r- i f r the farmers wifei-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/00813/0038.pdfr p y r- 1i i eight...

r P y r- 1I EIGHT OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY APRIL 4 1908 I f F r THE FARMERS WIFEI- s very careful about her churn She scalds it thoroughly after using and gives it a sun bath to sweeten it She knows that if her churn ia sour it will taint thebutter that is made in it The stomach is a churn In the stomach and digestive and nutritive tracts are performed pro cesses which are almost exactly like the churning of butter Is it not apparent thenthat if this stomachchurn is foul it makes foul all which- Is put intact A The evil of a foul stomach is not alone the bad taste in the mouth and the foul breath caused by it but the corruption of the pure current of blood and the dissemination of disease throughout the body Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach sweet It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do fur the churn absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting element In this way it cures blotches pimples eruptions scrofulous swellings l sores or open eating ulcers and all humors or diseases arising from bad blood I To aid in healing old sores or ulcers Drf AllHealing Salve to theraflhile taking the Golden Med- ical ¬ Discovery to purify and enrich the blood Dr Pierces AU Healing Salve is cleansing and pain relieving It de- stroys ¬ the had odors arising from sup- purating ¬ or running pores and puts them in the best possible condition for healing- The n AllHealing Salve is a superior dressing for all open running or sup ¬ purating Sores or Ulcers For healing open wounds cuts and scratches it is unsurpassed If your medicine dealer does not have the AllHealing Salve in stock mail 60 cents in postages stamps to Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y and you will receive it by return In treating all open feores 6r ulcers boils carbuncles and otn r swellings it is important that Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery betaken persistently to purify the blood t nd thereby remove the cause of the trouble IB In the blood that the great battle of health has to be fought The ulcer and the sore are simply the scarlet flowers of disease with roots running down into the blood These roots must be eradicated or the disease will break out afresh u Golden Medical Discovery cleanses the blood- of all foul ahd poisonous accumulations pushes out the dead and waste matter and purifies the entire life current Disease in the flesh must die out when- it is no longer fed by foul blood I Golden Medical Discovery effectively cures disease in flesh by curing its cause in the blood- If 34it have bitter nasty foul taste in yob mouth coated tongue foul breathf are weak and feel 4 depressed and despondent have fre cjudiit heada lies dizzy attacks gnaw in distr ss stprpach constipated- or ijtfur bowels sour or bitter rising r r eating and poor appetite i these yinptoms or any considerable numb r of them indicate that you are p euffenfra from biliousness torpid or lazy liver with the usual accompanying Indicstion dyspepsia and its attend- ant ¬ derangements f The best agents known to medical i science for the cure otthe above symp tomsjna mifliugnsras attested hy- yntmgs of readme tnchorp and prtj 0 all fhq schools of medial k ve been ekilifully har moniouslv combined in Dr Pierces IIV Golden Medical Discovery That this is true will be rcadilvproven t9 your satisfaction if you mail a postal card request to Dr RV Pierce Buffalo N a free copy of his booklet of extracts from the standard medical authorities giving the names- of all the ingredients entering into his worldfamed medicines and showing what the most eminent medical men of the age say of them Cures Womans Weaknesses We refer to that boon to weak nerv- ous ¬ suffering women known as Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription Dr John Fyfc one of the Editcral staff of THE ECLECTIC MEDICAL RE- VIEW ¬ says of Unicorn root Heloniaa Dioica which is one of the chief ingre ¬ dients of the n I > vorite Prescription U A remedy which invariably acts as a uter ¬ ine Invigorator makes for normal ac ¬ tivity of the entire reproductive system Ho continues U in llelonias we have a medica ¬ ment which uioro fully answers the above purposes titan any utlicr drug with which I am acquainted In tile treatment of diseases pe ¬ culiar to women It is seldom that a case is seen which does not present some indication for this remedial agent Dr Fyfe further says c The following among the leading indications for Helonias Unicorn root Pain- or aching in the back with leucorrhea atonic weak conditions of the reproductive organs of women mental depre lon and Ir- ritability ¬ d with chronic diseases of thc reproductive organs of women constant sensation of heat in the region of the kid ¬ neys menorrhaeia flooding due to a weak ¬ ened condition of the reproductive system amtMiorrhoa surprised or absent monthly period > arising from or accompanying an abnormal condition of the digestive organs and anemic thin blood habit dragging sensations in the extreme lower part of the abdomen lLm9 re or lesg of the above toms flP prpRpnt rm invalid Qm an- dobettertJijn take JDr ite Prescription one of the fading in- gredients of which is Unicorn ront1n- iclijt H most fauhfnllv repreejits OI Golden Seal root another promi nent ingredient of Favorite Prescrip ¬ tion Prof Finley Ellingwood M D of Bennett Medical College Chicago says t- rIt is an Import ant in disorders of the womb In all catarrhal conditions and general enfeeblement it Is useful t Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription faithfully represents the above named ingredients and cur s the diseases for which they are recommended- Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets are the original Little Liver Pills first put up old Dr Pierce over 40 year ago Much imitated but never equaled Easyto take as candy I v T- i DAVD 8 WOODROW H FORD t OCALA PLuiYiBINGGEO b < AND ELECTRIC CO DEALE RS IN i Standard Makes of Plumbing Goo ds Gas Engines Puns Irrigating Plants Acetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete Estimates promptly submitted on any Work blollr line P o 0 Box No 944 OCALA FLORIDA Phone 037 f- it J ii u f- oJ A lartSiUbhi in Hime scwe nines 1 j i V Save many a sick sEen by giving The child 4 y HOREHOUND SYR- UPI I I t MOTHER i should keep supplied with Ballards Horehound Syrup if she wishes to save her children from serious sick spells It con- tains ¬ absolutely nothing injurious does not constipate Good for children ns well as adults- A coftgh often leads to consumption and should be checked r immediately A Household Necessity J J C Smith Houstbn Texas writes UE have used Ballards Horehound Syrup in my family for the past I < ew years and find it far superior to any other cough medicine wo hnvo tried Every household should be supplied vith this worthy remedy The Delight of Children COUGHS COLDS WfiOOPINO CURES SORE THROAT BRONCHI ¬ AND ALL LUNG TROUBLES I RICE 25c 50c and 100 I AVOID ALL SUBSTITUTES t i Ballard Snow Liniment Co- t y i 500502 North Second Street ST LOUIS MO k IL 1- I r 9 4 Sold and Recommended by SOLD BY ANTIMONOPOLY DRUGSTORE OCILA FLA iLL I C L > MKITTRICK A MAN i I oi IRON MOLD I Gsve Directions for Amputation of His Leg and Furnished the I Knife I St Louis M < Apiil Pinioned I under Kfkage caused hy a rearend- collioioi tn the Burlington road YS- U riiay and with steam from a broken I engine pipe pouring Into his face rHtliC A MKittriok a tck breeder I or BrookIflo Mo uirected the am- putation ¬ of hi leg and furnished a dull knife with which the work was I done j The rough operation was performed t Rev R C Allen of Grove City- Ia but it failed of its purpose M- cjKimiek dying later at a hospital I Four others were injured in the urock whin occurred near Spanish take when a iassencrer train > crash- ed ¬ intp the rear enl of a freight train Several of the p1singers in the ca- hooso of the freight jumped and cscapcd injury but McKittrick was caught between the broken timbers under the passenger locomotive I MOSS BLUFF interesting School Closing Exercises- of the Electra School The Elect ra school Miss Belle rishop teacher had a very interesting entertainment at the school house on I rues rty a afternoon The following program was rendered Welcome tableaux I Greeting1 Bennett Mock I Song America School I The paper Dont Say dialogue I The VindowAl va Barber A Plucky BoyFlint Holly I Threelittle Kittens recitation The Evening prayer tableaux- A Guarding Angel Myrtle Mock- A Litle GirlEdna Smith I The Census Taker < dialogue j Good Advice song I Sister Katies BQau4Earl iSmith Over the Hill to the Poor Hotisa Josie Brant Yankee Doodle song Aunt Dinah and Columbus dialogue Little Qrphant AnnieEdna Brant Flag SongSchool Tile Madman medley recitation j The Model Hysband Contest dia- logue ¬ Harrys Arithmetic Peter Holly The Bachelors SaleGeorge Brant I Vacation SongSchool Calebs CourthbipJosie Brant I Columbia tableaux Four celebrated characters dialogue- The Raggedy Man Bennett Mock Sunday Fisliihg = Lucy Holly I An Illustrated Story dialogue Dixie song His Mothers feongfAlva Barber Two is a Conipanyj Three is a Crowd tableaux- Our wishes dialogue Rock of Ages pantomime Corporeal PunishmentCode Smith i Little Edith Entertains her Sisters BeauEdna Brant I The Surgical Operation shadow pantomime The Bashful Lovers tableaux Mr Bayberrys Dilemma dialogue- Two little handsEdma Smith Song Nellie GraySchool ValedictoryJosie Brant GoodNight tableaux Mr Tillis furnished music all be- tween ¬ places with his large graph ophone The exercises lasted about two hours with the house crowded full of people from Moss Bluff Gra I hamvillo and Ocala Mr J P Gallo ¬ way Mr Bishop and Miss Belle Bishop and brother were down from Ocala Everybody enjoyed their self fine and complimented every one tak- ing ¬ part Mr J B Chalker went up to Ocala Monday on business Mr C F Waterman passed through on his way to Ocala Monday Miss McCarley closed a successful- six months term of school last Fri- day ¬ and returned home Monday We will miss her very much i DISTURBED THE CONGREGATION- The person clfsturbed the con- gregation ¬ lastSufiflay by continually coughing is r d to buy a bottle oi Foleys Hohfcjk and Tar Sold by all dealers I FOR TAX ASSESSOR- I find that the citizens of Ocala de- cide ¬ for themselves what candidate they will support and electioneering- them has little or no effect From the handsome vote that Ocala has given- me my assessments must be fair and just I fully appreciate this support and indorsement and hope that you will favor me with it again in the May election Alfred Ayer MERRY WIDOW SAILORS- I have a very pretty line of the new arM popular Merry Widow untrimmed sailors in the medium large and ex ¬ tremely large shapes and in all of the popular colors Prices this season are very moderate Miss Mary Affleck Suffering and Dollars Saved- E S Loper of Manila N Y says- I am a carpcnUflrand have had many severe cuts iValed by Bucklens Ar nic Salve Ithasxsaved me suffering and dollars It Js b far the best healing salre Jr hv ever found Heals burns preSrXlfcers fever sores eczema and piles 25c at all drug- store SHELL BE A MOTHER TO HIM Blushing Young Boy of 46 Years I Adopted by a Venerable Ol- dGirfof 28 Boston April 4fly the action oi I the suj riMiiG court at Lowell James lutltr ed46 legillly becomes the aitoputl son of Miss AVihelniina Craw- ford ¬ a young woman of 2G Bugler was reared fry Miss Crawforcls par- ents ¬ and the girl declares that she entertains a most motherly feeling to vard him despite the disparity of I their ages FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER- I I hereby announce myself a cahdi date for the office of Commissioner I for the First Commissioners District of Marion County subject to the pri- mary ¬ of May irith and ask the sup- port ¬ of the Democratic voters of Pis trict No 1 If elected I will use my best efforts in the discharge of the duties of theoffice Respectfully J C Carmichael I Generally called Ed I IF YOU KNEW 7he merits ofthe Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad Vet or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists cv by maU Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 292G Olive street St Louis Missouri WHEEL FOR SALE- A I ladys wheel nearly new cheal for cash Apply to Mrs T H Wal- lace v PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD- If I you suffer from bleeding Itching blind or protruding piles send me your address and I will tell you how- to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment x antI will also end some of this home treatment free for trial with references from your nvn locality If requ ted Immediate I relief and rmancnl ute assured Send no mom y bt tell other of taI ffer Yfiiio today to Mrs M Sum- mers ¬ Box P South Bend Ind 22 4 I I BUSINESS IS BUSINESS Walls are never too cracked and broken for me to finish in an A No 1 style with Alabastine All colors and tints J A Morris Jr Decorating thats my business WHOOPING COUGH- I have used I Chamberlains Cough Remedy in myrfamily in cases of whooping cough uJ want to tell you that it is the t bejbt medicine I have eer used WjjK Gaston Pasco Ga For sale by aTT druggists f- REALESTATE f BARGAINS I have the following properties for sale l and will sell at bargain prices I and on good terms I 1 block wltn tour nouses bn it that occupy only onehalf leaving room for as many more Rents on houses now paying 1000 net on whole pur chile Is as desirable location as is in the city V2 block equally as well located with one house hut of little value Is a I bargain I One 10acre plat adjoining city 75 I i I lotsOne 5acre plat adjoining r 40 I lots I 1000acre tract of as fine hammock land as can be found in the state three miles from Ocala and in one mile of two hard roads and adjoining one to be built soon Is adapted to the I growth of Florida products and not affected by wet or dry weather hav ¬ ing a porous clay subsqil twelve feet deeii It is ideal tobacco land as well as fruit of all kinds 1000 acres ideal firm land is well timbered northwest part of Marion county Fla I 100 acres seven miles northwest of I Ocala with small house ond barn 5 acre peach orchard 2 wells 60 j acres I cleared and fenced 40 acres fine tim berI I lave many other desirable prop ¬ erties for sale both city and country and will be pleased to show sane and quote prices and terms I I S L BITTING I Real Estate Agent Ocala Fla Rebekahs meet Thursday eve- ningMFISHEL I SAYS WEAR I YftAVNIO- N I MADE suocs BEST IN THE WORLD Ua M FISHEL II- aI 1- IJI t s 1- Cw L I r1 ALBERT W GILCilRIST CANDlDATEF R GOVERNOR- OF FLORIDA 4 I No faction machine or rin brought him out He came out a a candidate al Mc and Stfl1 c handed H < vill be crlad to re- rpor3 ceive the supO nof the cc 1S th tions of t1 t antcb tO til > l prohibjtionist4bd t r onht hibitioii of the lori i the ChI IS nd tliJw- of C l 1 the Gentiles the TR- uand 1 sinnerJL F4e- cept y v the SUI10fl of theLlari- Tl coi ons lflQt without h 0 1e and t i cannot c Iv louttHJrpotiLi- ons Neither Aouldjje allowed to oppress i the 1lCrd4tal is organized labor should organize The iicense tax law licensing each little entSPpjjjse should be amended in order kat taxation snould hear itrc ev1fi Article X J r i 1l t 1 1 oJ c ft 1 lion provi les fort lock optLQ- uThe ciualifiexT Iors l governor apv or veto consti- tutional am fits He is not on the recentl instructed band wagon l1 He comm iicecl e working in Quincy Florn 4 a salary o 15 per monthI boarded self He has I himself been a hare vorking stnf d than and he knows wlat it Cleans to others He has never rnVrried I He ha always hadbljgtions His lif < has been speI Nore in thoughtful consictcrati n of other peopl than of himsHfe ie feels sure Jje i will be elected i he gets enoi votes r li doek not propose trade off a sin k office There < honor in being governor If it k tainted with dishonor he does not want the office- T I T n Kob and Dill Laugh Makers t Thats what they call em from the Golden Gate to New York Bay They I do Lonesometown at the Circle the- ater ¬ Fiftyninth street and Columbus Circle New York Crowds go to see t them and they all laugh with them when they sing LonesOJpe Jwn- VordsJ and music of popular song will be given with next Sundays New York World Tords and mlisic by t Billy Gaston Reproduced by permis- sion ¬ of Shapiro Publisher New YoriI WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLS Have neglectofl your kidneys Have you overworked your nervous i system and caused trouble with your j kidneys and bladder Have you pains I in loins side back groins and blad ¬ der Have you a flabby appearance j of the face especially under tLe eyes Too frequent a desire to pass urine I If so Williams Kidney Pills will cure you Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore pr j OPEN EVERY NIGHT j The Lincoln Heights Casino the one colored peoples amusement place In I Ocala of standing and merit will be j open every evening henceforth Al ways amusement refreshments and perfect order Patronize the casino as it takes money to keep it up Ike Simmons proprietor < PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AYS i That outdoor exercise is needed by > I the American peojjlg Thats all very I well but howydTn ieopkvIth rheu ¬ I matism foil w tlirft advice f Tho I answer is s npleu j Ballards Snow I Liniment a d the rhumatism will go I leaving jotAas spry as a colt Gives quick and Vpjrmnenl relief front I rheumatism neuralgia lame hack and I ail pains Sold toy AntiMOnopoly I Drug Co- ADMINISTRATORS I i NOTICE TO I CreditorsIn re Estate s of John Kinsler Deceased I Notice is hereby given to all cerditors legatees distributees and all other persons having claims or demands against the estate of John Kinsler de ¬ ceased to present the same to the un- dersigned ¬ I administrator within one year from this date Geo Giles As Administrator Estate of John Kinsler Dated Ocala Flit Dec 21sC 1907 S

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Page 1: r- I F r THE FARMERS WIFEI-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00813/0038.pdfr P y r- 1I I EIGHT OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY APRIL 4 1908 f F r THE FARMERS WIFEI- svery careful

r P y r-



s very careful about her churn She scalds it thoroughly after usingand gives it a sun bath to sweeten it She knows that if her churn iasour it will taint thebutter that is made in it The stomach is a churnIn the stomach and digestive and nutritive tracts are performed processes which are almost exactly like the churning of butter Is it notapparent thenthat if this stomachchurn is foul it makes foul all which-Is put intact A

The evil of a foul stomach is not alone the bad taste in the mouthand the foul breath caused by it but the corruption of the pure currentof blood and the dissemination of disease throughout the body DrPierces Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomachsweet It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do furthe churn absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting elementIn this way it cures blotches pimples eruptions scrofulous swellings

l sores or open eating ulcers and all humors or diseases arising frombad blood

ITo aid in healing old sores or ulcers

Drf AllHealing Salveto theraflhile taking the Golden Med-ical


Discovery to purify and enrichthe blood

Dr Pierces AU Healing Salve iscleansing and pain relieving It de-stroys


the had odors arising from sup-purating


or running pores and putsthem in the best possible condition forhealing-

The n AllHealing Salve is a superiordressing for all open running or sup ¬

purating Sores or Ulcers For healingopen wounds cuts and scratches it isunsurpassed

If your medicine dealer does not havethe AllHealing Salve in stock mail60 cents in postages stamps to Dr R VPierce Buffalo N Y and you willreceive it by return

In treating all open feores 6r ulcersboils carbuncles and otn r swellings itis important that Dr Pierces GoldenMedical Discovery betaken persistentlyto purify the blood t nd thereby removethe cause of the trouble IB In theblood that the great battle of health hasto be fought The ulcer and the soreare simply the scarlet flowers of diseasewith roots running down into the bloodThese roots must be eradicated or thedisease will break out afresh u GoldenMedical Discovery cleanses the blood-of all foul ahd poisonous accumulationspushes out the dead and waste matterand purifies the entire life currentDisease in the flesh must die out when-it is no longer fed by foul blood

I Golden Medical Discovery effectivelycures disease in flesh by curing itscause in the blood-

If 34it have bitter nasty foul tastein yob mouth coated tongue foulbreathf are weak and feel

4depressed and despondent have frecjudiit heada lies dizzy attacks gnawin distr ss stprpach constipated-or ijtfur bowels sour or bitterrising r r eating and poor appetite

i these yinptoms or any considerablenumb r of them indicate that you arep euffenfra from biliousness torpid orlazy liver with the usual accompanyingIndicstion dyspepsia and its attend-ant


derangements f

The best agents known to medicali science for the cure otthe above symp

tomsjna mifliugnsras attested hy-yntmgs of readme tnchorp and prtj

0 all fhq schools of medialk ve been ekilifully harmoniouslv combined in Dr Pierces


Golden Medical Discovery That thisis true will be rcadilvprovent9 your satisfaction if you maila postal card request to Dr RV PierceBuffalo N a free copy of hisbooklet of extracts from the standardmedical authorities giving the names-of all the ingredients entering into hisworldfamed medicines and showingwhat the most eminent medical men ofthe age say of them

Cures Womans WeaknessesWe refer to that boon to weak nerv-


suffering women known as DrPierces Favorite Prescription

Dr John Fyfc one of the Editcralstaff of THE ECLECTIC MEDICAL RE-VIEW


says of Unicorn root HeloniaaDioica which is one of the chief ingre¬

dients of the n I> vorite PrescriptionU A remedy which invariably acts as a uter ¬

ine Invigorator makes for normal ac ¬

tivity of the entire reproductive systemHo continues U in llelonias we have a medica¬ment which uioro fully answers the abovepurposes titan any utlicr drug with which I amacquainted In tile treatment of diseases pe¬culiar to women It is seldom that a case isseen which does not present some indicationfor this remedial agent Dr Fyfe furthersays c The following among the leadingindications for Helonias Unicorn root Pain-or aching in the back with leucorrheaatonic weak conditions of the reproductiveorgans of women mental depre lon and Ir-ritability


d with chronic diseases ofthc reproductive organs of women constantsensation of heat in the region of the kid¬neys menorrhaeia flooding due to a weak¬ened condition of the reproductive systemamtMiorrhoa surprised or absent monthlyperiod > arising from or accompanying anabnormal condition of the digestive organsand anemic thin blood habit draggingsensations in the extreme lower part of theabdomenlLm9 re or lesg of the above

toms flP prpRpnt rm invalid Qm an-dobettertJijn take JDrite Prescription one of the fading in-gredients of which is Unicorn ront1n-


most fauhfnllv repreejitsOI Golden Seal root another promi

nent ingredient of Favorite Prescrip ¬

tion Prof Finley Ellingwood M D ofBennett Medical College Chicago says t-

rIt is an Import ant in disorders ofthe womb In all catarrhal conditionsand general enfeeblement it Is useful t

Dr Pierces Favorite Prescriptionfaithfully represents the above namedingredients and cur s the diseases forwhich they are recommended-

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets are theoriginal Little Liver Pills first put up

old Dr Pierce over 40 year agoMuch imitated but never equaledEasyto take as candy I

v T-




i Standard Makes of Plumbing Goo ds Gas Engines Puns IrrigatingPlants Acetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete Estimatespromptly submitted on any Work blollr line

P o 0 Box No 944 OCALA FLORIDA Phone 037f-


ii uf-

oJ A lartSiUbhi in Hime scwe nines1 j i


Save many a sick sEenby giving The child



MOTHERi should keep supplied with Ballards Horehound Syrup if she

wishes to save her children from serious sick spells It con-tains


absolutely nothing injurious does not constipate Goodfor children ns well as adults-

A coftgh often leads to consumption and should be checked r


A Household NecessityJ J C Smith Houstbn Texas writes UE have used

Ballards Horehound Syrup in my family for the pastI

<ew years and find it far superior to any other coughmedicine wo hnvo tried Every household should besupplied vith this worthy remedy

The Delight of ChildrenCOUGHS COLDS WfiOOPINO



RICE 25c 50c and 100I



Ballard Snow Liniment Co-t


500502 North Second Street


I r9



C L >



Gsve Directions for Amputation of

His Leg and Furnished theI KnifeI St Louis M < Apiil PinionedI under Kfkage caused hy a rearend-collioioi tn the Burlington road YS-U riiay and with steam from a broken

I engine pipe pouring Into his facerHtliC A MKittriok a tck breederI or BrookIflo Mo uirected the am-putation


of hi leg and furnished adull knife with which the work was

I donej The rough operation was performed

t Rev R C Allen of Grove City-I a but it failed of its purpose M-

cjKimiek dying later at a hospitalI

Four others were injured in theurock whin occurred near Spanishtake when a iassencrer train > crash-ed


intp the rear enl of a freight trainSeveral of the p1singers in the ca-

hooso of the freight jumped andcscapcd injury but McKittrick wascaught between the broken timbersunder the passenger locomotive



interesting School Closing Exercises-of the Electra School

The Elect ra school Miss Bellerishop teacher had a very interestingentertainment at the school house on I

rues rty a afternoon The followingprogram was rendered

Welcome tableaux I

Greeting1 Bennett Mock I

Song America School I

The paper Dont Say dialogueI

The VindowAl va BarberA Plucky BoyFlint Holly I

Threelittle Kittens recitationThe Evening prayer tableaux-A Guarding Angel Myrtle Mock-A Litle GirlEdna Smith I

The Census Taker <dialogue j

Good Advice song I

Sister Katies BQau4Earl iSmithOver the Hill to the Poor Hotisa

Josie BrantYankee Doodle songAunt Dinah and Columbus dialogueLittle Qrphant AnnieEdna BrantFlag SongSchoolTile Madman medley recitation j

The Model Hysband Contest dia-logue


Harrys Arithmetic Peter HollyThe Bachelors SaleGeorge Brant I

Vacation SongSchoolCalebs CourthbipJosie Brant I

Columbia tableauxFour celebrated characters dialogue-The Raggedy Man Bennett MockSunday Fisliihg = Lucy Holly


An Illustrated Story dialogueDixie songHis Mothers feongfAlva BarberTwo is a Conipanyj Three is a

Crowd tableaux-Our wishes dialogueRock of Ages pantomimeCorporeal PunishmentCode Smith


Little Edith Entertains her SistersBeauEdna Brant I

The Surgical Operation shadowpantomime

The Bashful Lovers tableauxMr Bayberrys Dilemma dialogue-Two little handsEdma SmithSong Nellie GraySchoolValedictoryJosie BrantGoodNight tableauxMr Tillis furnished music all be-


places with his large graphophone The exercises lasted abouttwo hours with the house crowdedfull of people from Moss Bluff Gra

I hamvillo and Ocala Mr J P Gallo ¬

way Mr Bishop and Miss BelleBishop and brother were down fromOcala Everybody enjoyed their selffine and complimented every one tak-ing


partMr J B Chalker went up to Ocala

Monday on businessMr C F Waterman passed through

on his way to Ocala MondayMiss McCarley closed a successful-

six months term of school last Fri-day


and returned home Monday Wewill miss her very much



The person clfsturbed the con-gregation


lastSufiflay by continuallycoughing is r d to buy a bottleoi Foleys Hohfcjk and Tar Sold byall dealers



I find that the citizens of Ocala de-cide


for themselves what candidatethey will support and electioneering-them has little or no effect From thehandsome vote that Ocala has given-me my assessments must be fair andjust I fully appreciate this supportand indorsement and hope that youwill favor me with it again in the Mayelection Alfred Ayer


I have a very pretty line of the newarM popular Merry Widow untrimmedsailors in the medium large and ex ¬

tremely large shapes and in all of thepopular colors Prices this season arevery moderate Miss Mary Affleck

Suffering and Dollars Saved-

E S Loper of Manila N Y says-I am a carpcnUflrand have had many

severe cuts iValed by Bucklens Arnic Salve Ithasxsaved me sufferingand dollars It Js b far the besthealing salre Jr hv ever foundHeals burns preSrXlfcers fever soreseczema and piles 25c at all drug-store


Blushing Young Boy of 46 YearsI Adopted by a Venerable Ol-

dGirfof 28

Boston April 4fly the action oiI the suj riMiiG court at Lowell Jameslutltr ed46 legillly becomes theaitoputl son of Miss AVihelniina Craw-ford


a young woman of 2G Buglerwas reared fry Miss Crawforcls par-ents


and the girl declares that sheentertains a most motherly feeling tovard him despite the disparity of

I their ages


II hereby announce myself a cahdidate for the office of Commissioner

I for the First Commissioners Districtof Marion County subject to the pri-mary


of May irith and ask the sup-port


of the Democratic voters of Pistrict No 1 If elected I will use mybest efforts in the discharge of theduties of theoffice Respectfully

J C Carmichael IGenerally called Ed

I IF YOU KNEW7he merits ofthe Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney bladVet or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggistscv by maU Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 292G Olive street StLouis Missouri



ladys wheel nearly new chealfor cash Apply to Mrs T H Wal-lace v



you suffer from bleeding Itchingblind or protruding piles send meyour address and I will tell you how-to cure yourself at home by the newabsorption treatment x antI will alsoend some of this home treatment freefor trial with references from yournvn locality If requ ted Immediate I

relief and rmancnl ute assuredSend no mom y bt tell other of taI

ffer Yfiiio today to Mrs M Sum-mers


Box P South Bend Ind 22



BUSINESS IS BUSINESSWalls are never too cracked and

broken for me to finish in an A No 1

style with Alabastine All colors andtints J A Morris Jr

Decorating thats my business


I have used IChamberlains CoughRemedy in myrfamily in cases ofwhooping cough uJ want to tell youthat it is the t bejbt medicine I haveeer used WjjK Gaston Pasco GaFor sale by aTT druggists f-




I have the following properties forsale

land will sell at bargain prices I

and on good terms I

1 block wltn tour nouses bn it thatoccupy only onehalf leaving roomfor as many more Rents on housesnow paying 1000 net on whole purchile Is as desirable location as is inthe city

V2 block equally as well located withone house hut of little value Is a I

bargain I

One 10acre plat adjoining city 75 I

i IlotsOne 5acre plat adjoining r 40I

lots I1000acre tract of as fine hammock

land as can be found in the state threemiles from Ocala and in one mile oftwo hard roads and adjoining one tobe built soon Is adapted to the I

growth of Florida products and notaffected by wet or dry weather hav ¬

ing a porous clay subsqil twelve feetdeeii It is ideal tobacco land as wellas fruit of all kinds

1000 acres ideal firm land is welltimbered northwest part of Marioncounty Fla

I 100 acres seven miles northwest ofI Ocala with small house ond barn 5

acre peach orchard 2 wells 60 j acresI

cleared and fenced 40 acres fine timberI

I lave many other desirable prop ¬

erties for sale both city and countryand will be pleased to show sane andquote prices and terms



Real Estate AgentOcala Fla

Rebekahs meet Thursday eve-











IJI t s


Cw L I





No faction machine or rinbrought him out He came out aa candidate al Mc and Stfl1 c

handed H < vill be crlad to re-rpor3ceive the supO nof the cc1S thtions of t1t antcb tO til > l

prohibjtionist4bd t r onhthibitioii of the lori i

the ChI IS nd tliJw-of

C l 1

the Gentiles the TR-uand


sinnerJL F4e-

cepty v

the SUI10fl of theLlari-Tl coi ons lflQt

without h 0 1e and t icannot c Iv louttHJrpotiLi-ons Neither Aouldjje allowedto oppressi the 1lCrd4tal isorganized labor should organize

The iicense tax law licensingeach little entSPpjjjse should beamended in order kat taxationsnould hear itrc ev1fi

Article X J r i 1l t 1 1


c ft 1

lion provi les fort lock optLQ-uThe ciualifiexT Iors lgovernor apv or veto consti-tutional am fits He is noton the recentl instructed bandwagon


He comm iicecl e working inQuincy Florn 4 a salary o

15 per monthI boardedself He hasI himself been a harevorking stnf d than and heknows wlat it Cleans to othersHe has never rnVrried I He haalways hadbljgtions His lif <

has been speI Nore in thoughtfulconsictcrati n of other peoplthan of himsHfe ie feels sure Jje iwill be elected i he gets enoivotes r li doek not proposetrade off a sin k office There <

honor in being governor If it ktainted with dishonor he does notwant the office-



Kob and Dill Laugh Makers t

Thats what they call em from theGolden Gate to New York Bay They Ido Lonesometown at the Circle the-


Fiftyninth street and ColumbusCircle New York Crowds go to see tthem and they all laugh with themwhen they sing LonesOJpe Jwn-VordsJ and music of popular song

will be given with next Sundays NewYork World Tords and mlisic by tBilly Gaston Reproduced by permis-sion


of Shapiro Publisher New YoriI

WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLSHave neglectofl your kidneys

Have you overworked your nervous isystem and caused trouble with your

j kidneys and bladder Have you painsI in loins side back groins and blad ¬

der Have you a flabby appearancej of the face especially under tLe eyesToo frequent a desire to pass urine

I If so Williams Kidney Pills willcure you Sold by the AntiMonopolyDrugstore pr


j The Lincoln Heights Casino the onecolored peoples amusement place In


Ocala of standing and merit will bej open every evening henceforth Always amusement refreshments andperfect order Patronize the casinoas it takes money to keep it up IkeSimmons proprietor


PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AYSi That outdoor exercise is needed by >

I the American peojjlg Thats all veryI well but howydTn ieopkvIth rheu ¬

I matism foil w tlirft advicef

ThoI answer is s npleu j Ballards SnowI Liniment a d the rhumatism will goI leaving jotAas spry as a colt Givesquick and Vpjrmnenl relief front

I rheumatism neuralgia lame hack andI ail pains Sold toy AntiMOnopolyI Drug Co-


i NOTICE TOI CreditorsIn re Estate s of John

Kinsler DeceasedI

Notice is hereby given to all cerditorslegatees distributees and all otherpersons having claims or demandsagainst the estate of John Kinsler de¬

ceased to present the same to the un-dersigned


I administrator within oneyear from this date Geo Giles

As Administrator Estate of JohnKinsler

Dated Ocala Flit Dec 21sC 1907