quantitative studies on in vitro transformation of hamster chondrocytes

15. 2. 1978 Specialia 239 filter paper to supply sufficient humidity. After 10 days cultivation at 25 ~ the extent of spore germination and mycelial growth was judged with the naked eye and under a microscope. Results and discussion. Assessment of biological activity of trichopolyns A and B is summarized in the table. Tri- chopolyns were found to be ineffective on the following organisms up to a concentration of 100~zg/ml: Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhosa, Shigella ]lexneri, Shigella sonnei, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus morganii, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia mar- cescens, Citrobacter freundii and Enterobacter aerogenes. Trichopolyns have strong inhibitory activity against fungi, gram-positive bacteria and acid-fast bacteria, which is quite different from cyclosporins 17. The maximal tolerated dose of a 1:1 mixture of trichopolyns A and B in mice was 5 mg/kg when administered i.p. It is note- worthy that MIC of trichopolyns A and B against Flam- mulina velutips is exceedingly high as compared to those against other hymenomycetes in the agar dilution method, while in the paper disk method it remains on nearly the same level as other hymenomycetes. The observed fact is well explained by assuming that trichopolyns inhibit rather the mycelial growth than spore germination of Flammulina velutipes. Though the mol.wt of trichopolyns A and B have not yet been settled, determination by gel filtration gave a value of about 2000 for both compounds. Moreover, infrared spectra of these antibiotics showed very similar absorp- tion bands characteristic of polypeptides (v maxKBr', 3300, 1670' and 1535 cm-~). Amino acid composition of tricho- polyns A and B was determined to be [(e-amino iSobutyric acid)4, (Ala)2, (Ile)l, (Pro)l]n. It is interesting that cyclo- sporins contain a number of methylated amino acids which are missing in trichopolyns. In the hydrolysates of both trichopolyns A and B with 6 N HC1 the presence of e-methyl capric acid, and a ninhydrin-positive com- pound whose structure has not been determined, were re- cognized. Trichopolyn A was easily converted to tricho- polyn B by stirring its hcetone solution with saturated aqueous sodium chloride solution, while trichopolyn B, on stirring its acetone solution with 10% aqueous silver nitrate, gave trichopolyn A. These interconversions clearly indicate that these 2 antibiotics have the same basic skeleton but only differ in counter anions, that is NO a- for trichopolyn A and C1 for trichopolyn B. A more de- tailed investigation on the structure of trichopolyns is currently underway. I2 V. W. Cochrane, in: Physiology of Fungi, chapter 14, p. 440. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y. 1958. 13 P.W. Brian and H. G. Hemming, Ann. appl. Biol. 32, 214 (1945). 14 J.E. Little and K. K. Grangh, J. Bact. 52, 587 (1946). 15 J. G. Vincent and H. Vincent, Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. Med. 55, 162 (1944). 16 D.F. Spooner and G. Sykes, in: Methods in Microbiology, vol. 7B, p. 211. Ed. J. R. Norris and D. W. Ribbons. Academic Press, New York, N. Y. 1972. 17 M. Dreyfuss, E. Hfirri, H. Hofmann, H. Kobel, W. Pache and H. Tscherter, Eur. J. appl. Microbiol. 3, 125 (1976). Quantitative studies on in vitro transformation of hamster chondrocytesl Y. Katoh and S. Takayama 2 Department o~ Experimental Pathology, Cancer Institute, 7-37-1, Kami-Ikebukuro, Toshirna-ku, Tokyo 170 (Japan), 27 June 7977 Summary. Hamster chondrocytes could be transformed in a quantitative assay system which used X-irradiated feeder layer cells. Morphological transformation occurred on addition of, 4NQO, but not in control cultures. Differentiation was classified into 3 types (good, poor and none); normal and transformed colonies contained similar proportions of the 3 types. Since the 1st report of chemical carcinogenesis in vitro by Berwald and Sachs a, various mammalian cells have been transformed by a number of chemical carcinogens. However, almost all studies have been done with fibro- blastic cells which have no specific differentiated charac- ters. Recently, several epithelial cell systems, such as rat liver parenchymal cells 4 s, rat submandibular gland cells 7, and rat urinary bladder cells 8, have been estab- lished, but they have not yet been used as model systems to investigate the relationship between carcinogenesis and differentiation. We reported previously that hamster chondrocytes, which originate flom mesoderm but which have clearly differentiated characters, could be trans- formed into neoplastic cells with chemicals 9,10. From our findings we concluded that carcinogenesis and differen- tiation are more or less incompatible. However, it was not clear whether transformation (or the initial step of carcinogenesis) and differentiation were incompatible, because we only observed a close relationship between malignancy and dedifferentiation. This paper reports the in vitro transformation of hamster chondrocytes with 4-nitroquinoline-l-oxide (4NQO) in a system for quanti- tative assay of transformation. Chondrocytes were obtained from suckling hamsters as described previously TM. Primary cultures of chondrocytes were trypsinized and stored in liquid nitrogen for use as target ceils. The method for quantitative assay of trans- formation was essentially as reported previously n. The feeder layer ceils used were cryopreserved hamster cells derived from 14 gestation days embryos. When the cells became confluent, they were irradiated with 5,000 R, 1 This work was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Educa- tion, Science and Culture, Japan. 2 We thank Miss M. Tanaka for her technical assistance. 3 Y. Berwald and L. Sachs, Nature 200, 1182 (1963). 4 H. Katsuta and T. Takaoka, J. nat. Cancer Inst. 49, 1563 (1972). 5 R. Montesano, L. Saint Vincent and L. Tomatis, Br. J. Cancer 28, 215 (1973). 6 G.M. Williams, J. M. Elliott and J. H. Weisburger, Cancer Res, 33, 606 (1923). 7 A.M. Brown, Cancer Res. 33, 2779 (1973). 8 Y. Hashimoto and H. S. Kitagawa, Nature 252, 497 (1974). 9 Y. Katoh and S. Takayama, Cancer Lett. 2, 31 (1976). 10 Y. Katoh, J. nat. Cancer Inst. 59, 155 (1977). 11 S. Takayama, Y. Katoh, M. Tanaka, M. Nagao, K. Waka- bayashi and T. Sugimura, Proc. Japan Acad. 53, 115 (1977).

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15. 2. 1978 Specialia 239

fi l ter paper to supply suff ic ient humid i ty . Af te r 10 days cu l t iva t ion at 25 ~ the e x t e n t of spore ge rmina t ion and mycel ia l g rowth was judged wi th the naked eye and under a microscope. Results and discussion. Assessment of biological ac t iv i ty of t r i chopolyns A and B is summar ized in the table. Tri- chopolyns were found to be ineffect ive on the following organisms up to a concen t ra t ion of 100~zg/ml: Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhosa, Shigella ]lexneri, Shigella sonnei, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus morganii, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia mar- cescens, Citrobacter freundii and Enterobacter aerogenes. Trichopolyns have s t rong inh ib i to ry ac t iv i ty agains t fungi, g ram-pos i t ive bac te r ia and acid-fast bacter ia , which is quite d i f ferent f rom cyclosporins 17. The max ima l to le ra ted dose of a 1:1 mix tu re of t r i chopolyns A and B in mice was 5 mg/kg when admin is te red i.p. I t is note- w o r t h y t h a t MIC of t r i chopolyns A and B agains t Flam- mulina velutips is exceedingly high as compared to those aga ins t o ther h y m e n o m y c e t e s in the agar di lut ion me thod , while in the paper disk me thod it r emains on near ly the same level as o ther hymenomyce t e s . The observed fact is well expla ined by assuming t h a t t r i chopolyns inhibi t r a the r the mycelial g rowth than spore ge rmina t ion of Flammulina velutipes. Though the mol .wt of t r i chopolyns A and B have no t ye t been set t led, de t e rmina t ion by gel f i l t ra t ion gave a value of abou t 2000 for b o t h compounds . Moreover, infrared spec t ra of these ant ib io t ics showed very similar absorp-

t ion bands charac ter i s t ic of po lypep t ides (v maxKBr', 3300, 1670' and 1535 cm-~). Amino acid compos i t ion of t r icho-

polyns A and B was de t e rmined to be [(e-amino iSobutyric acid)4, (Ala)2, (Ile)l, (Pro)l]n. I t is in te res t ing t h a t cyclo- spor ins con ta in a n u m b e r of m e t h y l a t e d amino acids which are missing in t r ichopolyns . In the hydro lysa te s of bo th t r i chopolyns A and B wi th 6 N HC1 the presence of e -me t h y l capric acid, and a n inhydr in -pos i t i ve com- p o u n d whose s t ruc tu re has no t been de te rmined , were re- cognized. Tr ichopolyn A was easily conver t ed to t r icho- po lyn B by s t i r r ing i ts hce tone solut ion wi th s a tu r a t ed aqueous sod ium chloride solution, while t r i chopolyn B, on s t i r r ing its ace tone solut ion wi th 10% aqueous silver n i t ra te , gave t r i chopolyn A. These in te rconvers ions clearly indica te t h a t these 2 ant ib io t ics have the same basic skeleton b u t only differ in counte r anions, t h a t is NO a- for t r i chopo lyn A and C1 for t r i chopo lyn B. A more de- ta i led inves t iga t ion on the s t ruc tu re of t r i chopolyns is cu r ren t ly underway .

I2 V. W. Cochrane, in: Physiology of Fungi, chapter 14, p. 440. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y. 1958.

13 P.W. Brian and H. G. Hemming, Ann. appl. Biol. 32, 214 (1945). 14 J .E . Little and K. K. Grangh, J. Bact. 52, 587 (1946). 15 J. G. Vincent and H. Vincent, Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. Med. 55,

162 (1944). 16 D.F. Spooner and G. Sykes, in: Methods in Microbiology, vol.

7B, p. 211. Ed. J. R. Norris and D. W. Ribbons. Academic Press, New York, N. Y. 1972.

17 M. Dreyfuss, E. Hfirri, H. Hofmann, H. Kobel, W. Pache and H. Tscherter, Eur. J. appl. Microbiol. 3, 125 (1976).

Quant i ta t ive s tu d ie s on in v i tro t r a n s f o r m a t i o n of h a m s t e r c h o n d r o c y t e s l

Y. K a t o h and S. T a k a y a m a 2

Department o~ Experimental Pathology, Cancer Institute, 7-37-1, Kami-Ikebukuro, Toshirna-ku, Tokyo 170 (Japan), 27 June 7977

Summary. H a m s t e r chondrocy tes could be t r ans fo rmed in a quan t i t a t i ve assay sys tem which used X- i r rad ia ted feeder layer cells. Morphological t r ans fo rma t ion occurred on addi t ion of, 4NQO, b u t not in contro l cultures. Different ia t ion was classified in to 3 t ypes (good, poor and none); normal and t r ans fo rmed colonies con ta ined similar p ropor t ions of the 3 types.

Since the 1st r epor t of chemical carcinogenesis in vi t ro by Berwald and Sachs a, var ious m a m m a l i a n cells have been t r ans fo rmed by a n u m b e r of chemical carcinogens. However , a lmost all s tudies have been done wi th fibro- blast ic cells which have no specific d i f fe ren t ia ted charac- ters. Recent ly , several epi thel ial cell sys tems, such as ra t l iver p a r e n c h y m a l cells 4 s, ra t submand ibu l a r gland cells 7, and ra t u r inary b ladder cells 8, have been es tab- lished, bu t t h e y have no t ye t been used as model sys tems to inves t iga te the re la t ionship be tween carcinogenesis and different ia t ion. We repor ted previous ly t h a t hams t e r chondrocytes , which or iginate f lom mesode rm b u t which have clearly d i f fe rent ia ted characters , could be t rans- formed into neoplast ic cells w i th chemicals 9,10. F r o m our f indings we concluded t h a t carcinogenesis and differen- t ia t ion are more or less incompat ib le . However , it was no t clear whe the r t r ans fo rma t ion (or the initial s tep of carcinogenesis) and di f ferent ia t ion were incompat ible , because we only observed a close re la t ionship be tween mal ignancy and dedif ferent ia t ion. This paper repor t s the in vi t ro t r ans fo rma t ion of h a m s t e r chondrocy tes w i th 4-n i t roquinol ine- l -oxide (4NQO) in a sys tem for quant i - t a t ive assay of t r ans fo rmat ion .

Chondrocy tes were ob ta ined f rom suckling hams te r s as descr ibed previous ly TM. Pr i mary cul tures of chondrocy te s were t ryps in ized and s tored in liquid n i t rogen for use as t a rge t ceils. The m e t h o d for q u a n t i t a t i v e assay of t rans - fo rmat ion was essent ial ly as r epor ted previous ly n. The feeder layer ceils used were c ryoprese rved h a m s t e r cells der ived f rom 14 ges ta t ion days embryos . W h e n the cells became confluent , t h e y were i r rad ia ted wi th 5,000 R,

1 This work was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Educa- tion, Science and Culture, Japan.

2 We thank Miss M. Tanaka for her technical assistance. 3 Y. Berwald and L. Sachs, Nature 200, 1182 (1963). 4 H. Katsuta and T. Takaoka, J. nat. Cancer Inst. 49, 1563 (1972). 5 R. Montesano, L. Saint Vincent and L. Tomatis, Br. J. Cancer

28, 215 (1973). 6 G.M. Williams, J. M. Elliott and J. H. Weisburger, Cancer Res,

33, 606 (1923). 7 A.M. Brown, Cancer Res. 33, 2779 (1973). 8 Y. Hashimoto and H. S. Kitagawa, Nature 252, 497 (1974). 9 Y. Katoh and S. Takayama, Cancer Lett. 2, 31 (1976). 10 Y. Katoh, J. nat. Cancer Inst. 59, 155 (1977). 11 S. Takayama, Y. Katoh, M. Tanaka, M. Nagao, K. Waka-

bayashi and T. Sugimura, Proc. Japan Acad. 53, 115 (1977).


Transformation of hamster chondrocytes by 4NQO

Specialia ]~XPERIENTIA 34/2

Treatment Number Surviving colonies Colony Transformed colonies (~g/ml) of Total Differentiation forming Total Differentiation

dishes** good poor none efficiency good poor (%)


Transfor- mation (%)

0.004 9 566 185 209 172 12.58 4 1 2 1 0.71 (32.7)*** (36.9) (30.4)

0.002 9 620 226 235 159 13.78 3 1 1 1 0.48 (36.5) (37.9) (25.6)

0.001 9 604 205 244 155 13.42 3 1 1 1 0.50 (33.9) (40.4) (25.7)

0 9 610 186 260 164 13.56 0 0 (30.5) (42.6) (26.9)

* Treatment was for 8 days; ** each dish was seeded with approximately 500 chondrocytes; *** numbers in parentheses indicate percentages.

t ryps in ized , and seeded at 3 • cells/ml in 2 ml of med ium in 60 m m plast ic dishes. Secondary cul tures of chondrocy te s were t ryps in ized when the cultures, were 80-90% confluent . Abou t 500 ch rondrocy tes in 2 ml of med ium were seeded into dishes which had been seeded 24 h previous ly wi th X- i r rad ia ted feeder layer cells. The nex t day, graded doses of 4NQO were added to the dishes in volumes of 4 ml to ob ta in final concen t ra t ions of 0.001, 0.002, and 0.004 ~xg/ml of 4NQO, and 4 ml of med ium only was added to control dishes. The cul ture med ium used was Dulbecco ' s Modified Eagle Medium supp lemen ted wi th 20% p re t e s t ed fetal bovine serum (Microbiological

Fig. 1. Transformed colony of hamster ehondrocytes (well differen- tiated type). Note metaehromasia in the central region. Toluidine blue • 20.

Fig. 2. Same colony as for figure 1. Giemsa x 20.

Associates, USA). The cul tures were incuba ted at 37~ for 8 days w i t h o u t refeeding. Then t h e y were washed twice wi th H a n k ' s solution, f ixed wi th methanol , and s ta ined wi th 0.1% toluidine blue (pH 6.4 for 10 min). Af ter examina t ion for m e t a c h r o m a t i c s taining, the cul- tures were s ta ined wi th Giemsa. The colony forming efficiency (CFE) of cells t r ea t ed with 0.001 and 0.002 ~zg/ml 4NQO was similar to t h a t of control cultures, bu t the C F E of cul tures t rea ted wi th 0.004 ~xg/ml 4NQO was sl ight ly less. As shown in the table, t r ans fo rmed colonies were ob ta ined at all doses of 4NQO used, bu t no t r ans fo rma t ion occurred in contro l cultures. The ra te of t r ans fo rma t ion was h ighes t on t r e a t m e n t wi th 0.004 ~g/ml 4NQO, bu t no a p p a r e n t dose-response for t r ans fo rma t ion was observed. Morpho- logical t r ans fo rma t ion of chondrocy tes was seen as r a n d o m or ien ta t ion and decreased cy toplasmic spreading of cells a t the pe r iphery of colonies (figures 1 and 2); in con t r a s t to the or iented g rowth and f la t t en ing of the cells a t the pe r iphery of normal colonies (figures 3 and 4). Abou t 30% of the colonies in control cul tures were well d i f fe ren t ia ted (metachromasia , + +) , 40% were poor ly d i f fe rent ia ted (metachromasia , + ) , and 30% were undi f fe ren t ia ted colonies (metachromasia , --). The p ropor t ions of these 3 t y p e s did no t change in t r ans - fo rmed colonies, or in normal colonies on4NQO t r e a t m e n t ; namely , 3 of 10 t r ans fo rmed colonies were well differen- t ia ted, 4 were poor ly di f ferent ia ted, and 3 were undif feren- t ia ted . Therefore, morphological t r ans fo rma t ion is no t in- compat ib le wi th different ia t ion. T rans fo rma t ion of dif- fe ren t ia t ing myob las t s is, la and d i f fe ren t ia ted chondro- cytes 14 of chick embryos by a t empera tu re - sens i t ive m u t a n t of Rous sarcoma virus showed t h a t t r ans fo rma- t ion and di f ferent ia t ion were s o mew h a t incompat ib le . However , viral t r ans fo rma t ion m a y involve b o t h s teps of carcinogenesis ( init iat ion and promot ion) . These experi- men t s d e m o n s t r a t e t h a t i t is possible to t r ans fo rm h a m - ster chondrocy te s in vi t ro in a q u a n t i t a t i v e assay sys tem. This sys t em seems to offer a conven ien t new assay s y s t em for rapid de tec t ion of the carc inogenic i ty of chemicals, because the cells are homogeneous .

Fig. 3. Normal colony of hamster ehondroeytes (well differentiated type). Toluidine blue x 20.

Fig. 4. Same colony as for figure 3. Giemsa • 20.

12 M.Y. Flszman and P. Fnchs, Nature 25d, 429 (I975). 13 H. Holtzer, J. Biehl, G. Yeoh, R. Meganathan and A. Kaji, Proe.

nat. Acad. Sei. USA 72, 4051 (1975). 14 M. Okayama, M. Yoshimura, M, Muto, J. Chi, S. Roth and A.

Kaji, Cancer Res. 37, 712 (1977).