i've seen too many bums sitting under a bridge drinking cheap wine


Upload: karina

Post on 31-Jul-2016




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Page 1: I've seen too many bums sitting under a bridge drinking cheap wine


Page 2: I've seen too many bums sitting under a bridge drinking cheap wine

you sit on the couchwith metonightnew woman.

have you seen theanimal-eaterdocumentaries?

they show death.

Page 3: I've seen too many bums sitting under a bridge drinking cheap wine
Page 4: I've seen too many bums sitting under a bridge drinking cheap wine

and now I wonderwhich animal ofus will eat theother firstphysically andlastspiritually?

we consume animalsand then one of usconsumes the other,my love.

Page 5: I've seen too many bums sitting under a bridge drinking cheap wine
Page 6: I've seen too many bums sitting under a bridge drinking cheap wine

meanwhileI’d prefer you gofirst the first way.

since if past performancecharts mean anythingI’ll surely gofirst the lastway.

Page 7: I've seen too many bums sitting under a bridge drinking cheap wine
Page 8: I've seen too many bums sitting under a bridge drinking cheap wine

projeto gráfico de karina yamane

poema de charles bukowski,retirado do livro ‘love is a dog from hell’