rahul gandhi visited akshaya patra foundation


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Post on 17-May-2015




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Rahul Gandhi visited akshaya patra foundation.


Page 1: Rahul gandhi visited akshaya patra foundation
Page 2: Rahul gandhi visited akshaya patra foundation

Rahul Gandhi, Secretary, National Youth Congress had visited Akshaya Patra to explore the possibility of extending the

program to different cities in Uttar Pradesh

Page 3: Rahul gandhi visited akshaya patra foundation

Rahul Gandhi, Secretary, National Youth Congress visiting Akshaya Patra kitchen along with Madhu Pandit Dasa Chairman, Akshaya Patra Foundation and Chanchalapathi

Dasa, Vice- Chairman, Akshaya Patra Foundation

Page 4: Rahul gandhi visited akshaya patra foundation

Rahul Gandhi inside Akshaya Patra Centralized kitchen with Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman, Akshaya Patra Foundation

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Madhu Pandit Dasa explains the kitchen procedure to Rahul Gandhi

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Rahul Gandhi with Akshaya Patra beneficiaries

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Radhul Gandhi and others with Akshaya Patra beneficiaries

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Rahul Gandhi enquiring the teacher about performance of children after introducing Akshaya Patra mid day meals

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Rahul Gandhi serving Akshaya Patra meals along with Mohan Das Pai and others

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Rahul Gandhi serving Sambar to Akshaya Patra beneficiaries

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A snap with Akshaya Patra beneficiaries after having the wholesome meal

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Rahul Gandhi with teachers and Akshaya Patra staff

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Rahul Gandhi with Madhu Pandit Dasa and Chanchalapathi Dasa

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