real rangkuman bhs inggris

RANGKUMAN MATERI BAHASA NGGRIS KELAS IX Kind of Text Text Procedure Repeatedly Hesination Short Functional Text If Clause Comperative Degree Admiration Notice Coution Warning Gerund

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RANGKUMAN MATERI BAHASA NGGRIS KELAS IXKind of Text Text Procedure Repeatedly Hesination Short Functional Text If Clause Comperative Degree Admiration Notice Coution Warning Gerund Descriptive Descriptive adalah suatu jenis text yang menggambarkan tentang benda, orang/tempat. Identification Descriptive Descriptive Report Report adalah suatu jenis teks yang berisi laporan suatu peristiwa/kejadian. General clasification Report Description Narrative Narrative adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan cerita masa lalu/dongeng. Orientation Complication Narrative Resolution re-Orientation Prosedure Adalah suatu jenis teks yang menceritakan tentang membuat dan melakukan sesuatu. Goal : Tujuan Procedure Material : Alat / bahan Step : Cara Fungsi teks prosedure : To tell to do or make something (menjelaskan cara melakukan sesuatu) To explain the way to...(menjelaskan cara...) To tell the reader how to (memberitahu pembaca bagaimana cara...)


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Kind of Text Text Procedure Repeatedly Hesination Short Functional Text If Clause Comperative Degree Admiration Notice Coution Warning Gerund

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Kind of Text






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Descriptive adalah suatu jenis text yang menggambarkan tentang benda, orang/tempat. Identification



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Report Report adalah suatu jenis teks yang berisi laporan suatu peristiwa/kejadian.

General clasificationReport Description

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Narrative adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan cerita masa lalu/dongeng.


Narrative Resolutionre-Orientation

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Recaount adalah suatu jenis text yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman penulis. OrientationRecount Event Re - Orientation

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Adalah suatu jenis teks yang menceritakan tentang membuat dan melakukan sesuatu.

Goal : TujuanProcedure Material : Alat / bahan

Step : CaraFungsi teks prosedure : To tell to do or make something (menjelaskan cara

melakukan sesuatu) To explain the way to...(menjelaskan cara...) To tell the reader how to (memberitahu pembaca

bagaimana cara...)

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Text Prosedure Tanda bahwa itu merupakan text prosedure

1. Menggunkan rumus Present Tense + S + V1(s/es) + Obj + Adv - S + don`t/doesn`t + V1 + Obj + Adv

? Do/Does + S + V1 (s/es) + Obj + Adv + ? contoh :+ He studies english - He doesn`t study english? Does he study english ? 2. Biasanya langsung menggunakan kata kerja contoh :Read, write, study, etc

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Text Prosedure Contoh text prosedure..

a) How to make fries riceb) How to make lemon juicec) How to make coffeed) How to make kitee) How to play gamesf) How to switch on computerg) How to wear a veilh) How to make a noodle

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Teks Procedure Goal : HOW TO MAKE A CHAIR Material: Do you who make the chair? Yes , he is a

carpenter . Do you know what tools he needs to do his job? Of Course , he needs a saw , hammer , plane , nails , ruler , and so on . And how does he make the chair?You can learn the following steps .

Steps : The first steps is selecting the bars of wood. Choose the best bars which are completely dry . These bars must have been stored at least 40 to 50 days in the storage . The second steps is measuring the length and width of the size we need by using a ruler and saw . Use the plane the sooth the surface of the chair parts . Then make yhe fixed measurement by using a pencil on the surface of the parts. Then saw the parts of the chair carefully . Finally, unity the parts of the chair with the food glue and nails. The last step is painting the chair and drying it.

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Repeatedly Repeatedly

Pepeatedly adalah suatu kalimat yang berisi permohonan untuk mengulang apa yang seorang katakan.


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Repeatedly Asking for repetition

-Sorry , can you repeat your words,please ?-I told you that we will have a new teacher ?-Could you repeat that ?-Could you say that again,please ?-I beg your pardon would you mind repeat your words ?-Excuse me could you please repeat the last intruction ?-What did you say ?-Sorry ?

How to Respond

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Responding Responding

-I told you that we will have a new teacher

-O.K-Of course-All right-Sure

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Hesitation Hesitation

Hesitation adalah suatu kalimat yang mengandung sifat keragu-raguan atau ketidak yakinan.


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Hesitation Showing Hesitation

- I am not (quiet) sure about it- I`m not sure if my sister did it- I doubt about this information- I doubt that i can answer all question- I am not sure/certain that this is the right book- I am not really sure/certain about the news- I doubt that the boy can finish the work on time

How to Respond

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Responding Responding

- Never mind, then- Why don`t you double, theak ?- You`d better confirm it- Don`t be pessimistic- Neither am i- Why don`t you try to get the trush ?

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Short Functional Teks Advertisement ( Iklan ) Advertisement adalah suatu teks yang berisi pemberitahuan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong dan membujuk seseorang untuk membeli ataupun menggunakan barang/jasa yang diberikan.

Barang Advertisement


Announcement ( pengumuman )Announcement adalah suatu teks yang berisi

pengumuman atau pemberitahuan bagi orang banyak yang berisi informasi penting

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Short Functional Teks

Short Massage ( pesan pendek )

Pesan pendek adalah suatu jenis teks pendek yang berisi informasi penting yang disampaikan oleh pengirim (sender ) kepada seseorang yang dituju atau penerima (receiver) dan sang pengirim berharap itu dilakukan.

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Short Functional Teks

Greeting card Greeting card adalah suatu teks yang berisi

dukungan atau ungkapan keprehatinan Letter ( surat )

Letter adalah sarana komunikasi yang biasanya dikirim lewat kantor pos Scedule ( jadwal )

Scedule adalah suatu teks yang berisi jadwal apa saja yang harus dilakukan atau juga apa yang harus dibawa

Label Label adalah sejumlah keterangan pada

kemasan produk. Secara umum, label minimal harus berisi nama atau merek produk, bahan baku, bahan tambahan komposisi, informasi gizi, tanggal kedaluwarsa, isi produk, dan keterangan legalitas.

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Short Functional Teks


Nutrient or nutrient is an element or chemical compound that is used for metabolism or physiology of organisms. Nutrients are usually categorized into nutrients that provide energy and is used as a component of the cell body or structure. Called an essential nutrient for the organism if the substance can not be synthesized by the organism and must be met from dietary sources. Invitation ( undangan )

invitation adalah undangan yang diberikan pada seseorang dan diharapkan untuk hadir memenuhi undangan tersebut

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If Clause If Clause

If clause adalah kalimat pengandaian yang mungkin terjadi di waktu yang akan datang.

If Clause Type 1if + Simple Present, will-Future

Example: If I find her address, I will send her an invitation.The main clause can also be at the beginning of the

sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.Example: I will send her an invitation if I find her address.Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Simple Present und Will-Future on how to form negative sentences.

Example: If I don’t see him this afternoon, I will phone him in the evening.

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If Clause Contoh If Clause Type 1

1. If Caroline and Sue prepare the salad, Phil will decorate  the house.2. If Sue cuts the onions for the salad, Caroline will peel  the mushrooms.3. Jane will hover the sitting room if Aaron and Tim move the furniture.4. if Bob tidies up the kitchen, Anita will clean the toilet.5. Elaine will buy the drinks if somebody helps her carry the bottles.6. If Alan and Rebecca organise the food, Mary and Conor will makethe sandwiches.7. If Bob looks after the barbecue, Sue will let the guests in.8. Frank will play the DJ if the others bring  along their CDs.9. Alan will mix the drinks if Jane gives him some of her cocktail recipes.10. If they all do their best, the party will be great

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If Clause If Clause Type 2

if + Simple Past, main clause with Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)

Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.Example: I would send her an invitation if I found her address.

Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Simple Past and Conditional I on how to form negative sentences.Example: If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay here.

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If Clause If Clause Type 3

if + Past Perfect, main clause with Conditional IIExample: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.

The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.Example: I would have sent her an invitation if I had found her address.

Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Past Perfect and Conditional II on how to form negative sentences.Example: If I hadn’t studied, I wouldn’t have passed my exams.

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Comperative Degree

Comperative DegreeComperative degree adalah suatu kalimat yang

berisi perbandingan 2 orang atau lebih.

S + Tobe + Adj {{ (er/more) / (est/the most) }} + Than + S2

er/more : digunakan untuk perbandingan 2 orang.

er : digunakan untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari 1 suku kata pngada

perbandingan 2 orang Contoh: Smaller, Bigger, Nearer, Cheaper More : digunakan untuk kata sifat yang

terdiri dari 2 suku kata atau lebih.Contoh: More Expensive, More Beautiful, More


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Comperative Degree

est/the most : digunkan untuk perbandingan 2 orang atau lebih dari 2 orang.

Est : digunakan untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu suku kata pada perbandingan 2 orang atau lebih

Contoh: Hotes, biggest, smallest

The most : digunakan untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari 2 suku kata atau lebih pada penbandingan lebih dari

dua orangContoh: The most expensive, The most

beautiful, The most Interesting

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ADmiration Admiration

Admiration adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kekaguman terhadap penampilan atau hasil karya seseorang.

How + Adj + Noun + Tobe

Example :- Wow , that’s morveolus!- Terific !- How can you do that- If i may say,that’s really briliant , sir/ma’am- Wonderful !- Beautiful !- Amazing !- How (beautiful) is !

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Notice Notice

Notice atau peringatan adalah informasi singkat dan sederhana yang ditujukan kepada orang banyak.

Notice Digunakan untuk memeberi informasi, intruksi atau peringatan tersebut tidak berakibat seriusExample :

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Caution Caution

Caution adalah peringatanatau saran yang ditujukan untuk orang lain atau banyak orang tentang sbeuah bahaya atau resiko yang mungkin terjadi.Example :

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Warning Warning

Warning adalah peringatan yang akibatnya sangat serius atau berbahaya.


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Gerund Gerund

My Brother likes flying kitesSleeping to much is not good for our healthIka`s hobby is collecting stamps

Pay attention to the words in bold type. They are called GERUNDS. Geruns are noun formet from the verbs, they are formed by adding –ING to verb. Like nouns gerunds can be the subject. Object or complement of a sentencesExample : Smoking costs a lot of money (as a subject ) I don`t like writing (as an subject ) My favorite occupation is reading (as a complement )

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GerundHowever like a verb, a gerund can also have an

object it self. In this case (gerund + object ) can be the subject. Object or complement of the sentences.Example :- Smoking cigarettes a lot of money ( as a subject )- I don`t like writing letters ( as an object )- My favorites occupation is reading hero stories ( as a

complement )Gerund can also be placed after preposition. It

happen if we want to you a verb after Preposition.Example :• Pleasee have a drink before leaving• I am looking forward to meeting you• Do you Object to working late ?

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Short MessageTo : Ali Zafran, S.Pd.From : Muhammad Genta, M.Pd.Date : June 21st, 2013Subject : Data of School Budget Plan

In the next three weeks, we will make a special meeting with the parents. The meeting will discuss the plan management for the school budget. We must give a correct understanding of the funds in details. It is a must because the funds come from parents which will be used for a school construction. I personally hope you can make the data in detail. Your data is based on the financial report for the last six months.

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Active Passive Sentences

Passive sentences Adalah kalimat yang dikenai pekerjaan.

Formula : S + tobe + V3...Example : English is studied everyday English is being studied now English has been studied English was studied yesterday English was, being studied when you came English had been studied before you came English eill be studied to night

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Active Passive Sentences

Active sentencesAdalah kalimat yan melakukan pekerjaan.

Formula : O + Tobe + V3 + S + ...Example : I study english everyday I am studying english now I have studied english everyday I studied english yesterday I was studying english when you came I had studying english before you came I will study english yo night