remote sensing of soil moisture: implications for groundwater recharge


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Page 1: Remote sensing of soil moisture: implications for groundwater recharge

Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:40–51 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0168-2

Abstract Remote sensing provides information on theland surface. Therefore, linkages must be established ifthese data are to be used in groundwater and rechargeanalyses. Keys to this process are the use of remote sens-ing techniques that provide information on soil moistureand water-balance models that tie these observations tothe recharge. Microwave remote sensing techniques areused to map the spatial domain of surface soil moistureand to monitor its temporal dynamics, information thatcannot be measured using other techniques. The physicalbasis of this approach is presented with examples of howmicrowave remote sensing is utilized in groundwater re-charge and related studies.

Résumé La télédétection fournit des informations sur lasurface du sol. C’est pourquoi des liens doivent être éta-blis lorsque ces données sont utilisées dans l’étude deseaux souterraines et de leur recharge. Les clés de cettedémarche sont l’utilisation des techniques de télédétec-tion qui informent sur l’humidité du sol et les modèlesde bilan hydrologique qui associent ces observations à larecharge. Les techniques de télédétection dans le domai-ne des micro-ondes sont mises en œuvre pour cartogra-phier l’humidité du sol en surface dans l’espace et poursuivre sa dynamique dans le temps, informations qui nepeuvent pas être obtenues par d’autres techniques. La ba-se physique de cette approche est présentée avec des ex-emples d’utilisation de la télédétection micro-onde pourla recharge de nappes et dans les études associées.

Resumen La teledetección proporciona información dela superficie terrestre. Por ello, se debe establecer víncu-los si se pretende utilizar dichos datos para análisis deaguas subterráneas y recarga. Son factores clave en este

proceso el uso de técnicas de teledetección para recogerinformación sobre la humedad del suelo y los modelosde balance de agua que ligan estas observaciones con larecarga. Las técnicas de teledetección por microondas seemplean con el fin de cartografiar el dominio espacial dela humedad superficial del suelo y controlar su dinámicatemporal, cosa que no se puede lograr con otros medios.Se presenta el fundamento físico de este enfoque me-diante ejemplos de cómo la teledetección por microon-das es aplicada en estudios de recarga y trabajos relacio-nados.

Keywords Groundwater recharge · Remote sensing ·Soil moisture


Quantitative information on groundwater recharge ratesis important in planning and managing use and maintain-ing the quality of groundwater supplies (Bouwer 1989).Recharge can be determined at a point given an adequaterepresentation of the soil column’s physical characteris-tics and the forcing variables. However, like most hydro-logic processes, it becomes problematic to perform ana-lyses over large regions. Principal techniques for esti-mating recharge include monitoring the water balance,modeling, and tracers. In modeling or point-scale moni-toring of the water balance, an estimate of the downwardflux (recharge) to the water table is made.

In modeling approaches, it is usually difficult to de-scribe the soil system a priori. Providing an accurate es-timate of evapotranspiration (ET) for modeling and wa-ter-balance studies is also a problem. As noted byBouwer (1989), the greatest need for information on re-charge is in arid and semiarid regions, where ET is usu-ally a significant component of the water-balance equa-tion.

Remote sensing has the general advantage of provid-ing a spatially distributed measurement on a temporalbasis. However, remote sensing only observes the sur-face of the Earth. Therefore, a link must be establishedbetween the surface observation and the subsurface(groundwater) phenomena.

Photography and visible and near-infrared satelliteobservations are widely used in groundwater exploration

Received: 15 December 2000 / Accepted: 30 June 2001Published online: 12 January 2002

© Springer-Verlag 2002

T.J. Jackson (✉ )USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, 104 Bldg. 007 BARC-West, Beltsville, Maryland 20705, USAe-mail: [email protected]: +1-301-504-8931

Remote sensing of soil moisture: implications for groundwater rechargeThomas J. Jackson

Page 2: Remote sensing of soil moisture: implications for groundwater recharge


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:40–51 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0168-2

(Waters et al. 1990; Engman and Gurney 1991; Meijerink 2000). Physical features of the landscape suchas lineaments are detected in these images, and theseprovide valuable information for groundwater investiga-tions.

An alternative approach is microwave remote sensing.At these lower microwave frequencies (<20 GHz), a lay-er of soil contributes to the microwave sensor measure-ment and, most importantly, it is the water content of thiscontributing thickness that determines the magnitude ofthe microwave signal. The contributing thickness issmall, typically several centimeters, except under somerather specific conditions that are described in a latersection. Therefore, for these data to be of value in as-sessing groundwater recharge, a relationship must be es-tablished between the surface and the soil moisture pro-file.

In this paper, the basic principles of microwave re-mote sensing of surface and soil profile moisture are pre-sented. Included is a review of techniques that have beendeveloped and demonstrated for (1) estimating the soilmoisture profile from surface observations (with andwithout models), (2) measuring of the depth to shallowwater tables, and (3) inferring hydraulic characteristicsof the soil profile from surface observations. The use ofmicrowave remote sensing as a groundwater explorationtechnique is also presented.

Traditional Applications of Remote Sensing in Groundwater Hydrology

Reviews of applications of remote sensing in groundwa-ter hydrology are presented in Farnsworth et al. (1984),Waters et al. (1990), Engman and Gurney (1991), andMeijerink (2000). All of these reviews note that remotesensing has been widely used as a tool, mostly to com-plement standard geophysical techniques. Meijerink(2000) suggests two roles for remote sensing: (1) con-ceptualizing the hydrogeology in order to develop amodel, and (2) defining the upper boundary condition inwater-balance computations.

The first role, conceptualizing the hydrogeology, hasbeen the traditional role of remote sensing and is widelyapplied. Aquifer features can be observed in satellite andaircraft images. These features include landforms, drain-age patterns and textures, vegetation cover, and linea-ments. Waters et al. (1990) categorize these features intotwo groups, linear features and thematic mapping.

Meijerink (2000) recognizes the value of remote sens-ing in recharge studies and suggests that this techniquecan provide both qualitative and quantitative informa-tion. Using conventional assessment and modeling tech-niques, the overall recharge of an aquifer can be quanti-fied. Meijerink (2000) proposes that remote sensingcould be used to improve on this average recharge by re-fining the spatial pattern of the recharge. Observations ofthe physiography and vegetation, which are readily de-tected using imagery, can aid in this process.

Vegetation patterns in a particular environment canprovide an indicator of recharge. In semiarid and arid en-vironments, it can be inferred that vegetation suggeststhe presence of soil moisture, some of which may con-tribute to recharge (Finch 1990). Meijerink (2000) sug-gests that the accuracy of more quantitative methods islimited by the description of the spatial system (horizon-tal and vertical), the soil hydraulic properties, the vegeta-tion root network, and the adequacy of the forcing-vari-able observations needed for modeling.

Microwave Remote Sensing of Surface Soil Moisture

Microwave remote sensing provides a direct measure-ment of the surface soil moisture for a range of vegeta-tion cover conditions within reasonable error bounds.Two basic approaches are used, passive and active. Inpassive methods, the natural thermal emission of theland surface (or brightness temperature) is measured atmicrowave wavelengths, using very sensitive detectors.In active methods or radar, a microwave pulse is sent andreceived. The power of the received signal is comparedto that which was sent to determine the backscatteringcoefficient.

The microwave region of the electromagnetic spec-trum consists of frequencies of 0.3–30 GHz. This regionis subdivided into bands, which are often referred to by alettering system. Some of the relevant bands that areused in Earth remote sensing are: K (18–27 GHz), X(8–12 GHz), C (4–8 GHz), and L (1–2 GHz). Withinthese bands, only small ranges exist that are protectedfor scientific applications, such as radioastronomy andpassive sensing of the Earth’s surface.

A general advantage of microwave sensors (in con-trast to visible and infrared) is that observations can bemade through cloud cover, because the atmosphere isnearly transparent, particularly at frequencies <10 GHz.In addition, these measurements are not dependent onsolar illumination and can be made at any time of theday or night. Instruments can be mounted on trucks, air-craft, and spacecraft for repetitive large-area observa-tions.

Microwave sensors operating at very low microwavefrequencies (<6 GHz) provide the best soil moisture in-formation. At low frequencies, attenuation and scatteringproblems associated with the atmosphere and vegetationare less significant, the instruments respond to a deepersoil layer, and a higher sensitivity to soil water content ispresent.

Reflectivity and Soil MoistureActive and passive sensors provide different types ofmeasurements, which are determined by various physicalphenomena. However, both types of sensors provide in-formation on the surface reflectivity. The essential rela-tionship needed to utilize microwave remote sensing is alink between reflectivity and soil moisture.

Page 3: Remote sensing of soil moisture: implications for groundwater recharge

Assuming that the Earth is a plane surface with sur-face geometric variations and volume discontinuitiesmuch less than the wavelength, only refraction and ab-sorption of the media need to be considered. This situa-tion permits the use of the Fresnel reflection equations asa model of the system (Ulaby et al. 1986). These equa-tions predict the surface reflectivity as a function of di-electric constant and the viewing angle, based on the polarization of the sensor (horizontal or vertical). The Fresnel equations apply when the two media at the inter-face each have uniform dielectric properties.

From the reflectivity, the dielectric constant of thesoil can be estimated. The dielectric constant of soil is acomposite of the values of its components: air, soil, andwater. Although the dielectric constant is a complexnumber, for soil mixtures the imaginary part is small andcan be ignored for computational purposes without intro-ducing significant error. Values of the real part of the di-electric constant for air and dry soil particles are 1 and 5,respectively. Therefore, a very dry soil has a dielectricconstant of about 3. Water has a value of about 80 at lowfrequencies. The basic reason microwave remote sensingis capable of providing soil moisture information is thislarge difference between the dielectric constants of waterand the other components. Because the dielectric con-stant is a volume property, the volumetric fraction ofeach component is involved in the computation of themixture dielectric constant. The computation of the mix-ture dielectric constant (soil, air, and water) has been thesubject of several studies, and different theories exist asto the exact form of the mixing equation (Schmugge1980; Dobson et al. 1985).

The dielectric constant of water referred to above isthat of free water, in which the molecules are able to ro-tate and align with an electrical field. However, not allthe water in soil satisfies this condition. Schmugge(1980) suggests that some water in the soil has differentproperties. He proposes that for a given soil these prop-erties could be estimated using soil texture in much thesame way that pedo-transfer functions are used to esti-mate 15-bar and 0.33-bar water contents based on tex-ture (Rawls et al. 1993). Schmugge proposes that the ini-tial water added to dry soil below a “transition” watercontent is held more tightly by the soil particles and hasthe dielectric properties of frozen water (~3).

Based upon the discussion above, four componentsmust be considered in computing the dielectric constantof soil: air, soil particles, bound water, and free water.Thus, in order to interpret the data correctly, someknowledge of the soil texture is needed. Dielectric mix-ing models for soils are presented by Wang andSchmugge (1980), Dobson et al. (1985), and Hallikainenet al. (1985). Based on an estimate of the mixture dielec-tric constant derived from the Fresnel equations and soiltexture, volumetric soil moisture can be estimated usingan inversion of the model.

Various theories describe the reflection resultingfrom a soil profile with uniform or varying properties(Njoku and Kong 1977). The computations involve a

nonlinear weighting that decays with depth. Some mod-eling studies suggest that this dominant depth is onetenth the wavelength (Wilheit 1978). Field experiments(Jackson and Schmugge 1989; Owe and van de Griend1998) suggest that the contributing depth is about onequarter the wavelength (based on a wavelength range of2–21 cm).

Passive Microwave TechniquesPassive microwave remote sensing utilizes radiometersthat measure the natural thermal radio emission within anarrow band centered around a particular frequency. Themeasurement provided is the brightness temperature indegrees Kelvin, TB, which includes contributions fromthe atmosphere, reflected sky radiation, and the land sur-face. Atmospheric contributions are negligible at fre-quencies <10 GHz, and the following section assumesthis to be the case. Galactic and cosmic radiation con-tribute to sky radiation and have a known value that var-ies very little in the frequency range used for observa-tions of soil water content (Tsky ~4 K). The brightnesstemperature of a surface is equal to its emissivity (e)multiplied by its physical temperature (T). The emissivi-ty is equal to 1 minus the reflectivity, which provides thelink to the Fresnel equations and soil moisture for pas-sive microwave remote sensing.

Based upon the above and neglecting atmosphericcontributions, the equation for TB is


The second term of Eq. (1) is about 2 K. A typical rangeof response for a soil is 60 K; therefore, the reflected skycontribution can be dropped for computational purposes.Equation (1) can be rearranged as follows:


If the physical temperature is estimated independently,the emissivity can be determined from TB. The physicaltemperature can be estimated using surrogates based onsatellite surface temperature, air-temperature observa-tions, or forecast model predictions.

For natural conditions, varying degrees of vegetationtype and density are likely to be encountered. The pres-ence of vegetation has a major impact on the microwavemeasurement. Vegetation reduces the sensitivity of theretrieval algorithm to changes in soil water content by at-tenuating the soil signal and by adding a microwaveemission of its own to the microwave measurement. Thisattenuation increases with increasing microwave fre-quency, which is another important reason for using low-er frequencies. Attenuation is characterized by the optical depth of the vegetation canopy. Jackson andSchmugge (1991) present a method for estimating opti-cal depth that utilizes information on the vegetation type(typically derived from land cover) and vegetation watercontent, which is estimated using visible/near-infraredremote sensing.


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:40–51 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0168-2

Page 4: Remote sensing of soil moisture: implications for groundwater recharge

Available Microwave Remote Sensing SystemsAircraft platformsAircraft-based microwave instruments are especiallyuseful in studies requiring the mapping of large areas. Inmost cases, they offer better spatial resolution (as low asseveral meters) than satellite systems, as well as morecontrol over the frequency and timing of coverage.

A challenge facing passive microwave remote sensingfrom space has been spatial resolution. For a given an-tenna size, the footprint size increases as frequency de-creases and altitude increases. Most of the recent soilmoisture studies have considered this issue and have uti-lized the electronically scanned thinned array radiometer(ESTAR) (Le Vine et al. 1994).

ESTAR is an L-band H-polarized passive microwaveinstrument that provides image products. It also is a pro-totype for a new type of sensor system that uses synthet-ic aperture antenna technology to solve the high-altitudespatial resolution problem described earlier.

Several active microwave aircraft systems are in oper-ation. One of the most widely used for studies related tosoil moisture is the AIRSAR, operated by NASA JetPropulsion Laboratory (Dubois et al. 1995). The AIRSARflies on a DC-8 aircraft and provides multipolarizationdata at frequencies of 5.2, 1.2, and 0.4 GHz (C, L, and P-band). It is very efficient for mapping large areas andprovides exceptional spatial resolution, on the order ofseveral meters.

Satellite systemsSatellite-based sensors offer the advantages of large-areamapping and long-term repetitive coverage. Revisit timeis a critical problem in studies involving rapidly chang-ing conditions, such as the water content of surface soils.With very wide swaths, twice daily coverage can be ob-tained with a polar orbiting satellite. For most satellites,especially if constant or narrow ranges of the viewingangle are important, the revisit time is much longer. Op-timizing the time and frequency of coverage is a criticalproblem for studies of soil water content.

Currently, all passive microwave sensors on satelliteplatforms operate at high frequencies (>6 GHz). Of par-ticular note is the Special Satellite Microwave/Imager(SSM/I) package on the Defense Meteorological SatellitePlatforms (Hollinger et al. 1990). These satellites havebeen in operation since 1987 and provide high frequen-cies and two polarizations (see Table 1). Interpreting da-ta from the SSM/I to extract surface information requiresaccounting for atmospheric effects on the measurement.When one considers the atmospheric correction, the sig-nificance of vegetation attenuation, and the shallow con-tributing depth of soil for these high frequencies, it be-comes apparent that the data are of limited value for esti-mating soil water content. However, data from theSSM/I can be used under some circumstances, such as inarid and semiarid areas with low amounts of vegetation.Spatial resolution of the SSM/I is very coarse, as shownin Table 1. The SSM/I utilizes conical scanning, which


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:40–51 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0168-2

After performing the vegetation correction, one canobtain an estimate of the emissivity of the soil surface,which includes the effects of surface roughness. Theseeffects must also be removed in order to determine theequivalent smooth-surface soil emissivity, which is re-quired for the Fresnel equation inversion. A commonlyused approach for this roughness correction is a parame-terization presented in Choudhury et al. (1979). Thistechnique uses information on surface roughness that istypically described by the standard deviation of the sur-face heights.

Active Microwave MethodsActive microwave sensors or radars measure the sent andreceived power to yield a variable called the backscatter-ing coefficient (σo). The backscattering coefficient is re-lated to the surface reflectivity (Ulaby et al. 1986). Asdescribed previously, the reflectivity is then used to de-termine surface soil moisture. For active techniques, thelink between the measurement of the backscattering co-efficient and the surface reflectivity is more complexthan for passive methods. The geometric properties ofthe soil surface and vegetation have a greater effect onthese measurements and simple correction proceduresare difficult to develop.

The signals sent and received by a radar are usuallylinearly polarized, either horizontal (H) or vertical (V).Possible combinations are HH, VV, HV, and VH. Ad-vanced multipolarization systems can make all of thesemeasurements simultaneously.

For bare soils, all models that relate the backscatter-ing coefficient to soil moisture require at least two soilparameters, the dielectric constant and the surface heightstandard deviation. This means that in order to invertthese models, the surface height standard deviation mustbe accurately estimated.

For a given sensor configuration of frequency andviewing angle, different results are obtained at differentpolarizations. Therefore, most approaches to determiningsoil moisture with active microwave methods utilize dualpolarization measurements. With two independent mea-surements of two dependent variables, both the dielectricconstant and the surface height standard deviation can besolved for. Algorithms incorporating this approach forbare soils are presented in Oh et al. (1992), Dubois et al.(1995), and Shi et al. (1995). A robust approach to ac-count for vegetation has not yet been developed and vali-dated.

Active microwave sensors on aircraft and spacecrafttypically employ synthetic aperture radar (SAR), whichutilizes the motion of the platform to synthesize largerantennas. Exceptional spatial resolutions with footprintsof about 20 m can be achieved from satellite altitudes.

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Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:40–51 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0168-2

provides measurements at the same viewing angle at allbeam positions on a swath. This approach makes data in-terpretation more straightforward and simplifies imagecomparisons. As many as four SSM/I satellites are in op-eration at any given period. Therefore, frequent and evenmultiple daily passes are typical for most regions of theEarth. Data from the SSM/I are publicly available.

Another option is the Tropical Rainfall MeasurementMission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) on theTRMM satellite (Kummerow et al. 1998). It is a five-channel, dual-polarized, passive microwave radiometerwith a constant viewing angle of 53°. The lowest TMIfrequency is 10 GHz (see Table 1), about half that of theSSM/I. The TMI has a higher spatial resolution as com-pared to the SSM/I. TRMM only provides coverage ofthe tropics, which includes latitudes between 40°N and40°S for the TMI instrument. However, a unique capa-bility of the TMI is its ability to collect data daily, and inmany cases more often, within some latitude ranges.This capability could facilitate multitemporal and diurnalanalyses. Data from the TMI are publicly available.

At the present time, the Indian Space Research Orga-nization is operating a satellite called Oceansat-1(Sharma 2000). This satellite includes an instrumentcalled the Multifrequency Scanning Microwave Radiom-eter (MSMR), which has a 6.6 GHz channel (see Ta-ble 1). Although this low frequency is an advantage forsoil moisture, the very large footprint (>100 km) is a sig-nificant problem.

The most recent options are the Advanced MicrowaveScanning Radiometer (AMSR) satellite systems that in-

clude a 6.9 GHz channel with 60-km spatial resolution(see Table 1). AMSR holds great promise for estimatingsoil water content in sparsely vegetated regions and isthe best possibility in the near term for mapping soil wa-ter. Based on published results and supporting theory(Wang 1985; Choudhury and Golus 1988; Owe et al.1992; Ahmed 1995; Njoku and Li 1999; Koike et al.2000), this instrument should be able to provide informa-tion about soil water content in regions of low vegetationcover, less than 1 kg/m2 vegetation water content. NASAand Japan each plan to launch one of these instrumentsin 2002.

A system called the Scanning Multifrequency Micro-wave Radiometer (SMMR) operated between 1978 and1987. This system included a 6.6 GHz channel; however,like the MSMR it had coarse resolution (150 km). Sever-al attempts have been made to utilize data from SMMRin soil moisture studies (Owe et al. 1992; Lakshmi et al.1997; Vinnikov et al. 1999). However, the combinationof poor resolution and lack of ground validation limitedits use. Data from this instrument are available throughNASA.

Research programs are under way to develop and im-plement space-based systems with a 1.4-GHz channelthat would provide improved global soil moisture infor-mation. Toward that goal, the European Space Agency isdeveloping a sensor system called the Soil MoistureOcean Salinity (SMOS) mission (Wigneron et al. 2000).

At present, several radar satellites are in orbit. TheEuropean Space Agency (ESA) has operated a satelliteSAR series called ERS since 1991, which provides

Table 1 Passive microwavesatellite characteristics Satellite Frequency Polarization Footprint Incidence Equatorial

(GHz) resolution angle (°) crossing time (km) (local)

SSM/I 19.4 H and V 69×43 53.1 092222.2 V 60×40 054337.0 H and V 37×28 100085.5 H and V 15×13

TMI 10.7 V, H 59×36 52.75 Changes19.4 V, H 31×1821.3 H 27×1737.0 V, H 16×1085.5 V, H 7×4

MSMR 6.6 H and V 105×68 49.7 120010.7 H and V 66×4318.0 H and V 40×2621.0 H and V 34×22

AMSR (NASA) 6.9 H and V 75×43 55.0 133010.7 H and V 48×2718.7 H and V 27×1623.8 H and V 31×1836.5 H and V 16×989.0 H and V 7×4

AMSR (Japan) 6.9 H and V 71×41 55.0 103010.7 H and V 46×2618.7 H and V 25×1523.8 H and V 23×1436.5 H and V 14×889.0 H and V 6×4

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C-band VV at a relatively low incidence angle of 23°.Although numerous investigations have been conductedthat attempt to utilize ERS data, few results have beenreported in the area of soil moisture estimation. Thispaucity is due to the limitations of using a single shortwavelength and a single polarization SAR with an exactrepeat cycle of 35 days. With this kind of temporal cov-erage, the data are of little value in process studies. Thenext satellite in this series is called Envisat and will in-clude a C-band SAR with multiple polarization capabili-ties. It will also offer the option of varying the incidenceangle to allow for different viewing angles and more fre-quent coverage if angle is not a critical parameter in theapplication.

The Canadian Space Agency operates a C-band satel-lite SAR called Radarsat. Radarsat offers HH polariza-tion and has more flexibility in its data-collection modes.Options include a variable viewing angle and a wideswath (large range of incidence angles). These choicesoffer more frequent temporal coverage of a particular re-gion of the Earth if angle is not important.

Japan will include an L-band SAR called PALSAR onan upcoming satellite, the Advanced Land ObservingSystem (ALOS). The lower frequency will offer infor-mation that is different from that offered by other satel-lite SAR systems operating at C-band. PALSAR willhave a multipolarization mode as well as varying inci-dence angles.

A multifrequency–multipolarization SAR called SIR-C/X-SAR was flown on the Space Shuttle in 1994. Thisinstrument included X, C, and L-band radar sensors.Two missions, one in April and the other in October,provided a large number and variety of observations forselected test sites, some of which focused on soil mois-ture.

Application Example: Large-Area MultitemporalAircraft MappingWashita’92 was a large-scale study of remote sensingand hydrology conducted using ESTAR over the LittleWashita watershed in southwestern Oklahoma, USA(Jackson et al. 1995). Passive and active microwave ob-servations were made over a 9-day period in June 1992.The watershed was saturated with a great deal of stand-ing water at the outset of the study. During the experi-ment, no rainfall occurred and observations of surfacesoil water content exhibited a dry-down pattern over theperiod. Observations of surface soil water content weremade at sites distributed over the area. Significant varia-tions in the level and rate of change in surface soil watercontent were noted over areas dominated by differentsoil textures.

Passive microwave observations were made on 8 ofthe 9 days of the study period. The ESTAR data wereprocessed to produce brightness temperature maps of a740-km2 area at a 200-m resolution on each of the8 days. Using the retrieval algorithm of soil water con-tent, these brightness temperature data were converted to

images of soil water content. Gray-scale images for eachday are shown in Fig. 1. These data exhibit significantspatial and temporal patterns. Spatial patterns are associ-ated with soil textures, and temporal patterns are associ-ated with drainage and evaporative processes.

Surface and Profile Relationships

Information on the state and temporal variation of the un-saturated zone of the soil can be used to estimate re-charge. This information is of significant value if the dataare provided as a spatially distributed product. Remotesensing satisfies the spatial and temporal needs; however,it cannot be used to directly assess the entire depth of theunsaturated zone without some additional information.

Establishing a link between the easily accessible sur-face layer and the full soil profile has long been a re-search goal. A foundation for this endeavor is describedin Jackson (1980). In that study, under the assumption ofhydraulic equilibrium within a soil profile of knownproperties, it was shown that a theoretical basis exists forsurface-profile relationships and that the chances of suc-cess can be improved with additional observations atgreat soil depths at particular times of the day (earlymorning/pre dawn).

Arya et al. (1983) examined the correlation betweensurface observations and the soil moisture profile. Theyobserved that the correlation decreases as depth of theprofile being estimated increases. Better results would beexpected for vegetated fields than for bare soil, becausevegetation tends to make the profile of surface soil mois-ture more homogeneous with depth. The authors alsocompared the differences in profile water determined byusing this approach and by using the measured net sur-face flux. In this study, the two were nearly equal, whichprobably indicates that no recharge or flux was occurringacross the lower boundary.

Jackson et al. (1987) combined spatially distributedremotely sensed surface observations of soil moistureover a large area in the Texas High Plains region (USA)of the Ogallala aquifer with limited ground profile obser-vations, in order to produce maps of preplanting soilmoisture profiles. The conventional approach to generat-ing the soil moisture product involved sampling the pro-file at selected locations and then developing a contourmap. The accuracy of this product is dependent on thenumber of points and how well they represent the localconditions at the field scale. In the remote sensing ap-proach, a correlation was established between (1) thesurface observation determined using 1.4-GHz passivemicrowave data and (2) the profile of soil moisture at theobservation points. Using this relationship, at each re-mote sensing data point an estimate of the profile of soilmoisture was produced. If repeated on a temporal basis,this technique would provide spatial information on theflux of the soil water profile.

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Hydraulic Properties

Physical and hydraulic properties of soil are of value forwater-balance studies and simulations. Although thesedata can be obtained at the field point scale, the data arenot available over large areas, do not take into accountspatial variability, and are costly and difficult to obtain.

Temporal observations of soil moisture were used inthe work of Ahuja et al. (1993), Hollenbeck et al. (1996),and Mattikalli et al. (1998a). These studies constrainedthe problem by minimizing the role of the surface flux,or by specifying it, in order to estimate the hydraulicproperties of the integrated soil profile.

Studies by Camillo et al. (1986) and van de Griendand O’Neill (1986) employed ground-based passive mi-crowave remote sensing and physical models for the esti-mation of the saturated hydraulic conductivity. In thesestudies, the soil properties at the plot scale were derived

Fig. 1 Maps of soil water content for the Little Washita watershed(Oklahoma, USA) derived from passive microwave data for June1992. Spatial resolution is 200 m

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Thermal Remote Sensing of Subsurface Water

Nearly all of the examples presented above utilize themicrowave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.However, subsurface water-related features of the land-scape can also be detected by using thermal infraredmethods. Surface temperature observations are widelyavailable at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.

Van de Griend et al. (1985) examined the use of dailymaximum and minimum surface temperatures for detect-ing the presence of shallow water tables. Using a simula-tion model, the authors generated sequences of dailyminimums and maximums for various soil moisture con-ditions with and without a shallow water table. For thewater-table tests, the depth ranged from 10–250 cm.

What van de Griend et al. (1985) observed was thatwhen the water table was within a certain distance of thesurface (90 cm for their test, but this is soil-texture de-pendent), the capillary rise provided enough moisture toallow ET to keep the surface cool, and the resulting dif-ference between the minimum and maximum surfacetemperature was low. Greater water-table depths resultedin warmer and dryer surfaces. The authors suggest that ifmeasurements were made using thermal infrared sensorsafter a long period without rain, it should be possible tomap regions of shallow water table and infer rechargeand discharge.

Integrating Satellite Estimates of Soil Moisture with a Water-Balance Model for Regional RechargeAssessment

Gouweleeuw (2000) conducted an investigation that uti-lized satellite-based passive microwave remote sensing ofsurface soil moisture and a water-balance model to deter-mine the annual groundwater recharge for the West LaMancha catchment in semiarid Spain. As described in pre-vious sections, the surface soil moisture can be measuredand monitored using passive microwave sensors. In thisstudy, the author utilized a data set collected by the SMMRbetween 1978 and 1987. SMMR is not an ideal sensor ofsurface soil moisture because it operates at higher frequen-cies (>6.6 GHz) than desired and it has a very coarse spa-tial resolution of 150 km. However, regions with low lev-els of vegetation, such as those used in the study, are com-patible with using a higher frequency sensor.

Soil moisture values derived from remote sensingwere used to calibrate and refine the spatially distributedresults of the water-balance model. Remotely sensed es-timates and model-predicted values were compared, andalternative models were considered. Long-term annualrecharge for the catchment was estimated using stream-flow observations. The annual a priori estimate of re-charge from the model was several times greater than thelong-term results. Two modifications were considered,adjusting the soil hydraulic properties and increasing theET. A better match of the observed and model-predictedsoil moisture was obtained when ET was increased.


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through an iterative process of matching remotely sensedTB with values generated by a microwave simulationmodel. This approach requires detailed inputs describingthe profile of soil water content and temperature, whichare not available over large areas.

Ahuja et al. (1993) hypothesized that the change insoil surface moisture following a wetting event and2 days later could be used to determine the average hy-draulic conductivity of the soil profile. Using simula-tions for soils of different textures, they observed that arelationship exists that is strongest for sandy soils andweakens as clay content increases. In addition, they ob-served that a measurement of the 0–5 cm layer providesas much information as a 0–30 cm observation on thedeep soil moisture profile. These relationships were af-fected by evaporation; however, the effect was more sig-nificant for soils with lower hydraulic conductivity andwith a shallow depth of observation. Tests using obser-vations of soil moisture showed R2 values that were gen-erally greater than 0.6. Chen et al. (1993) followed up onthis approach and utilized a time series of soil moistureto estimate hydraulic properties of macropore soils,which are difficult to characterize based upon readilyavailable soils data.

Hollenbeck et al. (1996) explored the use of passivemicrowave observations at 1.4 GHz for identifying areasof relatively slow or fast drainage in a region. Differ-ences in drainage rates were interpreted as being causedby heterogeneity of the soil hydraulic properties in theregion. In this study, the responses were correlated withsoil type and geomorphic features. The authors note thatantecedent conditions and the timing of the observationsimpact the value of the observations for assessing soilproperties.

Mattikalli et al. (1998a, 1998b) took the approachpresented by Ahuja et al. (1993) a step further by utiliz-ing remotely sensed data to derive spatially distributedinformation. They hypothesized that surface soil mois-ture changes could be used to identify soil texture class-es. A conclusion was that even if this method were nothighly accurate for each and every sensor resolution ele-ment (pixel), the results would significantly improve thedefinition of the spatial domain of the soil hydraulicproperties. In their opinion, this result was more valuablethan the accuracy of individual point estimates.

Mattikalli et al. (1998b) used microwave remote sens-ing data from the Washita’92 experiment, described ear-lier to obtain spatial and multitemporal data on soil watercontent over the Little Washita watershed in Oklahoma.Analysis of the multitemporal water content maps withthe soil maps suggested that the remotely sensed soilmoisture and its temporal changes could be used to iden-tify soil texture and to estimate soil hydraulic propertiesas hypothesized. Validations of the technique indicatethat this result could be accomplished with acceptableaccuracy.

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Using a water-balance model to derive regional soilmoisture is difficult, generally inaccurate, and data in-sensitive. The use of satellite observations of the surfacesoil moisture is straightforward. The success of thisstudy shows that satellite-based remote sensing of sur-face soil moisture can provide valuable information forestimates of regional recharge. More reliable estimatesof recharge could help guide development of the region.

Shallow Water Tables

Reutov and Shutko (1992) developed and demonstrateda method for estimating the depth to a shallow water ta-ble using passive microwave remote sensing. This is oneof the best examples of the use of remote sensing to ob-tain quantitative information related to recharge.

The basis of the technique is the assumption thatwhen the water table is shallow, capillary rise results in asoil moisture profile that is indicative of the water-tabledepth. The authors note that this only applies under someclimate and geographical conditions.

For the best results, two low-frequency microwaveobservations (1.0 and 1.6 GHz) should be utilized. Thesemeasurements provide information on the shape and lev-el of the near-surface soil moisture profile. The authorssuggest that a priori estimates of the typical shape of thisprofile can be used to constrain the technique. These canbe developed using ground observations or models. Fig-ure 2 illustrates the components of the problem.

The technique has been applied to large regions ofUzbekistan, Turkemenia, Estonia, and Moldavia, whichprovided a variety of climate conditions. In these experi-ments and applications, ground observations were madeevery 200–600 m on flight lines of 2–10 km in length.Figure 3 shows the continuous microwave observationsand the ground samples of the water-table depth for onesite. The frequencies shown are 13 and 1 GHz. For thisflight, a correlation exists between the 1-GHz responseand the water-table depth. A conclusion is that areas withshallow water table result in lower observed emissivities.

Tests in Estonia and Turkemenia, which included over90 samples, showed that the method could retrieve thewater-table depth with near zero bias and a standard er-ror of estimate of 0.4 m. The authors note that the errortends to increase with depth.

Other considerations are the vegetation type and den-sity and the soil type. However, by choosing the right setof antecedent conditions and utilizing some limited datacollection for calibration, the method probably is usefulin mapping larger regions.

Unsaturated-zone soil moisture is influenced by soilcharacteristics, depth of the water table, and the anteced-ent meteorological conditions. To some degree, the ef-fects of soil and climate can be normalized for an area.Shutko (1986) suggests that one should wait 3–7 daysfollowing a rainfall before attempting to use this method.A shallower water table and a lower microwave frequen-cy improve the chances of obtaining useful data.

Uri et al. (1991) utilized passive microwave radiome-try (1.46 GHz) in the evaluation of drainage over73,000 ha. Using data collected 5 days apart (with norainfall), the authors were able to detect areas thatdrained, stayed the same, or increased in soil moisture.These results led to the detection of areas with shallowwater tables.

Fig. 2 Variation in dielectric constant within the capillary fringeas a function of water-table depth (Reutov and Shutko 1992)

Fig. 3 Observed variation in microwave brightness temperature atfrequencies of 13 and 1 GHz, and measured water-table depth foran area in a the Ukraine and b central Asia (Shutko 1986)

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Radar Detection of Subsurface Features

Images obtained over desert regions using synthetic ap-erture radar (SAR) during the Space Shuttle Missions(SIR-A and SIR-B) show that subsurface features relatedto current and past hydrology can be detected (McCauleyet al. 1982, 1986; Elachi et al. 1984; Farr et al. 1986;Schaber et al. 1986). Typically, a sand layer masks thefeatures from visible and near-infrared sensors. Featuresdetected by radar are typically related to drainage char-acteristics, which may be of value in groundwater hy-drology. As noted in Meijerink (2000), in addition to in-formation on ancient drainage and climate, these paleo-hydrology areas sometimes act as active storage sites fornear-surface groundwater.

The basis of the results described above lies in thelow value of the dielectric constant of the overlying ma-terial, typically sand, and the existence of a subsurfacedielectric boundary. Lower-frequency sensors, such asthe 1.2-GHz radar used in these studies, have a greaterpenetration depth than high frequencies, which increasesthe chances that subsurface features can be detected.

Elachi et al. (1984) developed a model that describesthe attenuation by the surface layer and the refraction atthe subsurface interface as a function of target and sen-sor parameters. They note that HH polarization data ob-tained at high incidence angles (>50°) provide more in-formation than alternative configurations.

Farr et al. (1986) conducted an experiment during theSIR-B mission to quantify the attenuation of a soil layerand to validate a dielectric-based model. They buried re-ceivers under desert soils in Nevada during the missionand measured the attenuation. Unlike studies in Egyptdescribed above, these soils did have some, althoughlow, soil moisture. For the tested conditions, they veri-fied that for depths of 0.7–1.7 m it is likely that subsur-face features related to subsurface moisture and drainagecould be detected.

Follow-on studies by McCauley et al. (1986) andSchaber et al. (1986) have improved the understandingof what particular physical characteristics of the Egyp-tian site influence the images, and what these featuresmean in terms of current and historic hydrology. Theseinvestigators verified that the maximum depth at whichsubsurface features could be detected was less than2 m. Schaber et al. (1986) associated some image fea-tures with locations of shallow water tables. McCauleyet al. (1986) focused on the paleodrainage informationthat was obtained. These results raise interesting ques-tions on where the drainages originated and to wherethey drained. Schaber et al. (1986) suggest that evi-dence of groundwater depletion from well use could beinferred.

In summary, as noted in Schaber et al. (1986), specif-ic conditions make the detection of subsurface featurespossible using radar remote sensing. These include verylow moisture contents (low dielectric constants) in thesurface layer, the physical characteristics of the soil, andreduced geometric scattering. Anomalies can be detected

more easily if the overall regional conditions are homo-geneous. Finally, the features have to be within the pene-tration depth of the radar. Results suggest that for L-band(1.2 GHz), this depth is 1.5 m in the absence of soilmoisture.

Continental-Scale Assessment of Groundwater Using Satellite-Based Gravity Measurements

One of the factors that contributes to variations in theEarth’s gravity field is the mass of water at and belowthe surface. Assuming that other large-scale mass varia-tions that affect the gravity signal, atmospheric circula-tion in particular, can be quantified by models or addi-tional observations, variations in terrestrial water storagecan be related to changes in the gravity field. NASAplans to launch the Gravity Recovery and Climate Ex-periment (GRACE) in 2002 to monitor the Earth’s gravi-ty field over a 5-year period.

Only changes in water storage and not an absolutemass of water storage can be derived from gravity mea-surements. Due to the nature of the GRACE technique,the accuracy and reliability of the derived information onwater-storage change increase with the size of the re-gion, the averaging time period, and the amplitude of thechanges themselves (especially as related to the qualityof the models used to remove the atmosphere’s contribu-tion to the gravity signal). Simulation studies using mod-els and surrogate observations (Rodell and Famiglietti1999, 2001) indicate that regions of about 200,000 km2

or larger are most likely to yield useful information.Gravity measurements provide data on the change in

total mass over the entire atmosphere–soil column, in-cluding groundwater, air, and vegetation. As noted byRodell and Famiglietti (2001), soil moisture is often amajor contributor to the variability; therefore, it must beaccounted for in order to extract groundwater changesfrom the gravity data. This provides a direct link to themicrowave remote sensing of soil moisture described inthe previous sections. Through the synergistic use ofGRACE and satellite microwave remote sensing, it maybe possible to monitor seasonal groundwater rechargeover large regions in the near future.


Remote sensing has been a valuable tool in groundwaterstudies for many years, primarily as an exploration tech-nique. Recent developments in microwave remote sens-ing, theory, and sensor availability have resulted in newcapabilities and potential. Research results show that it ispossible to estimate surface soil moisture. Limited stud-ies demonstrate the potential to infer subsurface parame-ters and features using these techniques. This quantita-tive information can be used to assess and estimategroundwater recharge. More research is needed to refineand implement these approaches. Microwave remote


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sensing data are available on a multitemporal and spatialbasis, which can complement monitoring and modelingof groundwater recharge.


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