renan carneiro the inca empire

Intermediate 3 Student: Renan Carneiro Teacher: Max

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Intermediate 3

Student: Renan Carneiro

Teacher: Max

• 4,000 – 1,800 BC - Pre ceramic period (nomades, hunters);

• 1,800 - 900 BC - Early ceramic period ;

• 900 -200 BC - Initial Horizon-unification of settlements – Chavin Civilization;

• 200 BC - 700 AC - 1st intermediate period - Regionalism – States – Moche Culture;

• 700 – 1,000 AC-Horizon Middle – urban civilizations, unification - Huari Culture;

• 1,000 - 1,450 - 2nd intermediate period – political fractionation – Chimu culture;

• 1,450 – 1,533 - Late Horizon – unification – Tawantisuyu( Inka Empire)

• 1,572 - Death of the last Inca descendant

• It wasn't completely unveiled

• Limited archaeological data

• The Incas didn't have writing

• Is proven historically from the 9th Emperor Pachacutic in 1438

Cuzco (Qusqu)

• 1,200 – trible pastoral – settled in Cuzco

• Unification of tribes scattered

• Consolidated and strengthened the state

• Leadership

• 1st Inca

• Expulsion of enemy population

• System of reciprocity

• Son: Sinchi Roca

• Pachacuti Cusi Yupanqui: 1438 – 1471

• Empire grew, reinforced power

• Enlarging of Cuzco

• The state was sovereign - controlled the life

• Extended the frontiers: from Ecuador until Chile

• Combined taxes with productions and distributions

• Ordered to build Machu Picchu

•Mosaic of languages, culture and people •Lots of rebellions •1526 Spanish arrived in the land Incas •1527 Dispute for the throne : Huascar and Atahualpa •Civil war •The variola and other diseases killed more than guns. •1533 Atahualpa was sentenced to death •Vilcabamba was the last refuge •1572 Tupac Amaru was dead •Was the end to Inca Empire

• Was based on agriculture

• Subsistence harvest

• Have to pay taxes

• Storage for dry period

• Don’t have currency

• All adult men had to work: for him and the government

• Inca - ruled, ordered to build cities, celebrate marriages, etc

• Council of nobles and priests – Royal family

•Father and Monther - advice and punishments

•Education was the exclusive elite

•Different education for men and women

• 13-19 - education in schools - Yacha Huaci

• Teachers - amautas

• History, astronomy, concerns a supreme god, performed activities such as wrestling, weapons manufacturing and sandals.

• Graduation - pierced ear, received earrings, were part of the elite

• 10 years - selection - sent to Cusco

• Taught by older women to cook and weave

• Virgins of the sun and wives of the Incas

• Polytheistic

• Very religious

• Gods were forces of nature

• Made sacrifices as offerings

• Huacas - embodied spirits

• Stars - heavenly guardians

• Eache animal had your constelation

• Hanan Pacha - celestial universe

• Kay Pacha - where men lived

• Uku Pacha - strange land - ancestors

• Huira - connects all worlds

• Viracocha

• Mama Cocha

• Inti

• Mama Quilla

• Pacha Mama

• Apu Illampu

• Mama Sara

• Language: quéchua

• Don't have writing

• Today is spoken by 10 million people

• Quipu - used for communication, accounting record

• Official parties - religious part and official part, after had fun

• Dance, singing and theater (comedy and tragedy about the life of the Inca)

• Cusco had 158 party per year.

• Ritual Cha’lla - thank a god

• Corpachada – Pachamama

• Copac Raymi – Sun God

• Inti Raymi – Sun God – more important

• Coya Raymi - Moon God

• Music – drums and bamboo flutes

• Ceramic - polychrome technique

• God and silver

• Textile Crafts - life colors

• Surgery - removing broken bones, pieces of metal

• Tumi – Tool

• Animals and plants to cure diseases

• Realize trepanation

• Mummification

• Cranial deformation

• Roads, cities, warehouses, forts, temples and sanctuaries

• Buildings -->square

• Religious buildings --> circular and without mortar (stone on stone)

• Resistant to earthquakes

• 4000 Km of roads