checks in the format.

3. Suggests research methodologies.

4. Sets a timetable to be followed to facilitate punctual completion of the thesis.

5. Comments on the content of the drafts submitted by the students.

6. Informs the Chair in the events she/he recommends a major change in the thesis

topic, methodology, sampling, etc.

7. Give the advisee the go signal to apply for thesis defense if all the requirements

have been fulfilled.

8. Signs the completion form (Form 4rm) to confirm that the student has completed

the thesis and is ready for defense.

9. Informs the Chair of the delinquent advisee/s for proper action.

10. Signs a release form (Form 5rm) and inform the Chair in the event that he/she is

unable to continue his/her advising function.

11. Submits a bound final copy to the area chair together with the consultation record

(Form 2rm) and progress report (Form 3rm).

Duties and Responsibilities of the Thesis Advisee

As partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree, CBAA students are

required to write a thesis related to their specialization.

Specifically, he/she is expected to fulfill the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Strictly follow the consultation schedules set and agreed by the advisee and the

adviser. Likewise, they must fulfill all requirements set forth by the Area Chair.

The Chair reserves the direction to deny the advisee to present the study for oral

defense, when the latter intentionally violates departmental requirements attached

to thesis writing. The adviser may also exercise his/her direction in releasing a

delinquent advisee.

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Research Manual


2. Reminds her/his adviser to thesis meetings and consultations. It is not the duty of

the advisee to run after the adviser.

3. Follows the deadlines/appointments set by the adviser and/or Chair of the


4. Notifies the Area Chair regarding the change of thesis adviser.