quarter 2 grammar lesson 3

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  • 7/30/2019 QUARTER 2 Grammar Lesson 3



    Name: _______________________ Date:_________ Score:________

    ANALOGY (Comprehension): Pick from the choices the word or group of words that best complete theanalogy statement below:

    ____1. Kilometer is to distance as ____________ is to ______________.A) Calorie : weight B) base : height C) minute : time

    ____ 2. Kitten is to cat as __________ : ___________

    A) Colt : horse B) gosling : lamb C) son : woman____ 3. Dawn : Sunset as _______________ : _______________A) Takeoff : flight B) birth : death C) contest : defeat

    ____ 4. Coup d etat is to government as poison is to ___________A) Existence B) acid C) rebellion

    ____ 5. Money is to wallet as car is to _________________A) Expensive B) engine C) garage

    ____ 6. Fishes : corrals as airplanes : ___________A) Tarmac b) sky c) clouds

    ____ 7. Dictionary is to vocabulary as ______________ is to mapsA) Encyclopedia B) Atlas c) Thesaurus

    ____ 8. Blue is to ocean as ________ is to coalA) White B) Black c) Brown

    ____ 9. Pencil is to paper as brush is to _______________

    A) Surface B) hair c) teeth____ 10. Albert Einstein : Theory of relativity as Baldo Arguilla is to ________

    A) Story B) How my brother Leon brought Home a Wife C) Theres a teenager in the house

    Choose the appropriate determiner

    11. I have been waiting for you for almost ( a, an ) hour12. ( The, A ) red car parked at the side of the street belongs to Ricky.13. We went to ( the, a, an ) Luneta Park.14. ( This, These ) is my wedding ring.15. Add a ( little, few ) oil to saut the vegetables.

    Encircle the determiner/s and underline the modified noun (2-points each number)

    16. Several coconuts have died due to plant decease17. Both movies are good.18. Lucios house is just across the street.19. One word is enough for a wise man.20. Everyone finds this chair comfortable.

    Encircle the descriptive adjective/s and underline the modified noun

    21. Cold wind comes on December.22. He gave me fresh flowers.23. Bluish sky brings me peace.24. One word is enough for a wise man.

    25. Everyone finds this chair comfortable.

    Add the appropriate suffix (ful, our, al, ly, able/ible etc..) to convert nouns to adjectives

    26. nation______ 27. Burden_______ 28. Music_______ 29. Comfort______30. joy______ 31. Wonder______ 32. Power______ 33. Boy_______

    Write P for primary sources of information and S for secondary sources of information

    34. exam result ______ 35. Photograph __________ 36. Encyclopedia ____________ 37. TV Patrol ________ 38. Magazine ___________ 39. Internet ____________

    SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT: Underline the correct verb

    41.Reading (takes, take) us to many lands and varied experiences.42.The human body (has, have) 45 miles of nerves.43.She (goes, go) to mass every Sunday.44.Bananas (grows, grow) best in the provinces of Davao.45.Light objects (floats, float) on water.46.Computers (is, are) already a learning tool in many schools,47.Women nowadays (believes, believe) that they can compete with men in labor

    market.48.The house made of bricks (was, were) sold a month ago.49.Of the members of the F4, Jerry (is, are) the tallest.

  • 7/30/2019 QUARTER 2 Grammar Lesson 3


    50.The craters of the moon (is, are) visible through a low-powered microscope.