proposal for wall climbing gear

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  • 7/30/2019 Proposal for Wall Climbing Gear


    Proposal for Wall climbing gear

  • 7/30/2019 Proposal for Wall Climbing Gear


    A new, popular sport called Artificial Wall Climbing (or Sport climbing) is a style of

    climbing that relies on permanent anchors fixed to a wall for protection. It

    contrasts with traditional climbing, in which the rock is typically devoid of fixed

    anchors and climbers must place removable protection as they climb. Since the

    need to place protection is virtually eliminated, sport climbing places an emphasis

    on gymnastic ability, strength and endurance, as opposed to adventure, risk and

    self-sufficiency. As artificial means are used primarily for safety rather than to

    make upward progress, sport climbing is considered a form of free climbing. The

    growth of Sport climbing in the past five years in India has been exponential and

    its benefits have been acknowledged all over the country at various colleges and


    An Artificial Climbing Wall is a wall with grips for hands and feet, used for

    climbing. In addition to the textured surface and hand holds, the wall contains

    surface structures such as indentions (incuts) and protrusions (bulges), or takes

  • 7/30/2019 Proposal for Wall Climbing Gear


    the form of overhang, underhang or crack. Some grips are formed to mimic the

    conditions of outdoor rocks, including some that are oversized and can have other

    grips bolted into them. An Artificial wall can be used for the purpose of training at

    all levels, competitions, recreation and education.

    Objectives and Benefits

    The main objectives of building a climbing wall in our campus are:

    1. To provide the IITK community with a novel recreational as well as professional

    activity helps them make constructive use of their energy and time to provide

    them with an opportunity of learning basic and advanced rock climbing.

    2. To help community members who are already trained at a basic level in

    practicing and developing their climbing skills.

    3. To help students train themselves and practice rigorously for mountaineering

    expeditions of higher standards, a field in which IIT Kanpur is better than any

    other academic institution.

    4. To cater to the needs of ever increasing number of adventure sports

    enthusiasts in the campus with a new, fruitful activity.

    5. To help students of other sports teams of our institute in training themselves

    for fitness as this sport not only requires enormous strength and endurance

    when attempted at higher levels.

    6. The wall can be used to hold competitions of national or zonal levels.

    As far as benefits of wall climbing are concerned, to begin with, this sport

    addresses four major components of physical fitness as follows:

    Muscular strength Muscular Endurance Body Composition Flexibility

  • 7/30/2019 Proposal for Wall Climbing Gear


    Equipments needed for safe and efficient wall climbing:

    Equipment Quantity Cost

    Crash Pads 2 6000

    Climbing Shoes 5 4000

    Chalk Bags 4 400

    Holds 30 400

    Total 45600