re-union. - nys historic...

^ ^ ^ F T MtrS-lO'AlLV' FORTUNE'S M U S I O A r ST. The only auccessluHy „s&\ ot the Mud in the United g N ^ • publication \: h " 1 greet TOU as a host— Unfold 'lie p-ifr-a c! my h<"ir', And read therein your welcome." BEN* JOHNSON TDBITISH PERIODICALS. The tpn'auiiauaa-terlV 'Keview (conser- vative) TheEflinburgKeview (Whig) The Wectmfcistei'ReviewiRadical) The North British Keview.tFree-ehurcli) AND Blackwood's Edlnburg Magazine (Tory) A Musical Periodical designed to circulate among the Homos oi the People, is no new idea, tor the want of it has been so lonff felt, t h a t there are but very few persons, musically in- clineci,to whom the thought bus not naturally s.uu;- gested itself. In Europe, a dozen works of this claB3 oxist, which circulate hundreds of tliou- s inch? of copies. Thoyare looked lor with tho same expectancy as the Weekly Papers, or the Monthly Magazines. Their popularity arises, not so much from the fact that they are cheap, as from the fact that they are a collection afford- ing a variety in style, vocal and instrumental, calculated to suit every taste. Their cheapness is, of course, a recommendatiou, for in all of them, as in FORTUNE'S MUSICAL HuST, the MuBic given for fifty cents, would, ::; "oper- ate pieces at the Music stores, rat over i!,w dollars. 'A saving, taking into conn-deration the admirable manner of their pro l-ution, tl.-.t no one, in these times, can afford to &<.• pise. This Monthly Publicities, now in the com- mencement ot its third year, has mot with u euccosa altogether unprecedented is tho history of Musical experiments, either in America, or m Europe. Cheap Musical publications have hitherto failed, because they ware just as ch.-ap in their style of production, as they were in their scale f chargeB, The Publisher of tho MUSIC it HOST is determined to make'this work a model ot beauty in style, and artistic in every respect, first in the superior excellence of its Music, com- prising Original Compositions by popular writers of Europe and America, together with choice selections of Italian Arias, German, English, and American Songs, Duets, and Quartettes, Pieces de Salon for Piano, PolkaB, Mazurkas, Sohottisohes, Quadrilles, and other Piano Music, suitable both for amusement and instruction. FORTUNE'S M U S I C A L H O S T is prated m the best manner, upon Bne and costly paper. Its Title Pago and Illustrations are beautiful in design, and engraved in the highest style of Art. Each Monthly Port con- tains from four to six'pieces of Music. The work is edited with a view to suit every taste, and its contents oro both popular and classi:, combining the dulct et utile. Conduct- ed on this principle, the work has met with the most flattering success, numbering its subscrib- ers from every State in the Union The MUSICAL HOST has bocc KtaUishod in a field of labor wherein all other aspirants h a d failed to secure a footing. TTe are, there- fore, led to infer that we havo adopted the right courBe wherebv to meet the requirements of t h e discerning and progressive Musical world of t h e United States. Our long experience in tho publishing busi- ness warrants us in promising that tho expecta- tions of our subscribe™, in regard to the charac- ter, the growth, and tho success of the MUSI- CAL HOST, will be thoroughly satisfied. For upwardB of a quarter of a century we have been associated with omino-it puH ! ?her3, and every literary .enterprise with .w Lich tho name of Fortune has been connected, has been suc- cessful in the fullest sra«e of the werf ITover having known failure, wo do not propose to make its acquaintance now. lOETUNE'S M U S I C A L H O S T will hereafter contain, each month, besides the usual sixteen pages of new and carefullv select- ed MuBic, eight or more pages of Literary mat- ter of a varied character, and full of interest to miscellaneous as well as to musical renders. In this department we shall comprise Stories, Poems, Sketches, Biographies of eminent per- sons, Musical Items and Criticism, Book iSTo ticea, and Literary Miscellany ; and it will be our aim to make the Literary Department of tho MUSICAL HOST complete, lively and popular. "We have already Commenced the publication eit THE LABY'S MILE. a liew novel of much interest, by MIPS M. E. Braddon. This work will bo continued from mpnth to month, until completed Many valuable subscribers havo, in t i m e pr,<vt, interested themselves in circulating and pro- moting the success of the MUSICAL HOST. "We teel that such friends ought not to pro u n r e - warded by ae least some token' of our grateful appreciation of their services For this reason, we have made arrangements at great coat, to present to every person sending us eighteen dollars, annual subscription, for a Club of Fn-ir Subscribers, for 1306, a copy of t h a treat Xu tional Work of Art "OUR GREAT AUTHORS."—A LiTEKAny PAST? AT THE HOTTO OF •WASHINGTON IBVING. This superb Picture, which has called ionh unqualified and unanimous approbation, both on t i e grounn of its great artiatio beauty as wr-11 as the wonderful correctness and strength of its portraits, is endoraod by tho entire PresR of the country. The scene renresontod ia the home of "Wash ington Irving, who is eurrounJed by thv f l o w - ing distinguished Amor crni Authors: "W. H. Prescott, George, Bancroft, W. C. Bry- ant. Oliver Wendell Holmes, P. W. Emorsoti H. P, 'WilliB, Bayard Taylor, G. P. Morris, J Fennimore Cooper, 0 . W . Lfnertollow, Nathan iel Hawthorne, J. G. TVhittier, Fits Ore?", Halleok, J. L. Motley, J. R, Lowell, John P. Kennedy, Robert 0. Winthrop. _ This elegant work has been executed in tint, size 30 by 21 inches, on honvy paper 4£ by 30 ! nchoB,at a cost of p'ght thon.mnd dollar"," and tormsone of the most beautiful, costly, and in- teresting pictures ever presented to' tho sub- scribers of any periodica]. 'iho interest o? those Periodicals to American read- era la rubor increased than diminished by the ar- ticles thov contain oumu- late Civil War. and thou eh sometimes Uu^ed with preludiee. they may still, considering their great ability and the different stand- |i„l»13 frcra which theyareiwritton, bo read and stud- ied with advantage IIB the people of this country, of every creed ni,d party. > TERMS FOR 1806. For any oueollhc Reviews.: $4,01) per annum, For any two of the Review* 7.00 " For my three of the Kovlewu 10,00 For ail four ot tho Reviews 8,00 " For Knekwood's Magazine. 4.00 " FurlUackwood and one Review. . . 7,00 " F'IV lil.-iekwuud and any tv, t- oi the He- views 10,00 " For Kluekwood ami any three ot tho Reviews 13,000 " Fnr Blackwood and the four Re- views .... . 10,00 " T OBUSINlSMBKv §1$^ ¥«sd^^-^^^^^sas^?5f AMD CLUBS. A discount oi twenty per cent-will be allowed to clubs ol four or more persons. Thus, four copies ut Biackwood. or of one Ke\iow, will be sent to one riddrr&i $12.s0. l'unr copies of the four Reviews and Bin. iiwoeci, iu.- S1B,00. and so on. POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the POSTAGE to any part of tho United States will be hut TWENTt-FOTJK CENTS a year for " Blackwood," and but EIGHT C ESTS a year lor each of the RoviwB. Eeduced Prices for Previous Years. Subscribers may obtain the Beprinla immediately prccoedlng 1866, as follows, viz : Blackwood for September, 1864, to December, 1S65, llicliit'jve, at the rate of §-2,G0. TaolMwW British for January, 1863, to December, l 1 -05, inclusive: the Edlnourgli, and the Westminster iiom April. 181)4, tp December, ly65, inclusive, and tl'e Loudon Q'lartf.rly for tlie year 1605, at tho r a t e of Sl/iii a year for each or any Eeview, J??" A lew copies yet rohain of all the four Reviews lor K65 at §4.Ut> a set, or §1,60 lor any one, LEONARD SCOTT & CO. PtJBLISHSRB. W Walker street, New York Hower and Beaper The Buckeye has now been in use nine years, constantly increasing in favor, ma'nufacture and sale, until it now stands first and-best as a ••HA r.I.WW THiEMOST! MW^IGA^> ~rr- 'SIiMBOiD'S jUID EXTBAOT BUOHU, FaNpnHetentiou Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, I;£ amation or Ulceration of the Blndder or Kidneys, Ri eaaeB of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, t.a ciuhe, Gravel or Brick Dust Deposit, and all Dis- eiiesbfthe .Bladder,- Kidneys,and Dropsical Swel- ;ltnja.| -"' -' ' •' .-• I LEGAL. AND Tradesmen aaid'-«MeklaMs ADMIT THE niPORT'M^E" OV''"'' . . . ,. , 4wl.-ftttribiif i e Then- success . , To 9 libe.ral and . ., Judicious use. of . -f MOWER km BEAPEJt In the United States. h S & Co., also pubMflhtbc FARMER,S GUIDE by nENHTSTEPrfENS, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. NORTON, of Yale College. 2 vols Eoyal Octa- vo, 1800 pages, and numerous Engravings. Price $Tfor iwo volumes—by Mail, postpaid,SS. deolS. E ©©T^S KEBeosjearxa OOOKIWQ& UEATUIG BXOVEd AND EAKGE8. These Oooiting stoves will BAKE, BOIL, STEW, ERY & KOAST, with the greatest economy and facility, and with- o.:t h:ating the room iu which, they are used.— They are perfectly siraple, operatiig like an ordi- n ir? Karoseue Lamp with. a chimney, and are the only Kerosene Stovon mat burn. without smoke or odor. "We have been perfectly astonished to see wha a labor-saving, dirt-saving audheat Bavinpt insti tution in Eddy's Patent Kerosene Steve. Taking the cost of running it, and the if esult attained, it in tho best patent in the ma-tket.".— Worcester Daily Spy. Opr Heating and Cooking RtnveB are very con- venient and economical, .especially where a fire is required but a few hours'at a time. Orders for stoves may be sent through Ameri- nt.u A>1 rtsrti&i.n^ Aueuiiv, u&\) Bruadwuy, Xiew Yorli. . UaHJST & ELLIOT, Manufaoturers, Ho. 494 Broadway, V. T. .Peud for lllu'itraiel ciroular. iuly*r-wly Sri'Ol'S Of ¥outll, ~ A gentlemen who suf- fered tor yoars from Nervous and General De- bility, Nightly Emissions, and Seminal Weak ness, the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will, for the pake ofsu&ering man, send to all who need it, (froo of charge,) the recipe and directions for making the'simple remedy used in his case. SufTururs wishing -the advertiser's sad experience, and po3aes3 a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at his place of business. Tho recipe and full informa- tion-— oi vital importance—will bo carefully sen by return mail. Address JOES B. OGDES, No. GO Nassau Street Now York. P. S.—Nervous Sufferers of both sexeH will Cl.d trill lni'nrmntlnri InvHliiHl.ln. nov1G3mw. REASONS FOR BUYING BUCKEYE TEE 1st. It is the best working machine ms-de,, , Sd. It is the most durable machine; should It by any possibility break, youcanget your thipgs for repair the same day. "REASONS WHY YOTJ SHOIffiD- NOT BUY A FOREIGN MACHINE; 1st. They are made to sell by men wlio you will never see face to face to ask to make good the great promises made by their agents at the time of sale, 2d. The delay in getting repairs causing IOB'B of time in good weather sometimeB of m o r e val- ue than the machine. 3d. In five years they will have so altered their machines in trying to make them, equal to the Buckeye, that anything you m a y get tor repairs will not fit, and then ycyu. must abandon the machine altogether. When you can get the best at home -why go abroad for foreign trash, except under t h e old adage, "far fetched and dear bought." Prices of the Buckeye for 1866: Ho. 2 Mower .... $125 BTo. 1 Mower - - - - 150 Ho. 1 Mower and Keaper 180. . As tue number of machines built thjg season, is mnch loss than last year, those desiring tho Buckeye should secnre-tliem soon. The Buelteyo Mower and Reaper Is .made perfect la all Its parts. For bale in Jeflerson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton counties, only b y H. & E. F. COOPER, and their agents. Watertown, June 5th, 1866. iune6- w- a i ••?». spaper If you -would.. . ''6.J : : . I: Attract Customers HYl] If you would ,"|" , Drive your Business AnB not be driven TET A L L W H O HAVE DIS1A3E.JP HSRSES —CONSULT— OB. J , H . SIMPSON, fete binary Surge ©a, WhoWc-nldrojpi'etfally mraouncoto thecitizone et Wntertown and viemitv, that he can bo found at tho CITY UOEsB-SHOEfNG SHOP, Arsenal street, where he will be happy to attend to all who may favor hira with a cull. Havmp; had thirty years ot praeticil "speriepce In att'entUn-j the oMea«e^ of Hoivee, he flatters hlinseli that he can give perfect satislaction to all who may require his services. Medicines pre- pared tor all External and some Internal Di^eaBCB constantly on hand. Al<so, washes. Lotions, Linl- meute, &c, Kingbuno and Spavin Cure, which has been used w universal through this section of coun- try. Wan-anted never to lileuiNh or destroy a hair. Aieo a \ iduable Pain-Killing Liniment, thnthns jr'iven i so miich universal siarlBfucti'on, that further comment l* unue.-e-i-'^r}. A.-u lin CuudiUun and Tunic jiledl- cuie, width in valuable compound. At this seaBon of the year, thero is an er-tra las upon tho constitu- tion ol the h<ir»c—that i->, in prepurinit his "winter cost, requiring more nniritinuB fuud and care, also, alutic-'iWcilediemoto inyigorato thefimctione oi nature, which esiet in the secret of tho healing art. N. B. — UoKSH-SHOKDia dono upon scientific principles. .Nnthhi^' used bat s;ood material and com- petent mechanics, ami lulisposltinn to pleaeo. novl— 3. H. OmltSOSSt, Veterinary Surgeon $ f> p P §13 Terms f o r 1 S S O 1 copy of tho MTJSIOAI. HOST for 1866 ? Copies of the MUSICAL HOST for 1?66. 3 Copies of the MUMCAL HOST lor 1S6G, will entitle the getter up of the riub to a set nf Metal Chessmen worth three Dollars. 4 Copies of the MUSICAL HOST, for 1S66, s?is on and acopy of "Groat Authors " Or w<- will 'end ,. Host and 1 Harper's Mnpaziae, 1 year. S S f'» 1 Host and I Atlantic Monthly, 1 'year, S nn 1 Host and 1 Wavorlnv Mac-azino, 1 Voar. 3 on 1 Host a n d 1 Home Journal, 1 year, 7 50 1 Host and 1 Lndv's B"ok, 1 rnr. 7 51 1 Host and 1 Lady's FrionJ, 1 yrar, 7 n.i 3 Host and 1 National Magazine, 1 year. 6 60 Or for fifteen dollars we will send volumes 1 1864, and 2, 1865. of the JITSrCAL HOST, bonnd in splondid Illustrated nirfth, R-ilt Kdjps and the numbers for 1S66, as publislind monthly, and a copy of o-ir " Orest A-it'-^rs " f-r-.i-.^'n splendid Musical Liurary or elegant presenta- tion for the anaton Tiie bourd ro'-.rr" 1 - - 1 ? , --,-'• '-' Elegantly B'u^i Tf.x Fu- 2;'.:;.-o oach. Mailed free to any address on receipt of the price. Single numbers and specimen cop.e? t.e;,t, postage paid, on receipt of fittv cents. JAMES W, FOBTUKE, Publisher, No. 102 Center Street N. Y. Eg?° Canvassing Agents wanted in c-vury part of tho TJnion. dec30—w2m &• s^^jm^s^m AGUE C*U R E tor the speedy curcqf Intermittent Feeir, c-r M:v- sr <mi Ague, Memittent Fcvs.-, Chill turn; Dumb Agm, Periodical Bcadaclic or MUioi/s HeadaeJie, and MUlous levers, indeed for the wltmr. <fe-s o; Diseases originating in biliarv derangeme-d, caw- ed ly the Malaria of miasmatic cenmtrks- Fevor and Ague is not the only oonsequeuoo ol the miBBtnatic poison. A ateat varietv oi disor- ders-arise from HB irritation in malarious dis- trtots, among which aro Neuralgia, Itheumatism, (iout, Hoadaohe, Blindness, Toothoohe, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of tho Spleen, Hysterics, Fain in the Bowels, Col- v>. Paralysis, sud Derangement of the Stomach, oil rfwhloh, wbeqertginatine in this cause put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. ThiB "euro" expels the poison from the blood, and thus ourcs them oil alike. It is not onlv the most Bffeotual remedy ever discovered for this olass of ccnvplaints, but it the cheapest and moreover is csrleotly safe. No harm can arise from its use, aad tho patient when cured is left as healthy as it ho hod neverhad the disease. Can tbis-be said of any other ours for Chills and levers f It is t^ue of this, and its importance to those afflicted with the complaint cannot ba over estimated. So 3UT0 is it to oure the Feverand Ague, that it may iMtrUthfully said to be 6 oertain remedy. Ouo £(al«r complains that it is not a good raedicin- Sadies, take ?axtionlar Hotioe. SHE EBAI. VELPAU FEffiAEB SU&. T [WABtt&inED FEESOH.] «-- - T ESESB FHE>I<§, so celebrated man; years ago in Paris for the reliof of femalo • Irregularitiea, and afterward so notorious for : their criminal employment in tho practice of I ahorfiion, are now offered for sale &r tha flist I time in America. They havo been kept in ! {omtrarativo ohsenrity from tho foot t h a t the Originator, Dr. Tolptra, is. a physician In Porta e£l great ^rooltb, [uad ^itrlot comaoloritlouif priri- I clplea, and haa withheld them rrom general 1 noe, lest thoy should ba employed for unlawful purposea. In overcoming Fomala Obstrnotiono, , Ming of the Womb, Whites, Green Siok- i ECS3, Bnppresaion, Eetention, or Immoderoto | Jlow of tho Jlonthly Dkohargca, Uiey osem ' to be truly omnipotent, buratlnr; open tho fJood-gatea from whatoyer catKO may have otopped them; hnt thoy i t s offered to tho pub- lic- only for legitimate/uees, and all agents ar» forbidden to Bell them when It la understood, that the object is unlawful, Married ladies Bhould.novex take them when there la any reason to believe thomoelvea pregnant, for they will bo sure to produce a miBcarrlago.'i^ Sheai pills nio o n t i r e l y Cjafo u n d e r a l l d r - eamBtances, being composed entirely of snb- Btaneaj from tho vegetable kingdom. Bach box has the.coat of arms for t h e CSty Of Paris otamped on tho box, with tho word* '< Trade Mark" in^ceach, to counterfeit vrhioji la a misdemeanor, and all persons vrill bo dealt with, according to law. s>SSJ- Full direoaons ocoomiiany every feox» Ladies can obtain nbox sealed from tho eyeo oMihe curious, by Inclosing One Dollar wad the post-office Btivmps t o - a n y roijeotaWe dng- gietsu • . . T, - V - " P?."''-i e '-'.-. .* • Wrtartowa, H, T.7«=»' Sold by T. H. L'amp, JSi. M. Smith &, Co., W. Sawens & Co., H. E. Conger, "Watertown. Amos Ellis, Clayton; Jones & Co. Evans Mills, Stono & Smith, Cure Vincent, ^1 KAAPEETEAE! WE WANT spX«WXJ r \/ Atrents everywhere to rell our rsir-Boyim $20 Sewing Macuines. Three new 3dhds. Tadcr and upperfoed. Warranted five years. Above earary, or large commiBsions paid. Ibo oirLT ma- chines sold in tho United StatPS for less than $40, which are fulht Ikcnscd by Eoice, Wluikr i- Wilson, Oroeer d- Baker. Singer £• Co., and Bachelor. All otherchcap machines are infringements, and t h e seller otmer are liable toarrcsUMe and imprisonment. Cir culta/«e. Address, orcalluponBhawiSOlnrfcBld dPford, Maine, or at No. SS3 Broadtvay, New.XorliS —'• ' " ' Phlla-aelphia, Pa. ; No, 14 lorn- " " "" ' Jourti St., JMMENSE SAOEIFIOE. QRMAT HALS OF JEWELRY//'J, .. $5 0 0 , 0 0 0 f . Worth to be sold at an Immen8e Sacrifice, at one Dollar each article. Silver Ware of every description. Gold and Silver Watches. Splondid Lockets, Superb Tea and Dinner Site, Sold PonB and Pencil Oases, together with Fine Oil Paintings, Engravings, etc., witlain the roach of all—of every man, woman nnd child, AT $1 EACH I And not to bo paid for until you know-what yon nw : to receive I SCHEDULE OP SALS, BY APPOTNTWEUI. luo Guld HuutinE Watches, $100 to 300 200 Ladles- GoltTWatcncs, .... 75 to 200 400 Silver Watches, double case,.. 4 0 t o 80 200 Diamond Rings, 50 to 10.0 200 Silver Dinner Sets, 1 0 0 t o 150 10O " TeaSets, „ „ 100 to 150 500 " Tea-pots and Coffee Urns, 2 0 t o 50 100 " KevolvingPatent CaBtors 1 5 t o 40 5000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains. S to 30 2000 Photograph Albums 1 5 t o 50 100 Oil Paintings 2 5 t o 100 4000 Magic Spring Locket 1 0 t o 20 1000 Gold pens, extension holders. 6 to 10 600 Sets Ladies' Jewelrv, superb. 5 to 15 500 Oval Baud Bracelets ' 6 to 20 1000 Masonic Pins 6 t o 10 200 Music Boxes 20 to 100 500 Sets Silver Tea and Table Spoons, 1 5 t o 30 1000 Gold Thimbles 7 to* 14 900 Silver Ice Pitchers SO to 100 5000 Children's Armlets .' .... 5 to 10 2000 Watch Charms 5 to 10 riO'.'O Silver Cruet Stands 2 0 t o 30 etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. U. B. The chanceB in tho division of the above list ofepodB are to he disposed of according to t h e annex- ed statement of arrangements. Certificates of the various articles, there being no blanks, are put Into envelopes, BGcurely scaled, and when ordered, taken ont with no regard to choice, showing no favoritism, and forwarded by mall, when the holder of the certificate enn see w h a t he or she can have by returning to us the certificate and One Dollar. ONE CERTIFICATED OSJfTS. Asinffk* Certificate may secure you a G o l d or Sil- ver article valued at $100, or any other volnable arti- cle. There are no blanks.. Packages or certificatea sold to Bchools, cluue, Agents, &c„ at the following rates: 1 Certificate, scut to any address by mail 25 fi -* 11 vith a splendid premium^ ion S 1.00 200 6 00 10.00 15.00 We guarantee satislaction in all esse". Customers whose tastes or fancies are not suited can h a v e their goods exchanged. Parties desiring to net as ngente will bealloweQ 10 cents on each certificate ordered by thorn, not less than five beint: received m d e r these terms. Agouts will collect 25 cents lor each certificate, and iorward 15 cents to ns. Ail letters should be addressed to. DELACOTJB BROS., Has. 64 & 06 John Street, New York. Agents wanted in every Town,- County and State. may23-6rh 35»3:-<ft.^rjKOOX>= HOW LOST, Restored! How J ust published, a n o w oiUtioa. o f D . GulvorweU'B Celebrated Essaj on the; radica cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or Hominal Weaknoss, Involuntary Seminal IIOBSOB, Impotenoy, Mental and Phyaioal Incapacity, Im- pediments to marriage, ets. u.i]3 Consumption, Kpilepsy and Fits, induced by solf-indulgence or uerual extravagance. jigpPrioe, in a sealed envelope, only 6 oentB. The celebrated author in this admirable essay dearly demonstrates, from a thirty yeara success- ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or t h e appli- cation of the knife—pointing out n mode of euro at once simple, certain and effectual, by means ot Bhicn every sufferer, no matter what his condi- ''on may be, may oure himselfcheaptly, privately an 1 radically. xt.'sLeetureshould boin tho hands ol every youtu nd everv man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addreBS, post paid, on receipt of sir oent3, or two post stampt. Address the publishers, OHAS. J. O. K11HE k CO., 187 Bowery, N, T., Post office b o s 4686, jun9,'G5vrl. p E i i O U B J H ' MELODEONS AND ORGANS, The subsoriborreapoctfnllycalls the attention DEALERS, TEACHERS, GHUBOHES, SCHOOLS, Biid the public generally, totha nboterinstrumeata which he is manufacturing in every variety of size, and style. " Pedal Organs from $225 to $000 School « " 100 t o 180 Piano style Melodeons ISO t o 210 Portable " 65 t o 110- Send for Deaoriptive Catalogue, with *e.rnss,4o. the manufacturer, O, PEhOTJBET,' '" Bloomflield, New Jersey. Or to—3- M. Pelfon, S4l Brondttay, H e w York OouradMeyor.JZaAroh-Bt., PhilddelnM^ J. A, If you have '- •Spent money _ . In the purchase ' " *"*' And erection of an... Attractive sign Foryourplace" Of business, Carry-stick A Judicious step A little .further And repeat the Sign a thousand Times, place, th^-; : : FarticulEtrs of Your business ,_-- < 'Before the 'Public and «e iltTJID EXTBAOT BUCHU, FPR WEAKNESSES-ARISJHG FHOfll EXCESSES >f ' ' qii DiffilSCKETION. ' ? . : •''"-'- ••"•' The, C'onBtitntion once affected with Organic Weak- ness, requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Kiunbold's Extract Buchuinvariably does. lino treatment be submitted to.ponattmption or Insanity ensues. iHELMBOLD'S. FJIOJID EXTRACT BUOHU, In afleciiouB peculiar to feinalta, is uueqnaled by any otlierpreparation,as in CUloro^iaor Eeteption,meg- alaritjea, painftilneas or SuppxessiDn of customary eyacipitioiia, Ulcerated or Sof^irrna state of tho Uter- is, taucorrhcea, and all- tomplriints incident to the fiex. ^'uetlier arising, fr^m 1 fcnuite o^dissipation,' im- nructeuce, or the Decline or Chane-e iu Life. f t S TJPKEME OOrrRT.-^-Lovi H. Brown ng'st John WilliamB and others,—Notice is Uorotiy g i v e n , thatinpnrBuanoeof an order and judgment, granted in this action, at a Bpecial term of the supreme court held at ^Watertown, July 7th, 1886, and oiiterea in Jefforson County Clerk'B oflloe, July 9J808, I shall sell at public auction, at the American Hotel, In Wa-, tertown, on the SIth day of August next, at ten o'clock mtho forenoon, the following described prem- iBes,to-wit:'*A11 that certain piece or parcolofland,sit- uate in tho town of EUlBburgh, county of Jefferson, and State of New Torh, and hounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning on the eait lino of lot nnmber one hundred and sixty-four, thirty-three chains from the south-east corner of said lot, and run- ning west and parallel with the north lino of said lot north eighty one dogreos west flfty-toiir chains and fiftylinlca to tho west line of Bttid lot; thonce south along said weBt line thirty-three chains to the south- west corner of snid lot; thence eaBtorly along the south lino of the said lot south eighty-ono degrees east forty-two chains to southwest corner or five aeros of land owned by Aaron Brown; thence north along the west line of said live acres four chains five links to the north-weBt corner of the same: thence east nlongjthe north lino of said Brown's land twelvo chains and fifty links to the east line of said lot num- ber one hundred ana sixty-four; thence north along snid oast line to tho place of beginning, containing one hundred and seventy-two acres of laud. Except- ing and reserving therefrom about two acres of land deeded bv tho parties of the first part, to Water- town and Home Eailroad Company for railroad purpo- ses,—Dated Watertown, Jaly 10,1868. N. STRONG, Sheriff of Jofforson County, and Koforoe n a m e d in said Order and Judgment. BROWN & BEACH.TTil 'a Att'ys Julyl2n3w6 JMQAJL. s : HERIFF'B 8AXE. BY virtue ofa acvoml executions issued out of the Supreme Court, of tho State of New York, against the goods and cnnttloa, lands and tenomuntB of Ilon- deraou T u t t l e , I havo levied upon, seized and shall sell at public auction on tho 18th day of July, 1800, at 10 o'clock A. M,, at tho law office of Moote & MoCar- thi, hitlie village ofWatertown, IT. Y., all tho right, title and interest which the said Henderson Tnttlu had on the 14th day ol Juno, lsus, or at tiny liino since then, of, in and to the fuUuwiugUe&cribud land and premises; to wit: First piece.—All that tract or parcel of land situate in tho villago of Watertown, New Yoili, and buuudud as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point iu the cen- tra of Qoodalo or JohnSlreet, which point ia a coutin- uatlou of tho line between this lot nnd laud occupiod by Edward Chambers; thence running westerly be- tween the land of Chambers and Wfllkun Smith on one Aide, and the land hereby described on the other 16S feet 8 inches to a fence, being the iioac lino of M.W. Symons 1 laud: thenco southerly alons ^aid fence 09 feet 2 inchos 10 acedarpostset in tho ground; thouce easterly 103 feet to the centro ofsaidsireet LE.QAJ«« through the centro ofa post sot in the gi-utlnd, about ono foot above tlioground; thence northerly 6d feet 7inches along eaidceiilro to the place of beginning, Q H E R U P ' S SALE.—William A. Bigolow, plalntifl", iS against David H. Lyndo and Mary 0, Lynae, his wife, and Marshall V. Ayres, defendantB.-Notico is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of fore- closure, iu tho supreme court, entered in the above entitled action, iu the office of tho Clerk of Jefferson County. I Bhall soil atpublic auction, at tho law ofllco of F. W. Hubbard, Watertown, Jefferson County, N. Y on the 16th day of September, I860, ot two o'clock In tho afternoon of that day, all that tract or parcel of bind situate in the town of Antwerp, county of Jef- ferson, and f tate of New York, Beginning in tho road at a stake iu tho southeast line of Havon Hall's farm; thence S 64 deg. E 48 chains, 01 links to a dry birch, it being tho easterly corner of the Lawton farm; thence SSTfdog.W21 chains !>21inkB ton large birch, tree standing in- the southeasterly comer ot the Lawton lot, cornered and markedl884; from thonce K 64 deg. W 50 chains 67 links to a stake ahont 10 links to the west of a large rock on the south- west Bide of of the road; thence along the said roaaW25deKEll chains SO Units along the road; thenco Sf 80 dog, E 88 links; thonce B 0 11 ohalnB 20 links to tho place of beginning. Containing o n e hun- dred and thirty acres ofland, be the samei more orlosB July 10,18CIS, N. STRONG, Sheriff. V. W.HTJBBAED, Att'yforH'ff julylSoSwO I A local paper ! Is the best Medium triierera To adrertise . .. A local business. Therefore go txn!X 0. Ill trie "RE-UNION." Its large atid ' '. • • • - .' " I-nereasing' cii'cii-lat-ioii,' Tngetrier with the JAacfc-that It is a;' .6 'Otiera the .", i',.. "•',., B$st : nieclium .*..•:"•" For Itseal and'. CJeueral adver- * Tisements; therefore, AJveiti.-iti i n t h e RE-UNION." Conti-actB And yearly Afrr'efemeiitS' •.' 1 • ' •',[ f o r advertising '••< •' V '-'«• jiftJy be- rfiade'r - * - > M the .. ' . . ;;-., Bpitj tariff sf JJate^-afidif you : Do not already .taker. .* .. '":.'"' •Adtaafcage-pi' ' '', ,. ., Types andiuki Eesolre at once to ' '• iHELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTBAOT BUOHU, I IMPROVED ROSE H/A8B, Km radically 'esttflninato from thesystem-disease 01 the Urinary Organs arming from Habits of Dissipa- tion at little expense, littleor no changelndiet. and no exposure; completely superceding those unpleasant amtiemgeroxts remedies, Copaiva and Mercury in cur- ing all these unpleasant and dangerous diseases. t i u a K ETJUID. EZTKACT BUOHU, In SI caBes of the Urinary Organs, whether extBting In male or fomalo, from whatever cause originatum, andnomatterofbow lone standing. It is pleasant In tatto and odor, immediate its action, and more Btraicthenlnn thannny of the preparations of bark or Those ouffcrtof' from Broken-down or Delicate Con- si.itntionB, procure the remedy at once. The reader rmtRt bo aware that however Blight may be tlic-attack of the above diseases, it is certain to at- feet his bodily health, mental powers, and happiness, and that of his posterity. Our flesh and Mood are supported from these sources. P)n ysieians, Please Notice. We make vo ferret i.t'lhe mm-edlenls. BOLD'S FLUID EXTEACT BUCHU, is com Bnctra, CttbehB nnd Juniper Berries, selected with great care, and prepared in vacuo by H. T. HELM- BOLD. DrngcM and Chemist, ol sixteen years exper- ience in thc?Citvof Philadelphia, and which is now nrescribedbv the most eminent physicians, has been admitted to'use in the United States Army, and is also in very general use'in the State Hospitals . and public" Sahitarr Institutions throughout the land. . Ct> S BSUWS'S SALE.—Supreme Court,-William A. Bigelow, plaintiff, vs. David H. Lyndo, a n a Mary C. Lynde, his wife, andMntBhall V. Ayora; defendants Notice ia Hereby given that pnrnuant to ajudejmont of foreclosure in the Supreme Court, ontaea In the abovo entitled action, m the office ottho Clerk of Jeffar'Bon County, I shall sell atpublic anctlon, at the law office or F. W. Hnbhard, Waterto\yn, Jefferson County, N. T., on the 16th day of Soptoinber, I860, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, all that traotor.parcol ofland situate and lyingin the town of Antwerp, County of Jefferson, and State of Now York, Beginning in tho line of lots No. 161 anrUSI), at tho easterly corner of the Jason Bly farm, andsohth comor of the Benjamin Lawton farm; from tnonceN 63 deg. W 63 chains and 60 links along tho Benjamin Lawlon line to the Buttorfleld rood: thence S 84 deg W 8 chains 60 links along the centro of the road; thence S 6 deg. W 12 chains and 88 links along the centro of the road to William Self'B north comer; from thence S 63 deg. E 46 chains and 20 links along William Self's line to the line between lots No. 162 655; from tbonco N 38 deg. B 18 chains and 9S links to the place of beginning. Containing one hundred and Ive acres of land bo the same more or leas, and deoded to Ezra Coon by Benjamin Lawton, Sept. 17, 1844, and rccordod In Book No.78 of deeds, on page 2S7 &c, and by tho said Ezra Coon and wifo to the par- ty of the first part, (by the name of David H. Lyons) by deed dated October 18th, 1861. Hocordod Novem- ber Slth, 1862, lnBookNo.100 oraeeda.pnge 480, Ac. July 10,1866. H. STBONQ, Sheriff. F.\V. HUBBARD, , , ,„_„ „ Att'yforH'ff Jiilyl8n3wG containing one fourth of an acre ofland, he the same moro or loss; excepting and reserving from the above doscrlbed premises; the following described piece of laud: Beginning at a point in the centre of Goodale St. In the lino between tho land of H. Tuttle, and the promises occupied by Mrs. L. H. Graves; thence wes- terly on the lino between said promisee 110 feet; thonce southerly and parallel with said Goodale St. to the northerly line of land owned by E. Good- alo; thonce EaBterly on said last mentioned lino, to centre of Goodale Street; thenco on said centro to the beginning, embracing a dwelling house on said St, No, 2 called the Ray House, reserving to the said Henderson Tuttle, a right of say over snid premises, 13 feet in width, next to Qoodale's N lino to and from his premises in rear, as long as said rear premises are owned by him, as the same is described in a deed from said Henderson Tuttle and wife to P. Lansing, recorded in Jefferson County Clerk's ofllco iu Book No. 141 of Deeds, Page 410 &c. Second Piece.—Allthat tract or parcel of laud situ- ate on Bronson Street in the villago of Wutertown, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning in tho centre of Bronson St. 3 chains 52 links W from tho centre of Rutland Street, and run- ning thence along tlio W boundm-y of a lot contracted toD. Lasher, s chains It links; thence N 0S>j deg W 1 chain; thence S 20 deg W 2 chains 77 links to the centre of Bronson Sheet; theuce S 01%" dog E 1 chain to tho beginning, containing 40-100 of an aero of land, fthorng l o t N o . 8 of OBgoodlana lots. Third Piece.—Allthat piece or parcel of land in tho village of Watertown, Jell'. Co., N. Y., ond bounded as follows; Beginning in tho centre of Grove Street at tho southeasterly corner of a lot heretofore conveyed by S. D. Mack, to E. A. Andrews, running thenco S 12flogE along the contre of Bald Street 4 chains 2 Units to a Btako: thence S 78,\i deg W 0 chains 111 links t o a stake; thonce N 8K deg E 0 chains 3 links to a stake; thenco S 77 dog E 3 chains 20 links to a stake; thenco S10 dog W 2 chains 1 link to a stako; thonco S 78 deg E 3 chains 17 Iks to tho place of be- ginning;, containing three and one third acres of land; Also, all that piece of land lying northorly and ad- joining apiece of land conveyed to John Connelly, 3 OHERIPP'B SALE. Snnremo (Jonrt.-Eawavd >t, qanmboll, against AlnnaonCook,and others. ' " ' By virtuo of ajudgment offoreclosureandsale.imHlo- uvtheSnnremoCourtinthoabovoentltledaotion.oi. he 22dot Juno.lftGO docketed Inthoofllcooftlie olBi-lcO) lei-.. l'oi-Bon Cuunty, I tho undofsigned Slioriffof tile Jof. foi-HOn will sell at puhlio auction at tho law ofllco of VV. K. Porter, ESQ.,In tbevllla oof Watertown, Jefferson Co. Now York, on the uih day of August I860, at eleven, uVlocl: A. M. the following described premiaesr-AU tli.ittn.'t;-r parcel riiu.dslt,nateinUie town of 3 hei epa, ami County of Jefferson and Stato of N. Y.,belrtg part ol lota Nos.lSl nnd lSaoftbosub-dtvlslpuBofai-eoc lot -No i ol Slacoinbs pnrcluwe, audllsboumieda'" l'ol- IOWH: lieyinnhig at a ivhltc collar post standing hi the most northerly qoruor of ftvp acres of lnnd, conveyed to A m an Walton, and running; thonce N. 80 dog K, M ehs.Sl Iks to tho middle of tho highway from Tlierean village down olong Indian lilyor; thenco along said hifhway, Souths dogandtlilrtymln. E. 18 Clinins aiul 80 links tot ho N. h. llneof twoaei-esof land-convoveil-lo Benjamin Barnes; thonce N.CStlog W. along said lino of snl.l two acres 2 ehs. and 25 a white codar poati > standing in the most northorly corner Of snid? aeros'* , tlieni-o S3S and oi.clintrdeft yr.e ohs.m Iks. to a M hlfu cedar post and stonesstandingln tho-N.Eastorly lineal' 5 an-i-8 cenveyc.l to Azarlah Walton; tlionco N. 5-". lies \v.3i-hs.?,>nGthesamototheplace of lioglmiUiii. contalnini-: 5 82-KiO acres of land. ALSO not other tract county, an.l ytute aforesaid, nnd la pai it 133 of the suh-illvisiona of groat li , l y h . . ."„ : . . ::.. bed premleen, unit is bounded as follows: bcginnilrr at ustone&i-t in tl,e westerly corner of a lot surveyed for . N. Flower: thenco S. SB ami oiw half dog W. 10 fih s" lies.ton cedar hub; thenceN, PS and one half deg • est lchn231kstoapInopo3t:thelje6N.271-4dOEli3.4cllRl'lk3 to aliunde: thencoN.871-2 deirE.3chs 15 lkstoaha^s- wuodtree,tUencQN.Ut-2 dogW.SchalusOOlkstoahlnck aslistakeint.^tearnBllnpfence, N. 811-4 deE E. 4 oils S-tllrstoanangl. 1 ; TheneeN.G31.2dogE.9oll37f)lkato.tlio nlace,cgntainiug live and-46-lQil. aeres.ftu.- laud. , , , ... ALSO, ' • All that other pioee of land, situate In the Town, . County, and State aforesaid nnd is part of lot No,l:'2 ot thesuh-dtvi8lon otgreatlotHo.4 of Sfacomb's purchase and bounded as follows, vl?.: Beginning at the mo&t Westerly comor ol f> 4G-100 seres conveyot to I'eter Lndil2Gtli Joiiuary 1B10, apiiiopoaton tho edge ot the marsh; iheneo N. 27 1-4 del; IS. 4 ehs lllks to nu angle theneeN. 37andonolmlf dvg. E.8chnlnB151kBtoaliass- woodtree; theneoN.42 l-2douW. 5chB00lkstO a lilacit aaltpost on the. Ely line of fourteen, llfty-hundrcdt)n , ai-i-ea surveyed for L. Stenruo on the northorly i diro ofthemarah; thence along edge of said marsh - lut fioutherlylino of said fourteen fifty-hundrodths t.crei Westerly to tho extreme aoutli west point of bard land; thenco south easterly to tho plnco of begin* nine, containing S acres of land more or leas. 'IA1SO, All that other piece or parcel ol land situate t In the town, county, and Stato aforesaid, being pare ol • lot No. 120 of great lot No. 4 of Macomb's pure isc, anil bounded as lollowi, viz: Beginning nt tho n- lb- west corner of Lanson Cheesoman'B Survey, at a has-*- wood stump by the side of-tho m'nrah, of Indian till- er: thonec south, r,i deg E.along the south wes'erlv luic s'lld lot uue Imntlred anil twenty nine, s, veu-,,, teen chains soventv-ouo Ilea to a point on aide ot tlu>! i WulV of rockB marked L. C; thonce north 48 nn.l-' Allthat other tract or plu-cel of land in the town, oiiniy, an.lyiute aforesaid, and ia part of lots Nus. 131 nnd 133 ot'thesuli-illvlsiona of groat lot NQ.4 pt iln- eomba purchaBeand lying oxljitofnt to the above drsof'f- F SUPREME COTJBT.-Robert Lanalng, against Mlal B, Spicor, ond others.-In pursuance ofa juiginont cntcrcdln this action, I abBlf soil at public a-aotlon, at the office ot Lansing & Sherman, in tho village at Watertown, JefferaonTJounty, New York, on thel«b day of July, I860, at two o'clookln thooltornoon ol that day; all that certain ploco or uorcol of land, Bltnato In Orleans, In said County ot Jefferson, on lots Nos 85 & -. of Ponetsouaro: beginning at tho South West cornor ol lot No. 85 ; thenco South 20 deg East three chains ninety links; thonoe South 51 dee 20 mm East eight ohalna thirty-one llnka: thonco North 41 deg east eleven chains ninety Ave Unki; thence North » dee 60 mln onBt thlrty-throo chains ninety links; thonce north twenty eight chains one link; thonco north. 86 deg wosttwolve chains 7 and one half llnka: thence Soutli „, tnenco ? laco of he- „, __. 0.100 acres Selngtho same piece of land this doy conveyed by snid nobort Lansing and wife, to wid M.E. Splcer, odd to aeonro the consideration ot whloh this mortgage Is exoouted almnltaneoualy with said convoyanee. Dated May m t f l l M . H.BMOTO. LANSING & SHERMAN Bherlft J e B j C o . Flaintlff'aAttys. msv!34iw m (From Dispensary oj United States.) <na Cretiata. Buchu Leaves. PROPERTIES.—Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromotic; their tastes bitterish, and M MED 0 KAL™B6PERTIES AND USES.—Buchu leaves are gehtly stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Vrbiary Organ.', prodncing diurcBis, and like other smiilnr medicines, exciting diaphoresis, when ciremnstanceB favor this mode of action. " They are given in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Cronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate,-and Retention or Inconttnuenco of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concernedin its evac- uation. Tho remedy haB alBO been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affec- tions and Dropsy.' - • . Hetmlold's Extract BueJai is used by persons from tieVcs-of IS to' 20, and from 35 to 55, or in the de- cline'or change of life; after Confinement or Labor Pains; Bad-wetting in Children. Ijgp'DK, KuTSEn.i*aphyiiclattBfover thirtyycare' experience, and a graduate of the Jefferson Medical Cofegand, of the University of Medicine and Surgery of Philadelphia. MB H. T. HELJIBOUJ ; Bear Sir —In regard to the question asked mo as to mv oniiiion ahont Buc'ni, I wonld-pay that I nave need and sold the article iu various 'forfns tor the past SO vears I do not think there is any form or prepara- tion otit I havenbt Used or known to be used, in the various diseases where such medicate agent wouldi ho indicated. Yon are aware, as well as myself, that it has been csterraivElyrmployedinthevanOus diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and the reputation it has aCQUired In mv lodgment is warrantedtoythe facts. Inaieseen-rma.used, ashefore stated,, every form of Bi chu—the powdered leaves, the slmplcdecoction, tincture, fluid extracts—and I am not cognizant of any preparation of that plant at all equal to _yonrs. Twelve years' experience Cnght, I think, to give me the right to judge of its ny-iits, and without prejudice or partiality; I#VFyours precedence over allot them I do not value athtmr accorthng tofts bulk, if I did other BucMs,_ would out-do your, but I hold to the doctrine that bulk and quantity do not make up value •if they did, a copper cent would be worth more than a gold dollar. Ivahieyonr - . , -,-- - cured with it, and Been cured with ft, more diseases l valueyonr Buchu for itseffect on patients. Inave of the bladder'ahd.Moneys than 1 have seen cured with any other Bachn, or any other proprietory com- pound of whatevername. Respectfully yonrs, &c,, GEO. H.-KSYSER. M. D., 140 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Fa. August 11, 1665. ASK FOB HELHBOLD'S Fiuin EXTKACT Enentr. ' ^"Direct letters to H E L M B O L D ' S DRUG AJfD, CSEMIOAL WAREKOVSa . • X?o,;f58J Broadww. How York, . " OR ilelm.bold.'s Meflloal Dejjjt, -. «- f So. 104 South Tenth Stibelow Chestnut, Philadelphia ,*t.fl»Vl'j« PSCGainTgl^RsWHERK ; I i i • •, . H ORACE WATERS' GKEAT MUSJtCAIiBfSTAJB M.4A1 BBOADWA Y, NEW YORK. PIANOS. MELODEONS, CABINET ORGANS. SHEET MUSIC, MUSIO BOOKS, and a U kinds of musical instruments and mualaal merchandise nt tho lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Second hand PianoB, Melodeons at groat bsrgina. Prices $G0, $75, $100, S125, $160, *175, $200 and $825^- Now 7 octave PionoB for $250 and upwards. Pi- anos and Melodeons to lot, and rent allowed if purchased. Monthly payments received for the same. The Horace Waters' FUnou and Melodeons aro as fine and durable instruments ao aro jpade.— Warranted forlfivd ycarg. Priced greatly reduc- ed for oash. TESTIMONIALS: We can speokf tho merits of the Horace Wal- tera" Pianos from personal knowlodgo, as being of the very best quality.—Christian Intelligencer. Tho Horace Waters' Pianos aro built of tho est and most thoroughly seasoned material.— idvocate & Journal. Waters' Melcodeons and Pianos challenge com- parison with the finest m a d e anywhore in the country —Home Journal. Horace Waters' Piano Fortei are of fall, rich and even tone, and powerful.—Sew York Musical Bedew. Our friends will find at M r . Wafers* s t o r e ^ho vcrybest assortment of music and Pianos to be found in the United States.—Oruham'aJfaganine. The Horace Waters' Pianos are superior tone and elegant finish.~iV. T. Christian Enquirer. Schqdule of priceo of instruments and Cata- logues of sheet music and any music published in the U. 8., mailed free Sheet music a little soiled at IV cts per page. Sabboth School, and other books publishBd by Horace WaterB. Sabbath Sehool Bell No. 1, Sabbath School Bell No2, ChoralHarpftUDiadem. SEiosa* Paper covers $3 per dos; board $3 6 0; cloth embossed gilt $5 id. Bells Nos. 1 and 2, in one volume, $6 60 per do?. Day Bchool Bell for pub lioBchool and seminaries. Pepsr covers $3 Duper doz ; board covers $4 20; cloth %i 80. Tho Christian Melodist, a new revival hymn and tune book. Prico $Z per doz. Board $2 60 MANTJPAOTORX ROOMS, 481 Broadway, Sew York, jy27 lv land lying northorly ,, 1 conveyed to John Cc „, _ chains 29 links in length, and at tho westerly end 0 feet wide, and on the N E end 16 feet wide, except- ing and reserving thorofrom, the following described piece of land commencing at the N E corner of a lot contracted to C. B. Qaylord, and thence S 11?.; degW S chains 8M links to n stake; thence NTS dug W 3 cbalne 27 links to a stake; thouce N 12^, dog E 2 chains and 3£ link to Gaylord'a lino; thenco easterly ona direct lino to beginning, and supposed to contain OMOO of an aero ofland. This lot lies near tho Catholic burying ground, and commences at a stake SO rods southerly from tho S W corner of said birial ground so described in a deed thereof from said Ilen- dorson Tuttle, to Ira Williams, which deed is record- ed in Jeff.Co. Clerk's office, in Book No. 1-18 of deeds, page 46, &c. fourth Piece—All that piece of laud situate in Watertown, Jeff. Co., and bounded as follows: com- monetae; a t B W corner of School Iloiiau lot in the southerly margin oi Lamou St. and thence S.lftts deg W along tho westerly line of the School House lot 18# rods; thenco N BOX deg W i rods; thonco N 33,V dcgE 13X rods to the southerly margin of Lainon St.; thonce along the same S 60>; B -4 rods to the begin- niug. Excepting and resorving therefram apiece of laud hounded as Isllows: Beginning at the northwes- terly cornor of School House lot and in pontherly margin of Lamon St., and runs thenco S 133 feet; Ihcnce N W 66 foot; thence N E188 feet to southerly margin of said Lamon St.: theuce on said margin south eaBt 65 feet to tho beginning, as deeded by said Henderson Tuttle to Mason Franklin, by deed dated Sopt, 29th, 18112, and recorded in Jell'. Co. Clerk's office, i n B o o k No. 160 of deeds, page, S61. Fifth Piece.—All that piece oriaml Bitunte in the village ofWatettown, and bounded as follows : Be- inning a t a rod cedarpost in the South margin of factory St. at tho N E comer of a lot formerly be- longing to W E Hough, and then owned byL. Cousins; thenco running S W2U deg aunilu E, to laud formerly belonging to Israel Symohds; thence along tlioN line of thoeumo S 19 deg E 90 links to area cedar stake; thence N 20 deg 110 mln 4 chains 95 Iks to tho aforesaid margin of FaeforyStrcot; theuce alonK Hie same South 611 deg 30 min w CO feet to thu place of beginning, bo the Bomo more or loss, cspretmly reserving the whole yard in front of the two story dwelUng houso on Bntd premises to lie and remain forover hereafter unoccupied by any kind o£bnIldimts or in any manner tahide the prospect from the pre- mises formerly owned by John Ghffovl, with the- ex- ception of the right of tho party of the second part to occupy 8 feet thoieof, on the north west comer of said l o t w i t h a building, placing the same sis feet in rear of tho front lino, being the samo premises here- tofore deeded by John Uifford mid wife, to Jacob BIIBB; and also excepting and reserving from the above described lot, ah that piece of laud bounded aa follows: Beginning at a red oednr pout in the S mar- gin of Factory Stat tho H E eorner ofa lot formerly oolongingto IRn. Hough and then owned by L & R. Consuls; thenco south 20 deg 30 min E to a point It. feet Northerly from a now framed houso built out of oharn, by said Tuttle in 1601; thenco mnnlnfr S 19 dog E 9f) links to the laud of S. Haddock: thenco North 20 deg 80 mln west along said Huddnck's II' line to the afercsald margin of Factory St., thence olong the aamo S OOdeg 80 mln iv Bo fort to the plui-c of bi-jdnnioo;, no tho same more or ICBS, ln-In.: flu- same UB are uuppuscu to inive neon di-rova ny fn-u- dorson Tuttle to Joseph Swarts, In 11-01. Sixth piece.—All that tract or parcel of land situa- ted in the village of Tfhtertown, In the tear ul a lut on tho w e s t nitlo of Mechanic St. as excepted In a deed from Henderson Tuttle and wife, to Solon B. Hart, Sept. 2Sth, 1857, and bounded at foltown; Com- mencing at a cedar post on the N IPendnf a division fence between tho party of the first part herofn (Hen- derson Tuttle) and the widow Hubbards, running U westerly »ri feet and six inches; thence north ?j\ feet 8 Inches, thenco S Easterly 81 feet s inehe.-; thenct- southeasterly to the place of beginning, <tO feet and 10 inches. Seventh Piece—All that tract or panx-l i.f land t*it- tistetl on the East Bide of Huntington bt. In the vii lage of Watertown and being all that part nf the .luhn Jliillln lot not heretofore convej-ed tu Patrick O'- Dongherty, lying between Huntin?lun St nnd the Black River, containing about one quarter of an an ..- of land no the enmc moro or h-ws. Dated, May SOfh, lsntl. SAT1KN MBOKH, MQons & MCOJVUTIN, bhtuft'of .!<ff.<u. PlaintllTB .Atty's. mnvyiu-tiw. one hall' dog east seventeen chains CO Iks to R s'ak*-, and stonesSil Iks west of a hemlock tree; thence N. c-io-i lien E twenty one cliBioik8taa.plno.poatandKtone marked G. 0., and L. C; thonce N, hsanil one halt d<".; west 80 chains to the Indian Itlver: thence along the Bide of the *nid Elver anil marsh to the place 11 h-- glnnlhg, containing seventy-aeven and three foi lbs acres ol land as snrveyed hy L, Starrey exec, 'iii-^ and resevvinr all mines, minerals, and-the pinl- niiu IIT-I ,un nil uimivB. u logeot digging and taking llieraawav. N'ATHAN STRONS, Sherl I. ""•nl- w. W. F. POUTEK, P10B. Atty. T^-HO WANTS A GOOD PIAIO? The Piano Forte offered on tbeat terms is an instrnmeut well worthy of y o u r con- sideration. The great difficulty heretofore ex- perienced by purchasers, hao been the eartravr- gantfy high prices at which good Piano Fortes are hold. No person having an ear for music, and who is desirous of obtaining a good and de- sirable instrument, has been able to d o s o a t a cost of leas than from $SOO to $700. We are Manufacturing an Instrument possessing all the MODERN IMPKOVEMENTS, and fine qualities necessary for a Good Piano.— They are of the largest size made, at the present time, by threading manufacturers in this City j nnd in THEIR BRILLIANCY OF TONM And Length of Vibration, Equal he bast instruments; No polnB h a v e b e e n spared o make this Fiano a Substantial ana Durable Instru- ment. They have a Fu.l Iron Frame, and the front and back haranro so connected that they support the centre of the Piano better than any Piano now made, and tho head plafeB are open and yet strongly braced, to give the sounding-board full play. The bass ia deep and yot distinct, being overstrung nearly to the middle of the scale. The Frame is Strong ana secure* ly pnt together with heavy iron plates, beautifull' Great care has been taken in their cons., v i^vrhieb will make it an object to pnrchasor» They have a EBENOH GRAH /WON WOODEN HASP PEDAL, and an » 3ANT ROSE WOOD CASE, and in beauty jisign nnd elegance of workmanship ABB NOT TO B B feOEiLKL By any Piano Forte now momifootar.. , They are made of well-seasoned and caretally- aeUotsd material. The m o s t nWllfal workmen are employed, and the PianoB Are Trarransed to stand I n a n y Climate. and to give as good satisfaction asJiray;soia.}This Piano is offered at a PRICE L0WEE THAN INT other reliable manufactttrer in tho city of New SHERIFF'S SALE. STJPKEME COURT .—Blmore Everett-sole E tern- tor of the lasl will mid testament of A-istln Evcrott, deceased, against, William King, and oilier-. By virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale made bv the aiipr.>me Conrl, in the above enihd action, un tho 22 day of Juno, 1800, dockoted In the office of tho Cierk of Jefferson County. I tho under-, signed Sheriff of the county of Jefferson, Will sell at public auction at the law office ot W. J?. Porter, . .. . .. promif . wit: All that tract or parcel of land siraate in the town of Capo Vincent. Conuty of Jefforson, SI 'eot New York, and bounded as follows, viz: beciimliie; at the easterly corner of P. JuddB land it bein.; tho sontherhi corner of Wm. A»HallCnbockfs latlcLmlidi runs thence north ,C2 deg west S-i chains Go links alous the lino between tho said Judds nnd Ihilloii- hecks; theuce north G3 degeast 12 chains to a ftflko in the westerly Hue of tho I\ E. Hassler's land: thence uoutUfSdog e.ast .11 chains 85 links-to' the easlerly corner of tho syiid Wm. A. Halleiibeck'^ laud ; thence ^outh 33 deg west jl chalcs i>5 links to Ilia place ol beginning, containing thirty-seven and 'V2-100. aeres, . ALSO, AH Hint certain lot of lonrl in the town, C-uinty, and Stale al'nresaM, part of lot N o . Slf) ofihe ^UIK division ofereat lotNo. 4oIalacombB purchasci .ai-1 la bounded lis follows, viz: on the north eaBt by' ind» conviyed to F. It. Hasgkri on the north w.-tby land i-nvcycd to William A. Hallenbeck aid to Elnathnu .ludil, and by thirty acres iormerlj .con- tracted to Allen Snow: on tlioBOUth by tile centre ot the old"Sfate Road; and on the South east by a lino to run north :'.U dug cart from the B»id State ron 1 to flieainreoald lnnd eflla?slcr, so as to include n tecu acres of land. i NATHAN STSONH. W. P. Pnivivit, Sheriff. Attorney for plft't. ]tineS8-nl-tiW. s HERIFFS »ALE. B\ \ irtu*' nf writ H of titration issued ont t<\ tho ^ui'i\m*-' i-*oiirt nf the Statf nf New York, ngntL-i tl.e Real propt.-rtj, ni" Hiram 1L HnnRurlord, inmv -nili- \vie!(. Ihuvetakim and shall Rell at public v uAm at tho office of-M, n. Morwiu, in Watertown* ( the "(th Ufiv nt" Julv. lfCti. atHo , cIocfea.m.,aUth-.Wit and tltlr whlf h iho «jii»l Hiram H Hxingi.Tfortl had uu ton ISth rluy uf Febrnury 166*. Or. thereafttT, uf, in antl ton the following d-ver)b- edpri-'miM-, i->\vlf —411 that certain tract or jiatr^i ofland nilui.t»* hi th«* tnwuof Watortown, comity u\ Ji'jTt'reon, ami stati* uf New Writ. Bounded rutd d.- pcnhttlaw fu.htus, mi the lnJttheily, fluutherl . (1' d vn-ttrlv, hy land of Unanc Tnvlor; on tha wt-terU, tiv Iflml uf An M7i IIuiiiTiTlbrd, and stippnecd to ho tho Mmi' i-ri'ml". cniivcvnl by Aitsoit UmigeM' .tt ta Martin L. Huiiaprrord, hy di-cd dated Oct. 7tti. 1$."J, , r- i:nrtU>il yept. -i?th, 1J--5 - ', In boots lag ot deed?, t>iy-% "' u '& M OET&AGE SALE ^VKEREAS, default has been made in the i.nymi-nt of tho monoy secured by mortt;age, dated the S8th d a y ot February, 1&51, exeentedby Anstln H Skinner (now deceased) and Isabella skinner, hi* wife, of Watertown, Jeflerson County, New York, in Qoorgo Sterritt of the same place, nnd which Mid Mortgage, was recordod in the Jelfrraon flimnty OlorlrB Office, in Book No. ii, or Mortgagee, on p<u;i> 850, on fhe 1st day of March, 1851, at twelve o'clock pooh. AND WHEREAS, the said Mnrtrjano bti» la-en duly HBsigncd to "AVilliam Graham of wutertnwii, Tfew York; and tho same is now owned by him, which enld assignment waa duly recorded in the Ji-fferson County Clerk's ofllce, and whereas there Is claimed to be d " e n n d nnpald on paid afortgnge. at the timw of tho first publication of this noticej tire enni of JSTO.- 38c. and no suit or proceeding at. law or in equity has been instituted to recover the same, or any part ol it Now, therefore, notice is hereby gh-f-n that by virtm. of the power sale contained in said Mortrmpi-, and duly recorded as aforesaid and hi nursnaseu a{ thu Statute in snch CBBO made and provided, the paid Mortgage will 1)0 foreclosed by a sale of the prr-mitc: therein described, atpublic auction, at tin- Law OIIICL of MOOBE & MCOABTIN, in the villape of Watertov.-n JefTereon Connty, N. Y.,onjthe 13th day of.Tnly, IMM, at 10 o'clock A.M. of that day. The said premises are described in said Mrlcnpc BubBtanrlally as follows:—To wit: "all that certain ploce or parcel ofland situated in the village, of Wa- tertown, County of Jefferson and Stato of New York, and lyins at trie junction of Factory nnd Weaver streets (now called High street) and founded iw fol- lows, v i z . , bcghmiBK a t a point on the 8011th Hide of Factory Street, where tho west side of High Street intersects tho same, being the pointof intersection of said Streets, and runs from thenco Bonthwestt-ny along the west side of said High Street to the North line o£ Henry Siephens' land, now occupied by him; thence westerly along said Stephens' north line to the eastline of Edwin C. LCWIB' land thence nonberly along the east line of said Lewis'land to thu South line ofalotbcloncing to the estate of William 11. Childs, formerly deeded by Jamefl Van Allen to Stephen Martin and by Baid Martin deeded to eaid Childs; thence easterly along the southerly line of said ChUas, lot to the westerly lino of the old Stephen Adams' lot, thence-westerly at right angles v,ithgald last mentioned line, and along the westerly line of the Stephen Adams, lot, to the Southerly line r.r another lot Belonging to tlm Estate of William H. Childs, heretofore deeded by Austin R. Skinner to St-jiheij Martin, and by said Martin deeded to said Child-*: thonce easterly along tho southerly line of paid tot mentioned Childs, lot, tUI It Intersects the wos terly line of a lot hertiefon: deedod by h:-. phrr, A iirr. - to the «ald Auetin K. Skinner, h-ineineffl •-. %-i'" the ahop now stands: thence northerly along the westerly lino of the last mentioned lot to the tooth- crly side of Factory street: thence easterly along the southerly ride otlactory Btreotto the place of begin- ning: on which premises there now Blands a v/ork shop and two frame dwelling bouses, and on which Bald Skinner now rcBldes." Dated the 18th doy of^Apnl 1WS0. JIOOEE &McCABTIN, Wru.uabnAjun. nprl8-13w AttyB. for Assignee. Anstenee. •llie above falcis hereby postponed to the first day of August, 1880, at 10 o'clock in tho furuiuoii, at. the Law Office of Moore & McCirtin, In tlio village of W a l e r t o w n . N . y . ^ a t c d J u l y i s Ij.™ WILLIAM BBAIfAM. Apulc'o'-e MOOBE & MCOAKTIS, Att'yo^ (60 cents" D, S. Internal Bev. Stamp canceled.) SUMMONS. S TJPEEME COURT, Connty of JeffHijon.- Aaron Brown, Plaintiff, agnt. hli Maltby, John Mooney.MhreareltaMooney, Clara A. Strong, Mabel Kooney, Edward B. Mooney and Ann h. l %°™& abovetamed Defendant. Yo„ ore hereby SBsss'^'^^ir^SfWrte Clerk's office, May 3. lSfKJ.and to «erve a copy o l > u ui answer o n tho BUbscriberB at their office In Water- tom,Vettereon County, New Tork, within twenty days after tho service of tlriB Summon*, c-jcluUve of the day of service, or tho Plaintiff wUI apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint. Waterto-wn, May Cth, 1660. inay9Cw BBOWN & BEACH. . PlaiBUfl's Atrya United States Eev. Stamp 60 cts E. B. JuneSOth, YM Summons for Relief, Complaint u>d, S TJPEE2UJE COUHT.-Alva Wilson, Ailmlni;trator, oi the estate of Amnion Wilson, deceased, agBt. James Becker. , . To James Decker, defendant. -To* ore hereby Snmmonea to answer the complaint of Alva wiwon, m AdminiBtrater &c. plaintiff, which was died in the Franklin county Clerk's office, on the Siuh day of Jnne, 1866, and to serve a copy of yonr answer on the imbBcriber at Chaleaugay. franklin coanly, in the State of Hew York, within twenty days after the ierrice of tTflB Summons, exclusive of the day of » vice, or the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. B A U D SWDIBDIWE. HIT'S. Atty. ittlyS-tfWff. PMWW.H.iii Kletc, und tbe-ame piece to-which 41i9 s»id . IImi;Tcrfnrdr.-!'aini'tf title as heir nt law, of Mu tin L. nungerlV.rd. .l.-.-i-a^ed. i-xccntlng nnd reaervii ' the midlvklc-d IIM- half purt deeded to Elizabeth II .ng.-r- lbnl, by i-uld Aii"on nnngerfnrd, also oxcoptin and r.-ntmriethcrofroni, Konmcltof saidlnndonthi -nuth f-M*- ni tin- rnnd, and lies westerly of the eaBterh mm - gin of the rn .-k, m it winds and turns from th rei b'rntthern-idto the division hnu between 1 ohi hi'ieiiyi-nm. \cd.imd thoealdAneonHringosforu sl'-i, nu-l IM part nf tiie lot formerly owned and oecnpicdl.y Tlnmthy rluniwrrord, dercaned, father of the v t d An -01, lluii-ji-rf"rd dieeuved. Alto all that piece . : lai.-t in Watert'i vn, ai'oresnld,liuing the norfli n-i-t sub- divi-ion 01 bit Nu. :>s iu township No. 2.; bi-i-innli,u at th*-i.--<rth ive-.! enrnerof said lot, runs th».-neo '• M di-* E. !!.i rh«. S5 I k s to a stake; thence N. 'I d.-... \V. is i-ii-. -,-, lk^. to a suite, standing in the wiutllnt) nf said lor:" th'.-ncc W. 0 decrees E. al chains tu plncr <.rb..:jinnti»'r? siippoeed in be thesamo piece tleedeil to Aiif-im limicrcriord by Nicholas Low and Al ,--e lua wiff, iifNiw Vork city; and a part of the farm vn'-d and ocrnrded by An---on Hnngerford at the lime of in * deafli. Abo, all that land in Watertown aforesaid, beintr tin- middle subtlivlnlon of lot No 29 in township nnmhir r,, hi'glnnini! at a Btako and stone i-u tbo yuuth bounds of lot No. 21); thenco along Bah 1 eontu bound!', ^cmth si degreon east SM chains 30 HnLa to 11 H f ike th'.-nee North '.t degrees east 70 chains rnlinM to a hei catr.-i', mrvod and marked, B. O, A. J U,V.' , T. n.. ni the northerlv hounds of said lot 2fi; iliontj aber-'tb'- "Hni>-,North i^l degrees 2-1 chains 30 linlrs, t,i a cedar Make; thenco South £0 degrees 45 mln \ve*t tub-i'lumng. Andnl u othepieceltn6wnaflthoclfi imtil lot, on nliii-hthe elder mill now BtaudB; Bnpp-«cdio be thi' balance of the land owned and occupied by the pan! Ait-nn Uuu'/erfnrd at the time of his deain Dated, Mav l-.t, lscn. NATHAN BTROMJ. mirj-a-Ww ShnllJ. IVTORTOAOE SALE. vrn; lW« .lf-iault Inn iicon madeln tlio payment ot lb.- nwi.r 5- si-cmd by Mortgasre. dated til J ICtli day '-I O.-toliii-, >r.e, i-vcc.iited by wilflnm HstchliiS'in, an I IMlnml Hiill, ut (;liiii.i|ilon,in.Inu"erson County, N . I . tu Noj 1 r, Tuttli-. ut Wlhiii, In snid county, wide- mui cane n-.» rrrorilcrl in the Clerk'n oflleo of sail r mty. In tlbi.-r ill i-il' Mortrrae-c-s paRe 2S3, on the 27th -ny./t Ijfci-i,il,.-r, 1-ra, at two o'clock p.m., and wherins the i-j litmnrtcfifjelia'? been ilnly assigned to William 1 tiomp- con nf rban.plon.ln wald county, and tile.same 1 - no <yt o?.rii-.| l,y hirn, and wfccria3thc amonutclBlme<l to I,- due upon said moriKOK" at dm time of tlio nrnl, JioWi; i-,itloni,niimnotk-r.t.j wit, June litti, 1BJ«, Is ?MiO nriit.-iri:,! anil liiti-rcBt. , NowlliereiVrenutlrn I,lieroby given, that by vlrtii of the i.jwer nf unlr- i-ontnlncd in said mortga -a at. I dnlv n-conleil aa aiorK-oM, and in Tiuranan™ •,! a m ututiiu- in Bttcii case rende and prOvI'Joa^t)ic»M-lniori! ' i-opiwll bc-forcclosf .1 by a»Mn of thePremlsc-J,ttiorj- l,i ilei.i-i lln-,1. nt riubtlo suction, at the-laW olTIco (, Nathan Wtilllnrrliitlin vllljcc of Carthaao j n l b e ds^«t>^trni^r,W«,»tlfo:eloek • loin .„.„ .... -. - noon. -,rrmir.eo a r e ilcBorlboil In said rcortg if.c m IOHOWB: Ail that parcel., Hand rltnote In tliejuwn ot Clianiiiiriuiiilng tin-following"described nrcml'M, or v S U to wit: cituate Infiio townot dliomr- on Hi the cmmtVor.Ieffcrf.on, and stato of N.Y«»ar»IJpr>W' rn ll.i- iurm known as the Coffen farm; situated at >lin ln-ad ul Long Fain, on mack River, opposite tip yi • H.K.- o> fatttmao, Seine dcsplbed and bomidcd •« I,J. lows- viz. on ti-iesf.otfi e«»F, by the norm west l.riC df awai.Tl..teonvcjeiltoIllram A.mee,byyinc ati.i- i:ay .it- ammonnf. Aug.Iltli 185!, dnd the name r x,eni). c.l Smitii wcnterly licing tiie north west lino of jvlM1 i.t an inn-, ccmtnicfeil to Fa d Bice, on tHo, Mth ; S f » » Ml. on tin nV.rtli west by aliKI parallel tti the "iibovo Daned bcirnlary, and lour rods from tti on th"- souli. wc»t i-y the north edB margin ofthepld-fpal.lrMii ijartiint'c to f,>n VHIatrc, on t h e north e n t by tlie nnu-fln ofBIoc)iWlvor,eoBtjta^f tBlJty-jTJoi »|i-. dreams Stan acre, bou.. «o«or more ZiJm, bri. frM_ W.i'lirrn ami Allen w. Hcrrlck, on the 23d ilay of >.-.vir,'-i-r, l».-.i. Die !-»Mi! or which WM recoiiledlii .n-ffuivnii c'onntv, ClorkV olllce, Jnly MI, 1K4, 0t8M u.a. in. i>, h.,011 Ku. US. o l dcilila, on page 258,6c, an | ti,l.»<wiu%eyanci.-l9niaiIeBnujccttoaU the renfe-, covenant*, asreementi, rcscrvatlonB and provi- tlon-i made, reiervcd and contained In tho^ald i w ) . Tjiitud Juno 5th, r-.W. WILLIAM THOJIPEOW. KATUA;I W niTTNu, MU-*niLi.. Attorney, Cart(ittf(C, If. Y. InrieO-JEw UUPBEME COURT, Connty of Jeflerson.—James K. " PotKr.nsrata't William 15, Godklns, • • m wntt U. Mutes Internal Rev. Stamp affixed and'Con- C0l felM<W3 TOR MONEY-Oomplolntfneq. ' To William li. Uwlklni, defendant. You are hereby summoned to answer tho complaint of James E-Pot. ti.-r. plaintiff, -.vblch was mod In tho Jellcjfoa * «nn- 'V, clerk's oiflce, on the first day of Juno,1800, 0 »t to serve a cony of your answer on the subscriber!!,uubeir law office, £1 Watertown, Hew York, WiLlim xvtemy days alter tho MrriCO of tlllB Summons exclrUWe^Mtlio Day of Service, or the plaintiff will take ludfiilent,for fifty three aoUnre and.BlBhty *cnf«, with Interest nn twenty-three dollarfl dnd'OlgtCy rantu, from August aotlj, 1863, and interest cm thirty dpllnrj trom November K t h i i a o . S g W ^ o i ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ jancfWIw mihtUl's Attytf.' s <HEBIPF'S SAI/B. By virtue of an eseftntlen issued out of the Colin, tyf.'ofirtofthficounty of Jefferson, and t o m e du-octCd. I have levied r.pon and shall expose for sale at the American Hotel, In the village,of Watertown, or tho gimt, 1VJ;, at one o'clookln the altetnoofl All that certain piece of patcel, "' " itii'dVy of August, Wfit at one" of that day •" ''•••* - Bltunte In. the villocu of Three Mile iiay, Jelfekci? Comity, It. Y., ond bounded as follows: Bcgmnliig in the ni-nire of Hwhlgh-wiiy.liiadlnKfrom the.rllla^cM Three Mile Bay, to tl» lyells Eettlement, at the mom northerly comerof a piece ofland convoyed to lllichol Coolcy by deed,from MenzoWlwelornnuv/Ife.bcarlnii dnie, AngustSd, 1K«: Uanning thenco north ea-.terly aljasthectritrooreaWhighwayten (1(0 lods; -flience turning an sugleandrnnnlng-on allhdparaJlelwiUitho north i-a^icrly line of said cooley's lot, sixteen (10) rods; thence turning an ansjle, and running e,- wes*. tcrly ten noj rodt tothe m,est eosterly eorner ot said Coolcy's lot thence running along the linoof sale coc- ley's lot, to theplacc of beguutlexi containing one acte ofland. Dated June l'Jth. ECO. KATHAH Vfimna, Atty.,Carthage,H.'S', InaeSO-niWw. | 9O AM0HTH, ^igentB wanted for eUr entirely new urllcUt, jusf out. dfltesBO.T. «AIV?, CityBBfiOinB, mMW.m, maylf " SH' -.* '

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determined t o m a k e ' t h i s w o r k a model ot beauty in s ty l e , and artistic in every respect , first in the superior excellence of i ts Music, com­pris ing Original Compositions by popular wr i t e r s of Europe a n d America, toge ther with choice selections of I ta l ian Ar ias , German, English, a n d American Songs, Duets , and Quartet tes , P ieces de Sa lon for Piano, PolkaB, Mazurkas, Sohottisohes, Quadrilles, and o ther Piano Music, suitable bo th for amusement a n d instruction.

F O R T U N E ' S M U S I C A L H O S T

is p r a t e d m t h e best manner , upon Bne a n d cost ly paper. I t s Title P a g o and Il lustrations a r e beautiful i n design, a n d engraved in t he highest style of Art . Each Monthly Port con­t a i n s from four t o six'pieces of Music.

The work i s edited with a v i e w to suit e v e r y t as te , and i t s contents oro both popular a n d classi : , combining the dulct et utile. Conduct­ed on this principle, the work has met with t he m o s t flattering success, number ing its subscrib­e r s from every State in the Union

The M U S I C A L HOST h a s bocc KtaUishod in a field of labor wherein all other aspirants h a d failed to secure a footing. TTe are, there­fore, led to infer that we havo adopted the r ight courBe w h e r e b v to meet the requirements of t he discerning and progressive Musical world of t h e Uni ted States .

Our long experience in t h o publishing busi­n e s s warrants u s in promising t h a t tho expecta­t ions of our subscribe™, in regard to the charac­t e r , the g rowth , and tho success of the M U S I ­C A L HOST, wi l l be thoroughly satisfied. F o r upwardB of a quarter of a century w e h a v e been associated with omino-it puH !?her3, and every literary .enterprise wi th .w Lich tho n a m e of Fortune h a s been connected, has been suc­cessful in the fullest sra«e of t he werf ITover having k n o w n failure, wo do not propose to m a k e its acquaintance now.

l O E T U N E ' S


wi l l hereafter contain, each month, besides t h e usua l sixteen pages of n e w a n d carefullv select­e d MuBic, e igh t or more p a g e s of Literary m a t ­t e r of a varied character, a n d full of interest to miscel laneous a s well as t o musica l renders. I n t h i s depar tment we shall comprise Stories, Poems, Sketches , Biographies of eminent per­sons , Musical I t ems and Criticism, Book iSTo ticea, and L i t e ra ry Miscellany ; and it wil l be o u r aim to m a k e the Literary Department of tho M U S I C A L H O S T complete, lively and popular.

"We have a l ready Commenced the publication eit

T H E L A B Y ' S M I L E .

a liew novel of much in teres t , by M I P S M. E. Braddon. T h i s work wi l l bo continued from mpnth to month , until completed

M a n y va luab le subscribers havo, in time pr,<vt, interested themselves in circulating and pro­moting t h e success of t h e M U S I C A L H O S T . "We teel t ha t such friends o u g h t not to pro unre­warded by ae least some t o k e n ' of our grateful appreciation of their serv ices For this reason, w e have m a d e arrangements a t great coat, to present to eve ry person sending us eighteen dollars, a n n u a l subscription, for a Club of Fn-ir Subscribers, for 1306, a copy of t h a t r e a t X u tional Work of Ar t


This s u p e r b Picture, w h i c h has called i o n h unqualified a n d unanimous approbation, both on t i e grounn of i t s great artiatio beauty as wr-11 a s t h e wonderful correctness a n d strength of its portraits, is endoraod by tho ent i re PresR of t he country.

The scene renresontod ia the home of "Wash ington I rv ing , who is eu r rounJed by thv f l o w ­i n g distinguished Amor crni Authors :

"W. H. Prescot t , George, Bancroft, W. C. Bry­an t . Oliver Wendell Holmes , P . W. Emorsoti H . P, 'WilliB, Bayard Taylor, G. P . Morr i s , J Fennimore Cooper, 0 . W . Lfnertollow, N a t h a n i e l Hawthorne , J . G. TVhittier, Fits O r e ? " , Halleok, J . L . Motley, J . R, Lowell, J o h n P . Kennedy, R o b e r t 0 . Win th rop .

_ This e legan t work has been executed in t int , size 30 by 21 inches, on honvy paper 4 £ b y 30 !nchoB,at a cos t of p'ght thon.mnd dollar"," and t o r m s o n e of the most beautiful, costly, a n d in­teresting p ic tures ever presented to' tho sub­scribers of a n y periodica].

'iho interest o? those Periodicals to American read-era la rubor increased than diminished by the ar­ticles thov contain oumu- late Civil War. and thou eh sometimes Uu^ed with preludiee. they may stil l , considering their great ability and the different stand-|i„l»13 frcra which theyareiwritton, bo read and stud­ied with advantage IIB the people of this country, of every creed ni,d party.

> TERMS FOR 1806. For any oueo l lhc Reviews. : $4,01) per annum, For any two of the Review* 7.00 " For my three of the Kovlewu 10,00 For ail four ot tho Reviews 8,00 " For Knekwood's Magazine. 4.00 " FurlUackwood and one Review. . . 7,00 " F'IV lil.-iekwuud and any tv, t- oi the He-

views 10,00 " For Kluekwood ami any three ot tho

Reviews 13,000 " Fnr Blackwood and the four Re­

views. . . . . 10,00 "


§ 1 $ ^ ¥«sd^^-^^^^^sas^?5f


CLUBS. A discount oi twenty per cent-will be allowed to

clubs ol four or more persons. Thus, four copies ut Biackwood. or of one Ke\iow, will be sent to one riddrr&i $12.s0. l'unr copies of the four Reviews and Bin. iiwoeci, iu.- S1B,00. and so on.

POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the POSTAGE to any par t of

tho United States will be hut TWENTt-FOTJK CENTS a year for " Blackwood," and but E I G H T C ESTS a year lor each of the RoviwB.

E e d u c e d P r i c e s for P r e v i o u s Years . Subscribers may obtain the Beprinla immediately

prccoedlng 1866, as follows, viz : Blackwood for September, 1864, t o December, 1S65,

llicliit'jve, at the rate of §-2,G0. TaolMwW British for January, 1863, to December,

l1-05, inclusive: the Edlnourgli, and the Westminster iiom April. 181)4, tp December, ly65, inclusive, and tl'e Loudon Q'lartf.rly for tlie year 1605, at tho r a t e of Sl/iii a year for each or any Eeview,

J??" A lew copies yet rohain of all the four Reviews lor K65 at §4.Ut> a set, or §1,60 lor any one,


• W Walker street, New York

Hower and Beaper

The Buckeye has n o w b e e n in use n i n e years , constantly increasing i n favor, ma 'nufac ture and sale, u n t i l i t now s t a n d s first a n d - b e s t as a

••HA •


T H i E M O S T !

MW^IGA^> ~rr-

' S I i M B O i D ' S


FaNpnHetent iou Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, I;£ amation or Ulceration of the Blndder or Kidneys, Ri eaaeB of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, t.a ciuhe, Gravel or Brick Dust Deposit, and all Dis-eiiesbfthe .Bladder,- Kidneys,and Dropsical Swel-

;ltnja.| - " ' -' ' •' .-•


L E G A L .


Tradesmen • aaid'-«MeklaMs ADMIT THE niPORT'M^E" OV''"''

. . . , . , 4wl.-ftttribiifie

Then- success . ,

To 9 libe.ral and . .,

Judicious use. of .


MOWER km BEAPEJt In the Uni ted States.

h S & Co., also pubMflhtbc

FARMER,S GUIDE by nENHTSTEPrfENS, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. NORTON, of Yale College. 2 vols Eoyal Octa­vo, 1800 pages, and numerous Engravings.

Price $Tfor iwo volumes—by Mail, postpaid,SS. deolS.


These Oooiting stoves will

BAKE, BOIL, STEW, ERY & KOAST, with the greatest economy and facility, and w i th -o.:t h :a t ing the room iu which, they are used.— They are perfectly siraple, ope ra t i ig like an ordi -n ir? Karoseue Lamp w i t h . a chimney, a n d are the only Kerosene Stovon m a t b u r n . wi thou t smoke or odor.

" W e have been perfectly astonished to see w h a a labor-saving, dir t-saving a u d h e a t Bavinpt i n s t i tution in Eddy's Pa ten t Kerosene Steve. T a k i n g the cost of running it, and the if esult at tained, it in tho best pa tent in t he ma-tket.".— Worcester Daily Spy.

Opr Heat ing and Cooking RtnveB are very con­venient and economical, .especially where a fire is required but a few hours 'a t a t ime.

Orders for stoves may be s e n t through Amer i -nt.u A>1 rtsrti&i.n^ Aueuiiv, u&\) Bruadwuy, Xiew Yorli. . U a H J S T & ELLIOT,

Manufaoturers, Ho. 494 Broadway, V. T .

.Peud for l l lu ' i t raiel c i roular . iu ly*r-wly

Sri 'Ol 'S Of ¥ o u t l l , ~ A gent lemen who suf­fered tor yoars from N e r v o u s and General De­bility, Night ly Emissions, a n d Seminal W e a k ness, t h e result of youthful indiscretion, and c a m e near ending his days in hopeless misery, wil l , for the pake ofsu&ering man , send to all w h o need it, (froo of charge,) t he recipe and directions for making the 's imple r e m e d y used in his case . SufTururs wishing toprofit .by -the advert iser 's sad experience, and po3aes3 a su re and va luab le remedy, can do so by address ing him a t his place of business. Tho recipe and full informa­tion-— oi vital importance—wil l bo carefully sen by re tu rn mail. A d d r e s s

J O E S B . OGDES, N o . GO N a s s a u S t ree t Now Y o r k .

P. S.—Nervous Sufferers of both sexeH wil l Cl.d trill lni'nrmntlnri InvHliiHl.ln. nov1G3mw.




1st. I t is t h e best w o r k i n g machine m s - d e , , , Sd. I t is t h e most d u r a b l e machine; s h o u l d It

by any possibi l i ty break, y o u c a n g e t y o u r th ipgs for repa i r t h e same day.


1st. T h e y are made t o se l l by men w l i o you will neve r see face t o face to ask t o make good t h e g rea t promises m a d e by the i r a g e n t s at the t i m e of sale,

2d. T h e delay in g e t t i n g repairs c a u s i n g IOB'B of t ime in g o o d wea ther sometimeB of m o r e val­ue than t h e machine.

3d. I n five years t h e y will have so a l t e red their mach ines in t r y i n g t o make them, equal to the Buckeye, tha t a n y t h i n g you m a y get tor repairs will no t fit, a n d then ycyu. must abandon t h e machine a l together .

When you can ge t t h e b e s t at home -why go abroad for foreign t r a sh , except under t h e old adage, "far fetched a n d dea r bought ."

Prices of the Buckeye for 1866: Ho. 2 Mower . . . . $125 BTo. 1 Mower - - - - 150 Ho. 1 Mower and Keaper 180 . .

As tue number of machines built thjg season, i s mnch loss than last year, those desiring tho Buckeye should secnre-tliem soon.

The Buelteyo Mower and Reaper Is .made perfect la all Its parts.

For bale in Jeflerson, Lewis, St. L a w r e n c e , Franklin and Clinton coun t ies , only b y H. & E. F. COOPER, and t h e i r agents.

Wa te r t own , June 5 th , 1866. i u n e 6 - w-

a i ••?».


If you -would.. . ' '6. J : :. I:

Attract Customers HYl]

If you would

,"|" , Drive your Business

AnB not be driven



O B . J , H . S I M P S O N ,

f e t e b ina ry Surge ©a, WhoWc-nldrojpi'etfally mraouncoto thecitizone et

Wntertown and viemitv, that he can bo found a t tho CITY UOEsB-SHOEfNG SHOP, Arsenal street, where he will be happy to attend to all who may favor hira with a cull. Havmp; had thirty years ot praeticil "speriepce In att'entUn-j the oMea«e^ of Hoivee, he flatters hlinseli that he can give perfect satislaction to all who may require his services. Medicines pre­pared tor all External and some Internal Di^eaBCB constantly on hand. Al<so, washes. Lotions, Linl-meute, & c , Kingbuno and Spavin Cure, which has been used w universal through this section of coun­try. Wan-anted never to lileuiNh or destroy a hair. Aieo a \ iduable Pain-Killing Liniment, thnthns jr'iven

i so miich universal siarlBfucti'on, that further comment l* unue.-e-i-'^r}. A.-u lin CuudiUun and Tunic jiledl-cuie, width in valuable compound. At this seaBon of the year, thero is an er-tra l a s upon tho constitu­tion ol the h<ir»c—that i->, in prepurinit his "winter cost, requiring more nniritinuB fuud and care, also, a lu t i c - ' iWci l ed iemoto inyigorato thefimctione oi nature, which esiet in the secret of tho healing art.

N. B. — UoKSH-SHOKDia dono upon scientific principles. .Nnthhi^' used bat s;ood material and com­petent mechanics, ami lulisposltinn to pleaeo.

novl— 3. H. OmltSOSSt, Veterinary Surgeon

$ f> p P § 1 3

T e r m s f o r 1 S S O

1 copy of t h o MTJSIOAI. H O S T for 1866 ? Copies of t h e MUSICAL H O S T for 1?66.

3 Copies of t h e MUMCAL H O S T lor 1S6G, will entitle t h e getter up of t he riub to a set nf Metal Chessmen worth t h r e e Dollars. 4 Copies of t h e MUSICAL H O S T , for 1S66, s?is on a n d acopy of "Groat Authors " Or w<- will ' e n d ,. Host and 1 Harper 's Mnpaziae, 1 year. S S f'» 1 Host and I Atlantic Month ly , 1 'year, S nn 1 Host and 1 Wavorlnv Mac-azino, 1 Voar. 3 on 1 Host a n d 1 Home Journa l , 1 year, 7 50 1 Host and 1 Lndv's B"ok, 1 rnr. 7 51 1 Host and 1 Lady's FrionJ, 1 yrar , 7 n.i 3 Host and 1 National Magazine, 1 year. 6 60

Or for fifteen dollars w e wil l send volumes 1 1864, and 2, 1865. of t he J I T S r C A L HOST, bonnd in splondid Il lustrated nirfth, R-ilt Kdjps a n d the n u m b e r s for 1S66, a s publislind monthly, a n d a copy of o-ir " Orest A-it'-^rs " f-r- . i - .^ 'n splendid Musical Liurary or elegant presenta­t ion for t he anaton

Tiie b o u r d r o ' - . r r " 1 - - 1 ? , -- ,- ' • ' - ' Elegantly B ' u ^ i Tf.x Fu- 2;'.:;.-o oach. Mailed free t o any address on receipt of the price.

Single n u m b e r s and specimen cop.e? t.e;,t, postage paid, on receipt of fittv cents.

J A M E S W, F O B T U K E , Publisher , No. 102 Center Street N . Y.

Eg?° Canvassing A g e n t s wanted in c-vury p a r t of tho TJnion.

dec30—w2m &•

s^^jm^s^m A G U E C*U R E

tor the speedy curcqf Intermittent Feeir, c-r M:v-sr <mi Ague, Memittent Fcvs.-, Chill turn; Dumb Agm, Periodical Bcadaclic or MUioi/s HeadaeJie, and MUlous levers, indeed for the wltmr. <fe-s o; Diseases originating in biliarv derangeme-d, caw­ed ly the Malaria of miasmatic cenmtrks-

Fevor and Ague is not t h e only oonsequeuoo ol t h e miBBtnatic poison. A a t e a t varietv oi disor­ders-arise f rom HB irr i tat ion in malarious dis-trtots, a m o n g which aro Neuralgia, Itheumatism, (iout, Hoadaohe, Blindness, Toothoohe, Earache, Catarrh, As thma, Palpitat ion, Painful Affection of tho Spleen, Hysterics, F a i n in the Bowels, Col-v>. Paralysis, sud Derangement of the Stomach, oil r fwhloh, wbeqer tg ina t ine in this cause pu t on t h e intermit tent type, or become periodical. ThiB "euro" expe ls the poison from the blood, and thus ourcs t hem oil alike. I t is not onlv t h e most Bffeotual remedy ever discovered for this olass of ccnvplaints, b u t it the cheapest and moreover is csrleotly safe. No harm can arise from i t s use, a a d tho pa t ien t when cured is left as heal thy as i t ho hod neve rhad the disease. Can tbis-be said of any o the r ours for Chills and l e v e r s f I t is t^ue of th i s , and its importance to those afflicted wi th the complaint cannot b a over estimated. So 3UT0 is i t to oure the Feve rand Ague, that i t may iMtrUthfully said to be 6 oertain remedy. Ouo £ ( a l « r complains that it i s not a good raedicin-

Sadies, take ?axtionlar Hotioe. SHE EBAI. VELPAU FEffiAEB SU&.

T [WABtt&inED F E E S O H . ] «-- -

TE S E S B F H E > I < § , so celebrated m a n ; years ago in Par i s for t h e reliof of femalo

• Irregularitiea, and af te rward so notor ious for : thei r c r imina l employmen t i n tho prac t ice of I ahorfiion, a re now offered for sale &r t h a flist I time i n America. They h a v o been k e p t in ! {omtrarativo ohsenrity from tho foot t h a t t h e

Originator, Dr . Tolptra, is . a physician In Porta e£l g rea t ^rooltb, [uad ^itrlot comaoloritlouif pr i r i -

I clplea, and haa wi thhe ld t h e m rrom g e n e r a l 1 noe, les t thoy should ba employed for un lawfu l

purposea. I n overcoming Fomala Obstrnotiono, , M i n g of t he W o m b , Whi tes , Green Siok-i ECS3, Bnppresaion, E e t e n t i o n , or Immodero to | J l o w of t h o J l o n t h l y Dkohargca, Uiey osem ' t o be t r u l y omnipo ten t , burat lnr; open tho

fJood-gatea from whatoyer catKO may h a v e otopped t h e m ; h n t t h o y i t s offered to t h o p u b ­lic- on ly for legi t imate/uees, a n d a l l a g e n t s ar» forbidden t o Bell t h e m w h e n I t la understood, tha t t h e object is unlawful , Married l ad ies Bhould.novex t ake t h e m w h e n there la any reason to believe thomoelvea p regnan t , for they wil l bo sure t o p r o d u c e a miBcarrlago.'i^

S h e a i p i l ls nio ont i re ly Cjafo under a l l d r -eamBtances, being composed entirely o f snb-Btaneaj from tho vege tab le k ingdom.

Bach box h a s the .coa t of a rms for t h e CSty Of Par i s otamped on t h o b o x , w i t h tho w o r d * '< Trade M a r k " i n ^ c e a c h , t o counterfeit vrhioji la a misdemeanor , a n d a l l persons vrill b o d e a l t with, according to l aw. s>SSJ- F u l l d i reoaons ocoomiiany every feox»

Ladies can obta in n b o x sealed from t h o eyeo oMihe curious, by Inclosing One Dollar w a d the post-office Btivmps t o - a n y roijeotaWe d n g -gietsu • . . T, - V - " P?."' '-ie '- ' .-. .* • W r t a r t o w a , H, T.7«=»'

S o l d b y T . H . L ' amp , JSi. M . Smi th &, Co. ,

W . S a w e n s & Co., H . E . C o n g e r , "Wate r town.

A m o s El l i s , C lay ton ; J o n e s & Co. E v a n s

Mills , S tono & S m i t h , C u r e Vincent ,

^ 1 K A A P E E T E A E ! WE WANT s p X « W X J r \ / Atrents everywhere to re l l our rsir-Boyim $20 Sewing Macuines. Three new 3dhds. Tadcr and upperfoed. Warranted five years. Above earary, or large commiBsions paid. Ibo oirLT ma­chines sold in tho United StatPS for less than $40, which are fulht Ikcnscd by Eoice, Wluikr i- Wilson, Oroeer d- Baker. Singer £• Co., and Bachelor. All otherchcap machines are infringements, and the seller otmer are liable toarrcsUMe and imprisonment. Cir c u l t a / « e . Address, orcalluponBhawiSOlnrfcBld dPford, Maine, or at No. SS3 Broadtvay, New.XorliS —'• — ' " ' Phlla-aelphia, Pa . ; No, 14 lorn-

" " "" ' J o u r t i St.,

J M M E N S E S A O E I F I O E .


$ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 f .

Worth to be sold at an Immen8e Sacrifice, a t one Dollar each article.

Silver Ware of every description. Gold a n d Silver Watches. Splondid Lockets, Superb Tea and Dinner Site, Sold PonB and Pencil Oases, toge ther with Fine Oil Paintings, Engravings, etc., witlain the roach of all—of every man, woman nnd child,

AT $1 EACH I And not to bo paid for unti l you know-what yon nw :

to receive I SCHEDULE OP SALS,

BY APPOTNTWEUI. luo Guld HuutinE W a t c h e s , $100 t o 300 200 Ladles- G o l t T W a t c n c s , . . . . 7 5 t o 200 400 Silver Watches, d o u b l e case,.. 4 0 t o 80 200 Diamond Rings , 5 0 t o 10.0 200 Silver Dinner Se t s , 1 0 0 t o 150 10O " TeaSe t s , „ „ 1 0 0 t o 150 500 " Tea-pots a n d Coffee

Urns, 2 0 t o 50 100 " Kevolv ingPatent CaBtors 1 5 t o 40

5000 Gold Vest and N e c k Chains. S to 30 2000 Pho tograph A l b u m s 1 5 t o 50 100 Oil Paint ings 2 5 t o 100

4000 Magic Spring L o c k e t 1 0 t o 20 1000 Gold pens, e x t e n s i o n holders. 6 to 10 600 Sets Ladies' J e w e l r v , superb. 5 t o 15 500 Oval Baud Brace le t s ' 6 to 20

1000 Masonic Pins 6 t o 10 200 Mus ic Boxes 2 0 to 100 500 Se ts Silver Tea a n d Table

Spoons, 1 5 t o 30 1000 Gold Thimbles 7 to* 14 900 Silver Ice P i t c h e r s SO to 100

5000 Children 's A r m l e t s . ' . . . . 5 to 10 2000 W a t c h Charms 5 t o 10

riO'.'O Silver Cruet S t a n d s 2 0 t o 30 etc . , etc., e t c . , etc., etc.

U. B . The chanceB in tho division of the above list ofepodB are to he disposed of according to t h e annex­ed statement of arrangements.

Certificates of the various articles, there being no blanks, are put Into envelopes, BGcurely sca led , and when ordered, taken ont with no regard t o choice, showing no favoritism, and forwarded b y mall, when the holder of the certificate enn see w h a t he or she can have by returning to us the certificate and One Dollar.


Asinffk* Certificate may secure you a G o l d or Sil­ver article valued at $100, or any other volnable arti­cle. There are no blanks..

Packages or certificatea sold to Bchools, cluue, Agents, &c„ at the following rates:

1 Certificate, scut to any address by mail 25 fi -*

11 vith a splendid premium^


S 1.00 200 6 00

10.00 15.00

We guarantee satislaction in all esse". Customers whose tastes or fancies are not suited can h a v e their goods exchanged.

Parties desiring to net as ngente will bealloweQ 10 cents on each certificate ordered by thorn, n o t less than five beint: received m d e r these terms. Agouts will collect 25 cents lor each certificate, and iorward 15 cents to ns.

Ail letters should be addressed to.

DELACOTJB BROS., • Has . 64 & 06 John Street,

N e w York.

Agents w a n t e d in e v e r y Town,- C o u n t y and S t a t e . m a y 2 3 - 6 r h

3 5 » 3 : - < f t . ^ r j K O O X > =


Res to red! H o w

Ju s t p u b l i s h e d , a n o w o i U t i o a . o f D . GulvorweU'B Celebrated Essaj on t h e ; radica

cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or Hominal Weaknoss, Involuntary Seminal IIOBSOB, Impotenoy, Mental and Phyaioal Incapaci ty , Im­pediments to marr iage, e t s . u.i]3 Consumption, Kpilepsy and Fits, induced by solf-indulgence or uerual extravagance.

j i gpPr ioe , in a sealed envelope, only 6 oentB. The celebrated au tho r in this admi rab le essay

dear ly demonstrates, f rom a thirty yeara success­ful pract ice, that the a larming consequences of self-abuse may be radical ly cured w i t h o u t the dangerous use of in te rna l medicine or t h e appli­cation of the knife—pointing out n mode o f euro at once simple, certain a n d effectual, b y means ot Bhicn every sufferer, n o matter what h i s condi-''on may be, may oure himselfcheaptly, pr ivate ly an 1 radically.

x t . ' sLee tu reshou ld b o i n tho hands o l every youtu nd everv man in t h e land.

Sent, under seal, i n a plain envelope, to any addreBS, pos t paid, on receipt of sir o e n t 3 , or two post s tampt . Address t h e publishers,

OHAS. J . O. K11HE k CO. , 187 Bowery, N, T . , Post office b o s 4686,

jun9, 'G5vrl.

p E i i O U B J H '

MELODEONS AND ORGANS, The subsoriborreapoctfnllycalls the at tent ion

D E A L E R S , T E A C H E R S , G H U B O H E S , SCHOOLS,

Biid t he public generally, totha nboterinstrumeata which he is manufacturing in every v a r i e t y of size, and style. "

Pedal Organs from $225 t o $000 School « " 100 t o 180 Piano style Melodeons ISO t o 210 Portable " 65 t o 110-

Send for Deaoriptive Catalogue, with *e.rnss,4o. the manufacturer, O, PEhOTJBET, ' ' "

Bloomflield, New J e r s e y . Or to—3- M. Pelfon, S4l Brondttay, H e w York

OouradMeyor.JZaAroh-Bt. , Phi lddelnM^ J . A,

If you have '-

•Spent money _ .

In the purchase ' " *"*'

And erection of an...

Attractive sign


Of business,


A Judicious step

A little .further

And repeat the

Sign a thousand

Times, place, th^-;

: : FarticulEtrs of

Your business ,_-- <

'Before the

'Public and




? . : • ' ' " - ' - • • " • '

The, C'onBtitntion once affected with Organic Weak­ness, requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Kiunbold's Extract Buchuinvariably does. l i n o treatment be submitted to.ponattmption or Insanity ensues.



In afleciiouB peculiar to feinalta, is uueqnaled by any otlierpreparation,as in CUloro^iaor Eeteption,meg-alaritjea, painftilneas or SuppxessiDn of customary eyacipitioiia, Ulcerated or Sof^irrna state of tho Uter­i s , taucorrhcea, and all- tomplriints incident to the fiex. ^'uetlier arising, fr^m1 fcnuite o^dissipation,' im-nructeuce, or the Decline or Chane-e iu Life.



STJPKEME OOrrRT.-^-Lovi H . Brown ng'st J o h n WilliamB and others,—Notice is Uorotiy g iven,

thatinpnrBuanoeof an order and judgment, granted in this action, at a Bpecial term of the supreme cour t held at ^Watertown, July 7th, 1886, and oiiterea in Jefforson County Clerk'B oflloe, July 9J808, I shall sell at public auction, a t the American Hotel, In Wa- , tertown, on the SIth day of August next, a t ten o'clock mtho forenoon, the following described p rem-iBes,to-wit:'*A11 that certain piece or parcolofland,sit-uate in tho town of EUlBburgh, county of Jefferson, and State of New Torh, and hounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning on the eait lino o f lot nnmber one hundred and sixty-four, thirty-three chains from the south-east corner of said lot, a n d run­ning west and parallel with the north lino of s a i d lot north eighty one dogreos west flfty-toiir chains and fiftylinlca to tho west line of Bttid lo t ; thonce sou th along said weBt line thirty-three chains to the south­west corner of snid l o t ; thence eaBtorly along the south lino of the said lot south eighty-ono degrees east forty-two chains to southwest corner or five aeros of land owned by Aaron Brown; thence no r th along the west line of said live acres four chains five links to the north-weBt corner of the same: thence east nlongjthe north lino of said Brown's land twelvo chains and fifty links to the east line of said lot num­ber one hundred ana sixty-four; thence north along snid oast line to tho place of beginning, containing one hundred and seventy-two acres of laud. Except ­ing and reserving therefrom about two acres of land deeded bv tho parties of the first part, to Water-town and Home Eailroad Company for railroad purpo­ses,—Dated Watertown, Jaly 10,1868.

N. STRONG, Sheriff of Jofforson County, and Koforoe named in

said Order and Judgment. BROWN & BEACH.TTil 'a Att 'ys Julyl2n3w6


s: HERIFF'B 8AXE. BY virtue o f a acvoml executions issued out of the

Supreme Court , of tho State of New York, against the goods and cnnttloa, lands and tenomuntB of Ilon-deraou Tu t t l e , I havo levied upon, seized and shall sell at public auction on tho 18th day of July, 1800, at 10 o'clock A . M, , at tho law office of Moote & MoCar-thi, hitlie village ofWatertown, IT. Y., all tho right, title and in teres t which the said Henderson Tnttlu had on t he 14th day ol Juno, lsus, or at tiny liino since then, of, in and to the fuUuwiugUe&cribud land and premises; to wit:

First piece.—All that tract or parcel of land situate in tho villago of Watertown, New Yoili, and buuudud as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point iu the cen­tra of Qoodalo or JohnSlreet, which point ia a coutin-uatlou of tho line between this lot nnd laud occupiod by Edward Chambers; thence running westerly be­tween the land of Chambers and Wfllkun Smith on one Aide, and the land hereby described on the other 16S feet 8 inches to a fence, being the iioac lino of M.W. Symons1 laud: thenco southerly alons ^aid fence 09 feet 2 inchos 10 acedarpostset in tho ground; thouce easter ly 103 feet to the centro ofsaidsireet


through the centro ofa post sot in the gi-utlnd, about ono foot above tlioground; thence northerly 6d feet 7inches a long eaidceiilro to the place of beginning,

Q H E R U P ' S SALE.—William A. Bigolow, plalntifl", i S against David H. Lyndo and Mary 0, Lynae, his wife, and Marshall V. Ayres, defendantB.-Notico is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of fore­closure, iu tho supreme court, entered in the above entitled action, iu the office of tho Clerk of Jefferson County. I Bhall soil atpublic auction, at tho law ofllco of F . W. Hubbard, Watertown, Jefferson County, N. Y on the 16th day of September, I860, ot two o'clock In tho afternoon of that day, all that tract or parcel of bind situate in the town of Antwerp, county o f Jef­ferson, and f tate of New York, Beginning in t h o road at a stake iu tho southeast line of Havon Hall's farm; thence S 64 deg. E 48 chains, 01 links to a dry birch, i t being tho easterly corner of the Lawton farm; thence SSTfdog.W21 chains !>21inkB t o n large birch, tree standing in- the southeasterly comer ot the Lawton lot, cornered and markedl884; from thonce K 64 deg. W 50 chains 67 links to a stake ahont 10 links to the west of a large rock on the south­west Bide of of the road; thence along t h e said r o a a W 2 5 d e K E l l chains SO Units along the road ; thenco Sf 80 dog, E 88 links; thonce B 0 11 ohalnB 20 links to tho place of beginning. Containing o n e hun­dred and thirty acres ofland, be the samei more orlosB

July 10,18CIS, N . STRONG, Sheriff. V. W.HTJBBAED,

Att 'yforH'ff julylSoSwO


A local paper

• ! Is the best

Medium triierera

To adrertise . ..

A local business.

Therefore go txn!X

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Its large atid ' • '. • • • - .' "

I-nereasing' cii'cii-lat-ioii,'

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It is a;'


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CJeueral adver- *

Tisements; therefore,

A J v e i t i . - i t i i n t h e



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'••< •' V '-'«• jiftJy be- rfiade'r - * - > M the

.. ' . . ;;-., Bpitj tariff sf

JJate^-afidif you :

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Eesolre at once to '





Km radically 'esttflninato from thesystem-disease 01 the Urinary Organs arming from Habits of Dissipa­tion at little expense, littleor no changelndiet. and no exposure; completely superceding those unpleasant amtiemgeroxts remedies, Copaiva and Mercury in cur­ing all these unpleasant and dangerous diseases.



u a K


In SI caBes of the Urinary Organs, whether extBting In male or fomalo, from whatever cause originatum, andnomatterofbow lone standing. I t is pleasant In tatto and odor, immediate i t s action, and more Btraicthenlnn thannny of the preparations of bark or

Those ouffcrtof' from Broken-down or Delicate Con-si.itntionB, procure the remedy at once.

The reader rmtRt bo aware that however Blight may be tlic-attack of the above diseases, it is certain to at-feet his bodily health, mental powers, and happiness, and that of his posterity. Our flesh and Mood are supported from these sources.

P)n y s i e i ans , P lease Notice.

We make vo ferret i.t 'lhe mm-edlenls. BOLD'S FLUID EXTEACT BUCHU, is com Bnctra, CttbehB nnd Juniper Berries, selected with great care, and prepared in vacuo by H. T. HELM-BOLD. DrngcM and Chemist, o l sixteen years exper­ience in thc?Citvof Philadelphia, and which is now nrescribedbv the most eminent physicians, has been admitted to 'use in the United States Army, and is also in very general use'in the State Hospitals

. and public" Sahitarr Institutions throughout the land.

. Ct>

S BSUWS'S SALE.—Supreme Court,-William A. Bigelow, plaintiff, vs. David H. Lyndo, a n a Mary

C. Lynde, his wife, andMntBhall V . Ayora; defendants Notice ia Hereby given that pnrnuant to ajudejmont of foreclosure in the Supreme Court, ontaea In the abovo entitled action, m the office ottho Cle rk of Jeffar'Bon County, I shall sell a tpubl ic anctlon, a t the law office or F . W. Hnbhard, Waterto\yn, Jefferson County, N. T. , on the 16th day of Soptoinber, I860, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, a l l that traotor.parcol of land situate and lyingin t h e town of Antwerp, County of Jefferson, and State o f Now York, Beginning in tho line of lots No. 161 anrUSI), at tho easterly corner of the Jason Bly farm, a n d s o h t h comor of the Benjamin Lawton farm; from t n o n c e N 63 deg. W 63 chains and 60 l inks along tho Benjamin Lawlon line to the Buttorfleld rood: thence S 84 deg W 8 chains 60 links along t he centro of t h e road; thence S 6 deg. W 12 chains and 88 links a long the centro of the road to William Self'B north c o m e r ; from thence S 63 deg. E 46 chains and 20 l inks along William Self's line to the line between lots N o . 162 655; from tbonco N 38 deg. B 18 chains and 9S links to the place of beginning. Containing one hundred and Ive acres of land bo the same more or l e a s , and deoded to Ezra Coon by Benjamin Lawton, S e p t . 17, 1844, and rccordod In Book No.78 of deeds, on page 2S7 &c, and by tho said Ezra Coon and wifo to t h e par­ty of the first part, (by the name of David H . Lyons) by deed dated October 18th, 1861. Hocordod Novem­ber Slth, 1862, lnBookNo.100 oraeeda.pnge 480, Ac.

July 10,1866. H . STBONQ, Sheriff. F.\V. HUBBARD, , , , „ _ „ „

Att 'yforH'ff Jiilyl8n3wG

containing one fourth of an acre ofland, he the same moro or loss; excepting and reserving from the above doscrlbed premises; the following described piece of laud: Beginning at a point in the centre of Goodale St. In the lino between tho land of H. Tuttle, and the promises occupied by Mrs. L. H. Graves; thence wes­terly on the lino between said promisee 110 feet; thonce southerly and parallel with said Goodale St. to the northerly line of land owned by E . Good-alo; thonce EaBterly on said last mentioned lino, to centre of Goodale Street; thenco on said centro to the beginning, embracing a dwelling house on said S t , No, 2 called the Ray House, reserving to the said Henderson Tuttle, a right of say over snid premises, 13 feet in width, next to Qoodale's N lino to and from his premises in rear, as long as said rear premises are owned by him, as the same is described in a deed from said Henderson Tuttle and wife to P. Lansing, recorded in Jefferson County Clerk's ofllco iu Book No. 141 of Deeds, Page 410 &c.

Second Piece.—Allthat tract or parcel of laud situ­ate on Bronson Street in the villago of Wutertown, and bounded as follows, to wit:

Beginning in tho centre of Bronson St. 3 chains 52 links W from tho centre of Rutland Street, and run­ning thence along tlio W boundm-y of a lot contracted toD. Lasher, s chains It links; thence N 0S>j deg W 1 chain; thence S 20 deg W 2 chains 77 links to the centre of Bronson Sheet; theuce S 01%" dog E 1 chain to tho beginning, containing 40-100 of an aero of land, fthorng l o t N o . 8 of OBgoodlana lots .

Third Piece.—Allthat piece or parcel of land in tho village of Watertown, Jell'. Co., N. Y., ond bounded as follows; Beginning in tho centre of Grove Street at tho southeasterly corner of a lot heretofore conveyed by S. D . Mack, to E. A. Andrews, running thenco S 12 flog E along the contre of Bald Street 4 chains 2 Units t o a Btako: thence S 78,\i deg W 0 chains 111 links to a stake; thonce N 8K deg E 0 chains 3 links to a stake; thenco S 77 dog E 3 chains 20 links to a stake; thenco S10 dog W 2 chains 1 link to a stako; thonco S 78 deg E 3 chains 17 Iks to tho place of be­ginning;, containing three and one third acres of land; Also, all t ha t piece of land lying northorly and ad­joining a p i e c e of land conveyed to John Connelly, 3

OHERIPP'B SALE. Snnremo (Jonrt.-Eawavd >t, qanmboll, against

AlnnaonCook,and others. ' " ' By virtuo of ajudgment offoreclosureandsale.imHlo-

uvtheSnnremoCourtinthoabovoentltledaotion.oi. he 22dot Juno.lftGO docketed Inthoofllcooftlie olBi-lcO) lei-.. l'oi-Bon Cuunty, I tho undofsigned Slioriffof tile Jof. foi-HOn will sell at puhlio auction at tho law ofllco of VV. K. Porter, ESQ.,In tbevllla oof Watertown, Jefferson Co. Now York, on the u ih day of August I860, at eleven, uVlocl: A. M. the following described premiaesr-AU tli.ittn.'t;-r parcel • riiu.dslt,nateinUie town of 3 hei epa, ami County of Jefferson and Stato of N. Y.,belrtg part ol lota Nos.lSl nnd lSaoftbosub-dtvlslpuBofai-eoc lot -No i ol Slacoinbs pnrcluwe, audllsboumieda'" l'ol-IOWH: lieyinnhig at a ivhltc collar post standing hi the most northerly qoruor of ftvp acres of lnnd, conveyed to A m an Walton, and running; thonce N. 80 dog K, M ehs.Sl Iks to tho middle of tho highway from Tlierean village down olong Indian lilyor; thenco along said hifhway, Souths dogandtlilrtymln. E. 18 Clinins aiul 80 links tot ho N. h. llneof twoaei-esof land-convoveil-lo Benjamin Barnes; thonce N.CStlog W. along said lino of snl.l two acres 2 ehs. and 25 a white codar poati > standing in the most northorly corner Of snid? aeros'* , tlieni-o S3S and oi.clintrdeft yr.e ohs.m Iks. to a M hlfu cedar post and stonesstandingln tho-N.Eastorly lineal' 5 an-i-8 cenveyc.l to Azarlah Walton; tlionco N. 5-". lies \v.3i-hs.?,>nGthesamototheplace of lioglmiUiii. contalnini-: 5 82-KiO acres of land.

ALSO not other tract

county, an.l ytute aforesaid, nnd la pai it 133 of the suh-illvisiona of groat li

, lyh. . ."„ : . . ::.. bed premleen, unit is bounded as follows: bcginnilrr at ustone&i-t in tl,e westerly corner of a lot surveyed for . N. Flower: thenco S. SB ami oiw half dog W. 10 fih s" lies.ton cedar hub; thenceN, PS and one half deg • est lchn231kstoapInopo3t:thelje6N.271-4dOEli3.4cllRl'lk3 to aliunde: thencoN.871-2 deirE.3chs 15 lkstoaha^s-wuodtree,tUencQN.Ut-2 dogW.SchalusOOlkstoahlnck aslistakeint.^tearnBllnpfence, N. 811-4 deE E. 4 oils S-tllrstoanangl.1; TheneeN.G31.2dogE.9oll37f)lkato.tlio nlace,cgntainiug live and-46-lQil. aeres . f tu . -laud. , , , . . .

ALSO, ' • All that other pioee of land, situate In the Town, .

County, and State aforesaid nnd is part of lot No,l:'2 ot thesuh-dtvi8lon otgreatlotHo.4 of Sfacomb's purchase and bounded as follows, vl?.: Beginning at the mo&t Westerly comor ol f> 4G-100 seres conveyot to I'eter Lndil2Gtli Joiiuary 1B10, apiiiopoaton tho edge ot the marsh; iheneo N. 27 1-4 del; IS. 4 ehs l l lks to nu angle theneeN. 37andonolmlf dvg. E.8chnlnB151kBtoaliass-woodtree; theneoN.42 l-2douW. 5chB00lkstO a lilacit aaltpost on the. Ely line of fourteen, llfty-hundrcdt)n , ai-i-ea surveyed for L. Stenruo on the northorly i diro ofthemarah; thence along edge of said marsh - lut fioutherlylino of said fourteen fifty-hundrodths t.crei Westerly to tho extreme aoutli west point of bard land; thenco south easterly to tho plnco of begin* nine, containing S acres of land more or leas.

'IA1SO, All that other piece or parcel ol land situate t In

the town, county, and Stato aforesaid, being pare ol • lot No. 120 of great lot No. 4 of Macomb's pure isc, anil bounded as lollowi, viz: Beginning nt tho n- lb-west corner of Lanson Cheesoman'B Survey, at a has-*-wood stump by the side of-tho m'nrah, of Indian till­er: thonec south, r,i deg E.along the south wes'erlv luic s'lld lot uue Imntlred anil twenty nine, s, veu-,,, teen chains soventv-ouo Ilea to a point on aide ot tlu>! i WulV of rockB marked L. C; thonce north 48 nn.l-'

Al l that other tract or plu-cel of land in the town, oiiniy, an.lyiute aforesaid, and ia part of lots Nus.

131 nnd 133 ot'thesuli-illvlsiona of groat lot NQ.4 pt iln-eomba purchaBeand lying oxljitofnt to the above drsof'f-

FSUPREME COTJBT.-Robert Lanalng, against Mlal B, Spicor, ond others.-In pursuance ofa j u ig inon t

cntcrcdln this action, I abBlf soil at public a-aotlon, at the office ot Lansing & Sherman, in tho vil lage at Watertown, JefferaonTJounty, New York, on t h e l « b day of July, I860, at two o'clookln thooltornoon ol that day; all that certain ploco or uorcol of land, Bltnato In Orleans, In said County ot Jefferson, on lots Nos 85 & - . of Ponetsouaro: beginning at tho South West cornor ol lot No. 85 ; thenco South 20 deg East three chains ninety links; thonoe South 51 dee 20 mm E a s t eight ohalna thirty-one llnka: thonco North 41 deg eas t eleven chains ninety Ave Unki; thence North » dee 60 mln onBt thlrty-throo chains ninety links; thonce north twenty eight chains one link; thonco north. 86 deg wosttwolve chains 7 and one half llnka: thence Soutli

„ , tnenco

?laco of he-„ „, „ __. „ 0.100 acres Selngtho same piece of land this doy conveyed by snid nobort Lansing and wife, to wid M . E . Splcer, odd to aeonro the consideration ot whloh this mortgage Is exoouted almnltaneoualy with said convoyanee.

Dated May m t f l l M . H . B M O T O . LANSING & SHERMAN Bherlft JeBjCo.

Flaintlff'aAttys. msv!34iw

m (From Dispensary oj United States.)

<na Cretiata. Buchu Leaves.

PROPERTIES.—Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromotic; their tastes bitterish, and MMED0KAL™B6PERTIES AND USES.—Buchu leaves are gehtly stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Vrbiary Organ.', prodncing diurcBis, and like other smiilnr medicines, exciting diaphoresis, when ciremnstanceB favor this mode o f action. " They are given in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Cronic Catarrh of t he Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate,-and Retention or Inconttnuenco of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concernedin its evac­uation. Tho remedy haB alBO been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affec­tions and Dropsy.' - • .

Hetmlold's Extract BueJai is used by persons from t i e V c s - o f IS to' 20, and from 35 to 55, or in the de-cline'or change of life; after Confinement or Labor Pains ; Bad-wetting in Children.

Ijgp'DK, KuTSEn.i*aphyiiclattBfover thirtyycare' experience, and a graduate of the Jefferson Medical Cofegand, of the University of Medicine and Surgery of Philadelphia. M B H. T. HELJIBOUJ ;

Bear Sir —In regard to the question asked mo as to mv oniiiion ahont Buc'ni, I wonld-pay that I nave need and sold the article iu various 'forfns tor the past SO vears I do not think there is any form or prepara­tion otit I havenbt Used or known to be used, in the various diseases where such medicate agent wouldiho indicated. Yon are aware, as well as myself, that i t has been csterraivElyrmployedinthevanOus diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and the reputation it has aCQUired In mv lodgment is warranted toy the facts.

Inaieseen-rma.used, ashefore stated,, every form of Bi chu—the powdered leaves, the slmplcdecoction, tincture, fluid extracts—and I am not cognizant of any preparation of that plant a t all equal to _yonrs. Twelve years' experience Cnght, I think, to give me the right to judge of its ny-iits, and without prejudice or partiality; I #VFyour s precedence over allot them I do not value athtmr accorthng tofts bulk, if I did other BucMs,_ would out-do your, but I hold to the doctrine tha t bulk and quantity do not make up value

•if they did, a copper cent would be worth more than • a gold dollar.

Ivahieyonr - . , -,-- -cured with it, and Been cured wi th ft, more diseases

l valueyonr Buchu for itseffect on patients. Inave

of the bladder'ahd.Moneys than 1 have seen cured with any other Bachn, or any other proprietory com­pound of whatevername.

Respectfully yonrs, &c,, GEO. H.-KSYSER. M. D.,

140 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Fa. August 11, 1665.


' ^ " D i r e c t letters t o

H E L M B O L D ' S


. • X?o,;f58J Broadww. How York,

. " OR

i l e l m . b o l d . ' s M e f l l o a l D e j j j t , -. «- f

So. 104 South Tenth Stibelow Chestnut, Philadelphia

, * t . f l » V l ' j « P S C G a i n T g l ^ R s W H E R K ; I i • i • •, .

HORACE W A T E R S ' G K E A T M U S J t C A I i B f S T A J B


SHEET MUSIC, MUSIO BOOKS, and a U kinds of musical ins t ruments a n d mualaal merchandise nt tho lowest ra tes , wholesale and retail. Second hand PianoB, Melodeons a t groat bsrgina. Pr ices $G0, $75, $100, S125, $160, *175, $200 and $ 8 2 5 ^ -Now 7 octave PionoB for $250 and upwards . P i ­anos and Melodeons to lot, and rent a l lowed if purchased. Monthly payments received for the same.

The Horace Wate r s ' F U n o u and Melodeons aro as fine and durable ins t ruments ao aro jpade .— Warranted forlfivd ycarg. Priced great ly reduc­ed for oash.

T E S T I M O N I A L S : We can speokf tho meri ts of the Horace W a l -

tera" Pianos from personal knowlodgo, a s be ing of the very best quality.—Christian Intelligencer.

Tho Horace Waters ' P i a n o s aro built of tho est and most thoroughly seasoned mater ia l .—

idvocate & Journal. Waters ' Melcodeons and Pianos challenge com­

parison with the finest m a d e anywhore i n the country —Home Journal.

Horace W a t e r s ' Piano F o r t e i are of fall, rich and even tone, and powerful.—Sew York Musical Bedew.

Our friends will find a t Mr . Wafers* s t o r e ^ho vcrybest assortment of m u s i c and Pianos t o be found in the United States.—Oruham'aJfaganine.

The Horace Wate r s ' P i a n o s are super ior tone and elegant finish.~iV. T. Christian Enquirer.

Schqdule of priceo of instruments a n d Cata­logues of sheet music and any music publ i shed in the U. 8. , mailed f ree

Sheet music a little soiled a t IV cts p e r page. Sabboth School, and o the r books publishBd by

Horace WaterB. Sabbath Sehool Bell No. 1 , Sabbath School

Bell No2, ChoralHarpftUDiadem. S E i o s a *

Paper covers $3 per d o s ; board $3 6 0 ; cloth embossed gilt $5 id. Bel l s Nos. 1 and 2 , in one volume, $6 60 pe r do?. D a y Bchool Bel l f o r pub lioBchool and seminaries. P e p s r covers $ 3 Duper doz ; board covers $4 2 0 ; cloth %i 80.

Tho Christ ian Melodist , a new reviva l hymn and tune book. Prico $Z p e r doz. B o a r d $2 60

MANTJPAOTORX ROOMS, 4 8 1 B r o a d w a y , S e w Y o r k ,

jy27 l v

land lying northorly ,, „ 1 conveyed to John Cc „, _ chains 29 l i nks in length, and at tho westerly end 0 feet wide, and on the N E end 16 feet wide, except­ing and reserving thorofrom, the following described piece of l and commencing at the N E corner of a lot contracted t o C. B. Qaylord, and thence S 11?.; d e g W S chains 8M links to n stake; thence NTS dug W 3 cbalne 27 links to a stake; thouce N 12^, dog E 2 chains and 3£ link to Gaylord'a lino; thenco easterly ona direct lino to beginning, and supposed to contain OMOO of a n aero ofland. This lot lies near tho Catholic burying ground, and commences at a stake SO rods southerly from tho S W corner of said bir ial ground so described in a deed thereof from said Ilen-dorson Tu t t l e , to Ira Williams, which deed is record­ed in Jeff.Co. Clerk's office, in Book No. 1-18 of deeds, page 46, &c.

fou r th Piece—All that piece of laud situate in Watertown, Jeff. Co., and bounded as follows: com-monetae; a t B W corner of School Iloiiau lot in the southerly margin oi Lamou St. and thence S.lftts deg W along tho westerly line of the School House lot 18# rods; thenco N BOX deg W i rods; thonco N 33,V dcgE 13X rods to the southerly margin of Lainon St.; thonce along the same S 60>; B -4 rods to the begin-niug. Excepting and resorving therefram ap iece of laud hounded as Isllows: Beginning at the northwes­terly cornor of School House lot and in pontherly margin of Lamon St., and runs thenco S 133 feet; Ihcnce N W 66 foot; thence N E188 feet to southerly margin of said Lamon St.: theuce on said margin south eaBt 65 feet to tho beginning, as deeded by said Henderson Tuttle to Mason Franklin, by deed dated Sopt, 29th, 18112, and recorded in Jell'. Co. Clerk's office, in Book No. 160 of deeds, page, S61.

Fifth Piece.—All that piece oriaml Bitunte in the village ofWatettown, and bounded as follows : Be-inning a t a rod cedarpost in the South margin of factory St . at tho N E comer of a lot formerly be­

longing to W E Hough, and then owned b y L . Cousins; thenco running S W2U deg aunilu E, to laud formerly belonging to Israel Symohds; thence along tlioN line of thoeumo S 19 deg E 90 links to a r e a cedar s take ; thence N 20 deg 110 mln 4 chains 95 Iks to tho aforesaid margin of FaeforyStrcot; theuce alonK Hie same South 611 deg 30 min w CO feet to thu place of beginning, bo the Bomo more or loss, cspretmly reserving t h e whole yard in front of the two story dwelUng houso on Bntd premises to lie and remain forover hereafter unoccupied by any kind o£bnIldimts or in any manner tahide the prospect from the pre­mises formerly owned by John Ghffovl, with the- ex­ception of the right of tho party of the second part to occupy 8 feet thoieof, on the north west comer of said lo t w i t h a building, placing the same s i s feet in rear of tho front lino, being the samo premises here­tofore deeded by John Uifford mid wife, to Jacob BIIBB; a n d also excepting and reserving from the above described lot, ah that piece of laud bounded aa follows: Beginning at a red oednr pout in the S mar­gin of Factory S t a t tho H E eorner ofa lot formerly oolongingto IRn. Hough and then owned by L & R. Consuls; thenco south 20 deg 30 min E to a point It. feet Northerly from a now framed houso built out of oharn, by said Tuttle in 1601; thenco mnnlnfr S 19 dog E 9f) links to the laud of S. Haddock: thenco North 20 deg 80 mln west along said Huddnck's II' line t o the afercsald margin of Factory St., thence olong the aamo S OOdeg 80 mln iv Bo fort to the plui-c of bi-jdnnioo;, no tho same more or ICBS, ln-In.: flu-same UB a r e uuppuscu to inive neon di-rova ny fn-u-dorson T u t t l e to Joseph Swarts, In 11-01.

Sixth piece.—All that tract or parcel of land situa­ted in t h e village of Tfhtertown, In the tear ul a lut on tho w e s t nitlo of Mechanic St. as excepted In a deed from Henderson Tuttle and wife, to Solon B. Hart, Sep t . 2Sth, 1857, and bounded at foltown; Com­mencing at a cedar post on the N IPendnf a division fence between tho party of the first part herofn (Hen­derson Tuttle) and the widow Hubbards, running U westerly »ri feet and six inches; thence north ?j\ feet 8 Inches, thenco S Easterly 81 feet s inehe.-; thenct-southeasterly to the place of beginning, <tO feet and 10 inches.

Seventh Piece—All that tract or panx-l i.f land t*it-tistetl on t he East Bide of Huntington bt. In the vii lage of Watertown and being all that part nf the .luhn Jliillln l o t not heretofore convej-ed tu Patrick O'-Dongherty, lying between Huntin?lun St nnd the Black River , containing about one quarter of an a n ..-of land no the enmc moro or h-ws.

Dated, May SOfh, lsntl. SAT1KN MBOKH,

MQons & MCOJVUTIN, bhtuft'of .!< ff. <u. PlaintllTB .Atty's. mnvyiu-tiw.

one hall' dog east seventeen chains CO Iks to R s'ak*-, and stonesSil Iks west of a hemlock tree; thence N. c-io-i lien E twenty one cliBioik8taa.plno.poatandKtone marked G. 0., and L. C ; thonce N, hsanil one halt d<".; west 80 chains to the Indian Itlver: thence along the Bide of the *nid Elver anil marsh to the place 11 h--glnnlhg, containing seventy-aeven and three foi lbs acres ol land as snrveyed hy L, Starrey exec, 'iii-^ and resevvinr all mines, minerals, and-the pinl-niiu I I T - I , u n nil uimivB. u logeot digging and taking llieraawav.

N'ATHAN STRONS, Sherl I. ""•nl- w.

W. F. POUTEK, P10B. Atty.


GOOD P I A I O ? T h e P i a n o F o r t e offered o n tbeat

terms is an instrnmeut well worthy of y o u r con­sideration. The great difficulty heretofore e x ­perienced by purchasers, hao been the eartravr-gantfy high prices at which good Piano For tes are hold. No person hav ing an ear for music, and who is desirous of obta in ing a good a n d de­sirable ins t rument , has been able to d o s o at a cost of leas than from $SOO t o $ 7 0 0 .

W e a r e M a n u f a c t u r i n g a n I n s t r u m e n t

p o s s e s s i n g a l l t h e

M O D E R N I M P K O V E M E N T S ,

and fine qualities necessary for a Good P iano .— They are of the largest size made, at t h e present time, by t h r e a d i n g manufacturers in t h i s City j nnd in

THEIR BRILLIANCY OF TONM And Length of Vibration,

Equal he bast ins t ruments ; No polnB h a v e been spared o make th is Fiano a

S u b s t a n t i a l a n a D u r a b l e I n s t r u ­m e n t .

They have a Fu.l Iron F r a m e , and the front and back haranro so connected t ha t they s u p p o r t the centre of the P iano bet ter t han any P i a n o now made, and tho head plafeB are open a n d yet strongly braced, to give t he sounding-board full play. The bass ia deep and yot distinct, being overstrung nearly to the middle of the s c a l e .

T h e F r a m e i s Strong a n a s e c u r e * l y p n t t o g e t h e r

with heavy iron plates, beautifull ' Grea t care has been taken in t h e i r cons., v i ^ v r h i e b will make it an object to pnrchasor»

They have a EBENOH GRAH / W O N WOODEN H A S P P E D A L , and an » 3 A N T ROSE WOOD CASE, a n d in beauty j i s i gn nnd elegance of workmanship

A B B N O T TO B B feOEiLKL By any Piano Forte now momifootar.. ,

They a r e made of well-seasoned and care ta l ly -aeUotsd material. The mos t nWllfal w o r k m e n are employed, and the PianoB A r e T r a r r a n s e d t o s t a n d I n a n y

C l i m a t e .

and to give as good satisfaction asJiray;soia.}This Piano is offered a t a

PRICE L0WEE THAN INT other reliable manufactttrer in tho city o f New

S H E R I F F ' S S A L E .

STJPKEME COURT .—Blmore Everett-sole E tern-tor of the lasl will mid testament of A-istln Evcrott, deceased, against, William King, and oilier-.

By virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale made bv the aiipr.>me Conrl, in the above e n i h d action, un tho 22 day of Juno, 1800, dockoted In the office of tho Cierk of Jefferson County. I tho under-, signed Sheriff of the county of Jefferson, Will sell at public auction at the law office ot W. J?. Porter,

. „ .. . .. promif . wit: All that tract or parcel of land siraate in the town of Capo Vincent. Conuty of Jefforson, SI ' eo t New York, and bounded as follows, viz: beciimliie; at the easterly corner of P. JuddB land it bein.; tho sontherhi corner of W m . A»HallCnbockfs latlcLmlidi runs thence north ,C2 deg west S-i chains Go links alous the lino between tho said Judds nnd Ihilloii-hecks; theuce north G3 degeast 12 chains to a ftflko in the westerly Hue of tho I \ E . Hassler's land: thence uoutUfSdog e.ast .11 chains 85 links-to' the easlerly corner of tho syiid Wm. A. Halleiibeck'^ laud;

thence ^outh 33 deg west j l chalcs i>5 links to Ilia place ol beginning, containing thirty-seven and 'V2-100. aeres, . •

ALSO, AH Hint certain lot of lonrl in the town, C-uinty,

and Stale al'nresaM, par t of lot No. Slf) o f ihe ^UIK division ofereat lo tNo. 4oIalacombB purchasci .ai-1 la bounded lis follows, viz: on the north eaBt b y ' ind» conviyed to F . It. Hasgkri on the north w . - t b y land i-nvcycd to William A. Hallenbeck a i d to Elnathnu .ludil, and by thirty acres iormerlj .con­tracted t o Allen Snow: on tlioBOUth by tile centre ot the old"Sfate Road; and on the South east by a lino to run north :'.U dug cart from the B»id State ron 1 to flieainreoald lnnd eflla?slcr, so as to include n tecu acres of land.

i NATHAN STSONH. W. P. Pnivivit, Sheriff.

Attorney for plft't. ]tineS8-nl-tiW.

s HERIFFS »ALE. B \ \ irtu*' nf writ H of titration issued ont t<\ tho

^ui'i\m*-' i-*oiirt nf the Statf nf New York, ngntL-i tl.e Real propt.-rtj, ni" Hiram 1L HnnRurlord, inmv -nili-\vie!(. Ihuvetakim and shall Rell at public v uAm at tho office of-M, n . Morwiu, in Watertown* ( the "(th Ufiv nt" Julv. lfCti. a tHo ,cIocfea.m.,aUth- .Wit and tltlr whlf h iho «jii»l Hiram H Hxingi.Tfortl had uu ton ISth rluy uf Febrnury 166*.

Or. thereafttT, uf, in antl ton the following d-ver)b-edpri-'miM-, i->\vlf —411 that certain tract or jiatr^i ofland nilui.t»* hi th«* tnwuof Watortown, comity u\ Ji'jTt'reon, ami stati* uf New Writ. Bounded rutd d.-pcnhttlaw fu.htus, mi the lnJttheily, fluutherl . (1' d vn-ttrlv, hy land of Unanc Tnvlor; on tha wt-terU, tiv Iflml uf An M7i IIuiiiTiTlbrd, and stippnecd to ho tho Mmi' i-ri'ml". -» cniivcvnl by Aitsoit UmigeM' .tt ta Martin L. Huiiaprrord, hy di-cd dated Oct. 7tti. 1$."J, , r- i:nrtU>il yept. -i?th, 1J--5-', In boots lag ot deed?, t>iy-%

"' u '&

M O E T & A G E S A L E ^VKEREAS, default has been made in the i.nymi-nt

of tho monoy secured by mortt;age, dated the S8th day o t February, 1&51, exeentedby Anstln H Skinner (now deceased) and Isabella skinner, hi* wife, of Watertown, Jeflerson County, New York, in Qoorgo Sterritt of the same place, nnd which Mid Mortgage, was recordod in the Jelfrraon flimnty OlorlrB Office, in Book No. ii, or Mortgagee, on p<u;i> 850, on fhe 1st day of March, 1851, at twelve o'clock pooh.

AND WHEREAS, the said Mnrtrjano bti» la-en duly HBsigncd t o "AVilliam Graham of wutertnwii, Tfew York; and tho same is now owned by him, which enld assignment waa duly recorded in the Ji-fferson County Clerk's ofllce, and whereas there Is claimed to be d"e n n d nnpald on paid afortgnge. at the timw of tho first publication of this noticej tire enni of JSTO.-38c. and n o suit or proceeding at. law or in equity has been instituted to recover the same, or any part ol it Now, therefore, notice is hereby gh-f-n that by virtm. of the power sale contained in said Mortrmpi-, and duly recorded as aforesaid and hi nursnaseu a{ thu Statute i n snch CBBO made and provided, the paid Mortgage will 1)0 foreclosed by a sale of the prr-mitc: therein described, atpublic auction, at tin- Law OIIICL of M O O B E & MCOABTIN, in the villape of Watertov.-n JefTereon Connty, N. Y.,onjthe 13th day of.Tnly, IMM, at 10 o'clock A.M. of that day.

The said premises are described in said Mrlcnpc BubBtanrlally as follows:—To w i t : "all that certain ploce or parcel ofland situated in the village, of Wa­tertown, County of Jefferson and Stato of New York, and ly in s at trie junction of Factory nnd Weaver streets (now called High street) and founded iw fol­lows, viz. , bcghmiBK at a point on the 8011th Hide of Factory Street, where tho west side of High Street intersects tho same, being the pointof intersection of said St ree ts , and runs from thenco Bonthwestt-ny along the west side of said High Street to the North line o£ Henry Siephens' land, now occupied by him; thence westerly along said Stephens' north line to the eastline of Edwin C. LCWIB' land thence nonberly along t h e east line of said Lewis'land to thu South line ofalotbcloncing to the estate of William 11. Childs, formerly deeded by Jamefl Van Allen to Stephen Martin and by Baid Martin deeded to eaid Childs; thence easterly along the southerly line of said ChUas, lot to the westerly lino of the old Stephen Adams' lot , thence-westerly a t right angles v,ithgald last mentioned line, and along the westerly line of the Stephen Adams, lot, to the Southerly line r.r another lot Belonging to tlm Estate of William H. Childs, heretofore deeded by Austin R. Skinner to St-jiheij Martin, a n d by said Martin deeded to said Child-*: thonce easterly along tho southerly line of paid tot mentioned Childs, lot, tUI It Intersects the wos terly line of a lot hertiefon: deedod by h:-. phrr, A iirr. -to the «ald Auetin K. Skinner, h-ineineffl •-. %- i ' " the ahop now stands: thence northerly along the westerly lino of the last mentioned lot to the tooth-crly side of Factory street: thence easterly along the southerly ride otlactory Btreotto the place of begin­ning: on which premises there now Blands a v/ork shop and two frame dwelling bouses, and on which Bald Skinner now rcBldes." Dated t he 18th doy of^Apnl 1WS0.

J IOOEE &McCABTIN, W r u . u a b n A j u n . nprl8-13w AttyB. for Assignee. Anstenee. •llie above falcis hereby postponed to the first day

of August , 1880, at 10 o'clock in tho furuiuoii, at. the Law Office of Moore & McCirtin, In tlio village of W a l e r t o w n . N . y . ^ a t c d J u l y i s Ij.™

WILLIAM BBAIfAM. Apulc'o'-e M O O B E & MCOAKTIS, Att'yo^

(60 cents" D, S. Internal Bev. Stamp canceled.) SUMMONS.

ST J P E E M E COURT, C o n n t y of Je f fHi jon . -A a r o n Brown, Plaintiff, agnt. hli Mal tby,

John Mooney.MhreareltaMooney, Clara A. Strong, Mabel Kooney, Edward B. Mooney and Ann h. l%°™& abovetamed Defendant. Yo„ o r e hereby

SBsss' ' ir^SfWrte Clerk's office, May 3. lSfKJ.and to «erve a copy o l > u u i answer o n tho BUbscriberB at their office In Water-tom,Vettereon County, New Tork, within twenty days after tho service of tlriB Summon*, c-jcluUve of the day of service, or tho Plaintiff wUI apply to the Court for t he relief demanded In the complaint.

Waterto-wn, May Cth, 1660. inay9Cw

BBOWN & BEACH. . PlaiBUfl's Atrya

United States Eev. Stamp 60 cts E . B. JuneSOth, YM Summons for Relief, Complaint u>d,

STJPEE2UJE COUHT.-Alva Wilson, Ailmlni;trator, o i t h e estate of Amnion Wilson, deceased, agBt.

James Becker. „ , . To J a m e s Decker, defendant. - T o * ore hereby

Snmmonea to answer the complaint of Alva wiwon, m AdminiBtrater &c. plaintiff, which was died in the Franklin county Clerk's office, on the Siuh day of Jnne, 1866, and to serve a copy of yonr answer on the imbBcriber a t Chaleaugay. franklin coanly, in the State of Hew York, within twenty days after the ierrice of tTflB Summons, exclusive of the day of » vice, o r t h e plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded in the complaint.


ittlyS-tfWff. P M W W . H . i i i

Kletc , und tbe-ame piece to-which 41i9 s»id . IImi;Tcrfnrdr.-!'aini'tf title as heir nt law, of Mu tin L. nungerlV.rd. .l.-.-i-a^ed. i-xccntlng nnd reaervii ' the midlvklc-d IIM- half purt deeded to Elizabeth II .ng.-r-lbnl, by i-uld Aii"on nnngerfnrd, also oxcoptin and r.-ntmriethcrofroni, Konmcltof saidlnndonthi -nuth f-M*- ni tin- rnnd, and lies westerly of the eaBterh mm -gin of the rn .-k, m it winds and turns from th • rei b ' rn t the rn - id to the division hnu between 1 o h i hi'ieiiyi-nm. \cd.imd thoealdAneonHringosforu sl'-i, nu-l IM part nf tiie lot formerly owned and oecnpicdl.y Tlnmthy rluniwrrord, dercaned, father of the v t d An -01, lluii-ji-rf"rd dieeuved. Alto all that piece . : lai.-t in Watert'i vn, ai'oresnld,liuing the norfli n-i-t sub-divi-ion 01 bit Nu. :>s iu township No. 2.; bi-i-innli,u at th*-i.--<rth ive-.! enrnerof said lot, runs th».-neo '• M di-* E. !!.i rh«. S5 I k s to a stake; thence N. 'I d.-... \V. i s i-ii-. -,-, lk^. to a suite, standing in the wiutllnt) nf said lor:" th'.-ncc W. 0 decrees E. al chains tu plncr <.rb..:jinnti»'r? siippoeed in be thesamo piece tleedeil to Aiif-im limicrcriord by Nicholas Low and Al ,--e lua wiff, iifNiw Vork city; and a part of the farm • vn'-d and ocrnrded by An---on Hnngerford at the lime of in * deafli. Abo, all that land in Watertown aforesaid, beintr tin- middle subtlivlnlon of lot No 29 in township nnmhir r,, hi'glnnini! at a Btako and stone i-u tbo yuuth bounds of lot No. 21); thenco along Bah1 eontu bound!', ^cmth si degreon east SM chains 30 HnLa to 11 Hfike th'.-nee North '.t degrees east 70 chains rnlinM to a hei catr.-i', mrvod and marked, B. O, A. J U,V.' , T. n . . n i the northerlv hounds of said lot 2fi; iliontj aber-'tb'- "Hni>-,North i l degrees 2-1 chains 30 linlrs, t,i a cedar Make; thenco South £0 degrees 45 mln \ve*t tub-i'lumng. Andnluothepieceltn6wnaflthoclfi imtil lot, on nliii-hthe elder mill now BtaudB; Bnpp-«cdio be thi' balance of the land owned and occupied by the pan! Ait-nn Uuu'/erfnrd at the time of his deain

Dated, Mav l-.t, lscn. NATHAN BTROMJ. mirj-a-Ww ShnllJ.

IVTORTOAOE SALE. vrn; l W « .lf-iault Inn iicon madeln tlio payment ot

lb.- nwi.r 5- s i -cmd by Mortgasre. dated til J ICtli day '-I O.-toliii-, >r.e, i-vcc.iited by wilflnm HstchliiS'in, an I IMlnml Hiill, ut (;liiii.i|ilon,in.Inu"erson County, N . I . tu Noj 1 r, Tuttli-. ut Wlhiii, In snid county, wide- mui cane n-.» rrrorilcrl in the Clerk'n oflleo of sail r mty. In tlbi.-r ill i-il' Mortrrae-c-s paRe 2S3, on the 27th -ny./t Ijfci-i,il,.-r, 1-ra, at two o'clock p.m., and wherins the i-j litmnrtcfifjelia'? been ilnly assigned to William 1 tiomp-con nf rban.plon.ln wald county, and tile.same 1 - no<yt o?.rii-.| l,y hirn, and wfccria3thc amonutclBlme<l to I,-due upon said moriKOK" at dm time of tlio nrnl, JioWi; i-,itloni,niimnotk-r.t.j wit, June litti, 1BJ«, Is ?MiO u£ nriit.-iri:,! anil liiti-rcBt. ,

NowlliereiVrenutlrn I,lieroby given, that by vlrtii • of the i.jwer nf unlr- i-ontnlncd in said mortga -a at. I dnlv n-conleil aa aiorK-oM, and in Tiuranan™ •,! a m ututiiu- • in Bttcii case rende and prOvI'Joa^t)ic»M-lniori! ' i-opiwll bc-forcclosf .1 by a»Mn of thePremlsc-J,ttiorj-l,i ilei.i-i lln-,1. nt riubtlo suction, a t the-laW olTIco (, Nathan Wtilllnrrliitlin vllljcc of Carthaao j n l b e d s^« t>^ t rn i^ r ,W«,» t l fo : e loek

• loin . „ . „ . . . . - . - noon. -,rrmir.eo are ilcBorlboil In said rcortg if.c m

IOHOWB: Ail that parcel., Hand rltnote In tliejuwn ot Clianiiiiriuiiilng tin-following"described nrcml'M, or v S U to wit: cituate Infiio townot dliomr- on Hi the cmmtVor.Ieffcrf.on, and stato of N.Y«»ar»IJpr>W' rn ll.i- iurm known as the Coffen farm; situated at >lin ln-ad ul Long Fain, on mack River, opposite t ip yi • H.K.- o> fatttmao, Seine dcsplbed and bomidcd •« I , J . lows- viz. on ti-iesf.otfi e«»F, by the norm west l.riC df awai.Tl..teonvcjeiltoIllram A.mee ,byy inc ati . i-i:ay .it- ammonnf. Aug.Iltli 185!, dnd the name r x,eni). c.l Smitii wcnterly licing tiie north west lino of jvlM1 i.t an inn-, ccmtnicfeil to Fa d Bice, on tHo, Mth ; S f » » M l . on tin nV.rtli west by aliKI parallel tti the "iibovo Daned bcirnlary, and lour rods from tti on th"- souli. wc»t i-y the north edB margin ofthepld-fpal.lrMii ijartiint'c to f,>n VHIatrc, on the north e nt by tlie nnu-fln ofBIoc)iWlvor,eoBtjta^f tBlJty-jTJoi »|i-. dreams Stan acre, bou . . «o«or more ZiJm, bri. frM_

W.i'lirrn ami Allen w . Hcrrlck, on the 23d ilay of >.-.vir,'-i-r, l».-.i. Die !-»Mi! or which WM recoiiledlii .n-ffuivnii c'onntv, ClorkV olllce, Jnly MI, 1K4, 0 t8M u.a. in. i>, h.,011 Ku. US. ol dcilila, on page 258,6c, an | ti,l.»<wiu%eyanci.-l9niaiIeBnujccttoaU the renfe-, covenant*, asreementi, rcscrvatlonB and provi-tlon-i made, reiervcd and contained In tho^ald i w ) .

Tjiitud Juno 5th, r-.W. WILLIAM THOJIPEOW. KATUA;I W niTTNu, MU-*niLi..

Attorney, Cart(ittf(C, If. Y. InrieO-JEw UUPBEME COURT, Connty of Jeflerson.—James K. " PotKr.nsrata't William 15, Godklns, • • m wntt U. Mutes Internal Rev. Stamp affixed and'Con-

C 0 l f e l M < W 3 TOR MONEY-Oomplolntfneq. ' To William li. Uwlklni, defendant. You are hereby

summoned to answer tho complaint of James E-Pot . ti.-r. plaintiff, -.vblch was mod In tho Jellcjfoa * «nn-'V, clerk's oiflce, on the first day of Juno,1800, 0 »t to serve a cony of your answer on the subscriber!!,uubeir law office, £1 Watertown, Hew York, WiLlim xvtemy days alter tho MrriCO of tlllB Summons exclrUWe^Mtlio Day of Service, or the plaintiff will take ludfiilent,for fifty three aoUnre and.BlBhty *cnf«, with Interest nn twenty-three dollarfl dnd'OlgtCy rantu, from August aotlj, 1863, and interest cm thirty dpllnrj trom November K t h i i a o . S g W ^ o i ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^

jancfWIw mihtUl ' s Attytf.'


By virtue of an eseftntlen issued out of the Colin, tyf.'ofirtofthficounty of Jefferson, and tome du-octCd. I have levied r.pon and shall expose for sale at the American Hotel, In the village,of Watertown, or tho

gimt, 1VJ;, at one o'clookln the altetnoofl All that certain piece of patcel, "' "

itii'dVy of August, Wfit at one" of that day • " ''•••* -Bltunte In. the villocu of Three Mile iiay, Jelfekci? Comity, It. Y., ond bounded as follows: Bcgmnliig in the ni-nire of Hwhlgh-wiiy.liiadlnKfrom the.rllla^cM Three Mile Bay, to t l » lyells Eettlement, at the mom northerly comerof a piece ofland convoyed t o lllichol Coolcy by deed,from MenzoWlwelornnuv/Ife.bcarlnii dnie, AngustSd, 1K«: Uanning thenco north ea-.terly aljasthectri trooreaWhighwayten (1(0 lods; -flience turning an sugleandrnnnlng-on allhdparaJlelwiUitho north i-a^icrly line of said cooley's lot, sixteen (10) rods; thence turning an ansjle, and running e,- wes*. tcrly ten noj rodt to the m,est eosterly eorner ot said Coolcy's lot thence running along the linoof sale coc-ley's lot, to theplacc of beguutlexi containing one acte ofland.

Dated June l'Jth. ECO.

KATHAH V f i m n a , Atty.,Carthage,H.'S', InaeSO-niWw.

| 9 O A M 0 H T H , ^igentB wanted for eUr entirely new urllcUt, jusf out. dfltesBO.T. «AIV?, C i t y B B f i O i n B , m M W . m ,

maylf "

SH' -.* '