rebirth of a kingdom

Rebirth of a Kingdom A Final Fantasy Story

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Page 1: Rebirth of a Kingdom

Rebirth of aKingdomA Final Fantasy Story

Chris Rickett.

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“The Future is decided by the deeds of the

Past.”King Hylan Valshan

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My world is unlike yours. It is a world where technology and magick combine, to create, or most often to destroy. Good men wield magick only to help those less powerful than themselves, while evil men wield it to help only themselves. This is my perception of the world.

Unfortunately, I live in a time where the evil men rise to positions of unimaginable power, and the good men are cast aside like a scrap of food on the roadside.

It is my hope that, as you read this tale, you will discover that the good men can be found in the most unlikely places. As to whether you agree or not is entirely dependant on your point of view.

Akira Noba

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Akira Noba, Judge Magister 1st Class, Valshani Empire.

PrologueThe world of Ralsha was once peaceful, the kingdom of Thyleria, ruled by the Valshan royal family, covered the continent of Tyrel from the Pride Lands in the west to the Forest of Tranquillity and the Great Desert in the east. The King, Hylan Valshan, was loved by his people because he was a Kind, Fair and Just ruler. He had been a great warrior before he became King, leading his armies in battle time and again. His skill with a blade was unparalleled and he was wise in the ways of magick.

After becoming King, Valshan called for all races to come together as one in peace and harmony. It was this call that led to the creation of the Treaty of Unification. The Treaty was signed by all of the races of Tyrel, the Humes of the kingdom, the feline Mithra from the Thunder Mountains in the north, the desert dwelling Taru-Taru, the Leonoid Ronso from the Pride Lands and the secretive Elvaan from the Forest of Tranquillity. With the most powerful races together in harmony, they began to blend and became a truly multicultural society.

The Kingdom began to thrive in ways never thought possible before. The Royal City of Valshan, the City being named after the Royal Family, became the official centre for commerce, industry and law for the entire continent. The peace lasted many

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years, during which time the King married and had a daughter, Maia.

As the young Princess grew older her father had her study magicks with the Elvaan and the Ronso, and he taught her the ways of combat himself, but it quickly became apparent that her expertise lay in the magicks taught to her by her Elvaan tutors, and she began to primarily concentrate on the White Healing spells that they used.

At the time of the Princess’ 18th birthday the king organised a parade through the city to commemorate the event. The streets of the royal city were lined with both citizens looking to wish the Princess well on her birthday, and royal guards to keep the peace in case there was trouble. However; during the parade the rebellion, a group of people that had become dissatisfied with the new order of things, made an attempt to abduct the Princess. The attempt was led by General Varan, the leader of Valshan’s armies and a swordsman second only to the king himself.

The attempt was thwarted by a group of individuals from the crowd who gathered together to defeat the rebels. They were led in the defence of the Princess by Akira Noba, a member of the Princess’ personal bodyguard. He was joined in this effort by Fenrir Goodwulf, a Varg from the Realm of Eternal Day, the continent to the east of Ralsha, The sisters Felis and Tsukasa Panthera, A White and Blue Mage pairing from the Mithran Homeland of the Thunder Mountains, Tylar Velore, a Hume Thief from the Royal City who was plying his trade amongst the crowd when the General and his men struck, and Koga Yashida, an apprentice Black Mage studying at Valshan’s Magick Akademy.

It was during the battle that the Princess revealed an aspect to her training that she had never shown before. Six of the General’s men managed to successfully board the Princess’ thronefloat and capture her. As they led her from the float she began to chant softly in Elvaan“”The words used were heard by many, but understood by few.

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As she finished, the air around her began to shimmer and glow, as if in answer to the whispered prayer, then, with a graceful arm motion and in a voice that echoed into the heavens she said“Valefor, bird of grace, I have need of your power. Valefor I summon you!”Upon the final echo of the final word a magickal glyph coalesced into being around the young Princess’ feet. Magickal energies pulsed and hurtled towards the sky, then, with a blinding flash and a scream that echoed amongst the buildings, the form of the Aerial Esper Valefor, The Graceful Bird, soared from on high to answer her mistress’ call.

As Valefor flew around the Princess she craned her red-furred neck and nuzzled her beaked head into the Princess’ hand. Princess Valshan then started to take the fight to her captors, using everything in the Esper’s arsenal of magick and abilities to defeat them.

After the battle all of the heroes of the day were invited back to the palace where, after the Princess thanked them for their help, they were granted an audience with the King. After thanking them for saving his daughter’s life, the king then tasked them all with a single goal . . . Find Varan and stop him at any cost. For each member of the group he promised a reward for their services.

For Fenrir he promised a blade made of the finest metals and forged by the Kingdoms finest smiths. For the Panthera sisters he promised access to the royal magickal library, a place normally only open to members of the Akademy. For Koga he promised the sum of 100’000 Gil, and finally for Tylar he promised the sum of 50’000 Gil and a Full Royal Pardon for any crimes committed in the kingdom.

The Princess begged her father to let her go with the group so that she could prove herself worthy of the Valshan name by proving herself a warrior like him. The King, believing that if he didn’t let her go Maia would leave anyway, agreed but said that she must take a member of the royal guard with her for protection. At this Akira Noba stepped forward.

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“Majesty, I will accompany the Princess in this journey and I will protect her with my life if necessary.”

The group left in secret the following morning under the guise of a mercantile caravan. They quickly discovered where Varan was going and for weeks they followed the trail left by his mobile encampment, fighting bandits, beasts and the general’s men all the way. When they finally caught up to the encampment they battled with Varan himself but to no avail, Varan was just too powerful even for the combined might of all the warriors and they were quickly and resoundly defeated. After the battle, Varan and his men left Akira and his companions and headed north towards the Thunder Mountains.

After resting to recover their strength and tend their wounds, the Princess and her guardians resolved to increase their strength before their next encounter with the general. To do this they followed Varan, all the while training in the use of their abilities. Maia began to train more in the summoning of Espers and, on the occasion that they came across an Esperrock, acquired new Espers to use in the fight against Varan and his armies. They trailed Varan for over a year, all across the known world, but were unsuccessful in finding him for a second time as he always seemed to be one step ahead of them. Wherever they found a trace of him, he was always already long gone.

It was during this period of their travels that the Princess and Akira fell in love and got married in a secret ceremony performed by Ireth Coamanel, High Priestess of Telvarre and the Princess’ former tutor.

Eventually, six months after her marriage, the Princess and her friends returned to Valshan, intending to tell the King that they had been unsuccessful in finding Varan, let alone stopping him. However, upon their return to the palace they heard a commotion coming from the throneroom. They raced along the winding palace corridors intent on discovering the cause, and as they reached the room the heavy oak doors burst open and the corridor filled with rebels.

The Princess and her companions fought toe to toe with the rebels, desperately trying to push through to the throneroom where the King was embroiled in a fierce battle of his own with

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Varan. But the rebels were too many and too tough and Maia could only watch in horror as her father, once the greatest warrior in the kingdom, was cut down by the man she once considered her Uncle. Upon seeing her father fall, the Princess fell to her knees and began weeping uncontrollably.

On seeing his beloved wife like this Akira went into a berserk rage, bloodlust filling his heart and mind, and began to attack all in front of him, friend or foe. The rebels that attacked him were scythed down like blades of grass and one by one his friends tried to hold him back, becoming victims of his rage as he cut them down just as easily. Once there was no-one left to fight, Akira’s eyes focused on the weeping form of the Princess and in his rage he rushed towards her with the intent to end her life, and, in a single overhand strike tried to kill the person he held most dear.

However, Akira’s sword never made contact with Maia as a magickal barrier flashed into being blocking his strike, the light from the barrier filled the room, ripping away Akira’s bloodlust and returning him to his right mind. The barrier emanated from the King, his final act in life being to save the life of his daughter. Seeing this, Varan walked slowly towards the pair, laughing as he walked. As he passed the prone form of the king, he ended his life with a single downward thrust of his sword, piercing him through the heart. His final words before vanishing into thin air were to Akira.“In this battle you have proven your worth, Akira Noba. You will go on and achieve great things in your life, how could you not, after all . . . you ARE my son!”With the words echoing in his head, it was Akira’s turn to drop to his knees, agony tearing through his heart.

After two weeks of lying in state, so the people of the Kingdom could say goodbye to a once loved ruler, Hylan Valshan was laid to rest in the Royal Mausoleum with a full royal funereal procession. Three days later, Maia Valshan was crowned Queen in the most extravagant crowning ceremony the kingdom had ever seen, and her husband, Akira Noba, was made King Regent. The first order they gave was for the apprehension of Varan and his men, the reward for which was set at 1’000’000 Gil.

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In the following months, numerous sightings of Varan proved to be false, but there was one sighting reported that led to Varan’s arrest and imprisonment for the crimes of high treason and regicide, both punishable by death. However, after a trial in the high court, Varan was instead sentenced to life imprisonment in the dungeons of the palace. His sentence was apparently reduced by the Queen herself on the grounds that he was once the Protector of the Kingdom and even though his crimes were unforgivable; his past should be taken into account. During his imprisonment the Queen visited Varan often and discussed many things with him about the past.

As the months passed the Queen began to act strangely, she started to shirk her royal duties, leaving the running of the Kingdom to her husband, spending an increasing amount of time with Varan in the dungeon. She became cruel, even heartless, towards her family blaming Akira for her Father’s death. She began to disrespect the people, treating them with contempt and hatred. The people knew something was different but they were unable to say or do anything for fear of repercussion.

Then suddenly the Queen released Varan from prison, granting him a full royal pardon for crimes committed, and elevated him to the position of Royal Advisor. With Varan effectively controlling the Kingdom, things started to go from bad to worse. The Queen’s attitude had changed so drastically that eventually she announced the dissolution of the Treaty of Unification, stating that the other member races were planning a hostile takeover attempt of the Kingdom. In light of this the other races responded by increasing their armies in readiness for a possible Thylerian invasion.

Maia announced that since her Father could have been killed so easily, his bloodline must have been weak and because of this the royal line died with him. She would create a new, stronger Bloodline, an Imperial Bloodline, which would last forever and never become as weak as her Father’s. With this statement she forever changed the face of Ralsha. The kingdom of Thyleria died and was reborn as the Valshani Empire.

With this change began the rule of the Judges, Men and Women picked to preside over the rule of law in the empire. The First Five; Akira Noba, Rio and Lena Gaignan, Ryuna Dalmar and

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Celenn Thrumail, were picked for their fighting prowess. They became the harsh fist of the Empress, dealing out death in judgment as easily as they drew breath themselves.Their leader was the one man that the Empress trusted above all, General Varan. He was appointed the Title of High Judge Magister and was answerable to no-one but the Empress herself. He became even more feared among the people than ever, having the power to kill at will in the name of “Justice”.

The Empress expanded her Empire over the next two years, her armies spread out across the continent of Ralsha, attacking each of the former allies of Thyleria one at a time. She started by sending them North into the Thunder Mountains where, after several months of fighting, they eventually succeeded in conquering the Mithran defenders even though there were heavy casualties caused by both the Mithran warriors and the innate dangers of wearing plate armour while fighting in a place that continuously spews Lightning from the sky. The surviving Mithra were “integrated” into the Empire as a subordinate caste, as befitting a conquered race.

Then, in a fit of rage after apparently being insulted by the Taru ambassador to Valshan, she ordered that Varan himself lead an army into the Great Desert and, in her own words,“Rid the world of those insulting, diminutive pests once and for all” With his orders set, Varan led an army of Judges and Judge Magister’s into the desert and, in a matter of days, led the complete and total genocide of the Taru-Taru race. The Taru were slaughtered like animals; man, woman and child. Cities and towns alike were razed to the ground, their remains crushed back down into the sand from which they were built. By the time that Varan and his men had finished, the desert was stained with blood, seeping into the ground, causing the very sand to turn red and causing the area to become renamed the Crimson Desert.

With the death of the Taru, the world ceased all resistance to the spread of the Empire giving them free reign to expand and conquer at will. As the Empire grew, more Magisters were needed to enforce the law, cities were being built and each Magister was given the rule of one city. Inside city walls there

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were individual laws, but they were all subject to the laws of the empire. The Empress created the Law of 11, and with this law came the ruling that there must always be 11 Judge Magisters to keep the peace in the Empire, one for each of the major Imperial cities. This meant that if a Judge Magister died or retired then another would be chosen to take his or her place.

The Law of 11 placed a Judge Magister in each of the Imperial cities. The first 5 were given the first built cities; Rio Gaignan was given Arva, Lena Gaignan was given Daran, Ryuna Dalmar was given Valmaras, Akira Noba was given Nastre and Celenn Thrumail was given Raba. The other 6 cities were given to newly recruited Judge Magisters from among the populace; Judge Fenz was given Canta, Judge Cordayne was given Midgar, Judge Lao was given Jinlak, Judge Damras was given Leeza, Judge Relz was given Rema and Judge Vandis was given Ralsin. The rule of the judges was absolute, and any that opposed them were “Judged” and put to death for treason, the continent of Tyrel lived and died under the Iron Fist of the Empire.

The Ronso put up some resistance to the spread of the Empire; they rebelled against the Empress and returned to the Pride Lands in the West and, as a single magickal people, erected a magick barrier around their lands to keep them safe, and in doing so made them the last bastion of freedom on the continent. However this became of little hope to the people as they became Xenophobic as a race and became exceedingly suspicious of anyone that approached them from inside the Empire, especially as Judge Relz, the Magister of the city closest to the Pride Lands, was an outcast Ronso, his tribe being willing members of the Empire.

The Elvaan left the Empire with the Empress’ permission and returned to what remained of the Forest of Tranquillity after the expansion of the Empire. Though still subjects of the Empress they would be left to their own devices as long as they never raised arms against their ruler. They agreed and “disappeared” from Valshani society, though a scant few remained in Valshan and Raba; the latter being ruled by one of their own.

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For years the Empire prospered while its people suffered under the rule of the Judges. Then without warning Judge Dalmar proclaimed that she was dissatisfied with the way the Empire was treating its subjects and that the people should be treated better so that the Empire could prosper even more, but not in a militaristic way.

She expressed her opinion at a meeting of the Magister’s Council in Valshan.“If the people are happy they are more likely to prosper and work, thus bringing an increase in trade and a major income for you Empress. We could be talking Hundreds of Millions of Gil in the next few years, but ONLY if the people are happy. That kind of income will support your Empire for generations to come.”However Varan disagreed.“If the people do not fear our power, then it could lead to rebellion. We cannot allow this. The people MUST fear what happens if they rebel and you know that, Judge Dalmar. Fear and Power go hand in hand. As for the Empire, It will last for generations to come because WE will ensure it. That is our role in this society, Judge, Jury, Executioner and most of all Defender of the Empire.”With that the judgment was made and the Empire remained as it was, with Varan being the voice of the Empire.

Upon returning to Valmaras, Judge Dalmar began to organise her troops to rise against the Empress in rebellion. Once ready she led them to Valshan and attacked the palace, leading her troops through hidden corridors known only to the Magister’s Council and directly into the Throne-room, with the intention of confronting the Empress directly and challenging her to do the right thing. They confronted the Empress but she resisted and a confrontation was inevitable, Judge Dalmar fought with the Empress directly and after a drawn out battle lasting several hours, emerged victorious and stood with her Gunblade over the Empress’ bare neck ready to execute her and bring order back to the Empire.

Suddenly, Judge Dalmar stopped. She sheathed her Gunblade and ordered her troops out of the palace then she proceeded to heal the wounds that she inflicted on the Empress, until she became conscious once again. Then she dropped to one knee and asked forgiveness for her actions.

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“Majesty, please forgive my actions this day, I only did this to prove my love of your great Empire. I just believe that with a little respect, the people would love you the way they once did. I mean no offence, but you are no longer loved, you are feared. It should not be this way; I would have you return to the beloved Empress that you once were. Again I beg your forgiveness.”“You have my forgiveness, Judge Dalmar, but you MUST be held accountable for your actions here today. You disobeyed my Law and attacked me in my own palace. For this you shall be stripped of the title of Judge Magister and publicly exiled from Valshan and all her dominions.” The following day Judge Dalmar was tried in the Magister’s Court and found guilty of Insurrection. She was stripped of her title and banished from the Empire on pain of death. Her body was found two years later, it is believed by all that she had taken her own life.

In Judge Dalmar’s place, Valmaras was taken over by Judge Amarania Halvar, rumoured to be a proficient Dark Knight trained in the Realm of Eternal Night. She quickly asserted her rule over the city by executing all of Judge Dalmars former Lieutenants and establishing her own command unit within the city. The Law of 11 was never broken.

The Empire rules the continent to this day with fear, but after 7 years of war and tyranny there are those within the ranks of the Judge Magisters that are beginning to tire of living in “Varan’s Empire” as it has begun to be called in secret. It being called this because people believe that the High Judge Magister somehow influenced the Empress’ mind and brought about the current regime. There are whisperings among the people of rebellious activity going on in secret underneath the many Imperial cities. The whisper’s say that change is in the air and that soon there will be a full fledged civil war, Magister versus Magister, and that the Empire will come crashing down and then, Just maybe, there will be a Queen again.

Hope Stirs…

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Belief is Re-kindled…

Rebellion Beckons…

Whose side are you on?

“Never ask Ronso ’What Goblin Punch’”

Zahl Ronso

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Chapter 1: Hope Kindled.

The Kelthrasa Bazaar was busier than usual, especially for a scorching hot day in midsummer. There were hundreds of people milling between the stalls that had been erected and were selling all kinds of wares, from Behemoth bones to bundles of Cactuar Needles. In the centre of the hubbub stands an ornate wagon, decorated in silks of the brightest reds and blues. On the flatbed of the wagon are “unique” items gathered from all around the world. The proprietor of this wagon is himself wearing a vivid suit made of the same red silk that decorates the wagon. On his head sits a tri-pointed red hat with a single ornate feather protruding from the hatband. Next to him, Arms constantly folded across his muscular, sandy-furred chest, stands his ever faithful Ronso bodyguard. A long spear strapped to his back, ever ready to defend his employer should one of their customers ever accuse them of anything untoward.“Can you believe these people Zahl; they’re actually BUYING this junk. You can sell anything to anyone provided you dress it up right. I mean take this…” He holds up a small, battered piece of armour that looks like it has seen better days.“We made this yesterday out of a piece of sheet metal. But today it is ‘A unique piece of history, it was found in the Crimson Desert underneath several feet of sand and dates back to before the decimation’ and someone is gonna buy this for, oh lets say, the measly sum of 50’000 Gil. A real bargain for the true collector of fine armaments, don’t you think so?”

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“Zahl agree, Hume’s sometimes idiot.”“Couldn’t agree more”

Without warning, the sounds of a chase erupted in the bazaar, and a small group of Elvaan rounded the corner chasing a figure in a long, black hooded cloak. The hood was pulled down so that its face was shadowed and barely visible. The figure was running so quickly that it could not avoid mishap, and it fell and barrelled into the wagon, spilling its cargo all across the floor. As it impacted with the wagon its hood slipped and its face was visible for barely a moment, before it pulled the hood back with a swiftness rarely seen in anyone outside of the Forest.“I’m sorry…”And with that the figure scrambled to its feet and was gone.

Seconds later, the Elvaan pursuers ran past the battered wagon, knocking even more of its cargo onto the street. “Zahl, I think it would be in our best interest to help in this pursuit, on the side of the chasee, of course.” “Agreed; Zahl help, hurt chasers.”The sand-furred Ronso leapt over the remains of the wagon, and began to chase after the elvaan, dodging through the massed crowds with ease.

The elvaan that were chasing rallied together once the figure they were following made a wrong turn and ended up on the outer edge of the bazaar, caught between them and the wall. With nowhere to turn, the cloaked figure spun around and placed his back against the wall and waited for his pursuers to attack. “You are going to burn, race traitor. Kill him!”The elvaan at the back of the group began to chant quickly, magickal energies coalescing at their fingertips“Die traitor… FIRE!”With this single word, the magick was cast. The energies focused on the cloaked figure and a gout of flame erupted from thin air and enveloped him, and then extinguished as quickly as it erupted.

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The cloaked figure was completely unharmed when the fire spell subsided, he was enveloped in shimmering air and was chanting softly under his breath,“”As he finished his chant he looked up at his attackers and in a hushed voice said“Allow me…to show you… the full potential…of magick... Valefor, come to me!”The magickal glyph of the summoning burst into being around the cloaked figure’s feet, and as he raised his arms a burst of magickal energy streaked into the sky, ending with a blinding flash and an echoing screech that reverberated around the bazaar, causing many of the spectators gathered to remember a time when things were peaceful and the Empire didn’t exist.

Out of the energy burst came the familiar form of the Aerial Esper Valefor, circling above the masses screeching a warning to all those who would do her master harm. Upon seeing the Esper, the Elvaan scattered in every direction and swore that they would be back to finish what they started. The cloaked figure climbed onto the back of Valefor, and the two of them rose into the sky and disappeared from sight. “Did you see that Zahl, the guy was a Caller, Looks like he didn’t really need any help in beating those scumbags after all, we should make a discreet exit before the Imperials arrive. You know how they hate having to ACTUALLY do any work on a day to day basis.”“Zahl agree, we should leave.”As the two companions left, the sound of a squad of heavily armoured Imperial troops came from the main entrance to the bazaar. There was a lot of shouting as the Judge in charge of the formation was given several varying accounts of what happened.

Several hours later, in an enclosed room in a locked warehouse, a cloaked figure sits alone recovering from the ordeals of the day. From the only door to the room comes a quiet creak as the door slowly opens a feint light silhouetting the figure standing in the doorway. Its long black robe nearly touching the floor, the purple trim reflecting the light as the material flows over the occupier’s body.

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“I thought I might find you here, you retreat to this place every time your secret is nearly discovered. I have been watching your actions in this city since your arrival and I know who and what you are… Summoner Valandil Calanor.” At the mention of his name the cloaked figure looked up and scanned the room, looking for an alternative exit. “You need not look to leave, young Elvaan. I mean you no harm. The Judges will get no information about you from me I swear. My name is Koga Yashida, but I am known in the City as Yoshina the Librarian.”“Koga Yashida… I thought you were dead, Killed at the hand of Judge Noba.”“And I intend to keep it that way; it keeps me off the Imperial radar, so to speak, it allows me to help the Rebellion in their effort to restore Valshan to how it once was.” “You are a member of the rebellion?”“My dear Summoner, I started the Rebellion… And we need your assistance. Your skills would be invaluable to our cause, none of our members understand the powers that the Empress wields, yet you wield exactly those same powers. You can summon Espers, avatars of nature itself, to help you in combat. With your help, we can learn to understand how those powers work, and possibly counter them. Valandil, what do you say?”“I will help you, anything to end this hell.”“Thank you, I must leave now. I have others to find, it will take more than you and I to stop the evil in this world. I will send them here.

Koga turned and left the shadowy warehouse and its lone occupant and strode back into the city, looking for other people to bring to the cause.

As Koga exited the warehouse he was almost knocked off of his feet by a large figure wearing black armour and carrying a large Twin-bladed weapon that looked like two swords joined at the base of the hilt, traditionally known as a Swallow Blade. “Sorry friend, I didn’t see you approaching.” The large figure said.

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“No no, it is I who should apologise. I came out of the shadows directly into your path. But then this meeting could very well be fortuitous. I am Koga and my place in society is The Librarian here in Valshan, but I also portray a very different role. I also lead the Rebellion against the Empire.”“Why are you telling me this?”“Because I do not believe that you will pass this information on to the Imperials. I believe that you are a friend of the Rebellion, even if you do not realise it yet. Inside this warehouse is a safe haven from the trials and tribulations of everyday life within the Empire. If you wish to help then go inside and wait. I have others to find. Goodbye my friend, I hope you will be waiting when I return.”And with these words Koga turned on his heels and left the large dark figure alone in the shadows of the warehouse district, and, after a few moments pause the large figure walked into the warehouse.

The Bazaar, a few hours later…

“Look at this Zahl, this mess is gonna take ages to clean up but we need to sort out all of our ‘priceless’ artefacts if we’re gonna keep the business going. There are more and more people spilling into this city every day, which obviously means more Gil in the pocket of a discerning Entrepreneur like me. Don’t you think?”“Zahl agree, even see Rabbit -Lady wandering city other day.”“Rabbit -Lady?”“Tall, dark skin, Long ears on head… Rabbit -Lady.”“Oh-Kaay. You sure that you didn’t have one ‘Sacred Mountain’ too many the other night my furry friend?” There was more than a hint of sarcasm in the trader’s voice, though this seemed to be lost on the tall Ronso as he showed no change in his appearance nor perception of his friend’s words.“Not drink Mountain in weeks”The Ronso walked to the far edge of the scattered debris and began to clean up the remnants of the wreckage in the area.

After a few minutes, Zahl’s ears began to twitch, almost imperceptibly, as he sensed movement approaching from across the Bazaar.

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“Someone coming.”“Imperial or civilian?”“Zahl not sure, they at far end of Bazaar.”“Be prepared in any case, if it’s an Imperial we might be in for a fight. However, if they are civilian then we let them go about their business.”Once the conversation between the two had finished, they went back to collecting the ornaments, armaments and trinkets that comprised the remainder of the traders stock and loading it onto the back of the wagon, it having been hastily repaired prior to the beginning of the cleanup.

After several silent minutes, the pair could clearly hear the footsteps approaching them from around the corner of the Bazaar wall that was separating them from the rest of the Bazaar proper.“Those steps don’t sound Imperial…” says the trader in response to the approaching footsteps.

With these words, a female figure rounds the corner coming into view and turns to face the pair. With a wry smile, she begins to walk towards the pair, her stiletto heeled shoes clicking on the cobbles as she walks.“Wow, what a sight…”“Zahl think you gobsmacked, Zahl told you.”As the woman walked towards the pair, one of them couldn’t help but see that the most noticeable thing about her, other than the shocking white hair, ornate thornwood bow slung across her back, and her barely-there armour, was the pair of 18” long rabbit-like ears on the top of her head.“Zahl, I owe you an apology… and quite possibly a drink.”

As she approached the pair, she stopped where the outer perimeter of the debris once was and, in a vaguely accented voice that almost audibly dripped with honey, said“May I offer you some help to finish cleaning up?”“We are nearly done here, but we could always use some extra help from someone as pretty as you…” the trader paused for a moment before continuing. “ …What the hell am I saying, I’m sorry I spoke out of turn just now, please accept my apology, Miss…?” The trader trailed off and paused, prompting the woman to answer.

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“My name is Kjon, pleased to meet you, and your name is?”“Errrr…?” The trader’s face contorted with the effort of trying to remember his own name for a moment.“Have you forgotten your own name?” The woman asked with a slight giggle.“Aah… No, no…” he lied, with astonishing quickness and without even a minor stutter in his words “Sorry, my name is Dizzy-Zalash, and I am very pleased to meet you. This is my long-term friend and bodyguard, Zahl.” The trader nodded towards his Ronso compatriot, who finished loading an armful of objects onto the cart and turned to face them, extending a clawed hand towards Kjon, who took it and shook his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Zahl.”“Zahl pleased to meet Kjon; hopes Kjon become friend.”“I hope that we can become friends too Zahl.” She replied.

The three of them finished loading up the cart and re-covered it with its hastily repaired canopy, then they made their way out of the Bazaar and onto the still busy streets.

As they walked, Dizzy turned to Kjon, a look of curiosity flashing across his face for the most fleeting of moments.“Kjon, forgive me but I have to ask this… What are you...? Or rather, what is your Race called? I only ask because I have never seen your kind before. I mean no offense of course but Zahl and I have been calling you ‘Rabbit –Lady’, please tell me, it would answer many of my questions.”“No offense taken, Dizzy-Zalash, My sisters and I are called ‘Viera’, and as for you using the term ‘Rabbit –Lady’ to describe us, you are probably quite accurate. The scriptures of our Race say that we are most likely magickally evolved from a large, forest-dwelling rabbit that died out Millennia ago where I come from.”“So you don’t come from Tyrel, are you from either of the realms that border this continent on the East and West?”“No, we Viera are from a land far across the Oceans where the lands are peaceful, the forests are lush and green, and most of all, the Empire is completely unknown.”“Hopefully it will stay that way, I would hate for your kin to lose that beauty to one of the Empress’ murderous whims.”“I hope so too, the Viera are one with our homeland, if we were to lose that, we would lose everything that gives us our sense of self. Yet after all that I have seen since my arrival in

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the Empire, I believe that the Empress will stop at nothing to get the entire world under her sway. She is Evil beyond reckoning, and this is all that she knows.”

Kjon’s face became distant for a few moments after the conversation had ended, as if she could see the Imperial fleet heading towards her homeland as they walked, a tear rolled down her cheek and she fell silent. The three companions continued walking along the streets of the city in silence, Dizzy and Zahl contemplating Kjon’s words as they walked, for they rang true in both their minds, but for very different reasons.

The Magister’s Council Chambers…

The high Judge Magister sat in his chair at the head of the table, a look of total disdain across his face. He leaned forwards onto the solid marble table and steepled his fingers in front of him. On the table in front of him, lit by an extremely elaborate chandelier suspended from the high ceiling, was a large map of the world, the ancient parchment covered in campaign markings and location markers. His Ice-Blue eyes focus on a single point on the map at the far end of the Frozen Tundra, close to the location of the cavern known to house the Esper Shiva, The Ice Queen. With a single swift movement he stands and slams his gauntleted hand onto the map, his index finger pointing to the location on the map where he had been staring intently.“There, the first Crystal MUST be there somewhere. It makes sense, does it not, that the Ice-Crystal of Gaia resides in the coldest place in Ralsha.” He exclaimed to the room at large.“It does indeed seem possible, even theoretically plausible… from a scientific point of view at least” came a voice from the shadows of the room.

Varan spun around with a start, his hand reaching for the hilt of Masamune, his eyes scanning the shadows for the slightest sign of the speaker.

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“Come out of the shadows, NOW, or face my blade.”“Calm down, Lord Varan, there is no need for violence… or for intimidation, for that matter.” As the voice spoke, the shadows nearest to the large Imperial Crest next to the throne began to shimmer and lighten, eventually dissipating to reveal a man with greying hair and red clothing trimmed with gold, a pair of steel-rimmed circular spectacles nestled on the bridge of his nose and connected to a thin golden chain that wrapped around his neck. In his hand sits a small black box with a series of buttons set in a linear placement down the length of the box.“As you can see, my old friend, I mean you no harm, nor have I ever for that matter. However, as I am here I am inclined to ask whether or not you mean ME any harm, after all… our last parting was not at all friendly. If I remember correctly.”“Doctor… I had hoped never to see you again, but obviously That was too much to hope for.”“I am here at the Empress’ command, Lord Varan, kill me here and I’m certain that it will cost you much.”Varan relaxed his grip on Masamune and smiled at his old friend“You would be surprised at what I would not , in fact, lose, Doctor, but since you have the Empress’ protection you need not worry about any reprisals based on our past…experiences.”“So very good to hear… now, tell me about these crystals that interest you so much…”The Doctor strode over to the map that Varan had been poring over and the two of them entered into a deep conversation.

The Streets of Valshan…

The three companions walked in silence, heavy thoughts weighing on each of their minds. As they reach a corner, Dizzy is knocked off of his feet as a man in a flowing black cloak rounds it walking in a hurry, a look of worry on his otherwise calm face. His eyes flicker from side to side, taking in each member of the trio in turn, The muscular, sand-furred Ronso, The tall and elegant Viera, and the man

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dressed in fine silks sprawled on the floor in a somewhat undignified position.“Hey Pal, watch where you‘re going, I could have been seriously hurt here!” shouted Dizzy“Yet you are not hurt at all, Master Zalash, but in any event, allow me to offer you my apologies, you are indeed correct. I should have been watching where I was going” he held out his hand for Dizzy to take “Let me help you to your feet.”Dizzy grasped hold of his hand and, as he was pulled to his feet, seemed to notice the mans face for the first time, and a flash of recognition crossed his face.“Hey, don’t I know you?”“It is entirely probable that you do, yes.”“You’re the head librarian, Yoshina… right?”“Correct… partly, at least.”“What do you mean?”“You are indeed correct that I am the head librarian, but my name is not Yoshina, it is Yashida. Koga Yashida to be precise. Yoshina is the name that I have given to the Imperials in order to keep my friends and I off of their radar, so to speak.”“Yashida huh, so, where are you off to in such a hurry that you can’t afford to look where you’re going?”“It is somewhat fortuitous that you ask. I believe that, in some way, I was looking for you three, though I had not realised until this very moment that I was.”“OK, you just lost me”“Then allow me to explain in brief. I lead the Rebellion, and we need the three of you.”There was a stunned silence in which Dizzy seemed to be at a loss for something to say. Then after a few moments he coughed and re-acquired his voice“Sorry Yoshina, or Yashida, whatever your name is… NOT INTERESTED!! I’m a Trader, not a Rebel, sure I hate the Imperials but I certainly ain’t stupid enough to fight against ‘em…” he turned to Zahl and Kjon “… Come on guys, lets go eat, I’m famished.”With that the three of them turned and continued down the street towards the Inns and Taverns with Koga looking on after them.

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“Would Twenty Million Gil buy your stupidity, Master Trader!?” Koga called after them. Dizzy stopped dead in the street causing Zahl to slam heavily into his back.“Keep talking Librarian.” He said, his voice raised but still with his back to Koga.“If you help us, I will pay you the sum of 20’000’000 Gil once the Empire has fallen… Each. We, that is the Rebellion, need you Master Zalash. You are a leader, you just don’t know it yet. With the right persuasion, people will follow you to the end.”“Yashida, you had me at 20’000’000… Where do we need to go?”Koga reaches into his cloak and hands Dizzy a small piece of paper“The warehouse at this address, it is something of a safe-house for the person who resides there. I will meet you there as soon as I am finished gathering the people that I need for this mission.”

Another Part of the City…

A young, scruffy Mithra girl picks her way through the shadowy back alleys of the City shopping district, searching for a place to rest for the night. She sniffs the air, catching the scent of one of the many rats that make this part of the city their home. She crouches down on her haunches and adjusts the rags and strips of cloth that she can barely call clothes and pounces, catching the rat with a fluid grace that only the most agile of Humes would be able to muster.

She walks out of the alley into the dim light of the courtyard and sits at the end of the alleyway, eating her kill, the last rays of the sun casting a shadow on her now blood-caked lips. A small group of Mithra notice her and make a move towards her, pointing and laughing as they walk.“Would you look at that, Selrana, a street-cat. You don’t usually see Them out of the alleyways of the city before dark.”“They’re not usually brave or foolish enough for That, Cria, IT must be new to the City.”

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“ Eeww, Yuck… Look it doesn’t even cook its food. It Must be from the Low-Range in the East of the Mountains.”“Yes, you must be right, Cria, look It’s getting angry.”The young Mithra stood up, wiping the blood from her mouth with the rags on her wrists as she did so, a gleam in her eyes showed the intelligence hidden in the depths of the Feral exterior. Then with a low growl in her throat and in fractured common she said,“Rrowl… The godss wwould… not wish me to harrrm you… Rrowl… but… if you say that again… Rrrowll…and I’ll tearrr… out… yourrr… thrrroats!!!” “You DARE speak to us, Street-Cat, we will have your Tail for a Trophy. Kill It, Cria…Now!!”“With Me all of you!”With that, swords were drawn and claws unsheathed.

The OTHER Streets…

Koga spun on the spot and walked away leaving the trio standing in the middle of the street.“Ok people…” said Dizzy “…Lets go and see just what, exactly, I’ve gotten us into.” He set off towards the warehouse district but stopped so sharply that both Zahl and Kjon nearly barrelled into him for a second time. He turned on the spot to face them, disbelief on his face. He pointed down the street after Koga.“Wait a damned minute… How the HELL did that guy know my name???”

The Valshani Magickal Akademy…

The large door to the library bursts open, crashing against the heavy stone wall, the sound echoing through the cavernous building and the light from the doorway casting a haze over the books sitting on the shelves as a gust of wind disturbs the dust on the shelves causing it to fly into the air. Koga strides through the door, steely determination etched onto his face. Quickly making the walk to his office in a

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matter of several paces, he sits at his desk and calls for one of his student librarians.“Miss Moonshadow, could you come to my office please.” He said into the commsystem, his voice echoing through the building.

After a few moments there was a tentative knock at the door followed by a muted silence.“Come in, Miss Moonshadow.”The door opened slowly, revealing a young girl of around 17 years of age, dressed in a long black robe of a similar design to Koga’s own, though not nearly as ornately decorated. In her arms were several books of magick.“You called, Master Yoshina?”“I did indeed, I have need of your help, Miss Moonshadow.”“My help, Master. How can I help you. I am still just an apprentice… Master.”“Yet despite being ‘just an apprentice’ you have already mastered the basic magicks, have you not?”“How do you know that Master?”“Never mind. It is enough that I know. You will find, my dear, that the best way to complete your training is through experience. Trust me, I had the same task that I am giving you many years ago while I was still an apprentice myself.”“Master?” The reply came with more than a hint of puzzlement.“I am not Just a librarian, Miss Moonshadow, in my younger days I travelled the world in order to train in the use of my Black Magicks. Alongside my companions, I tried to rid the world of one of the greatest threats that it has ever known. Suffice it to say, we failed… miserably… in that endeavour. The same threat exists in the world today, and it is far more powerful, and deadly, than ever. This Evil has corrupted one of my best friends so that all they want is more and more power.”“Are you talking about the Empress, Master? She is more evil than anyone or anything I have ever known.”“NO!” the shout was unexpected, and the fist slamming onto the desk was unnecessary, Koga knew this, but it had just

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erupted out of him from no-where. The girl backed away from him as he shouted.“I’m sorry Master, what did I say…” she croaked, her voice quavering with fear. “My Apologies, Miss Moonshadow, Yes, the Empress is evil, but only because Her mind has been corrupted. The threat of which I spoke was the High Judge Magister, Lord Varan. He was, and remains to this day, the greatest threat that this world has ever known. He MUST be stopped… preferably ending in His death. This is the reason that I started the Rebellion, and it is the reason that we Must gain a foothold in every major Imperial City. Will you help us? From your words a moment ago, I judge that you have some rebellious tendencies.”“Rebellious… tendencies…” the girl said, her mind wandering to a vision of a Kingdom filled with peace and a crowd applauding her, giving thanks for her part in bringing down the ‘Evil Valshani Empire’ and restoring the Queen to her right mind once again.“...If you think that I can help in any way, then I shall, Master Koga”“Thank you my dear, now I have work to do, please make yourself ready at a moment’s notice. I will call you when you are needed.”“Yes, Master Yoshina...err...Yashida.” the girl quickly corrected herself; she turned and left the small office.

As Carsaadi re-entered the library proper, there was a cacophonous boom as the main door to the library burst open, a small figure of a young woman landing on the floor some fifteen feet from the entrance, her body sprawling across the floor and into one of the master bookshelves with a dull thud, then laying motionless in an undignified heap at its base. Then, through the main door slink several Mithrans, laughing as they entered.“That was a fantastic blast Selrana, well done.” The first one through the door exclaimed; a vicious smile on her face as she entered. “I wonder if the filthy vermin actually survived...if so then I may just have to kill it myself...” She said, drawing her sword; her tail swishing

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side to side “...and do the world the favour of having to see its filthy face anymore.”“Master Yoshina! Come Quickly!” Carsaadi screamed running over to the helpless girl and placing herself between the girl and the Mithra as she advanced towards them at the base of the bookcase. “Get out of the way, Hume. This creature needs to die before it dirties this City anymore by its presence.”“If you so much as touch her in this Library, Cria, then it will be the last thing that you do in this life.” The voice came from all around the Library, echoing and reverberating throughout the hall.“Who do you think you are, speaking to me in such a tone!” exclaimed the startled Mithra lowering her blade.“I am the Master of this Library, Feline, and you will show both Myself and this Library the proper respect. As for this girl, she is now under MY protection. If you value your scraggy hides you will leave this place at once.”“What makes you think that you stand a chance against us... Librarian.” Cria hissed, her teeth bared in anger and she re-raised her sword and darted towards Carsaadi and the girl, hissing as she ran.

Then, without warning there was a flaring of magickal energy, a burst of brilliant white light and a dull thud followed by several pained yowls as Cria sprawled into her comrades, thirty feet away. As the light faded, Koga was stood in front of Carsaadi and the girl, robes billowing as if in a high wind.“You will find, Cat, that I am more than capable of defending myself against the likes of you. Now...LEAVE!”“You...will...PAY...FOR...THAT...LIBRARIAN!!” screeched Cria, almost exploding with the anger and rage in her. “GET THEM, KILL THEM ALL...NOW! OR YOU WILL ALL PAY WITH YOUR OWN LIVES”With these words, Cria’s comrades spewed into the Library, hissing and screeching as they came, swords drawn and teeth and claws bared. Koga took a step forward, murmuring under his breath as he did so, though what he said was

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unclear, the build up of magickal energies that began to surround him made his intentions clear.