rearrangement of 2-hydroxyalkyl esters of diphenylthio- and selenophosphoric acids

REARRANGEMENT OF 2-HYDROXYALKYL ESTERS OF DIPHENYLTHIO- AND SELENOPHOSPHORIC ACIDS O. N. Nuretdinova and B. A. Arbuzov UDC 542.952.1:547.1 '118 As a continuation of studying the rearrangement of the S-2-hydroxyalkyl esters of phosphorus acids we studied the isomerization of the 2-hydroxyalkyl esters of diphenylthio- and -selenophosphoric acids. By analogy with the S-2-hydroxyalkyl esters of di-tert-butylthiophosphoric acid [1], we postulated that the re- arrangement of the S-2-hydroxyalkyl esters of diphenylthiophosphoric acid will be difficult due to steric hindrance by the phenoxyl groups. It proved that, in contrast to the esters of di-ter~-butyIthiophosphoric acid, which do not rearrange to the O-2-mercaptoalkyl esters, the isomerization of the S-2-hydroxyalkyl esters of diphenylthiophosphoric acid stops at the step of forming the products with a thiaoxaphospholane ring. A signal in the 40-45 ppm region (relative to 85% H3PO4) is usually observed in the 3ip NMR spectrum of the reaction products of oxiranes with diphenylthiophosphoric acid, which can be assigned to the intermediate rearrangement products. Previously, based on the 31p NMR spectra, a similar product was observed during the isomerization of the S-2-hydroxyalkyl esters of dialkylthiophosphoric acids, but with time the signal at 40 ppm disappeared and there remained only the signal of the product with a 2-mercaptealkyl group in the region from-2 te-4 ppm [2]. In the case of the esters of diphenylthiophosphoric acid the 31p NMR spectrum remains constant with time. It is probable that during the isomerization of the S-2-hydroxyalkyl esters of diphenylthiophosphoric acid the rearrangement proceeds with closure of the thiaoxaphospholane ring and the liberation ofphenol. Phenol does not react with 2-oxo-2-phenoxy-l,3,2-thiaoxaphospholanes at ~ 20~ As a result, the reaction of oxiranes with diphenylthiophosphoric acid gives a mixture of 2-oxo-2-phenoxy-l,3,2-thiaoxaphospholane (I)-(III) and phenol, which are separated by distillation: O--CHR ~ (PhO)2FSOH + R~I-1C CHR 2 --~ (Ph0)~PSCHCH011 --~ PhOP / + PhOH \ o / o R1R~ o" ~S_C[HR 1 (I)--(III) R~= R2= H (I); RX= H, R~ = Me (II); It* = R~= Me (III). Compomlds (I)-(s are hydrolytieal unstable and are decomposed by water or alcohols with destruction of the thiaoxaphospholane ring. Similar products were obtained previously by the vacuum distillation of the S-2- hydroxyalkyl esters of dialkylthiophosphoric acids [3]. 2-Oxo-2-isopropoxy-4,5-dimethyl-l,3,2-thiaoxaphos- pholane (IV) was obtained by this method in the present paper Me 0 0--CHMe 1 Distillation II/ ] (i-PrO)~FSCHCHOH /-PROP II ] o,I--O,~ mm ~, J 0 Me S--CHMe (iv) + i-Pr 01-] When the mixed esters of either ethylphenyl- or isopropylphenylthiophosphoric acid are reacted with oxiranes, the alp NMR spectrum of the reaction mixture has, besides a signal at 40 ppm, a signal in the region from - 8 to --1g ppm, which testifies to progress of the hydroxythiol rearrangement up to the step of forming the 2-mercaptoalkyl ester. When this mixture is distilled, the first to distill are phenol and the other low- boiling products, and then the thiaoxaphospholane A. E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Translated from Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No. 5,pp. 1130-1132, May, 1981. Original article submitted May 19, 1980. 890 0568-5230/81/3005-0890507.50 1981 Plenum Publishing Corporation

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O. N. N u r e t d i n o v a a n d B . A. A r b u z o v UDC 542.952.1:547.1 '118

As a continuation of studying the r e a r r a n g e m e n t of the S-2-hydroxyalkyl e s t e r s of phosphorus acids we studied the i somer i za t i on of the 2-hydroxyalkyl e s t e r s of diphenylthio- and - se lenophosphor ic acids. By analogy with the S-2-hydroxya lky l e s t e r s of d i - t e r t -bu ty l th iophosphor ic acid [1], we pos tu la ted that the r e - a r r a n g e m e n t of the S-2-hydroxya lky l e s t e r s of diphenylthiophosphoric acid will be difficult due to s t e r i c h indrance by the phenoxyl groups . I t p r o v e d that, in c o n t r a s t to the e s t e r s of d i - ter~-butyI thiophosphor ic acid, which do not r e a r r a n g e to the O - 2 - m e r c a p t o a l k y l e s t e r s , the i somer i za t i on of the S-2-hydroxyalkyl e s t e r s of diphenylthiophosphoric acid s tops at the step of fo rming the products with a thiaoxaphospholane ring.

A signal in the 40-45 ppm region ( re la t ive to 85% H3PO4) is usual ly obse rved in the 3ip NMR sp ec t ru m of the reac t ion p roduc t s of ox i ranes with diphenylthiophosphoric acid, which can be ass igned to the in te rmedia te r e a r r a n g e m e n t p roduc t s . P r e v i o u s l y , based on the 31p NMR s p e c t r a , a s i m i l a r p roduc t was obse rved during the i somer i za t i on of the S-2-hydroxyalkyl e s t e r s of dialkyl thiophosphoric ac ids , but with t ime the s ignal at 40 ppm d i sappea red and t he r e r em a i ned only the signal of the p roduc t with a 2 - m e r c a p t e a l k y l group in the region f r o m - 2 t e - 4 p p m [2]. In the ca se of the e s t e r s of diphenylthiophosphoric acid the 31p NMR s p e c t r u m r ema ins constant with t ime.

I t is p robab le that during the i s om er i za t i on of the S-2-hydroxya lky l e s t e r s of diphenylthiophosphoric acid the r e a r r a n g e m e n t p r o c e e d s with c lo su re of the thiaoxaphospholane r ing and the l ibera t ion ofphenol . Phenol does not r e a c t with 2 -oxo-2 -phenoxy- l ,3 ,2 - th i aoxaphospho lanes at ~ 20~ As a resu l t , the reac t ion of ox i ranes with diphenylthiophosphoric acid gives a m ix tu r e of 2 -oxo-2-phenoxy- l ,3 ,2 - th iaoxaphospho lane (I)-(III) and phenol, which a r e s epa ra t ed by dist i l lat ion:

O--CHR ~

(PhO)2FSOH + R~I-1C CHR 2 --~ (Ph0)~PSCHCH011 --~ PhOP / + PhOH \ o / o R1R~ o" ~S_C[HR 1

(I)--(III) R ~ = R2= H (I); RX= H, R~ = Me (II); It* = R~= Me (III).

Compomlds (I)-(s a r e hydro ly t iea l unstable and a r e decomposed by wa te r o r alcohols with des t ruc t ion of the thiaoxaphospholane r ing. S imi la r p roduc t s were obtained p rev ious ly by the vacuum dist i l lat ion of the S-2- hydroxyalkyl e s t e r s of dialkyl thiophosphoric acids [3]. 2 - O x o - 2 - i s o p r o p o x y - 4 , 5 - d i m e t h y l - l , 3 , 2 - t h i a o x a p h o s - pholane (IV) was obtained by this method in the p r e s e n t p a p e r

Me 0 0--CHMe 1 Distillation II/ ]

(i-Pr O)~FSCHCHOH /-PROP II ] o,I--O,~ mm ~, J

0 Me S--CHMe (iv)

+ i-Pr 01-]

When the mixed e s t e r s of e i ther ethylphenyl- o r i sopropylphenyl th iophosphor ic acid a re r eac ted with ox i ranes , the alp NMR s p e c t r u m of the reac t ion mix tu re has , bes ides a signal at 40 ppm, a signal in the region f r o m - 8 to - -1g ppm, which tes t i f i es to p r o g r e s s of the hydroxythiol r e a r r a n g e m e n t up to the step of fo rming the 2 - m e r c a p t o a l k y l e s t e r . When this mix tu re is dis t i l led, the f i r s t to dist i l l a re phenol and the other low- boiling p roduc t s , and then the thiaoxaphospholane

A. E. Arbuzov Inst i tute of Organic and Phys ica l Chemis t ry , Kazan Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. T r a n s l a t e d f r o m Izves t i ya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya , No. 5,pp. 1130-1132, May, 1981. Original a r t i c l e submi t ted May 19, 1980.

890 0568-5230/81/3005-0890507.50 �9 1981 Plenum Publishing Corpora t ion

/-PRO \


PhO / %/

i-PrO O--CHMe 20--30 ~ /

\PSCH--CtiOH ~ i-PrOP /II I [ 7so mm [1\ I

Ph0 0 Me Ne O S--CHMe (IV)

A dark-brown residue remains after distillation, whose main signal in the 31]? NMR spectrum (- i0 ppm) ap- parently corresponds to the acid i-PrO(PhO)PO2H.

The reaction of oxiranes with diphenylselenophosphorie acid proceeds in a similar manner to give selenaoxaphospholanes ((sap 32 pprn), which are stable only in solution (ether, benzene) and decompose when the solvent is removed with the deposition of elemental selenium:


PhOP/ ' C~K~

(PhO),PSeOH ~- MeHC CH, ~ (PhO)zPSeCH~CHMe " " iJ l il \ I

/ 0 OH 0 0--CHMe

A p p a r e n t l y , i t was f o r t h i s r e a s o n t ha t the f o r m a t i o n of s e l e n a o x a p h o s p h o i a n e s cou ld not be r e c o r d e d p r e v i o u s l y



Reaction of Oxiranes with Diphenylthiophosphoric Acid. To an ether solution of diphenylthiophosphoric acid was carefully added {or by bubbling in the case of ethylene oxide) an excess of the oxirane (mole ratio = 1:1.2), after which the mixture was reflu_xed, cooled, the solvent was distilled off at I0 torr, and the residue was distilled at a higher vacuum. In all of the experiments the phenol distilled in the range 40-80~ (0.15 ram). Then the 2-oxo-2-phenoxy-l,3,2-thiaoxaphospholanes distilled. (i) bp 136~ (0.09 ram); d420 1.3682; nD 2~ 1.5688. Fomnd: C 45.00; H 4.18; P 14.13%. CsHg?3PS. Calculated: C 44.44; H 4.16; P 14.35%. 6aP + 42 ppm. (H), bp 145-150~ (0.08 ram); d42~ 1.3011; nD 2~ 1.0560. Found: C 47.22; H 4.60; P 13.08%. CsHIiO3PS. Calculated: C 46.95; H 4.78; P 1 3.47%. (531p + 41 ppm. {HI), bp 134-137 ~ (0.08 ram). Found: P 12.37; S 12.72~c. CIoHI303PS. Calculated: P 12.70; S 13.11%. (sap 40 ppm.

2- Oxo-2-isopropoxy-4,5-dimethyl- 1,3,2-thiaoxaphospholane (IV). a) The distillation of O,O-dlisopropyl S-l-methyl-2-hydroxypropyl thiophosphate, obtained as described in [3], gave (IV) with bp 85-86~ (0.I ram); d42~ 1.1710; nD2~ Found: C 40.36; H 7.10; P 15.00%. CTHisO3PS. Calculated: C 40.00; H 7.114; P14.76%. (53ip + 38 p p m .

b) The reaction of isopropylphenylthiophosphoric acid with 2,3-butylene oxide gave (IV) in ~,60% yield, bp 97-98~ (0.15 mm); d420 1.1720; nD 20 1.4805. Found: P 14.42%. CTHI503PS. Calculated: P 14.7(~%. 631P 38 p p m . *


Diphenylthio- and -selenophosphoric acids react with oxiranes to give 2-oxo-2-phenoxy-!,3,2-thia- or -selenaoxaphospholanes. Isopropylphenylthiophosphoric acid reacts with oxiranes to give a mixture of phosphorus-containing compounds, in which the thiaoxaphospholanes with an alkoxyl substituent on the phosphorus atom predominate.


2. 3. 4.


O. N. Nuretdinova and F. F. Guseva, Izv. Akad. Naak SSSR, Ser. Khim., 197__~9~ 1901. O. N. Nuretdinova and F. F. Guseva, !zv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 197____88, 2142. O. N. Nuretdinova, F. F. Guseva, and B. A. Arbuzov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Set. Khim., 19___j7_6_6 , 2625. I. A. Nuretdinov, N. A. Buina, E. V. Bayandina, O. N. Nuretdinova, F. G. Sibgatullina, and D. N. Sadkova, Abstracts of Papers Delivered at International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Halle, Germany (1979), p. 319.