rapid technologies: solutions for today and tomorrow

Editorial Rapid technologies: solutions for today and tomorrow 1. First steps ®rst The effectiveness of shape-intensive manufacturing is traditionally measured in terms of speed, accuracy and cost. In the current market there are strong incentives to reduce costs while increasing speed and accuracy. At the same time, the need for rapid physical realization of products well before full-scale manufacturing has emerged from the ongoing drive to improve quality. Rapid tech- nologies RTs) are the current solutions that enable us to ful®l these expectations. Two basic characteristics of RTs are their independence from the shape of the object to be manufactured and their dependence on physical principles, materials and target applications. A diverse range of RTs supports both physical and virtual realization of products, while allowing signi®cant design freedom based on their ability selectively to remove, deposit or form materials. Over the years, a wide range of technologies has appeared, but only a few have reached wide industrial application. There are varying views on what counts as a RT. We consider rapid manufacturing RM), rapid tooling RT), rapid prototyping RP), layered manufacturing, high-speed machining, direct forming, digital manufacturing, and physical concept modelling as well as reverse engineering and virtual prototyping VP) to be in this category. The common ground shared by these processes is the need for intensive computation and control. In most cases, computa- tion is required not only to provide data for the processes, but also to compress the time that they take. Research and development related to RTs can be viewed in terms of four interconnected ®elds: processes, materials, machines and controls. A dominant technology for producing physical models for testing and evaluation purposes has been RP. It was introduced with the aim of reducing the incompleteness of information in conceptualisation and design of products as well as the uncertainties that accompany the start of full- scale production. From a manufacturing point of view, the main advantage of RP is not so much in the speed and precision of the process itself, but the fact that there is no need to de®ne blank geometries and set-ups, to consider material handling, jigs, ®xtures and clamping, or to design moulds and dies. RP technologies are based on a variety of principles classi®ed as subtractive, additive and formative. Subtractive techniques employ either single-contact or multi-contact mechanical tools, or use thermomechanical and other effects to remove the unwanted material in the form of chips, liquid or vapour. Although the current trend is to combine subtraction, addition and forming into a hybrid process, the RP machines on the market today are typically based on a single principle; combining the advantages of two or even three principles should make it possible to eliminate bottlenecks and increase overall performance. RM uses the same kind of solid imaging technologies as RP but it usually creates metallic or composite components. The goal is to produce fully functional parts with the lead time of a prototype. Despite recent improvements, there are signi®cant limitations in industrial application, and further progress is needed to extend the range of materials and to increase speed and accuracy. RT is receiving a great deal of interest, particularly from the RP community, as the logical development from prototyping. But it needs revolutionary technologies to overcome its current limitations. Dedicated to industrial design applications, editable/reshapable physi- cal concept modelling is still in its infancy, especially when large or free-form components are involved. The underpinning physical effects, types and structures of the materials used, implementations of technological processes, process and quality parameters, ways of building models, use of physical models in various phases of product development, commercially available and emerging machines and services, and experiences with the application of RP technologies in industry have already been well docu- mented in textbooks, research reports, vendor documents and so forth. Rather than trying to give a resume  of these topics, in this special issue of Computer-Aided Design we have chosen to spotlight computational issues relating to the development and application of RP technologies. The editors also regard VP as an RP technology, since it is intended to achieve roughly similar goals, namely to support a comprehensive set of analysis and simulation techniques performed on digital models of a product. 2. Computational issues Computational problems occur in processing object geometry, controlling RP processes, manipulation of the Computer-Aided Design 34 2002) 679±682 COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN 0010-4485/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0010-448501)00197-X www.elsevier.com/locate/cad

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Page 1: Rapid technologies: solutions for today and tomorrow


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