resarcher: payam zamiry master:dr shahin far 1. section1 : definition section2 :the enterance zone...

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resarcher: Payam zamiryMaster:dr shahin far


Section1:definitionSection2:the enterance zone

Section3:inside a sea cave

Section4:life in a sea cave

Section5:famous sea cave


sea caves usually exist allچکیدهover the world and more important part of their focuscan be found coastal cliffsspecially locales that always are forced by waves oceans and lakes waves.sea vcaves usually come to existance when sea waves hit the weak parts pf stones and couse erosion.

sea caves include some features: enterancezone.inside a sea cave .life in sea cave .and famous sea caves


sea cave

DEFINITION:Sea caves are formed by the power of the ocean (or in some cases, lakes)

attacking zones of weakness in coastal cliffs. The weak zone is usually a fault, or fractured zone formed during slippage. Another type of weak zone is formed where dissimilar types of rocks are interbedded and one is weaker than the other. Typically this is a dike, or intrusive vein of more easily eroded rock found within a stronger host rock. Yet a third instance is in sedimentary rocks where a layer of softer rock is interbedded between harder layers.


sea caveThe cave may begin as a very narrow crack into which waves can

penetrate and exert tremendous force, cracking the rock from within by both the weight of the water and by compression of air. Sand and rock carried by waves produce additional erosive power on the cave's walls.

Sea caves rarely have formations like solution caves or lava tubes, so we're just devoting one page to them here in The Virtual Cave. Occasionally some flowstone or small stalagmites are seen, formed much as in solution caves. Typically these occur in caves formed in sandstone or basalt.

Sea caves are found all over the world, and may be one of the most numerous type of caves. Areas known for large concentrations of sea caves include the Pacific coast states of the USA (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California, and especially, California's Channel Islands); the Na Pali coast of Kauai; the Greek Isles; the British Isles, and many other places with good solid rock to host the caves. These rocky coastal regions with their rugged cliffs are among the world's most scenic locales.


The Entrance Zone

Sea caves may be explored in several ways: with kayaks or other small boats; by swimming in; or in some caves, by wading or walking if the cave empties out at low tide. When entering a cave where the surf is active, it's best to wear a helmet and study conditions carefully before entering. Remember that the power of waves and swell will be amplified in the cave interior!



Inside a Sea Cave

Inside, a sea cave may be dry or

wet, depending on the tide,

time of year, or the locale.

On the left is a long cave

formed along a fault, visible

along the sloping wall on the

right. The white material on

the walls is calcite, deposited

by water percolating through

the rock.

On the right is a sea cave

floored with just sand,

having emptied out

temporarily at low tide.

Colorful marine algaes adorn

the ceiling.


Life in a Sea CaveSea caves may abound with

life, both on their walls and floors.

Besides the kind of critters seen in normal tidepools, such as anemones, starfish, and sponges, sea caves with dark zones may harbor organisms not commonly seen in shallow water.

In California, the Giant Anemone is normally green because of an algae that lives inside of it; but in sea caves with dark zones, like the one lower left, these anemones may be white because the green algae doesn't get enough sunlight to grow.


Life in a Sea CaveGooseneck barnacles

(right) are common

on sea cave walls in

the intertidal zone.

In seacaves with

deep water, sharks

like this small

leopard shark may

be found.


Famous Sea Caves

Probabe the world's two most Famous sea caves are the Blue Grotto on the Italian island of Capri (left), and Fingal's Cave on the British island of Staffa (formed in

columnar basalt). While spacious inside, they are only moderate in length, neither of them exceeding 250 feet from end to end.


Base on geomorphology science whole earth is include three parts:

گیری نتیجه

•Seas and oceans geomorphology•Lands geomorphology•Coastal cliffs geomorphology

we mentioned before sea caves come to existance by force of waves and also the ground and the type of stones.


fore example a caves composing in lime stones are less wide spread to other stones.mostly;the force that changes earth’s skin are two typer :

force such as weathering and erosion and against them the forces that compose skin

like volcans activites and mountains


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