question 4

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Question : 4

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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In what ways does your media products use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of real

media products?

Question: 4


The magazine is specifically based on the genre Pop/Rock. This genre opens a various types of audiences, also it isn’t concentrated on any gender, this can really open up what colour scheme to use, images and font.

I believe that producing a Pop/Rock produce as I have an interest in this music rather then a music genre that I didn’t listen to. As I know what to expect from a Pop/Rock magazine I would relate this to my style and what I like, for example music and colours that I would expect on a Pop/Rock magazine. I have also decided that I use the same colour theme throughout all of the products.

The Sub-headings and quotations is to show to the viewers what will be in this months edition of the magazine, they are usually in big and bold to attract the readers attention.

Front Cover The font used is more sophisticated, then the Age Of R.P font, also the article ‘Katy Perry’ has the around the same size font as the logo also its very plain and nor wow in the readers face, which suggests that it’s the main attraction and that the artists is well known and doesn’t need and fancy font

I was trying to make the Age Of R.P front cover to be bright and loud to imply to the audience that The Sub-headings and quotations is to show to the viewers what will be in this months edition of the magazine, they are usually in big bold to attract the readers attention. Also the font is very unusual for a magazine, however the font works for the title as it has the style of the genre Pop and Rock.

Originally I wanted the colour purple to be the base colour, as I was trying to go for Pop/Rock colours which are known to be bright and vibrant colours. However as I was experimenting with different colours, for the font, I noticed that purple didn’t really emphasise any colours so I kept on changing the font and the base colour and finally chose red, black and a golden yellow.

The logo of the front cover is to promote which magazine it is, it’s also one of the biggest elements to advertise it and for the readers to notice it more.

Both magazines have dominating images, this suggest that the editor’s want the promote that the there is an exclusive with the artist that is on the cover of the magazine.

The colours that are used on the cover are very elegant and flowery which implies that it is aimed at girls and women.

It seems as if Billboard is a sophisticated music magazine has limited its information about the edition, which can suggest that the magazine is a well known magazine and people would buy it because of its name.

Also iconography is representing the genre, the clothing on the models imply what genre it maybe. Age Of R. P has the leather jackets which is Pop/Rock style. Billboard has a flowery based mini dress is Pop style.


On the contents page the colours are the same as the front cover, however I have put the golden yellow colour as the base as it seems to be give off a mellow and relaxing feel for the reader.

The images again dominate the page, this is to show the reader what the main article is, also the models show what genre of magazine it is, the clothing again imply that the magazine is a Pop/Rock magazine.

There is a editor’s note, this is to give the magazine a more personal feel toward the reader. Also it provides what the editor thinks of this months editions of the magazine.

There is a variety of different fonts, for the titles of the articles the font is matching with the logo of the magazine to have some formality and organisation to the magazine, however for the smaller font I have used a more formal font so it is easier for the reader to read it. I had experimented and used the same font for all the text however it was difficult to read the small text with the ‘Born of a Hero’ font.

Quotations are more eye-catching to promote the article and to show on which page it is one.

This contents page doesn’t reveal that it is a contents page, the read can only identify it as a contents page because of the page numbers and article names.

The images on this contents page also dominated the page to promote who and what will be in this months magazine edition.

The bright and vibrant, however there are darker colors uses colors that are used show to the reader that the magazine is in the genre pop/rock

Double Page Spread

Some double page spreads use quotations from the article, for example the Cher Lloyd article uses a quote from the passage, the reader will be drawn to this as it tells the shares information about Cher Lloyd’s past. However I used the bands name as the title so that the readers know what the article is about, it’s also easy for the reader to understand if they are interested in this band and music.

The image in this DPS is more dominant, the effect of the images shows that Cher Lloyd something important to say, as she has her hand across her mouth as if she’s about to tell a secret.

Both of the double page spreads are question and answer style of text, tis is used to give a more personal feeling for the readers, as if the reader was asking the questions themselves and giving the interview

The images that I have used also show a secretive feel toward the reader, this also gives the reader a personal effect as if the band are really close with their fans.

The color schemes that are used also imply what genre the magazine is, for example the Cher Lloyd DPS shows it appeals more to girls as the artist music and music it really popular with young girls.

However the color scheme that I have used implies both pop and rock music genre, for example the black, red and white show both sides of the genre. Also the fashion that the models are wearing don’t differ with the color scheme.