cercla site investigation/removal action report · cercla site investigation/removal action report...

DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. 1 CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR Site accessibli'ty at Vertac Chemicals, Jacksonville, Pulaski Co, AR Prepared for EPA - REGION VI EMERGENCY RESPONSE BRANCH Gerald M. Fontenot Deputy Project Officer By Roy F. Weston, Inc. Technical Assistance Team DATE 7/11/86

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Page 1: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of



FORSite accessibli'ty at Vertac Chemicals,

Jacksonville, Pulaski Co, AR

Prepared forEPA - REGION VI


Gerald M. FontenotDeputy Project Officer


Roy F. Weston, Inc.Technical Assistance Team


Page 2: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of

Suite 814, Cotton Hxchangr Building608 North St. Paul Street, Dallas, TX 75201 • (214i 8BU-U93U


DATE: July 11, 1986 Hazitf: AR0141

TO: Mary Ellen Crowley, OSCEPA Region VI, Emergency Response Branch . 0

00THRU: Gerald Fontenot, Deputy Project Officer ^

EPA Region VI, Emergency Response Branch

THRU: Michael G. Warner, TAT Leader y^/7^^ 0Region VI, Technical Assistance Team 0

FROM; Shekhar Subramaniam, TAT Member {}Region VI. Technical Assistance Team - Dallas

SUBJECT: Site Accessibility to Public at Vertac, Jacksonville, Arkansas

TDD#: 06-8607-06


The Vertac Chemical Corporation pesticide plant lies on the site of a formerWorld War II ordnance plant. Pesticides have been produced on the site since1948 by three former companies. Effluent from the plant is believed to be thesource which led to contamination of the existing Jacksonville wastewatertreatment plant system as well as an abandoned wastewater treatment facility.Sampling has confirmed the presence of dioxin at both treatment plants as wellas Bayou Meto and Rocky Branch Creek. This report assesses the accessibility ofthe contaminated areas to the public.

Field Investigation -.-.—-

On July 8, 1986, TAT members Shekhar Subramam'am and David Gray accompanied OSCMary Ellen Mcdary on an investigation at the Vertac Site in Jacksonville,Arkansas. The TATs visited the wastewater treatment plants and investigatedareas in the vicinity of Bayou Meto and Rocky Branch Creek. Problems associatedwith each of the above areas are addressed and recommendations made.

Principal Contaminants

The primary contaminants of concern in off-site areas include:

2,3,7,8 - TCDD, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2,4,5-trichloro-phenoxy acetic acid (2,4,5-T), silvex, chlorinated phenols and benzenes.

T" this report, the oeneric term "dioxin" is used for

Roy F. Weston, Inc.SPILL PREVENTION & EMERGENCY RESPONSE DIVISIONTn Association with ICF Inc., lacobs Engineering Group Inc., C.C. Johnson & Associates, Inc., and Tetra Tech, Inc.,

Page 3: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of

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06-8607-06Page 2

Environmental Sailing

The off-site areas of concern which include the two treatment plants. Bayou Metoand Rocky Branch Creek were sampled on three occasions. In December 1983,seventy-four sediment and soil samples were collected In the off-site studyarea. In June 1984, twenty-one soil samples were collected in areas within 600feet of Bayou Meto that, judged by visual inspection, had been frequentlyflooded. Only one of these contained measurable levels (0.43 ppb) of dioxin.In August 1984, 225 field samples of soil and sediments were collected fordioxin analysis, 29 additional samples were collected for background and qualitycontrol. Seventy-nine of the 225 field samples contained measurable amounts ofdioxin ranging from 1.0 ppb to more than 200 ppL.

Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) System

Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of 6.59(ppb). The TAT observed that these beds were being used as vegetable gardens.The City Beautification Department has been growing tomatoes and cabbage on thedrying beds. Significant levels of dioxin have also been confirmed 1n thedigester and clarlfler.

In the existing wastewater system, dioxin levels of 37.9 ppb were found in theaeration lagoon. The oxidation ponds were also found contaminated. Samplestaken from manholes indicated dioxin levels ranging from 10.9 ppb to 200 ppb.These manholes have been known to overflow in the past. The oxidation lagoonsappear nearly full and have inadequate retention time left. Of special concernis the fact that the oxidation lagoons would be subject to inundation by floodsequal to or greater than a 5 year flood. An animal shelter located within 200feet of the drying beds generates considerable traffic through the area. Agarage adjacent to the drying beds is used by the Beautification Department.

Rocky Branch Creek

The Rocky Branch and the Bayou Heto downstream of the Vertac Site flow adjacentto several residential subdivisions, individual homes, agricultural lands,industrial and commercial areas, and recreational areas such as DuPree Park. Inthe Rocky Branch channel and floodplain, dioxin levels in the 1984 sedimentsamples ranged from the detection limit of 0.02 to 7.58 ppb. The highest levelsof dioxin were found near the West Lane dead end (3.01 ppb) and near the end ofHines Drive (7.58 ppb). These levels are of particular concern because of theirproximity to residences. The TAT's investigation of the creek confirmed theabsence of a fence along several sections of the creek in the residential area.While levels of dioxin found along the east leg of the creek were notsignificant, additional sampling may be required to assure that TCDDcontamination does not exist in the residential areas east and south of theVertac Plant.

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Page 3

Bayou Meto

Bayou Meto Channel and f1oodp1ains sediment samples in 1984 showedconcentrations of dioxin ranging from the detection l imi t to 2.1 ppb. Thehighest dioxin concentrations were found between the WWTP outfall and a pointabout 2,000 feet downstream of the Highway 161 bridge. Withdrawal of water fromthe bayou for agricultural uses raises publ ic health concerns.


An assessment of the fencing required to restrict access as well as othermeasures are considered here:

1. Restrict general publ ic access, inc lud ing Jacksonvil le Department ofSeau t i f tCu t io r ! crap'!cy££3, ts the 3b3"dc"°d 2"d exist^s WTD fac i l i t ieswhere potential health and safety hazards exist. This would requireinsta l la t ion of a fence r u n n i n g east-west, just north of the sludge dryingbeds up to the animal shelter. The fence should be located north of thedrying beds and include the garages used by the Beautificatlon Department(refer to site sketch). The existing fence along the southern and westernperimeter appear adequate. The heavily wooded areas around the oxidationponds and lagoons form a natural barrier around the existing facility. Itis recommend that warning signs be placed along the right of way.

2. Many of the residential yards incorporate the Rocky Branch Creek (West Fork)banks as part of the yard. W h i l e the yards are fence, gaps occur at pointswhere several dead end streets run up to the creek. A 150 foot section ofthe creek would have to be fenced at each location where the fol lowingstreets, v iz , Alta Cove, Braden St., West and Hi'nes Cove intersect thecreek.

~^v 3. W h i l e levels of dioxi'n confirmed along the east fork of the creek are notsignif icant , warning signs should be placed along the trails due to trafficfrom the adjacent Brookhaven Apartments.

4. The highest dioxi'n concentration in the sediments from Bayou Meto was in thevicini ty of the Highway 161 bridge. A warning sign at this location wouldbe appropriate.

These measures would help mitigate the threat of exposure to these contaminantsand should be implemented without further delay.

5. Ensure the adequacy of existing control measures on the Vertac Site to avoidunacceptable releases, spills, or discharges of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and othercontaminants of concern to the WWTP. Where existing measures are determinedineffective. Implement additional on-slte remedial measures.

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06-8606-07 _ _Page 4 ^ ^

6. Perform sampling and analysis of surface soil around manholes that aredowngradient of the Vertac Site, have a history of overflow, or have thepotential to overflow.

7. Prevent the continued degradation of Bayou Meto and Rocky Branch by thetransport of contaminants of concern from both on-site and off-site sourcesof contamination.

8. Reduce the potential for a major release of 2,3.7,8-TCDD contaminatedmaterial and other contaminants of concern from the oxidation lagoons due toa major flood event.

9. The police shooting range portrays features that reveal the possible fiexistence of some previous treatment works that may have been covered after cobeing abandoned. This area should be sampled if it was part of the old y^,treatment works. _

W h i l e recommendations 1-4 address the Issues of immediate concern, the other °measures merit consideration as it would prevent accentuation of the problem. 0

Jacksonville City Landfill and Rogers Road Site

the o l Q J acKsonv i t ' i e Cit.y Ldrn i f i ' l ' i dini Kuye r s i Ruau Laiiuf'i'!'!, at JuCkssn';i'!1e,Arkansas, were investigated by TAT Shekhar Subramaniam on July 8, 1986 to assesssite accessibility. Both sites had been fenced and secured earlier. No signsof attempted entry or damage to the fences were evident. The TAT is satisfiedthat p u b l i c access at these site has been restricted.


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TITLE: Vertac-Off-site contaminated areas p^ Location MapSCALE: 1 = 24 000

LOCATION: Jacksonvil le . Pulaski Co. AR O R I G I N A T O R : Shekhar Subramamam

^______________________ DATF^^VSS TOD:6-8607-06

D C N . TAT-06-F— r ;V-i?

Page 7: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of
Page 8: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of

TITLE: Vertac- off site contaminated areas HAP: site sketchS C A L E : none

L O C A T I O N : Jacksonville, Pulaski CoArkansas

O R I G I N A T O R : Shekhar Subramamam

DAW-:-7711786 TDD: 6-8607-06

DCN. TAT-06-F-_;^ 5<'/<;_

Page 9: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of

Jacksonville, Lonoke Co, AR ORIGINATOR- shekhar Subramaniam

DATE: 7/11/86___ TDD;j-8607-06

DCN. lAl-Ub-r--_i <-_ -,..{ J f

Page 10: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of

LOCATION:Jacksonville, Lonoke Co, AR "OM6INATOR: Shekhar Subramamam

OATE: 7/11/86 -rDD:6-8607-06

Page 11: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of

MAP: Site SketchTITLE; Roger's Road Site


LOCATION: Jacksonville. Pulaski Co, AR ORIGINATOR: Shekhar S u bra ma main

DATET 7/11/86 TDD: 6-6607-06

nrm TflT-nK-r-- i -> 2 /; 9

Page 12: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of

^/{<, A-4^1^Originator .


Converwtion wHh: P.t« ~^ i I 6 i ^ '

Name ^——•^ •\^ - .^ ^ Ti,u. 1 ^ 0 AM/PBT-Company ^^L fA^^L^- T^er.J--^^^ 2 . /•

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___________(________________ D Originator Received Call CO

Phone_________________________ W.O. NO. "_C ^~ _______________1^Subject _________________________________________________________ °

tiL ^^•/.-.J.^ ^^ ^^^^ ^.,^^/./^r___&,^^.^ — v t^. pl i . h^J^._______________^ c^..^- •of^t.'y Jr^^-i^.^^. ^^^-^?^p______nn^A J)-foL {-^ ^•r .M^<^^ ^. ^^-^ ^... r^

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D File_________________________ Follow-Up-Action:.

D Tickle File______I_____I_______ ——————————G Follow-UpBy:___________________ ——————————

•G Copy/Roule To: —————————————————— ————.——————


Page 13: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of


Conversation with:

Name .



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Company -^^ i s^J^£, ^JJ^J J% c/ g-1 7 C .^^^^J R.!Address.


O^Originator Placed Call

D Originator Received Call

W.O. NO. s's~^-

Notes:, ?h^h^ ^—^ /

D Flle- Follow-Up-Action:.

D Tickle File-D Follow-Up By:.

0 Copy/Route To:.

Orjgigatq^s Initials-

Page 14: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of



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Address ______________________ B^Driginator Placed Call (\J___________________________ D Originator Received Call 0'Phone _________________________ W.O. NO. ^ -f •€ S~______________ ':c

0-'Subject ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

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Originator's Initlals-

Page 15: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of
Page 16: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of

ILIU fF 0-OOU/-UOPhotographer/Witness ,

Gray/ McClary

Date/Tiroe/Direction7/11/86/1015/ to south

Comments:"1"" cove dead Bnd

adjacent to creek

• rIT.

TAT-06-F- 7. ' , .£-• 030-'00

Photographer/Witness 5Gray/ McClary


7/11/86/1020/ to west

Comments: trail alone - k .

bank along east branch

TAT-06-F- I ? ? L. i '•V.

\, .1-

Photographer/Wi'tness 5Gray/ McClary

Date/Time/Direction7/11/86/ 1025/ to west

Comments: BrnaJthnvnn apartment:

adjacent to east branch of erf1COP1ED FROM————POOR QUALI—ORIGINAL——TAT-06-F- | -i i {, -t. /

Page 17: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of


^ Photographer/Witness 7

Gray/ Subramaniam

Date/Time/Direction7/11/86/0855/ to north

Comments ; old sludge

drying beds being used as

vegetable gardens0--oo

TAT-06-F- l •? 1 ^•t f 0\


Photographer/Witness 8Gray/ Subrainaniam

Date/Time/Direction7/11/86/0900/ to SE

Comments: p-j^nl thnntmg'

range SE of old plant

TAT-06-F- I s § ^ ? y

Photographer/WitnessGray/ Subramaniam

Date/Time/Direction7/11/86/ 0910/ to NE

ammal shelterComments:__________near drying beds


Page 18: CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT · CERCLA SITE INVESTIGATION/REMOVAL ACTION REPORT FOR ... Samples from the abandoned sludge drying beds indicated dioxin levels of

-\ 'Gray/ Subrananiam

Date/Iime/Direction7/11/86/0915/ to SW

Comments: vteii* of •niter be<

and entrance to extsting


^oTAT-06-F- l i- ^ 3 T. C •


Photographer/Witness ^.

Gray/ Subranam'am_____

Date/Time/Direction7/11/86/091?/ to NW

Comnients :oxidation porids '

TAT-06-F- ' : < C ? </'


Gray/ Subraniamam

Date/Time/Direction7/11/86/ 0920/ to N

Com-nents: Lagoon #1


ORIGINALTAT-06-F-- • -f i ^ ^_