radiation in qatar - nucleus documents/radiation... · the decree-law no. (31) ... •radiation...

RADIATION in QATAR Mr. Hussein Gharib Radiation Physicist ,TM ;M.Sc. Nuclear Physics 1984, supreme counsel of health central food laboratories (CFL) Dr. Mohammed Al-Hajeri Manager of Health protection & Communicable disease ,supreme Council of Health Miss. Maryam Mohammed Head of Water Quality Laboratory ,KAHRAMAA Mr. Mahmoud Tarabieh Health Physicist Hamad medical Corporation Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 1

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Mr. Hussein Gharib

Radiation Physicist ,TM ;M.Sc. Nuclear Physics 1984,

supreme counsel of health central food laboratories (CFL)

Dr. Mohammed Al-Hajeri

Manager of Health protection & Communicable disease ,supreme Council of Health

Miss. Maryam Mohammed

Head of Water Quality Laboratory ,KAHRAMAA

Mr. Mahmoud Tarabieh

Health Physicist Hamad medical Corporation

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 1

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 2

The Decree-Law No. (31) of The Year 2002

• Ministry of Defense

• Ministry of Energy and Industry

• Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture

• Hamad Medical Corporation

• Qatar Petroleum

• Qatar General Organization for

Standardization and Metrology

• Ministry of the Interior

• Ministry of Health (SCH)

• Qatar Electricity and Water Corporation

• University of Qatar

• Customs and Ports General Authority

• Ministry of Environment / Department of

Radiation protection

The committee shall have the following terms of reference:

To establish the maximum limits for concentrations of radioactive material in air, water, foodstuffs

and soil, in the light of the technical studies and international levels in this field

The Legal Framework

We are following

•Standardization organization for G.C.C. (GSO) of the year 1988-1998

Applying :

Limits of radioactivity levels permitted in foodstuffs and water

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 3

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna


Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna


Head of Section

Quality Unit

Sample Room







Central Food Laboratories- Organization Chart

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna



Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 7

• Radiation Lab. in Qatar has been established since 1987,exactly after Chernobyl accident.

• Its main responsibility is Radiation Measurements for Foodstuffs and Water contamination.

Central Food Laboratories

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 8

• Around 17,000-18,000 food samples analyzed annually increasing by 2000 samples/year

• Adding High Purity Germanium System (Electrical Cooling)

• We have got approval of the technical assistance from the IAEA for the project # QAT5004 (QAT2012006) regarding upgrading Food Lab. with alpha/beta spectrometry system for Food and water analysis 2014-2015

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 9


• We also applying for the second stage of the project (QAT2014004) on 2016-2017 for establishing Radiochemical Laboratory.

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 10

Qatar International Ports

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 11

•Qatar has 3 Main International ports (Health office in each )

1- Air port Office

2- Overland port Office (Abu- Samrah)

3- Sea port Office

•Each office has NaI(TL) portable survey meter for preliminary check-up of food consignments, continues check-up needed for survey meter efficiency.

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna


• In case of any suspicion of

Radioactive Contamination ;

samples must be send to

Radiation Lab. For Analysis.

• Routine radiation analysis for most of food samples collected is carrying out in the Lab.

Radiation Equipment's

in Central Food Laboratories

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna



•Number of Portable NaI(TL) Detectors. •3 NaI(Tl) detector 3”x3” with WinTMCA& gamTMCA software from FLIR company (Quantitative and Qualitative analysis) • Lead Cabinet • Standard Sources.(Cs-137,Co-60, Am-241,Ra-226,….etc)

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna


Portable Detectors

in the ports for Gamma Detection

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 15

Gamma Spectroscopy System in the Lab.

WinTMCA+ gamtMCA system Qualitative and Quantitative analysis

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 16

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna


Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 18

3 Samples from Chernobyl Accident since 1987 2 macaroni & 1 powdered Milk

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 19


Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna


Chernobyl 26/4/1986

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna


Milk powder sample analysis: * (375Bq/700gm) in June 1987 * Now it is approximately 190Bq/700gm

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 22

Fukushima 11/3/2011

No contaminated samples have been

Registered with radiation

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna


Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 24

• Early Sixties, KAHRAMAA established a well equipped

laboratory for monitoring drinking water quality in the State of

Qatar. Over years, all KAHRAMAA’s laboratory resources had

been dramatically improved.

• Currently, KAHRAMAA develop an internationally competent

sampling and monitoring plan where more than 89 parameters

in 117,000 samples are being annually checked/analyzed

KAHRAMAA & Drinking Water Quality

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 25

• On frequent bases, Qatar university (as a third party laboratory) checks the individual radionuclide in KAHRAMAA drinking water sources.

• On Annual base, 4-5 different drills/scenarios are performed to check the preparedness for Emergency cases. The robustness of the current Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is proved.

• KAHRAMAA Laboratory is an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory since years.

• As part of continual Improvement, KAHRAMAA decided to construct a state of art & internationally competent laboratory to act as a drinking water quality reference in the entire GCC area. This Laboratory will in services early 2016.

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 26

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 27

KAHRAMAA’s new Drinking Water Laboratory

- To have the opportunity to discuss the reference levels of contamination of foodstuffs and drinking water following a Nuclear Accident. - To know the maximum permissible levels of gamma ,alpha and Beta emitters in foodstuffs and drinking water. - To understand the role of international organizations in convincing the governments decision makers regarding health issues. - To put guide lines for international contamination levels for foodstuff and drinking water.

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 29

Technical Meeting 8-12 Sep 2014 at the IAEA Vienna 30