molecular characterization of egyptian date palm: 11. rapd … · recently, rapd '(random...

MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF EGYPTIAN DATE PALM: 11.RAPD FINGERPRINTS Mahmoud M. Saker and Hamdy A. Moursy Plant Cell and Tissue Culture Dept., Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt. ABSTRACT RAPD fingerprints were performed on DNA extracted trom the internal leaves of the offshoots of five date palm cultivars (Samanie, Seaweae, Hyeane, Amhat and Zaghlool). Two random primers (OPC2 and OPD 16) out of ten were selected on the basis of the number and frequency of polymorphic bands produced. Distinguishable RAPD fingerprints among the different varieties were obtainable if suitable primers were used and PCR conditions were optimized. Genetic relationships of the different cultivars and the efficiency of RAPD as a simple molecular marker for cultivar identification are discussed. Additional index words: Phoenix dactylifera L., PCR, cultivar identification. INTRODUCTION Improvement of date palm is very difficult due to its long life cycle, strongly heterozygous nature and impossibility to determine sex at early stages of development (Moursy and Saker, 1996). Most of the published studies on genetic characterization, detection of genetic variations and gene mutation have concentrated on the variations in chromosome numbers, isozyme polymorphism and biochemical diversity. Unfortunately, palm chromosomes are numerous and small and mitotic examination of tissue culture-derived palm plants are unreliable (Corley et al., 1976). Numerous publications have demonstrated the utility of RAPD markers for the analysis of the genetic diversity among cultivars and within plant populations, for instance Skrotch et al. (1992), Bagheri et al. (1995) and Debener et al. (1996) in pea and rose. This work was sponsored by ICGEB, Project no.CRP/EGY 96-01(11). Correspondence should be addressed to Mahmoud M. Saker 173 --- --- -

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Page 1: MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF EGYPTIAN DATE PALM: 11. RAPD … · Recently, RAPD '(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) fingerprints developed by Williams et al., (1990) showed several



Mahmoud M. Saker and Hamdy A. Moursy

Plant Cell and Tissue Culture Dept., Genetic Engineering andBiotechnology Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.


RAPD fingerprints were performed on DNA extracted trom theinternal leaves of the offshoots of five date palm cultivars (Samanie,Seaweae, Hyeane, Amhat and Zaghlool). Two random primers (OPC2and OPD16) out of ten were selected on the basis of the number andfrequency of polymorphic bands produced. Distinguishable RAPDfingerprints among the different varieties were obtainable if suitableprimers were used and PCR conditions were optimized. Geneticrelationships of the different cultivars and the efficiency of RAPD as asimple molecular marker for cultivar identification are discussed.

Additional index words: Phoenix dactylifera L., PCR, cultivaridentification.


Improvement of date palm is very difficult due to its long lifecycle, strongly heterozygous nature and impossibility to determine sexat early stages of development (Moursy and Saker, 1996). Most of thepublished studies on genetic characterization, detection of geneticvariations and gene mutation have concentrated on the variations inchromosome numbers, isozyme polymorphism and biochemicaldiversity. Unfortunately, palm chromosomes are numerous and smalland mitotic examination of tissue culture-derived palm plants areunreliable (Corley et al., 1976).

Numerous publications have demonstrated the utility of RAPDmarkers for the analysis of the genetic diversity among cultivars andwithin plant populations, for instance Skrotch et al. (1992), Bagheri etal. (1995) and Debener et al. (1996) in pea and rose.

This work was sponsored by ICGEB, Project no.CRP/EGY 96-01(11).

Correspondence should be addressed to Mahmoud M. Saker


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Page 2: MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF EGYPTIAN DATE PALM: 11. RAPD … · Recently, RAPD '(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) fingerprints developed by Williams et al., (1990) showed several

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Employment of isozyme polymorphisms as descriptive markersin date palm programs have been reported by many workers, amongthem, AI-Jibouri and Adham (1990). They noticed markedintercultivar but not intracultivar differences in a number of isozymes,Rf values and intensity of banding. Genetic diversity of date palmusing isozyme polymorphisms as molecular markers was also reportedby Torres and AI-Jibouri (1989). In this context, Booij et al., (1995)distinguished nine cultivars out of 13 palm cultivars using isozymepolymorphisms. Various zygograms were obtained for five of the tenenzymes tested.

Also, biochemical classification of date palm male cultivars hasbeen reported. Quafi et al., (1988) reported that flavonoids from acidhydrolysates of palm leaves could be used in taxonomy andclassification of palm cultivars. They found that the presence ofindividual flavonoids and their levels allowed cultivars todistinguished from each others.

Recently, RAPD '(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA)fingerprints developed by Williams et al., (1990) showed severaladvantages over the more traditional methods mentioned previously,namely isozyme polymorphism and RFLP (restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism). Isozymes is limited to a number of genes coding forsoluble proteins, consequently they have limited power ofdiscrimination among cultivars and strains (Castiglione et aI., 1994).Moreover, these methods are limited by environmental conditions.RFLP technology has been till now the most frequently used tool toevaluate DNA polymorphisms among cultivars. Its limitation is due tocomplex methodology and radioactive needs, in addition tomicrograms of genomic DNA' required to perform RFLPhybridization.

A glance at the potential applications of RAPD markertechnology reveals its importance as a powerful tool in genetics andbreeding which can play an important role in palm molecular biology.In this connection, Shah et al., (1994) reported the utility ofRAPDmarkers for the determination of genetic variations in oil palm.Electrophoresis of the amplification products indicated that nine out of20 primers were able to generate polymorphic products. Greatdiversity was seen but no individual palm-specific band was observed.Results of Fernandez and Tantaoui (1994) showed that randomamplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) of different Fusariumoxysporium isolates is a promising tool for evaluating geneticdiversity within F. oxysporium populations associated with wilted date



Page 3: MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF EGYPTIAN DATE PALM: 11. RAPD … · Recently, RAPD '(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) fingerprints developed by Williams et al., (1990) showed several

palm. Comiquel and Mercier (1994) also used RAPD as molecularmarkers for cultivar identification.

The aim of this study was to optimize experimental conditionsfor the generation of reproducible RAPD markers, which could beused in cultivar identification, and determination of taxonomic andgenetic relationships of known and unknown Egyptian date palmcultivars.


Plant material: Offshoots of five date palm cultivars, namelyZaghlool, Samanie, Hyeanee, Seaweae and Amhaat, grown in theregion of Giza govemorate, Egypt were used.

Isolation of genomic DNA: DNA isolation was performed using theCTAB method of Doyle and Doyle (1990). One gram fresh weightsamples were ground to powder in liquid nitrogen with a prechilledpestle and mortar, suspended in 5 ml preheated CTAB buffer, andincubated at 65° C for 1hour with occasional shaking. The suspensionwas then mixed with 1/3 volume of chloroform, mixed gently,centrifuged and the upper phase was transferred to a new sterilizedtube. Extraction was repeated with an equal volume of chloroform.The aqueous layer was transferred to a new tube, 2/3 volume ofisopropanol was added and DNA was either spooled using a Pasteurpipette or sedimented by centrifugation. The pellet was washedcarefully twice with 70% ethanol, dried at room temperature andresuspended in 0.5 ml TE buffer. DNA was purified by incubation ofthe resuspended sample at 37° C for 30 min with RNAase (BoehringerMannheim). DNA concentration was determined by electrophoresis of5 J..lIof sample along with serial dilutions of Lambda DNA in 0.8 %agarose (Castiglione et al., 1993).

PCR amplification: Amplification was performed in 10J..lIreactionmix containing 20 ng template DNA, 0.5 units Taq polymerase(Promega), 200 J..lMeach ofdATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP, 10 P molesrandom primer and appropriate amplification buffer. The mixture wasassembled on ice, and overlaid with a drop of mineral oil.Amplification was performed for 45 cycles, using UNO thermal cyclerof Biometra as follows: One cycle at 92° C for 3 min and then 45cycles at 92° C for 30 sec, 35°C for 60 sec and 72°C for 2 min (fordenaturation, annealing and extension, respectively). Reaction wasfinally incubated at 72°C for 10 min and a further 10 min at 62°C.


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Page 4: MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF EGYPTIAN DATE PALM: 11. RAPD … · Recently, RAPD '(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) fingerprints developed by Williams et al., (1990) showed several

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Electrophoresis: The amplification products were analyzed byelectrophoresis in 2% agarose in TAB buffer, stained with 0.2.J..lg/mlethidium bromide and photographed under DV light.


The reproducibility of RAPD analysis is known to be highlyinfluenced by experimental conditions. It is therefore essential tooptimize the PCR conditions to obtain reproducible and interpretableresults before going on to routine analysis. The PCR conditions forRAPD analysis were optimized by -investigating each factorindividually, including genomic DNA quality and concentrations,primer annealing and extension temperatures and denaturation timeand temperature. The optimized conditions are detailed in Materialand Methods. It was found that genomic DNA extracted as describedhere was found to be a good template for PCR amplification. Thequality of isolated DNA was also a good substrate for endonucleaseenzyme Hind HII EcoR I (Fig. 1). No clear differences inamplification products were detected when template DNA fromdifferent DNA preparations was used. However, treatments of DNAwith protease K gave sharp and clear amplification products,compared with untreated DNA. This may have resulted from theinactivation of endogenous endonucleases. Corniquel and Mercier

(1994) and Castiglione et al. (1993) also re~orted similarobservations. Annealing temperatures lower than 35 C led to thegeneration of very crowded RAPD patterns, while higher annealingtemperatures gave insufficient amplification products. In thisconnection, Castiglione et al. (1993) reported that an annealingtemperature of 30°C gave more polymorphic bands.

After optimization of the reaction conditions, polYffiorphismsamong the different cultivars were detected using the different randomprimers. The RAPD analysis was performed on DNA extracted fromthe internal leaves of the offshoots of the five date palm cultivars. Tenrandom primers, namely (OPAl, OPA2, OPA9, OPC2, OPDI6,OPD20, OPFI0, OPFI3, OPFI6, and OPF20) showed sufficientamplification products (Table 1). Only two primers out of the testedrandom primers (OPC2 and OPDI6) were selected on the basis of thenumber and frequency of polymorphic bands produced. With thesetwo primers, 8 and 12polymorphic bands were recorded with OPC2and OPDI6, respectively. The five date palm cultivars examined, canbe arranged into two main groups, as suggested previously based onthe results extracted from isozyme analysis (Fig.2-A& B). Table 2


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Page 5: MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF EGYPTIAN DATE PALM: 11. RAPD … · Recently, RAPD '(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) fingerprints developed by Williams et al., (1990) showed several

summarizes the results of amplification of DNA extracted fromdifferent palm cultivars using the random primers OPC2 and OPD16.

To our knowledge, the results of the present study have producedthe first informative DNA-based markers for Egyptian date palmcultivar identification. Also optimization of physical experimentalconditions ofPCR amplification are prerequisites for the performanceof RAPD analysis by an automated procedure, this increases thereproducibility and efficiency of RAPD's as molecular markers. Thefive date palm cultivars analyzed were selected from commercial palmcultivars domesticated in Egypt. Although, ten random primers gavesufficient amplification products, only two informative RAPD patternswith sufficient polymorphism among the five date palm cultivars wereobtained with OPC2 and OPD16. The five date palm cultivarsexamined, could be arranged into two main groups, as suggestedpreviously based on the author's results extracted from isozymeanalysis (unpublished data). It could be concluded that distinguishableRAPD fingerprints among the different varieties were obtainable ifsuitable primers were used and PCR conditions were optimized.


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AI-Jibouri M. and M. Adham. 1990. Biochemical classification ofdate palm male cultivars. J. Horti. Sci. 65: 725-729.

Bagheri A., J.G. Paull, P. Langridge and P. Rathjen. 1995. Geneticdistance detected with RAPD markers among selected Australiancommercial varieties and boron-tolerant exotic gennplasm of pea(Pisum sativum L.). Mol. Breed. 1: 193-197.

Booij I., S. Monfort and M. Ferry. 1995.Characterization of thirteendate palm (Phoenix dactyli/era L.) cultivars by enzymeelectrophoresis using the phastsystem. J. Plant Phys. 145 : 62-66.

Castiglione S., G. Wang, P. Bao, W. Li, E. Giordani, E. De Stanchina,G. Damiani, C. Bandi, S. Bisoffi and F. Sala. 1993. RAPDS forthe assessment of DNA plasticity and genetic diversity. CurrentTopics in Mol. Genet. (life Sci. Adv.) 2: 219-243.

Corley V., H. Barrett and H. Jones. 1976.Vegetative propagation ofoil palm via tissue Culture. In Malaysian InternationalAgriculture Oil Palm Conference Incorporated Society Of Plants,Kulala Lumpur, pp.I-7.

Corniquel B. and L. Mercier. 1994.Date palm (Phoenix dactyliferaL.) cultivar identification by RFLP and RAPD. Plant ScienceLimerick 101: 163-172.

Debener T., C. Bartels and L. Mattiesch. 1996. RAPD analysis ofgenetic variations between a group of rose cultivars and selectedwild rose species. Mol. Breed. 2:321-327.

Femandez D. and A. Tantaoui. 1994.Random amplified polymorphicDNA (RAPD) analysis: a tool for rapid characterization ofFusarium oxysporium F. sp. albedinis isolates. Phytopathologia-Mediterranean 33 : 223-229 .

Moursy H.A. and M.M. Saker. 1996.Date palm problems and needfor biotechnology. Fifth International Conference on DesertDevelopment, Texas Tech University, August 12-17, 1996, USA.


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Quafi S., R. Gaceb-Terrak, N. Bounaga, and P. Lebreton. 1988.Flavonoids, inftaspecific markers in the date palm ( Phoenixdactylifera LJ . Competes-Rendus-de-L 'Academie-des-Sciences.306: 399 - 404 .

Shah F., O. Rashid, A. Simons, and A. Dunsdson. 1994. The utility ofRAPD markers for the determination of genetic variation in oilpalm (Elaeis guimeensis). Theor Appl. Genet. 89: 713-718.

Skrotch P., J. Tivang, and J. Nienhuis. 1992. Analysis of geneticrelationship using RAPD marker data. In: Application ofRAPDTechnology to Plant Breeding, pp. 26-30. Joint Plant BreedingSymposia Series.

Torres M. and M. AI-Jibouri. 1989. Isozyme analysis of tree fruits. In:isozyme in plant biology; Soltis, D.E. and Soltis, P.S. (eds);Dioscorides press, Portland, Oregon, USA. PP. 192-205.

Williams K.J., A. Kubelik, K. Livak, J. Rafalski, and S. Tingey. 1990.DNA polymorphism amplified by arbitrary primers are useful asgentic markers. Nucleic Acid Research 18: 6531-6535. AI-Jibouri, M. and Adham, M. (1990). Biochemical classification ofdate palm male cultivars. J. Horti. Sci. 65: 725-729.


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Page 8: MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF EGYPTIAN DATE PALM: 11. RAPD … · Recently, RAPD '(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) fingerprints developed by Williams et al., (1990) showed several

Table 1. Random primers gave sufficient RAPD amplificationproducts with the different date palm cultivars.

Table 2. The two random primers that produced polymorphic bandsuseful for identifying different date palm cultivars.


- - --- - --

Primer Sequence Total Number of5\ 3\ number of polymorphic

bands bandsOPAl CAGGCCCTTC 8 --





TotalNumber of Size of Q) Q) Q) '0

Sequence number .2 c tU0Q)

Primer polymorphic bands Amhat tU tU :ae Q)5\ 3\ of >- tU 01)

bands (bp)tU :c Q) tU

bands Cl) Cl) N

OPC2 GTGAGGCGTC 8 5 850 -- -- + + +800 + + -- -- --750 - -- + + +650 + + -- - -600 - -- + + +550 -- -- + + +

OPD16 AGGGCGTAAG 14 12 2050 -- -- + + +1550 -- -- + + +1500 - - + + +1450 + + -- - --1400 + + -- -- --1000 -- -- + + +900 -- -- + + +800 - -- + + +750 - -- + + +600 + + -- -- --550 -- -- + + +500 + + -- -- --

Page 9: MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF EGYPTIAN DATE PALM: 11. RAPD … · Recently, RAPD '(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) fingerprints developed by Williams et al., (1990) showed several

A B c

Fig. Cl): DNA isolated from different date palm cultivars, from left toright, Amhat, Hyeane and Zaghlool (A). DNA after purificationfrom RNA (B) and Hind 111/EcoR I digested DNA (C).



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\ bpIi

. I'j






Fig. (2): Gel electrophoresisofRAPD fingerprints of Amhat (lane 1),Samanie (lane 2), Hyeane (lane 3), Seaweae (lane 4) andZaghlool (lane 5), obtained with the primers OPC2 (A) andOPD16 (B). Marker is shown at the right of figure in bp. .

