[pycon2016]to mock or not to mock, that is the questions

To or not to that is the question MOCK MOCK

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: [PyCon2016]To mock or not to mock, that is the questions


or not to

that is the question


Page 2: [PyCon2016]To mock or not to mock, that is the questions


or not to

that is the question


Page 3: [PyCon2016]To mock or not to mock, that is the questions


a treatise narrated by

from Potato of Londontowne.ANA BALICA

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Thou shalt write tests.

“ ”

William Shakespeare

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Chapter one

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Mocks simulatethe looks and behaviour

of real objects

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REALfig.1 fig.2


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mocks != stubs

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✓ Setup

✓ Test

✓ Verify state

✓ Teardown

✓ Setup

✓ Setup expectations

✓ Test

✓ Verify expectations

✓ Verify state

✓ Teardown

Stubs Mocks

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unittest.mock # Python 3.3 mock # Python 2.x

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Mock>>> from mock import Mock >>> m = Mock() >>> m.foo = 1 >>> m.foo 1 >>> m.bar <Mock name='mock.bar' id='4310136016'>

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Mock() MagicMock()

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Mock() MagicMock()


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from mock import patch

with patch('rainbow.Pony') as MockPony: MockPony.return_value = 42


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# creatures.py

class Pony: pass

# rainbow.py

from creatures import Pony pony = Pony()

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Mock the object where it’s used, not where it came from

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Chapter two

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Good mocks

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with patch.dict('os.environ', {'ANDROID_ARGUMENT': ''}): pf = Platform() self.assertTrue(pf == ‘android')


System calls

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@mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=six.StringIO) def test_print_live_refs_empty(self, stdout): trackref.print_live_refs() self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), 'Live References\n\n\n')


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@patch('django.utils.six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen') def test_oembed_photo_request(self, urlopen): urlopen.return_value = self.dummy_response result = wagtail_oembed("http://www.youtube.com/watch/") self.assertEqual(result['type'], 'photo')


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@patch.object(DataLoader, '_get_file_contents') def test_parse_json_from_file(self, mock_def): mock_def.return_value = ('{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}', True) output = self._loader.load_from_file('dummy_json.txt') self.assertEqual(output, dict(a=1, b=2, c=3))

json.loadsIO operations

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@mock.patch('time.sleep') def test_500_retry(self, sleep_mock): self.set_http_response(status_code=500)

# Create a bucket, a key and a file with self.assertRaises(BotoServerError): k.send_file(fail_file)

Clocks, time, timezonestime.sleep

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with mock.patch('random.random', return_value=0.0): with self.assertChanges(get_timeline_size, before=10, after=5): backend.add(timeline, next(self.records))


Unpredictable results

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✓ System calls

✓ Streams

✓ Networking

✓ IO operations

✓ Clocks, time, timezones

✓ Unpredictable results

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✓ Save time

✓ Make impossible possible

✓ Exclude external dependencies

Why we like them

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Chapter three

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mocks Bad

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with patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertTrue(saved_pony.age, 3) mock_save.assert_called_once()


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with patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertTrue(saved_pony.age, 3) mock_save.assert_called_once()


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with patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertEqual(saved_pony.age, 3) mock_save.assert_called_once()


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with patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertEqual(saved_pony.age, 3) mock_save.assert_called_once()


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with patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertEqual(saved_pony.age, 3) mock_save.assert_called_twice()


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with patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertEqual(saved_pony.age, 3) mock_save.make_me_sandwich()


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¯\_( )_/¯

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Solution 1with patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertEqual(saved_pony.age, 3) mock_save.assert_called_once_with()

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Solution 2with patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertEqual(saved_pony.age, 3) self.assertEqual(mock_save.call_count, 1)

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Failurewith patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertEqual(saved_pony.age, 3) self.assertEqual(mock_save.sandwich_count, 1)

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Solution 3

Test Driven Development

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Problems?with patch.object(Pony, 'save_base') as mock_save: form = PonyForm(instance=pony, data=data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) saved_pony = form.save() self.assertEqual(saved_pony.age, 3) self.assertEqual(mock_save.call_count, 1)

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Tests pass?


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Maybe it’s incomple te?

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Integration tests

c = Client() response = c.post('/pony/', {'age': 1}) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)

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Unit tests

Integration tests


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Only mock types that you own

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Building onThird-Party


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Adapter layer

3rd party API

Application objects

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Adapter layer

3rd party API

Application objects

Test this


Mock this

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Mocks can be


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Passing faulty tests give a fal se sense of security

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The end