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GRE OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER DATABASE 2012 Note: Please don’t forget to mail the questions after your exam. Do others favour by mailing the questions and let others know that you have a kind and generous heart towards others. MAIL: [email protected] IMP: I will be updating the questions and answers. Please mail me the questions with the date of the exam. No other information or identity will be revealed. Be generous and help our friends. Note: Please do not mail, asking for database. Whatever questions mailed, will be posted here itself, in this DOC.

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Note: Please don’t forget to mail the questions after your exam. Do others favour by mailing the questions and let others know that you have a kind and generous heart towards others.

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DATABASE 2011 ---Given : n > 3. and n is an odd number. col a: Product of first n prime numbers.col b: Product of first n whole numbers.Answer : AAs whole numbers include 0. Therefore answer will be 0 in col b. ---If the salary of a person X is 130% of salary of person Y.Then what is the salary of person Y in terms of X ??

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Ans : X=130% of Y means X=1.3Y; Y=(1/1.3)X; Y=0.7692X ----There are two rectangular solids large and small.If the edges of a small rectangular solid is 40% of the edges of a larger rectangular solid, then Col A: Ratio of volume of smaller rectangular solid to larger rectangular solid Col B: 8/125Ans : C ---Given that there are 10 balls and 10 bags and 3 balls are of same kind. In how many ways these ‘10’ balls can be arranged in 10 bags, such that no bag should be left empty?Ans : We need to observe that no bag has to be left empty.That means every bag will get one ball each.We need to arrange 10 balls in 10 places with 3 balls being identical.This can be done in 10!/3! --- Last year, 1/4 of factory workers are architects. One year ago 60 workers newly joined in which 50 are architects and no one left the factory since last year and if now 1/3 of factory workers are architects then find the total number of workers?Ans : 1/4*x+ 50=1/3*(x+60)from where we getx= 360A-Architects, NA-Non architects.1 year back, A/NA = x/3xNow, (x+50)/(3x+10) = 1/2Solving you get x=90.Total no. of people currently = (x+50)+(3x+10)=420.--- If it rains on Saturday, then the probability of getting a Concert postponed is 0.95. Col A: If it doesn’t rain on Saturday, then the probability of getting Concert not postponed Col B: 0.03 Ans : to know the probability of getting concert not postponed if it will not rain, you need to know the probability of rain. -> Dor you consider that if it will not rain, the concert will be done at 100% -> A ---Probability of an event H happening is 0.6Probability of an event J happening is 0.5 [ they are independent ]

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col a: probability of event H happening but J not happeningcol b: 1/6 Ans : But they have asked for a union b(complement) which would be a+b(comp)-a*b(comp) for independent.right?so 0.6 +.5-(.6*.5)= 0.8 Col A: P( Jc) =1-0.5=0.5P(H or Jc) = P(H) + P( Jc ) -P( H)* P( Jc )= 0.6 +0.5 -0.6*0.5=1.1 - 0.3 = 0.8 =4/5Col B: 1/6A is greater. Column A: 0.6*0.5=0.30 Column B: 1/6 So, Column A>Column B ___In a rectangular coordinate system, given the coordinates of R as (12, 2) and the x-coordinate of T is 5 less than the x-coordinate of R. If the slope of RT is 2, then find the coordinates of ‘T’? Ans : (7,-8) ---Given that there are 'x' boxes and boxes are filled with equal number of balls.If 3 boxes are filled with 12 balls each, then 5 balls are left after filling. Find the value of 'x'? Ans : 41 ---A person's name = STEVE.col a: If any 2 letters are interchanged, what is the probability that the spelling is correct.col b: 1/5 Ans : (4!/2!)/5!=1/10.... So ans is B ---For every month, there is a 10% increase in something which is termed as x.what is the total increase at the end of 7th month? Ans: here it is.,p* (1+(r/100))^n

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p=100, n = 7, r=10---Given : 3 hooks and 5 pictures.Find the number of ways to select 3 picture combinations? Ans : 5p3 but not 5c3........... becoz u can select 3 pictures from 5 pictures in 5c3 ways... nd u can match the selected 3 pictures with 3 hooks in 3!ways.. so total= 5c3*6=60 --- Given : |x|<= 6, |y|<=4. Col a: The maximum value of | y/x | col b: 1 here, 6>, 6>=+x(here, x is a variable having both positive & negative value).......similarly, 4>=lyl...o, 4>=+y (here, y is a variable having both positive & negative values)..... now, y has a maxim value of 4 but x has no lower limitation... so value of ly/xl can vary ---- Given three numbers m, n and p.If L.C.M of ‘m’ and ‘n’ is ‘mn’ and L.C.M of ‘n’ and ‘p’ is ‘np’, then Col A: L.C.M of ‘m’ and ‘p’ Col B: mp Ans : take 2,3,4 as the numbers...m and p lcm != mp...again for 2,3,5 discrepanciesD ---If x and y are positive integers and x - y is an even number, then Col A: The remainder when x^2 + y is divided by 2 Col B: 0 Ans : x^2+y => (x-y+y)^2+y => (x-y)^2+2.y.(x-y)+y^2+y

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=> (x-y)^2+2.y.(x-y)+y(y+1)all the terms are divisible by 2, so the reminder is O ---Given three vertices of a triangle in X-Y plane as (a, b-3), (a, b) and (a + 5, b-3).Find the area of the triangle? Another solution is , A=(a, b-3) ,B=(a, b) ,C=(a + 5, b-3) then distance AB(X,Y)=(a-a,b-b+3)=(0,3) so height =3 again distance BC(X,Y)=(a+5-a,b-3-b+3)=(5,0) so leg =5 and finally area =3*5/2=7.5 --- If a person ‘A’ did 1/5th of the some work and another person ‘B’ did 1/6th of remaining work.Then, what is the work still left? Let , total work is 30 days. so A did 30*1/5=6 days , remaining (30-6)=24 then B did 24*1/6=4 days . together A & B did =6+4=10 days . Finally the work is still left =(30-10)/30=2/3 A do 1/5 of the work. So, B do (4/5)*(1/6)=2/15 of the work. Total work done by A and B=1/5+2/15=1/3. So, the undone work =1-1/3=2/3. ---In a group, 7 out of every 15 students admitted in an university and one of them is absent everyday. If 315 students were admitted last month, then how many students were not absent at all? 315/7=45 ==>315-45=270


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1. Given a fraction 20/7. What is the digit at 57th decimal place of the given fraction value?ans 7jus by lookin at the ques its obvious there has to be some repetion in the pattern of digits!!20/7 = 2.857142...dis will be recurring as u get again 20/7 at this placenow 6 digits are repeating as 6*9=54 =>57th place wud be 8 5 7...hence the ans 2. In a triangle the three angles were given as X, X & Y. If the average of two angles is 65, then what is the possible value of 'Y'?A. 65B. 75C. 80ans 50 or 80!!take both angles x,x =65 u get y =50anoder possibility x+y/2 =65 => x+y =130 also x+x+y=180 =>x =180-(x+y) =50=>y = 80

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3. Given f(x) = x^2+x, thenCol A: f(x+1)Col B: f(x) + f(1)ans Df(x+1)= (x+1)^2 + x+1 = x^2 + 1 + 2x + x + 1 = x^2 + 2 +3xf(x)+f(1) = x^2 + x + 1 + 1 = x^2 + 2now clearly difference is 3x=>anythin can be greater depending on x is +ve or -ve 4. If the retail price is 35% more than wholesale price and if the retailer sells it with a profit of 21% withthat of wholesale price, then what percentage of discount did he offer to the customer?ans =10%(approx)take the wholesale price=100=>retailer sells it with a price of 121actual retail price is 135 and hes sellin wid a price of 121=>discount = (135-121)/135 * 100 = 10.3 % ans 5. If 3^16 is a factor of 63^n, then what could be the least value of n?ans 863^n = (7*3^2)^n = 7^n * 3^(2n)..clearly 7 is prime so 3^16 shud be a factor of 3^2n => minimum value of n = 8 6. If an article cost is 256$ in 1989 and is increased by 80% when compared to 1975, then what was itscost in 1975?x +80% of x = 256=> x = 256/1.8 = 142.22 ans 7. If it takes 'a' hrs for 'x' to repair 1 machine and 'b' hrs for 'y' to repair 1 machine, then how many hourswill it take to repair 750 machines, if they work together?time require to repair one machine workin together = reciprocal of(1/a + 1/b) =ab/(a+b)=>for 750 machines time = 750*ab/(a+b)

8. If for a set of 15 elements, 'a' is mean and 'b' is median, a>b;If for another set of 25 elements, 'c' is mean and 'd' is median, c>d;then, theCol A: Combined Mean of the setsCol B: Combined Median of the setsANS Dthere s no way to get a picture of the actual values....combined mean wud be (15a+25c)/40..u cannot say anythin about the median!!if u think theres a possible way post ur solution in corrections thread!! 9. If the standard deviation of x, y & z is 'a' and the standard deviation of x+5, y+5 & z+5 is 'b', thenCol A: aCol B: bans cmug it ....this is a rule!!standard deviation never changes on adding or subtracting a constant to each valueproof :follow the procedure..u will get it in the third step!! 10. A regular hexagon ABCDEFG(it shud be ABCDEF) is inscribed in a circle. If BE is the diameter of the circle, thenCol A: Length of BE

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Col B: Length of BCDans ctake centre as O..BE = BO + OE = r + r =2r BCD=BC + CD = r + r =2r as it s a regular hexagon it will form 6 equilateral triangles!!each side =r only!!1. If x < 0 then the value of (-x)(-x)/(-x) isA. lxlB. xC. x^2D. 0& so on...ans A(-x)(-x)/(-x) = -x now |x| = -x if x<0 hence the ans 2. In every month, a hospital is opened only in last week. If 10 people travel through bus to hospital, then what is the probability that at least two people travel on the same day?A. 1/7B. 2/7C. 1D. 6/7& so on...ans 1its obvious people are more 10 and days are less 7 !! 3. If t^4 = 16, thenCol A: tCol B: 2ans D ...t can be -4 or 4 4. If the point (1, 2) lie on the line mx + ky = 3, thenCol A: kCol B: 0ans Dm*1 + k*2 = 3 ..u can hav many values of k even k=0 gives m = 3hence ans D 5. If ‘X’ invests Rs.5000 at the rate of 6% for annual & ‘Y’ invests Rs.6000 at the rate 6% for semiannual, thenCol A: The interest ‘X’ gets for 1yearCol B: The interest ‘Y’ gets for 1yearans Bcol A =5000*6*1/100=300COLB= 6000*6*2/100 = 720(2 IS MULTIPLIED AS RATE OF INTERST S FOR HALF YEAR) 6. If 1 < r < s < t < 2, then r+(s*10^6)+(t*10^12) is related to which of the following ?A. (r+s+t)*10^12B. t ^12C. (s+t)*10^8& so on...A ,B, C cannot be the answers....more options can help!! 7.If the circumference of the circle is 16pi, then find the area of shaded region?2*pi*r =16pie=> r =8area of sector (the shaded region) = 135/360 * pie * 8 * 8 = 75.3 approx!!

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8. Given a ladder of length 5mts and it is displaced i.e slanted downwards, such that it falls 'x' mts in height and horizontal length increases by 'y' mts.Col A: xCol B: y ans Dsuppose initially it is vertically straight resting against the wallnow it is displaced x mts in height and y mts on the floor!!it will be a right angled triangle always(5-x)^2 + y^2 = 5^225 + x^2 -10x + y^2 = 25y^2 = 10x - x^2x=y=5 both are equal at every oder position y is greater!! 1. If x^2 + y^2 = 10 and xy=2, thenCol A: (x-y)^2Col B: 6ans CCOL A = x^2 + y^2 - 2xy = 10 - 2*2 = 6 2. If p = (5/k) & q = (3/k), then the value of (p/q)^2 is?p/q=5/3 =>ans =25/9 3. If x < y < z, thenCol A: xyCol B: yz ans Dtake x=-2 and y=-1 and z=3 ....xy=2 and yz=-3now take x=1,y=2,z=3 4.Given a figure of two equilateral triangles of side length 4, which forms a square ABCD as aboveCol A: Area of squareCol B: Perimeter of squareactually ABCD will not be a square according to the figure as AD will be equal to sqrt(4^2 -2^2) = 2root3 which s not equal to AB which is 4!!but if its a square den 4*4=16 =perimeter=4*4 5. Given volume of the cube and asked to find the area of the cube.area wud be TSA =6 *[v^(2/3)] where v s volume 6. If t^4 = 16, thenCol A: tCol B: 2ans D..t=2 or t=-2 7. In a rectangular co-ordinate system, if the point (5, 5) is equidistant from point (x, 0) and point (y, 0), thenCol A: x-interceptCol B: y-intercept ans Dfirst of all intercept is only defined for line ..x intercept of a point doesn make sensehowever if the cols are x and y then on the x axis there will be exactly two points equidistant from any given point!!one wud be less than the other

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jus think of a circle cuttin the x axis at two points wid centre 5,5 ....both point are eqidistant as they are nothin but point on circumference ....out of x,0 and y,0 any point can be the left one hence ans d both point will coincide if x axis is tangent to the circle....u can hav infinite circles like dat! 1. The greatest prime number by which (64^2 - 57^2) is divisible?A. 7B. 11C. 13& so on...64^2 -57^2 = (64+57)(64-57) = 121 * 7=11*11*7 hence the ans 11 2. If the probability of some X person's sucess rate in doing a task is 0.8 and Y person is 0.7, then what is the probability that neither can do the task?ans = (1-0.8)*(1-0.7) =0.2*0.3 =0.06 ans 3. Given a circle on coordinate axis with origin (0, 0) and radius 5. Find the number of points we could find on the circle?infinte lie on the circle...ques is not complete!! 4. If 10^11+10^8+10^9+10^10 is divisible by 11, thenCol A: The RemainderCol B: 0ans C10^2 divided by 11 gives 1 as remainder=>10^11 = (10^2)^5 * 10 = 1*10=10 as remainder=>10^8 =(10^2)^4=1 as remainder10^9 will give 10 as remainder10^10 will give 1 as remainder=>total = 10 +1 +10 +1 = 22 /11 =>0 remainder!! 5. If the mean of x1, x2, x3, x4 & x5 is 'm' & if the mean of x1- m, x2 - m, x3 - m, x4 - m & x5 - m is 'p', thenCol A: mCol B: p(x1+..x5)/5 =m =>(x1+..x5)=5m(x1-m + x2-m +.....+ x5-m)/5 = p[(x1+..+x5) - 5m]/5 = p or p=0ans m can be equal to 0 as well!! 6. If x > 1 and 0 < y < 1, thenCol A: x^4 * y^ 4 / x^2Col B: x^2 * y^4ans C both are equal as x>1 7. {(-x)*(-x)} / (-x) =if x>0 ans -|x|if x<0 ans |x| 8. In total of 2000 students, if 'x' students passed in maths, 'y' students passed in physics and 'z' students passed in both, then how many students passed in neither of the subjects?total passed =x + y - zas in x and y they are counted twice..draw venn diagram=>student passed in neither of d subjects = 2000 -(x+y-z) = [2000 - x -y + z]ans

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9. If 6 members are to be selected in group of 4 children and 4 men, thenCol A: Probability of selecting 2 children and 4 menCol B: Probability of selecting 3 children and 3 menans BCOLA=4c2*4c4/8c6=6/8C64c3*4c3/8c6 =16/8C6 10. Col A: (x^2 - y^2) / (x-y)Col B: x + yans DFOR COL A... x cannot be equal to y...but its valid for B ..oderwise they r equal! 11. If a solid cylinder of dimensions 4 *(1/2) *(1/2) is converted into a solid cylinder of dimensions 8 *2 *h, then what is the value of 'h'?ans 1/16 dimensions are given for radius and height!!as pie is always multiplied and s a constant!!4*1/2*1/2 =r^2 * h = 8*2*h =>h=1/16 ans 1. A line was drawn through a point on x-axis (a, 0) and a point on y-axis (0, b). A line parallel to x-axis was given. If the distance between (0, b) to this line was k and if the point where this parallel line intersects the earlier line was (x, y), then find the value of x and y? draw diagramu have two points get the equation of line!y - y1 = slope(x - x1).....slope = -b/aso equation = y - a = -b/a *(x - 0)....u can also take the point as (0,b)!! now distance is always measured perpendicularly so the y coordinate of point wud be |b-k|now put this y coordinate in the above equation to get the x coordinate!!u get x as a(-|b-k|/b + 1) if its given b>k or k>b den mod can be opened!! so (x,y) wud be (a(-|b-k|/b + 1),|b-k|)ans 2. If the median of 7 consecutive even integers is 2n+2, then what is the mean?ans :2n+2median wud be 4th number = 2n+2 =mean only!! 3. Given 60% of the sophomores took up liberal arts, 24% took sciences and rest took both or neither. If 55% of all sophomores took psychology, then what percentage of arts students took psychology?dere can be 2 answers so i guess the ques is incomplete!!psychology is also a science ..let total be 100 people60 took arts ,24 took science or psychology..16 left took either both or none if they took both=>24 + 16=40 took psychology =>remaining 55-40=15 from 60 took psycholgy=> % frm arts = (15 + 16)/(60 +16)=31/76 *100=40.8if they took none=>55-24 =31 took frm arts =>% = 31/60*100 =51.6 5. If t = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, then the number of 4 digited numbers that can be formed without repetition is?ans 7c4*4! = 840first 4 out of dese 7 numbers is taken(7c4) and den non repeated combinations are calculated(4!)

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6. If 0.6 < x < 0.8, thenCol A: xCol B: (0.73)^2ans B 0.73 wud be 0.53 somethin!! 7. If lxl < lyl, thenA. x + y = 0B. x + y =! 1C. x < yD. x - y = 0non of the options matches take x=4 and y=-10 8. Given a semicircular path. If Joe travelled through curved area in 2 min and Jack travelled through straight line in 1 min, thenCol A: Average Speed of JoeCol B: Average Speed of Jackans Bcol a: pie*r/2 colb:2r/1 =4r/2 > pie*r/2 hence ans B 9. Col A: xCol B: x^3ANS D take 01 10. Given 3 + 33 + 333 + 3333 +...........up to 10 terms. After the summation, what is the value in hundredth digit?ans 7at units place 3 wud be added 10 times so sum = 3*10 =30 0 is retained and 3 is passed as carry to tens u will have 9 3's so sum =9*3=27 + 3 (previous carry) =30 again a 0 is retained and 3 is passed as carry to the hundreds we have 8 3's so sum =24 + 3(from previous carry) = 27so a 7 is retained at hundredth position and 2 is passed to thousands place !!hence the ans 7 11. If the retail price is 35% more than wholesale price and if the retailer sells it with a profit of 21% with that of wholesale price, then what percentage of discount did he offer to the customer?ans 10% approx let whole price be 100retail price =135he s sellin it at 121discount % = 135 -121/135 * 100 = 10% approx 1. For (-x) (-x) / (-x) , x < 0 the value of x isA. lxlB. -lxl& 3 more optionsans |x| ... (-x) (-x) / (-x)=-x=|x| as x<0 2. On wholesale, if a shopkeeper had a 30% increase followed by 20% decrease, then how much was his total increase/ decrease?

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use golden formula =30 -20 +(30*-20/100) = 4% increase!! 3. Given a circle with triangle ABC inscribed in it. If AB = diameter & CB = 5, then find the area of triangle?ab^2 =bc^2 + ca^2 ...ab=2r ..get ca ..area =1/2*bc*ca (angle in a semicircle is 90) 4. The Value of 0.00865 = ?A. 8.6 X 10^-1B. 8.6 X 10^-2& 3 more options were given8.6*10^-3 ans 5. If 'n' is a positive integer, thenCol A: (2r)^nCol B: (2r)^3nans D 2r can lie between 0 and 1 col a wud be greater..if 2r>1 den col b wud be greater!! 6. If the probability of raining on 1st day is 0.8 and the probability of raining on 2nd day is 0.6, then what is the probability of not raining on any of these days?(Something like this)independent events=>prob= (1-0.8)(1-0.6) = 0.2*0.4 =0.08 ans 7. The area of the triangle formed by x-axis, y-axis and the line x+y = 4 is ?1/2*4*4 = 8 ...x and y intercept will act as base n height..both are equal to 4!! 8. Given 'A' has 'x' toys inserted in 'y' boxes and 'B' has 'y' toys inserted in 'x' boxes.Col A: Number of toys 'A' has - Number of toys 'B' hasCol B: 0ans C..COL A=xy - xy=0 9. If (x + y) = 8 and 2*(y^2) = 32, thenCol A: xCol B: 4y=+4 or -4so x= 4 or 12 hence ans D 10. The largest prime number by which 64^2-57^2 is divisible?ANS 11see..FEB 6..1ST QUES 11. If ln+2l = n+6, then find the possible value of n?ans n=-4 ln+2l = n+6take n+2 >0 or n>-2 =>|n+2| =n+2n+2 =n+6 or 2 =6 solution 2 can never be equal to 6!!take n+2 <0 => n<-2=>|n+2| =-(n+2)=>-n-2 = n+6 or n=-4 which is less than -2 hence a solution!! 12. If a # b = 3a + 2b, thenCol A: (0 # 1) # 2Col B: 0 # (1 # 2)col a =(3*0 + 2*1) # 2 = 2#2 = 3*2 +2*2 =10colb=0#(3*1 + 2*2)=0#7=3*0 +2*7 =14hence ans B

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13. Set A: {15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21}Set B: {10, 11, 12, 13, 14}If each number of set A is added to a number of set B, then (after the addition) how many numbers are uniquely formed?the trick for dis one is ..jus find the minimum and max sum ..25 and 35..all the numbers in between will be formed only!!hence total=35-25+1 =11 ans 14. Given a big square, in which 16 small squares were inscribed. The small ones which had only 1 side covered with perimeter of big square was shaded. If n is the number of such small shaded squares in a big square(n>4), then find the actual number of small squares within a big square?A. 4(n-4)B. 4(n-2)C. 2(n-4)D. 2(n-2)ans A16 small squares are inscribed => 4 along row and 4 along column as it was initially a square=>shaded wud be 2*4 = 8 as the two along corners in a single row or column wud be covered by 2 sides of perimeter f big square!!so..n=8option A only satisfies 4(8-4)=16=actual number of small squares 1. Col A: 2 * {1/(sqrt(2) + 1)/ sqrt(2)}Col B: 2 + sqrt(2)ans Bcola: 2*sqrt(2)*(sqrt(2)-1)/(2-1) = 4 - 2sqrt(2) =4-3sqrt(2) + sqrt(2)colb:2 + sqrt(2) ....clearly 2> 4-3sqrt(2)..hence B s greater!! 2. If 0 < x < 1, thenCol A: (x^-2)^-3Col B: (x^-3) / (x^-2)col a :x^6<1 colb: 1/x > 1 as 0sum = 7*35now (sum +k)/8 = 35 or k =35*8 -35*7 =35*1=35 ans 6. If there are 'c' cartons and each carton has 'x' boxes which is being loaded in a truck in 'h' hours and 't' minutes, then Col A : The average time for loading the 'x' boxes of all cartons Col B: cx /(h+t/60)avg time = total time /total boxes = (h+t/60)/cxans can be 1/2 hr as well so that colb becomes 2 ..hence the ans is D!! 7. From a set of positive numbers 1 to 100, two numbers x & y are to be selected at random. Col A: Probability that the two numbers x & y are even Col B: Probability that the sum of two numbers selected is evenCOL A: 50c2/100c2col b: (50c2 + 50c2)/ be two odds or two evenshence ans B 1. Given a polygon with 9 equal sides & all angles are equal. If one side is extended, find the angle between the extension & the other side?ans 40

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draw the figure u will have 140+ x = 180 2. A set of 15 numbers has mean 'a' & median 'b' and another set of 25 numbers has mean 'c' & median 'd'. If the combined mean of two sets is 'e', thenA. a > bB. c > dC. e > f& so on....mean can be greater as well as less than option s correct!! 3. Given a square of area 36. If a quadrilateral is formed by connecting mid points of two adjacent sides with a vertex, thenCol A: Perimeter of Quadrilateral formedCol B: xx(some value is given)a triangle will be formed and not a quad...perimeter wud be 2*root(39) + root(18)u can get by applyin simple pythogoros!!im nt explainin it coz the ques is nt clear!! 4. Given a quadrilateral with sides 9, 9, 8 &1.Col A: Angle between the sides 9 and 9Col B: 60ans B0 2<third side<14ans D 7. Given that heights of 60 men, 60 women both have normal distributions and if the Standard Deviation of them is 10 each, thenCol A: Standard Deviation of a random sample of 30 men, 30 womenCol B: 9ans Djus think of some values !!!again any clear and fast solutions are welcome!! 1. Given 8 + y = 2^n, where 'n' is a positive number. Which of the following will be correct value for Y?A. -6B. -4& so on....ques is incomplete 2. If 3x - 3y = 1; x and y are positive numbers, thenCol A: x/yCol B:1ANS ax-y =1/3as x and y are both +ve!!=>x > y=>x/y>1 3. If (x+3)(x-3) = 4x+1, then what is the value of x?x^2 -4x - 10 =0x= [4+sqrt(16+40)]/2 or x = [4-sqrt(16+40)]/2 4. If the area of the semi-circle is 2pi, then what is perimeter of the semi circle?pi*r^2/2 =2pi =>r^2 =4=>r=2perimeter =pi*r= pi*2 =2pi ans

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5. Given a right angle triangle ABC whose adjacent sides are 'a', 'b' and hypotenuse 'c', thenCol A: a + cCol B: 2bans Dtake sides as 3,4,53+5 = 4+4but 4+5 > 3+3(just interchangin values of a and b) 6. Given that 'A' completes a piece of work in 12 days and 'B' in 'x' days. When worked together, if they complete in 9 days, then what is the value of 'x'?ans 36reciprocal of(1/12 + 1/X) =9or 12x/(12 + x) = 9x=108/3 = 36 7. If a1 = 2, a2 = 3 ................ an = a(n-1) - a(n-2), then what is the value of a150?(Here 1, 2, 150, n, n-1 & n-2 are suffixes) ans is -1....a1=2a2=3a3=1a4=-2a5=-3a6=-1a7=2a8=3a9=1so we see that the series is repeating after a6......since 150 is divisible by 150th term will be -1(same as 6th term) 8. If 1/x - 1/y = 1/xy, thenCol A: xCol B: y y-x/xy =1/xy =>y-x=1 or y =1+xans B 9. If 0 < x < 1 & 0 < y < 1, thenCol A: x / x^(-1)Col B: y^(-1) / y ANS Bcola =x^2<1 and colb=1/y^2 >1 10. If the average of x1, x2, x3, x4 is 'S' and the average of y1, y2 is 't', then the combined average of x1, x2, x3, x4, y1 & y2 isA. s + t/2B. s + tC. s + t/8combined avg =(4s + 2t)/6 = 2s/3 + t/3 ans(x1+x2+x3+x4)/4 =s or x1 +x2+x3+x4 =4ssimilarly y1+y2 = 2t 11. The value of 5000 + sqrt {(0.68) + (700.2)} is.........i guess ques is a bit altered find exact square root s very time consumin

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12Col A: xCol B: 60ans B seeing the length of BC and CD ...4<BD<6(diff of 2 side<third side<sum of 2 sides) BD<10 always.. x cannot be greater than 60!!coz angleABD and angleBDA are equal and if x is greater than 60 abd and bda wud be less than 60!!which is not possible,,,as greater side has greater angle opposite to them...this property can also be inferred by a/sinA =b/sinB=c/sinC!!! 2.If x < 0, thenCol A: 2x^3+3x^2+5Col B: 3x^2+5Solution:DO NOT TAKE ANY ASSUME ANY VALUE OF X HEREit can be clearly seen that 3x^2 + 5 is Common in both the colums so lets assume it YThus We only worry about the effect of 2x^3 hereWe know that cube any Negative number will be negative. Assume ans be -ZIOW [IN OTHER WORDS] ColA: Y + (-Z) = Y - ZColB : YSo obviously Col B will be greater 3. Given the two sides of a triangle as 6 and 5 that are opposite to 'x' and 'y' angles. If the length of the third side is given as 8, thenCol A: x+yCol B: 90Solution: Again it is obvious It will form an Obtuse Triangle, And X and Y are the smaller angles as they are opposite to the smaller sidesAnd by Rule the Sum of Smaller angles will be less than 90 in Obtuse triangle.Thus Ans B 4. If the remainder when 10^32 is divided by 11 is 'R', thenCol A: R+2Col B: 3Solution : First of All Its a very good QuestionRULE : When ever 10^x is divided by 11 the Quotient will always be 9.09*10^(x-2) For remainder: if x is even it will be 1 and if x is odd it will be 10 always.So here since x is even = 32 we will have remainder as 1So R + 2 = 1+2 = 3So C is the answer. 5. Given A's speed is 50 km/h and B's speed is 55 km/h. If 'A' covers distance in 5 hours, then how much time 'B' takes to cover the same distance?Solution: Speed = Distance / TimeFor A: Speed : 50 ; Time : 5Hrs ; Distace : ?Distance: Speed * Time = 50 * 5 = 250 KM Now For B : Speed = 55 ; Distance = Same as A = 250Kms ; Time = ? Time = Distance / Speed = 250 / 55 = 4.54Hrs Ans :4.54 6. In a shop, if the discount provided is 40% on one jacket and 20% on one shirt, thenCol A: What is the percentage reduction in discount on two jackets and one shirt

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Col B: 35% Solution : Consider 3 cases hereCase 1 : J > SCase 2 : J = SCase 3 : J < S Case 1 : J = 200 and S = 100 Now 2 jackets = 200 * 2 = 400 it has a discount of 40% = 400 - 400 *40/100 = 240One Shirt = 100 and it has a discount of 20% = 100 - 100 * 20/100 = 80Total amount paid with discount = 320Total Amount paid if NO discount = 500(400+100) Percentage reduction in discount = [500 - 320] / 500 * 100 = 180 / 500 *100 = 36% Case 1 = Answer is A Case 2 : J = 100 & S = 100 Now 2 jackets = 100 * 2 = 200 it has a discount of 40% = 200 - 200 *40/100 = 120One Shirt = 100 and it has a discount of 20% = 100 - 100 * 20/100 = 80Total amount paid with discount = 120Total Amount paid if NO discount = 300(200+100) Percentage reduction in discount = [300 - 200] / 300 * 100 = 100 / 300 *100 = 33.3% Case 2 = Answer is B Thus No Need to Solve Case 3 here we get D as Answer! 7. If R = Set of prime numbers from 1 to 50,S = Set of multiples of 15 from 10 to 50,T = Set of odd numbers from 1 to 50, thenhow numbers will be common in all the three sets?Solution: Again No Need to Find Everything hereReading the question carefully we u will Notice S And R can never have anything in Common as A multiple of any Number will not be a Prime Number!Thus Answer will be D 8. Given numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. What is the probabilty of choosing two numbers at random from the given numbers such that the sum of the two numbers must be an even number?Solution : Indirectly In this question we are asked to find the probability of Finding the probability of two ODD numbers. Because only two odd numbers can give a sum which is even. Thus Sample Space here is 5C2 as we are choosing 2 numbers from 5 = 5*4/2*1 = 10And picking 2 odd numbers from 3 is equal to 3C2 = 3 * 2 / 2 * 1 = 3 Thus Final probability = 3C2 / 5C2 = 3 / 10 9. Given a series -9, 10, -11, 12, -13. . . . . . . . . . .80, thenCol A: The sum of first 27 numbersCol B: -22Solution : There are many ways to solve this one What I feel best is this:When we add First two terms we get -9 + 10 = 1

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Similarly next two terms we get -10 + 11 = 1So when we added First Four term we get 4 as the answer.When add next two that total 6 we get it as 3 So the rule is When u add n such term the sum will always be equal to n/2 Thus when we add First 26 numbers in the series we will get 13 as the answer and 27 term in the series will be 35 = (27 - (-9) -1(for inclusive))[We subtracted here as it is negative number starting series] and the sign would be negative as all the odd numbers are negative. Thus Finally Sum = 13 + (-35) = -22 Answer C 1. If the retail price is 35% more than wholesale price and if the retailer sells it with a profit of 21% with that of wholesale price, then what percentage of discount did he offer to the customer?let whole price be 100retail price = 135hes sellin at 121discount =135-121/135 * 100 =10.3% 2. If x > 1 and 0 < y < 1, thenCol A: x^4 * y^ 4 / x^2Col B: x^2 * y^4ans C...both cols are same as x>1(non zero) 3. If x < 0, thenCol A: -xCol B: |x|ans c |x|=-x when x <0 because a -( a -ve number)=+ve number=mod of the number 4. Given 60% of the students passed in X subject, 50% of the students passed in 'Y' subject and 20% of the students passed in neither of the subjects. If 18 students passed in both the subjects, then how many students passed in neither of the subjects?ans 1220% passed in neither =>passed students=80%60% passed in x so 80-60 =20%left50% passed in y =>50-20 =30% must be the number passed in both30% of x = 18 ...u get x =6020% passed in neither =>20% of 60 =12 ans 5. If a number 'n' is divided by 11, it gives remainder 5. What is the remainder when 7n is divided by 5?sometimes putting the values can lead u to a wrong ans..dis is a perfect example..try to judge the problem..'n' is divided by 11, it gives remainder 5=> n is of the form 11p + 5 where p is any integer!!7n=>7(11p+5) = 77p + 35remainder wud be (remainder of 77*remainder of p + remainder of 35) when divided by 5= 2*remainder of p + 0clearly dependent on p!!

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1. Col A: Standard Deviation of P1, P2, P3, P4 & P5Col B: Standard Deviation of P1+5, P2+5, P3+5, P4+5 & P5+5 ans C sd does not change on adding or subtractin a constant to every value!! 2. (-1)^18 * (168)^(-1) =A. 1/168B. 0C. 168D. -168E. -1/168ans A ..its 1*1/168 3. If x y^2 take x=-4 ..y=-3 4. If a train is moving at a speed of 'x/6'miles per 'y'sec, then what is the speed in minutes when moving at 'Z'miles? y sec --->x/6 miles60 sec or 1 mt----------->x/6y * 60 = 10x/y10x/y -------->1 mtz dist-------------->z/(10x/y) = zy/10x mtspeed wud be 10x/y miles/minute only!! 5. Given volume of a sphere 'A' as 4/3*pi*r^3. If the radius of the sphere 'B' is '2r', then volume 'B' is how many times that of 'A'?A. 0B. 6C. 8& so on..... ans 8volume varies with radius^3=(2r)^3 =8r^3(4/3pi is a constant) 6. For n/(5)*(n-1), n>20, 000. What would be the value of the given form?ques is not clear!! 7.What is the value of x & y in terms of ‘k’?ans (bk/a , a-k) it shud also be given that horizontal line (cuttin at x,y)is parallel to x axis..y=a-k (its visible)for x coordinate make the equation of the line havin intercepts a and b !!write in slope form it will be fast x/b + y/a = 1now put y=a-k get xx = bk/ahence the ans =>(bk/a , a-k) 1. If a > 1, thenCol A: a^2-1Col B: a+1Ans Dtake 2,col A nd B will b equal

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take 3,col A will b greater 2. Col A: Standard Deviation of 23, 24, 25, 26, 26, 26Col B: Standard Deviation of 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30ans B ..range is more=>s d is more!! 3. If a number is divisible by 5, the remainder is 3 & when the same number is divided by 7, the remainder is 4. What is the least possible number?ans 18number is divisible by 5, the remainder is 3 =>number will be of the form 5p +3where p is start puttin values of p from 1p=1 remainder when divided by 7 is 1p=2 remainder = 6p=3 remainder=4..dis is the required number hence number=18!! 4. Given A= {Set of odd integers less than 100}B= {Set of positive even integers less than 5}C= {Set which include product of both sets A and B}Col A: number of integers in set CCol B: 100Ans CSet A will be 50Set B will be 2 nd 4Set C wil be 2 nd 4 individually multipied by 50 no.that is 100 5. If x < 0 then the value of (-x)(-x)/(-x) isA. lxlB. xC. x^2D. 0ans A(-x)(-x)/(-x) =-x = |x| when x<0 6. A group of 1 professor and 3 students have to be made from 4 professor and 5 students.Col A: Different ways in which the groups can be formedCol B: 40Ans C4C1*5C3=40 7. Given a right angle triangle ABC whose adjacent sides are 'a', 'b' and hypotenuse 'c', thenCol A: a + cCol B: 2bAns Dtake 3,4,5----4+5 =!2*3take 6,8,10-----6+10=2*8but 8+10=!2*6 1. Given 'p' and 'q' are two points which are on the same side of 0 on the number line.Col A: p+qCol B: 0ans D

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p,q can be both +ve or both -ve!! 2. When a number 'w' is divided by 14, the remainder is zero. If 'w' is three lesser than it value and when divided by 15, its remainder is 14 then what is the value of 'w'?ans 179w is of the form 14p where p is an integer.also 14p-3 gives remainder as 14 when divided by 15...numbers which give remainder as 14 are..14,29,44,59,74,89...they shud be equal to 14p-3 such that p is an integer.if u notice u need to check only numbers like 29,59,89 as 14,44,74 on adding 3(odd no) cannot be of the form 14p as it shud be even.adding 3 to the nos having 9 at units place will gives 2 at units jus check for 14*3 14*8 14*13(here u get the ans) as 14*13 -3 = 179 gives 14 as remainder when divided by 15!! 3. If an article cost is 256$ in 1989 and is increased by 80% when compared to 1975, then what was its cost in 1975?x+80% of x =256x=142.22$ ans 4. If t^4 = 16, thenCol A: tCol B: 2ans D t can be 2 or -2!! 5. Col A:The remainder when 10^32+2 is divided by 11Col B: xx(some value)ans cola=310^32=(100)^16 100 on dividin by 11 gives 1 as remainder so 100^16 will give 1^16=1 as remaindertotal remainder=1+2=3 6. Given a triangle ABC and a point 'D' divides the side AB such that a triangle ADC is formed & AD/DB=1/3. If the area of the triangle ABC is r, then find the area of the triangle ADC in terms of r?ANS : r/4 draw the figure and take AB as base AB = AD + DB =X +3X =4Xarea =1/2 * base *height =1/2 * 4x * Hfor area of ADB..HEIGHT WUD BE SAME...hence area =1/2 *AD*h =1/2*x*H4/1 =r/area of adchence are of ADC =r/4 !! 1. Form a given set of numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9, find the number of ways of forming a four-digited number(without repetition)?ans 8*7*6*5 2. If x>y, thenCol A: |x+y|Col B: |x-y|ans dtake y=0 x=1 both r equal!!now take x=1 y=-1

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3. If (x-2)^(x-4) = 1, thenCol A: xCol B: 4can be 1 if power is 0(base can be anythin)=>x=4or base is 1 (power can be anythin)=>x=3 4. The value of 5000+srqt(6.9 * 7002.1) is ......i guess ques is a bit altered find exact square root s very time consumin!! 5. Given two groups G and M, G Group has 25000 people and M group has 30000 people. A total of 50000 people group is formed by using these two groups. If one person is selected from G group then what is the probability that he is also from M group?ans 1/5total of 50,000 is made =>25,000 + 30,000 -x =50,000 =>x=5,000where x is the common population for bothprob = common people/(total no of people in G) = 5,000/25000 =1/5 6. A person 'B' types 2 papers in 3 seconds and a person 'C' types 1 paper in 1/2 sec. If they start working independently at same time. How many minutes will they take to type 8000 papers?ans 50 minsB types 2 paper in 3 minutes this time C can type 3/1/2=6 papersso in all in 3 seconds 8 papers are typedso for 8000 papers time required wud be 3*1000=3000 sec =3000/60 mins =50 min 7. Given two points of a line as (3, k) & (5, m). If the slope of the line is 4, then what is the relation between k & m?ans m=K+8m-k/(5-3) = 4 or m-k =8 8. If the mean of 30 numbers is 1.68 and the mean of first 20 numbers is xx(some value), then what is the mean of rest 10 numbers?sum of 30 nos/30 = 1.68=>sum of 30 numbers=30*1.68=A(say)in the same manner sum of 20 nos=20*xx=B(say)sum of 10 nos/10=(A-B)/10=mean of rest 10 nos 9. Given lateral surface area of a cuboid and asked to find the volume of it?lateral surface area of cuboid =2(l+b)*hvolume l*b*hu cannot find volume unless some oder data s available!! 1. If 10^n = 0.0004, then what is the value of n?ans -4n>-4 [this is correct.....ans is (n=-3.39 approx)]ii)-4>n>-5 2. If the price of an article is 256$ in 1989 and is increased by 80% when compared to 1975, then what was its price in 1975?prev database 3rd ques 3. Col A: Standard Deviation of m1, m2, m3, m4 & m5

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Col B: Standard Deviation of m1+5, m2+5, m3+5, m4+5 & m5+5ans c std deviation doesnot change on adding or subtractin a constant to every value!! 4. If the remainder when 10^32 is divided by 11 is 'R', thenCol A: R+2Col B: 3ans c (R=1)prev database 5th ques(its almost same..go thru the sol) 5. If 3x - 3y = 1; x and y are positive numbers, thenCol A: x/yCol B: 1ans Ax - y =1/3 so x = y+1/3 so (y +1/3)/y=1+ some +ve value > 1 6. If the area of the semi-circle is 2pi, then what is perimeter of the semi circle?A. 2piB. 8piC. 16piD. 2pi+ 4E. 4pi+sqrt4pi*r*r/2 =2pi=>r=2perimeter =pier + 2r(diameter) =(pi+2)r 7. Which of the folowing has the highest slopeA. y-1/4x=5B. y-1/2x=2C. y+2x=-3D. y+7x=-6& so on.....ans Bhighest means +ve highest value of mwrite the equations IN SLOPE FORM as y =mx+c where m is the slopeclearly option B has highest slope =1/2 8. Given that 60% of the sophomores took up liberal arts, 24% took sciences and rest took both or neither. If 55% of all sophomores took psychology, then what percentage of arts students took psychology?this was seen earlier also in database...but the question is ambiguous acc to me..suppose total=10060 took lib arts 24 took sciences left are 16% (they took both or none)if they took both then 55-24=31 art student took sciences=>31/(60+16)=40.7 %or if rest took none then % =31/60=51.6% 9. If 2/x = y/2, thenCol A: XCol B: Yans dxy=4x =y=2 or x=4 and y=1 or x=1 andy=4

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1. There are 1 badger and 1 panderer. If each badger has 6 flavors and each panderer has 3 flavors, then what is the total number of ways of selecting 4 flavors from badger and 1 flavor from panderer? Ans : 454 flavors can be selected from 6 in 6C4 ways1 flavors can be selected from 3 in 3C1 waystogether they can be selected in 6C4 X 3C1 = 15 * 3 = 45 2. Given 'A' works 25mins to produce 1 ton of oil and 'B' works 30mins to produce 1 ton of oil, If they work simultaneously, then in how many hours they can produce 15 tons of oil? Ans: 2250/11A works 25min to produce 1 ton of oil so in 1minute it produces 1/25 tones of oilB works 30min to produce 1 ton of oil so in 1minute it produces 1/30 tones of oil if both work simultaneously for 1 minute they produce(1/25) + (1/30) = 11/150 tons of oilThus 1 ton of oil will be produced in 150/11 minutes. thus for production of 15 tons of oil they need (150/11) * 15 = 2250/11 min 3. 1/2(10^6) = ???Ans: 5*10^51/2 = 0.5 = 5 * 10^-1thus 5 * 10^-1 * 10^6 = 5*10^5 4. Col A: (0.02)^2Col B: (-0.05)^2Ans: BColA : [2 * 10^-2]^2 = 4 * 10 ^-4ColB : [-5 * 10^-2]^2 = 2.5 * 10^-3 5. If -10 < = X < = 6, then what is the maximum possible greatest value of -X^2+X^4? Ans: 10,100since all the powers of the equation are even the value for X should be taken as -10thus X^2 + X^4 = [10]^2 + [10]^4 = 100 + 10000 = 10,100 6. If length of the rectangle is 16 and perimeter is 40, then what is the area of the rectangle? Ans:64Perimeter = 40 and L = 162[L+B] = 40 [L+B] = 2016 + B = 20B = 4Thus Area = L * B = 16 * 4 = 64 1.If probability of receiving a bust tone is 1/3, thenCol A: The probability of not receiving a busy tone, when tried 4 timesCol B: 1/4 probability of not receiving a busy tone=2/3 If you try 4 times, probability is (2/3)^4= 16/81 Ans:B

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2.Given a circle with a point inside it, such that its maximum distance from the circumference is 11 and shortest distance from circumference is 5. Find the radius of the circle? A point can be at maximum distance from the circumference if it is present on the diameter. diameter=11+5=16 So, radius=83.If ‘x’ is an integer and x1, thenCol A: Standard Deviation of {1, 2, x}Col B: Standard Deviation of {1, 2, 1} Ans: D if x can be any number 4. Col A: Standard Deviation of 12, 10, 30, 35, 40Col B: Standard Deviation of 30, 50, 20, 10, 60 10,12,30,35,40 mean=127/5=25.410,20,30,50,60 mean=170/5=34 The deviation of col B is greater. 7. If 'A' is three times of 'B' and 'B' is five times of 'C', then how many times is 'A' when compared to 'C'? A.15B.14xC.15xD.10xAns:15x A = 3BB = 5Cthus A = 3[5C] = 15CThus A is 15x of CNote: here x means times that is A is 15 times of C 8. If the arithmetic mean of 4 boys salary is X and average of 3 girls salary is y, thenCol A: Mean of 7 members salaryCol B: (x+y)/2Ans: DColA: [4X + 3Y] / 7ColB: [X+Y]/2since X and Y are unknown answer can not be found out 9. Given that there are 'x' girls and boys are 4 more than girls, if the probability of girls from the total(G+B) is 3/7, then totally how many girls are there? Ans: 12if number of girls is x then number of boys will be (x+4)Now given that probability of girls in total of both is3/7that is to say: x / (x+x+4) = 3/7 thus x / 2x +4 = 3/77x = 6x + 12x = 12Thus number of girls is 12 10. In a line, if x-intercept is given as 2 and Y-intercept is given as 8, then which of the following below is true? A. y-intercept is always 4 times of x-intercept.

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B. y-intercept is always 6 more than x-intercept. and 3 more options were givenAns: none none of the options correctly satisfy the given condition we need all 5 options to get the correct answer here 11. A graph is given, in that 2 lines are drawn. Line L1 is drawn from left-right downward and line L2 is drawn left-right upward.Col A: Slope of line L1Col B: Slope of line L2(Given question is something like this)Ans: BL1 will be like '\'and L2 will be like '/'L1 will always have a negative slope whereas L2 will always have positive slope 12. There are 4 members and each of their salary is 'h' and the mean of their salary is 'x' dollars & there are other 3 members each of their salary is 2h and the mean of their salary is 'y' dollars. Col A: Standard Deviation of salary of 4 membersCol B: Standard Deviation of salary of all 7 membersAns:B Standard deviation is the measure of deviation of a reading from its meanThus for column A the standard deviation will always be zero as mean and the reading in all four cases will be sameBut in column B the set will have different valus as {h,h,h,h,2h,2h,2h} whos mean will be differnet than the redings so there is some deviation from the mean that means there will be some value of SD Thus colA : 0ColB : some value[which is always positive]Thus answer will be B 13.See diagramHere L1 & L2 are parallel. Area of triangles ABC & area of triangle DEF are given (some value). Col A: Length of DGCol B: Length of CFAns: DData is insufficient to decide the answer 14.See the diagram Here ‘C’ is the centre and those lines are tangents to the circle which meets at ‘O’. If the angle it makes is 60`(or 30`-- not sure), then what is the circumference of the circle? Ans: Can't be foundAgain data is insufficient to find the answer at least tangent or the distance OC must be given to find the answer Above 14 answerers were for December 3rdDecember 4th Database:1. Given three series l: x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5xll: x, x+1, x+2, x+3lll: 1/x,1/x+1,1/x+2,1/x+3Which of the series has same mean and median?Ans: Both I and IImean of I will be 3x and median of I wil also be 3xmean of [2x + 3] / 2 and median will also be [2x+ 3] / 2 2. In a class of 20 students, one half of the students are boys, if a teacher has to select 7 students and the first 6 are girlsCol a: What is the probability that the 7th student is a girlCol b:2/7Ans: Cthere are 10 boys and 10 girls in the class

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now we have to select 7 of them of which first 6 are girlsThus remaining girls are 4 and boys are 10so the probability of finding a girl in the reaming class will be 4 /14 = 2/7 3. There was a ladder given. The ladder is of length 5 and it is displaced i.e slanted downwards such that it falls 'x'mts in height and its horizontal length increases by 'y'mts.Col A: x Col B: yAns:Dsince x and y are unknown answer can not be found 4. If the probability of not raining tomorrow is 0.56, thenCol A: Probability of not raining tomorrow, when temperature is above 85 centigrade Col B: 0.58Ans: BCol A : 0.56 temp. is given here to fool us!Col B: 0.58 5. Col A: 10! + 9! Col B: 10(9!)Ans : ACol A: 10! + 9!Col B: 10 [9!] = 10!Thus colA is greater 6. If x & y are the integers between 13 & 29, then for 5+x/7+y how many sets of values of x & y for the given expression will be in same ratio?Ans: unknown Question is not very clear here about the exact ratio asked! 7. If x/x-1 = x-2/x+1Col A: x Col B: 2/3Ans: B solving the above equation we get the value of x = 1/2 =0.5and Col B: 2/3 = 0.666thus it will be B December 5th database:1. Given N is a positive odd integer. If the number in the tens digit is double the digit at the units place then what is the value of N? A. n > 90 B. 30 < N C. N > 50 D. 30 < N < 50Ans: unknown Here there are two values that satisfy the given condition 21 and 63.none of the option indicate the correct answer! 2. Given a series of numbers 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3....... Col A: The sum of the first 67 termsCol B: 34Ans: Cthe 66th term in series will be -33(66/2 and even numbers are negative) and the sum till 66th term will be zeroNow the 67th term wil be 34 and the sum of all 67 terms will be 0 + 34 = 34 3.see the figure the sector angle given as 45degree & the side of the square is given as 'x'. Find the area of the shaded region? Ans: [7* pie * x^2] / 32 since the side of the square is x the diameter of the circle will be x and radius will be x/2Now area of shaded region = Area of circle - Area of sectorArea of sector = [ pie * r^2 * angle] / 360 = [pie * r^2 * 45] / 360 = [pie * r^2] / 8Area of circle = pie * r^2

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thus Area of shaded region = [pie * r^2] - [ pie * r^2] / 8 = [7 pie r^2]/8but r = x/2thus Area = [7 * pie * (x/2)^2] /8 = [7 * pie * x^2] / 32 4. If a, b, c are three integers with value 0, 1 or 2 and if (3^2)a + 3b + c = 25, then what is the value of a + b + c? Ans: 5 9a + 3b+ c = 25 with a,b,c having values of either 0 or 1 or 2the above equation is satisfied if and only if a = 2, b = 2 and c =1Thus a+ b+c = 2+ 2+ 1 = 5 5. Given 3.s(n) = 1; if n is even3.s(n) = -1; if n is oddthen what is 2^s(3) - 3^s(4)? Ans: -5/2 (Assuming 3 is a misprint in the given conditions)s(3) = -1 and s(4) = 1So 2^-1 - 3^1 = 1/2 - 3 = -5/2 6. Given length of hall is 48 feet and width of hall is 10 feet. If it has to be covered by square tiles of length 8 inches and tiles come in packets of 100 tiles, then how many packets have to be brought? Ans: 111foot=12inchesL=48 feet and B=10 feet here we have to cover with square tiles of 8 inches so length wise we can keep 72 tiles [(48 * 12) / 8] andbreadth wise we can keep 15 tiles[(10 * 12) / 8] totally we need 72*15=1080 tiles 100 tiles---1 packet1080 tiles---? ==>1080/100==>11(approximately) 7. Given four consecutive numbers and if the least number is x, then what is the arithmetic mean in terms of x? (given question is similar to this) Ans: [2x + 3]/2since the smallest number is x the four consecutive numbers will be x, x+1, x+2,x+3their mean = [x+ x+1+ x+2+x+3]/4 = [4x+ 6]/4 = [2x+ 3]/2 8. If y > 0, 2x = y + 1, then for xy>0 what is the value of x? Ans: Options required hereMany values satisfy the given condition!but X will surely be more than ½ 1. For n/12, what is the value of n whose remainder is odd integer? Ans: Need Options for this Any Odd integer above 12 will satisfy the given condition 2. If 'x' and 'y' are integers between 12 and 30, then for (5+x)/(7+y) how many sets of x & y for the given expression will be having same ratio? Ans: Ans: unknown Question is not very clear here about the exact ratio asked! 3. Given five consecutive numbers, if the highest value of them is x, then what is the average of the numbers? Ans: X - 2The given series can be written in a descending order as x, x-1, x-2, x-3, x-4Now the average of above numbers = [x+ x-1 +x-2 +x -3 +x-4] / 5 = [5x-10] / 5 = x-2

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4. Given series 1, 1, 1, 1, 1Col A: Standard Deviation of given seriesCol B: 1Ans: B Standard deviation is the deviation of a set of values from mean the SD for col.A will always be ZEROthus ColB is greater 5. SEE DIAGRAM Given a figure like above i.e. a square whose side[X] is equal to diameter of the circle, find the area of circle? (Similar to this) Ans: [Pie * X^2]/4 The diameter of the circle is equal to X (side of the square) Thus radius is equal to X/2So the area will be equal to Pie * (x/2)^2 = [Pie* X^2] / 46. A teacher teaches biology for a group 53 students. She can divide them into two batches P and Q. P has 7 batches of ‘n’ students each. Q has ‘x’ students of five batches; or six students with ‘y’ students in 5 batches and (y+1) students in 6th batch. Col A: x Col B: nAns: Question is unclear!7. If x is a positive number, then Col A: x^2 Col B: 1/x^2 Ans: D Take X =1 then Column A = Column BTake any other value of X Column A > Column B Thus Ans will be D 1. A triangle ABC is given, in which lengths of two sides were given as BC = 12 , AC = 13 and the perimeter of the triangle is 32. Col A: Measure of angle of B Col B: 90Ans : Bsince,here 3rd side is 7. a^2+b^2>c^2 , ie(7^2+12^2>13^2) so triangle is acute angle so angle B is < than 90. 2. Given the average of seven numbers as 35. When k is added to it, if the average of eight numbers remains 35, then what is the value of k?Ans:35 3. Col A: 2^-1 + 1/(2)^-1 Col B: (3)^-1 + 1/(3)^-1Ans : Bcol A:1/2+2col B:1/3+34. If x > 0 and y > 0, thenCol A: sqrt(xy) Col B: sqrt(x+y) Ans: Dfor x=2 y=2 sqrt(xy)=sqrt(x+y)for othr values its not equal. so D 1. Given that, the probability that it won't rain tommorrow is 0.46Col A: The probalility that it wil rain tommorrow at temperature of 85degree centigradeCol B: 0.54ANS:C The probability that it will rain tommorrow is ==> 1-0.46 = 0.54 so clearly The probalility that it wil rain tommorrow at temperature of 85degree centigrade is same as 0.54... here temp. is to confuse.

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IF The probalility that it wil rain tommorrow only at temperature of 85degree centigrade then ANS is B2. If 'N' is a 3 digit number where hundreds place is 'x' and units place is 'y' then what will be the factor for N-100x-y?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6E. 7ANS:5 3 digit no. can be represented by N=100X+10z+yso factor for N-100x-y is , sub. for N ,,,==> 100X+10z+y-100X-y==>10z so clearly factor for 10z(if z is any number from 0-9) is 53. If 'S' is a set of all integers that are multiples of 3 & multiples of 5, provided it should be of 2 digits, then find the range of S?A. 81B. 77C. 87D. 89E. 91ANS:89Range=Max. Val - Min. ValHere Max. val is 99(factor of 3) and minimum value is 10(factor of 5)so, Range=99-10=894. Find the number of possible values of x & y in the expression (5+x)/(7+y), so that the resultant ratio is 5:7 where x and y lie between 12 and 29?ANS:2 pairs[(20,28,)&(15,21)]numerator can vary from 5+13 to 5+28 and denominator from 7+13 to 7+28 so it can be 18..........33/20...........35 now 5/7 means 5*n/7*n (n can be 1,2,3,4,5....) now when u see only 5*4/7*4 and 5*5/7*5 so (x,y)=(20,28) & (15,21) 5. If -2 < x < -1, thenCol A: 1/x3Col B: 1/xANS:A sub any value n check it.... 1. The value of 2^-3 + 2^-2 + 2^-1 A. 2^(-6) *7B. 2^(-3) *6C. 2^(-3) *7D. 2^(-3) *3ANS:C(1/2^3)+(1/2^2)+(1/2)=(1/8+1/4+1/2)=7/8-->(1/2^3)*7-->2^(-3)*72.See FigWhat could not be the possible value of x? A. 15

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B. 11C. 8ANS:AFirst sub. 15 ,,, the three sides are 5,15,20 It does not satisfy triangle inequality..(ie 20-15=5)so third side should be less than 5.. here its 5.**property-->Difference of any two sides should be less than the third side sub. othr values of X from the options. It satisfies triangle inequality..SO ANS IS 153. If ‘R’ is 30% of ‘S’ and ‘S’ is 40% of ‘T’, then what is the relation between ‘R’ and ‘T’? ANS:R is 12% of T T:100S:40R:12(30% of 40)4. Given length of hall is 48 feet and width of hall is 10 feet. If it has to be covered by square tiles of length 8 inches and tiles come in packets of 100 tiles, then how many packets have to be brought? ANS:11 (see DEC 5th, Q-6 for expln)ANOTHER METHOD:AREA: 48*10=480Length of square tiles=0.67ft (12inch=1feet) since its square tiles for same area to occupy=>480/(0.67*0.67)==>1070 square tiles(approx.) Each pack 100,so totally 1070/100=10.7==>11 packets approximately5.See FigureGiven a cylinder like above, if radius of the cylinder is 1 and height is 6(not sure), then Col A: Area of the shaded regionCol B: 5pieANS:A CSA=circumferance(ie perimeter) * height-->[1+1+((100/360)*2pie)] * 6-->2+(5/9)pie *6-->46/3pie > 5pie so here no need to find TSA ,as its always > than CSA...6. If 10 < 2k < 16 and 7 < k+3 < 10, thenCol A: kCol B: 6ANS:DDIV 1st by 2 and sub. 3 from 2nd 5 1.Given volume of a sphere with radius ‘r’ is 4/3*pie*r^3, now if radius of another sphere is ‘2r’ then how many times is the second sphere bigger than first sphere? Ans: 8Volume 1 = 4/3 * pie * r^3Volume 2 = 4/3 * pie * (2r)^3 = 4/3 * pie * 8r^3V1 / V2 = 1/8 thus V2 = 8V1 2. Given that there are 6 people, 3 girls and 3 boys. Find the number of ways they can be seated on 6 chairs, such that a boy and a girl must seat together? Ans : We Are not certain about this! either it can be 72 or 24 3. How many positive integers are divisible by 2 and 3 below 54? Ans: 8the number should be divisible by 6

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below 54 there 8 such number 4. A price of product ‘x’ is increased by ‘p%’ to give new price ‘y’ and then price of ‘y’ is reduced by ‘r%’ to give original price.Col A: pCol B: rAns: Ait is X + p% of X = Yand Y - r% of Y = Xtake any value of p and r P always be greater! 5. If 'x' is divisible by 3, then what is the next large number divisible by three? A. x+3B. x+1C. x+2D.3xAns: D3X is the highest divisible by 3~! 6. Given P, Q and R are on the same plane, if 'R' is 5units away from 'P' and if 'P' is 13 units away from Q, then how many 'd' units is R from Q? i. d > =8ii. d < =18iii. 5 < =d < =13A. I onlyB. I & IIC. III onlyD. II & IIIAns: Bmax distance(ie 18) =>> R-----5-----P--------13--------Qmin distance(ie 8) =>> Q-------8------R-----5-----P so 8<=d<=18 7. If 8k - 5m = 15 & 2k + m = 15, then Col A: kCol B: mAns: C8k -5m = 2k + m thus 6k = 6mThus K = M 8. Col A: (1/2)+(1/3)+(1/4) Col B: 1Ans: ACol A = 1.08 approx. 9. If 40% of y is multiplied to 50% of 3y, then how much percent is it to 2y^2s? Ans: quuestion is unclear 10. Col A: (2/3)^1*(3/2)^-1Col B: 1Ans : BColA : (2/3) * (1 / (2/3)) = 2/3 * 2 /3 = 4/9 < 1 11. See the figure

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A square ABCD is given in which quadrilateral PQRS (such that 'P' lies on AD, 'Q' lies on AB, 'R' lies on BC & 'S' lies on CD) was inscribed. If PR was given parallel to CD and if the length of CD is given as 10, thenCol A: Area of the portion shaded (which doesn't lie in the quadrilateral) Col B: 50Ans: Carea of quadrilateral=area of 1st triangle+area of 2nd triangle==>1/2(10*h1)+1/2(10*h2)==>1/2(10)[h1+h2]==>5(h1+h2) [h1+h2=side of square,jus look at fig.]==>5(10)==>50 area of unshaded=area of square-area of quadl.==>100-50==>50 12. Col A: (78)(4)-(94)(5) Col B: (73)(4)+(94)(5) Ans: BColA: 312 - 470 = -158Col A : 312 + 470 = 782 13. The value of ((48)^(1/2)*(27)^(1/2)) is .................? Ans: 36root 48 * root27 = 4root 3 * 3 root3 = 4*3*3 = 36 14. If the mean of 6, 10, 2, m+1 & m is 5, then what is the median of the five terms? Ans: 4[6 +10 +2 + m+1 + m ] / 5 = 519 + 2m = 252m = 6m = 3Thus number are = 6 , 10 , 2 , 4 , 3rearranging we get 2, 3 , 4, 6 , 10Median is the central number 4! 15. Given that 7 workers working together finish a work in 140 hrs. If starting 4 workers takes 'h' hrs each and rest 3 takes '2h' hrs each to complete the work then what is the difference between the median and mean of the individual working hours? Ans: 6mean=140/7=20 here h,h,h,h,2h,2h,2h are individual times==>median is h sum of (h,h,h,h,2h,2h,2h)=14010h =140h=14 so median =14 difference is 6 1. Given two points (3, 4) and (t, t) and if the slope of the line is negative, thenCol A: t

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Col B: 3ans A.(yet to be confirmed)slope is (t-4)/(t-3).this will be -ve when t-4 s +ve and t-3 -ve this is not possible ORt-4<0 and t-3>0==>t>3 and t<4but if t=3...we dont say slope s negative or +ve ...rather slope s nt s parallel to y axis...ans A. 2. Given three seriesl: x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5xll: x, x+1, x+2, x+3lll: 1/x,1/x+1,1/x+2,1/x+3Which of the series has same mean and median? Ans: Both I and IImean of I will be 3x and median of I wil also be 3xmean of [2x + 3] / 2 and median will also be [2x+ 3] / 2 3.Given a figure like above of concentric circles ‘S’ and ‘R’, the radius of inner circle ‘S’ is given as ‘x’& the distance between outer circle and inner circle is given as ‘y’. If the area of inner circle is equal to area of the shaded region, then what is ‘x’ in terms of ‘y’? ans :x = (1 + root2)ypie*x^2 =pie*(x+y)^2 - pie*x^2x^2 - 2xy -y^2 = 0solve as u do for a quadratic in x takin y to be constantx = (1 + root2)y or x =(1-root2)yclearly (1-root2)y s nt possible=>x = (1 + root2)y 4.Given Population of a city in 1980 as ‘p’, if it increases at a rate of 3.6 every year.What is the population of city in 1982?(somethin like dis) question s not clear! 5. Col A: Standard Deviation of 4, 6, 7 & 9Col B: Standard Deviation of 3, 6, 7 & 10 ans.Bstandard deviation is the measure of spread of values(or average distance of each value from the mean)...clearly ans wud be B. 6. Givens(n) = 1; if n is evens(n) = -1; if n is oddthen what is the value of 2^s(3) - 4^s(3)? ans.1/4 or 4^s(3)s(3) = -1 as 3 is given expression is 2^-1 - 4^-1 =1/2 - 1/4 =1/4=4^s(3) 7. The value of 2^-3 + 2^-2 + 2^-1A. 2^(-6) *7B. 2^(-3) *6C. 2^(-3) *7D. 2^(-3) *3

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dec 12th database..1st question 8. Col A: (2/3)^1*(3/2)^-1Col B: 1Ans : BColA : (2/3) * (1 / (2/3)) = 2/3 * 2 /3 = 4/9 < 1 9. If x^2 - x > 0 and |x| < 1, thenCol A: xCol B: |x| ans D.x(x-1)>0 =>x>1 or x<0if x>1 then x =|x|if x<0 then x <|x| 11. If 'S' is a set of all integers that are multiples of 3 & multiples of 5, provided it should be of 2 digits, then find the range of S?A. 81B. 77C. 87D. 89E. 91 ans D.greatest 2 digit number that is a multiple of 3 or 5=99smallest 2 digit number that is a multiple of 3 or 5=10range=99-10=89 see figure:If x > 90degrees, thenCol A: Area of triangle ABCCol B: 25 ans B.area of triangle = 1/2 * 10 * 5 =25 (if x=90)now on increasing the angle x height wud decrease as A wud come down and base will be same 10. 13. If 0 < x < 5 & 0 < y < 15, then which of the following are true?i. x < yii. x + y > 15iii. & some other condition in terms of x &y A. Only iB. Only iiC. Both i & iiD. Only iii& so on….. (i) and (ii) conditions both are wrong take x =y=1 both equalities satisfybut not conditions (i) and (ii) 9. If x^2 - x > 0 and |x| < 1, then

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Col A: xCol B: |x| ans Bur right!! sorry did not read the question completely...missed this line=>|x|<1for equation x^2 - x >0x<0 or x<1for equation |x|<1-1x always..hence ans B. 11. If 'S' is a set of all integers that are multiples of 3 & multiples of 5, provided it should be of 2 digits, then find the range of S?A. 81B. 77C. 87D. 89E. 91 ans D.greatest 2 digit number that is a multiple of 3 or 5=99smallest 2 digit number that is a multiple of 3 or 5=10range=99-10=89ans shud be 90-15 according to question stated!!but dere was no option so the guy who told it in d community must hav given an altered fact a guy who gt dis question told me..the question was like we hav to treat 5 or 3... 4. Given Population of a city in 1980 as ‘p’, if it increases at a rate of 3.6 every year.What is the population of city in 1982? for this question actually i remembered the formula incorrectly..i verified by proovin itcorrect formula is P(1+R/100)^n..dis s general for n yearsif u see its easy to calculate now and u will get same ans as urs..if u want proof here it is(m proovin for 2 years period):-AFTER 1st yr=>(P+PR/100)AFTER 2ND YR AMOUNT=>(P+PR/100) + (P+PR/100)R/100P + PR/100 + PR/100 + PR^2/100^2=P(1 + R/100)^2 1. If n/12 is the odd integer, then what is the value of n? A. 24B. 48C. 60D. 72 ANS:C just substitute for n.... 2.Given a square with circle inscribed in it, as above and if the length of the diagonal is 16sqrt(2), then what is the value of radius? ANS:8 x^2+x^2=[16sqrt(2)]^2

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==>2x^2=256*2==>x=16 so radius=8 3. If sum of the two base areas of a cylinder is equal to its curved surface area, then what is the relation between 'r' and 'h'? ANS: r=h pier^2+pier^2=2pie *rh==>r=h 4. If f(x) = x^2, thenCol A: f(x) Col B: f(x-1) ANS:Dcol A:x^2col B:(x-1)^2 --> x^2-2x+1 subt x^2 frm both sidescol A: 0col B:-2x+1 X can be anythin so D 5. If the quadratic mean is defined as sqrt(a^2 + b^2+ c^2), thenCol A: The quadratic mean of -20, 10 & 4Col B: The arithmetic mean of -20, 10 & 4 ANS:Asince COL A is +ve n COL B is -ve 6. Given ratio of two sides of a right angle triangle as 3:1 and if the hypotenuse length is sqrt(40), then what is the perimeter of the triangle? ANS:8+sqrt(40) x^2+(3x)^2=4010x^2=40x=2(one side) 3x=3(2)=6(othr side ) so perimetr = 2+6+sqrt(40) u can check now,,, 2^2+6^2=[sqrt(40)]^2 ,, it satisfies 7. Col A: [(-0.2)^-1][(0.5)^-2] Col B: [(-0.2)^-1][(-0.5)^-2] ANS:C col A: (1/-0.2)(1/(0.5)^2)

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col B: (1/-0.2)(1/(-0.5)^2) which is equal,, 1. Col A: Standard Deviation of 4, 6, 7 & 9Col B: Standard Deviation of 3, 6, 7 & 10 ans.Bstandard deviation is the measure of spread of values(or average distance of each value from the mean)...clearly ans wud be B. 2. Given two points (3,3 ) and (5,5) and line y= 2x + 3Col A: Slope of lineCol B: 1 two points can make a line slope ..slope=>5-3/5-3 =1...slope of second line =- coeff of x/coeff of y = -2/1 =-2(take x and y on same sides den apply) question is not clear slope of which line is being asked in col A. 3. If xy > 0, thenCol a: x+yCol b: 0 ans Dxy>0=> x>0,y>0 or x<0,y< the first case x + y wud be +ve in d second case, it will be -ve. 4. Given a line y = ax+b, what is the slope of the line?ans :aslope = - coeff of x/coeff of y(when x and y are both on same side of equal sign) 5. Col A: Standard Deviation of 0, 1, 2 & 4Col B: Standard Deviation of 2, 3, 4 & 5ANS A same as 1. spread is more in case of A. 6. Given that 500 people were asked two questions whether to say either 'yes' or 'no'. Of that, if 410 people said yes to first one and 220 people said yes to second question. What is the least number that said yes to both?A. 90B.110C.150D.190E. 220ans 130 (not in the options)total =500 ....410 said yes to first ...220 yes to second....least wud be the case when those 90 said yes to second =>220 - 90 = 130 said yes to both....either there s an options error or question error frm the guy who told it in d community 7. If sum of the two base areas of a cylinder is equal to its curved surface area, then what is the relation between 'r' and 'h'?ans r=h2*pie*r^2 =2*pie*r*h=>r = h ans 8. Given a triangle with sides AB=5 & BC=13. If AB:BC = 5:13, then what is ratio of BC:AC?8

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9. If a coin is tossed once, the probability of getting head is 1/2 and if it is tossed 4 times, then what is the probability of getting 3 heads?ans 5/16total ways =2*2*2*2=163 heads and the 4th position s always tails=> 4c3 ways=4 ways1 more case when all are heads=>total fav ways=>4+1=5prob=>5/16 10. If a line with equation 3y-2x=19 is plotted on a graph, then which of the points meets x-axis?(Something like this)ans (-19/2 , 0)meets x axis=>y=0..put y=0 in d eq.u get x=-19/2 11. If a value(some variable) in 1990 is 30% more than that of 1989, and is 20% increased in 1991, thenCol A: Value in 1991 compared to 1989 as percentCol B: 105%(Some thing like this)ans A.(156%)use golden formula=>+20+30+(600/100) =+56% increase=>if initial value is 100 finally its 156=>156 % of 100 .....if col A had been % increase from 1989 den ans wud hav been 56% 12. Col A: 10!+9!Col B: 10(9!)ans A.cola : 10*9! + 9! = 11(9!) > 10(9!) 13. In a class, the average age of 55 girls is 'g' and that of 45 boys is 'b'. If b>g, thenCol A: The average age of these 100 studentsCol B: (b+g)/2ANS Bcol a:(45b + 55g)/100col b :50b+50g/100cola - col b = 5(g - b)/100 as b>g ...col a - col b is -ve => col B IS GREATER!! 7. Given a table as follows(see problem in database)Find the mean of the data?(Similar to this)to find mean u need the actual values(or some pattern if its dere)....if the last row is total no. of employs and total work hrs den answers is 70/100=0.7(i don think so dis s the case) 8. Given that a valueIn 1993 it is x%,In 1994 it is 30% more than 1993 &In 1995 it is 20% less than 1994.Col A: What percent of 1995 is 1993Col B: 105%ans B.use golden formula=>+30-20-(600/100) =+4% increase=>if initial value is 100 finally it is 104=>1993 as a % of 1995=> (100/104)*100..clearly less than 100%

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ans B 9. If lxl - x = lxl - 2, thenCol A: xCol B: -1/2ans A.take x>0 => |x| = x=> x - x =x -2 =>x=2 valid(as x>0)taking x<0=> |x| = - x-x -x = -x -2=>-2x = -x - 2=>-x = -2=>x=2 not valid (as x<0)=>x =2 is the only answer!!ans A.i did all this jus to show how to approach dese kind of problems....however in the upper case we didn need to do dis much |x| gets canceled from both sides u get x =2jus to make sure put it in d original equation n check!! 10.If the simple interest of a principal amount Rs.600 at certain length of time is Rs.90, then what is its rate of interest?again either options can help or somethin is wrong in d questionu can have many possibilities...SI= P*R*T/100 =600*R*T/100 =6RT =90 =>RT =15R=15 T=1 OR R=7.5 T=2 OR R=5 T=3 OR R=15/4 T=4....AND MANY MORE CASES 11. If (x+1) / {x(x+1)} = (x+2) / {x(x+2)}, then find xans x =R - {0,-1,-2} (all real numbers except 0,-1,-2)cross multiply widout opening the brackets=>(x+1)x(x+2) = x(x+1)(x+2).....=>x is ALL REAL NUMBERS EXCEPT -1,-2,0 AS THAT WUD MAKE THE ORIGINAL IDENTITY INVALID... (0 IN DENOMINATOR) 12. Given two lines that are perpendicular to each other. Slope of one line is given and asked to find the slope of other line?m1*m2 =-1(m1->slope f first line and m2->slope of second line)..[fr perpendicular lines]...u know m1 =>m2 =-1/m1 13. If -3 < = x < = 6 & 3 < = y < = 6, then what is the greatest positive value of -x^2 + y^4?ans 1296x^2 shud be minimum as dis wud decrease the value(has a -ve sign ans x^2 s always +ve)=>take x =0=>x^2=0y^4 shud be maximum =>y=6=>6^4=1296max value = 1296 - 0 = 1296 ans 14.Given a figure like above. What is the distance between points ‘a’ and ‘b’?(see database for figure)ans 0.10.1 to 0.3so 0.1 1. If 'N' is a 3 digit number where hundreds place is 'x' and units place is 'y' then what will be the factor for N-100x-y?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6E. 7ans c.5

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see :dec 22 3 question 2.If a*b is defined by a*b = (a/b)-(b/a)i. a*a = 0ii. b*(1/b)=1iii. a*b = -(b*a)A. i is correctB. i & ii are correctC. ii & iii are correctD. i, ii & iii are correctE. None of the aboveans E.i. a*a = 0=>a/a -a/a =0 validii b*1/b = b/1/b -1/b/b = b^2 - 1/b^2 not equal to 1iii. a/b - b/a = -(b/a - a/b) validans Ei ans iii are correct!! 3. If x + y = 12, z^2 + 1 = 7Col A: Average(arithematic mean) of x, y & zCol B: 5ans Baritmetic mean = (x+y+z)/3 = (x+y)/3 + z/3 = 12/3 + Z/3 =4+Z/3z= root6 or -root6in both cases A.M is less than 54 + root6/3 or 4 -root6/3 (as root 6<3)den ans is B. 4.If a solution of 'P' grams contains 5% of salt and if another solution of 500g which contains 3.5% salt is added to P, then how much solution is still to be added to make the total solution 4%salt?A.75B.100C.1000D. 2000E. 2500u need P ...question is not clear!!initially we have 5P/100 salt in P gramsthen we have 5P/100(salt) + 3.5% of 500 grams(salt) = 5p/100 + 17.5 gramsin order to have 4% salt in the solution..let we add another x grams(of 3.5% salt solution)=> 5p/100 + 17.5 + 3.5% of x = 4% of (p + 500 + x)clearly u need P to solve for x.(it wont get canceled) 7. In triangle ABC, if AB = 6, BC = 8 & &ltB = 90 thenCol A: Area of triangle ABCCol B: 24ans cif angle B=90=>BC S height and AB base or viceversaarea=1/2*8*6 =24 ans c 8. Given that a telephone exchange has numbers from 1000 to 1799 group. A contains numbers starting with 33 and 34 and directors numbers end with either 0 or 1. Find the percentage of directors present in Group A?A. 6%B. 7%C. 5%

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D. 8%E. 4%question s nt clear again....when numbers are from 1000 to 1799..there wont be any numbers starting from 33 or 34!!or its like 33000 to 347999=>we will have from 33000 to 33799 and from 34000 to 34799=>total 1600(800 each) numbers =>400(200 each) will have 0 or 1 at end=>den too answer is 25% not in the options 9. If xy > 0, thenCol A: x+yCol B: 0ans D. see 19 database 3 question10. A person collects various coins, if he buys a foreign coin for $15 and sells it for $25 and again buys it for $35 and sells it for $45 then which of the above is true?A. Has a profit of $20B. Has a profit of $15C. Has a loss of $10D. Has a profit of $10E. Has profit $0ans A. PROFIT OF 20$-15+25-35+45 =+20ans11 Col A: 4*sqrt(4)Col B: sqrt(36)ans AcolA: 4*2 =8COLB:6always remember u cannot have negative sign inside a root thatswhy always sqrt(4)=2but if we have x^2 =4 then x=+2 and -2 bcoz we can have -2*-2=4 12. Col A: Standard Deviation of 4, 6, 7 & 9Col B: Standard Deviation of 3, 6, 7 & 10ans BSEE DEC 19TH DATABASE 1 QUESTION 13Given a figure like above of concentric circles ‘S’ and ‘R’, the radius of inner circle ‘S’ is given as ‘x’& the distance between outer circle and inner circle is given as ‘y’. If the area of inner circle is equal to area of the shaded region, then what is ‘x’ in terms of ‘y’?(it shud be y in terms of x keepin in view the options)A. 1/sqrt(x)B. x(sqrt(2)-1)C. x(sqrt(2)+1)D. 1/x^2E. 1/xans bif it is x in terms of y=>ans is y(root +1)[jus multiply nr and dr by (sqrt(2)-1) to b.]for solution see 16 databse 3rd question.(dere i put x in terms of y) 14. Given Population of a city in 1980 as ‘p’, if it increases at a rate of 3.6 every year, thenCol A: What is the population of city in 1982?Col B: 1.073(shud be 1.073p]ans CP(1 + R/100)^n=P(1+(3.6/100))^2==>1.073p... dis formula is used when outcome of first period becomes principal for second period This is the Shortest method, since "n" can be anything , u cant calculate in manual

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15. Given P, Q and R are on the same plane, if 'R' is 5units away from 'P' and if 'P' is 13 units away from ‘Q’, then how many 'd' units is ‘R’ from ‘Q’?i. d > =8ii. d < =18iii. 5 < =d < =13A. I onlyB. I & IIC. III onlyD. II & IIIans Bsee database dec 15 ..6th question 16. If 'x' and 'y' are integers between 12 and 30, then for (5+x)/(7+y) how many sets of x & y for the given expression will be having ratio 5/7?A.4B.5C.2D.6E.3ans C.2numerator can vary from 5+12 to 5+30 and denominator from 7+12 to 7+30 so (5+x)/(7+y) can be 17..........35/19...........37 now 5/7 means 5*n/7*n (n can be 1,2,3,4,5....) now when u see only 5*4/7*4 and 5*5/7*5 only lies in the range(5*3/7*3 =15/21 =>nr not allowed)(5*6/7*6=30/42=>dr not allowed)so (x,y)=(20,28) & (15,21) 5. Given five interior angles of pentagon x, x, x, x-90 & x+80. What is the value of x?A.105B.106C.107D.104E.108ans(not in d options)sum of interior angles of a n-sided polygon =180(n-2)=>for pentagon=180(5-2) =180 * 3 = 540x+x+x+(x-90) + (x+80) = 5405x -10 =540 =>x =550/5 =110 degrees 6. Col A: (0.9/1.1)^2+(1.1/0.9)^2Col B: 2ans A.good question i must say!! using A.M >= G.MREMEMBER DIS RULE!!we have that for any list of n nonnegative real numbers x1, x2, . . ., xn(x1 + x2 + x3 + ....xn)/n [A.M] >= (x1*x2*x3*........*xn)^1/n

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equality only holds whenx1 = x2 = . . . = xn if and only if in the above case they are nt equal => A.M > G.Mso [(0.9/1.1)^2+(1.1/0.9)^2]/2 > ((0.9/1.1)^2*(1.1/0.9)^2))^1/2 =>[(0.9/1.1)^2+(1.1/0.9)^2]/2 > 1 =>col A = (0.9/1.1)^2+(1.1/0.9)^2 > 2 1. If an integer is defined as (-1)^n then which of the following is applicable for integers a and b ?i. a+b = a*b;ii. (a+b)=(a)+(b);iii. (a*b)=(a)*(b);A. Only i.B. Only ii.C. Both i and iiD. All the threeE. NoneANS E.integer will always be -1 or 1if n s odd=>(-1)^n=-1if n s even=>(-1)^n=1take any example ..a=2 ,b=3a=(-1)^2 =1b=(-1)^3 =-11. L.H.S=>2+3=5=>(-1)^5 = -1R.H.S=>2*3=6 =(-1)^6=1DOES NOT SATISY!! 2.L.H.S=>2+3 =5=>(-1)^5 = -1R.H.S=>1 +(-1)=0DOES NT SATISFY 3.L.H.S=>2*3=6=>1(6 S EVEN)R.H.S=>-1*1=-1AGAIN NOT EQUAL 2. If a < b < c and if they are the angles of the triangle, thenCol A: a+bCol B: cans D.theres no such limitation on angles eg a=30,b=60,c=90(equal in dis case)or a=30 b=45 c=105(c>a+b).....limitation holds for length of sides (sum of 2 sides shud always be greater than the 3rd side) 3. If (x - y) = odd value and K is an integer, which of the following is always odd?A. xB. yC. k(x-y)D. (x-y)^(2)E. (x-y+k)

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ans D.(x-y)^(2)odd square is always odd!jus think of any number. 4. Given a triangle with sides 5 ,6 and 8. If angle opposite to side 5 is 'x' and angle opposite to side 6 is 'y', thenCol A: x+yCol B: 90ans bif this triangle is a right angled triangle=>third angle(say z) =90=>third side=root(61)but it is root(64)=8>root(61)=>third angle shud be greater than 90 =>x+y<90as total sum of angles =180 5. If the surface area of the cube is 36, thenCol A: The volume of the cubeCol B : 15ansB6s^2 = 36=>s=root6=>s^3 = 6root6=volumein order to know exactly which is greater!!square both v^2 =36*6=216<15^2=225 6. If x > y, thenCol A: x^2Col B: y^2ANS D.if x>0 den x^2>y^2if x<0 den x^2 1. A rectangular solid is given which consists of 10 cubes in 1 row and 3 cubes in 1 column. In that manner there are 10 rows and 3 columns. If the length of edge of the cube is 1, then what is the surface area of the rectangular solid? there s somethin wrong in the question!!if u have 10 cubes in a row u will obviously have 10 columns right away!!n if u treat those 10 rows totally diff(though it wont be the case) ...u cannot have a resulting figure as a rectangular solid...ARRANGE DEM IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE U CANT GET A RECTANGULAR SOLID!!still if i am wrong correct me !! 2. In a total of 160 members, 25% are women and 45% are non-minority members. If 1/9 of the women are minority members, then what is the total number of people who are neither women nor minority members? 160*25/100 = 40 are women160*45/100= 72 are non-minoritynumber of people who are neither women nor minority members= 72 - (8/9)(40)=36.44(1/9 women are minority=>8/9 are non-minority)i guess the figures are altered here or the % given s changed...anyway logic is dis!! 3. In triangle ABC, if AB= AC= 4, thenCol A: BCCol B: 5ans Drule used:sum of 2 sides is always greater than the third!!no restriction on angles is given...infact 011-(-10) = 21 ans

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5. In a box there are 12 dimes, 4 quarters & 26 diamonds. If 4 are removed, then what is the probability that 3 are dimes(Provided should be removed without replacement)m not sure f this one solution involves somewat more calculations!!my answer is => (12c4 + 12c3*4*26)/42c4im nt sure so im nt explaining!! 6. Given sides of a triangle. Find the area of triangle?deres a formula too (s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))^1/2...but i don think that ws required..sides wud hav been such that its a right angled triangle ..u get a base n alt directly..anyway the actual ques cud only help.. 7. Col A: Quadratic square of -12, 3 & 10Col B: Arithematic mean of -12, 3 & 10dis ws the correct question(quadratic square is nothin!!)5. If the quadratic mean is defined as sqrt(a^2 + b^2+ c^2), thenCol A: The quadratic mean of -20, 10 & 4Col B: The arithmetic mean of -20, 10 & 4 so question wud be like dis only!!clearly ans is A. 8. How many cubes of edge length 1 and 2 can be fitted into the rectangular solid, if the volume of the rectangular solid is 35*10*15?total volume of both the ciubes=2^3 +1^3 = 9no of cubes= 35*10*15/9 = 583.33 ~ 583 ans 9. In a college, 1/15 of the students are absent ,1/4 of present went to a field. If the students present in school are 1000, then how much is the actual strength of the school? 1/15 are absent=>14/15 are present=>14/15 of x 1/4 of present went to field=>3/4 are in school=>3/4 of present students=1000=>present students=1000*4/3 = 14/15 * x=>x ~ 1428 ans 15. Given a graph of some irregular shape in quadrants with each unit as 5 mts and asked to find approximate area of the figure?question s not clear!! rest all the questions are from previous databases !! u can check!!! Given x = 2.135678, n is number of digits after decimal part of x. If l(x-y)l = 0.0004, then the maximum value of n isA. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. 5..value of n for which number...its nt clear!! if it s asked for y den if x>y y =2.135278 =>n=6or if y>x den y-x=0.0004 =>y = x+0.0004 = 2.136078..again..n=6question is nt clear to me!!give ur solutions if u feel u hav understood the question!! 8. If the surface area of a cube 'C' is 3874, then what is surface area of a cube having edge length, half that of the edge length of cube 'C'?6s^2 = 384

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new egde length s/2=> surface area = 6(s/2)^2 =6s^2/4 = 384/4 = 96 ans 1. If y = 2x+3 & xy < 0, then the value of 'x' lies between?xy<0 =>x(2x+3)<0 => case1. x >0 and 2x+3 <0 =>x<-3/2 =>no common sol(as x>0) or the case can be x<0 and 2x+3>0 => x >-3/2=>common sol -3/2< x <0 ans 2.Given a figure as above with an equilateral triangle placed on one of the short side of the rectangle. If the triangle side length is x & the length of rectangle is 5 times more than x, then find the perimeter of the polygon?breadth of rectangle(short side) =side of triangle = xlength= 5x ....perimeter of polygon=>5x+x+5x+x+x =13xactually according to question 5x shud be length of rectangle(it is 5 times more)if it ws given length of rectangle is 5 more than x den diagram on dr rajus wud hav been correct!!in that case perimeter=> x+5 + x + x+5 + x+x =5x+10=>5(x+2)perimeter is circumference =>the outer boundry!! 3. Col A: The remainder when 4^10 is divided by 5Col B: The remainder when 3^12 is divided by 5check the unit digit ..4^10 =16^5 =>unit digit will be 6 u know a number endin wid 0 or 5 is divisible by 5 ==>remainder will be 1(3^4)^3 = (81)^3 =unit digit is 1=>remainder will be 1 againso ans C (u can use azads rule given in gre strategies thread to find the unit digit!!) 4. Given a point 4 on positive x-axis in the coordinate system, then find the next positive even number less than 4?2 obviously..wats the problem!! 5. Given a triangle with side lengths 6.1 & 8.1 and longest side length as 14. Find the angle between length sides 6.1 and 8.1?even 7^2 + 9^2 <14^2so 6.1^2 + 8.1^2 <14^2=>angle shud be greater than 90...options shud be like less than ,greater than or equal to 90 ...u cannot find the exact angle 6. Given that one 5 meters length wire is cut into 2 pieces. If one of them is x meters, thenCol A: Length of other pieceCol B: 5-xans C...length of other piece =5- x only!! 1. From a set of positive numbers 1 to 100, two numbers x & y are to be selected at random.Col A: Probability that the two numbers x & y are evenCol B: Probability that the sum of two numbers selected is even col(a)=Prob that the 2 numbers are even:50c2/100c2 Col(b)= Probability that the sum of two numbers selected is even thr arises 2 cases:Prob that both are evenprob that both are odd Prob of both even+prob of both odd=[(50c2/100)+(50c2/100c2)]/100c2

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Which is twice col(a).. Thrfore ans is B 2. If n is a multiple of 35, thenCol A: Number of prime factors of nCol B: 4 35=5*7=2 different primes70=5*7 *2=3 different primes105=5*21*3=3 different primes 630 is also a multiple..630=(3^2)*5*2=4 primes(3 different primes) Take 910=2*5*13*7=4 diff primes=col b So,ans is D.. 3. The two legs of a right angle triangle are in the ratio 3 is to 1. If the length of the hypotenuse is sqrt(40), then find the perimeter of the triangle?A. 14 to 15B. 13 to 14C. 12 to 13D. 11 to 12E. 10 to 11 Very straight fwd!! let one leg be x..other leg is,40=(x+3x)^240=(4x^2)=16x^2 x^2=40/16=20/8=10/4=5/2x=(5/2)^1/23x=3(5/2)^1/2 perimeter=4(5/2)^1/5 + (40)^1/2=12 to 13 (c) 4. The relationship between a and b is defined asa @ b = a/b - b/a, thenl. For a=! 0, a@a = 0ll. For b=! 0, b@1/b = 1lll. For (a*b) =! 0, a @ b = -(b @ a)A. IB. llC. l & llD. ll & lllE. l & lll 1)a@a=a/a-a/a=0 (true)

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2)b@1/b=b/(1/b)-(1/b)/b=b^2-(1/b^2)= [(b^4)-1]/b^2..not true unless some condition imposed3)a@b=a/b-b/ab@a=b/a-a/b=-a@b=true so ans e 5. If x < y < 0, thenCol A: xyCol B: y - x col a :xyx and y prod is positive Col B: y - x Take any num and chk..col a has to be greater 6. Given that P1, P2, P3 work together to complete a work in 4hrs(days??). If P1 & P2 can complete the work in 6days, then P3 alone can complete the work in how many days?(Something like this)qty of work done by all 3 in 1 day:p1+p2+p3=1/4qty of work done by p1 and p2 in 1 day=p1+p2=1/6sub back:1/6+p3=1/4so,p3=1/4-1/6=1/12in 1 day he finishes 1/12th of he takes 12 days to finish full7. If x^2 - x > 0 and lxl < 1, thenCol A: lxlCol B: x |x|<1 is not defined!!./.its a null setAns is D..8. Given that a telephone exchange has numbers from 3000 to 3799 group. If Group1 contains numbers starting with 33 and 34 and if manager numbers of the Group1 end with either 0 or 1, then find the percentage of managers present in the company?A. 6%B. 7%C. 5%D. 8%E. 9%from prev database(m gettin 11..%,...some 1 confrim)9. Col A: 2^-1 + 3^-1 + 4^-1Col B: 1^-1col a=1/2+1/3+1/4 (>1)Col B: 1^-1 =1so ans is a10. If 8k - 5m = 15 & 2k + m = 15, thenCol A: kCol B: m8k-5m=2k+m=>6k=6m=>k=m so opt cGiven a figure like above of concentric circles 'S' and 'R', the radius of inner circle 'S' is given as 'x'& the distance between outer circle and inner circle is given as 'y'. If the area of inner circle is equal to area of the shaded region, then what is 'y' in terms of 'x'?A. x/sqrt(2)

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B. x*sqrt(2)C. x{sqrt(2) + 1}D. x{sqrt(2) – 1}& so on……area of inner circle is pie(x^2)shaded area=pie(x+y)^2-pie(x^2)equate them and u get x(root2-1)=option c12. If 40% of y is multiplied to 50% of 3y, then how much percent is it to 2y^2?A. 0.6%B. 1.5%C. 3%D. 6%E. 12%I am not sure abt tis!!assume y as 100so,40(150)=60006000 is wot percent of is (6/20)*100=30%some1 confirm! 1. Col A: The remainder when 4^20 is divided by 5Col B: The remainder when 3^12 is divided by 4 COl a The remainder when 4^20 is divided by 5 4^1=44^2=14^3=44^4=1 so,for even powers it leavs 1.. Col B: The remainder when 3^12 is divided by 4 3^1=33^2=13^3=33^4=1so,for even powers the remainder is 1 its a pattern which well ans is c 2. Given x = 2.135678, n is number of digits after decimal part of x. If l(x-y)l = 0.0004, then the maximum value of n isA. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. 5 repetition chk dec 29th d/b

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3. Given that one 5 meters length wire is cut into 2 pieces cross-wise. If one of them is x meters, thenCol A: Length of other pieceCol B: 5-x straight fwd.. ans is c.. 4.. In a total of 160 members, 25% are women and 45% are non-minority members. If 1/9 of the women are minority members, then what is the total number of people who are neither women nor minority members? 160*25/100 = 40 are women160*45/100= 72 are non-minoritynumber of people who are neither women nor minority members= 72 - (8/9)(40)=36.44(1/9 women are minority=>8/9 are non-minority)i guess the figures are altered here or the % given s changed...anyway logic is dis!! 5. If -10 < = x < = 10 & -11 < = y < = 11, then what is the greatest possible value of y - x? y max - x min=11-(-10)=21 6. If the surface area of one side of the cube is 36, thenCol A: The volume of the cubeCol B: 15 6e^2=36e^2=6e=root6 vol of cube=6root6=14...(smtn)<15so ans b .7 Col A: Standard Deviation of n-4, n-2, n, n+2 & n+4Col B: Standard Deviation of n-2, n-1, n, n+1 & n+2 Spread is less in BSo,A .8. If sum of the two base areas of a cylinder is equal to its curved surface area, then what is the relation between 'r' and 'h'? sum of base areas of a circle is 2*pie(r^2)area of the curved surface=2*pi*r*h so,2pi*rh=2*pi*(r^2)clearly r=h opt c 9. Col A: 10!+9!Col B: 10(9!) cola: 10*9! +9! =11*9!clearly ans is A.

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10)Here ‘C’ is the centre and those lines are tangents to the circle which meets at ‘O’. If the angle it makes is 60` and the area enclosed by angle C is 27pie then what is the circumference of the circle? The 2 tangents make an angle of 180 degrees..the other angle is 60so,remaining is the central angle which is 120(its a 4sided polygon,so tot angleis 360)now,360 degrees makes an area of xwhen 120 makes an angle of 27pi that is 360=x120=27pix=21pi*360/120x=27pi*3=81pi Now,pi(r^2)=81pir=9so,2pi *r=2pi*9=18pi this is the circumference 11. If 15 * 40 * 160 = (2^3)*(4^x)*(5^y), then find the value x+y? question is wrong !!a 3 is missing..!15*40*60= (3*5)(2^3*5)(2^5*5) u can make 4 out of 2's but clearly there has to be a 3 for it to satisfy!! 12. The two legs of a right angle triangle are in the ratio 3 is to 1. If the length of the hypotenuse is sqrt(40), then find the perimeter of the triangle?A. 14 to 15B. 13 to 14C. 12 to 13D. 11 to 12E. 10 to 11ref prev d/b..ans=A 13. If x^2 - x > 0 and lxl < 1, thenCol A: lxlCol B: xref prev d/b... .ans is A 14. In triangle ABC, if AB= AC= 4, thenCol A: BCCol B: 5 Law of inequality of traingles: sum of two sides>third sidediff of two sides<third side so,it can have any value b/w 0 and 8

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15. Given three seriesl: x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5xll: x, x+1, x+2, x+3lll: 1/x,1/x+1,1/x+2,1/x+3Which of the series has same mean and median? dec 26th d/b 16. Given a series of numbers 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3.......Col A: The sum of the first 67 termsCol B: 34 all terms cancel out leavin 34 as the 67th term so c 17. Col A: 4*sqrt(4)Col B: sqrt(36) 4*2 and 68 and 6 A!! 1. Given a right angled triangle. If the length of the side opposite to 90degrees is k+6 and opposite to 30degrees is 2k-3, then find the value of k?(similar to this)its a 30 60 90 triangle use trignometry in this question.... use sin(30)=(2K-3)/(K+3)sin30 =1/2 =2k-3/k+3=>4k - 6 = k+3=>k=3 ans(thanx abhi for correcting) 2. A price of product 'x' is increased by p% to give new price 'y' and then price of 'y' is reduced by r% to give original price.Col A: pCol B: rans A.x + px/100 = yy - ry/100 = x ......add both =>u get px =ry as x < y so p shud be greater than r for them to be equal!! 3. Given that area of a square as 9 and that of a rectangle as 8.Col A: Perimeter of squareCol B: Perimeter of rectangleAnswer is D The sides of the Square are 3 units which gives area of 9 and a total perimeter of 12 units The sides of the rectangle can be (4,2,4,2)=12unitsit can also be (1,8,1,8)=18units and so on So,ans Is D

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4. A group of 1 proffessor and 3 students have to be made from 4 proffessor and 5 students.Col A: Different ways in which the groups can be formedCol B: 40ans c1 Professor can be selected from availabe 4 professors in 4c1 ways3 students can be selected from available 5 students in 5c3 ways hence,the total selection can be done in 4c1*5c3 ={4!/[(1!)(3!)]*5!/[(2!)(3!)]}=4*5*2=40 ways ans is C 5. What could be the equation of the line, if the slope is -2/3 and the x and y cordinates are (0,0)?(something like this) The equation of any line passing thru origin is ax+by=0slope of any line =-a/b where a is the coeff of x term and b is the coeff of y termhere a=2b=3so,the eqn is 2x+3y=0also by slope form equation of line passing thru origin is y=mx=>y =-(2/3)x or 2x+3y=0 6. If 8! + 10! = (8!*x), then what is the value of x? 8! + 8!*9*10 = 8! + 8!*90 = 91*8! =>x = 91 ans 1. Col A: 2x-3yCol B: 3x-2y nothing can be ascertained unless some condition are imposed on X and Y!! 2. There was figured question in which a house is given with length and breadth of rooms also given and then asked to find the remaining ones.(something like this) Question nt clear..what had to be found out? wud be a cuboid with area=2(lb+lh+bh)and volume of lwh.. 3. Given b = mod (-15x+ 20y), where x and y are integers. If x, y are not equal to 0, thenCol A: The smallest positive value of bCol B: 5 |-15x+20y|=b-15x+20y=b or -15x+20y=-bto find da smallest positive,neglect 2nd eqnso,-15x+20y=bsub x and y as 1,u get b=5sub any oder value u get a number which is not positive or it wud be >5hence ans is c!! 4. In the coordinate geometry, if a line passes through the points (-11,-21), (20, 22) & (x, 2) then what is the value of x

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any line passing thru 2 pts will be of eqn [y-y(1)]=[y(2)-y(1)]/[x(2)-x1]*(x-x1) y+21=(22+21)/(20+11)*(x+11) this line passes thru (x,2),so it must satisfy abv conditionsub y=2so,23=(x+11)43/31 x=5.34.. 5. What is the value of 10^2 - (1/10^4) + 2^4 - (1/2^4)? 116-(0.0001+0.0625)=116-0.0626115.9374 (An ezi method will be appreciated)! 6.Given a figure like above. Find the value of x? 2x+1+45=1802x+46=1802x=134x=67!! looks like complexity has increased!!!..questions are easy,but they involve straineous calculations! 1. If -8 < = x < = 10 & x + y = 4, then find the least possible value of xy? As least value has to be found out,Sub the least value of x and greatest value of y so that the product is least!! So,x=-8 and y=4-x=12XY=-12*8=-96!! 2. Given that there are two concentric circles, if the radius of larger one is 3 more than the smaller one then find difference in their circumference? Concentric circles have same centreRadius of smaller circle be rCircumference of smaller=2*pi*rRadius of larger is thrice that of smaller=3*rCircumference wud be=2*pi*3r=6*pi*r DIfference b/w them=4*pi*r 3. Given that a Train A is traveling on a straight track at a constant speed of 90km/hr & train B is traveling on a straight track at a constant speed of 50km/hrCol a: distance traveled by train A

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Col b: distance traveled by train B ANS IS D No where it is mentioned about the Time train A travels and Time Train B travels!!If the time they travel is equal then the obvious choice is A 5. Given |x| = |y| & xy < 0Col a : x+yCol b : 0 x=(-y)or-y=x So x and Y are Obnoxious twins of each otherx+y=0C!! 6. When 'n' is divided by 7 remainder is 3, then what is the remainder when (2n-1) is divided by 7.( 'n' is a positive integer) Ans=5 the remainder when 7 divides n=3therefore remainder when 7 divides 2n-1=2(3)-1=5!! 7. If 2.8! + 10! = (n)*8!, then what is the value of n? 8!(2+10!/8!)=n*8!n=2+(10*9)=92!! 2. Given that there are two concentric circles, if the radius of larger one is 3 more than the smaller one then find difference in their circumference? ans 6*pieradius of smaller one =rradius of larger one =r+3difference =2*pi*(3+r)-2*pi*r = 2*pi*(3+r-r)=2*pi*3 = 6*pi ans 4. Given a function f which is defined for each positive three digit integer 'n' as f(n) = (2^x)*(3^y)*(5^z), where x, y and z are hundreds, tens and units digits of n, respectively. If m and v are three-digit positive integers such that f(m) = 9f(v), then what is the value of m - v?A. 8B. 20C. 19& so on......ans B.20 f(v) = (2^x1)*(3^y1)*(5^z1)now as 9f(v) =f(m)....just a 9 or 3^2 has to be multiplied more to f(v) to make it equal to f(m)=>f(m) = 9*(2^x1)*(3^y1)*(5^z1)or f(m) = (2^x1)*(3^(y1+2))*(5^z1)[bases are same powers are added =>(3^y1)*3^2 = 3^(y+2)

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now its easy jus think of any number where tens place digit is 2 more than the oder number eg=> 101 and 121 difference =>20 ans 1. If the Arithmetic mean of 20 numbers is 12 and Arithmetic mean of 10 numbers is 6, then what is the combine arithmetic mean? (20*12)+(10*6)/30=10 2. If x > 0, thenCol A: 2^-xCol B: -2^x Col b not clear Ans is A if it is-(2^x) in column B(bcoz it will be a negative qty)Or D if it is (-2^x) in column B(coz for even powers col b will be greater and for odd powers A will be greater) 3. Given that a solid has 1 red color on one of its face and the probability of getting red is 1/8. When is it tossed twice, what is the probability of getting red always? Probabilty of gettin 1 head when tossed once=1/8Probability of gettin another head when tossed =1/8Probability of the above 2 events occuring is 1/64 4. Given a figure like above.Col A: a + b + cCol B: 180 Ans is CUse symmetricity of anglesu will get 2a+2b+2c=360a+b+c=180 5. Given -1 < x < 1 and -2 < 2y < 4Col A: xCol B: y -1<x<1: X can be anytn from -0.9 to 0.9(both included)-2 < 2y < 4=-1<y<2 ..=y can be anytn from -0.9 to 1.9 Ans is D !!..cuz a perticular value of both cant be found!!only range can be found! 6. Given diameter of a circle as 2ft and the person travels around the circumference of the circle. In that manner if travels 324fts, how many revolutions it takes?A. 70B. 60C. 50D. 40E. 30(Something like this)

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Total number of revolutions be n1 revolution is 2*pi*rn revolutions is 2*pi*r*n 2*pi*r*n=3242r=2 2*pi*n=324pi*n=162n=162/pi..=50(approx) 1. If x^2 + 2x + f = 0 & x^2 + 4x + g = 0, thenCol A: fCol B: gans DBOTH EQUATIONS ARE EQUAL TO 0=>THEY HAV REAL ROOTS OR THEY CUT X AXIS AT TWO OR ONE POINT=>4-4f>=0 or 1-f>=0=>f<=1(b^2-4ac>=0)16 - 4g>=0 =>4-g>=0=>g< particular values can vary hence answer D 2. If 0 < x < 10 and y = 2x + 3, then find the number of possible sets of (x, y)? EVERY VALUE OF X WILL GIVE NEW VALUE OF Y=>equation of straight line!!if x and y are integers then answer is 9else infinite values are possible.... 3. Given a line with y-intercept and asked to find x-intercept? line must also be given or some oder condition...coz u can hav infinite lines havin d same y intercept!!its easy anyway..put y=0 in the equation u get the x intercept!! 4.Given a circle inscribed in a square and a square inscribed in a circle like above. If the radius of two circles is 4, thenCol A: Area of the shaded region of first figureCol B: Area of the shaded region of second figureans B.cola:8^2 - pie*4*4 =64 -16*pie=16(4-pie)colb:pie*4*4 - (8/root2)^2 =16*pie - 32 =16(pie-2) [AS DIAGONAL OF SQUARE=SIDE*(ROOT2)=DIAMETER OF CIRCLE!!hence colb is greater 5. Col A: 8c2Col B: 8c6 ANS C ..NCR = NC(N-R) 6.6. The slope of the line 5 = 3x + 2y is…………………….SLOPE =-COEFF OF X/COEFF OF Y=-3/2 ANS 7. Col A: Standard Deviation of 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 & 27Col B: Standard Deviation of 222, 223, 224, 225, 226 & 227ans c spread is same so S D s same!! 8. If 6.8! + 10! = 8!*x, then find x? 10! =10*9*8! = 90*8!=> 6.8! + 10!=(6+90)*8! =>x=96 ans

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9. Given ‘n’ is a positive integer. When ‘n’ is divided by 7 remainder is 3, what is the remainder when 2n-1 is divided by 7.see 7 jab database 6th ques!!ans 5 1. If a < 0 < b < c, thenCol A: ac/bCol B: ac divide both columns by accol a:1/bcol b=1 b>0..can be any number(decimal or a integer) D.. 2. Given two sets of data K1 & K2 as {1, 2, a} and {1, 2, 1}, where 'a' is an integer which is not equal to 1.Col A: Standard Deviation of K1Col B: Standard Deviation of K2 a can be anytn from but not 1..Ans will be D.. 3. If a number is divisible(divided??) by 5 the remainder is 3 and when the same number is divided by 7 the remainder is 4. What is the least possible number? ans is 18..(trial and error)..u can use equations alsogiven number=5p+3=7q+4=> 5p-7q=1..whr p and q are use trail and error 4. If x1, x2, x3, x4 and x5 belongs to a series such that xn= n{[(-1)^n] -1}, then what will be the difference of the largest and the smallest term?(Here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & n are suffixes) xn= n{[(-1)^n] -1} smallest term will be when the exprn at the braces is wud be least when n is odd and is 5.. so,xn=-5(-1-1)=-10 largest is 0..cuz all even intergers will cause the terms in brackets to become 0so,largest =0 the difference is 0-(-10)=10.. 5. Given a line 5x - y - 3 = 0 with slope 'L' and other line 5x + y + 3 = 0 with slope 'm'Col A: LCol B: M ax+by+c has a slope -a/bso,L=5

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M=-5 hence L s gr8r!!.. 1. If S = 7^0 + 7^1 + 7^2 +........ + 7^20, thenCol A: The remainder when 'S' is divided by 14.Col B: 1 7^0 leavs 1 remainder when divded by 14 7^1 leavs 7 7^2 =49 leavs 7 remainder(not 1!!!!) 7^3=343 leavs7 remainder.. goes on.. so,net is :[1+(7*20)]/14.. which leavs 1!!.. ans is C 2. Given that two lines k, l pass through a point (1, 1). If 'k' also passes through (0,a) and 'l' also pass through (0, b), thenCol A: aCol B: b Ans is D!!..Thr is no restriction on the 2 lines and a and b can be anytn!! 3. If 3/13 < x < 4/13, then which of the following could be a possible value of x?A. 9/26B.14/39C.17/52D.19/65& so on.... Clearly its d..9/26>4/1314/39>4/13now compare fractions b/w 17/52 and 19/65 4. Given 2/3 of the plates are stained, 1/2 of them are scratched and1/3 are both scratched and stained.If 80 plates are clean without scratch or stain, then find the total number of plates? total no=xx -(2/3 of x + 1/2 of x - 1/3 of x) =80as scratched and stained both will be counted twice ..we shud subtract it once...x(1- 2/3 -1/2 + 1/3) =80solvin u get x =480 ans 5. If 0.0625y =x (2.5)/4Col A: xCol B: y

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u get y=10x.No restriction on X..Can be +ve,-ve or 0.. SO,ans is D 6Given a figure like above. Find the value of x? 2x+1+75=1802x=104x=52 7. Given a series x, w, y, z, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3. If each number is the sum of previous two numbers, then what is the value of x? y=x+wz=w+y0=y+z1=z+0=>z=1..y=-1w=-2and x=-3 8. If 'n' is a negative integer, thenCol A: (4/3)^-nCol B: (3/4)^n Col a:(3/4)^n [ reverse]colb:(3/4)^nn is a integer..SO ans is C 9)A right triangle was drawn and a square was drawn by considering each side of triangle as its side as the figure above.Col A: The area of the square formed with hypotenuse as sideCol B: The sum of two other squares(AREA??) let one of the legs have the lenght as athe other leg be bthe other leg c=root(a^2+b^2) area of the sq of leg a:a^2area of sq of leg b:b^2 sum of teh 2 areas:a^2+b^2area of hypot leg: a^2+b^2=sum of teh 2 areas ans is c 10. A triangle with angle x, y, z was inscribed in a circle. If two angles 'x' and 'y' are equal, thenCol A: xCol B: z Ans is D..

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z can be =60z can be 90z can be 30 also!..and any der value satisfying z=180-2x!! 11. Which of the following lines has slope 2/3?A. 4 = 2y - 3xB. 5 = 3y - 2x& some more options...... ans is b B has slope=-(-2)/3=2/3A has slope -(-3/2)=3/2 12. If consider the line 3x - y < 1, then in which quadrant the line lie?A. First QuadrantB. Second QuadrantC. Third QuadrantD. Fourth QuadrantE. So on.. 3x-y<1 is a line which can lie on any quadrant of the cooordinate axis.. put y=-13x+1<13x<0.. so,(x,y) is -ve..2nd quadrant put y=13x-1<13x<2x<2/3 both 1st quadrant y=1/23x-(1/2)<13x<3/2x<1/2..x<1/2 has range (-infinity,1/2)hence 3rd quadrant also satisfied y=-1/23x+1/2<13x<1/2x<1/6 x<1/6 has range(-infinity,1/6) 13. If 0.8/5 = 1/n, then find the value of n? n=6.25!!.. 14. The students were given two sets of questions; they can mark either yes/ no or can leave it as unanswered. If 1000 people were asked, for first question if

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400 answered YES340 answered NO &260 left unanswered and for second question, if450 answered YES310 answered NO &240 left unanswered,then, find the minimum number of people who gave unanswered option for both questions? the minimum number is 0!!,. Its a Tricky one!!..trace backwards!! 15. If x > 0, thenCol A: 2/xCol B: x/2sub x<1 u get col a..if x>1 u get col bso ans is D 16. If x = -2 + y & y < 0, thenCol A: x^2+lxlCol B: x^2+x subtract x^2 from both columscol a:mod xcol b: x y<0=>x=-2+(negative)=negative mod x is always positive!! ans is COl A 18. Col A: 8!/(2!*6!)Col B: 8!/(6!*2!) clearly 6!*2!=2!*6!ans is C 19. An equation of a line is given as 24y + 16x - 8 = 0. If a line parallel to above, have one of its points as (0,0), then find the equation of that line? Any line parallel to ax+by+c=0 will be of the form ax+by+c1=0the line parallel is passing thru (0,0)such a line will not have a C componentThe reqd line is ax+by=0 here b=24,a=1424y+8y=0!! 20. If f(n) = [(-1)^n]*c*n, where c is given as cost of some(XXX). If f(1), f(2) and f(3) are the similar functions and the difference between the largest and smallest among f(1), f(2) and f(3) is 20 where c is a positive value, thenCol A: f(4)

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Col B: 16(Something like this) f(n) = [(-1)^n]*c*n, well i am getting c to be -4!!..question is not clear to me!!.They have mentioned C to be positive!! 17. If there are 8 apples in a bag; 2 red and 6 green, thenCol A: Total number of ways of choosing 2 red apples out of 8Col B: Total number of ways of choosing 6 green apples out of 8 How many apples are taken out at a time is not given!!..In col a he can choose 2 Red with 1st green.(thn 2red with 2nd on)2 red with 2 green..2red with 3 on.. In col b he can choose 6 green with 1 red6 green with another red6 green with both red. So,i wud go for A!!.. !do let me kno ur views! 1. If x and x+2 are both factors of y then which one is greater?Col a: x(x+2)Col b: y x and x+2 are both factors of a number doesn mean that the product must be =prod can be a multiple of the product also!! Ans is D 2. Last year, 1/4 of factory workers are architects. one year ago 60 workers newly joined in which 50 are architects and no one left the factory since last year and if now 1/3 of factory workers are architects then find the total number of workers? Question is nt clear Anyway!!..I think that thr were some ppl already in the company to which 60 more were added in the same year..Based on dis: In last yr,if x are the number of employees: x/4 will be Architects now,60 have been out of which 50 are architects which has caused the ratioto be 1/3 so,x/4+50=x/3 Solving u get x=600!!..

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3. Given a square with a circle inscribed in it and the radius of the circle is 'r'.Another circle is given with a square inscribed in it and the radius of this circle is also 'r'. What is the ratio of area of smaller circle to area of larger circle? thr is no question of which circle is larger or which circle is smallerBoth circles have equal,ratio is 1:1 4. If k-3 is multiple of 5 and k+2 is multiple of 3 then what is k^2?A. 16B.13C. 4& so on... k-3=5x k+2=3p. Trail and error is better!!.. Start wit k=8,13,18,and so on!! 13is possible cuz 10is divisible by 5 and 15is divisible by 3.. k^2=169 5. In a class of 20 students, one half of the students are boys, if a teacher has to select 7 students and the first 6 are girlsCol A: What is the probability that the 7th student is a girlCol B: 2/7 no of boys=10no of gals=10 when 6 girs have been out,4 are remainingand totally 14 ppl are remaining so,1 girl can be selected in a class of 14 whr thr r 4 girls left has a probability=4c1/14c1 =4/14=2/7=c!! 3. If 3/13 < x < 4/13, then which of the following could be a possible value of x?A. 9/26B.14/39C.17/52D.19/65& so on...ans Dthe best and fastest method which the ques itself suggest is to make the denominator same for comparing....(coz all denominators in options are multiple of 13)like for A.option=> 3/13

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20. If f(n) = [(-1)^n]*c*n, where c is given as cost of some(XXX). If f(1), f(2) and f(3) are the similar functions and the difference between the largest and smallest among f(1), f(2) and f(3) is 20 where c is a positive value, thenCol A: f(4)Col B: 16 F(1)=C F(2)=2C F(3)=-3C F(2)-F(3)=20(GIVEN)HENCE 5C=20C=4 THEREFORE , F(4)=4C=16 ANS. IS C 17. If there are 8 apples in a bag; 2 red and 6 green, thenCol A: Total number of ways of choosing 2 red apples out of 8Col B: Total number of ways of choosing 6 green apples out of 8ans Ccol a=colb=1 (this is wat i feel!!i will confirm it from azad also)i saw most of the people explaining it like 8c2 =8c6...but that is incorrect!!jus think if there are only 2 red ones how can u select dem in 8c2 ways or same goes for green ones.....8c2 wud hav been correct if there were 8 red apples and u hav to select 2 out of dem If consider the line 3x - y < 1, then in which quadrant the line lie?ans:in all 4 quadrants..plot 3x-y=1 for any line 3x-y =a (where a<1) ...u will get parallel lines left to the region of 3x-y=1 u can clearly see it can lie in all 4 quarants!! 1. If x < 0, thenCol A: x^2+1Col B: x(x+1)ans A COLA:X^2 +1 ..COLB:X^2 + X AS X IS LESS DEN 0 COL A IS GREATER!! 2.Given two lines which are perpendicular to each other. If the equation of one line is y = 1/10x + 6, then what is the equation of second line?question incomplete!!dere has to be some point given for the oder line to be unique ...dere can be infinite lines perpendicular to a given line!!slope of given line = 1/10 =>slope of perpendicular line= -10 (as m1*m2=-1)equation wud be like y=-10x + c (where c can be found if some point s given or any oder appropriate condition) 3.Col A: (7^4+7^5) + (8^6+8^7)Col B: (7^4(8) + 8^6(9))in colA taking 7^4 and 8^6 as common ..7^4(1+7)+8^6(1+8)=7^4(8)+8^6(9)=colBso col A=colB

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4.If 'n' is a least number in five consecutive positive integers, then what is the average of these 5 integers in terms of n? if least is n the other consecutives will be n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4taking average (n+n+1+n+2+n+3+n+4)/5 =n+2 5.Given a triangle with three of its sides given as 10.5cm, 4.5cm & 5.6cm and three angles as x, y & z. thenCol A: y+zCol B: xsum of two sides shud be greater than the 3rd side !!!this is not valid here!!so probably someone gave an altered version of the actual question!!anyway i hav seen many questions like dis!!the thing u have to jus see that a^2+b^2 < or > c^2 ....if its c^2...a,b,c being sides of triangle!! 6. There are 3 containers named p, q & r each contains an amount of sugar in the following ratios. If the amount of sugar present in container 'p' is 1/3rd of 'q' same as 2/3rd of 'r', then what is the ratio of (R+Q) to Rans 3:1p=1/3q=2/3R so Q=2R hence R+Q : R= 3R:R= 3:1 7. Given a diagram with two of its angles given and asked to find the third angle?(something like this) if its triangle den its too simple ..oderwise more info shud be given!! 1) The cost for printing is given by an equation $ = (0.12c+20p), where 'c' is the number of copies and p is the number of pages.Col A: Printing cost of 400 copies having 8 pages eachCol B: Printing cost of 800 copies having 4 pages eachans asol: col a: 0.12*400+20*8=48+160=204col b:0.12*800+20*4=96+80=176hence a 2. Given that a person travels in a circular path of diameter 2cm. If the total distance travelled by him is 314cm, then find the number of revolutions made by him?ans 50n*(2*pi*r)=314r=d/2=1cmn*(2*pi*1)=314....take pie=3.14n=100/2 =50 3) How many four-digited odd numbers are there whose hundredth place is 6 and it is an odd number?A. 450B. 650C. 950D. 850& so on...ans A1000's place can be selected in 9 ways(1 to 9) 100's place can be selected in 1 way(6) 10's place can be selected in 10 ways(1 to 10) 1's place can be selected in 5 ways(1,3,5,7,9)so total 9*1*10*5=450 hence A is the answer

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4)two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. They are now 50 miles apart. At this instance a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other and moves to and fro till the two cyclist meet each other. If the fly is moving at 15 miles/hour, what is the total distance covered by the fly?ans 75 milesrelative speed =10m/hr so they will meet after 50/10 =5 hrsdistance covered by fly=15*5=75 miles 5) When 't' is divided by 9, the remainder is 1 & when it is divided by 11, the remainder is 8. Find the value of 't'?ans 18t is of the form 9p+19p+1 shud give u 8 as remainder 1 is already there...=>9p shud give 7 as remainder when divided by 11put p=1 =>9/11=>9 is remainderp=2 =>18/11 =>7 is remainder...dis is the required number!!hence the number is 9*2+1 =19 6. Given a triangle with angles x, y & z and is inscribed in a circle. If two angles of triangle 'x' and 'y' are equal, thenCol A: xCol B: zans DX,Y,Z all can be 60or x,y 45 each and z=90 1. Given that there are six teams in quiz and their respective scores are 31, 24, 14, 10, 43 & 47 and there are 5 judges for this quiz. What is the minimum number of teams which must get 7 or more than 7 score from any one of the judge? 31=> 6*5=30 u cannot make it 31 unless u include a 7(dis shud include in the ans)24=> possible 6*4 + 0 =2414=>again possible10 dis is also possible43=>the same case as 31 (again valid for our ans)47 =>again valid!! answer is 3(31,43,47)...if u consider marks can be given in decimals or fractions as well then the ans is 2coz 5.9 * 5 > 31Ans:3(if marks are given in integers only) or 2(if marks can be given in decimals also) 2. A sequence 'S' has the terms x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6...... after the first term, each term is half the previous term. If x2 + x4 + x6 = 42, then what is the value of x1 + x3 + x5?x1=2*x2....x3=2*x4.....x5=2*x6=>x1+x3+x5 =2(x2+x4+x6)=2*42=84Ans:84 3. A cylinder 'm' of height 2 and radius 3 is given. Now another cylinder 'k' of double the height of previous one and double the radius of previous one is given.Col A: Double the volume of 'm' cylinderCol B: volume of cylinder kvol of k = pir*(2r)^2 * 2h = 8*pie*r^2*h=8 times vol of mAns:col b

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4. How many four-digited odd numbers are there whose hundredth place is 6 and it is an odd number?A. 450B. 650C. 950D. 850& so on...previous database 3rd quesAns:450 5. If the probability that it rains on day 1 is 70 % and on day 2 is 40% whether it rains on first day or not, then what is the probablity that it neither rains on day 1 nor on day 2? onprob of not raining today is 30% prob of not raining tomo is 60% prob of these 2 events is 30*60/100=18 percent (as they are independent events ..probability is multiplied)Ans :18% 1. A person's draw has 14 blue socks and 14 black socks. How many socks must be taken to get a pair of socks of the same color?A. 13B. 14C. 15& so on.... dere can be a possibility that u get all 14 blue(or black) in the first 14so atleast u shud pick 15 to ensure that u hav a pair of same color!! Ans : C 2. If N = 5^9 + 7^10, thenCol A: What is the least factor of 'N' greater than 1Col B: 35^9 will hav 5 at units place and 7^10 =>9 at units place=> sum will have 4 at the units place=>hence 2 is the least factor greater than 1...Ans: B 3. There are 28 men in a room in that 14 men are selected out of which 7 are under 50yearsCol A: Percentage of men under 50Col B: 40% 7/28 *100=25% dis s a possibilityalso dose remaining 14 can have more than 7 men under 50 =>in all more than 14 under 50=> % will be greater than 50!!Ans : D 4. A line passing through (5,5) touches x-axis and y-axis at (x,0) and (0,y) respectively.Col A: xCol B: y(5,5) is just one point!!u need two points or any oder constraint to restrict the line

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jus take x and y both as 5 and now take any value in which x is greater or ydrawing the diagram can help u to see clearly!!Ans : D 5. Given a diagram of a triangle with three angles x, y & z. If x > 90, thenCol A: xCol B: y + zif x>90 obviously y+z<90 for sum to be 180 degrees.Ans : A 6. Col A: Standard Deviation of 10, 30, 50, 70 & 90Col B: Standard Deviation of 10, 45, 50, 55 & 90Col A: Standard Deviation of ACol B: Standard Deviation of B if u notice the only term differing is 30,45 and 70, both hav a difference of 15(45-30 and 70-55)....dere wont be any change in averageavg=50 now 1st ,3rd and 5th term of both are same their dis to 50(which is mean) will be samebut 55 and 45 of col b are closer to 50 than 30 and 70 of col a...hence std deviation of col A wud be more!!!u didn hav to calculate anythin here...jus the mean!!dis is the fastest possible solution!! Ans : A 1. Col A: 0.9999/0.9998Col B: 1.0002/1.0001ans AA can b written as 9999/9998B can b written as 10002/10001now A= (10000-1)/(10000-2)B= (10000+2)/(10000+1)if we do A/B we get (10000^2 - 1^2) / (10000^2 - 2^2)we clearly c that numerator is greater than denominatori.e A/B >1....SO A>B 2. Given a line 'M' in xy-plane and if does not intersect the line x = y, thenCol A: Slope of the line 'M'Col B: 0ans A.a line doesnt intersect x=y line means it shud b definitely parallel to line x=y!!a line x=y makes an angle 45 with the co-ordinate axis..whose slope is tan 45 == 1so da req.line parallel to x=y also has slope 1 which is >0(col b ) 3. Find the quadrant in which 3x - y < 1 lies?A. First QuadrantB. Second QuadrantC. Third Quadrant

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D. Forth Quadrant& so on...ans .all 4 quadrants!!plot line 3x-y =1every parallel line left to to dis line will be valid for the above case!!u can see it can lie in all 4 quadrents for different value of c(ax+by=c...considerin dis form) 4. If the standrad deviation of x, y & z is 'd', thenCol A: Standard devaition of x+1, y+1 & z+1Col B: d+1ans B.x+1 ,y+1 ,z+1 will have same deviation that is d only!!proof=>avg wud be p + 1..(if p is the avg of x,y, each term will add a 1 =>3 divided by 3) now on taking the difference from the terms that will again get cancelled and u get same SD.mug this !!this is a rule ...on adding or subtracting any constant value to each term does not change the standard deviation!! 5. If x > 1 and f(x) = 5/((3/1-x)-2), thenCol A: The value of 'x' at which f(x) is not definedCol B: 2the only values where f(x) s not defined are x=1 and x=-1/2but x>1 is givenso i feel probably someone gave the wrong question...coz all values > 1 are acceptable!! still i may be wrong ..correct me if u feel u know the ans!! 6. A person has 'W'kg of grains for one week to feed some inguanas. If each inguana consumes 'x'kg per day thenCol A: Number of inguanasCol B: 7w/xans Blet total no of inguanas=n=>n*x*7 =w=>n=w/7xx=90+1=91 9. Given a figure of right angled triangle inscribed in a circle and the area of right angled triangle is given & asked to find out the area of circle?angle in a semicircle is 90 =>hypotenuse of triangle findin the area s easy!! 10. If k = 10^(2) - 10^(-2) + 2^(-2) - 2^(-2), then the value of k is closest to which integer?ans 100+ 2^(-2) - 2^(-2) gets cancelled 10^-2 = 1/100 =.001 =>k=100 - .001 =>nearest integer=100actually tom also gave a different version..that wask=10^2-10^-2 +2^-2^-2...dis makes a better questionall is same except 2^-2^-2 =2^4 =16=>nearest integer =116 ans 11. If 0 < x < 10 & y = 3x + 5, then the number of orderd pairs of 'x' for which 'y' is an integer is?ans 9y=3x+5 is a linear equation ..=>will give different value for different x=>total no of x values =total no of y values!! 12. Given that lines 'k' and 'm' intersect at (1,1). If 'k' passes through (0, a) and 'm' passes through (0, b) & if the given slope of 'k' is less than 'm', then

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Col A: aCol B: bans Aslope of k 1-a/1 < 1-b<1 or -a <-b or a>b 13. There are some toys and some crates and when this toys are equally distributed in the crates none are left. If there are 3 less crates, then each crate consists of 12 toys with 27 toys left. Find how many toys were there? let their be x toys/crate and n crates=>nx = total no of toysalso 12(n-3) + 27 =total no of toysu get nx = 12n - 9u hav two variables and one equation..n shud be greater than 3by hit n trial u get n=9,x=11(min values for n x to be integers)...dere can be many more cases!!but dis shud not be the case.(gre don expect u to put values n keep checkin).probably question has some data missing!! 14. The remainder when 23 is divided by n is 2, thenCol A: nCol B: 8ans Dn can be 7,3 or 21 15. If (4/2)*(5/3)*................(y+2)/y = 12, then find the value of y?y=7ansevery term will get canceled except 2*3 in denominator and (y+1)*(y+2) in numerator=>(y+1)(y+2) / 2*3 = 12or (y+1)(y+2)=72don form a quadratic here..its visible 8*9=72=>y=7 ans (also -10 u get after solvin d quad...but that cannot be the case here!!jus follow the pattern) 16. If we move towards west in straight line for 6m and then to north for another 16m and then to west again for another 10m, then what is the distance between starting and ending point?ans 16root(2)jus draw the extend the line from the point where we turn to north(towards the west 10 m)....u will get a right angled triangle with one side 10+6=16 oder vertically 16(parallel to our vertical travel) and third is required distance=>sqrt(16^2+16^2) ans 17. If -1 < k < 1 and -2 < 2m < 4, thenCol A: kCol B: mans D-1 now 100 by 11 leaves a remainder 1=>remainder of numerator is 1*1*1.....(11 times) =1 onlytotal remainder 1 + 1 =2hence C 1. Given 0 < x < 1, if 12x is a positive integer thenCol A: Tenths digit of xCol B: 0question doesn make sense ..x is a fraction or a decimal number!!tenths digit??? 2. Col A: (7^4+7^5) + (8^6+8^7)

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Col B: (7^4(8) + 8^6(9))ans cin colA taking 7^4 and 8^6 as common ..7^4(1+7)+8^6(1+8)=7^4(8)+8^6(9)=colBso col A=colB 3. A sales company, gives Rs.1800 plus 15 percent of the amount from sales to its salesman if his sales are over Rs.12000. If the salesman does a sales of Rs.x, where x>12000 thenCol A: The Amount the sales man receivesCol B: 0.15xans A.col A= 1800 + 0.15 x > col B 4. If a person moves towards west in straight line for 6m and then to north for another 16m and then to west again for another 10m, thenCol A: The distance between starting and ending pointCol B: 16*1.414ans Cprevious database 16 question!! 5. If 0 < x < y < z < w < 1 and if 'w' is positive, thenCol A: xCol B: zans B..(well.. its given in the question itself!!i don think dis wud hav been the actual ques) 6. If a, b, c, d & e are consecutive positive integers, thenCol A: Median of a, b, c, d & eCol B: Mean of a, b, c, d & eans Cc will be median its visible as they are consecutivenow take a=x,b=x+1,c=x+2,d=x+3,e=x+4mean = (a+b+c+d+e)/5 = (5x + 10)/5 = x+2 =c only 1. If f(n) = [(-1)^n]*c*n, where c is given as cost of some(xxx). If f(1), f(2) and f(3) are the similar functions and if the difference between the largest and smallest among f(1), f(2) and f(3) is 20, where c is a positive value, thenCol A: f(4)Col B: 16ans cjan 13th 3rd ques 2. Col A: (2m+1)^2Col B: (2m+2)^2ans Dcheck for -ve and +ve values 3. Given the area of the rectangle as 20 and asked to find the perimeter?ans. length*breadth = 20u can hav many values of l and b ...ques s not complete or options can help!! 4. Col A: 3^(x^2+1)Col B: 3^(x^2+1)^2ans B(x^2 +1)^2 > (x^2+1)always as x^2 is always +ve and x^2+1 >1

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3^a>3^b when a>b 5. If a number is divisible by 5 the remainder is 3 and when the same number is divided by 7 the remainder is 4. What is the least possible number?ans 18number wud be of the form5p+3 and dis shud give remainder as 4 when divided by 7a 3 is already dere =>5p shud give 1 as remaindernow p=3 gives min value of number=>number=5*3+3 =18 ans 6. There are 'n' number of flags and the number 'n' is odd. If the first flag is red colour and the even numbered flags are white, then what are the number of red colour flags?Col A: Number of red flagsCol B: n/2put n=3 u hav red white of red flags 2 > 3/2no of red flags will always be (n+1)/2 7. If 0 < x < 10 & y = 2x + 3 and y is an integer, then find the number of possible sets of (x, y)?ans 921st database 11 ques 8. If 0.0625y =x*(2.5)/4Col A: xCol B: yans don solvin u get y=10x x can be+ve as well as -ve!! 9. If consider the line 3x - y < 1, then in which quadrant the line lie?A. First QuadrantB. Second QuadrantC. Third QuadrantD. Fourth QuadrantE. Allans E.ALL21st database 3 ques 10. Given that a person travels in a circular path of diameter 2cm. If the total distance travelled by him is 314cm, then find the number of revolutions made by him?2*pie*r*n=314 (circumference*n shud be equal to 314)take pie=3.14=>n=100/2 = 50 ans 1. If 3/13 < x < 4/13, then the possible value of x is?A. 9/26B. 17/52C. 19/65& so on....the best and fastest method which the ques itself suggest is to make the denominator same for comparing....(coz all denominators in options are multiple of 13)like for A.option=> 3/13 4-pie => B is greater!! 6. Given a triangle inscribed in a circle with angles x, y & z. If x = y, thenCol A: xCol B: zx=y=z is also possible!!ans D

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7. Col A: 0.9999/0.9998Col B: 1.0002/1.0001ans A.jan 21st 1 ques 8. If a box contains 10 machines, in which 3 are defective then find the probability that none are defective?ans 7/10 is the prob of finding a machine which is not defective...but the ques is not clear!! 9. Col A: 3^(x^2 +1)Col B: 3^(x^2+1)^2prev database 4 quesans D 11. Col A: sqrt(2) * sqrt(6) * sqrt(21)Col B: 9square both!! cola: 2*6*21 =2*126colb =81ans A 10. Given R1 = (-1, 0, 1), R2 = (1, 1, 2) & R3 = (-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3) and s1, s2 & s3 are the standard deviations of R1, R2 and R3 respectively.i. s1 > s2ii. s2 > 5iii. s3 > 0A. NoneB. I & IIsd is roughly the measure of the average distance of values from the mean u can always compare diff sds by jus seeing the average distance...the one having more will have more s d....for actual sd u hav to follow the procedure unless all terms are same!!like in dis ques u have to determine actual sd only for statement iii)s1>s2R1=-1,0,1 clearly avg=0 =>avg dis from the mean =(1-0 + 0-(-1) +0-0)/3= 1+1/3 =2/3R2=1,1,2 avg=4/3 =>avg dis from the mean=(4/3-1 + 4/3-1 + 2-4/3)/3 = 4/9 < 2/3=>s1>s2 hence statement i is true!! ii)s2 =>sqrt([(1/3)^2 + (1/3)^2 + (2/3)^2]/3)...clearly much less than 5!! iii)avg distance is not zero...obviously s3>0..its visible!! ans is i) and iii)again if u see the pdf issued by ETS they showed that in the last step for finding SD...u take non negative square root of the quotient!!for i and ii both hav quotient 0!!so that can make s1=s2...but check from some oder source too!! 12. Col A: Median of days in February in a leap year.Col B: Median of days in February in a non-leap year.ANS Cmedian is always defined if u assign values ..den values are arranged in increasing order and the middle value is chosen!!(or avg of two middle if no of terms are even)now if u assign same value (say x) to all dayscola.15th day =xcolb.(14th+15th day)/2 =2x/2 =x nt sure though i feel its correct!!

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13. In an examination, number of marks was given like twice the number of correct questions minus number of wrong questions. If a student gets 100 marks, thenCol A: Number of question he answered correctlyCol B: 50ans Dcan be equal to 50 if no of ques=50 and all done correctly!!can be more like total no =80 ques 60 done correctly and 20 incorrectlymarks 60*2 - 20 = 100ya but it can never be less than 50!! 1. If x > 1 and f(x) = 5/((3/1-x)-2), thenCol A: The value of 'x' at which f(x) is not definedCol B: 2actually x >1 is given but x is not defined only on x=1 and x=-1/2 question makes less sense...u mark B anyway if u get the exact ques .. 2. Given a square ABCD within which another square EFGH is inserted such that 'E' lies on AB & 'F' lies on BC. If AH = 3 & HD = 2, thenCol A: Perimeter of ABFHCol B: Perimeter of square EFGHthis ques is not clear to me!!anybody post the solution in the correction thread if he s confident about the solution!! 3. If 'x' is a negative integer, thenCol A: ( 4/3)^xCol B: (3/4)^-xans CBOTH ARE EQUAL!!(3/4)^-x = (4/3)^-1^-x =(4/3)^x 4. The following was stated in the form of table.In experiment 'P' there are 10 samples in which the least value(of weights) is 105 & range is 10In experiment 'Q' there are 11 samples in which the least value(of weights) is 120 & range is 12.Col A: The median of samples of "P+Q"Col B: 120ans Crange = max - min => max = min + range =105 + 10 =115 for first 10 values!!now median of all 21 values wud be the 11th valueu know first 10 hav max value as 115=>the least value of the Q group is the 11th value =>median is 120 5. If a > 1, thenCol A: a^2-1Col B: a+1ans Da=2 BOTH are equala=3 A is greater 6. How many four-digited odd numbers are there whose hundredth place is 6 and it is an odd number?A. 450B. 650C. 950D. 850E.750

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ANS a.450units place can be taken by 1,3,5,7,9=>5tens place by all 0-9=>10hundreths only by 6=>1thousands by 1-9=>9=>total ways = 9*1*10*5 = 450 ans 7. If x/2 + x/5 = 1 - x/3 and if xy = some fraction, thenCol A: xCol B: y(something like this)ans DX=30/31 after solvin now put y=1 u get xy=fractionand put x=y=30/31..again u get a fraction hence D 8. If 12 < =a < =15 and a+b=5, then find the value of a-b?a=12 =>b=-7a=15=>b=-10a-b can lie between 19 to 25! 9. If (x-1/x)/(1+1/x) = 99, then find the value of (x-1/x)/(1-1/x)?ans 101.e., (x^2-1/x)*(x/x+1)=99==>(x^2-1)/x+1=99, but x2-1 can be written as (x^2-1^2)=(x+1)*(x-1)now, (x+1)*(x-1)/(x+1)=99;x-1=99x=100similarly simplify another equation,u ll get x+1 which is equal to 101!! 10. If 'W' is the width of the rectangle and 'R' is the area of the rectangle where r > 0, thenCol A: Perimeter of rectangleCol B: 2W+2R/Wr=l*wl=r/w;perimeter=2(l+w)=2(r/w+w)=2[(r+w^2)/w]=2w+2r/wans is c 11. If a, b & c are all positive integers numbers and if a*b*c = 66, then what is the value of a+b+c?11*2*3 =66 only and all primes!!=>a+b+c =16 ansit shud also be specified in the ques that a>1 b>1 and c>1!! 12. Given a figure of a triangle with vertices (5, 0), (t, 0) and (6, 4) & area was also given, asked to find the value of 't'?take base of triangle on the x axis=>length of base = |5-t| mod as it will be +veheight =4...u know it will be 4 units as third point is (6,4) so its y coordinate will act as heightden use 1/2*base*height = areadis is the shortest approach i feel!! 13. Col A: (7^4+7^5) + (8^6+8^7)Col B: (7^4(8) + 8^6(9))jan 22 2nd ques ans C 14. A sales company, gives Rs.1800 plus 15 percent of the amount from sales to its salesman if his sales are over Rs.12000. If the salesman does a sales of Rs.x, where x>12000 then

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Col A: The Amount the sales man receivesCol B: 0.15xans Acol A= 1800 + 0.15 x > col B 15. Col A: The remainder when (10^22)+1 is divided by 11Col B: 2ANS C10^22/11 = (100)^11/11=> now 100 by 11 leaves a remainder 1=>remainder of numerator is 1*1*1.....(11 times) =1 onlytotal remainder 1 + 1 =2hence C 1. Given a series of numbers (-0.5)^-2, (-0.5)^-1, (-0.5)^0, (-0.5)^1, (-0.5)^2, find the range of the series?(-0.5)^-2 =(2^-1)^-2 =2^2 =4 dis is the largest number(-0.5)^-1 = (-1/2)^-1 = -2 dis is the smallest number!!range = 4-(-2 ) =6 ans 2. If x^2 = y, thenCol A: 5x/yCol B: x^2ans dcola =5x/x^2 = 5/x take 0 5 and x^2side =root2*r or side>r=>ans B 4. If g(x) = |x| for x < 1 &g(x) = |x-1| for x > 1, thenfind the value of g(-2)-g(2)?ans 1g(-2) = |-2| =2 .....g(2) =|2-1| =1=>ans = 2-1 =1 ans5. Given a line passes through (-1, -1), (100, 101) & (x, 3), find the value of 'x'? 6. There are 10 numbers in a sequence the starting number is 5, the rest are obtained by doubling the preceeding number and subtracting 3, then what is the 4th number?ans 112nd = 10-3 =7 =>third = 14-3=11 ...4th= 22 - 3 = 19 ans 7. The approximate value of 61.19(0.98)^2/sqrt(401) is?sqrt(401)=approx 20=> the given expression = 3 *0.98^2 = approx 3 ans 8. Given two points (-1, 3) and (4, 4). Find the slope of it?slope = 4-3/4+1 = 1/5 ans 9. Given three values as d1 = 2, d2 = 3 and d3 = 4, thenCol A: -2Col B: d1(d2- d1*d3)ans AcolB:2(3 -2*4) =2*(-5)=-10 10. If 0.0625y =x*(2.5)/4Col A: xCol B: yans D..on solvin y =10x ..anythin can be greater!check +ve -ve values

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11. A right triangle was drawn and a square was drawn by considering each side of triangle as its side.Col A: The area of the square formed with hypotenuse as sideCol B: The sum of two other squaresans cuse a^2 + b^2 =c^2 which are also areas of square!! 12. Given b = mod (15x+ 20y), where x and y are integers. If x, y are not equal to 0, thenCol A: The smallest positive value of bCol B: 5ans Csmallest +ve value is 5 only!!take x=1 and y=-1 1. If a person moves towards west in straight line for 6m and then to north for another 16m and then to west again for another 10m, thenCol A: The distance between starting and ending pointCol B: 16*1.414ans cjan 21 ...16th ques 2.If the radius of the above two circles is 'r', thenCol A: Area of the shaded region of ACol B: Area of the shaded region of Bjan 27th ....5 ques 3. If the Standard deviation of x, y & z is 'd', thenCol A: Standard Deviation of x+1, y+1 & z+1Col B: d+1jan 21st...4th ques 4. Given a square ABCD within which another square EFGH is inserted such that 'E' lies on AB & 'F' lies on BC. If AH = 3 & HD = 2, thenCol A: Perimeter of ABFHCol B: Perimeter of square EFGHprev database 2nd ques..actly the ques is not clear!! 5. Col A: 10^30Col B: 0.001^(-10)prev database ..14 ques 6. Find the quadrant in which 3x - y < 1 lies?A. First QuadrantB. Second QuadrantC. Third QuadrantD. Forth QuadrantE. All23rd jan ...9th ques 7. If 3/13 < x < 4/13, then which of the following could be a possible value of x?A. 9/26B.14/39C.17/52D.19/65& so on....

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27th jan...1st ques!! 1. Given two concentric circles, one inscribed in another. If the radius of the inner circle is 'x' & the radius of the outer circle is '(x+y)', then what is the probability that the point taken lie in the inner circle?A. pi*x^2/(x+y)B. x^2/(x+y)^2C. x^2/(x^2+y^2)D. x/(x+y)& so on.... Ans : It should be D According to me....Confirm it with anuj or azad 2. Given price of a article as 'p' and is increased by r% to give a new price 'q' and then price of 'q' is reduced by s% to give original price.Col A: rCol B: s Ans : Atake values and check eg p =100 and r = 10 then q = 110 and s should be = 9.09 3.If a, b and x are positive integers & if a/b>1, thenCol A: a+x/b+xCol B: a/b Ans : BAgain take value and see a = 2 b = 1 (since a/b >1) and x = 3a/b is always greater a+x / b+x will always be fraction smaller then a/b 4. If the range of 6 consecutive positive numbers is 6.8 and of 7 consecutive numbers is 13.2. If none of these numbers in the two groups are same, then find the range of the 13 numbers Ans : Not sure again but I think the Question is wrong there can be n number of solution to this 5. If -6 <= x <= 4 & -10 <= y <= 4, then what is the greatest possible value of -x^2+ y^4? Ans : 9964 given : -x^2 + y^4 = y^4 - x^2since the power is even number we need to take highest possible value for x and y irrespective of sign!thus for x = -6 and for y = -10substitute(-10)^4 - (-6)^2 = 10000 - 36 = 9964 6. When a number is divided by 12, the remainder is 5. What is the remainder when the square of that number is divided by 8? Ans : 1take value say the number is 17 divide it by 12 we get 5 remainder. thats the number we need square it 289 divide by 8 you get 36 quotient and 1 remainder

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7. Given a triangle with sides x, y & z. If z = 1/4(perimeter of triangle) and x + y = 12, then find the value of z? Ans : 4 given : z = 1/4 [x+y+z]4z = x+y+z3z = x+y3z = 12z = 4 please feel free to correct me if i am wrong 1. If 0 < x < y < z, thenCol A: x/yCol B: y/zAns : Dif x= 1 y = 2 z = 4 then ColA = Col Bif X = 1 y = 3 z = 5 then Col A =! Col B 2. If a cab-for-hire company costs $1.75 for the first quarter mile and fifteen cents for each additional quarter mile, then what is the maximum distance you can travel with $4.90?Ans: 16.5 For 1.75 one travels 0.75 miles (Quarter is 0.75) thus subtracting 1.75 from the total Money i.e. $4.90 = $3.15 Now for 15 cents = 0.75 milethen for 315 cents = ????? that will be [0.75 * 315]/15 = 15.75 miles Thus total distance traveled = 15.75 + .75 = 16.5 3. If a person A takes 4hrs to complete a job and person B takes 6hrs to complete the same job, & if they work together then how much time will they require to complete the work?Ans = 2.4Hrs or 2Hr 24 min In One hour A will comlpete 1/4 workIn one hour B will Comlpete 1/6 workIn one hour together they will complete 1/4 + 1/6 = 5/12 Thus together they will complete the job in 12/5 Hrs = 2.4 = 2Hr 24min 4. Given a series 7, 8, 13, 13, 9, 14, 15, 15, 15, 19. If another number 15 is included in the series, then which will be most affected?A. MeanB. MedianC. ModeD. NoneAns : A,B bothMean for current numbers is 12.8 and on addition of 15 it will be 13While Median is currently 13.5 but addition of 15 will make it 14

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5. If x,y > 0 and x - y = 1, thenCol A: x^2 - y^2Col B: 0Ans : A col A = x^2 - Y^2 = [x+y]*[x-y] = [x+y] * 1 = [x+y]Now x and y are positive is given tus it will always be greater than 0 6. If a number 'n' is divided by 24, the remainder is 21. Which of the following is the divisor of n?A. 3B. 5C. 6& so on....Ans : 3 Assume a number which when divide with 24 will give remainder 21 it can be = 45,69...From this 3 is the most certain divisor 1. Given two concentric circles, one inscribed in another. If the radius of the inner circle is 'x' & the radius of the outer circle is '(x+y)', then what is the probability that the point taken lie in the inner circle?A. pi*x^2/(x+y)B. x^2/(x+y)^2C. x^2/(x^2+y^2)D. x/(x+y)& so on....ans Bprob = area of inner circle/area of whole region(or outer circle)=pi*x^2/pie*(x+y)^2 2. Given price of a article as 'p' and is increased by r% to give a new price 'q' and then price of 'q' is reduced by s% to give original price.Col A: rCol B: sans Ap + rp/100 = qq - qs/100 = padd both u get rp = qs as we know q > p so s < r 3. If a, b and x are positive integers & if a/b>1, thenCol A: a+x/b+xCol B: a/bANS blet (a+x)/(b+x) > a/bor ba + bx > ab + ax [all a,b,x are greater than 0]or (b-a)x >0as x>0 but b1 or a>b) hence the above statement is false or opposite is true...i couldn think of any other approach..any other general solution is welcome!! 4. If the range of 6 consecutive positive numbers is 6.8 and of 7 consecutive numbers is 13.2. If none of these numbers in the two groups are same, then find the range of the 13 numbers?question is not clear ...consecutive and not integers??

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5. If -6 <= x <= 4 & -10 <= y <= 4, then what is the greatest possible value of -x^2+ y^4?ans 10000take x=0 ,y =-10(its helpful if u know the graphs of general quadratic equations) 6. When a number is divided by 12, the remainder is 5. What is the remainder when the square of that number is divided by 8?ans 1number is of the form 12p + 5square wud be 144p^2 + 25 + 120pclearly 1st and last term is divisible by 825 will give remainder 1 when divided by 8hence the remainder wud be 1 always!! 7. Given a triangle with sides x, y & z. If z = 1/4(perimeter of triangle) and x + y = 12, then find the value of z?ans z=4(x+y+z)/4 = z or (12 + z )/4 =4 or z=4 1. If 0 < x < y < z, thenCol A: x/yCol B: y/zAns : Dif x= 1 y = 2 z = 4 then ColA = Col Bif X = 1 y = 3 z = 5 then Col A != Col B 2. If a cab-for-hire company costs $1.75 for the first quarter mile and fifteen cents for each additional quarter mile, then what is the maximum distance you can travel with $4.90?ans 5.5 miles1.75 for 1st quarter (0.25 miles)...remaining is 4.90 - 1.75 = 3.15total number of quarters for $3.15 =3.15/0.15 =21 quarterstotal =22 quarters or 22/4 =5.5 miles 3. If a person A takes 4hrs to complete a job and person B takes 6hrs to complete the same job, & if they work together then how much time will they require to complete the work?Ans = 2.4Hrs or 2Hr 24 minIn One hour A will comlpete 1/4 workIn one hour B will Comlpete 1/6 workIn one hour together they will complete 1/4 + 1/6 = 5/12Thus together they will complete the job in 12/5 Hrs = 2.4 = 2Hr 24min 4. Given a series 7, 8, 13, 13, 9, 14, 15, 15, 15, 19. If another number 15 is included in the series, then which will be most affected?A. MeanB. MedianC. ModeD. Noneans Barrange them in increasin order first 7,8,9,13,13,14,15,15,15,19Mean for current numbers is 12.8 and on addition of 15 it will be 13While Median is currently 13.5 but addition of 15 will make it 14median is most affected as there is a change of 0.5 whereas in mean the chane is of 0.2 only!!

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5. If x,y > 0 and x - y = 1, thenCol A: x^2 - y^2Col B: 0ans Acol A = x^2 - Y^2 = [x+y]*[x-y] = [x+y] * 1 = [x+y]Now x and y are positive is given tus it will always be greater than 0 6. If a number 'n' is divided by 24, the remainder is 21. Which of the following is the divisor of n?A. 3B. 5C. 6ANS Bnumber will be of the form 24p + 21 where p is any integer!!!both terms are clearly divisible by 3 (giving 8p+7) irrespective of the value of p hence the ans! 1. If the area of a square is 24sq.m, thenCol A: Length of the sideCol B: Length of the diagonalans Bside < side*root(2) need to calculate anything here! 2. Col A: 100^2Col B: 2^100ans B100^2 = (2*2*5*5)^2 = 2^2 * 2^2 * 5^2 * 5^22^100 = 2^2 *2^2 * 2^(48)*2^(48)...CLEARLY B IS MUCH GREATER!! 3. The remainder when 23 is divided by n is 2, thenCol A: nCol B: 8ans dn can be 3 ,7 or 21!! 4.Col A: 10^30Col B: 0.001^(-10)ans ccolb:10^(-3)^(-10)=10^30 = cola 5. A company sold a product for 'x' dollars in 1990. If the price of product increases by 2.5% every year, then what is the price of the product in the year 2000?ans: x(1+rate/100)^n = x(1+2.5/100)^10dis formula(for compound interest) is used when amount after firstyear is used as principal for second year!!mug it!! 6. A salesman gets 12% commission on the sales up to $500 and he gets 20% commission on the further sales amount on that day. If the salesman's total commission is $380 on that day, then how much amount did he sell on that day?ans:$2100uptill 500 he gets a commission of 12%ie : 12/100 * 500 = $60Total commission = 380 - 60 = $320

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This means that he gets $320 by selling some amount of goods after that $500, for which he receives a commission of 20%ie : 20% of x = 32020/100 * x = 320x = 1600.Already we have calculated for $500. So total sales that day is 500 + 1600 = $2100 1.If x > 0 and y > 0, thenCol A: sqrt(xy)Col B: sqrt(x+y)ans:dtake x=1..y=2 B is greatertake x=2 y=3 A is greater! 2.Col A: Perimeter of the triangle AOBCol B: some value(xxx)ans:col a = 3(2 + sqrt2)point B wud be (0,3) put x=0 in the equation!!u have length 3 ,3 and sqrt(3^2 + 3^2)=3sqrt(2)total=6+3sqrt(2)=3(2+sqrt2) 3.The value of 10^15 – 10^14 / 10^3 is ……………10^15 - 10^(14-3) = 10^15 - 10^11 =10^11(10^4 - 1) 4.If the circumference of the circle is 4π and if the area of the triangle is 2, thenCol A: Length of BDCol B: some value(xx)it shud be specified that angle B is 90( or AC is the diameter )..then only BD can be calculated else the ques is incomplete(assuming AC as diameter)..circumference = 4π = 2πr =>r=2 or diameter=AC=4area of triangle = 1/2 * AC * BD = 21/2 * 4 * BD =2 =>BD=1 ans 5.If the number of experienced people in an office is 7% , thenCol A: The total number of people in the officeCol B: 100ans Du cannot calculate total number wid dis information!! 6.Col A: Area of the rectangle whose length is 4m and perimeter is 14mCol B: Area of rectangle having length 5m and breadth 3mans Bcola :2l +2b= 14 ..l=4 =>b=3 area=4*3=12colb:area=5*3=15 7.If t^2+6t+9 = 0, thenCol A: tCol B: -3ans Ct^2+6t+9 = (t + 3)^2 =0 =>t+3=0 or t=-3 other value is possible!! 8.If the probability of A wins the race is 1/5 and ‘B’ wins the race is 1/8, then what is the probability the neither of them wins the race?ans 7/10

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prob =(1 - 1/5)(1 -1/8)= 4/5 * 7/8 =28/40 = 7/10 ans 9.Given a series f1, f2, f3, f4................fn, such that every number is sum of its two previous numbers. If f5 = 18 and f8 = 76, then what is the value of f9?ans 123f9 = f8 + f7f7 = f6 + f5 = f6 + 18f8 = 76 = f7 + f6 = (f6 + 18) + f6 => 76-18 = 2f6 or f6 = 29f7 = f6 + f5 = 29 + 18 = 47=>f9 = 76 + 47 = 123 ans 1.If ‘C’ apples cost ‘x’ cents, then how many apples could be bought for ‘d’ dollars? C apples cost x/100 dollars or in x/100 dollars C apples can be bought=>in d dollars we can buy C*d/x/100 or 100Cd/x ans 2.If the length of the side of the square is 21, then find the area of the shaded region?question is incomplete.obviously it depends on the dimension of grey region!! 3.Find the length of the base?root(3) split the figure having two right triangle + a rectangle(this we don need)such the adding the base of the two triangles = length of base of figure(it is parallel to base of triangles)length of the base = 2base 1 = 2base 2 sin60=base1/1 = base 2/1 =>base 1=base2 = root3/2 =>length of base= root3 ans 4. If 0 < x < 1 and x^2*y^2 = 3, thenCol A: x+ yCol B: 3ans D xy = +root3 or -root3y can be -ve or +veif its negative clearly B s greaterif its positivelet x=1/100y = 100*(root 3)so A is greater in this case!! 5.5. 4 – (1/129) / 2 – (1/89) =1. 2/52. 4/53. 3/84. 7/3& so on………none of the option matches!! 6. Given the present age of person ‘X’ is twice the age of person ‘Y’. If the ratio of their ages 5 years hence is 9:5, then what is the difference between their present ages?ans 20X =2Y(X + 5)/(Y+5) = 9/55X + 25 = 9Y + 45

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X=2YY=20x=40diff =20 ans 7. If a number 'n' is divided by 24, the remainder is 21. Which of the following is the divisor of n?A. 3B. 4C. 5D.6E. 7ans A. 3n wud be of the form 24p + 21 where p is any integer!!clearly both terms are divisible by 3!! 1. If 0 < t < u < v, thenCol A: Mean of t, u, vCol B: Median of t, u, vans Dt=1 ,u=2 ,v=3 =>mean=mediant=1,u=2,v=4 mean is not equal to median!! 2. Given the average of seven numbers as 35. When 'k' is added to it then the average of those 8 is 35. Find the value of k?ans 35(sum of 7 nos)/7 = 35(sum of 7 nos + K)/8 = 35 = 35*7 + k = 8*35 or k =(8-7)35 =35(see here multiplying 35*7 and 35*8 was useless here and wud have made the problem a lil not actually multiply things until the last step) 3. Given a series a1, a2, a3........... an. If an=(1/n)-(1/n+1), then find the value of S100?ans 99/100S100 here means sum of first 100 terms i guess.!!a1 = 1/1 - 1/2a2 =1/2 - 1/3: : : :a/99 = 1/99 - 100a/100 = 1/100 - 1/101s100 = 1/1 - 1/100 =99/100 (rest of the terms wud get canceled) 4. Given |x| = |y| & xy<0Col a : x+yCol b : 0ans Cxy <0 =>both are on different sides of 0 having same value as mod is same and -5) 5. Given a Rectangular cylinder with volume 1800. If the height of rectangular cylinder is 6 times more than its radius then find the radius of the cylinder?ans (900/11)^(1/3) h = r + 6r (6 times more)pie*(r*r)*(7*r)=1800=>r^3=(1800/22)=900/11=>r=(900/11)^(1/3) 6. Given stock price at end of February as x. If stock price increase in March is 10% & increase in April is again 10% and if May price = 70% of April price, then

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Col A: The May priceCol B: 0.9xans Bincrease till april in stock price =10 + 10 + (10*10)/100 = 21% increase [ golden formula]so april price = x + 0.21x = 1.21 xmay price = y = 0.7 * 1.21 x =0.84 x 1. 10^5 * 10^4 / 10^3 =1.10^102.10^73.10^64.10^3& so on….ans 3.10^5 * 10^4 / 10^3 = 10^(5+4-3) = 10^62. 1, 1/(2t), 1/(2)^2*t, 1/(2)^2*(t)^2 .................For t=2, if odd terms are 1/2 times the previous number and even terms are 1/(t) times the previous number, thenCol A: The eight term (8th) in the seriesCol B: 1/(2)^8 This is the actual question !!ans C8 th term wud be 1/[(2^4)*t^4] as t =2 it is equal to col B!!3.Col A: a+dCol B: b+cif the given figure is a circle(shud be specified) thenans Bb > a and c > d => b+c > a+d4. Given two points P(4,2) & Q(3,3).Col A: Distance of point ‘P’ from originCol B: Distance of point ‘Q’ from originans Acola: sqrt(4^2 + 2^2) =sqrt(20)colb:sqrt(3^2 + 3^2) = sqrt(18)5.In the figure above, it is a semicircle drawn on a square of side length 10m.And now, find the length of PR?ans 14radius of semicircle = 10/2 =5take O as centre of semicircle and join OP u have a right angled triangle OPQOP^2 = PQ^2 + OQ^2 OQ =OA - AQ = 5-2 =35^2 = PQ^2 + 3^2=>PQ = 4PR = PQ+QR =14 6.If (x-5)(2x+1) – (x-5)(x-7) = 0, then what is the least possible value of ‘x’? ans -8take x-5 as common(x-5)(2x+1-x+7)=(x-5)(x+8)0x=5 or x = -8 ...least is -8!!7.Find the surface area of a cuboid of length 6ft, width 1/6ft and height 1/3ft? ans 6.11s. a=2(lb + bh + lh) = 2*(6*1/6 + 1/6 * 1/3 + 1/3 * 6) = 2(3+1/18) = 6 + 1/9 = 55/98.In a contest, there are 5 judges who are to rate (they can rate from 0-10) the scores of 8 different groups.see the table!

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What is the minimum number of teams, which must get 7 or more than 7 score from atleast one judge?if marks are given in integers only then ans 46*5 =30 ...30 or less marks can be obtained using 5 judges!!we have 4 teams with marks >30 so ans is 4if marks are given in real numbers!!then ans 3coz 31 can also be achieved now like 6.5*5 >31coz we cannot reach 35 even if all give 6.999!! 1.What is the median of the series 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 11, 11, 11?ANS 10first arrange in ascendin order..8 8 8 10 10 11 11 11(10+10)/2 =102.If the side length of the square is 5 & radius of the circle is 3, then what is the area of the shaded region?ans 10.87as the corner angle =90 in a square we have (360/90=1/4) area covered by circle on each corner so total is 1/2 area of circle as both hav same radiusarea of shaded region = area of square - 1/2 the area of circle=5*5 - pi*3*3/2 =25 - 9pi/2 =25 - 14.13 = 10.87 ans3.If 0<x<y<z, thenCol A: x/yCol B: y/zans Dx=1 y=2 z=4..both r equal!!now jus change z to 3 they wont be equal!!4.Col A: xCol B: yif it were given that angle B is 90 and line dividin the bigger triangle into 2 smaller triangles is perpendicular to AC then only it can be determined!!then in triangle ABC, A + 90 + Y = 180also in smaller triangle(smaller one), X + A + 90 =180frm the 2 equations x=y!!5.If 0<x<4, thenCol A: x^3Col B: x^2ANS dtake x=1 and x =26.If ‘A’ takes 6 days to complete a work and ‘B’ takes 8 days to complete the same work, then how days it takes if they work together?total days =8*6/(8+6) = 3.42 days7.In set of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, if two numbers are selected at random, then what is the probability of getting their sum ‘8’?ans 2/152+6 and 3+5 can make 8 only!!prob = 2/6c2 = 2/158.When ‘K’ is divided by 3, the remainder is ‘1’ and when ‘K+1’ is divided by 5, the remainder is ‘0’, then what is the possible value of ‘K’?1.602.613.624.635.64

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ans 64k is of the form 3p + 1k +1 is of the form = 5q(where p and q are any integers)k = 5q- 1clearly 64 is possible only for both p and q to be integers!! Find the length of the line segment PQR?ans 14march 23rd database ..5th ques 2.A man buys ‘W’kgs of dog food once in a week and ‘x’kgs of the food is given to each dog twice a day.Col A: Number of dogsCol B: W/7xans B2x*n *7 = wn = w/14x 3.If (x - y) = odd value and K is an integer, which of the following is always odd?A. xB. yC. k(x-y)D. (x-y) ^2E. (x-y+k)ANS Dsquare of odd will always be odd=(2n+1)^2 = 2(2n^2 + n) + 1 =odd 4.If x < y < z, thenCol A: xyCol B: yzans Dput x =1,y=2,z=3put x=-3,y=-2,z=-1 5.Given that the time taken by a train to travel a distance’d’ is ‘h’hrs and the next day the train travels the same distance but reaches 15 min early. What is the average speed on that day?avg speed for the next day is asked!!avg speed = total dis /total time =d/(h -15/60) = 4d/(4h -1) 6.A price of a product ‘x’ is increased by p% to give new price ‘y’ and then price of ‘y’ is reduced by r% to give original price.Col A: pCol B: rans Ax + px/100 = yy - ry/100 = xadding both => px =ry as y > x => r<p 7.Given a sequence a1, a2........ an. If a1 = 25 & in the sequence if every number is '-2' times the preceding number, thenCol A: a100 Col B: -10,000ans Bevery odd term will be +ve and even -vehence a100 = (-25)*(2^99)

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1.If xy>0, thenCol A: x4 * y3Col B: 0i guess it is x^4 * y^3then ..ans is Dx^4 * y^3=(xy)^3 * xnow this will be +ve if x is +ve and -ve if x is -ve. 2.If x?0, thenx?0 ????what does it mean?? 3.Given the average of a set of 7 numbers as 45. If 2 numbers are removed from theset, then the average of 5 numbers becomes 40. Find the average of removednumbers (two)?ans 57.5S7/7 =45S5/5 = 40avg of two numbers removed = s2/2 = (s7 - s5)/2 = (45*7 - 40*5)/2 = 57.5 ans 4.Given a set of four values.12, 13, 14, 15.Which of the following operation can be done, such that the arithmetic mean of the setcan be altered and standard deviation of the set cannot be altered?A.Adding 11 to each number in the setB.Multiplying 2 to each number in the setC.Adding 3 to each number in the setD.Addition of 20 in the setE.Replacing 15 in the set by 20.ans A and Cadding a constant does not affect s d but mean is incremented by the same constant!!multipliying a constant to every gets multiplied by the constant as well as mean gets multiplied by the same constant! 5.col a: (sqrt(30) - sqrt(13))^3colb: sqrt(30) - sqrt(13)ans Asqrt(30) - sqrt(13) > 1 =sqrt(25) - sqrt(16)(x)^3 > x if x>1 6.If the area of the rectangle is 12, then what is the area of the shaded region?ans 8area of shaded region = are of rectangle - area of triangle(shown unshaded which is a part of rectangle)area of triangle =1/2*base*height =1/2* 4*2 = 4hence area of shaded region = 12 - 4 =8 7.A cylinder 'A' has height 2 and radius 3 and another cylinder 'B' has the heightand radius twice that of ‘A’.Col A: Twice the volume of cylinder 'A'Col B: Volume of cylinder ‘B’ANS Bvol of A= pi *r*r*h =pi*r*r*h vol of B= pi*2r*2r*2h=8pi*r*r*h

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col a: 2pie*r*r*hcolb=8pi*r*r*h 1. The value of 1/5 - 1/10 =A. 0.1B. 0.2C. 0.5ans A 2.If the base length and height of a bigger triangle are 4 & 5, and if the base length and height of smaller triangle are 3 & 3, then what is the area of the shaded region?ans 5.5AREA = area of bigger triangle - area of smaller triangle=1/2 *4*5 - 1/2*3*3 = 5.5 3. Given 'n' is a positive integer. What is the least value of n, such that the product 12n should be a perfect square of some integer?ans n=312n =12,24 or 36(min case)=6^2 4. A group can charter a particular aircraft at a fixed total cost. If 36 people charter aircraft rather than 40, then loss per person is 12$. What is cost per person if 40 people charter it?ans 10840*y = total cost = 36(y+12) = 4y = 36*12 =>y=108 5. Col A: (0.9/1.1)^2 + (1.1 /0.9)^2 (I have seen this earlier..dis s the actual ques)Col B: 2ans Ause A M > G M (am =gm only when when numbers are same) as [(0.9/1.1)^2 + (1.1 /0.9)^2]/2 > ((0.9/1.1)^2 * (1.1 /0.9)^2]^(1/2)or (0.9/1.1)^2 + (1.1 /0.9)^2 > 2 hence A is greater!! 6. If slope of a line XY is -1/2, thenCol A: X-intercept of LineCol B: Y-intercept of Line.ans Deq wud be of the form y = (-1/2)x + cfor x intercept put y =0 => x = 2cand (put x=0)y intercept=cc can be both -ve as well as +ve hence ans D 7. If the median of a seven number sequence is 2n+2, then find the Arithmetic mean of the sequence?cannot be determined from the given data!! Given that, if the area of the triangle STR is 1/9th area of the equilateral triangle PQR, then what is the ratio of QT/TR?A. 1:3B. 3:1C. 2:1ANS Ci feel both triangles are given as equilateral then QT/TR can be foundarea of bigger triangle/area of smaller triangle = (QR)^2/(TR)^2 = 9/1

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[as area of equilateral triangle =root3/4 *side^2]or ((QT + TR)/TR)^2 = 9 = QT/TR + 1= 3 OR QT/TR = 2:1 2. Given a set of five numbers 27, 29, 35, 9, 25 & 16, on increasing each number by ‘K’ if the new mean of the set becomes 29.5, then what is the new median?ans 32initial mean = 141/6 = 23.5 we know that adding a constant K our new mean increases by K hence K =29.5 -23.5=6median arrange in ascendin order 9,16,25,27,,29,35median = (25+ 6 + 27+6)/2 = 64/2 =32 3. If a1=2 and an+1= (an-1)2, then what is the value of a15?ans D (2^128)a3 = a1^2=2^(2)a5 = a3^2=2^2^2=2^4a7=a5^2 =2^8;;a15 = a13^2 = 2^128 4. Given that, if |x| = |y| and xy<0, thenCol A: x-yCol B: 0ans Dtake x=2,y=-2 or x =-2 ,y =2 5. If the equation of two lines ‘L’ & ‘M’ are 7x – 4y = 1 and 10x + 5y + 3 = 0, thenCol A: Slope of the line ‘L’Col B: Slope of the line ‘M’Ans: Aslope =-coeff of x/coeff of y (when x and y are on same side of =)=>L =-7/-4 =7/4m= -10/5 =-2 HENCE L>M 6. Given that an amount of 2000$ is given for annual interest at rate of 'r'%. If 150$ is received as an interest for 1 year then find the rate of interest ‘r’%?ans 7.5%si =p*r/100 *t = 150 = 2000 * r/100 *1 =>r = 7.5% 1. The product of prime factors of 300.A. 15B. 30C. 45Ans: B300 = 2*5*3*2*5 factors are 2,3,5 2. If 'P' is the probability of an event occurring, P* is the probability of not occurring an event and if P>0.5, thenCol A: PP*Col B: Pans BPP* < P as 0< P*<1 so it wud decrease the value of P.

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3. If (2,1) is the centre of the circle and (9,1) is the point on the circumference, then what is the radiusof the circle?ans 7same y coordinate => radius =9-2 =7in general it wud be sqrt((y1-yc)^2 + (x1 -xc)^2) where x1,y1 are on circumference ,xc,yc is the centre point!! 4. In a bottle of 3 red, 4 green and 5 blue marbles, if 2 marbles are taken out, what is the probability that two marbles are of red color?3c2/12c2 = 3/66 =1/22 ans 5. Given A = {6, 6, 9,10,14,15}B = {7, 9,10,11,14, 15}Col A: Standard deviation of ACol B: Standard deviation in Bans ASPREAD IS MORE in A 15-6 >15-7 6. Given a series of numbers x, y, z, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8??.If every number in the series is sum of the proceeding two numbers, then what is value of x?ans x=2z+0 = 1 =>z=1y + z(=1) =0 =>y=-1x +y(=-1)=z=1 =>x=2 7. Given that there are two boats X and Ywhich start at the same point. If boat X travels due north at a rate 3miles/hr and boat Y travels due east at a rate of 4miles/hr, then at what time will the two boats be 10 miles apart? ans :2 hrs in t hrs X wud be 3t distance away from the startin pointand Y wud be 4t dis awaystartin point and their positions at t hrs wud make an right angle triangle we want t for hypotenuse to be 10=> 3t ^2 + 4t ^2 = 10 ^29t^2 + 16t^2 =10025t^2 =100 or t=2 hrs . If the sum of a two digited number 'n' is n/4, thenCol A: nCol B: 36ANS Dlet n has x at tens place and y at units => n = 10x + y (where x and y are single digit integers)=> x + y = (10x +y)/4 or 4x + 4y = 10x +y or y =2x clear x=1 y=2 or n=12 or it can be x=4 y=8 =>n=48 hence ans D 2. If A = {5, 12, 34, 35, 56, 34, 34, 48, 3} andB = {3, 45, 3, 4, 53, 56, 93, 23, 45, 5}Col A: The standard deviation of ACol B: The standard deviation of Bans Bteh order in which A and B are written is just to confuse..jus chek the spread by greatest value - smallest value A=>spread is 56-3 =53

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B=>spread is 93 - 3 = 90 so sd wud be more 3. Given that, if a number x leaves remainder 7 when divided by 11 and leaves remainder 1 when divided by 5, thenCol A: Least possible value of xCol B: 40ans Anumber is of the form 11p + 7 when divided by 5 leaves remainder 1when divided by 5 rem wud be rem of 11*rem of p + rem of 7 =1*rem of p + 2 shud be 1now p can be 0,1,2,3,4least value of p=4 satisfies=>least possible value of x=11*4 +7 = 51 4. If a line of slope -1/3 passes through the points (1, p) and (4, 5), then what is the value of p?ans p=6equate the slopes (5-p)/(4-1)=-1/3or 5-p =-1 or p=6 ans 5. If a1 = 2 and an+1=(an - 1)2, then find the value of a17?ans 2^256april 8th 3rd quesjus a17 is asked instead of a15 so ans wud be 2^(128)^2 =2^256 6. Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. When they are 50 miles apart, a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other, moving to and fro till the two cyclists meet each other. If the fly is moving at the rate of 15 miles/hour, then find the total distance covered by the fly?ans 37.5 milesif speed of each cyclist is 10m/hr then dist between them is reducin wid 20m/hrtime for which fly can move is 50/20 =5/2 hrsdis it can cover =15*5/2 = 75/2 =37.5 miles 1.In a company, there are 54 members. If Wednesday has more number of birthdays than on any other day of the week, thenCol A: The least number of birthdays on WednesdayCol B: 8ans Aif suppose there are 8 birthdays on wed..=>max we can have 7*6 =42 birthdays on all other days..givin total of 50..hence it has to be more than 8!!2. In a set of 5 numbers, if 7 is the median, 4 is the mode and mean of the largest & second largest number is 20, then what is the average of the set?ans 117 is the middle number =>when arranged in increasin order 4 wud come before 7 =>first 2 nos are 4 as 4 is the mod ...last n second last hav avg =20=>sum=40=>sum of all nos= 4+4+7+40 = 55 and hence avg=55/5=11 ans3.What is the value of x?sin 30 = (2x-3)/(x+6) or x =4 ans4. If w > 0 and z > 0, thenCol A: w^4 + z^3Col B: w^2 + zans Dtake w=z=1 both are equaltake w=z=2 ..unequal5. Given a circle which passes through the points (0, 6) and (8, 0), thenCol A: Radius of the circle

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Col B: 10ans Dinfinite circles can pass thru 2 given points..6. A salesman of a company gets 12% commission on the sales up to $ 500 and he gets 20% commission on the further sales amount on that day. If the salesman's total commission is $380 on that day, then how much amount did he sell on that day?ans 2100let he sold for x more amount greater than 500=>0.12 of 500 + 20/100 of x = 380or x =1600total sales =1600+500=2100 ans7. If ‘n’ is positive integer, thenCol A: The unit place of 156^nCol B: The unit place of 165^nans Acol a will always have units digit as 6 and colb as 5..u can jus interpret from the way we multiply on paper 156*156 will have 6 at units pos..similarly any number of times multiplyin 156 will hav 6 at units position..same goes for colBthis is true for any number ending wid 5(will have 5)..wid 6(will hav 6)..wid 1(will have 1)also check gre strategies thread to know the unit digit of any number say ((189)^(9877)) 1.If a, b and c are 0, 1 or 2 and if a.32+ b.3 + c = 25, then what is the possible value of a + b + c?2.In a survey of voting in a election, if 55% of the voters who casted their votes supported person ‘x’ , 61% supported ‘y’ and 80% supported both of them, then what percentage of people supported neither ‘x’ nor ‘y’?3. When point ‘A’ is displaced by ‘x’, point ‘B’ is displaced by ‘y’.Col A: xCol B: y4.If n > 0, thenCol A: x n+1Col B: (x+1)n5. If a rectangle of length 4 and breadth 3 is divided into two smaller rectangles, thenCol A: Sum of perimeters of both the rectanglesCol B: 216. There are five lists of 25 members. If average of 25 members in each list is a1, a2, a3, a4 and a5 and median is m1, m2, m3, m4 and m5, thenCol A: Median of a1, a2, a3, a4, a5Col B: Average of m1, m2, m3, m4, m5.7. If perimeter of the circle is 16π, then what is perimeter of the shaded region?8. If a number, when divided by 5 gives remainder 3 and when divided by 4 gives remainder 2, then what is the remainder when the same number is divided by 10?9.Which of the following products (of two numbers) is equal to 2400?A. 250.0 X 10.4Similar 4 options were given.10. Given surface area of a cube and asked to find volume of a cube?

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DATABASE 2009 1. x*(2/3)=1 then x=?A. 2B. 3/2 C.-1/2D.1/2Ans : -1/2 2. Given a triangle ABC, AD is altitude and D is point on BC. Which of the angles are greater than 90?A. Angle A B. Angle BC. Angle CD. none of theseAns: none of these 3. Given that 5(2^2 - 2^n)>20Col a: n Col b: 4Ans: D

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4. A man invites 7 people to party of which 3 of them are close friends and 4 are miscellaneous, he presents 2 gift after the party , find the probability of getting 2 gifts to his close friends? 5. If 3 is multiplied by 10 and 3 is added to the result..........and if this process is continued up to ten digits….like 33 33 3 33 3 3 3.......... so on till 10 digitsFind the sum of all 3's in 100th place? 6. There was series from 1 to n & n is odd... then randomly select a number. Find the probabilty that the number will be odd? 7. Given a fraction 2/7, what is the 57th digit after decimal?Ans is 5 8. (x - 1/x)/(x +1) = 99. Find (x - 1/x)/(x-1) ? 9. X and Y are positive integers and X-2/10 = YCol A: Units digit of YCol B: Tens digit of X. 10. Given a two figrures, first figure contains a square with a circle of radius of the circle is 'r' inscribed in it and the area outside the circle(within the square) is shaded . Second figure contains a circle radius of 'r' with a square inscribed in it and the area outside the square(within the circle) is shaded.Col A: Area of Shaded region in the first figureCol B: Area of Shaded region in the Second figure 11. If 2n+1 is the median of seven consecutive integers . What is the mean of the integers?Ans: 2n+1 12. Col A: (5-1/4) square+(5+1/4)squareCol B: 50Ans: A 13. The slope of line XY is given as -1/2.Col A: X intercept of LineCol B: Y intercept of Line. 14. There is a code to be made of length of 5 in which it consists of 3 alphabets and 2 digits from 0 to 9. The alphabets 'a,e,i,o,u,y' are not allowed in the alphabets, so how many codes can be made.Repeatitions is allowed in both alphabets and numeric.

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Sol: 20*20*20*10*10 15. If q*r^2 <450 and q and r are prime numbers greater than 3. What is the maximum possible value of r?A. 5B.11 C.17D.13Ans: D1. If 7n is a multiple of 4 then how many values of 7n lie between 45 and 75? 2. Column A: The number of even numbers from 1 to 100... whose squares are also within the given range(1 to 100) isColumn B: the number of odd numbers from 1 to 100... whose squares are also within the given range is 3. A triangle PQR was given in which lengths of two sides were given as QR = 12 , PR = 13 and the perimeter of the triangle was 32. Col A: Measure of angle of Q Col B: 90Sol: A 4. If x>0ColA: (2x)^0+(2x)^1/(2x)^2+(2x)ColB: 1/x 5. There is a square with side "S" on one of its side there exists a triangle such that side of the square is equal to base of the triangle. if the area of the square is equal to area of triangle then find the height of the triangle in terms of "S" 6. x and y both are on the same side of 0 in number line.Col A: x + y Col B: |x+y| 7. In a rectangular co-ordinate system point ( 5,5) is equidistant from pt (x,0) and pt (y,0)cola : x interceptcol b: y intercept 8. 0.158/ 0.358 =similar question is asked... but with numerical changes.... QUANT DATABASE (Till Jan29th)

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1. Given xy>0 & yz<0. Which of the following options are not possible?A. x>0 & y>0B. y<0 & z<0C. y>0 & z>0 2. Given a point (-2,3) which lies on xy plane. What is the x-intercept? 3. (3^x) + 1/ (3^x) = ______ . What is the least possible value of the equation?A. 0B. 1C. 2^(1/3)D. 3^(1/3) 4. Given there are M oranges, N apples and M+N plums.Col A: Ratio of apples to oranges Col B: Ratio of plums to sum of oranges and apples 5. Given a line with points -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. If the points -4, -3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are labelled with alphabets A to G.... then the Mean of these labelled numbers is how much less than median of these labelled numbers? 6. A person sells 1000 articles at no profit and no loss. If he sells each item after 1000 articles at 0.5$, then he gets a profit of 'P'$. How many such articles did he sold?A. 2P+1000B. P/2 +1000.options are like this..... 7. Given a figure with a square of side 's' and triangle is on this square with its base as the side of the square(the figure looks like .....a triangle placed on the square...but not on the top of the square...... on the bottom side of the square, and this side is considered as traingle base). If the area of triangle = area of square, then find the altitude of triangle in terms of 's' ? 8. Given a line passing through (3,3) and origin. Find the equation of that line? 9. Find (1/16)th% 25? 10. Given (m-n) = 4 & m, n are positive integers.Col A: (-1)^mCol B: (-1)^n 11. -8<= n<=10, m+n=4. Find the least possible value of mn?a. 0b. -32c. -140 12. Five numbers are given in options and was asked to find out the number divisible by 3?

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13. Given a cuboid is with volume of 18 cubic foot and length 6 inches and was asked to find the out front side area (that means (h*b)..) 14. Given two equations (x^2) - 36=0 and (x^2) - 2x - 48=0 . Find x? QUANT DATABASE (Till Jan28th) 1. If the Median of 7 consecutive even numbers is 2n+2, then what is the Mean of these numbers?Sol: 2n+2 2. A person sells 1000 articles at no profit and no loss. If he sells each item after 1000 articles at 0.5$, then he gets a profit of 'P'$. How many such articles did he sold?A. 2P+1000B. P/2 +1000........& ...... so on....... option were like this 3. Given x-intercept as '3' and y-intercept as '3' . Find the line Equation?A. x/3 - y/3 = 1B. 3x + 3y = 1C. x/3 + y/3 = 1D. x/3 + y/3 = 0 4. x^2 = 36; x(x+6)(x+8) = 0;Col A: xCol B: 0Sol:B 5. A triangle PQR was given in which lengths of two sides were given as QR = 12 , PR = 13 and the perimeter of the triangle was 32. Col A: Measure of angle of Q Col B: 90Sol: A 6.Given a two figrures, first figure contains a square with a circle of radius of the circle is 'r' inscribed in it and the area outside the circle(within the square) is shaded . Second figure contains a circle radius of 'r' with a square inscribed in it and the area outside the square(within the circle) is shaded.Col A: Area of Shaded region in the first figureCol B: Area of Shaded region in the Second figure

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7. Given 6 symbols...... * , * , ? , ? , ? , $. How number of codes that can be formed from left to right using these 6 symbols... such that repeation is not allowed? 8. m(square)+n(square)=17Col A : m+nCol B: 5Ans: D 9. If surface area of a cube is 36. Then Volume of the cube is? 10. Given x<0Col A: (x-3)(x-4)Col B: (x-3)^------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.Col A: 1\(-3)^4Col B : (-3)^4Ans: B 2. Given four numbers in series each number is greater then previous one by 5 and when added result should be 111. What's the sequence?Given 4 options.... question is something like this 3. Given A = (9,9,10,11,11)B = (8,9,10,11,12)Col A: standard deviation of ACol B: standard deviation in B 4. When a number is divisible by 3 then the sum of all its digits is also divisible by 3. Find a number divisible by 3 from the options. 5. m(square)+n(square)=17Col A : m+nCol B: 5Ans: D 6. In a class of 20 students, one half of the students are boys, if a teacher has to select 7 students and the first 6 are girlsCol a: What is the probability that the 7th student is a girlCol b:2/7Ans: C 7. A price of product x is increased by p% to give new price y and then price of y is reduced by r% to give original price.Col A: pCol B: r

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Ans: A 8. If area of a square is 'x' and that of a rectangle is 'y', thenCol A: perimeter of squareCol B: perimeter of rectangle----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. M = 4^x+4^x+4^x+4^x. What is the value of m^2? 2. 1/2-root3=? 3. Given a square with a circle inscribed in it and the radius of the circle is 'r'. Another circle is given with a square inscribed in it and the radius of this circle is also 'r'. Col A: Area of a circle inscribed in squareCol B: Area of a circle in which square is inscribed 4. Find the total number of diagonals of hexagon? 5. What is the percentage change of area of rectangle, when length is increased by 10% and width is decreased by 10%? 6. Given x<yCol A: xy Col B: yz 7. If surface area of a cube is 36. Then Volume of the cube is?</y------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. When a number is divisible by 3 then the sum of all its digits is also divisible by 3. Find a number divisible by 3 from the options. 2. A triangle PQR was given in which lengths of two sides were given as QR = 12 , PR = 13 and the perimeter of the triangle was 32. Col A: Measure of angle of Q Col B: 90 3. In a company, they decided to give a code to each.... and every employee need to have it. The code would be having first four alphabets from 'a' to 'z' but it should not be 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' & 'p' and last three digits can be any from 0 to 9. If the numbers can be repeated then the total number of codes that can be generated from these digits is? 4. x and y both are on the same side of 0 in number line.Col A: x + y Col B: |x+y|

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5. Given a square with a circle inscribed in it and the radius of the circle is 'r'.Another circle is given with a square inscribed in it and the radius of this circle is also 'r'. What is the ratio of area of smaller circle to area of larger circle? 6. Given a figure with a.... 12 sided polygon drawn inside the circle. Find the each interior angle? 7. Col a: /-2x+1/ Col b: /-2x/+1/------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Given a triangle of two equal sides and the angle between them is 60 degrees. If a semicircle whose arc length is '50pi' is drawn on the side opposite to 60 degree. Find the perimeter of triangle? 2. Given a tank with 'g'gallons of liquid which is present at 1'clock. If a pipe of 'X'litres/min was inserted into the tank and another pipe of 'Y' litres/min was inserted as an outlet pipe at the same time, then at what time the tank was (g/2)gallons? 3. Given |x| = |y| & xy<0Col a : x+yCol b : 0Ans: C 4. A plane was flying from city 'M' to 'P' whose distance was 500 miles. While travelling from M to P it travelled at a speed of 500miles/hr and during the return trip it travelled at a speed of 400 miles/hr.Col A :The average speed of the trip isCol B : 450miles/hour 5. If (101, 202) , (-1,Something number) and (x,3) are three points on a line then find the value of x? 6. Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. They are now 50 miles apart. At this instance a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other and moves to and fro till the two cyclist meet each other. If the fly is moving at 15 miles/hour, what is the total distance covered by the fly? Ans: 37.5 miles 7. If a number is divisible by 5 the remainder is 3 and when the same number is divided by 7 the remainder is 4. What is the least possible number? Ans:18 8. |x-7|<2 and y<0 Col A: xy Col B: 9

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Compare the standard deviation of the following numbers. Col A: 9,9,10,11,11 Col B: 6, 8,10,12,14 Ans: B 2. There are six special characters like ^, &, *, $, @, %. How many different patterns can be formed using all six characters. Given that repeation is not allowed.Ans: 720 3. In a class of 20 students, one half of the students are boys, if a teacher has to select 7 students and the first 6 are girlsCol a: What is the probability that the 7th student is a girlCol b:2/7Ans: C 4. 0.3187/15.92Ans: 0.02 5. A triangle was given whose perimeter was 32 and two of its sides were given as 12 & 13. (Question was given like this..... they had shown a right angled triangle in figure but did not marked angle as right angled it was marked as X. Side opposite to it was marked as 13 and one of the adjacent sides was given as 12.Col A : XCol B : 90 6. If a number is divisible by 5 the remainder is 3 and when the same number is divided by 7 the remainder is 4. What is the least possible number?Ans:18 7. A rope of length x is cut into two halves. One of the length exceeds the other by 5Col a: length of the shorter oneCol b: x-5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. There is a triangle which has all acute angles. If two sides of a triangle are given as 3, 4 then find the range of the third side x? 2. 5(2^n-1)=20Col A: n Col B: 4

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3. There was a ladder given. The ladder is of length 5 and it is displaced i.e slanted downwards such that it falls 'x'mts in height and its horizontal length increases by 'y'mts.Col A: x Col B: y 4. Given a square with a circle inscribed in it and the radius of the circle is 'r'. Another circle is given with a square inscribed in it and the radius of this circle is also 'r'. Col A: The difference in area of the first square and circleCol B: The difference in area of the second square and circle 5. -8<= n<=10, m+n=4. Find the least possible value of mn?a. 0b. -32c. -140 6. m(square)+n(square)=17Col A : m+n Col B: 5 Ans: D 7. Col A : sqrt ((2x-5)square + 5) ('x' value is given some range..)Col B : 2 8. If [{x-(1/x)} / (x-1)] = 100, then find [{x-(1/x)}/(x+1)] ? 9. Compare the standard deviation of the following numbers.Col A: 9,9,10,11,11 Col B: 6, 8,10,12,14 10. If 20 men can do a work in 10days... working 4hrs a day, then how many days will 10 men take to complete the same work ..... provided if they work 6hrs a day?(All the values mentioned in this Question are assumed values).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. There are six special characters like ^, &, *, $, @, %. How many different patterns can be formed using all six characters. Given that repeation is not allowed. 2. Two shelf T and S are given. If 3 books from S shelf are replaced to T shelf then the number of books become equal. If 7 books from T are replaced to S shelf then 3 times books in T is equal to S. What are the total number of books? 3. Diagram was given of a square WSRT, from W vertex it is rotated 90 counterclockwise. The square so formed is WTR'S'. (Consider that W is in the left down vertex). Find how much distance does R has travelled if the side of the square is 2.(Question is something like this)a. 2

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b. 4c. pie/2 d. 2root(2)/pie 4. Col A: |-x-y|Col B: x+y 5. The average of seven numbers is 35 then when k is added to it then the average of those 8 is 35. What is the value of k? 6.If the sides of a right angled triangle are n, 2n-1, 2n+1 and 'n' being positive, then the value of 'hypotenuse' ?a)8b)12c)15d)17Ans: d 7. Given xy is not equal to 0(x)^-1 - (y)^-1 = (xy)^-1Col a: x-y Col b: 1 8. If there are 'c' cartons and each carton has 'x' boxes which is being loaded in a truck in 'h' hours and 't' minutes.Col a : The average time for loading the 'x' boxes of all cartonsCol b: cx / (h+t/60) 9. Given |x| = |y| & xy<0Col a : x+yCol b : 0 10. Given there are 50 numbers, if the average of the first 25 numbers is 16 ,next 10 numbers is 15 and the last set is 20. What is the average of the entire set ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Given a series -9, 10,-11, 12,-13..... ,here all odd numbers are negative and all even numbers are positive.Col A: the sum of the series(no's) till 100 is COl B: XXX(some number) 2. Given a regular polygon with 12 sides.Find the measure of each angle?Question is something like this....

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3. |x-2|<1 and y<0 Col A: xy Col B: 3 4. Given a fraction 20/7. What is the digit at 57th decimal place of the given fraction value? 5. Given a triangle with one angle 60degree and with a semicircle on the side opposite to the angle mentioned in the corner.If the two sides of the triangle adjacent to angle mentioned in the corner were 'x' units each then find the area of the traingle? Given Circumference of the semicircle as 15pie. 6. Find (x-2)^2 - (x-5)^2 7. What is the value 20% of 25% of 678? 8. There was a circle to which two tangents were droped and these tangents meet each other at a point outside the circle making an angle 'x'degrees, with centre 'O' which is extended to both the tangents.If the Angle at centre 'O' is 65 degrees then What is the value of x degrees? 9. Given that a Square is inscribed in a circle and the diameter of circle is equal to diagonal of square.If the radius of the circle is given as 'x' then find the area of square? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Given A1, A2, A3,......An,... is a series such that An= An - An-1, for 2>n. If A1= -5, A2= 4, find the sum of first 100 numbers of the series? 2. Given a triangle RST, RS = 4 & ST = 3 and the angles at R,S,T are less than 90 degrees. If TR = y then the range of y is? 3. In a class of 20 students, one half of the students are boys, if a teacher has to select 7 students and the first 6 are girlsCol a: What is the probability that the 7th student is a girlCol b:2/7 4. Train A is traveling on a straight track at a constant speed of 60 km/hr & Train B is traveling on a straight track at a constant speed of 100km/hrCol a: distance traveled by train ACol b: distance traveled by train B 6. Given a four sided Polygon is with 4 angles x, 2x, 3x, 4x. Find x?Ans: 36 7. Find the value of 0.01590/30.10....

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8. Given two figures one is....a circle with radius 'r'.. inscribed in a square, and other is a square of diagonal 'r' inscribed in a circle.Col a: Area of shaded region in figure ACol b: Area of shaded region in figure B 9. Find (1/16)th% 25? 10. In a triangle ABC, Angle B+Angle C =90.Col a: side ABCol b: side CAAns: D------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Given a number '2/7'.Find the fifty seventh number after the decimal pointa.2b.8c.5d.7e.1Ans: 5 2. Given a circle with centre ‘T’ and ‘CTO’ as the diameter. If the line’s’ is a tangent to the circle, then find the angle ‘SOT’? Ans: 45 degrees 3. A line segment 'AG' was given.'AG 'is divided into equal parts (with equal distance)... Actual figure is like this…….. A line with A, B, C, D, E, F, G points on the line segment with equal distance between them. If the value at point A is -2.4 & value at end point G is 10.8, then find the value of 'E'?Ans: 6.4 4. Given xy is not equal to 0 and x is not equal to y and x+y=0Col a: x-yCol b: 0Ans: D 5. If 3 is multiplied by 10 and 3 is added to the result..........and if this process is continued up to ten digits….like 33 33 3 33 3 3 3 .......... so on till 10 digitsFind the sum of all 3's in 100th place? 6. What is the percentage change of area of rectangle, when length is increased by 10% and width is decreased by 10%?

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7. If a number is divisible by 5 the remainder is 3 and when the same number is divided by 7 the remainder is 4. What is the least possible number? Ans:18 8. When a number is multiplied by 13, it will become greater to 105 by an amount with which it is lesser to105 by now. What is the number? Ans: 15 9. Given x Col A: xy Col B: yz------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Given xy is not equal to 0 and x is not equal to y and x+y=0Col a: x-yCol b: 0Ans:D 2. The average height of 4 players is 6 feet and 6 inch. If the shortest one is of height 6 feet and 3 inch. What could be the height of the longest person.(Given 1 foot = 12 inches) Question is similar to this.... with some numerical changes 3. Given 1 kilometer is 0.62 miles.. so how many kilometers is 50 miles?Ans: 80.64km 4. If there are 'c' cartons and each carton has 'x' boxes which is being loaded in a truck in 'h' hours and 't' minutes.Col a : The average time for loading the 'x' boxes of all cartonsCol b: cx / (h+t/60) 5. If x< x^3< x^2.Then the value of 'x' is a. -3/2b. -1/2c. 0d. 1/2e. 3/2Ans: b 6. If m= 4^x+4^x+4^x+4^x, then what is m^2?Ans: 4^2(x+1) 7. If a plane takes 't' seconds to cover a distance of 'y'km. Then how much time is required to cover 'x' distance(in HOURS)? Question is similar to this.... with some numerical changes.Ans: (x*t) / (3600*y)

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8. Given two figures..... one is a circle inscribed in a square and other is a square inscribed in circle. If both have a common radius 'r' then find the area of the two? (Its a comparison question) 9. Find the area enclosed by the region in square units described by 0<=X<=5 and 0<=|y|<=81)40 2)80 3)160 4)120------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The series in which a1= 3 ... and an = a(n-1)+3 (here n-1 is the suffix)Col a: a100(here 100 is suffix)Col b: 240 2. There is a series of odd numbers from 1 to n where n is a odd number. What is the probability that a number selected at random will be an odd number? 3. Col a: (3^-8 ) - (3^-9)- (3^-9)Col b: 3^-9------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The average of seven numbers is 35 then when k is added to it then the average of those 8 is 35. What is the value of k? 2. If a number is divisible by 5 the remainder is 3 and when the same number is divided by 7 the remainder is 4. What is the least possible number?Ans:18 3. A group of 1 proffessor and 3 students have to be made from 4 proffessor and 5 students.Col a: Different ways in which the groups can be formedCol b: 40Ans: C 4. Given -14, -11, -7 , 9, 10,13.... is the seriesI. Median is greater than meanII. S.D is greater than rangeIII. Mean is greater than medianA.1 onlyB. 1 and 2 onlyC.1,2 an 3 onlyD. None of these 5. Col A: [(2+ sqrt(3)) / (2 - sqrt(3)]^3Col B: (10^6 / 3^6) Ans:A

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6.There is a bag which contains ribbons of lengths 8m and 14m. If the total length of all threads is 100sq.m.Col A: number of threads of length 8mCol B: number of threads of length 14mAns: D 7. What is the percentage change of area of rectangle, when length is increased by 10% and width is decreased by 10%? 8. Given that a Square is inscribed in a circle and the diameter of circle is equal to diagonal of square and radius of the circle is also given and the question was asked to find the area of square?Question is something similar to this...... 9. Given a semicircle and there was a triangle inscribed in it, such that the base of triangle is same as diameter of circle.The other side of triangle was on the curve of a circle(it made 90 degree) and question was asked to compare the other angle with 45. Question is something like this.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. If 'n' is a odd number then n^2 -1 is a multiple ofa. 8b. 12..... etc..Ans: a 2. Given x+y=43 and x, y are positive primes. Then Col a: xyCol b: 86Ans:B 3. What is the percentage change of area of rectangle, when length is increased by 10% and width is decreased by 10%? 4. Which of the following option has got both mean and median same a)x,x+a,x+22b)x,x/a,x/2ac)1/x........ 5. Col a: (0.4)^0.5*(0.4)^0.4 COl b: (0.4)^10 6. Given a square with its side 'X'(some value) and another square is incribed in this square, and it is also given that the distance between inner square and outer square is 'Y'(some value). Find the area of inner square?

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Question is something like this............ 7. What is the value 20% of 25% of 678? 8. Col a: /-2x+1/ Col b: /-2x/+1/ 9. If P(A) and P(B) are two independent events then the probability of occuring both the events together is? 10. Given an equation y^2-2y-3=4 and the roots of this equation were also given and was asked to find the roots of (x-2)^2-2(x-2)-3=4 11. Given a bag which contains threads of lengths 8m and 14m. If the total length of all threads is 100sq.m. Col A: number of threads of length 8mCol B: number of threads of length 14mAns: D 12. Given... a square inscribed in a circle with its radius 'r' then Find the area of the square? 13. Given three points p, q, r as (1,4) (2,c) (4,8) and if the value of c is greater than 4Col a:pq Col b:qr 14. For any positive integer value, which of the following expression is equivalent to [(x^2 * y) + (y^2 * x)] expresion.a.x^2*y^2b.xy+(2x+y)c.x^2+y 15. If A's speed is 50 km/h and B's speed is 55 km/h. If 'A' covers a distance 'x' in 5 hours, then how much time will 'B' take to cover the same distance. 16. The average of seven numbers is 35 then when k is added to it then the average of those 8 is 35. What is the value of k? 17. Given a series like this.............5-2x, 5-x, 5, 5+x, 5+2x.Col A: standard of the given series Col B: the greatest value in the given series 18. If d<aCol A: d+c Col B: a+b 19. If the amount of an an material has decreased from 4950 to 3495. What is the percentage decrease of that material?

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20. If k-3 is multiple of 5 and k+2 is multiple of 3 then what is k^2?A. 16B.13c.4 21. If 7n is a multiple of 4 then how many values of 7n lie between 45 and 75? 22. There was a circle to which two tangents were droped and these tangents meet each other at a point outside the circle making an angle 'x'degrees, with centre O which is extended to both the tangents. Angle at centre O is 65 degrees. What is the value of x degrees? 23. If x>0ColA: (2x)^0+(2x)^1/(2x)^2+(2x) ColB: 1/x 24. Given a line equation. Which of the following is a parallel line to the given lineOptions: ............Question is something like this........ Hint: This is an optional based question.. check the 4 options for the same slope as the given line</a------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Given... a square inscribed in a circle with its radius 'r' then Find the area of the square? 2. Given Speed in km/hr...whats the speed in miles/sec? 3. |x+3|<5Col A: x Col B: -8 4. Given Mean marks of seniors in a class is 92 and of juniors is 88 thenCol A: Combined mean of seniors & Juniors isCol B: 90 5. F(x) = X^2Col A: f(x)+1 Col B: f(x+1) Ans: D 6. |x-3|=5Col A: (4-x)^2Col B: (4+x)^2

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7.If the sides of a right angled triangle are n, 2n-1, 2n+1 and 'n' being positive, then the value of 'hypotenuse' ?a)8b)12c)15d)17Ans: d 8. Given an equation x/7+w/28=1 Find the number of positive integer solutions for this equation? 9. Given a figure like Rhombus with its area 40 and one of its diagonal is given as 8. Then what is the length of other diagonal is?Ans: 10 10. Another question on ... equation of speed . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. x<y<0Col a: xyCol b: y-xAns: D 2. Given x>100 rounded off value of 2-1/x--------- is2+2/xa. 2b.1c.3d.5Ans: b 3. Given Points (-5,-7) and (3,-4) lie on the line, if point (x,13) lies on the same line, find x? 4.If the sides of a right angled triangle are n, 2n-1, 2n+1 and 'n' being positive, then the value of 'hypotenuse' ?a)8b)12c)15d)17Ans: d

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5. When 't' is divided by 9, the remainder is 1 and when it is divided by 11 remainder is 8. Find 't'?Ans:19 6. Col A: 1/ (0.01)^-10Col B: 1/10^-20Ans: B 7.If surface area of a cube is 36. Then Volume of the cube is?Col a: volume of cube Col b.15 8. A number 'N' is a 3 digit postive number. If 'X' is its hundredth digit & 'Y' is its units digit then the number 'N- 100X-Y ' will be divisible by which one of the following number.a)3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 7Ans: C 9. n is +ve number.....x is units digit of 7^n and y is units digit of 3^nCol a: x-y Col b: 0Ans: D 10. Given Marks in each subject should not exceed 100. Juniors average and senoirs average on final exam were given some values like XX and XX. Find the total averge on final exam of both .(its a comparision question) 11. How many values does 3 mod x-2<9 has?? 12. A rope of length x is cut into two halves. One of the length exceeds the other by 5Col a: length of the shorter one Col b: x-5 13. Which pair have their Arithmetic mean and median equall. x,x+1,x+2,x+3,x+4II. x,2x,3x,4x,5xIII. 1/x,2/x,3/x,4/x,5/x 14. X purchases n bottles for total XX.Rs and Y purchases 2n bottles for total XX.RsCol a :Amount by which X 's amount exceeds Y per bottleCol b :5/n(question is something like this...... so you can try this problem with some assumed values)</y<0