aurochs and potential crossbreeding with domestic cattle in central

7 ANTHROPOZOOLOGICA • 2008 • 43 (2) © Publications Scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. Aurochs and potential crossbreeding with domestic cattle in Central Europe in the Eneolithic period. A metric analysis of bones from the archaeological site of Kutná Hora-Denemark (Czech Republic) René KYSELÝ Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, v.v.i. Letenská 4, Prague 1, 118 01, Czech Republic [email protected] KEY WORDS Aurochs, Bos primigenius, Bos taurus, central Europe, Czech Republic, Kutná Hora-Denemark, osteometry, intermediate form, crossbreeding, local domestication. Kysely ´ R. 2008. – Aurochs and potential crossbreeding with domestic cattle in Central Europe in the Eneolithic period. A metric analysis of bones from the archaeological site of Kutná Hora-Denemark (Czech Republic). Anthropozoologica 43(2): 7-37. ABSTRACT The site of Kutná Hora-Denemark (3 444 bones or bone fragments identi- fied) shows, contrary to most of the other seventeen Early and Middle Eneolithic sites in the Bohemian basin, a high percentage of hunted animals (more than a half). Aurochs are widely represented among 918 bovine bones. Besides metrically reliably determined aurochs and domestic cattle there is a high quota (almost a half) of intermediate sized bones, which could belong to: (1) large domestic males, (2) female aurochs or to (3) cross-breeds of both forms or to locally domesticated cattle. Some proposed indications support the third hypothesis. The theoretical aspect of the problem is discussed at first (summary of know- ledge concerning aurochs; body size; variability components; domestication). The subsequent analysis is based mainly on metric evaluation of twelve width measurements on long limb bones and phalanges (in total 483 data). This study contributes to the long standing debate concerning the local domesti- cation/crossbreeding of wild and domestic animals in Central Europe, i.e. outside the main domestic centre in the Near East. RESUMÉ L’aurochs et l’hypothèse de son croisement avec des bovins domestiques en Europe centrale pendant le Chalcolithique. Analyse ostéométrique du site archéologique de Kutná Hora-Denemark (République tchèque). À la différence de la plupart des autres dix-sept sites de l’époque du Chalco- lithique ancien et moyen dans le bassin tchèque, Kutná Hora-Denemark (3 444 os ou fragmentes osseux déterminés) contient un taux élevé de gibier (plus de la moitié). Les restes osseux du gibier montrent la présence marquante des aurochs. À côté des aurochs et des bovins domestiques déter- minés (NR = 918) de manière certaine sur la base des données métriques, on

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Page 1: Aurochs and potential crossbreeding with domestic cattle in Central

7ANTHROPOZOOLOGICA • 2008 • 43 (2) © Publications Scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris.

Aurochs and potential crossbreedingwith domestic cattle in Central Europein the Eneolithic period.A metric analysis of bones from the archaeologicalsite of Kutná Hora-Denemark (Czech Republic)

René KYSELÝInstitute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, v.v.i.

Letenská 4, Prague 1, 118 01, Czech [email protected]


Bos primigenius,Bos taurus,

central Europe,Czech Republic,

Kutná Hora-Denemark,osteometry,

intermediate form,crossbreeding,

local domestication.

Kysely R. 2008. – Aurochs and potential crossbreeding with domestic cattle in CentralEurope in the Eneolithic period. A metric analysis of bones from the archaeological site ofKutná Hora-Denemark (Czech Republic). Anthropozoologica 43(2): 7-37.

ABSTRACTThe site of Kutná Hora-Denemark (3 444 bones or bone fragments identi-fied) shows, contrary to most of the other seventeen Early and MiddleEneolithic sites in the Bohemian basin, a high percentage of hunted animals(more than a half). Aurochs are widely represented among 918 bovine bones.Besides metrically reliably determined aurochs and domestic cattle there is ahigh quota (almost a half) of intermediate sized bones, which could belong to:(1) large domestic males, (2) female aurochs or to (3) cross-breeds of bothforms or to locally domesticated cattle. Some proposed indications supportthe third hypothesis.The theoretical aspect of the problem is discussed at first (summary of know-ledge concerning aurochs; body size; variability components; domestication).The subsequent analysis is based mainly on metric evaluation of twelve widthmeasurements on long limb bones and phalanges (in total 483 data). Thisstudy contributes to the long standing debate concerning the local domesti-cation/crossbreeding of wild and domestic animals in Central Europe, i.e.outside the main domestic centre in the Near East.

RESUMÉL’aurochs et l’hypothèse de son croisement avec des bovins domestiques en Europecentrale pendant le Chalcolithique. Analyse ostéométrique du site archéologique deKutná Hora-Denemark (République tchèque).À la différence de la plupart des autres dix-sept sites de l’époque du Chalco-lithique ancien et moyen dans le bassin tchèque, Kutná Hora-Denemark(3 444 os ou fragmentes osseux déterminés) contient un taux élevé de gibier(plus de la moitié). Les restes osseux du gibier montrent la présencemarquante des aurochs. À côté des aurochs et des bovins domestiques déter-minés (NR = 918) de manière certaine sur la base des données métriques, on

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This study was initiated by the determinationand archaeozoological analysis of osteologicalassemblage from the middle Eneolithic site atKutná Hora-Denemark; distr. Kutná Hora,Řivnáč culture; see § The site at Kutná Hora-Denemark (Kutná Hora distr.), Fig. 1, no 12.During the initial analysis a number of interme-diate sized bones were registered among reliablyidentified small domestic cattle and big wild cat-tle (aurochs). These intermediate large and notclosely assigned bones (described as Bos sp.) formalmost half of all cattle bones (the relationship ofdomestic, wild and unspecified cattle, accordingto the number of fragments, is 274: 181: 460).Differentiation among cattle (Bos genus) andfrom the wisent (Bison bonasus Linnaeus, 1758)were not possible in some cases, nevertheless thebones of wisent were most probably not presenton the site at all or only in an insignificant per-centage. Two facts support this presumption:(1) definitely classified bones from Kutná Hora-Denemark were always assigned to the Bos1

genus, (2) wisent has not been reliably identifiedon a single Czech prehistoric site since theNeolithic (see Kysely 2005).

The first part of the article summarises the pres-ent state of knowledge of the problem and analy-ses, in detail, its theoretical substance. Since ananalysis of aurochs problems for the regiondescribed has not so far been published, it isemphasised. Methodology is further proposedand analysis of the data is introduced in a form ofa case study.



Aurochs (Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827) is theonly ancestor of all domestic breeds of cattle (seeZeuner 1963, Clutton-Brock 1999, Bradley &Magee 2006). In prehistory it inhabited a wide areafrom India to Great Britain in the west, to southScandinavia in the north and North Africa in thesouth (distribution map: e.g. in Murray 1970 andClutton-Brock 1999). In Europe as well as in TheNear East a subspecies Bos primigenius primigeniusoccurred, from which tauroid breeds of domesticcattle are derived (Bos taurus). Zeboid breeds (Bosindicus) are on the other hand derived from asouthasian subspecies of aurochs (Bos primigenius

trouve un fort pourcentage (presque la moitié) d’os de taille intermédiaire quipourraient appartenir à (1) de grands mâles domestiques, (2) des femellesd’aurochs, (3) des croisements entre bœuf et aurochs ou des bovins domesti-qués localement. Quelques indices présentés appuient la troisième hypothèse.La partie théorique de la problématique (résumé des connaissances sur lesaurochs, la taille du corps, les éléments variables, la domestication) est toutd’abord discutée. L’analyse qui suit est basée sur l’évaluation métrique surdouze mesures de la largeur d’os longs et de phalanges (483 données). Cetteétude contribue au débat de longue date sur la domestication locale et lecroisement d’animaux domestiques et sauvages en Europe centrale, régionsituée hors du centre principal de domestication au Proche-Orient.


Bos primigenius,Bos taurus,

Europe centrale,République tchèque,

Kutná Hora-Denemark,ostéométrie,

formes intermédiaires,croisement,

domestication locale.

1. Determination was done by comparison with collection skeletons (in archaeozoological laboratory of theInstitute of Archaeology in Prague) and with help of determinative literature (Olsen 1860; Stampfli in Boessnecket al. 1963, Patou-Mathis & Auguste 1994).

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namadicus). This postulate by Zeuner (1963) wasconfirmed by genetic studies (see Bradley etal. 1996, Bradley & Magee 2006). It was a com-monly hunted species in prehistory in the CentralEurope. In The Czech republic there is a good evi-dence of aurochs both in Bohemia as well as inMoravia. The phylogenetic divergency ofEuropean aurochs (haplogroup P), i.e. geneticisolation from Near East aurochs (and thus laterdomesticants) happened, according to a study byEdwards et al. (2007), ca 10 000-30 200 BP.A relatively high frequency presence on Neolithicsites indicates its abundance in nature. Significantdecrease of aurochs’ occurrence, probably in connec-tion with human presence, is evident since theNeolithic to the Bronze Age (Kysely2005, Fig. 2).Aurochs finds occur up to Early Medieval times,the latest osteological evidence from The Czech

repub lic being the 10 th/ha lf of the13th century AD (Kysely 2005). Osteological evi-dence from the High Medieval Ages is missing.Presumably since the 13th century it lived in pre-serves only (fiukaszewicz 1952). Following his-toric sources “Europe in the beginnings of the15th century did not know aurochs nor wisent”(Rokosz 2006). Nevertheless sporadic (natural?)occurrence is possible even later, as is indicated byfinds from Germany dated up to the turn of the14th/15th century AD (summary of the finds inPrilloff 1994). In Poland, its last refuge, it sur-vived till post medieval times. The last individualdied in 1627 in Jaktorow near Warsaw(fiukaszewicz 1952, C lutton-Brock 1999,Guintard & Rewerski 1999, Rokosz 2006).Biotope requirements of aurochs are not com-pletely clear, but generally it could have been a

FIG. 1. — Map of the Czech Republic with the sites included in the analysis. 1: Tuchoměrice; 2: Trmice; 3: Jenštejn; 4: Drouzkovice;5: Litovice; 6: Makotrasy; 7: Vikletice; 8: Hostenice; 9: Mochov; 10: Praha-Miškovice; 11: Stehelceves-Homolka; 12: Kutná Hora-Denemark; 13: Velké Prílepy; 14: Radovesice. (Inforgraphists: M. Ernée & R. Kysely).Kutná Hora-Denemark site marked with a cross; borderline of the Czech Repubic dashed.

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forest animal. Lengerken (1955) mentions itsoccurrence in alluvial forest, Lehman (1949)states, that it lived on the border of both sparseand dense forests. Also recent publications(Clutton-Brock 1999) suggest that aurochs livedin forest environments or, if necessary in openbushy scrub landscapes. Other authors(fiukaszewicz 1952, Legge & Row ley-Conwy 1988, Van Vuure 2005) describe aurochsas an inhabitant of both types of environment:forest as well as open landscape. Otherwise a spe-cial relationship with sedge marshes and marshyforests is suggested (Van Vuure 2005). Lastgroup of aurochs in Polish Jaktorow lived in awoody, wet terrain, which is likely to be a refuge,therefore not completely corresponding with atypical and original biotope. Degerbøl (inDegerbøl & Fredskild 1970) considers aurochs asa forest animal, although he describes it also fromthe late dryas. In general, aurochs is believed tohave been a grazer (Grigson 1978, VanVuure 2005). However Schneeberger (exGesner 1602) mentions the importance of acornsin autumnal diet and branches of bushes and

trees in the winter diet. New informationdeduced from isotope analyses of southernScandinavia aurochsen show changes in a dietduring the time corresponding with environmen-tal changes, specifically a change from an open toforested ecosystem (Noe-Nygaard et al. 2005).According to this work, in the Neolithic periodaurochsen were feeding in forests while domesticcattle grazing on more open areas. To the sameconclusion came Balasse et al. (1997) in workbased on isotope analysis from Neolithic contextsin the Paris Basin. The evidence indicates a wideecological valence and potentially. It could mostprobably inhabit various types of environment(depending among other things on geographicalposition, period, climate, human presence, etc.)nevertheless some boundaries of aurochs’ ecologi-cal valence have to be taken into account though.For example it was not adapted to rough north-ern conditions as is indicated by the dying ofaurochsen and fera l catt le in hard winters(fiukaszewicze 1952, Tankerville 1994) and bythe position of the northern boundary of its areal(roughly up to 58th northern latitude).

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Neolithic Eneolithic Bronz Age Iron Age(Hallstatt)

La Tène Roman+Migration Period





frequency (percentage of positive sites) percentage of identified specimens

FIG. 2. — Representation of aurochs from the Neolithic to the Medieval Ages in the Czech Republic after two different quantifications(after Kysely 2005).

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Life of aurochs is outlined in a publication byfiukaszewicz (1952) describing the last herd inPoland (Jaktorow) at the turn of the 17th cen-tury, based mainly on information from Schnee-berger (ex Gesner 1602): Aurochs moved inherds-females with the young ones, while oldbulls lived separately. They lived to 15 years, butthe last female was about 30 years old. Theymated in September and at this time conflictamongst the males was often very aggressive,sometimes ended in death. The youngsters wereborn in May. Some individuals did not survivehard winters. Aurochs are not afraid of man andis not so shy compared to wisent. Aurochs maybe classed as a dangerous animal at all times.The herd life style of cattle female with the youngones is mentioned also in the text by Rokosz(2006) and in the works by Guintard (1996) andby Bouissou et al. (2001). Also the herds of feralpopulations of Chillingham cattle are dividedinto groups of females with youngsters andma les, either solitarily or in groups (2-3)(Hall 1986). Aurochs were hunted: the Germanswere trapping them in pits — see Caesar’s sixthbook of De bello Gallico (Bure≠ 1972), it washunted by Polish princes and the nobility(Rokosz 2006) and allegedly also by Charles TheGreat (see Balbuli 1959: 60). The privilege ofhunting aurochs by the ruling classes had a sym-bolic meaning. A symbolic status of aurochs hasbeen in existence since the Neolithic period (seee.g. finds at Çatal Hüyük and publication byCauvin 2000).The height of aurochs males reached, accordingto some of the more general publications, around200 cm (e.g. Brink 1973, Clutton-Brock 1999,Guintard 1999). This height is relevant for Pleis-tocene populations since a sudden warm periodat the turn of Würm/Holocene period caused arapid reduction in size, which according to evi-dence from the various regions affected manymamma l species (e.g. Degerbøl & Freds-kild 1970, Davis 1981, Vörös 1987, Lasota-Moskalewska & Kobryn 1990). More specialisedpub lications give concrete size va lues forHolocene finds. Significant sex dimorphism isapparent in the case of aurochs, showing in a

larger size of males. According to Benecke (1994)the wither height of aurochs from Danmark is154-176 cm for males (in average 160 cm), forfemales 139-153 cm (average 145 cm). VanVuure (2005) ca lcu lated wither height of“Degerbøl’s” aurochsen to 160-180 cm in thecase of bulls and ca. 150 cm in the case of cows.Similarly wide size range (135-170 cm) of post-glacial aurochsen is presented also by Guintard(1999). Lehmkuhl (1988) counted the height ofa male 154 cm, a female 133.5 cm (Germany).Teichert (1999) counted for two males 163.9 and156.1 cm, and one female 154.9 cm (Germany).After Vörös (1987) average height of twoaurochsen from Hungarian sites is 156.5 and158.7 cm. After fiukaszewicz (1952), height ofmales is 170-185 cm and height of females is165 cm (Poland). These values give informationabout the size of Central European aurochs in theEneolithic. Average sizes of females and males aredifferent however the span of their variabilitymerges (see Degerbøl & Fredskild 1970). Sexdimorphism is significant even at domesticspecies. For more concerning size and variabilityof aurochs see also § Size boundaries domesticcattle/aurochs and allometry.As already mentioned, there is a high percentageof hunted animals at the site of Kutná Hora-Denemark (see Fig. 3). Aurochs is more widelyrepresented there than on sites inside the oiku-menon (showed by comparison with stag asanother large wild ungulate; Fig. 4). Aurochsen,being large and dangerous beasts, offered more ofa challenge than other wild game to the humanhunters and were therefore probably over-huntedin areas close to human activity and occupation.Probably in the Eneolithic period aurochs sur-vived in much greater abundance in such mar-ginal woody areas as represented by the describedsite (it’s marginal position in the oikumenon isobvious from Zápotocky 2000, Zápotocky &Zápotocká 2008).The size of aurochs does not significantlychange during Holocene (Lasota-Moskalewska &Kobryn 1990), but the population, however, isnot totally uniform. The morphometric hetero-genity of Holocene aurochs is shown for example

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domesticundetermined formgame

FIG. 3. — Rate of domestic and wild animals on Eneolithic sites in the Czech Republic classed periodically if possible.Numbers in brackets after abbreviations of cultures = number of determined material (NISP). 15 — Soběsuky (according to Peške1991a, b), 16 — Lysolaje (various Eneolithic cultures, mostly FBC and Řivnáč C., quantified by MNI; according to Zikmundová 1959);17 — Cimburk (mixed data of Baalberg and Boleraz stratum; according to Peške 2000); 18 — Liptice (according to Beech 1993b);rest of the sites — see codes in Table 1. * data according to Peške (1972) and (1978). For abbreviations of cultures see Table 1.Y axis = % NISP.

be somewhere in the values from these regions.Nevertheless Bohemia is surrounded by moun-tains, which could cause a certain isolation of localpopulation and specific phenotype characteristics.Despite the fact, that aurochs are presumed tomostly inhabit lowlands (see Bökönyi 1972 andcompare altimetrical distribution of aurochs withaltimetrical distribution of Bison in Bauer 2001a, b),it can sometimes occur at higher attitudes, sporad-ically even over 1 000 m above see level: see forexample finds from hilly/mountainous areasaround Zürich lake (Schibler et al. 1997), inAustria (Bauer 2001a) and in the mountainousregion along France - Switzerland borderline(Chaix & Arbogast 1999). The relatively low, notsteep and in some places intermittent mountainssurrounding Bohemia were therefore probablynot such a large obstruction to isolate populationsand allow minor differences to evolve.

in the work of Chaix & Arbogast (1999). Inour analysis geographic variability has mainly tobe considered: according to results of Lasota-Moskalewska & Kobryn (1990) the size of aurochsdecreases from east to west; after analysis byGrigson (1969) and Vörös (1987) Hungarian au-rochsen are smaller than those from rest of theEurope to the north, i.e. mainly from Danmarkand North Germany (represented mostly byDegerbøl data). Despite having rich sources ofdetail, discussion and references on aurochs sizein time and European space at our disposal inLasota-Moskalewska & Kobryn (1990), a moredetailed metric evaluation of aurochs from Bohemiais unfortunately not available. Bohemia lies al-most centrally between the two regions men-tioned (i.e. Hungary south-east and Danmarknorth-west, both well represented), which couldlead to the conclusion, that the size of aurochs will

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Domestication process is manifested in archaeo-zoological material mainly by the shape and rela-tive size of horns (Guintard 2005) and by absolutesize of animals (and therefore also the bones;Bökönyi & Bartosiewicz 1987, Bartosiewicz etal. 2006, Tekkouk & Guintard 2007). The firstdomesticated cattle (Bos taurus Linnaeus 1758) toappear in Europe came with the first agricultur-ists as a part of so called Neolithic package ca6500-6800 BC (see Bradley & Magee 1996,Edwards et al. 2007), i.e. about a thousand yearsbefore the onset of the Neolithic and the intro-duction of domestic cattle into Central Europe.Among the earliest osteological evidence ofdomestic cattle in Europe are finds from the siteof Argissa-Magula in Thessaly in north Greece(Boessneck 1961). Even earlier examples aredescribed from the Near East (Peters et al. 1999,Helmer et al. 2005) and Africa (Wendorf &Schild 1994, 2003). Also in the oldest agricul-tural settlements in Bohemia domestic cattleclearly display smaller sizes than aurochs. Fromthe Neolithic onwards to the Middle Ages thesize gets gradually smaller as is shown in the workby Peške (1994), summarising sizes of cattle inthe Czech Republic from the Neolithic to theMiddle Ages. Reduction of sizes from the Neo-lithic to the Eneolithic is apparently a commonpan-regional feature as indicated in the work byBenecke (1994) and results of the ECONETproject2. Concerning osteometric changes duringdomestication see § Size boundaries domesticcattle/aurochs and allometry.Application of genetic methods on archaeologicalmaterial is expected to be a great contributioninto the discussed problem, but during an every-day practise the main practical criteria for distin-guishing domestic and wild cattle are still metricdata taken from bones. Immeasurable fragmentsare often evaluated intuitively mainly accordingto the robustness of bones, thickness of compacta

and muscle attachment areas. Finds of intermedi-ate sized forms in Central Europe lead scientiststo a conclusion, that even in this area localdomestication of aurochs or crossbreeding ofintroduced domestic form with the wild one didhappen. This possibility was suggested mainly byBökönyi (1962, 1969, 1974) on the basis of alarge evaluated assemblage from Hungary (cultures:Herpály, Theiss, Lengyel). Local domesticationis also described from central Germany byMüller (1964) and by Döhle (1990), in bothcases from Linear Band Ceramic. And the ques-tion so far is being mentioned in many worksspanning the Neolithic-Eneolithic period (e.g.Steppan 2001) and mesolithic/neolithic bound-ary (Noe-Nygaard et al. 2005). The main argu-ment for loca l domestication is finds ofintermediate sized bones, but other indicationsare also supportive (see Bökönyi 1969). AfterBogucki (1989) indications for local domestica-tion are missing (with certain exceptions) in the

0 %

20 %

40 %

60 %

80 %

100 %

Kutná Hora-Denemark(N = 382)

Cervus elaphus

Bos primigenius

Stehelčeves-Homolka(N = 163)

Makotrasy(N = 50)

"Others sites

together (N = 50)

FIG. 4. – Comparison of aurochs representation with stagin Kutná Hora-Denemark and on other Tczech Eneolithic sites.Finds of uncertain morphological determination of form (Bos sp.)not included. Y axis = % NISP.

2. ECONET n° 12676 VE (Egide egency). Des bœufs, des souris et des hommes : premiers animaux domestiques etpremiers commensaux en Europe continentale tempérée (fin du 7e mill.- 3e mill. a. J.-C.) : Éclairages centre-européens(Moldavie, Muntenie, Doubroudja, Moravie, Bohème) et ouest-européens (Bassin parisien, Ouest de la France).A. Tresset (head) et al. 2006-2007.

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northern part of Europe. Argument against localdomestication based on individuals of intermedi-ate form is that the sizes of local bulls (or cas-trates) and aurochs females overlap. Benecke(1994) comes to a conclusion, that arguments byBökönyi for autochthonous domestication of cat-tle in Central Europe is little persuasive and thatthe overlap in size can be a result of domestic andwild form living together in one space withoutbecoming crossbred. Data from the CzechRepublic have yet not been evaluated from thispoint of view.For the solution of our question one has to dis-tinguish between (1) local domestication (i.e.domestication of wild cattle, which is difficultwith regards to their size and belligerence) and(2) crossbreeding of domestic and wild form.Crossbreeding (2) seems easier than domestica-tion from the very beginning. This version willtherefore be analysed with higher priority. Easierand therefore more probable seems to be insemi-nation of domestic females by wild males, buteven the opposite is possible. The inseminationcould have happened intentionally or by chance.Advantages of such crossbreeding are larger sizeand resistance of the crossbreds and animation ofblood (prevention from inbreeding, heterosiseffect). Therefore even the Romans in northernItaly possibly practised this method (after Vergilex Bökönyi 1984). The influence of domesticand wild crossbreeding on the sizes of the cross-breds can not be determined by experiment,analogies however from other hoofed mammalsand practical observation from the current breed-ing of domestic cattle stock along with numerousstudies indicate a very high inter-breed heritabil-ity (h2) of sizes and body weight (e.g. Brown etal. 1989, Jenkins et al. 1991). According toJenkins et al. (1991) the between-breed heritabil-ity for weight 91% ± 27% and height 94% ±28%. The size of possible crossbreds was there-fore very probably between a smaller domesticand larger wild form.The discussed period (Řivnáč C.) is several thou-sand years from introduction of the first domesti-cated cattle and far from presumptive geneticaldivergency (see § Aurochs – history, biology, size).

But the crossbreeding possibility of domestic andwild forms is very high during this period (and inprehistory in genera l) as indicated by themention of the last aurochs in Poland(fiukaszewicz 1952, s. 21-22) at the end of the16th and beginning of the 17th century AD.According to the information from Herbersteinand mainly Antoni Schneeberger (in fiukaszewicz1952), the aurochs bulls from the last herd pre-served in Jaktorow (Poland) crossbred success-fully with domestic cows. That might have beenfollowed by complications: the youngsters weremiscarried or died shortly after birth, they wereborn in different period than calves of aurochsen,which caused survival problems during the winterperiod. That period however was five thousandyears distant from our material, so the domesticstock was more primitive in the Eneolithic. Onthe other hand, in the case of the 16th centurycattle, thanks to isolation, further genetic, mor-phologic, physiologic and ethologic divergencedeveloped. The crossbreeding problems men-tioned above might have not affected more prim-itive or less derived stock of domestic cattle in theEneolithic or they could have been smaller,which accords well with the texts of Vergilius.This article is focused on osteometric analysis,but the fundamental results of molecular geneticstudies have to be mentioned. MitochondrialDNA analysis of an extensive sample assemblageof recent and ancient DNA shows Near East ori-gin of domestic cattle (haplotype T) and does notindicate a domestication of European aurochs(Loftus et al. 1999, Troy et al. 2001, Bollonginoet al. 2006, Edwards et al. 2007, Scheu et al.2008). Mitochondrial DNA is not however quitesuccessful in detecting the contribution ofaurochs ma les (insemination of domesticfemales). Y chromosome study of recent stockand prehistoric aurochs (Götherstrom etal. 2005) indicates genetic influence by the DNAof male aurochs on European stock (major in thenorth than in the south). Therefore wild malesprobably did selectively (intentionally or inciden-tally) inseminate domestic females. Moreoveralso new mtDNA analyses based on Italianaurochs (Beja-Pereira et al. 2006) and modern

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cattle (Achilli et al. 2008) show that domesticatedcattle of Near East origin intermixed, at least insome regions, with local wild animals. A contri-bution of European aurochs to domestic cattlebreeds is sometimes valued as little or none inNorth Europe, but significant in South Europe(Caramelli 2006).


Total body size is usually deduced from theheight of the withers or weight:– (A) Height. Counting the height of the withersis usually achieved on the basis of long bonelengths. The length of bones depends on speed ofgrowth and its termination (fusion of epiphysiswith diaphysis). Since these processes are stronglyinfluenced by hormones, the lengths of longbones can differ between males and females (forexample the metapodia lengths do not differ buthumerus lengths do). Resulting effect, amongothers, is that the rate of lengths of individuallong bones is different for males and females (formore details see Bartosiewicz 1984, 1985). Thecalculation of withers height is therefore donewith different indexes for females and males (seeDriesch & Boessneck 1974). In practice differentindexes depending on sexes are used at themetapodia (Thomas 1988, Berteaux &Guintard 1995, Guintard 1998b), especially themetacarpals, where sex can be determined mostreliably. These allometric regularities can compli-cate and confuse results of size analysis.– (B) Weight. Another method used to calculatethe size of an individual is by body weight.Widths of bones correlate positively with weight(Higham 1969, Noddle 1973), which corre-sponds with a logical presumption that: the heav-ier the animal the wider the bones should be tocope with the greater stresses involved. Interspecies allometric analysis within the Bovidaefamily (Scott 1985, 1990) shows a good correla-tion (corr. coefficient between 0.8-0.9). Withinthe Bos primigenius species limited amount ofcorrelation analysis is to disposition. Usableanalysis (Higham 1969, Noddle 1973) show,that correlation is not too high and “estimates of

body weight from bone dimension is not feasible(for example) due to high seasonal fluctuationin weight, which wou ld have occurred”(Higham 1969). Nevertheless “some dimensionsmight be a functuation of body weight”(Higham 1969) and estimation of weight fromwidths of archaeozoological finds is sometimesused practically (Ijzerev 1981). The fact thatmales have some bones wider (most evident atmetacarpus) is again a result of higher weighteffect which corresponds with the outlinedscheme. In a paleontological practise cross-sectional measurements of major limb bones,especially proximal ones such as humerus andfemur, are believed to be the best for a body massestimation of mammals (Mendoza et al. 2006).That breadth measurements largely dependson weight is indicated also in methodologicalrecommendations in Uerpmann & Uerpmann(1994) and Meadow (1999).– (C) Dimensions on the skull. As brain (andthus braincase) dimensions also the dimensionsof teeth are influenced by different evolutionarypressures than the dimensions of the postcranialskeleton (Uerpmann & Uerpmann 1994, Men-doza et al. 2006). Due to possible allometries (e.g.skull of domesticants, incl. cattle, gets relativelysmaller during domestication – Zeuner 1963,O’Regan & Kitchener 2005, Guintard 2005; sizeof horns depends strongly on stock, sex and diet),skull fragments are not the most suitable scale forthe calculation of animal height or body mass(also Mendoza et al. 2006). According toBökönyi (1984) “limb bones are much moreplastic and, therefore, react more sharply to envi-ronmental and genetic changes than skull elementsand horns”. This fact also leads to allometric rela-tionships between postcranial and skull. Anotherdisadvantage is that many dimensions of singleteeth depend on the age of the individual.


In this case we shall concentrate on width dimen-sions, which presumably reflect relatively well thetotal weight of relative category of individuals.Width variability depends on: (1) sex dimor-phism, (2) age, (3) breed relevance (wild/domestic

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form), (4) (residual) individual variability (forana lysis of these components see Payne &Bull 1988). The influence of pathologies mustnot be neglected either (A lbarella 1997).Geographic variability should not play a rolewithin the relatively small Bohemian basin areaand sympatric coexistence of two different sub-species or populations is highly improbable, inaccordance with zoogeographical rules, but it canhave great significance in interregional compar-isons (Bökönyi 1995). Since our task is to analysethe size of domestic cattle and their relation toaurochs, ideally the influence of sex dimorphism,age and pathologies should be eliminated.(1) Fragmentary material does not usually allowsex determination therefore it will appear on ourgraphic analysis without a division between themale, female and castrate groups. Studies describ-ing sexual morphometric differences on limbbones are summarised by Thomas (1988). Sexualdimorphism is evident more on front limb bonesthan hind bones. Measurements of breadth aremore sex dimorphic than those of length, amongthem mainly the widths of metapodia and pha-langes, which show a high sexual dimorphism(Higham 1969). Lowest sex dimorphism amonglimb bones is apparent on the talus according toHigham. Albarella (1997) states that the influ-ence of sex on morphometrics is overemphasizedand of greater influence even among domesticcattle could be for example stock relevance (how-ever that analysis mostly concerns medieval andpost-medieval material, when several domesticbreeds already existed).(2) As known, bones can continue growing inwidth after lengthwise growth had finished, i.e.after the fusion of epiphysis (Koch 1932,Davis 1996). There are also inter-sex differencesin this phenomenon (see Legge & Rowley-Conwy 1988). Nevertheless finds, which accord-ing to surface character indicate adult age, wouldnot have a large extra growth. During the selec-tion of bones for analysis the bones with nonfused epiphysis and bones with fused epiphysis,but not “adult-like” (porous) surface characterwere excluded. Thus an assemblage of adult indi-viduals was gained, however individuals on the

border of subadultus/adultus may be includedand also very rarely non-recognised subadultindividuals. Such selection limited influence ofage on the analysis to a maximum possibledegree. Pathologies, which theoretically couldinfluence the results of the presented material,were observed on finger bones only (Kysely 2008).The amount, character and intensity of thesepathologies are however so small that it will notaffect the results of the analysis.The result of the dimension distribution willtherefore be explained only by components (1),(3) and (4) (residual variability cannot be elimi-nated – it is a natural feature of every populationsample). Theoretically up to five size categoriescan be appointed: domestic female, domesticmale, domestic castrates, wild female, wild male.Since the boundaries of some of these categoriesstrongly overlap or merge, distribution of graphi-cally depicted sizes of cattle from archaeologicalsites will never reach the shape of ideally separat-ed groups. The differentiation between femaleaurochs and domesticated males is especiallyproblematical, as is the distinction of castrateswith higher absolute lengths of long bones. Theinfluence of castration on size and osteometricvalues is evident in the Bovid group and castra-tion is the causation of many skeletal allometries(Hatting 1975, Davis 2000, Pöllath & Peters2005). Castrates of some domestic cattle cansometimes have some body and bone measure-ments smaller than bulls, while others have larger(also depending on the period of castration; seee.g. Witt & Andreae 1965, Ijzerev 1981). Theirlength-width indexes of long bones strongly over-lap with females as well as males (Higham 1969).Considering the problems with data combiningvarious sexes and various forms in a single graph,determination of average and maximum size ofdomestic cattle is difficult (Guintard 1998a).However minimum size values for domestic cat-tle can be determined – they are not influencedby the problems described above. Supposing thatfemales are present (which is highly probable onevery prehistoric site with enough material) andthat the sample is representative, we gain a value,which characterises the local stock: i.e. minimum

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size of domestic cattle females. Therefore duringthe analysis I suggest the use of this minimumvalue as a characteristic of domestic stock asopposed to average. But, in this case, one must besure that evaluated material comes just fromadult individuals. However we know that in prac-tice this identification and separation of subadultindividuals can be problematic in some cases,which require a carefully considered approachand interpretation.


(KUTNÁ HORA DISTR.)The site is situated in the eastern part of centralBohemia on the edge of central Bohemian low-land area about 10 km south from the Labe(Elbe) river and about 1 km south from KutnáHora, not far from the Neolithic site at Bylany(Fig. 1, no 12). The site of Kutná Hora-Dene-mark is a promontory fortified settlement of anearlier phase of Řivnáč culture (Middle Eneo-lithic, 3000-2800 BC). For more informationabout the site, archaeological situation andabsolute dating see Zápotocky & Zápotocká(2008).The low promontory is bounded by the Vrchlicestream (ca 2-6 m wide) at 290-300 m above sealevel. The site lies at the fringe of the Bohemiansettlement area: to the higher latitudes to thesoutheast and to the south no Eneolithic settle-ments have been discovered (Zápotocky 2000:fig. 61). There is, however, evidence of a traderoute leading to Moravia in the east (Zápotocky2000).The excavation in Kutná Hora-Denemark yield-ed 15 611 osteozoological finds, which was thesubject of a detailed study (Kysely 2008). Becauseof high fragmentation only 3 444 fragments wereidentified to species or genus. Due to the positionof the site at the edge of the main settlement areathe inhabitants had greater opportunities to in-teract with “wild” nature than those in the settle-ments within the oikumenon and consequentlygreater access to wild beasts. There is a high per-centage of hunted mammals in the osteozoolo-gical material – more than a half of the bones –confirming the use of such resources. Wild cattle

forms 40% (NISP) or 71% (weight method) ofidentifiable Bos finds in Kutná Hora-Denemark(Kysely 2008: Tab. 11). A very high ratio of wildcattle is also evident from comparisons with otherBohemian sites (see Fig. 4 and Kysely 2008). Asimilar high percentage of wild species on theEneolithic site at Cimburk (Peške 2000) withinthe distance of only 300 m accords well with thishypothesis. Otherwise such high rate of huntedanimals is rare in the earlier and middle Eneoli-thic in the Bohemian basin in general (see Fig. 3).


The author has so far analysed more than 20smaller and larger assemblages dated to earlierand middle Eneolithic; 14 of them suppliedmetric data for the discussed analysis. Althoughanalysis of some sites have already been publishedso far metric data have been published from thesites at Litovice and Kutná Hora-Denemark only(Kysel y 2002a, 2008). An eva luation ofEneolithic archaeozoological assemblages is thetheme of the dissertation of the author. Primarydata and evaluation of osteozoological materialfrom all the sites will be published in detail in thefuture.Besides which numerous rich data from theStehelčeves-Homolka site (Řivnáč Culture) willbe used for comparison (pub lished byAmbrose 1968 and Bogucki 1979) and data fromMakotřasy site (Funnel Beaker Culture; Clason1985).The summary of Eneolithic sites included in theanalysis is stated in Table 1 and Fig. 1. Centre ofinterest is the Kutná Hora-Denemark site.


The site at Kutná Hora-Denemark did not supplyany horn spurs or complete skulls (Kysely 2008).Complete teeth rows are very rare and unfortu-nately even long bones were not preserved com-plete (only two lengths of metatarsus are todisposition). Only in the case of phalanges there isa relatively large number of complete bones andthus length dimensions. The reason for concen-trating on width dimensions was (1) lack of lengthdimensions of long bones and skull dimensions,

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(2) presumption that width dimensions are a suit-able scale of individual size and (3) presumptionthat allometries between width dimensions usedin log-ratio transformation are small within onegroup of dimensions (see below). They usuallyhave a higher degree of sexual dimorphism be-tween (smaller and lighter) cows and (bigger andheavier) bulls than length dimensions, but osteo-

metrical detecting of castrates is extremely diffi-cult or impossible. One advantage of usage ofwidth measurements is that allometrical dissimi-larities caused by castration seem to be smallerwithin the breadth measurements then within thelength ones (Pöllath & Peters 2005). A suitableanatomic unit for size analysis would be the sexu-ally little dimorphic talus. However paucity of

Number of availablemetric data

Tuchoměřice 1 Jordanówo Culture 826 124 8 4 12 unpublished

Trmice 2 Late Jordanówo Group 430 87 1 4 5 unpublished

Jenštejn 3 Post-Jordanówo Group 124 48 1 1 Beech, 1995

Drouzkovice 4 Schussenried Culture 30 8 13 13 unpublished

Litovice* 1997/98 5 FBC - Baalberge Group 1628 975 3 4 1 8 Kysely, 2002a

Litovice* 2003 5 FBC - Baalberge Group 606 76 4 1 3 8 unpublished

Makotřasy 6 FBC - Siřem Group 3492 1704 89 79 168 Clason, 1985

Vikletice 7 FBC - Siřem Group 383 68 1 5 3 9 unpublished

Hostěnice 8 FBC - Salzmünde Group 1695 249 12 13 10 35 unpublished

Mochov 9 FBC - late 256 46 4 3 4 11 unpublished

Praha-Miškovice 10 Ro


Culture 3034 5 4 4 unpublished

Tuchoměřice 1 Ro


Culture 429 28 2 1 3 unpublished

Stehelcoeves-Homolka 11 R


oCulture 1149 769 26 27 55 108 Ambros, 1968

Kutná Hora-Denemark 12 Ro


Culture 14709 918 16 13 41 70 Kysely, 2005b

Tuchoměřice 1 Eneolithic 290 21 4 2 6 unpublishedmiddle-late Eneolithic

Velké Přílepy 13 (Ro


C.?) 74 7 1 1 unpublished

Radovesice 14 Bell Beaker Culture 562 125 2 2 Beech, 1993a

skeleton: Litovice*1997/98 5 FBC - Baalberge Group 6 4 9 19 Kysely, 2002a

TOTAL 177 173 135 483

Reference data:

Aurochs (Denmark) 90 88 13 191 Degerbøl &Fredskild, 1970

TABLE 1. – Summary of sites, material and data included in log-ratio analysis.See also Table 2 (proximal humerus breadth and proximal phalanx I breadth in log-ratio transformation not included).Ordered by time (by cultures). FBC = Funnel Beaker Culture.Cultural determination taken from Zápotocky 1996 (Trmice), Zápotocky 2002 (Vikletice), Ernée et al. 2007 (Praha-Miškovice),I. Pleinerová pers. com. (Litovice), L. Šu°lová pers. com. (Velké Přílepy), M. Zápotocky pers. com. (Mochov and Tuchoměřice) andM. Dobeš pers. com. (Droužkovice and Hostěnice).

* In Kysely (2002a) and Pleinerová (2002) presented as Hostivice-Litovice or Hostivice.


FIG. 1)Culture Total
















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talus data from the sites presented (graph: Fig. 6)does not allow closer conclusions.Forelimbs carry about 55% of body weight(Fock 1966). Due to non linear relationshipbetween weight and single sized characteristicsshould the ratio between weight on forelimb andhindlimb change. Therefore ratio of widths offorelimb and hindlimb should change theoreti-cally with growing size of the body. Thereforelong bones of forelimbs will be evaluated sepa-rately from the hind limbs (see § Log-ratio trans-formation). On pha langes again the widthdimensions will be evaluated, which presumablyalso reflect the body weight. Distinguishing pha-langes on proximal (phalanx I), medial (pha-lanx II) and distal (phalanx III) is withoutproblem, phalanges however were not distin-guished to fore and hind ones, inner (axial) andouter (abaxial) ones. According to statistic analy-sis based on twenty four recent individuals (bullsand oxen) done by Bartosiewicz (1993) there aredimensions, which are independent on exactanatomical position: on phalanx I it is Bd (distalbreadth), on phalanx II it is Bp (proximalbreadth) and GLpe (abaxial or peripheral maxi-mum length; all dimensions defined by Driesch1976). With this information we can analysethese dimensions without knowledge of the posi-tion (fore – hind, inner – outer).On the basis of the ana lyses described in§ Consideration of size – theoretical analysis;

Variability and its components and Selection ofdimensions for the analyses and with regard tostudies with similar theoretical analyses (overviewof analyses in Meadow 1999) breadth dimensionsstated in Table 2 were selected from our sites(Table 1) for analyses, considering that somedimensions from Table 2 were not included inthe log-ratio transformation (§ Log-ratio transfor-mation). Tables 1 and 2 indicate that there isenough data for such analyses.



The knowledge of absolute size of individuals isimportant for characterization of any popula-tion. In the case of Bos genus ascribing particu-lar size to one of two forms (domesticcattle/aurochs) can be highly problematic(Bartosiewicz et al. 2006) and can stronglyinfluence the domestic/wild ratio of the wholearchaeozoological sample (see also Steppan 2001).Considering that sizes of Pleistocene aurochs arelarger than Holocene aurochs, the Holoceneones are best for comparative purposes. Espe-cially Mesolithic finds which cannot be confusedwith domestic forms (largest metrically evaluatedassemblage: Degerbøl & Fredskild 1970). In theNeolithic and later periods both forms live inclose proximity. The metric boundary betweenboth forms is defined in various ways by variousauthors, so the defined boundary is in fact an

Anatomy Dimension * Dimension description Number of datesavailable

humerus BT trochlea breadth 48radius Bp proximal breadth 12metacarpus Bp and Bd proximal and distal breadth 49 and 70femur Bp and Bd proximal and distal breadth 2 and 7tibia Bp and Bd proximal and distal breadth 5 and 59talus Bd distal breadth 31metatarsus Bp and Bd proximal and distal breadth 37 and 61phalanx I Bp and Bd proximal and distal breadth 63 and 77phalanx II Bp proximal breadth 67

Total 588

TABLE 2. – Summary of metric width data from the sites (Table 1) which are available for metric evaluation (Figs 5 to 10).

* After Driesch (1976).

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interpretation. This artificial definition is a weakpoint of all studies specialised on metric differ-ences between domestic and wild cattle, and onintermediate form of cattle (this could not beavoided also in a very useful publications suchas Kobry n & Lasota-Moska lewska 1989;Lasota-Moskalewska & Kobryn 1989, 1990;Bökönyi 1995). Completely reliable determina-tion will hopefully be mastered in the future bygenetic methods. According to one of the quotedstudies (Lasota-Moskalewska & Kobryn 1989)the long bone dimensions react on the process ofdomestication in different ways; for example incomparison with the wild ancestor the distalwidths of long bones of domesticated cattle usu-ally show relatively larger values than proximalwidths. In praxis might happen that a bonedetermined after one dimension as aurochs, isafter another domestic cattle. Therefore a boneis if possible determined on the basis of allaccessible criteria and not only a single dimen-sion. Lasota-Moskalewska & Kobryn (1989)analyse in detail the zone of transgression (i.e.values, which can belong to domestic as well aswild cattle with overlapping dimensions).According to them all width dimensions of longbones of domestic and wild cattle overlap, onehas to point out however, that they analysemixed data from several geographically differentpopulations.For orientation a table of spans of selecteddimensions was created (Table 3) and the over-laps were also depicted graphically (Figs 5-7).The table shows maximum values for widthdimensions of domestic cattle and minimumvalues of the same dimensions for aurochs asinterpreted by various authors. The overlap of thevalues is specially emphasized in the table.Boundary values were selected according to:(1) Ambros (1968): Stehelčeves-Homolka – to-gether with Kutná Hora-Denemark, it is the onlyosteometrically evaluated and published site ofthe same period from the Bohemian basin area;(2) Degerbøl (in Degerbøl & Fredskild 1970): sofar the largest assemblage of metric data foraurochs used as a comparative material and astandard (location: Denmark);

(3) Bökönyi (1995): one of largest data assem-blages for domestic cattle and aurochs (location:Hungary), see also Bökönyi 1962;(4) Stampfli (in Boessneck et al. 1963) – theirboundaries are very low, the use of them forcattle in Bohemia is not realistic in most cases,the finds were later reinterpreted in a differentway (e.g. Grigson 1969);(5) Grigson (1969) – suggests alternative bound-aries aurochs/domestic cattle; states only somedimensions;(6) Lasota-Moskalewska & Kobry n (1989) –summarise data from several sites in differentregions. Considering the geographical (e.g. clinal)variability of aurochs, the regional and periodicvariability of domestic cattle and the vast mate-rial, larger size spans were registered and thereforean even larger overlap. In Table 3 just domesticcattle from the Neolithic-Eneolithic period (= f2in Lasota-Moskalewska & Kobryn 1989).Comparison with “the north data” fromDenmark and “the south data” from Hungarywill allow the dimensions from Bohemia to beplaced into the geographical framework ofCentral Europe. The boundaries, according tointerpretations of various authors, are markedwith arrows in the graphs (Figs 5-7).


In the first step each of width dimensions willbe evaluated separately (Figs 5-7). But since thisscatters data into relatively not very numeroussubfolders, it is more advantageous to evaluatedata in a more complete form. This will berealised by log-ratio transformation. While usinglog-ratio transformation Uerpmann & Uerp-mann (1994) and Meadow (1999) concordantlysuggest to evaluate breadth leg bones measure-ments separately from length leg bones measure-ments. In the presented study just breadthmeasurements are used, but three groups ofdimensions will be evaluated separately:1. from the forelimb (united dimensions:humerus – BT, radius – Bp, metacarpus – Bp,Bd);2. from hindlimb (united dimensions: femur –Bp, Bd, Tibia – Bp, Bd, metatarsus – Bp, Bd);

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Anatomy: After ** Domestic Aurochs from Overlap?dimension cattle up to

humerus: BT Degerbøl 90 81 YESAmbros 81 ?Stampfli 71 79

radius: Bp Degerbøl 99 91 YESBökönyi 92 91 YESStampfli 74 84Lasota-M. & Kobryn 112 84 YES

metacarpus: Bp Degerbøl 75 63 YESBökönyi 67 66 YESAmbros 63 70Stampfli 56.5 66Lasota-M. & Kobryn 80 64 YES

metacarpus: Bd Degerbøl 73 66 YESBökönyi 71 68.5 YESAmbros 61.5 unsureStampfli 56 62Lasota-M. & Kobryn 84 64 YES

tibia: Bp Degerbøl 120 110 YESBökönyi 116Ambros not presentLasota-M. & Kobryn 122 104 YES

tibia: Bd Degerbøl 76 73 YESBökönyi 76.5 68.5 YESAmbros 68 70Stampfli 56 70Lasota-M. & Kobryn 80 64 YES

talus: Bd Degerbøl 49 47 YESBökönyi 51Ambros 49 51Stampfli 40 45Lasota-M. & Kobryn 66 38 YES

metatarsus: Bp Degerbøl 59 50 YESBökönyi 66 55 YESAmbros 54.5 not presentStampfli 42 48Lasota-M. & Kobryn 66 46 YES

metatarsus: Bd Degerbøl 68 62 YESBökönyi 63.5 62.5 YESAmbros 65.5 68Stampfli 51 59Grigson* 55 59Lasota-M. & Kobryn 74 58 YES

phalanx I: Bp Degerbøl 39 34 YESAmbros 33.5 31.5 YESStmpfli 29 29Grigson* 29 33Lasota-M. & Kobryn 46 32 YES

phalanx I: Bd Degerbøl 36 30 YESAmbros 31.5 32Stampfli 28 29Lasota-M. & Kobryn 40 28 YES

phalanx II: Bp Degerbøl 33.5 32 YESAmbros 34 29 YESStampfli 28 30Lasota-M. & Kobryn 42 28 YES

** Grigson (1969) – boundaries suggested as “possible alternative”.** see text, § Size boundaries domestic cattle/aurochs and allometry.

TABLE 3. – Breadth dimensions: maximum values for domestic cattle and minimum values for aurochs (female) after various authors(in mm). Abbreviations and definitions of dimensions after Driesch (1976).

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74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116












60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116

skeleton - Litovice 97/98


other sites (counted up)


Kutná Hora-Denemark








52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90

Metacarpus - proximal breadth (Bp)



arrow: left = max. domesticright = min. aurochs

Humerus - trochlea breadth (BT)

Radius - proximal breadth (Bp)









46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90

Metacarpus - distal breadth (Bd)





FIG. 5. – Bos: metric distribution: humerus, radius and metacarpus.X axis = size in mm (values indicate maximum of particular interval), Y axis = number of cases.

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50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94

Tibia - distal breadth (Bd)







42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74

Metatarsus - proximal breadth (Bp)







46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80

Metatarsus - distal breadth (Bd)

up to (mm)





36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Talus - distal breadth (Bd)

skeleton - Litovice 97/98


other sites (counted up)


Kutná Hora-Denemark




arrow: left = max. domesticright = min. aurochs




FIG. 6. – Bos: metric distribution: tibia, talus and metatarsus.X axis = size in mm (values indicate maximum of particular interval), Y axis = number of cases.

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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46








25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Phalanx I - proximal breadth (Bp)

Phalanx I - distal breadth (Bd)












24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Phalanx II - proximal breadth (Bp)

centred by 0 mm skeleton - Litovice 97/98


other sites (counted up)


Kutná Hora-Denemark




arrow: left = max. domesticright = min. aurochs



FIG. 7. – Bos: metric distribution: phalanges.X axis = size in mm (values indicate maximum of particular interval), Y axis = number of cases.

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3. phalanges (united dimensions: phalanx I –Bd, phalanx II – Bd).The reasons for separate evaluation of fore- andhindlimb are, as mentioned above, the differentregularities in the weight on the fore and hindlimb (§ Selection of dimensions for the analyses).The bones of one limb are subjected to the sameweight therefore the dimensions of one limb willreact on a change of size (weight) in a similarway. In this study, the angles between limbbones, sizes of muscle attachment tuberositiesand other factors, which can also affect the widthdimensions, will not be considered for simplicity.Phalanges are evaluated separately from longbones, since they are of different character andthey were not separated to hind and fore limbs.In general, phalanges are considered less usefulfor size analyses, but Pöllath and Peters (2005)and Russell et al. (2005) show their usability evenin log-ratio inter-sites comparisons (even withoutidentification of phalanx position in body).Thanks to taphonomic processes which degradeskeletons on archaeological sites the originalmaterial becomes greatly reduced. In cases of theanalysed sites it is probable that one bone meansone individual. The possibility, that there will bemore bones from one individual preserved in theassemblage can not be eliminated but is very littleprobab le. One complete bone (within theselected dimensions, Table 2) gives in maximumtwo dimensions. In case of complete phalangesonly one width dimension will always be used(see § Log-ratio transformation, (3)) and longbones are preserved just in fragments. Thereforeone individual will be probable represented byonly one measured width value. Of course from afind of a skeleton or its part we have more dimen-sions from a single individual. Such cases how-ever are very rare. The only skeleton (cattle 1from the pit 3 in Litovice3) included in our datawill be extra marked in the graphs.

To enable the complex evaluation of the variousdimensions it was necessary to transform thedata. Log-ratio methodology was used (Simpsonet al. 1960), which is based on the differencebetween logarithmic values of archaeological andreference material: LOG (arch. value)-LOG(ref.). Log-ratio transformation or similar proce-dures are used especially for the comparison ofvarious sites or time horizons (see Meadow’s(1999) article who calls the same index “log sizeindex”, LSI) and for the evaluation and interpre-tation of the distribution of body size in popula-tion (see Bartosiewicz et al. 2006). In consensuswith a procedure used by Tresset (1996) andproject ECONET2 as a reference material theaverage values of dimensions of aurochs fromDenmark were chosen (Table 4; Degerbøl &Fredskild 1970), these stand in the graphs as null(beginning of the scale). In the Figs 8-10 there isdistribution of female aurochs sizes (again afterDegerbøl in Degerbøl & Fredskild 1970),because comparison of female sizes of the wildform with our material will be pivotal. That is tosay that the possible crossbreds of the domesticand the wild form may be expected to reachapproximately the size of the female aurochs(smaller than the aurochs males and larger thendomestic cattle) – § Domestication question.As resu lts from some studies (e.g. Lasota-Moskalewska & Kobryn 1989, see also § Sizeboundaries domestic cattle/aurochs and allometry)suggest, there are certain allometries betweenwidth dimensions (i.e. their averages are chang-ing) even within the framework of a single limbof adult individuals. That could complicate theuse of log-ratio methods. For our rough orienta-tion however will the given method, includingseparation of dimensions into three categories(see above) with relatively widely chosen lengthof the interval (0.03 for long bones and 0.02 forphalanges4; see Figs 5-7), be fit. Also the fact that

3. In original description in Kysely (2002a) and Pleinerová (2002) as Hostivice-Litovice or Hostivice; here theskeleton is actually assigned to female as suggested in original determination (Kysely 2002a).4. Because in one source of compared material (Makotr

oasy; Clason 1985) are not published primary data (just

size pattern in a form of histogram) I had to slightly adapt the procedure (e.g. interval boundaries) of presentedtransformation to possibilities.

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the metric data of a single individual includingsix phalanges (posterior and anterior, axial andabaxial), i.e. skeleton from Litovice (data inTable 4) are mostly concentrated in the graphsinto a relatively narrow area (Figs 8-10) indicates,that the graphically depicted variability withinthe sites by applied methodology is not overlyaffected by using the log-ratio methodology.There are only two exceptions of compact pat-tern: femur Bp which could not be measuredaccurately (therefore marked with?) and one pha-lanx Bd (suspected being an admixture to theskeleton, also marked with?).


The resulted distribution of measured absolutedata (in mm) separately for every width dimen-sion is shown on the Figs 5-7 (a femur with onlyfew values to disposition was not evaluated sepa-rately).We will aim at general evaluation of more dimen-sions (Figs 8-10). For simplicity we shall comparemainly these groups of Bos material:(1) aurochs males from Denmark(2) aurochs females from Denmark

(3) Kutná Hora-Denemark (czech)(4) other Czech Eneolithic sites togetherThe resulted span of individual dimension valuesof the finds from Kutná Hora-Denemark cannotbe a result of variability within a single popula-tion. Minimum values of some dimensions areonly 60% of the maximum values of the givendimension. Minimum and maximum values forthe material show, that domestic cattle as well asaurochs are reliably present. It also ensues fromcomparison with the aurochs va lues fromDenmark and Hungary (Table 3, Figs 5-10). Onother Czech sites mostly domestic cattle are pres-ent but the largest values are assigned to aurochsalso on that sites (see e.g. Stehelčeves-Homolka;Ambros 1968).

The site of Kutná Hora-Denemark is specialamong other Czech sites due to:(a) Containing a relatively large number ofbones with large dimensions, which correspondin size with male aurochs and are classified as reli-ably wild form (Bos primigenius);(b) Intermediate sizes bones are strongly repre-sented here – roughly in the size of femaleaurochs. That is most apparent among phalanges(Fig. 10). This “critical” area is in Figs 8-10

Aurochs malesNumber Min. Max. Average Logof data (average)

humerus BT 22 95 108 103.2 2.01 77.8radius Bp 22 104 122 115.6 2.06 83.7metacarpus Bp 22 77 90 84.2 1.92 60.1 and 60.8metacarpus Bd 21 80 88 83.7 1.92 62.3 and 62.3femur Bp 8 157 183 171.6 2.23 (114.8)femur Bd 17 122 146 135.4 2.13 100.5tibia Bp 13 129 145 139 2.14 99.3tibia Bd 16 83 93 87.9 1.94 64.4metatarsus Bp 17 64 73 68.9 1.84 51metatarsus Bd 18 73 82 77.1 1.89 56.7phalanx 1 Bd 4 37 41 39 1.59 27; 29.2; 29.3; 29.4;

29.6 and 30.7phalanx 2 Bp 7 39 43 40.9 1.59 31.4 and 31.6

TABLE 4. – Reference data: aurochs males (from Degerbøl & Fredskild 1970); and metrics from domestic cattle female skeleton fromLitovice (see Table 1 and note 3); some original measurements not corrected in the last proofs (dist. femur, prox. metacarpus sinistraand some phalanges) and published in Kysely (2002a) presented in revised form here. In mm.

Anatomy Dimension Litovice - skeleton

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-0,27 -0,24 -0,21 -0,18 -0,15 -0,12 -0,09 -0,06 -0,03 0 0,03 0,06 0,09

Kutná Hora-Denemark


eneolithic (9 sites)


aurochs females - Degerbøl

skeleton - Litovice 97/98

aurochs males: idealised -Degerbøl

LOG arch. specimen - LOG ref. (Degerbøl males)

Log-ratio: humerus (BT) + radius (Bp) + metacarpus (Bp and Bd)


FIG. 8. – Bos: log-ratio transformation: front limb long bones - total data of breadth dimensions of humerus (BT), radius (Bp) andmetacarpus (Bp and Bd).Gray circle = transitional interval (intermediate size forms). X axis = Log-ratio index (values indicate maximum of particular interval),Y axis = number of cases. Plus marks represent values for the skeleton (X axis), plus marks distribution in Y axis orientation has nomeaning.

marked with a question mark and a circle. Datafrom other Czech sites coincidently show onlylow representation in the circled area of overlap;(c) The smallest sizes of cattle observed in KutnáHora-Denemark are recognisably larger than onother Czech Eneolithic sites (Figs 5-10).


Presence of intermediate large forms is not sur-prising (that is common even on most of theother Czech Eneolithic sites) but their strongrepresentation and domination visible in the caseof phalanges is (Fig. 10). The percentage of wildcattle in the measurable set can be increased bybutchery techniques and by age pattern

(Bartosiewicz et al. 2006). In the case of KutnáHora-Denemark fragmentation of wild anddomestic cattle bones is the same (unpubl.) andthe age pattern different (Kysely 2008). Howbeitthis biasing factor can influence the shape of thedistribution pattern by reduction in the right partof the graphs, logically it cannot selectivelyreduce the central part of the graphs.Presence of these intermediate forms cannot beexplained by the reduction of average size of wildcattle in the region5, since even male aurochswere recognised with maximum size reaching thesize boundary of this species in Holocene (com-pare values in the graphs, Figs 5-10, with dimen-sions published by Degerbøl & Fredskild 1970).

5. For explanation problems of the aurochs body becoming smaller in first stages of domestication see Helmeret al. (2005).

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The influencing of the result by an intrusion ofwisent bones was eliminated in the introduction(Chap. Introduction) and also the influence of agewas reduced to minimum (§ Variability and itscomponents). Thus bones of intermediate sizecan be:(1) large domestic cattle: males (or castrates) orlarger stock;(2) aurochs (females);(3) crossbreds of domestic and wild form/locallydomesticated cattle.

(1) Other Czech sites with large analysed assem-blages (Makotřasy and Stehelčeves-Homolka) donot show double peaked data distribution, whichcould indicate females and males of domesticcattle. On the contrary they are significantlysingle peaked with the peak being far left from

the critical area marked with a circle and questionmark (Figs 8-10). However in Kutná Hora-Denemark the cattle are strongly represented justin this area. The assigning of all the intermediateindividuals to domestic males would not corre-spond with the situation at other sites.Presence of more morphometrically differentstocks in the Eneolithic is hardly probable, butnot impossible since it could have originated asadaptation on various living conditions (differen-tiated use of cattle or differentiated conditions ofbreeding - sheds, pasture) or by intentional orunconsciousness artificial selection; for discussionsee Clason 1984. Nevertheless excessive hus-bandry specialisation is not presumed and two ormore stock of various size were not described ona single Neolithic or Eneolithic site. Such evi-dence in continental Europe is much later, for

Kysely R.

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-0,27 -0,24 -0,21 -0,18 -0,15 -0,12 -0,09 -0,06 -0,03 0 0,03 0,06 0,09


LOG arch. specimen - LOG ref. (Degerbøl males)

Log-ratio: femur (Bp and Bd) + tibia (Bp and Bd) + metatarsus (Bp and Bd)

Kutná Hora-Denemark

eneolithic (9 sites)


aurochs females - Degerbølskeleton - Litovice 97/98

aurochs males: idealised - Degerbøl



FIG. 9. – Bos: log-ratio transformation: hind limb long bones - total data of breadth dimensions of femur (Bp and Bd), tibia (Bp andBd) and metatarsus (Bp and Bd).Gray circle = transitional interval (intermediate size forms). X axis = Log-ratio index (values indicate maximum of particular interval),Y axis = number of cases. Plus marks represent values for the skeleton (X axis), plus marks distribution in Y axis orientation has nomeaning.

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Aurochs and potential crossbreeding with domestic cattle in Central Europe in the Eneolithic period

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-0,22 -0,2 -0,18 -0,16 -0,14 -0,12 -0,1 -0,08 -0,06 -0,04 -0,02 0 0,02 0,04 0,06

Kutná Hora-Denemark


eneolithic (9 sites)

aurochs females-Degerbøl

aurochs males-Degerbøl

skeleton - Litovice 97/98


aurochs - males

LOG arch. specimen - LOG ref. (Degerbøl males)

Log-ratio: phalanx I (Bd) + phalanx II (Bp)



FIG. 10. – Bos: log-ratio transformation: phalanges - total data of breadth dimensions of phalanx I (Bd) and phalanx II (Bp).Gray circle = transitional interval (intermediate size forms). X axis = Log-ratio index (values indicate maximum of particular interval);Y axis = number of cases. Plus marks represent values for the skeleton (X axis), plus marks distribution in Y axis orientation has nomeaning.

example under the conditions of Roman invasion(Peters 1998), in the Medieval/PostmedievalAges (e.g. Albarella 1997). But in the Neolithicthe size variability getting wider can be reflectedupon, which can also be a result from factorsmentioned above (adaptation on different con-crete conditions, selection).As a new stock also a population originated bycrossbreeding of domestic and wild cattle couldbe considered, if this population lasted longerand was genetically isolated but that correspondswith the hypothesis (3).High representation of non castrated males ishighly improbable since it is not economical(compare the rate of females and males in present-day breeding with primitive character; e.g. Dahl& Hjort 1976).The role of trade routes coming from Moravia inthe period can not be judged due to currentknowledge but they probably did not play anyrole since domestic cattle was presumably of

the same size in Bohemia as well as in closeand ecologically and geographically not verydistant Moravia.(2) The centre of finds gravity from Kutná Hora-Denmark really lays in the area of sizes of femaleaurochs. Explanation could be specialisation inhunting the females, for example groups of femaleswith the young ones (see Helmer et al. 2005).Common life of female together with the young-sters in groups is presumed within social behaviourof aurochs (see § Aurochs – history, biology, size).Nevertheless some indications are against thishypothesis: Fig. 11 shows (in the middle) thehumerus bones of aurochs of the same size.Considerable size of these aurochs finds clearlyshows that they are males. Dimensions of this find(Bd = 126.8 mm, BT = 109.7 mm) even strikinglyexceed maximum data from Denmark stated byDegerbøl (in Degerbøl & Fredskild 1970), i.e.max. Bd = 116 mm, max. BT = 108 mm. Thatsuggests that aurochs in Bohemian basin was not

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b) In the material from Kutná Hora-Denemarkwhere there was an expressive difference in repre-sentation of domestic and wild form according toteeth and postcranial skeleton: that is to say thatteeth were usually interpreted as domestic formdue to the small size, while other parts equally toboth forms (see Kysely 2008). This non-unifor-mity is confirmed also by comparison of sizesgained from phalanges and teeth (molar 3) fromtwo richest Řivnáč sites Kutná Hora-Denemarkand Stehelčeves-Homolka (Fig. 12). Centre ofdimension gravity is in the case of phalanges fromKutná Hora-Denemark more to the right whilein the case of teeth it is more to the left than indata from Stehelčeves-Homolka. Hypothetically,this difference can be a result of crossbreedingwhen teeth react on the mixing of genes in a dif-ferent way (they keep the size of domestic form)than the rest of the skeleton, which presumablyreached a middle size between both forms.However this difference can also be a result oftaphonomic processes. Selective transport of someanatomical parts of hunted cattle into the settle-ment may occur. For example, if the skulls werenot brought, in the dimensions of aurochs teethwill not appear in the graph. Such a taphonomiccase cannot be completely eliminated; especiallywith consideration of the higher quantity of skullfragments of domestic form compared to wild oneoccuring in Kutná Hora-Denemark (by weightmethod; Graph 6 in Kysely 2008).c) Higher minimum value in the span of sizevariability of cattle in Kutná Hora-Denemarkcould also be a result of the fact, that the materialrepresents a population originating from thegenetic mixing of domestic and wild cattle (orpotentially even a population at the beginnings ofthe domestication process). The consequencecould be that the size span (i.e. also minimum) ofsuch population would theoretically be shifted inthe graphs more to the right from domestic cattlesince the crossbreds would be of middle size.Nevertheless another potential explanation ofthis feature has to be mentioned: presence oflarger domestic stock than on other Czech sites(hypothesis 1); absence of domestic females,which are osteometrically smaller than males

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“a stock reduced in size” as it potentially could seemfrom the partial geographic isolation. The finddepicted to the right on the photograph is approx-imately of the size of a female wisent and in thegraph (Fig. 8) it shows in the circle centre of thecomplete distribution (and so in the area of poten-tial female aurochs). At the same time it is quiteimprobable that the size difference of male andfemale aurochs was so considerable in a singleregion (compare finds in the centre and to the righton the Fig. 11). The occurrence of more geneti-cally different wild forms within Europe is possi-ble, as reveald by the evidence for P and E haplo-types within genofond of European aurochsen(from archaeogenetical investigations by Edwardset al. 2007). But the coexistence of two wild formsdiffering in size in a single space is improbable. Thefind to the right on the Fig. 11 therefore seems tobelong to a domestic form or a form geneticallyinfluenced by domestic cattle.

(3) This hypothesis is supported by:a) Some results (phalanges) indicate a high rep-resentation of individuals of intermediate size (inthe area with crossbreds expected), which is notcommon on the other sites of the same period inBohemia.

FIG. 11. – The visual illustration of size differences: photographcomparing three humerus bones of Bos from Kutná Hora-Denemark with recent female of wisent (left). The two finds inthe centre belong reliably to aurochs. Scale: 1 piece = 1 cm.(Photograph: R. Kysely).

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(that however has little probability). Anothercause can also be the small amount of data fordomestic cattle in Kutná Hora-Denemark, andtherefore a smaller chance of recognising the sizespan.

Although many arguments support the cross-breeding of domestic and wild cattle, we cannotexclude any of the hypotheses. Also possible is acombination of suggested explanations: for exam-ple: the size intermediate group can be formedtogether by large domestic males, wild femalesand crossbreds.The solution of this question is not possible onlyon the basis of osteometry. Of great help wouldbe some information about the sex of the findsand their assigning to a metric value representingthe size. Determination of sex, with the help of

genetic methods, is planned for the future6, aswell as the analysis of haplotypes (which arealready known for wild and domestic form;Edwards et al. 2007) of individual fragments.The consequent combination of both data (simi-larly as in Scheu et al. 2008) can be of significanthelp in resolving the problem.


In the osteozoological material from the Řivnáčhillfort at Kutná Hora-Denemark (distr. KutnáHora), which is situated on the edge of contem-poraneously settled area, (1) significant rate ofaurochs representation was proved, which indi-cates its abundant occurrence in the vicinity ofthe site in a larger amount than was observed

Aurochs and potential crossbreeding with domestic cattle in Central Europe in the Eneolithic period

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22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46

M3 sup. length

M3 inf. length

phalanx media (Bp)

phalanx prox. (Bd)

FIG. 12. – Bos: comparison of metric data from Řivnáč Culture sites Kutná Hora-Denemark (crosses) and Stehelčeves-Homolka(circles). M3 inf. = molar 3 inferior, M3 sup. = molar 3 superior; X axis = values in mm.

6. Kysely R. & Hájek M.: The Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - GAAV, iden-tif. code KJB800020801 (submission); The Czech Science Foundation - GAČR, identif. code 206/09/2038.

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within the oikumenon. This state was suitable forthe local domestication of aurochs or (moreprobably) for the crossbreeding of the domesticand wild cattle form. The small dimensions ofsome individuals certainly proved the presence ofdomestic cattle, (2) the smallest values howeverare slightly larger than the minimum for domes-tic cattle on other Czech Eneolithic sites (e.g.Makotřasy, Stehelčeves-Homolka). (3) Compa-rison of width metric data of cattle limbs withother Czech Eneolithic sites points to a signifi-cantly different distribution of Bos sizes in KutnáHora-Denemark. That could be a result of cross-breeding of domestic and wild cattle. Thishypothesis is possibly supported also by other cir-cumstantial evidence. The work on recent DNAby Götherstöm et al. (2005) suggests occasionalmating of domestic females with wild males.Occasional transmitting of DNA from aurochsento domesticated taurine is supported also byworks on mtDNA (Beja-Pereira et al. 2006,Achilli et al. 2008). The presented site could besuch a place, possibly with an intentional man-agement. However a lternative hypothesesexplaining the unusual distribution were sug-gested, for example “specialisation” by huntingaurochs females.Since osteometric analysis does not provide a reli-able explanation of the recognised distribution,other methods have to be sought, of which themost promising appears to be molecularly (genet-ically) aimed research on the bones. Such a proj-ect has been already suggested6. This case studyshowed that finds from the analysed site are aninteresting and suitable material for such a study.Metric analysis remains an equivalent source ofinformation, which gives, for example, a goodperception of the size and robustness of the bodyand other characteristics of animals from the past.This in the future will enable us to comparegenotype with phenotype features.This study works with central Bohemian Eneo-lithic sites, but its theme touches a question,which extends beyond this period and area. Thequestion of crosssbreeding/local domesticationis just as topical either in the Neolithic or laterperiods.

AcknowledgementFor supplying the material from the site at KutnáHora-Denemark and detailed information aboutthe site and its excavation I thank toM. Zápotock y . For providing unpublishedcultural determination I thank to everyone citedin Table 1. Discussions with L. Bartosiewicz,I. Vörös and A. Tresset contributed to the finalversion of the text. I thank them all, neverthelessall responsibility remains with the author.Material from Kutná Hora-Denemark is storedin the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy ofSciences in Prague.



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ERRATA to „Kyselý, R., 2008: Aurochs and potential crossbreeding with domestic cattle in Central Europe in the Eneolithic period; A metric analysis of bones from the archaeological site of Kutná Hora–Denemark (Czech Republic). Anthropozoologica 43 (2): 7-37.“

- on page 20 (right) should be always „Kobryń & Lasota-Moskalewska (1989)“ instead of „Lasota-Moskalewska & Kobryń (1989)“

- in Tab. 3 should be always „Kobryń & Lasota-M.“ instead of „Lasota-M. & Kobryń“ - in caption to Fig. 4 should be Czech insted of Tczech