realizing the dream 2013 news release

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  • 7/27/2019 Realizing the Dream 2013 News Release


    Contact: Mary Ellen Hamer, Independent Colleges of Indiana, Inc., (317) 6!"!#$1

    First-Generation College Students Recognized for Realizing the Dream

    I%&I'%'*I+, %oem-er , #/13 0 eali2ing a dream taes commitment, 4ard 5or,and, most often, a 4elping 4and from family and ot4ers. 'nd t4ats eactly 54at 31st8dents from Indianas independent colleges and 8niersities are -eing cele-rated fort4is +at8rday eening, %oem-er $, at t4e #! t4ann8al 9eali2ing t4e &ream -an;8et.

    %o5 sop4omores, t4ey 4ae reali2ed t4e dream of -eing t4e first in t4eir families to go tocollege, 4ae -een selected -y t4eir colleges for o8tstanding ac4ieement in t4e fres4man

    year, and are s8ccessf8lly adancing to5ards completing t4eir -ac4elors degrees.

    Made possi-le -y a grant from *illy Endo5ment Inc. to t4e Independent Colleges of

    Indiana, t4e eent recogni2es first"generation st8dents attending ICI camp8ses, along5it4 t4eir inspirational teac4ers and families. #,/// c4ec to 4elp 5it4 college costs, and eac4st8dents c4osen 9most infl8ential teac4er?mentor 5ill receie >1,///. ne o8t of eeryt4ree st8dents on ICI camp8ses is a first"generation one. @enero8s financial aidproided -y t4e camp8ses t4emseles, com-ined 5it4 state and federal grants, maes apriate college ed8cation a possi-ility for all st8dents in Indiana.