prophecy for america by t.e. deckard

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  • 7/30/2019 Prophecy for America by t.e. Deckard



    Prophecy For America

    T.E. Deckard

    This nation has become a stench in the nostrils of G-d and it is too late to turn His judgmentback. G-ds spirit will no longer strive with America and America is in for a long, hard fall. I

    realize this is not what people want to hear, but this is what the L-rd is saying.

    America, prepare thyself to receive the judgments of your G-d. I gave thee of the fatness of

    the land and put strength within thee to overcome nations and kingdoms. But you now thinkthat it was something that you have done within yourselves to have accomplished these

    things. Woe unto you and your mighty men of valor. For I the L-rd G-d shall bring to nought

    your strength and ability to overcome. It is I the L-rd G-d that does bring forth kings andnations and it is I that tears them down. You have become an abomination to me. Yourpriests and seers are as sleeping dogs that have refused to repent and seek me with a

    whole heart. They minister for their own gain. I the L-rd G-d will bring them to nought and

    turn them over to believe a lie. I will cause the storms, earthquakes, and floods to become

    stronger and more frequent. I will send a sword through the land and will cause families tobe at odds one to another, killing and being killed. Tumult will be throughout the land and

    your streets will run with blood. Famine will I send in the land and you will watch as yourchildren die from hunger. I tried over and over again to reason with you o nation, but youwould have me not. We will now see as you have thought to have become your own god if

    you can deliver these people in their time of trouble. I will laugh at you and call you a

    foolish nation. You have forsaken the Living G-d and I have now forsaken you. You willknow in the end that I am the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I was in the beginning and

    so shall I be in the end.

    These are not things that are going to take place overnight. It will transpire very slowly as italready has; seemingly as though there has been nothing take place. This nation has

    become accustomed to all the storms, earthquakes, fires, floods, and everything else thatthe L-rd has sent to try to get the attention of the church and this nation.

    The days that lie ahead for the United States and the world are going to become very trying

    times. The church is slipping deeper and deeper into a coma from which only a remnant willawaken. It is this remnant that will do the great exploits in these last days.

    We must keep the faith and not be drawn into the snare that is now set for all mankind.

    The End Time Messenger

    June/July 1994

    The Church desperately needs to experience once again the unadulterated power of G-d.

    The church is once again being transitioned into position for the end-times.

    Many of G-ds saints will miss this transition because most of the church is asleep.

    [link to]
  • 7/30/2019 Prophecy for America by t.e. Deckard


    Bro. Deckard is a born again Jew that G-d has called to the office of the Prophet. He has

    established over 160 churches around the world. G-d called him to be a Prophet sent to thenations and Bro. Deckard has prophesied to leaders and nations throughout the world. A

    few of the Prophesies that G-d gave to Bro. Deckard which have come to pass are as follows:

    Prophesied the coming of the AIDs Epidemic 2 years before it was discovered. He told thepeople that the government would try to cover it up but in the end they would have to

    reveal it.

    Prophesied that Prime Minister Sandiford of Barbados would be resigning from office.Prophesied that the cold war would end and the Berlin Wall would be no more, 1 year before

    it took place. He also Prophesied that the threat during the cold war was not Russia; it

    would come from the Middle East.Prophesied that the tornado activity in America would become greater than ever beforeknown on record.

    Prophesied that old diseases that the world thought had been eradicated would return and

    that they would become immune to our modern day medicines now being used.

    Prophesied the flooding of the great Mississippi River 6 months before it occurred.Prophesied the coming of the first war with Iraq [Desert Storm], and then prophesied that

    America would have to go back and finish the job at a later date.Prophesied the beginning of the European Common Market and the struggle that they wouldhave accomplishing the task.

    Prophesied the events of 911 five years before it occurred.

    Prophesied that the Islamic religion would become the fastest growing religion in the UnitedStates. This was in 1990, and today it is a known fact that this has come to pass.

    Bro. Deckard has given signs to every nation that he has stepped foot upon that they mightknow G-d has sent a Prophet unto them:

    Prophesied that the four year drought would be broken in Central Africa three days after hedeparted from the nation. This occurred exactly as G-d had spoken.In the Philippines Prophesied that a volcano which had been dormant for 500 years would

    erupt as a sign that G-d had sent him there. This occurred two years later.Prophesied in Guyana, South America that flood waters would flow into the drinking waterand thousands would become ill. This occurred shortly thereafter.

    Prophesied a great drought would come upon the land of Madagascar. This occurred three

    months later.These are a few of the Prophecies that Bro. Deckard has been given by G-d.