property of the watertown historical society · cers* tralnieg sehci!. ... one tre^fe: later, when...

SECOND SECHOH SECOND SECTION WATERBURY, CONN- SUND&&* World's History arriors Showsag the 'Hrais That America Knows How to Fight Some Are Officers, Some Are Only Privates, But They're '11EUT VMTON MTFCHELL SERGT. CHARLES M'GOWAW SERGT. HAEKY WHEELER y Two Waterfowis; Boys Killed m the War, - MEN NOW IN SERVICE Town's Good Records in Previous Wars Nc*7 Inspire. ;-. : aci t. » rVrirr; '1'"-*-; e!i_r»*=rs ::„ world b:=:o.y. " Wat=~- rf "'*•"• mile-s r - --£.s to fgr.r -ss tl^ir r~ ^fathers *-'o *r"-»t KC -e t'lin for <=--e~* a fc-jt^r ea-'isV." ™FIn; £' : i Tbeir ~C£-to'5 11 K-.-o'-ti'jr --rt" •>-- !' n y w ai* 1 m the Trorld war, "was T.:su.. L?roy Ga:-s TTnod-wanJ. Is :.:= Iioi_e cf Mrs. Charles Wood- ~^rd, hangs a y^rviee £»g -with two ? ("»:i» star >.a? sireidy torn»d >£• soli i'i;t lie oOie. - is bright blue, '. "'.•? tlu» star seams to ail the •-.-igl.j=r. now- that tfce other isas v-rnsd tr» goiti, a promise, perhaps, •i the y,inr.g aviator who has gone, t-at h:s death siisll be avenged. Went. Leroy Woodward, Mrs. Charies Wootiv.-ard of Scoti ?vor.':°, who proudly gave her two nrly ET-S in response to the call of &«><• cn^ntrr. is. as hundreds of oth- er mothers are (i"iTi5 at. tlie preser.t time, "cave:;- living flown the sad ia- reUisence of T 1 *" death of her son. I '.^.r.t. L^roy Ga v es Wood-R-ard •who —as Ml'ed in a practise Sight, Asg. l*i. Ijip'it. Woodtrard is the first —ledb.T ot i*"» Arn-rican forces from Watcrtiwn tn he feilled in the pres- f>ct ra* and is the second IVater- t3"."n yomft ;o ia"-t Ills death -la " r r^.n"'?, the <".t>=r imping- Leny At- -•r>od. sor- of Mr. a"d Mrs. Alansoa H. Af.vnr.i-!, x'ho T?as a n^jrar-er of *? Ho •well fc•-JY4.ES- T-nat i'-" \\_-- 3ilstorr real!" tr: c ^< -.3 all ti'tt- 3 snd Joyal Americans acd t ^ y ars «p- f LT-rt vr£.r t)n Gerra-ir.y, and j - shot dnn*n by a Orman : y It is a sfange coicc.denes , t!:=t tea tv,-n first young nf=n of th«*i t^v.n to give up iher- hfe in ifee! VI-«-H war, Voth iiad the samej CIiri«tian n a n ? . | Xi!«-ut. Woodtv?rd •s'aa bo^n In "Wa- » K"OHT, Dec. C3, 3?3S. ar.<i •wss £du- J <--*••=<-! > . -> Waterto'srp.. Jat-r eoriplet- s -a h T 3"st :<3'c=i at Prait jartirats. Ar j tii9 time of Sss enijsrntent lie was upoa fc;s career wUJi great He was eEsptoyed at a bagmess fcraseis oSc<= in MostaM. as deputy 6Er% - eyor of CE5ca5« coasi". 13iree Barlois BrotlKre is Service, Leslie Spanes'r ani Floyi Esr- low, sons of Mr. ar.d Sirs. Waiter S. Barlow of Chestmit Gro%e park, are all serving fuels Sast la tiiS^M^t branches. Leslie Barlow, whose only at-a is to co MS duty for E;S cfssniry, sailed o* -sfjeis ivlih the i'Od rsg:- inent alryiQ^t a year a;o. He Mslisv- ed in Bzit^s^port- 3uiy. i?"T sr"i "a-en* to -•Tlarttic *vhere h? ;©fR?*i t i e 1624 .Ambuiance company, ?ac •»-eeks lat»r Se sail?S for overseas frorrs Hailfas. K? Las ia-i inaay tferillin'5 esppr!eac»a and goes *hs limit m relating t'sem ta fr_e Some folks in Bis i-iu re«ei-.g l»r=rs. Sersr. SP?*ZCT Ear:© 1 " oclis'pS Jtise 1517 in Bndgcyn in the S«:-2 aral!er» - a3<i B-as sta'ioned a. For- f locum for sans* time, tae*i ?ra*:«- f«rred to Casap Roltissos i>- •WI?. Ke tras then ssr.t. to 6ra»i ia Rocker-!, EL He S in one of trie bigg-st art:"erj* laents sJcce tfce Crril war ors a -I""' cule trip fron Ho^ifcr-i Jo Fpsr-a. Since J'air, Sergt. Bariow Ms bs«-i at til* CSIEP Za^hary Taylor e 2 - cers* tralniEg sehci!. Flora BarlOTA" T.-5st«4 in the ca"- alry Slay 14. 3 Pit. ia ITatsrbrr" and -K-a? s^st to Fort S?.t?-2xn. Is iep-i rtaa thre? T. -oo Ss he irss tracs- ferrel to Firr Eliaa AUst:. Ver- mont, and later xo Carnp S itSss. fc h ia corps. yaars of age s^rtsS was of Sir. •wiiea 1* "Westteay JWar io mm tm' s=« Sept * g o i . w--rH ar.i sorted for Tessas •***«?•**< Caap he 5Z3.EC.e3 to tafee *up fefailag'. H* ef . i£* a at re ash ifce •anrtiUor: as far as getting- to Texas was piwi3ttw^» . *T*S conssrus'J tot toeat«a 3R Bait!-. ^aat %ef#s «: iis Mttied aad tot- iiud: AprU. Es ! _*si service. Ha "was ordered ta Ke*-}company of thft t','2'5 rep_,'- -" H a tin s?rv- * was prasaetefl f> corporal nnS. to ser- ' "y £Jes-3» Texas, a c i a t w sRoctlss la£- , ' sr as KT.ticaeS a t T i ' e &jtr' 3i6>r<? j, and nta.s ssat tolgeaat. tiariBg the winter. ier Teas sesr to tfe I?a%"!i Has-iJl :tea\tft" ;©r France. He re--:. «3 t;> r fraititag, He •waaj Serge Wheeler -was later 'ordeire-J school in St. Lsuis where he took a ,e.3ntvfitta la tie "VFai-Tio-rz #at<ii-s a Seventh c-oaipaay.! te Crnmp Travis, IR Saa AaiocJO, s Epecial coarse. Ke retarasfi to Kelly i sehcols. depot 1»riga€e. aad| Texas, anfi was th* first one feom i field for a fe-—• -^eeks. thia ~rent to 1 I Josepii Fitzjafrfek. after &e«r*S; i»t3<sa O M S ,r jaiietspts io enlist, being rej^stedt * b^ra fts WiS*:.' One Gold Star on Woodward t - ) _ Three Brothers—Two in the Army; One in the Navy ana Mrs. Edwin F. Mitr&eli of s Signal S=rgu L«ster Atwoof! «• Wcolson street, eiit-rad the esrvics. task cerrrs, is Cis sjn of Mr. as. fif ICfiGje SaB5 ?3?t S^j-tpsaber. Ha < j&s. B. " C. Aiwocd of DeForrest i •wea* xo C»np T*;vess ?utt Ir. J^r=° f ?rre«. He enlis;~-i Julv n, 1917/ia lie eater«»<i xJae ^glcers" waia~g't1ie f.elfi artiste—s-. Afc--r a strri' j sclioal. -SKIS trassferraa to Camp i.«e I tmistis at Fart Siccaa 5y» tail«^ in In ^&ier5o?^rgf T Va..» au^ gr^.5ustsd ^ ne^cc^bef ov^rs^gs. V^hen lie a?- froEi tliera Ai:g. IS. recsJvteg a-frl-p-i Irs Fr&s?e i» •5ra? trac^ferr^i commission as second I!ea*«aa"it. H3 ts the task carps." K> t a s recejive-1 sow gtatiane-3. at Caajp T?rry, 5 Rig firs- sroli! chsvron for six inomis t r.IJtcMI grafineted iroia tha; Ser-jf^ it^oo'J 5Ti1rate>3 front hic;i school aB'i -also; Sh"' i5S e!a Sct5ctl5" E™ioal ia Ns^ve f trom aadolelwiry eo:.$?e ia Venacat.. Haven in 1?15 and -sroraesS fa tae J His -was st«fiy:t!g for the ai^iistry; Ca-«se Me r ai ^f?r!»s « 2 « for "ne six^ liac* s^spplte^ s&'^irsl pn.pits s.1- . VQCJT. tlio £e fc9»i sot been orSainsd, I * " TDonls BFanflmey-'er. Ciaarjes SftHStwjaiu f gerrf. T_O-J;S Sras^Ei»v?r is tie f g s X 7 Sergt. Clsaries McGawaa Is the f ?«; cf Jfr. s&&Mrs. I.t>a!s L. Eraai- not irtn -.'cr;. re: '',' -•"• j"4o*r thct t*-€r« "="--5:! r? r.r. 5»r>i,*-- rf s pert of d-parrsnrst cf , are to r~>?J;~,—-\—; J Gswan of Slain street. He T._S tora j tereS service last Septesabtr and | cons:^ir ^ii» i=r^T > -Oj'E ) ia "W&tertown asS was edacawa wiea lie Seveaty-sssth division •lEiaa Jab-r 1 grl?ra Three From One Family Who Volunteered in the Army of Freedom i for twiBg crsaerwelgiifr atiad tnitBerv'as'*' sf*® *i V. ' size, was .iraftea last Xoveiafetr ;Mi£jscIte*is. ot pi'ls ! ci.;"- At «r «.«*.„ :s»rt to Cat3i5 iDevpna, then to Waafe-{ seharf S« fcai-Esd tie tra^e of fcaf-. »iBg*-r5»), 13. r., sxrA thence to Casap pesfer asfl/-wis ia business -sr.tfe cfe 1 Hilabird, Baltimore, vliere "he is | ia&fer a.% tha tteia he -sras firafteiJ. } staticnES ar tjse preaest time. anx-| -J Sofcn Bogets. ' to caj&arjs fsr ^p-j. Johr. I».ogars*is uia son. efj -. ana iir=. Ji?cte9 Rogers of Hill- , He Jaly ZQ, ' France. HaroM anil Al&ed Siagee, lo'ra •'Iagee cf ths Eefea I^atfca left Watertcivn witii tfee fcrst cos- dnsait r* ara'tp<"« ^s S«ing ons 0* !T«xas. He emte.rked from 3>ew Tork J •>°"£rs- two to leave Dev- Jon oyenreas service Oct. IS ano is, EES. One Tre^fe: later, when z&ejriaow ia IPtssux. j calle-i x<,r %-oluat»ers fo» overseas | ^'J 1 - Kegr=rs xras born, a a i ©ducat- ; serrlce. is r«po=d»d and -sxs sent-ed in WattrfeHm. At the time of; !T«xas. He from 3>ew Tork J -*as on ixe transport wsicfe k i aereu-aar larlo d A ae , *as on ixe transport wsicfe isas sent . r _ back on a:coaar of ensins trouble iplanned; ta spend at Auc-^es-Bauis. . and embarked from Fort .Totten! Pvt. Rogers TVII- rece'.ve n:s S3 ? - three v.-e^ks later H» has the dJs- > ° n ^ ^olA chevron and a gold star m ' tincrioa of carrj-fes tie laessag-e of .October at -which time lie wul ob- h l Sh Ai 1 JOHN RTZPATRICK spired by the gooa records ntafle by their horns town in previous wars. "V5"atertOTvr* expects mucli frQm her sons .pad feels that those f-lio ha%e g-one and whn T,-I!I go fortb to fighi. -will do theii- full <luty and make their to-wn, then' ioverl ones at home and ttieir counti-v- croud of them and their noble deeds. It is their aim to do all tliat American boys can <3o for tlieir c untry and the brilliancy nf the canpaigns 11 •"/hich Americans are DOT partici- pating are verified in every report tellin^ of the superb anp^arancc of the troops and the splendid ora\-ery of HIP men. •VTatertown has not suffered as Kmoh as ra^n;- of the other tew is B round \Ca terb"try. In fact, nly two "Waterta-y^n boys ha^e been killed in tbf» i.var. A gold star on the fag in the home of Ilr. and 'Mrs. Alanson H. Atwood, tells the story of a life gh =n giadly to the ca' se of liberrv. Their son, Leroy At- -.vood, v;'no enlisted tn the British arm} before America entered the •"ar, «-as killed in tbe front lme ir=nch5?, sfcot doTfn by a German JOSEPH FITZPATRICK employed by the Bristol Co. in ¥ a - terbury. He enlisted on June 21, 1917, and entered the Boston Tech- nical school where lie studied sig- nal aviation. Later he vras sent to Belleviile, HI., where he was ap- Bointed first. lieutenant. Leiut. AVoodv/ard's last visit lionie v/as at Christmas time. Sergt. Kusscll Woodtwapd, Another son of Mrs. Charles Woodward, is Sergt. Russell J. 'Wpod'ward who is "somewhere in France." He enlisted in the TJnit- i ed States service N"ov. 6, 191T, and ' is a member of the Twenty-fifth ?n- Sine«vs, Co. D. He v-as sent to a camp in Spoliane, Wash., ?, r here he remained a short time and "was thsn sent to Camp Dcvens. During the latter part of February he sailed for overseas service. Sergt. Woodward was born in Wa- tertown and was educated there, be- ing graduated from Taft school in the class ot-19-07. Alter leaving school' he '_ tried different lines of work which is characteristic of a yotith, finally "decided that civil en- should be ri« calling and EDWARD FIT2PATHICK spring and In April embarked forify 1S Tears of ' a g e a n d st : overseas with Battalion C, Seventy-«,j eBt ; n t K e -p,- a iertown hig Field artillery. school^ of the town. Sergt. Spencer \ stationed. Barlow-graduated from Storrs col- lege in 1917 and Pvt. Floyd Barlow was a graduate of Pratt institute, Mie Three Fitzpatricks. Sir. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrict of Woolson avenue; are tha proud par- . tte battle o~ SsichprEy on April 21 *o Col. Parker. , He was torn Ia "Wawrto-— n aa3 jvras educated in tJie public eciaools 1 of the town. ' Harold >Iagee. Iffrother of Altrsd, enlisted Apri! 2, 191S, -when scaree- " ill a ste- higii school, enlisted in tbe cavalry and oa Is the serve his first anniversary of for- eign service- Htawarfi Hogers. Pvt. 'Sow&rd Rogers, brother of j Pvt John Rogers, enlisted Z&ay 25. j 1317, ir. the machine gnn company of f&e l i s a infantry. Ke -srent to Cfetmp 3reP?llaa, Anniston, Ala., imsing ^listed from Baltimore, &; "s-here lie was employed as pi- The three Bas-iow brothers were;March IS went to Fort Siocum. He a&olsalesiaan. He sailed for France bom in Watertovvn and received ;-»as assignpd to a regiment at Camp r agg July. rvt. Kogers was corn m thehi early education in the public', HcAilen, Texas, where he is still wSterwraa and educated tnere, J. Harry Bamery. 3. Hinsy Damery is the son of Mrs. J. ££. Damery of Academy hill. He enlisted in 3lay, 1917 in the nary and Xeft 'Wa'ertovm soon after- •w&rS. for'Ksw Torfe. He enlisted as rldio oj^rator and for some time t s beeit stationed at an English "R'ilHam "Walton. Sergt. 'William 'Walton son of ITr. and Mrs. Albert "Walton of. Porter street. He enlisted in G company in "Waterbury when, the first call came to go to Mexico. He served on the border and after tile ents of two soldiers and one sailor m 1 company v , as mustered <«,; O n its the Tj.fe. service. Edward Fitzpat- j r e t n T O fr0In active service in the nek, who has thru has own merits tliwest he went to wor& m S c o _ been made gunner s mate, enlisted I v |ij- g in the United . States navy four t " ^ in joined bis compa ny years before war was declared ana;when the call to the colors came ia was out of service four months t he soring of 1317. He trained at when he re-enlisted and is at pres- j T -, V J ? x K i apt on the IL_S. .E. Con>-n & ham. He ^ ^ L was born in Watertorsm was ed- ucated there. On Christmas day he Li-§t. "john^Lpatrick enlisted in -the-" army in' Columbus, Ohio, shortly after war was declared, Sergt. Pitzpatrick is stationed at Coster, Battle Creek, Jtieh., jn Haven, and sailed fall. He •was proiaot- bc*» stationed at an English jort. HeTriU be IS years of age Oct. a6. He Was barn in TVatertown and •^as a saphomore in. Watertou-n hig-h sfchooi bat, eag-er to join Uncle Sam's fehting 1 forces. Ixe lost no time in Jttmng'Sjt with the navy. Harry Wheeler. Sergt Harry Wheeler is a member f a trench mortar battery, having ^listed in May, 1917, He -was sta- :ioned at aa officer's training: camp n LPOH Springs, Texas, but vras hon- orably discharged from xlte school t™ ^,,- >r. - i tecause of ill health. As soon as he Thomas O'AeiH. •- K-a S a ui Sj be re-enlisted last Octo- Sergt. Thomas O'Neill is the sofe'ber as private in the army and teas ed to the rankrt sergeant before th e f CORP. LESLIE R. BARLOW there. He was proprietor of a meat market in "Watertown at the time he was drafted. Ss-rgt. MeGowan and Pvt. Alfred Magee were the two first boys from Watertown to be drafted, leaving- for Camp Devens with the contingent last September. He is a member of I company, 304th infantry, and sailed overseas last July. He had been at Camp Devens four weeks when he was made mess sergeant. Iieman Bronsoa. Pvt. Laman Bronson is the son of ilr. and airs, Frederick H. Bronson of Holcomb avenue. He enlisted in the cavalry jtfay 5, 1017, being- one of the first Watertown boys to en- list after war was declared. He went to Fort Siocum, N. T., where he has been stationed ever since and is now cook tFith the Twenty-first company. He was born and educated in Wa- tertown,. HaroM Fray, Sergi. Harold Fray is now In the 359th. aero squadron in France. He was dratted Oct. S. 1017, went to Camp Dex'ens, an<i at his own re- quest, was transferred to the aiia- SERGT. SPENCER BARLOW I sailed overseas last July, Sergt. Brandmeyer was transferred into the new Twelfth division. He is still at Camp Devens but expects* soon, to sail for France. Sergt. Brandmeyer is now physi- cal instructor of his company. He was torn in "Waterbury 23 years ago and has lived in V.'atertown for 20 years where he was educated in the public schools. He conies from a military family, his mother hav- ing one brother and three brothers- in law in army service who have been stationed at West Point, N. T. I Frank Gallagher. I Pvt. Frank Gallag-her, son of llr. and Mrs. Patrick Gallagher of West- bury Park, is another Watertown boy who has been thru the recent severe fighting- with the 102d in- fantry. He has the distinction of being the very first young man from Watertown to go "over there." Pvt. Gallagher is 24 years of age. He iix-ed in the middle west a year and ;i half before entering- service, en- listing- in June, ,1317. in Hartford, in the machine gun company of the First Connecticut regiment. He was later tranpferrsci to the Machine Gun PVT. FLOYD BARLOW should receive tlis sane pay as aita for the same v-orlc. Muiirauai scales should be arranged, it :3 gested. JlariBium production ia tbe ehfef aim: any methods that prevent this should be aseonra^ed. Agreejamus regarding- TVages s'..oi:3d ba subject to change only with changes i« thf cost of living. Where agreements can not he reached between ft-otJi* men and f-replqrers. conrIHaties-un- der the nidiiFtrial disputes fnx-ei tlon act should be SEREOAS" LABOR DBA* TCD A notice calling up all ih<? S male population between t* e ages oi 17 and 53 li^s been published in'.tte liewspapers of Eelgrade, accwifiing to a Serbian source of infornr^ien communicated to the Departmeat st j Labor. This'is interprattd to taea 5 ! the collective forced r-eera'tlnsj for the purpose of harvesting for flte Anstro-HungariaB militarj- -stares, Annoffneement was jasee Juts' 2S . that all persons of both sexes' be- tween th» ages of 11 a "if 8 •ift.'wavM he considered as liable to es cs!S«d to work. Here Are Eight More Samples of Watertown's Contribution to American Army—DoIFhese Samples Speak Well For ,the Rest of the 205 Boys Now in the Service?—They Do, HOWARD ROGERS SERGT. LOUIS BRANDMEYER LEMAN BRONSON SERGT. WILLIAM WAdUTpN J. HARSV DA11ERV -/••»•• Property of the Watertown Historical Society

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Page 1: Property of the Watertown Historical Society · cers* tralniEg sehci!. ... One Tre^fe: later, when z&ejriaow ia IPtssux. j ... Property of the Watertown Historical Society. I-"":



World's HistoryarriorsShowsag the 'Hrais That America Knows How to FightSome Are Officers, Some Are Only Privates, But They're


y Two Waterfowis;Boys Killed m •

the War,


Town's Good Records inPrevious Wars Nc*7


;-. : aci t. » rVrirr; '1'"-*-;

e!i_r»*=rs ::„ world b:=:o.y. " Wat=~-

rf "'*•"• mile-s r - --£.s to fgr.r -sstl^ir r~ fathers *-'o *r"-»t KC -e t'lin

for <=--e~* a fc-jt^r ea-'isV." ™FIn; £':i

Tbeir ~C£-to'5 11 K-.-o'-ti'jr --rt" •>--

!'ny w ai*1 m the Trorld war, "wasT.:su.. L?roy Ga:-s TTnod-wanJ. Is:.:= Iioi_e cf Mrs. Charles Wood-~^rd, hangs a y^rviee £»g -with two? ("»:i» star >.a? sireidy torn»d>£• soli i'i;t l ie oOie.- is bright blue,'. "'.•? tlu» star seams to ail the•-.-igl.j=r. now- that tfce other isasv-rnsd tr» goiti, a promise, perhaps,•i the y,inr.g aviator who has gone,t-at h:s death siisll be avenged.

Went. Leroy Woodward,

Mrs. Charies Wootiv.-ard of Scoti?vor.':°, who proudly gave her twonrly ET-S in response to the call of&«><• cn^ntrr. is. as hundreds of oth-er mothers are (i"iTi5 at. tlie preser.ttime, "cave:;- living flown the sad ia-reUisence of T1*" death of her son.I '.^.r.t. L^roy Gaves Wood-R-ard •who—as Ml'ed in a practise Sight, Asg.l*i. Ijip'it. Woodtrard is the first—ledb.T ot i*"» Arn-rican forces fromWatcrtiwn tn he feilled in the pres-f>ct ra* and is the second IVater-t3"."n yomft ;o ia"-t Ills death -la"rr^.n"'?, the <".t>=r imping- Leny At--•r>od. sor- of Mr. a"d Mrs. AlansoaH. Af.vnr.i-!, x'ho T?as a n^jrar-er of

*? Ho

•well fc•-JY4.ES- T-nat i'-" \\_--

3ilstorr real!" tr:c ^< -.3 all ti'tt-3 sndJoyal Americans acd t ^ y ars «p-

f LT-rt vr£.r t)n Gerra-ir.y, and j- shot dnn*n by a O r m a n :

y It is a sfange coicc.denes ,t!:=t tea tv,-n first young nf=n of th«*it^v.n to give up iher- hfe in ifee!VI-«-H war, Voth iiad the samejCIiri«tian nan?. |

Xi!«-ut. Woodtv?rd •s'aa bo^n In "Wa- »K " O H T , Dec. C3, 3?3S. ar.<i •wss £du- J<--*••=<-! >.-> Waterto'srp.. Jat-r eoriplet- s-a hT3 "st :<3'c=i at Prait jartirats. Ar j

tii9 time of Sss enijsrntent lie was

upoa fc;s career wUJi greatHe was eEsptoyed at a

bagmess fcraseis oSc<= in MostaM. asdeputy 6Er%-eyor of CE5ca5« coasi".13iree Barlois BrotlKre is Service,

Leslie Spanes'r ani Floyi Esr-low, sons of Mr. ar.d Sirs. Waiter S.Barlow of Chestmit Gro%e park, areall serving fuels Sast la tiiS^M^tbranches.

Leslie Barlow, whose only at-a isto co MS duty for E;S cfssniry,sailed o* -sfjeis ivlih the i'Od rsg:-inent alryiQ t a year a;o. He Mslisv-ed in Bzit^s^port- 3uiy. i?"T sr"i"a-en* to -•Tlarttic *vhere h? ;©fR?*i t ie1624 .Ambuiance company, ?ac•»-eeks lat»r Se sail?S for overseasfrorrs Hailfas. K? Las ia-i inaaytferillin'5 esppr!eac»a and goes *hslimit m relating t'sem ta fr_e Somefolks in Bis i-iu re«ei-.g l»r=rs.

Sersr. SP?*ZCT Ear:©1" oclis'pSJtise 1517 in Bndgcyn in the S«:-2aral!er»- a3<i B-as sta'ioned a. For-f locum for sans* time, tae*i ?ra*:«-f«rred to Casap Roltissos i>-•WI?. Ke tras then ssr.t. to6ra»i ia Rocker-!, EL He Sin one of trie bigg-st art:"erj*laents sJcce tfce Crril war ors a -I""'cule trip fron Ho^ifcr-i Jo Fpsr-a.Since J'air, Sergt. Bariow Ms bs«-iat til* CSIEP Za^hary Taylor e2 -cers* tralniEg sehci!.

Flora BarlOTA" T.-5st«4 in the ca"-alry Slay 14. 3 Pit. ia ITatsrbrr"and -K-a? s^st to Fort S?.t?-2xn. I siep-i rtaa thre? T.-ooSs he irss tracs-ferrel to Firr Eliaa AUst:. Ver-mont, and later xo Carnp SitSss. fc h ia


yaars of age s^rtsS

H» was of Sir.•wiiea 1* "Westteay JWar

io mm tm' s=« Sept *g o i. w--rH ar.i sorted for Tessas •***«?•* *< Caap• he 5Z3.EC.e3 to tafee *up fefailag'. H* e f •. i£* a at re ash ifce•anrtiUor: as far as getting- to Texas was piwi3ttw^». *T*S conssrus'J tot toeat«a 3R Bait!-. a a t %ef#s «:

iis Mttied aad tot- iiud: AprU.

Es ! _*si service. Ha "was ordered ta Ke*-}company of thft t','2'5 rep_,'- -" Ha

tin s?rv- * was prasaetefl f> corporal nnS. to ser- ' "y £Jes-3» Texas, a c i a t w sRoctlss la£- , 'sras KT.ticaeS at Ti ' e &jtr' 3i6>r<?j , and nta.s ssat tolgeaat. tiariBg the winter. ier Teas sesr to tfe I?a%"!i Has-iJl :tea\tft" ;©r France. He re--:. «3 t;>r fraititag, He •waaj Serge Wheeler -was later 'ordeire-J school in St. Lsuis where he took a ,e.3ntvfitta la t ie "VFai-Tio-rz #at<ii-sa Seventh c-oaipaay.! te Crnmp Travis, IR Saa AaiocJO, s Epecial coarse. Ke retarasfi to Kelly i sehcols.

depot 1»riga€e. aad | Texas, anfi was th* first one feom i field for a fe-—• -^eeks. thia ~rent to 1

I Josepii Fitzjafrfek. after &e«r*S; i»t3<sa O M S ,rjaiietspts io enlist, being rej^stedt * b^ra fts WiS*:.'

One Gold Star on Woodward t -

) _ Three Brothers—Two in the Army; One in the Navy

ana Mrs. Edwin F. Mitr&eli of s Signal S=rgu L«ster Atwoof! «•Wcolson street, eiit-rad the esrvics. task cerrrs, is Cis sjn of Mr. as.fif ICfiGje SaB5 ?3?t S^j-tpsaber. Ha < j&s. B. " C. Aiwocd of DeForrest i•wea* xo C»np T*;vess ?utt Ir. J^r=° f ?rre«. He enlis;~-i Julv n, 1917/ialie eater«»<i xJae ^glcers" waia~g't1ie f.elfi artiste—s-. Afc--r a s t r r i '

j sclioal. -SKIS trassferraa to Camp i.«e I tmistis at Fart Siccaa 5y» tail«^ inIn ^&ier5o? rgfT Va..» au^ gr^.5ustsd ^ ne^cc^bef ov^rs^gs. V^hen lie a?-froEi tliera Ai:g. IS. recsJvteg a-frl-p-i Irs Fr&s?e i» •5ra? trac^ferr^icommission as second I!ea*«aa"it. H3 ts the task carps." K> t a s recejive-1

sow gtatiane-3. at Caajp T?rry, 5 Rig firs- sroli! chsvron for six inomis

t r.IJtcMI grafineted iroia tha; Ser-jf^ it^oo'J 5Ti1rate>3 fronthic;i school aB'i -also; Sh"'i5Se!a Sct5ctl5" E™ioal ia Ns ve

f trom aadolelwiry eo:.$?e ia Venacat.. Haven in 1?15 and -sroraesS fa taeJ His -was st«fiy:t!g for the ai^iistry; Ca-«se Merai ^f?r!»s « 2 « for "nesix^ liac* s^spplte^ s&'^irsl pn.pits s.1- . VQCJT.tlio £e fc9»i sot been orSainsd, I * " TDonls BFanflmey-'er.

Ciaarjes SftHStwjaiu f gerrf. T_O-J;S Sras^Ei»v?r is t i ef g s X 7Sergt. Clsaries McGawaa Is the f ?«; cf Jfr. s&& Mrs. I.t>a!s L. Eraai-

not i r tn -.'cr;. r e : ' ' , ' -•"• j"4o*rthct t*-€r« "="--5:! r? r.r. 5»r>i,*--

r fs pert of d-parrsnrst cf

, a r e to r~>?J;~,—-\—;

J Gswan of Slain street. He T._S tora j tereS service last Septesabtr and | cons:^ir ii» i=r T>-Oj'E) ia "W&tertown asS was edacawa wiea l ie Seveaty-sssth division •lEiaa Jab-r 1 grl?ra

Three From One Family Who Volunteered in the Army of Freedom

i for twiBg crsaerwelgiifr atiad tnitBerv'as'*' sf*® *i V. 'size, was .iraftea last Xoveiafetr ;Mi£jscIte*is. ot pi'ls! ci.;"- At «r «.«*.„

:s»rt to Cat3i5 iDevpna, then to Waafe-{ seharf S« fcai-Esd t ie tra^e of fcaf-.»iBg*-r5»), 13. r., sxrA thence to Casap • pesfer asfl/-wis ia business -sr.tfe cfe 1Hilabird, Baltimore, vliere "he is | ia&fer a.% tha tteia he -sras firafteiJ. }staticnES ar tjse preaest time. anx-| -J Sofcn Bogets. '

to caj&arjs fsr ^p-j. Johr. I».ogars*is uia son. efj-. ana iir=. Ji?cte9 Rogers of Hill- ,

He Jaly ZQ, 'France.

HaroM anil Al&ed Siagee,

lo'ra •'Iagee cf ths Eefea I atfcaleft Watertcivn witii tfee fcrst cos-dnsait r* ara'tp<"« ^s S«ing ons 0* !T«xas. He emte.rked from 3>ew Tork J•>°"£rs- two to leave Dev- Jon oyenreas service Oct. IS ano is,EES. One Tre fe: later, when z&ejriaow ia IPtssux. jcalle-i x<,r %-oluat»ers fo» overseas | ^'J1- Kegr=rs xras born, a a i ©ducat- ;serrlce. i s r«po=d»d and -sxs sent-ed in WattrfeHm. At the time of;

!T«xas. He from 3>ew Tork J

-*as on ixe transport wsicfek i

aereu-aar larlod A

ae ,*as on ixe transport wsicfe isas sent. r _back on a:coaar of ensins trouble iplanned; ta spend at Auc-^es-Bauis. .and embarked from Fort .Totten! Pvt. Rogers TVII- rece'.ve n:s S3?-three v.-e^ks later H» has the dJs- > °n^ ^olA chevron and a gold star m 'tincrioa of carrj-fes t ie laessag-e of .October at -which time lie wul ob-h l Sh Ai 1


spired by the gooa records ntafle bytheir horns town in previous wars.

"V5"atertOTvr* expects mucli frQmher sons .pad feels that those f-lioha%e g-one and whn T,-I!I go fortb tofighi. -will do theii- full <luty andmake their to-wn, then' ioverl onesat home and ttieir counti-v- croud ofthem and their noble deeds. It istheir aim to do all tliat Americanboys can <3o for tlieir c untry andthe brilliancy nf the canpaigns 11•"/hich Americans are DOT partici-pating are verified in every reporttellin^ of the superb anp^arancc ofthe troops and the splendid ora\-eryof HIP men.

•VTatertown has not suffered asKmoh as ra^n;- of the other tew isB round \Ca terb"try. In fact, nly two"Waterta-y n boys ha^e been killed intbf» i.var. A gold star on the ser.icefag in the home of Ilr. and 'Mrs.Alanson H. Atwood, tells the storyof a life gh =n giadly to the ca' seof liberrv. Their son, Leroy At--.vood, v;'no enlisted tn the Britisharm} before America entered the•"ar, «-as killed in tbe front lmeir=nch5?, sfcot doTfn by a German


employed by the Bristol Co. in ¥ a -terbury. He enlisted on June 21,1917, and entered the Boston Tech-nical school where lie studied sig-nal aviation. Later he vras sent toBelleviile, HI., where he was ap-Bointed first. lieutenant. Leiut.AVoodv/ard's last visit lionie v/as atChristmas time.

Sergt. Kusscll Woodtwapd,Another son of Mrs. Charles

Woodward, is Sergt. Russell J.'Wpod'ward who is "somewhere inFrance." He enlisted in the TJnit-

i ed States service N"ov. 6, 191T, and' is a member of the Twenty-fifth ?n-Sine«vs, Co. D. He v-as sent to acamp in Spoliane, Wash., ?,rhere heremained a short time and "was thsnsent to Camp Dcvens. During thelatter part of February he sailed foroverseas service.

Sergt. Woodward was born in Wa-tertown and was educated there, be-ing graduated from Taft school inthe class ot-19-07. Alter leavingschool' he '_ tried different lines ofwork which is characteristic of ayotith, finally "decided that civil en-

should be ri« calling and


spring and In April embarked forify 1 S T e a r s o f ' a g e a n d s t:overseas with Battalion C, Seventy-«,jeBt ; n t K e -p,-aiertown hig

Field artillery.

school^ of the town. Sergt. Spencer \ stationed.Barlow-graduated from Storrs col-lege in 1917 and Pvt. Floyd Barlowwas a graduate of Pratt institute,

Mie Three Fitzpatricks.Sir. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrict of

Woolson avenue; are tha proud par-

. t te battle o~ SsichprEy on April 21*o Col. Parker.

, He was torn Ia "Wawrto-—n aa3jvras educated in tJie public eciaools1 of the town.' Harold >Iagee. Iffrother of Altrsd,enlisted Apri! 2, 191S, -when scaree-

" ill a ste-higii school,

enlisted in tbe cavalry and oa

Is the

serve his first anniversary of for-eign service-

Htawarfi Hogers.Pvt. 'Sow&rd Rogers, brother of j

Pvt John Rogers, enlisted Z&ay 25. j1317, ir. the machine gnn companyof f&e l i s a infantry. Ke -srent toCfetmp 3reP?llaa, Anniston, Ala.,imsing ^listed from Baltimore,

&; "s-here lie was employed as pi-The three Bas-iow brothers were;March IS went to Fort Siocum. He a&olsalesiaan. He sailed for France

bom in Watertovvn and received ;-»as assignpd to a regiment at Camp r agg July. rvt. Kogers was corn mthehi early education in the public', HcAilen, Texas, where he is still wSterwraa and educated tnere,

J. Harry Bamery.3. Hinsy Damery is the son of

Mrs. J. ££. Damery of Academy hill.He enlisted in 3lay, 1917 in thenary and Xeft 'Wa'ertovm soon after-•w&rS. for'Ksw Torfe. He enlisted asrldio oj^rator and for some time

ts beeit stationed at an English

"R'ilHam "Walton.Sergt. 'William 'Walton

son of ITr. and Mrs. Albert "Waltonof. Porter street. He enlisted in Gcompany in "Waterbury when, thefirst call came to go to Mexico. Heserved on the border and after tile

ents of two soldiers and one sailor m 1 c o m p a n y v , a s m u s t e r e d <«,; On itsthe Tj.fe. service. Edward Fitzpat- j r e t n T O f r 0 I n active service in thenek, who has thru has own merits t l i w e s t h e w e n t t o w o r & m S c o _been made gunner s mate, enlisted I v |ij-gin the United . States navy four t " ^ i n j o i n e d b i s c o m p a n yyears before war was declared ana;when the call to the colors came iawas out of service four months the soring of 1317. He trained atwhen he re-enlisted and is at pres- j T -, V J ? x K iapt on the IL_S. .E. Con>-n&ham. He ^ ^ Lwas born in Watertorsm was ed-ucated there. On Christmas day he

Li-§t. "john^Lpatrick enlistedin -the-" army in' Columbus, Ohio,shortly after war was declared,Sergt. Pitzpatrick is stationed at

Coster, Battle Creek, Jtieh., jn

Haven, and sailedfall. He •was proiaot-

bc*» stationed at an Englishjort . HeTriU be IS years of age Oct.a6. He Was barn in TVatertown and•^as a saphomore in. Watertou-n hig-hsfchooi bat, eag-er to join Uncle Sam'sfehting1 forces. Ixe lost no time inJttmng'Sjt with the navy.

Harry Wheeler.Sergt Harry Wheeler is a member

f a trench mortar battery, having^listed in May, 1917, He -was sta-:ioned at aa officer's training: campn LPOH Springs, Texas, but vras hon-orably discharged from xlte school

t™ ^ , , - >r. - i tecause of ill health. As soon as heThomas O'AeiH. •- K-aS auiS j be re-enlisted last Octo-

Sergt. Thomas O'Neill is the sofe'ber as private in the army and teas

ed to the rankrt sergeant before thef


there. He was proprietor of a meatmarket in "Watertown at the time hewas drafted.

Ss-rgt. MeGowan and Pvt. AlfredMagee were the two first boys fromWatertown to be drafted, leaving- forCamp Devens with the contingentlast September. He is a member ofI company, 304th infantry, andsailed overseas last July. He hadbeen at Camp Devens four weekswhen he was made mess sergeant.

Iieman Bronsoa.Pvt. Laman Bronson is the son of

ilr. and airs, Frederick H. Bronsonof Holcomb avenue. He enlisted inthe cavalry jtfay 5, 1017, being- oneof the first Watertown boys to en-list after war was declared. He wentto Fort Siocum, N. T., where he hasbeen stationed ever since and is nowcook tFith the Twenty-first company.He was born and educated in Wa-tertown,.

HaroM Fray,Sergi. Harold Fray is now In the

359th. aero squadron in France. Hewas dratted Oct. S. 1017, went toCamp Dex'ens, an<i at his own re-quest, was transferred to the aiia-


I sailed overseas last July, Sergt.Brandmeyer was transferred into thenew Twelfth division. He is still atCamp Devens but expects* soon, tosail for France.

Sergt. Brandmeyer is now physi-cal instructor of his company. Hewas torn in "Waterbury 23 yearsago and has lived in V.'atertown for20 years where he was educated inthe public schools. He conies froma military family, his mother hav-ing one brother and three brothers-in law in army service who havebeen stationed at West Point, N. T.

I Frank Gallagher.I Pvt. Frank Gallag-her, son of llr.and Mrs. Patrick Gallagher of West-bury Park, is another Watertownboy who has been thru the recentsevere fighting- with the 102d in-fantry. He has the distinction ofbeing the very first young man fromWatertown to go "over there." Pvt.Gallagher is 24 years of age. Heiix-ed in the middle west a year and;i half before entering- service, en-listing- in June, ,1317. in Hartford,in the machine gun company of theFirst Connecticut regiment. He waslater tranpferrsci to the Machine Gun


should receive tlis sane pay as aitafor the same v-orlc. Muiirauaiscales should be arranged, it :3gested.

JlariBium production ia tbe ehfefaim: any methods that prevent thisshould be aseonra^ed. Agreejamusregarding- TVages s'..oi:3d ba subjectto change only with changes i« thfcost of living. Where agreementscan not he reached between ft-otJi*men and f-replqrers. conrIHaties-un-der the nidiiFtrial disputes fnx-eitlon act should be

SEREOAS" LABOR DBA* TCDA notice calling up all ih<? S

male population between t* e ages oi17 and 53 li^s been published in'.tteliewspapers of Eelgrade, accwifiingto a Serbian source of infornr^iencommunicated to the Departmeat st

j Labor. This'is interprattd to taea5!the collective forced r-eera'tlnsj forthe purpose of harvesting for flteAnstro-HungariaB militarj- -stares,Annoffneement was jasee Juts' 2S .that all persons of both sexes' be-tween th» ages of 11 a "if8 •ift.'wavMhe considered as liable to es cs!S«dto work.

Here Are Eight More Samples of Watertown's Contribution to American Army—DoIFhese Samples Speak Well For ,the Rest of the 205 Boys Now in the Service?—They Do,


Property of the Watertown Historical

Page 2: Property of the Watertown Historical Society · cers* tralniEg sehci!. ... One Tre^fe: later, when z&ejriaow ia IPtssux. j ... Property of the Watertown Historical Society. I-"":


i HE KBryH1 SOTOAY, S3HPXEMBER 15, 1918.

Bahlished daily asd-Sunday -at 156Grand street, Waterbury. Conn., byTiia Waterbury Bepahlican Co., Inc.

Business Offlae and Editorial Rooms, jI6S 9BAKB STREET.


e SQ50.Esehanss to All

SinsSCBlTIOK KATESDaily, ra&ii of- carrier, one year. .§9,00pally, ssaii or carrier sis montfts 4.50i--&iiy, or carrier, oa« mouth- 75a

Baily to all points outside of tlieVnited States, 75e per raoath. -withpostage extra, as requires.

StsBflaj1 ESitioai ^-«ar, by jaail. $3,50t> laoittiis, by B W U . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.75

fciterefi sS ta« post office at Water-bxsry, CC-BH., as second-class malltnatter.

Mesabe* * * T H E AUDIT BtJBJEAU<W €fflaC£ft.ATXON



} O f AsKftrfa*#fl Press Is la.-_-•.:i..--5; ZH *se use;;<-.<: - f ,->:: nc--ar«i «U»»aiees

i_- i> a» aot ot&fcrwtee credited J«- Tl;» ;i«(T>£>tiM!r ffiJ* »J*f» all *l>e Io-

--,; =tKL jjst.vlislied asreia. All-•±L';~ .:i .-.tsaWJeatJfeB of special

• ,;'r«r=a-l"":"> -•<•"«!» s** also reserved.

today are three times -what they•R-ere before the "war.

During the fiscal year end-1

ed Jane 35, 3ast, we Imported in ithe neighborhood of 425,000,0001poiinds of rice, of "svhich over "75 f

per cent was the cleaned product, jand flour, meal, broken rice, an<5 jpaddy the remainder. The average jimport price on the -whole amount]"svas a shafls under ihre& cents a jponnd, and of the cleaned product,about 3.5 cents a poiiad. As a fooflcereal it is one of the most valu-able grown, and as a substitute for j•wheat its generous use lias been jearnestly advocated by the Food Ad- jministration.

Postmaster General Burlesorr;should be paged and asked how the j•postofflce department is helping- to jwin the war. President Wilson sev- jeral clays ago announced that lie,%ras sending a letter to the striking }machinists at Bridgeport demand- •,ing that they return to work. The |letter did not arrive until yesterday, i

Bridgeport Sinkers


Daily SundayEdition Edition

rifSf,.. . . . . . . . ,1,800 ;,.....1 9 0 ^ , . . . . . . . . . . 3,600 . . . . . .! , o o i | . . . . . . . . . . . 5,84619041 5,7481'JOo X...... 5,770 ,T?Q6 , ' , , , . . . . . . , 5,8571307 . . . . . . . . . . . - ' 8 , 3 3 3130-3 , . 6,3251909 . . „ . - , . . . . , 6,6511910 ,.,*.U . ; . . . . 7,21?1911 . i . , . . . . . . . 7,513v.:: , , , , . . . „ . . 8,1301 - 3 , , . . . . . . . . 8,668" "-". . ... . . . . . . 8,783 9,248

9,010 9,348



Condemned by the President, tor ;their own labor union officials and |by a nation of patriotic Americans, i

j there is nothing decent left for the I| Bridgeport strikers to do but go j" baelc to worfc at the war Jobs that,are so necessary to our success over .the enemy. If they "Will not they jwill be debarred from "working at jany work directly connected "Britli the jturning out of munitions for the jperiod of a year, and draft boardswill be instructed to reject anyclaim they may make for exemp-tion from military service based onalleged usefulness in "War produc- jtion.

This puts munitions production ;work in a classification that it be- '•longs in during the -war. It is an .lionor to- -be employed at a job on:which the men in the fighting lines jare so dependent. But with the.honor goes the responsibility of see- .ing that production does not failand that the men in the places ofdanger are not put into graver'danger on that account. !

"While "we condemn the Bridgeport jstrikers, we cannot agree with. The]Hartford Courant's comment upon;the government action, to the efiectthat the Smith &- TVesson Company's jcase is not parallel with that of the |Bridgeport strikers. Tne Spring- j

10.988 ' field concern refused to stand by;r. '. , j the finding- of tne war labor board;

J even as the Bridgeport strikers re-fused to do.


j aremail subscribers w&a

copies «£ Xlxev ^ t same-

I ts«tv» .; * no< rceelTc *heci at all.

t rsiiiiltoas, "The estire HtAli edi-I tl»n «s The SeiissWJcae Is njsiUeflf ht-iers i. a. et. daily. SISK!« «s>pls»

«re sas^Bla^-adsflset^ssI. The sys-

aatit «se tej»y rrlthoex mlsalae aaeaKtet seeSoji ef ike s»aU ISst,

"JOte RemsbHcaa viill srlaflSy In-i i d d

a sis© to t i e JMSSI ecpiiSHi'an csanot heip It It

i s tfcroc espies 6t different datesa lisas?. T6e R p 6 ! I a i

* **b»erlfcer eiss copy every dr: If a e®®~& ^eea H r srsiTe, It

That board was form-Bd for the purpose of settling- dis-: —Providence Journal,putes that might arise befveen capi- j 1.


When a Feller Needs a * BY BKIGG5

I ret. VJOP.K



SM.JVxl.Ailayor Bill Thompson of Chicago

or\ Names of Local Boys Among AmericaG Heroes KOIed, We-

ed or Captured in Their Coanlxy's Service.

Twenty-six Watertrary men have | Chaban^ Corp. James,been killed in action, four have "died from -wounds, nine have diedin service from disease or othercauses, 103 have been -wounded andseven have been made prisoners ofwar. Seven local men have been re-ported in government casualty listsas missing in action.

The Hepublican would appreciatereceiving additional names of anymen who have been killed, woundedor made prisoners or who have diedin service and whose names do notaopear oa this list in order to havethe honor roll complete.

Cipriano, GuiseppeClark, Corp, Frederick E..Cleary, John J., \Corcoran, Joseph,Cronin, Timothy,Cunningham, Sergt. - Joseph,Kale, Raymond Ga.,Cunningham,- Peter.Belaney, Sergt. GeorgeDower, John S\,Dube, Sergt Henry 3.33kyer, Sergt. John J.,H3rwin. Bernard r .


Address . . . . . . . . . . . .

Killed In Action? . . . .


Died From Wounds?

Missing in Action . . .

Prisoner of war? . . .

; is reminded that the -war is not over.

tal and labor in order that tfeers jmight be no break in the inaiRifac-;

1 ganizei labor en masse agreed to j

\ stand by the of teat board, j: Capital en masse likewise agreed to '

cave gone frorr. H*---~rI to train"as army nurses ;•- ; ;F . ;5 . •

Aheain, Corp. James J.,Brodeur, Sergt. Clarence P.,Calo, Marciano.Clelaad, Charles H.,Clongh, Cook Fred J.,Connelly, Jack,Connelly, Lieut. Joseph P.,Coon, Corp. Daniel V.Coon, Francis J.,Crowley, Peter F.,DeForrest, Corp. Clinton,Fannick, David'.Folgmann, Otto F.,Marello, Siichael,Mellon, Corp. Hugh,Mulligan, William J.,Mungravin, James Francis,Qninlan, Edward B.,Richard, Alfred.Kobertsoni James.Ryan, Sergrf Keren J.,Schiavone, Charles A.,Serrey, John E.,Shoemaker, James K.,Shugrue, Joseph J.,Shugrue, Joseph P.,Smith, Joseph A.,Stanton, Archibald.Vollone, Corp. Joseph,

Died Erom Wotmds,

Cleary, Corp. John J.,Coyle, Corp. Frank,Fiorio, Nicholas,

Raymond 51.,

-jjse soxae o f ^ouv Spa re time writ-1nsr to a soldier. You never can* George I-- Z~-

City Star.

"Our victorious arms" is a: have Irs disputes with labor EO set- • phrase of the Kaiser's, but it's really ji tied. That agreement included tn™


j _- "ier •home" Art then sale for -wearinessYorfi and Boston, is Of climbing heaven, aaa gazing OH J the

f the guest of Mr- &( i :.; .-s H award A.: &* eartfe, fJ lasr ton of West H3-.---r., .WaaaerSEg coapaaiontess I

pet- " Aasong- t i e stars tnat have a atasr-

the old nigger, Mark Thaw,I little Edith who loves all the birds - •

Percy Bjsshe Sfeslley (t182-iS22) land others. Thru the conversations ! Hew;. Sergt. Roy Leanaer,j of these various characters, the \5 reader can learn many tilings about 1 Died in Service.


C a p t jaiaes A. £!•,-•+.•, wto has em birth—

' workers* in Bridgeport audI company fci SpringSeiJ. For eitlier1 one to tJinyw over the board's rec-1 Grame&da-ions showed a lack of co-operative spirit.

1 The Fmith & Wesson Company.', has fcaen taken over "hy t i e govern-ment. The Bridgeport strikers

' Sr-ara.

that_ deserve j r e c eat!y returaVT" ;."tpi ' overseas And ever citasgtag, liae a Joyless t

Evening sl«-J-dutj-j will lead :~e y*+eran> ej'a _ !• Held Association zr* C;~ixis.-sSiuorat.Ion5!Oiat Unds no oojeet wortii its coti-;

Winifred Kirkiancl's Book, a Sourceoi Inspiration to Tfoong Soldier.

The mother of a boy, killed ind •

Coon. Corp. Frank,Cunningham, Thomas I<.,

I Daley, Timothy J.,Del Nero, Emil.Flink, Olaf W..Green, Ernest M..Husgerford, Dr. Henry E.,

Gen Persaing's fifty-elghih birth-'day party was a very successful: Arthw E- Patersoi^ I ot Middle-'evec^ even H some-of the guests. t o w n > ^ h o fcas b»<»? ^;W«%ted as- v _brossiit in were most uuwilsiBg-.— <, - —Xe-,v "York


! Fraase. sends a copy "of a letter' JonnEon, Francis Edward,! which sae received from one of her | fihas.—.e, Joseph J.son's brother oSeers to iliss Wini- ]fred Kirklasd, author of "The Xew | Wounded.

t * J»tas as s*—

•air to-crs «-i-liisaiuight eft t4e lae*-•"eacn tasking 'for an ( £irj*_r.;e

sJra!2. snirii-ca! lines. . 11 a x - I s , ,K-ffs -of *"":

lisa r^eationed ts Georjoyoasty; J | e I Deatfe* by' Sliss Winifred Kirkland


Brennan, Denms B.,Hehad Brodeur, Sergt! Clarence P .iefe I sad read that day.

We-trust that-'.the

Forte, Sulliva."Fram, Dan'.?JcFrasso, Joferx.Fredericks, Clay to;: K..Gagain, MatOiev J.Giordano, MicliaeljGirdsius, Paul,Goggin, Charles 3., -,Green, Corp. Albert ™ . ^-»-Greer, Sergt. Evan 1.,Hampson, Edmund EussellHealey, Capt Thomas F.,

BEebry, Sergt. Joseph,Hine, Otis A.,Hubbard, Eaward T.,Johns, Cyril K.,Joyce, Harold,Huflooanko, Constantlne, *Karaitls, Joseph,Keefe, John H,,Kierce, Eflward,Lamoureus, "Walter L.,La Bue, Lieut. Charles P.,Iniddy, Corp. Thomas W.,Lynch, Corp. Edward J,,-Lynch, Francis X.,Magruder, Euflolpli,Marcella, Clarence,Martin, ThomasMathon, Sergt. Albert,McCue, Berna"11.McGuire, Matt^TT,McKenna,,Meyer, Corp. Joseph,Moore, Ray,Museio, Xfieut, S-lcrge C .-O'Brien, James W.,Odell, Earl 311.,Olsen, Daniel,O'Neill, John X,O'HFeill, Corp. David,Palladino, Anthony C.,Peck, George W-,Peterson Martin,Richineyer, Sergt. William XEosario, Tama,Roy, Corp. Tiieodore P. sRussell, Ray,Ryan, Corp. Francis P.,Ryan, Corp. Fred J.,Kyan, "Walter,Salmnas, Joseph B.Scanlon, Dennis,Sehoenmehl, Corp. Carl,Scully, Sergt. John 31.,

I Siiaw, Corp. SlaxSeld W.I Btallar, Corp. Frank,• Sullivan, Patrick,i Summa, Tony,t Spallone, John B-,:r Stack, Deanis' Synkew, Joseph,!-Synott, Corp. Francis J.."•' Tararzo, "Vincenzo,rTarnllo, Flavioi Taylor, Corp. Robert,i Truelove, Corp. Edwa.cLVendetti. Cosmc,\ "Fsgeant, Corp. Homer,f "Wildman, Sergt. Abel "P.,,Toung, Corp. Gilbert,fTuska, Stanley,iZoeeo, " ^

Cr-u-if.. -iio. -HerUing..' assures. Ms |.we•--go from- here?no'.-.;,-. •!•••-.- f peace Is comiss to Ger- < gardes by GeKerallisinio Foch 'as;'Koiiy, li'- is "right, bat h» fails *--• i uEdue curiositv'. as tn -his tjlaas,—i

c::^."'haw- it .Is ( New t

not V | ^f tecso to:COart asa aftw^s^vBrdtetJ-l?* ^ r a m s twnr-Ti i~-oi gcilty tad-heen aaBOsaice4.:hs da-.i IStJr-*rS£^^^- - ^ocii a^i i v-*2\ . . .... :'. ' • | s a g s ir®22£

cariosity .as ta '.hts plans.—!.-c-;;ret,«-.,^^ ' ^ : „„,.= 3, \ ^ ~ , ^ n * I are m vahiWJie in

':". ".Td;,.ys-'' s.ia.t'is!i' sis-fcjaots -'.the St'r-•?tt*&---%Stser*r .Bsakes-.Sis appeal fortfete 83sead!»g' .-iof ;.tlieiT • laat --blood., h--

:.V3>- Sis '-fcroie. -"His -speech ''."was.-a-iaarss: of lies, -bi!;;

?c*is-o-at lie-that the,;; <-?"- :..ttssn'-'eseused' -f or .beli^v-'i xiiTieegi.nalsg.of tSie-irar" waes | fe'iei

tit. ncaa .sa GiatsoUcatly -eon- j men.ceiled, Kameiy 'that Engtajti "in-

Ffie Sf'lifary feaiiis. cf -the.French

}•• "Hans Dislike .'Prospect' Ofi ter," says a 'headiine, . Why .-not; Bftre. the -winter taea— dsiiy it's .fence, as they" do the- presence oi iae i-ju::,-Americas snny and.the Allied vie-}; lories?—Kansas City Timefc... |

«r*ea*nres t>.a» !*h» enaansl of spesnianon as to tlsa s Cashman, jonn,tro-rfas isseets \ aatare of the "life, to _ come. It_must j ^ . ^ _ v _ v . ^ _ ^ ,


WIUl•they couia have. .Sgared.

.S#p- oa aaa tbe.j«pon.cs'.Vifas .Tep

: fcsvatloiteo: '"The

the French-«-• have | t anes ? - K a n s a s City Tte«L,.. } te^SfeSaT*&«.. Mil l ie! . &a.i»&ii-- t.<. <t»?j i . . . - . • • . . .j p r oga , i j i y R o s e.n-.-tfe last year.-or two! .Kaiisas merchasts'are fast -get-f \'eaJed it ia

• ling- on to metropolitan tricks Sn! *• •-- " - •["bargain sales. A "Wichita store ad-

TBe gretittd -has •• been fOHght orerf ^'in maajr vars, it has been studies'mA re-£tudied botS in the light of | , _ .. . • I a. SaiiaJist •• propagaEslse'S«lj;Bt-: a t

Latt:r. - . "" •>Peragini, Jv.eiolas.Sand'and, Howard TT.,

JPiisoaers of War.

LiUy, WiHiaai 3,,McCarthy, Corp. SXiohael F.,O'Connor, Dennis F.,Scinlio John,Scott, Cora. Earl R..Samoa, Rocco,Thorpe, Harry F.

not tabulatemines as i~

m £ r i t ; e -$4.SS to- J

Debs goilty-. >"oj*~ I ats country wilt

f " fal' I to ,WM" eauss. of .many of12.S8." j in Tthis country- "H'&o' ei"

I s c p p gwar of• 1ST6, ana- o£ .&is. suase- j • Gej-masiy not only'bars 'new^pa-5 Bebs is-'engaged in,

td i t l! b i b l ihd ' i j i t j l f ' d ' ma

I coal to -svin the war.Jly the gvverniagm, 6.oe:j the casualties of tae| does of the soldiers. 3} of injuries cou'd be SSOTTH, ties'

r* i -»r- T -L r* i-i i I wonld Indicate that mining per£ap5Coal Mine Lraborers Constitute ; i s a s -hazardous as -war. xet the

Bee Hsvwoofl's "Book"nhfines, Mostly "Worse." .

o i l Important Army.

(or children,itfe interest.. The.feaok. ss|

' .-• tslates • and S3 •, ..•p Charles EiviEg- ; Korah

EaiI-aE'i"t!jese picmrss greatiyf "the general, aneres,. o-« ^ fe flifficalt to fiTid the verse ln | _ , _ _ ^ uj_ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ _ „ .

in settisg frorr.' Xorah lae -Haywood's just pablisnea . mHiion men, "with no divisional or:of Sf&sies anfi • (t>y hersslf) "book. " ""Verse an.° | corps nsmbers, with no insignia ex-joast to ArJzoss i "Worse-" ' 2ta- feet tne_ v o ™ , , l s U e p t that of the man -who labors jinclafiing" Ijstis- \ mostly worse, ^ff^^ 1 2^, ,^^ 1^?;^ 1 a«d working- far from the fanfere j Italian Branch Will Oonlbat Tuber-

i miner goes about Ms -work Trith thesams €Htlmsasm and t i e saiae fear-lessness as the 'boys "over fher»"anil is as surely doing his part to-

army of tlu-es-o.uarters of a | ward ?.'ianing the ^s^x.


oi those poetesses of passy S toe:- tha ' xobln, Kard&eart ta= • ^ j o f trumpets, is the subterranean;''"" ' -wSio.toil in the dark-j colons.

underground to produce ] Hartford Sept. 14.—A camcaigiilat supplies the vital; t o r a ; s e 540,000 lor-the Iiiliar? r - 1

" the other army now | C r o S 3 _ t 0 fe6 n s e d prjEC;paUT

.:ccntnfvoa" cir - final

combatting of tuberculosis in It;be conducted in tiiis stats ;

ji bu WITHIN THEthe French s a w "beers as apt at ;

_^ __ as anybody. 9xu*rbm.ffc ms en behai'f of'Sai-uian la- | SeAtly-'ara oar eEcieac teachcrjj i 0 ^ "'tf'a' Int-sa'i to Seht'to" the" last. f. '-The French had-'grasped the-so-*.• kg.j.p t;g G o d ' ' " " " . " " : • - ' . j latien of -the problem; then, as«3|

the metho'd but they lacked) To .the. Editor of

l Objectioa eBeri&lioiied FoodJe

..-fcerajaa sisves- • stami be-! the. forces and fcaS to allow t&e-St. |.

to. jail so as to , appeax>'tj|s1 victim o t a ratfaiess'\ eruaiest. ' ; - -

Huns.coal miners constitute

itic ucuu «.-•_.. — . . - - , , ,----, . - . , iau army as truly as the men wijo , t - ,„,{. w e o t j - 1, ,,, , .- s..-.. .so many ptgecES lie is!1!re and.streEStn and oecome mean- , roarcJl t o fee f r o n t l s b e i n & attested g f , ^ pi,! Cro4 d»Ye"A-> :

fee "Macfc -n-arr^r,'• iaa-!ess •words." ' n r > daily by the enthusiastic reports tnat ^ ± t = t r f ^ 2 ^ ^tj?;, ; : ; /- ' ." - - ' It. Is witter good freejrersB ,uor j r e a cli the bureau of mines of the de- ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 bv t i t C - - - f " -

sir: Relative to thft remarks of * Ui, &es. Gregory's repo^' • " '

fee "tvMgeon. OM Bai Bsa-1

_aa!Isas:|ie ait'eirfMlk-.-but. i) .«_l|}'a3aiS3.«lsSBeBt-isto.i:s gtersL, t . .

stitt»?tetotott;«,t--BiH« Stosg, . Petei.Assy lawes


"6 advantage. Oar •away can -o.-

_ any slowing uu ui uim - - — — . - _ . , , . - , .^great war taacbine that is destined j cat, and ™ tarce O i tne lat.e,,to finally crasii the Hun. These re- j Bncg-eport. Wateroury afid fc«.as

• ports from operators not only give tsere are sub-commutegs. _xae 1 _stiie facts of greater production but paign win b6 wagea by. taess tee-Tgeneralir add a -virile comment upon \ gates ana sxife-eommitteeineii, ad. of-what tfeeir organisations intend to!"Whom v?3H fee aided by-trie •ssyer .do in' the near future to help -win (war bureaus and the state aaega-tas war. The patriotic spirit that j lion of tne Italian Red Cross.pervades the operators is the same! Dr. FormicSelJa said the Italia-

itaa -fiar- f Bolsaerild . rasnintrS^1*'?,^*^*""} ing-tlse-stress of oe-r' year*; cf *way.;/ssK$si...

-| l a t e a ".:«kry"

t h e


Citj-»:,Sept. IS. 191S.

as to. ' for'- tliei:"THE .:BWI2»I«3XB

^ , b s .WHICH-to ;Bar«mna r t 5 j e .

:eal. '

>itTrsuMlaf«*..firoJh'-'.-lhe '-Freaca' o f T ' ^ 6 - ;

t but:feat nsw gJ' tlie j.i*;2Fw

, in the superintendents, the foremen > Refl Cross was better orga:{ana tlje men tiiemselves. The lone j Connecticut than In any other sta-.s.I miner in his ^vorlting place tearing j Mejabers in tfcss state number 2.-

/ jtljat more coal means more guns, JOGO,'..including 7.0 life members.I more snips, more munitions and that j The Connecticut ceiegatioa of i*

" ' of I Italian Eed Cross bas beene Its organszatioa. v;;"."."•red the -war in ISIS, T:

and Stamford sa"LVO 300 members

•sldent in Waterhiir."S. Sergi is prci

v ...—. . . - - . _ . , .^tsnifordIfaotwe of sulphuric acid, the pyrrte "

• • a - ;

; worry/Wife '

lse' esstcise .-

:riswt; tlsey I

..recall :.c.ii 1

eur<|itttB fef 'tis* .

aad. take

'aSot& t*-. • I6s^"he'.'nsigM •w5ii:.-> tess tfcru. at

. a»a ? "jdrtrww tails wi&en 'ft isceiit .

f.'*fc* tiifotigb" tJse!"i»oit«¥o';a»4(«r--;ft,'-#^B»-'oBiy.;*1|W;. . - - • " ' ;,.A---.' ia:d«»e«a*;.of;S0"#«r;'«*at..;.Hi'Iirtl«;

»s* feat - ©raaiS Bi- | easse - tarr&te.; s»:.':*r»p«.' ts -sup-{mv :t&m: "«?«**



e « at me:.mSlisa-'-a-'

sc-'fhft firstWitbv"."t&s.

TJiat;;which t&s ©reeks. ha-T*-'.offj

• * '


'"• ^SK -lhS^a 5 fc^^fSEP"™-J^»^?^.^ |^ ^- t o -• Tw-lian4':W6ra"sSei»tJEg"j Pro;.;.F. S. Goedrich tod'his fasa-

' " " ttt.Hosstali»..f*Iy J»ss reraraed to Albion, Micfe.,;.»*Sallows* tafter -.

i. iifIS- .floor t»i tn«Jr former home


now'', at- Mli'v-aufeee,- ^bat- ttillst a - training: . base


. "Eke- laessage brolsgW feaclc to the ; . . .Sureau t>v tfee investigator -was t i a t i Cieveiaad, and will be.the'-outstanding, feature of Ms trip s fcjr Capt. .Irving 3U-23va&s< - CHfef o<was-the ateolate patriotism of the-j the Board's BecraitiaS: service,

I men and the general anxiety to help 5 —v . . — - — : -

tfce;-governmeat ia. any way .yoasilsle. j - £>C3?O2fS HIS 1*O02? Bf .33?

t 0

••iPreaile'r:-.:prlfiBcto.'.seat a jneEsage j ««B,jy liberty Boaas'''-attd inacF other jrots turn iront io_. Sir. .Stone- as a, | reJter«»ces. to "Winning ~Oie .1»ar. One j

;gassfct£_ honor r^jsreseste^ _^r*Mwia .-ths Ki.1ssr." -.' Almost every]a a d

t o

-'p;?'--.--' H


yoigrow ap. ii


Sm«orta- ! get- into action. ' . X.nAen&arS;

•;.^|j 'j' (3j«ar& tlosg;

&^lH*ar^ for tHeypisr-i-fee' tneaj<J:..4a.:iasfc...Spasg, feecassef* « « « ^ « . ^ ^ « . « - *^rr--ia-l»tter$«Ma.«toMtll«e«irtOi ? - * £ « » - i^**K«*-.^jwa«iip. - " - i OT«««S "?««« toMr^bed. .ae. s

iS.-r£toe 5 praas-4 t i e featecaaJ «o)ioErlty of tne j s i e e tr ic wotor seen tn the mines'car- . Well,gay*••••"*f XiftSIan .sad ' .A^nerleaa press' as 1 r-^g . a miaiati»e Anierisaii fla^.

Eelvilt® E ! **P«ciaus c»ils*oratl.0B Sn the cois-j briaglng' «oattnuaTly' to J*s jatoers — — — — : — - — -: * <r a • s a a s " s r» r t e" -•"""••' ' ' ' : : - Iffeatt ts war fa fits *ad giving Sim ."Kow, let. .me ses, ..

s x :; •*" I -.. A aotaKe•• teslSent •was.t&e•-pre-jth* tespiratlott to-gresfer eSort |modern _farsser, ioolqag..'-.ov«.-iii!t *O! ! i t e s s s . s t 5 i ! j j . t e : 3 t t _ stese of ,a.a Italian J 5te» miner to risKtoB-.. Ms. life - as 1 field; "therea., a ESW aa toasWs 11

•otifSag- creZ-whieh. ths names "oi'-trsose.i-Rreit.'as t&e soldier boys at the iroRt. that lot, a firess apieaa for jbe.girls.inscribed. « e said he ?Tn l i e year 191T, tn» last for "whien

^sisBf* iselafisft^SReJsbsre 'otl-ijouldl.-tafc* tli« fiag tes-Aftserics ssd [sfa'lsties ar* available, 2.895 lateers"•"* :- "•• '••"••::" "- ' * s - • • ' - - - • • - - " • - -•"- • - • - — - • — - '".-Jfav», U£ t&eit? lives .ssrhlle dlSginSf

.;-'<SssSi>RS?!"3tioa":^ aisd. sssaetjsia' Jsf

o'efi-- Blade.

Property of the Watertown Historical

Page 3: Property of the Watertown Historical Society · cers* tralniEg sehci!. ... One Tre^fe: later, when z&ejriaow ia IPtssux. j ... Property of the Watertown Historical Society. I-"":



8 » b hotise of "iO room ,it, liv-ase & s all I U W P -ut trsiley a a in a select1 9C?v eas& *na easj

OYEStOOK,a d s.t a. law

%• tenv.g for quick buyer.

AVEMK, 17 ream tteee-b t e

Donnelly JS a •well known locald bf

s'O of me "Jagaixess andwar mater sis" at tnat port, and ifneeessi y to destroy thrift. A oho-togratjb of h*s letter JS goves asdocument iTme

There % e>e earlier payrasnts "butporbably none later than these.


WaterK W Twins Write From France

:d .ng man and befoie enl'sting ia(>.ane -uas nece«sar'. By tHs time.ine sferv ee "was engaged m tlie elec- j tlic oo* of an empire lay open totrie tins ness in tlie boro. . . _ - - . _ ._ _

b .-- IVJ t - w e a t s. opo-rjr: TT«.i-»-i-i1!e, lu .ooffls, corner

Many Naugatuck Residents Dis-appointed—Autos Collide.

A large number of members of' IsbeH Women's Belief corps pleas-antly surprized Mr and Mrs. Pat-rick Buckley at their home on Hop-kiss street Jasi nigbt Vocal and'nstruraental music was rendered,

were eagerly

if -O T:isa f-oiaterras fu.,,

ck, Sept 14... local people

-were greatlv dis^p, orated here thisexetang w»i3n ttie three aviatorsfrom llmeola.

Lorewere to fly oier

ta! uting War Savmgsd t k


literatuie, failed to makeappearance. Tlie aviators

duo to arrite here between4:1C aril S o'clock this afternoon,and shonlv after 4 o'clock peoplebegaa to line up to \iew tlie avia-

. t n e for f ie appearanceof uncle Sam's fleers dieur near,

" 1

i -

r •

st i h i '* »-j E <•

^ i .

t - > . •

- - '

i •

r „J , »


. * - . ,


a? *•!


- " -

ff68 Sir i

^e-f^iaiV noase :

^ ' . SC - P

r __#„ „ . r - i

— ^^ . ^ "






several thousand p_op'eh d d

gatl er-sever h s a d p ped near thf> bridge aad. many more

l i th fy

on the tops of5

gy sbuildings about the boro. About 5o'clo li the aviators trere seen mthe distance headea for X kbut they turned in their cou^asoon raised out of s'glit. It

d th h h d

t t e Bolsheviks and tlie GermansMost significant of all are H o

p otograplis of further coaiiaHmea-tions I oil tiie German Imperialbank, given as documents 16 ar>ff I I .One is a letter aaarest to Tie cfcanvr aman of ihe council of 3e's oom-

after winch a bountiful lunch wasj^issars a n ^ the ther ia tlie 'res-All p csent spent a most I olntion of eonf e -once of representa-

tives o f the Geiman commercialbar&s" received b\ the ftiairman ofthe BolsieTik cental executive corn-

serve 1 . _ . _ ,enjoyable e\emng and left wishing! lives o f the Geiman eommercjal

ilrs. Buckley mam more I t>an&5" received b\ the •Chairman ofMr and llrs.years.

TJaere -s ifl. be a special meeting oftlie Beacon Talley Driving and ASTI-cultti e associaUon tomo low e\en-ing at S o'clock. All members arelequested to I e present as import-ant business relate e to the annualfair of the association, which willbs held ne\t month, -will be trans-

a n d

soon r o gthen rumored that thej had iuadea landing in Waterburj and TS-OUWsoon resume their journey, and thisrmaor kept a large numuer of peo-ple about the center oi txse borountil after 1 o'clock when ah hopeof seams tile aviators wag gnen

Autos Crash On RiTerside Drive.An automobile truck, Q'.ven by

Patsy Tongro, a fancier, who residesva. "SToodb ldge, crashed into anotherauto owned a id diiven. by T'mothjFitzgeiala, of this bo -o, early this

on B. verside drive, a shoitis known as

At thp time ofdistance south of'vennedj's corner.e jthe accdeiii-. -j,lr. F'tzgera d was on

B d th t

The work of repo%ating xfrpvrlle sc&ool i a s beea completed andthe school is now gieatly improvedm appearance. A new furnace hasalso been installed n the building.

411 members of the Na-uoatuekMilitary band are requested to beon hand, at 10:53 a. m. tomorrov,-mommg, -sihen the band viV leavefor Xe-w Haver where they will takepart in the big- .. arade which is tobe held in that c ty tomorrow after-noon.

M s. Jacob Dmkle of IS Fernstreet has been notified of the satearrnal overseas of lier son, Pvt.George H. BinMe, of the Sales Com-missary unit, No. 317, AmericanEpeditionary forces.

At St Michael's Episcopal churchtomo row "teaming at 9:45 o'clockthe opening sessions of the Sundayschool classes will bf held. Therector urges all parents to see thattl>e'r chiia^en attei d these sessionsof the Sundaj- school classes.

m-liee and indorsed by him m penand ink. Togetaer tfiey give a com-plete synops*s of tfce terms by wh ehGeimany intends to hs,te control ofall Prussian mfiustries.

Bap Allies From Trade.JFOT- fixe years frcm the s'gn«ng of

I peace, Enjish. Fiench ana Amen-j can capital in Russia aie to be • bars-isli d" a d "not to be a'iowed inthe foiloTST'iig industries' coal, m«tal-

POR S4XE—A draft 1 O'se, weigh' gl/Of IDS : can be worked ?nv placeIm uire of J H Dunn, 224 Jlillv'l'eAve, Kaugatuck. or telephone S4-5-

FOR S4I>*Ei—A horse. 1« years old,tr<=> c;nt l,iw>0 lbs .Also business•uagou, one carriage two sets orha ness All in first class condition.Compelled to se^i owing to j'lness.pTrtjm-e ofSt, X +

Deih , 50 Cl>e-r>

t i s waj to B^idgepoit, and the autotruck was coming towaid South"Main street It is s-ia that thed-iver of the tiurk was on the•n-rong si"e of the -ropfi. when theca~s met. ritzgeralu's car^

toerrts "Z! WAR PLOTS W GERMANSitred. Tr>a d*"i*t'r Oi the autor'.cjv Sa« r _^" c Ceied *o aprj»- i; t ; i> Irvoi coJit ;iorsjs\ r orr ^.s-i answer to the J i i i o e of ^Cufes• •>.. -E-, cs t s c'd r jci tn^ t he ^as•7i t. •» '-ft & .a oz tve si'aet, wnen

lurs^cal, maenine r>u«tdino oil,chemical and pharmaceutical,"These industries are to be developed junder t—e contvol of a * ssp-tme ad- inzoi y o- gan consjstm0 or 10 Kns- jsian specialists, in fioni Gernan m- |

Ing siugatures: Disltau Off g•With either at these signatures t ie re-Ernests of the above mentioned personsEhoma ba compiled with, -without deiay.

' I hai-s 31 t a, copy of this, circular nora photograph of it, tut document two,next in opacr, proves its authenticity atoiae curiously and absbSutely," Mr. Sisson'.-ported "Partioujar interest attaches tothis circular because of Bolshevik pumicdenial of its existence. It was one of sev-eral German circulars published in Parism the Petit Parissienne last -winter. ThePetrogract Bolshevik: papers proclaimed ita falsehoofl. Zalklna, whose signature ap-pears not only hers hut on ths protocol,%vas an asEistant foreign minister. Hewas sent m Feoruary on a mission out-side of Hussfa. He was in Chrlstiania inApril when I was there. (Have a-photo-graph of the letter.")


Ko 6,i51. SECRETJ,Q. G. S., SachKchten Bnrean, Section

n ^ a n a 0 ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ Ger- devotes Sp^ean aGermapy a. d Austria are to '"en- \

men mroeign mecnot to be a".lfor

and quaixf?a -aork- f "5*Tar rackeda ' 'Jxll other lor- ' in p cssioa on; a*id w*>i».ipe are

enter ar a l l ' a e

years <*fF o r c ^

H. FOES CEESXES A. FOSBto Study oi Describes i ife oi kolCVen la


get about anjthinar thev T. ant. Ourtown has plenty of stores but no•eats.

A I the peoole come to town in

" Vterbory boysericai Espe-

Chestep A., their Lttla two-v neeled buggiesto church.= ia. a«d Ge-manj.'Forj and ChaaaeEjfH Ford, t»inISunuaj, going to church.

'"Russia arjs_ only' brothers, wto cfi 'cd overseas] Talk abem? t^_ s.yles! They dress' of the Union of about seien *te«etoJ>^o, have -srrit-J I&e our country girls who naxe•with the consent" of the Union of

kwit t eennan and Austriari banks.

And this eons»sa<.y t Ger-

about seienten tneirFord of 28 EenlB

man im-oenal capJal^m and the the French mode

| r a"d Sirs C. -Street, about

re\er seei a city. They call this••Sunny Fraree" It is, no doubtIt' ll b t t was

pretended Raas 25 mfio sed. ^na lettera Bolshe\ik leaaer, with the rec- j carries a sp rit

onimendafop that t sho Id be j Hun aid. of en<'•taken under advize nanf" ard "the j follv5 at

It's a s-aell cl mate, but it2, by Chester! hard fo get used to at ist. Every

f dcf.a ce to the! mm 2te we felt like sleer mg butto- thelha^e pottrn -usca t it n w.

ajacey's letter1 1-«d a sr> im e e *v da-"- Since I'-ve" t ssem<3 like Oldg oand prepared n the Sc\let of the ' -a briefer The ^«F= are 22 years Veen l e -e and ' t ssems like old

workmen's and soldiers* fiepmies m of age. The" s i# -s-'aely Sciiown. times at QuassipauB. I d IiKe toworkmen's and soldiers* fiepuu-ease the council of people's eoBin-iis-saxs will not accede to these re-

Various details of the consniracvbetween the Bolshevik leaders andthe Germ'a general staff are ex-posed in documents 16 to 29. Theseare uhotographs of letters -nrhiclipast beraeen the Bolshevik leaders

d th G al 5*3% or the

PROVEN BY DOCUMENTS,{Continued Tram Pase One.) |

and the German general 5*3% or thaGerman ofieers m Russi? Docu-ment 21 stows that on So.-, 1, 1917when. H-uss a was still -e^Kxded a3

he -e. Before gomfc 5 n ts the se vice • be -at t' ere todav.thev we-e cmplos^i at the plant of j The peouie hei-c are getting- inthe French Mfg. *o . ] their wheat Thcv hai e plenty

Chester's letter* dated Aasr. 4, !sj from what I h?\e s^en I ha\eas follov s: ' seen me^ican aeroplanes, French

Si sh and ther are some ma-Ii ' is Saturday sif-ernoon and all I andwe have to do »*«y?it for aapnc-.

iHost of theters. I have-

t p* a-e -writing let-tt Qmte a l ev

i J

chines. Ti.e - print an Americanne-n sparer n Psrxc E-v Whitney


no to date, so ^swT receiveQuite often. I gBCC old JCaisenB it win start to SE*%-4 o'k. and 1 st-au when the* s ^ c 'e^ feim ,

Th.j o ened & £^->ieen today, FOs e can g r t all the s~: -ere want. v v

pgets one

yd"> r, so I go down toi2 t t tIiean^sarters d"ih- to s-et the news

T7e a-e s, far away from the Sr-in^ I *~s T . can't iierxr the guns

^an cn rs h "vQ it on tlieink, from the ones I

_ _ FCCP B i ' T.CU- few pleasure*ha,Ting-""tiie" oncr* to request' W P are ss%en tobltcca e-iPrv m o r r - ' ^ - s are seen here on account of

the Bolsne\i*4 leal^r^ 'o inform it1 mg-. Y~.cH VB ^P ." struck tne t i e " iS"i P i re of gasolu e. Somf' Mar the earliest r<o=sb'p ^^Hient*31 t3T&*i hsr^lv s. issr IQTB h35 t"^2.c-* t*™^ lcs £.*"? iu*i bv c~reaTi-1. ^^ic*

TOL.->. v,hcfe wa.= mace the pretext! concernatg" *x-"e q-ianuty and stop- i co We used *o js-e ihssn son_e, e- -i v j w - i l C a - - io=Is The ' In-.e•"J- -Rpr .age p'ace of t i w - ^ ' ' that h a i e ' s i d therefore fcejf^ e-arfeuly good sts* urcs c - i v *•-d« scou* a loot

Ot-e ci'-cuia'* is aa me'er f .• m i bc-ea" ece\:-a iroE. An-r^ca, E n ? - ' t o M . V cj. voa' t a-->k :n t,.e*~- Geimai g'-3'&l s*->j: d teC • lanJ apfi F-^rv. , c-.'" cls<s the units We a-e Mle^a • psa-rs in ac • Tt*-i c^i t»lk ero,«t t n - jpe all

F-i'«" ' ad ->ndi.s-, wh^oh are Leer-r- g-^-S o^c • tfce oM-fasJ-iea£<1 F*er^i >ouse a~~ w i T S P ^ J t-t i 11"".; t •=• In>te<Pc r>am t ope. stores" " a-a inafe i wpf.CTT. T .« ^^ase= c*-ite- o^ AS-G-ICX T-U .ola n e ?m

!=. r i r t ^ T,j-,^- th^'-l Do;u3er.t IS F' iv f tiio Germ^" J"=re *tre p.aiccsin all c c. T JP.. V.S;*. I* 's r->ois u -o date in ever.*

eric"- t at tcey Sates ir>e IEC^SI*. Tne t -yss - r re *"•' I fr- re = " n c-=e of

re: t--ops S i Tt« » ss .- ' T-st-jr ecu -*• ii^--.!" *.'->*sr ^ / &U a rl n/<00 ^ c iro-

m o ntl e • >

t _ e r o

sect' -n,

S : if*av I** t •.<=• »"* il*1*' es» R i " Rail a I1- H' t of t£» , j > i l e s_

t ,"?>1/.'r^ i rc '°f a-" t>e"^""^tf a%a* Trs; :1 ccce-os"

J«-_t.-r.. Tie R=*.. i ' j l t ;s p-epa -lv\s to e i t i Afi> as a xn. ssitcaryj c -J - "«=r* •::-• co ! ;o . _ v, -j ^ jr.

CJ.\ r ,=s v. T a S a i , . - s -oa' *""* * j 7- '""•Zti'-'W-i'ia-i E t'o r*a-ies w il r"^-r ct De trcetion Ortlered. TO *ortv-r * c~ -= i-^ci?'^ -d . ' " As» A" a**» "or>.-> «»-•. -2 r > : T H S ==eo-i. c.-cc'ir is an o-3r- -s ' s ' r . o ' i t . ^ r ' a j b->"^;''- s«'i- '

. . u •" ' .a '« "t % i *-e r "="• • _}^~ t»or* ' p 6 t - r ,?n scierai «-t ri o; <-r j stsS as s-e.rj ' a c ; - a- -sr to C e^ ^g ^fc ! ** * r*3~- ^"^ T 1 'v^c^l -5-Q u.g- a fc-5a f!c$T <5?tea iXo . 2^ rcs-ot.^t O"is IJ^^TT^^?* * " J K . s s a 1

* 0 ' ^ tl. ^i « *» * - (.-tl'v^i 6-i -I ;^^.4J CCFin^ fCT t1'^ XCObillZtLl Qtt f£ ^T5^ Ge "*2f *1 ^ S*.3S &%- ' g . ^ OUS £

- - ^ i st i" -r*"? r -s> f •" 1 ..t Ifl 1 ' ^ - . ES s a ^ o j £j_ r 3 trcai A t f e - J t i ! "> =-nd •sp:*«, a- ~-i-s «" •> agcr<:as. - - » o ' , B . - t ' s fa-•*•.._- j^ut?- p c r « s t o it«tt£S a. Fran-p a^"! En"- j - j ' n c B V ov, <">f Vlafi..-—olc *t

"J»H »-i - i c:.- - a v, '» i t r«.. . «.t i>-«.« jaud. TI «. o-«:er cal"s for S-.- ?% t » o f f = 1 . . ^ - ? « . - . r i a =- * ^ . •*- -~"3 ^n * V*9 cGi-d • t -4 ry t£:e pl^giQp^ g* iT"r=s "<3c:s.x-vs, cErbro'-^s^ ^sc' co't-i. s.- ^^ XIc£* .~" A? ^ . "_!^ j-ast"**. *'. s Tt~*. -*. B" ^n. "*te r e n t s . anJ T d i j ' t s" a.ict Jt rc j - . ^ ^ T „

^ « ^ * . » * - . t -t— - . •• •- O'TSItl^.X.jS *..e t*^ , O* II * .£ O» *

12.To t3aa Ctairman of the Council oi People's

Coiaimssars-The secret service department has tile

honor to inform you that there -were found6n the arrested Gapt. Konshin, two Ger-man ioeuments with notations and stampsof tlie Petersburg secret police COkrana)uhieh sliow tliemseives to be tlie originalorders of the Imperial bank. No. 7,433,March 2, 1SI7, concerning ths opening oraccounts for Messrs. Lenine, Sumenson,KosUnsky, Trotzky, and other active\ orders on the peace propaganda, by orderKo 2,754 of the Imperial bank.

T ese disco* enes show that at theproper time steps were not taken to fles-tro t i e abo\e mentioned documents.

For the Jiead of ths flepartment:B. BATTBE.ADjr ; BUItHOLM.'

Mr Pisson reported as follows on thepreceding.

"Obsero the thoughtfulness -with whichBauer, a careful man, set down exactly"svliat wa n tne document, thereby per-*m^tUr^ the co"*enta to rise again fromtae ashes to -pfnich perhaps he committedt^e dairsa: n^ r^Ber. He admits that thedocuments found were truthful originals.The ivorld tvil^ thank him and Germany"Vv ill Jiot

"I ha%e fie orisinal letter, r t bearcmarginal indorsements, deferred to theConr3ussion for fighting counter-revolu-t ion ' Demanded documents. M. Skfipnifc,? nd an lVegiole comment by N. Gor.bunov,L^nine's other government secretary. TKeSetter is directed to Lenine. Did Skrlpnikget the docuwents? I do not. know. .

"Ths letter is remarkable otherwise, fort i e arrested (Japt. Konshin mentioned isa German officer, Lieut. Otto, u-iio ap-pears elsewhere as an agent in the Ger--n-in clouble-ciossins intrisue in thsTTkrame "^hat -was behind the mvstervoi Ins arrest? "What was his fate?"


{T. K. D. Ko. S23—Two Inclosares.)PROTOCOL

Tfifci protocol, -cvritteii by us on thesecond of November, 191", Sn duplicate,"V. itli the consent of the Council of People'sCommissars is taken from, the departmentcf secret service of the Petrograd districtand tne forn'rr department of policeCOtadna), on instructions of the repre-cn*-atr es of tne German general staff in

I'eiros'-a!}.1. Orcalar ft* ths German general staff

?*n ^21, dated June 9, 1514, concerning, t^e nrmefilate nobilization of all industrialc *ei-^izc^ m <Jermansr. and.

, 2 Cj-Cij'ir %». 98. iated Nov. 2S, 1S14,l of t^e K^i^r^l < taff of the high sea flest,

r *\r*"m nir cr tn** sending into enettiy CGun-I t-ins of crcci"l agents for the destruction

o- -\ar ouo!u]<-" and materials,j Tae ->^r e noted eircularF? -R-ere given

o>f-»" l.T"-'* •• n "icri receipt iiuo the secretwi- ""*= n ~a<- -^*-nt of the German staff in

,.«l3ioM2€d b the Council of People's

' ' " ' ' " " F. Z.VLKINB.E. POUVAXOFF.

' "A. .TOFFE.I *~ ,& c r u \r"-3 -7o. 421 anil Ko. S3 men-

' r L it t>- •> T>-otoeol ana also ono copys ~* = p oTn"-| -irere received c-n the*! *J oZ "Ko fpmpr, IS1T, by tne secret

'•"• r» d D-'t— ent of ths German gen-c s ' £ ta1 m letrograd.

storehouses of suclx munitions, an_lighting units are statioaea. I t is necessaryto hira thra third parties •who etaaft iano relation to ths official representatiTasof Germany, agents for arranging explo-sions on ships GouncL for enemy countries* ••and lor arranging aelays, emoroilmesits,ana *fiif£icult5es during tfe© loa^lins.*patching, artel tmlo^diTi^ of EMPE. 3?O?this Tturpose -R'S are especially recommend-ing to your attention loaders' gangs, among"whom there are many anarchists and.escaped criminals, amd that you set intouch tvi'h German and neutral shippingoffices as a means oi obserrios agents ofenemy countries -crho are receiving andshipping tfce munitions.

Money required for the hiring and briiJ- •ing of persons necessary for the cLesignat- -ed purpose will be placed s.t your disposalat your request.

Kachrtcten Bureau at tns general gtafiof ths High Sea fleet.

KOENHS.Sir. Sissoc's report on docTimenf thrsa'

was as follows:"Both the circulars bear the penciled

notation that ths Grennau secret Bervlee bu-reau at Petrosrad has rscsifreil them, siffaeclAgasfsr, the cipher signature of Kaj".Luberls, heaa of the bureau, as wIH bsshown in document Ko. S. Ths German in-tent here was to remove from, the Teeordsof the olfl KnBsiaa govevaxaeat tJas eVi-dence, first, that Germany -was 'beginningin June, 1914, Its active preparations forthe -war that surprized the world in August,2914, and second, to remove ths evidenceof its responsibility for incendiarism andexplosions'ta the Uattea States, a country•with which Germany was then at psace.The result -was to give nsvr evidence oSthe truth of the charses. (Hare oris-lna!of protocol and: hav; the printed, cir-culars.") .

Document four gives a letter, of•which, tne government nas a photo-grapli sno-trins that tlie socialistleaders In "Russia, -were correspond-ing "with Seneiaemann ana Parvuaregarding tne destruction of tlietraces of business relations of theSocialist party with tne imperialgovernment. Scheia^man, -who -wasinterested in covering tip olfi trails,is. tne Socialist wiiom the imperialgover»ment uses to stage its peacedrives.

Document. 3ve_siiows.a Jafct r t -*er IP frr^Si arrangements ara madebetween .the German General StaSand the Bolshevik leaders iof es-pionag-e work, in Bnssia and otnsrcountries. : . •

Document sis: Js another letter inphotosraiili" form in tlie liands ofthe Federal government in ^hichtha German government, dictates•who shall ;be the military advisorsto the. Bolshevik!.

Document. seven is a letter inwhich the.German general stafi: dic-tated to the Bolshevik leaders whoshould be the central executive com-mittee of the Bolsheviki.

as .i

2 I? Pe-ragra* At sdd.u rai s.*" „

uSee -sphere I irtr ,entl~ cafe-. A .-,:.."ra arpeare-1 is >. *»otiier <; j-tJ'o-r ? __-

• Passii" asai •.•» i« Engljsh. Oc -

r-i' cr. 1Adjutant.

\ia r ~r^t 7- ^rcloe^d a » ~ Carc <-- l

Cr. General Staff Centra! iotheilon"th^ io v

KACE.BIOX; Olffi KIXJUEBPittsburgr, Pa., Sept. 14.—One

man was feilletJ, 11 were -wonndedand 36 arrested In a racs riot be-tween Turks and Armenians to-night in. tae Industrial section ofBraddock, near here. A. war argu-ment waslilame^ for the trouble inwhich, a score of shots vrera Sredbetween the rioters and the police.

J * > ; s .ijk w ta c r^aei fcy i l a •* '(5 i t 13 = € * • •


Atte la. as *p'es *A n DOiUBaeni;



^ r»« - =*_ t,- r . CC • Us. 1 „ St. ^» -a

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Two-Family Houseand Large Garage "

for several cars in best resi-dential section of the city.Attractive price for quickbuyer.

W*J. BURTON16 East Mam Street, Ptone 387S

L'fej F*i;e and Automobue

FI 2^3 <-«: TRUCKING


• * < » •


AT tae Cf-- '

- i -e FO.-SS ?s Tec ' ; - t X^ S. • . " . ..--.2 *- i ;^-u»It s dtii?" Oc: , 11.1". It .< f'fi^s 3^'sle^ ' - ; a"-»s a r?•3i\^'93 oi t i « i£ i*ac- g:-.c-a' ..rcra:_ c i J C : - • ' - z

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i s It fces.r-s:" I i ac-o»«ijn^e ^ -'- t" " ?~rc~-

i,3 leaders of Ji^ E ss i"1 *fc.c:<i-

er^-a- ord.r

tloth tof tL"

..-, E-I i".

for ;„ 'P. sh -

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ai 5.4;

JH RESORT B eE. Ei.£»."

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«.e^d r-r.'' T,"i-= •"" J" .« rien v £ - stood * ^he^t i r t-0—

' •><M3..aatsoss. "-I*5 is a T -!l 1c>2> *arit,^-2f naai* ^ t = a Eiisv fi"^-n5s

^ ^5 fs ptec.sed to le -1 «I h.s sue-.i.ssfv.1 protaetloa.

^ «g . - r . ' u ' r ; a o-;e<irs to Pc : - - *~- ** * Sr*-*E=--- — tfjig t_ ICJ^-CB.= " . 4 o5"s-= f - - {.i&rj=iv of !'•*• 5T%. for i":^ ---!.«• ' tfoa c ' «ss-ers

<"*li^*"niCtJ-°"f>*'r' -* -Lri'--! c"=^V-'i ^ n i of R S S * " J f-p->r- 5 '3t a3 of

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2 r no-rs tnar ~\~ Cc.a-aa ' ••• - • . - ^ ~ - ^ etap.!>-Kp-- <w

^""pg-rn-e tfce rr.n.tirr rc\o- =- r s * *-"e ^USFSJH -atonal ar^-cs

-ag'cerl cr cni.T.ini! ".Tf-i r es t . a , Rnle .%<? Gcniian Agent*.lo %aesr K 1 tvat a»-*ti..*.e- p c e ^ j c * -».e letters ara indo~sed

1 Berlin Picte Cande Bates, 'ir? Iro:".>-7. E.«-n Etsnd.ng1 i.:3ES.I „ . . T V - ^ . , _ „ „ . , £=" t " i F " " - c - ' . 'ere rrsof i^_i lh«

i by" dosameat setcr* Vhlch is "a ^ ^ f . s ^ ' o r ^ - ^ ' t ^ ' l c f t ^ S t



VERT EE"..~~.

ti T

J. SMITHEstablished 1897

The Better MoversThis is Sour Gaarantea


Furniture an3 Piano 5IOT-'ng. General Trucking andFreight Handling,

OfficeTS Xorth Elm St., Phone 1543-14

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sae(ions fine eosaition, &o£ waterheat.

Money to Joan on first mort-gage. •

A. HENGEVEODEeal Estate and Issurance

Representative Sgnitsble LifeAssurance Co., 66 Holmes Ave.

Kione 19S.

Cenera! InsuranceREA~ ESTATE



TeL 5. Iv. Room IT

or-Ier « ; ths G«' T i -;\- Gerir. \r.

"has Jr^o-ECfd •> c*

5 fef-sraaal «t revcTu-

IMMEDIATE DELIVERYEach a Product of PerfscHoa

Acme i Itterbury Motor TricksStese fe are mecbaafcal -sro

*re BOSP "Hctfei. te ters znA trill proie by trst thatgiie io»a dfttnos-traCon.

I. M, SHAPIRO MOTOR CAR CO.Blstr'bmnf tot the Acme and Atterbury.

20^ Co. is St., T

ftndgqson&NewYoAMotor Truck Service Pally I


, Telephone 2434

FOR SALEThree-family house, is jooms, hot

water heat, electric lights; lot 185s42$; price ?7,500. For partisnlais sea

• • . D. J. EEGANIQfl Cola St.. ! « . Sg? «g SS'ig. Qjta


A« cs»e lowest rates on raovisg»-rr i- re to sumnier bosnes or cat-t ts ts s i shore.

Local and long distance moving.Ctuer^S t-irnsS-as a.5d freiglit haEaifagrv coror'SWHt workmen. Ail -work

dHarly Bros. Tracfemg Co. Inc

_i">c» 180 East Mala St.T»l 2S7S or 1T2T-2

Consolidated. Stock Exchange ofTorlc,


F. O. Peab^y, Manager•Bhoae 29SS.

FOR SALEI sen more building- lots tfcan all of

the real estate agents in "vTaisrburrcombined. Ton wiH sare -rMney i 'you see me before baying.


Phone ?3. 1833 East Maia St.

Esters Y. i t C. A. .! Earry Fpvre'% of t-e T^J a., de-'paTtBfeat of ths G. I. B. G.ove C .,"taa esisael b-s resittou a--- •»«*

, l e w sons for 8»r c f :2. Hass.,^hers he w.i tuCe & euyrs3 ot tra.n-

,tl-a -worst .t »s doi^s fcr the Aaten-aan soK.«rs »ad cur ciiito

ing people.t5se> add a lt.-t of Ka^siar

•stitt. T>»* MEE is feeaue I '. r&a4 X^tune. Tfcey 'sereasfT t i e t s t o* t!u pr


tsg ti» -n. trjtsti r * of tite *fs»e >•>£ &"r g^ae'-i* staff,e aeusr on« raore to te-j r . ri ill frcta _Tstlaa4

ad Ca'1-rl~i-l sll Agitators of

-•£• of

S^tJ^t fh^v!?'-.* ? /n*,D^

JOHNXHDRAN36 F4oEJi MSBU S b « l or t l

JUS-ukm Street*

t..T> ©:rS I-Nortn



. » be pn" at th« „ « - .pie's oomis ssi a." v . .. .


xh&t!s«:J:23wri *«•» t re dr.ver, aad J" sosje -ly^jjj d-egjt" the Ktter conti. aes, separate Gernws i^eace tnOt.snauiie- f«« ttsi& u.« t«icS: » * ' * • SJJ^ jj^gn s^ppijea. to the KoS8«a'*11i'-I'-9';£-s'i«!l spaders in thai IRm^

^ - c i -i,e



S.crv itonn"* v ta^c li-«- s-n,i t t O *

sis ~sir,;.-.

f tne ^ f <*- ru».?in r


rl it. t £ - | __ __ __ r_Jisr to t~- o£".ts" ; ^ ; J a ^ j gcxernmeir co. sldef=! ftapl< Tie doeurtxrw, as th*-..-", -srfeo up->r. e^- _>-vff^ie. to remind tfte soviet ©f4a re •€*1 s~ -*"fc report fosrm

* pporft's commissais of tfte aee-SSsttj-'^l5-4'*! the** -arere traasnKiJtei Isyt c B?3IP, ans , f iriereasms; ITCT^I anda, 2B the £ ssen I* il** Cr»ci ccairasaa

A*t*"" te£-s cvjEtrj «s the a»ta*ron»Uc »i*l.««le ' •-'••6 write*, •sv.l^s i»«; :ater_ ^

•rjt- :"!S*«rce» Sir. S'sssi S*i rot i t Is t oubuttgt tTae CerKs«5'-t sa1*- t;8ts£ *s "eral •w-efes aft#r Jua Jss« i»ft!

3? XttQ O^^1 itlSJl JlSit^™'K^^ ^*a.*t^ * -^.^-a ^ S "C5"3t ^ 3 S• to the I -'rogrsfl Sr<! &<»*•>

f 'r tb* ? «a- . r r ^ r f S si* -cIvff 7>asy • ""be Srst s»*t of t>e •c pessas- i otilara came isi


r to t o


l i t Bsmltioa work for fagsrsoii Mechanicallljmm Fuses ror U, S. Government. Highestif^^paicE, Fcxmauenl employment after warif mtsat OB oar Wateibaiy Jeweled Watches.




fey Employment Service of theSMm P^>aiteest of Labor, If you

now employee! on mvm&ns &sn\ a^sly.FEPAHTSO IS U.S. EMPLOY,'t£,,T£ES\:CE

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distance, with earefui men.Tracking of all lands. C. Grif-

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Mowmg and StorageSatisfaction guaranteed In work

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A. M. LARSON CO., INC.i :•'% Xorth 31am St. Tel. 60 Of 132-4


insure yonr property today.

OTIS S. CO?#LES63 Baafe St.. Waterlsury, Conn,


w. J. ROACH •ticcal ana JLang Btstasaeeand Piano Me-rfsg; Also

^ortlt Bis* Street, Telep&oiae ITiXi.


. . . T H E • .

Madison Tool WorksProdsetioa tool faaiera and rs-pairIBS oafl reachine work oj ailkinfls. 352 Maaiaos St. Water--bury, Coaa.. Telephone 203S-2.

F. .-£..,VEIiETTE

NATIONAL WINDOW;.-. CLEAMIMGCO.St: JMslnott Are , S . Pi-oko-wich, Bros-

o» cl hoose. offies aa«t-OUT time, worry


Trucking aad ng.y to all parts oi city; also

asbes lakes oat. IS BraacK St.,


SOTSOB, .Altiio twes of tfee.Srm ara in ths

the.-firni cf:-. - C i B i S i BROS.

5s Etill -In- business a»& ready toisve the" .best- s.erv'.ae oa ailSEEtxo&jare -COSTRACTS

S5 Eflxoa Aw. -"Pelepbone 402S-*•. • ' ESSE3S C

* \nl a. i»lifla of| ti'-stse-te v>r«Ing lij attto traelis atI re3ssu?!>*e rates, parties a

BA^ID CARROLL-s,!., Soash Stain SJreet . -•rel. KSS?

JACKSON';& WILLAR1> .Artesias Wei. Coairacfors'•It you • mr« in need' sf. & -well '• letas give "yp'a full iRfOrEaatifla. Ad-.

' areas 80S Willow St., Waterbary.or telephone 2t27 loare ei Jo'art.Barr.) ... : - . - . ;

Property of the Watertown Historical

Page 4: Property of the Watertown Historical Society · cers* tralniEg sehci!. ... One Tre^fe: later, when z&ejriaow ia IPtssux. j ... Property of the Watertown Historical Society. I-"":


THE-lEPUBLICAi:^U«athe propeller, a signal -rock- envered as if to dive freci t ie fcs>ctfroa tae first Bods'* • asi«l t a r tits »sy-

15, 1913.


I SEW I6BK* Jnlioa Hatiews, 171 Sladwoa

CHICAGOMis* Slat&ews, Hartford

BOSTON3n3$o* Sstievrj., X Beacon Street.

PARISEoglK B arena, 55 Rs

at the offices at t i e prfucljsaU!atfwrtlxtns agencies of the !eS»es «i tti« Cnitta Slates,

lOane and tht trio to efi almost ver-"Lraliy, Itoakins the ivi.:!e on. Klas "

• horns. We were then a t about^vf^frt. %"VG Tivere ©J'T'GC"..-^ zo s*se *i.*i

. Huns flatten out n-hea; '.TQUS! "vroaE! woufi!' Arcftie. The German iiZrds -were no*! at all; they -were mereiv t s ?! decoys us?d to entice us to a pre-•arranged spot, at a height well fa-vored by ami-aircraft gaimers. The"a»y puffs encircled ns and it sspmed

S'tasB'hile, ?*v:r specks. a-s-raiwi-ias f :« : th<2 west, hal prawn larjr-«? sr.-l targer sr.ti. i e y were te*%eal=-l as of tlae British "ycaier"two-sp^t^d tyjre ^ «a,lrj-l3-»9. "£h^Bosh. Faw them as3 3j:siiai8<i _&5they bore fcws upon fcsss. Fsudi&E;-!ir3Se;f in tSe poaKies of a lion at-irrelred t>y hunters wh»:i ar.oat -tor.*>;;itee ti 3 t°sh^r£*3 g-c3t 5;® c£s*< ^." iued Kf * to destroy, Jor in s" do«&g"

. •:© would carp laid hins?*;f ©yea


STiKSONRlSStock Quotations

Gate- • - - - • jjy an«l Krs Geergs SfatmeB


Soli's the? t^r—Concert.St.*ar.rl theater—Gloving picture*.Garder. theater—Jlovins pictures.Princess theater—".levin? pieturf-s,Ria<.to theater—-»lovlr.a- pictures.

unlikely that an aer> plane could get destruction. When I las- saw htan*away -without being caugfct ia a he was .seing northeast.patch of hurtling high explosive.' _i Good

; Yet, rsoboay was hit. Altho I ira-! uncoaifortable as we raced away.' the choruses ef -wrouffs reminded m<"i of an epidemic of coughing: I had""."ard ia church one wiater's Sun-

i -ia;.* itrbiie a fatuous serinos was reai!; by a dull-voiced vicar.

VPI-J- suddenly a lino ct fiery r?'*-'??n~3»& shot up and cuned towards 35.I \is when, thfj" h<id reached three- , a s' c a r t e r s ot their maximinc hsjijrh*. "Y!ji-r rose and fell witfc;n 39 yard.*


A Good X^tsdSn^. " *to?«c BOB.'Th°rp ivas now no o%s*acl?

our glide. As w« went loaer.tor:i =ro«nd showed up p;3.i- . ,i'roai S.n O feet I jo^!d a^Esort «ouai tmreH titeti:e sli<j!!t<>ies. VTie.. sSIg-Sitiy iw-S;R<S t"*ic trenches, a confuse... ."t?r from below told us tLut ssac?uiib were traJw»<i on ifc? mae^ise.

way of rsta'iatJoH. I !eanesJ overi phot a t win:* 'eoke>! 1J>»«

Th-~a caa:. the Bccliefront Hr.r, ivissed an<i aiTkecipt a sd

a.Ti o!»n trench. Al-I

(Contiijaetl from Page Fifteen.)

rf our tail. ThereThe flaming rockeiF that the Boe?ip-t3:o far from fear5?s=s as a aral?.leceps for anr iio.-=tj!° aircraf; that.was not is the L-ast afraid<-an b» hire<1 to a heiglit ef fcetwser.. .{.e €%enfl*.i! sli-le. *!-• .~ti-» of ir-

" feet. ' - - "I yene<i to V., my pilot, t.iax XT'*

. should have to dodge. We ?:-ie-sHptland stverved to tne Ipft. A mirtiit?I JjiKr the strsam of onions haf* 05=-

l pass from an unpleasant s ossibility1 to a. fat" more unpleasant reality.

We began climbing to a less dan-

I ts;! .^ i'tlfiu. tip

• v/as btsr..i:sg Isad»<i ny s:oek of iwrvouss^S'5 ar.S

;ss»enjed detached from ali ifiea1 f;cnir»r. 5=0 rauci s<», tsat th« C^so- -* iat*vi German trenrl. area rs. ;-.a' P been a sW^-shosr at a fair.j V."= six-epi hy Xn Plan's t,asd at a'fcci-hi of Sf"1 :>:r. cr-.-t f!:- French

\ .s-erous height taut again became th° frst and SPCQTI'1 Hue trenches a~iirfcieveaients of the Sying men. Gen. i target for a lew dozen high esplo- ' fter passing a ssiaH r:da:e. sa.ys_ tcai he likes aying better ; sh-e sheila V»*e broke away and "• "" "!ha.n.-wricins .or speech -making, but'swooped down-ward. . Some lint*that ii= is an a-fcpt in all three can ; distance ahead, an^ HOE t-r below.os testifies to fcy a. great. many_pe?-?

sons in.ail parts of America.. He isyoung- to "have attained such emi-nence ia his profession, for lie wasM>rB in Torisslii'-e on July- 2, 1SS7.His career fs eschiEivety ttiat of thearmy. He iras educated at Eton andthe Royal

! o settle on an sravra p'at-ai..r^a i»« >.ic:h braekeu. t he i'-'iscalisd Vant!y TO oarth, raa over the

W E S a group of fi\e Albatross t .-o- jjracker aid stopt two yarcs frors asealers. V. pointed oar raachirie at 5-ro*;p of sr.ei'-hoies. Xot a urire wasthem, in th*e -wake f th fiihi; hcommander's bus.

of5 r ; p o

the fiighi-; h ok=i. T^f prr>p»H»r: scored by the bracket but the

The Fuselage, Ablaze. 'ir.g was -=spos=-r:>!e for r»o otherNext instant the fuselage stiv-

iiijsry college at Sand- ! e r e d - I looked along the inside m,,,a-=T_ jBp.ol< ; n p fanioS"1 old re»i- ' l £ a n d f o u n a t i5at a burning ehe.l ••'• m-1

^,o"^V';tVc "<!i--fi<»th rifle«" B , < t ' t L i fragment -was lodged on a longeron,iTievitafeff foSr rears' in"India and! haifvray between my cockpit and th^helped to stra.fe the Bo^he ia Francs i tau-plane. A little flame *A


is 1914 End. IfllS.Gea. Lee earned his army soubri-

qs:at, "Falling Leaf" Lee, by reasonof "an .extraordinary.- maneuver lie

occupants to

over tbe fabric, all but died a-war-but/ heing fanned by the wind as «lost height, recovered and licked i' =•way toward the tail. I was too fa-

. away to reach the flamp with layi hands and the fire extingQlsier

the! Hands gy t h p a b t . s s e a t . z c a i l ed for 2*-

p his -, >to a

t h ep

s p e a k i n g t u b e . T-QP p U o :ny of tne men ne ass ] d

s •to earta must nave

j. crasnusg

2 experienced pilots, so, in order |•oitie wnseathed thru so many j ^t,V*•'-'*- In? is evidently an airman I ^ J J

s p e a k i n g t u b e .

A thrill of a.-ute f=-r p^s:me as I stood up. i reed, mr

the rush of vriaa. and

Pass the fire ~\:.":~'.

-f great caring and inexhaustible re- ( t h

chine apparently out of control, butreally tempting an opponent to close'-•aarters-and consequent undoing. Hei? immen=°ly popular.^not onlyvlth ; o n - g e t t i n g . n g a r t ] i e B o c i i e s > l h o a g h ;

'"Fuselage burning:

Jly -words T.'ere drownPd inengine's roar and thp pilot, intent


(Continued from Page

Hampshire. This teo^gr.t abcat rhecoHsoiislatioa 01 the Concard rail-road witL tfce Boston, Coseord and the 3«a5^ of the c"-r.-'s- iidsted compiler to ike Boston ?-"•&sra:r««. Aii this is a-.cie^t h.s*-.y-an.-i it ..nir s--<=ics Uke a dreani. New

1 ruiue control ovt. r&tes, deleg^tfasits rowers to -Se pabiie servers ca35-

the general public, hut withbrother efScers in both the British iand Araerieaa armies, and every:T,"»ord fee says may be regarded as 'ine outcome of a, T/i<3e experience:guided by pro%-ed; theories. I

Tbriits of life in tiie Air. JGen. Lee's statements, tho brief,;

give, aa excellent idea of the im-

I had asked which one ve -were toattack.

"Look out for those two Huns onthe ieft/* he called over lus should-er.


"Fireto shoot, W a s

extinguisher, you

tisSaraianit Bros. *

of «* *«r ceoi OH firs-X I


I Am car £Am

- Asa

past Jew <isys ft»-

a runfted attest,tie


to cncotsni' t a e levels fewagfct • Kne

Breai: also eoe-f.rniEess. &tt& sfocfcs

from ona So flvOr* c«tf* . . ."*»».

C.largest gaists-

r. s. s--. 3Srr far -!

t M»r SIT ,.-

! ca Matti Cir

S*f»»T Car Hcatissrs-m- €-.*. Co..

S-pi. Sp;--2Ke C-t. :.on* aaat two polats,

Haste statement-ti smaller decreaseiPer.nwas_.f the drastic K

tie rstresci-« only $32» srerre-i, a". p.-.ra!5>

GRAIN MARKETrt>a4s -aaiatained awit;, tise

liberty lssn«E. Totaelsaes

onissues) vers an-

l on the

Co .


iiaa:»a par- - mltoo;

, dies at the HifiCeotir? isoISege. J rcU? Mr Daach as-i latsSy feave moved j caulfty. snio thfe ar«- lactsss just wesplered; M{en Woo&Idf- avenue.


l r t r . ; Sir and 3Irs ^ahn I.-eat3ier Ot Wa- j d»r. Mrs Eo^ejt^T*- j -<»rtots-fi a rent ie a r^ Bpenillaj; sev»|jPlsUa<i41p'hia» Fa .

•e-a l day» ^a Kew York and -»:i! also I WCl-^m Cac&m. o l F2w " * ' v i s i t tHeir sr.n« Rofeert I.-eat!ier, a t iw l J* Jis* ECSH T i " s :*? ?•

-•• • - — - " 5 Mw Orris PJatt fif Hoil is quite ill *t fi*. >t-i*S

R1CHTER &Meanfeer* Sew York &ock fecfesafe

21-22 STEEyE'BI^G.B. P. HOWAHB. Jljgr. • S _ PJSWSES

Colts '>

4 t ie fact v,*»V. tafi e:<:.i!;:te1

tioa that th* A««ioii of Gov. Xeyesto succeed K^itor Hollls is a^mre^.for few feelisk fGea» Heed, the «3eia-eiratic aomfee. can beat ibe gov-ernor. The efeji'E conventSoB m be-!rg s*ag=4 ckr- Vr.e nomltsatioss ofGesrge H. 3f«ws as tfce repaisiicaaKojB!n°e fofJ' the two-year terfli.Srsrens mad«f E great ran agalasttprr'ceBtSenator GsXMager ia 1914 for fee;senatorsiip. aigai^sc the democrats, t

m:srion. ar.4 tr.» .a.esr.ave =-£2? s!<y- nne *wos!4 BTO ralJy prefer to tafe-"ard with the icer^ased !i-3:sj.™«is ef t_e chacees e j K-~y«> adjust Ree3

labor. -»-hi!e c^nsa'.idatioji has ronft < jh«in 5.Teses vifms Stevens. Therenotto the limit in governiaent cOBtre!.; ao««

TLose sessions, howvfr, w:l' Iocs protability. fca-we^er, of Stevetss'sre-main in the me.aorj* of old ichafei- coaueg haek &v fight for tlie sssa-

• lants oJ Xew Ha.sips!i:rp. D'jrzzg torship jwo-ye»rs wrai. If the COK-> i"ie bitter controversies ar.d ».er£3na.I -p,.*i.^a doss net nomlaats oa th*

Senator T)rev.- kept his 5rst or **°csm& tallets. tine raiaes ofHe carried a blade of Balsas-

SoHier Brothers Hope to Meet in France

pjg s{cpij Jn Qre Be>J. of aviation in the war to-j A backward glance told me that.-5ay but contain not one hint or suf- [the :flre was nearing the tail-planea«stioa as to the hundreds of thrills J at the one end and my bos of ara-a?.<i dangers ivhich tste brave airmen ! monition at the other and ^fss tooencounter daily in their work. ! serious for treatment by the es-

E. McConneH - who. before i tingtiisher unless I could get it_att3 a STgearf-pilot :i.) once. Desperately, I tried toi. \Ta3 a prgearp i lo t i ) once. Dsperaely, I d ^

c5- firing corps, has given rnvs^lf thru the "bracing struts an'llo t"i= T nrlS a tfc.-ii'ing- r.^rratr.s of

'or F"n."i<-'%"; " James Xoras i ]H i - i-1 " .= ree="t p'jhi»cation. "Hieh iAdverrcr=." J-ss -written about the ,-rue ECHfari"—3 a r i FfflOtior.s e-spp- Irienced !-r a •••-i-d-nap": Cs=T»t. Al?n Iiotz, «*i°riv: .0 1? '.-'Vrn as "Pfntacf," 1

crost-'ivlres behind my seat. Tosurprize, head and shoulders^ and,or» arm got to the other side—.- tcurious circumstance, as afterward.-,I tried again and again to repeat,ttis contortionist trick on theground bat failed e\'ery time.

There I stuck, for it -was impossi-

ertfus and E;'":al nature hea..s^ IAPihe -wonnus he ca'iseo. It Is bis ccs-tontf sft^r argtiinent in oslib^r^-t;vc- bodies, in which he appears as;a %-ersati!? and eiciuea- aavc.—t*;and n. forniiGahle or^onent. to £ -ihis adversary aft-?rvr&r& and tali; t i t _matter over frith him, "10 "?' 'he 'other man's r-cir.t of view." Ia ties?

Dr-'-w niay P I ^ I S J F be searf. He.

csl powers, ia spite of his TS Vears. :


•Warranty. *Frederick Kites to AdolpS Oher-

-k r . property- on His! street.

5 as dsEcri're-'l i i ' = book, "^a-.alrr, We to v.iggle farther. However. I»•>£ thf Cloudr,"* ?li the eshilar-ation , touln now-reach, part of the fire ana>~i EH airman's life. | at if I beat "B'ith gloved hands. "With-

A Fialtt in fee Afe. in half a Bjinut# most of the flrr-„ . , . . - . . „ V.,,_T^™ v.-as crushes to-aeath but a thinIs a rn-.ptsr e-':* -^ A bUT-ir. r ^ ^ ^ o f gj.^je;, o u t s M e the radius

I of mv arm, still flickered toward?! the tail. I tore ofli one of ir.y gaunt-! 'cts and swung it furiously an to the• *• urnlngr strip. The fianie lessened.

iatryer becomes Drew the vivaciousand channtngr c^nipa^ion.

, X'niL'I his recent aspoistment Mr. - ' ' ^ _ „_j Drew never held any other pp'.iticai J;-2jjiesI

Theznas J.Boraiaan. p«

r to FrederickKile?, property.'fa HiH street

Carmelo au4 Traak " •DeBlasi.

office tban state senstor. Hea democrat bj* inheritance, bat be- •,came a republics r. thra conviction.:He was sent by *»


te Gfeorga A.road.. Kit-"

Capt. BoifsLa*^ '•"- the* aftprn^oa on& Augu.=t

ccis--ca; OUT party, consisting _o£lour n:z:li..:?S) each complete tri'iiPilct, ocsener a-nd sa-,ersl hun<3redrouads of ammunition, taxied across .....the grass-in-a chase for flying speed discomfox-t, -wedged in as I was be- ^ ^and soared gently from tho hot tureen the two crost bracing-stru*s. 1 e v e

round for an offensive patrol. As j Five minutes past tsefor? I -was a sheave and gasp,

QuitWaterburj' S


rose again when I rlised the glove.hut dirrl out altogether after I harthit it twice more. The load of fearleft ran and I discovered an intense

Deefis.B»wlt to 3>a,vSs-

in this ciiy-Bobert A. Eferhas-sHer to Baran J.

TompKinson, property oa East ~Mmr.;street.

Canaelo and .Fraak BI Blasi.on Acaiesny streei.

climbed to 4,000 feet, the ma-chines above threw glints of sun-light on the screen of blue infinity.We ranged cnn-selves and departed.Passing the red roofs and heart-shaped citadel of Doulens and a;agged v,-ood suggestive of a lionrampant, we followed the straightroad to Arras. Arrived there, theleafier tarned south, for -pre v.'ere not, (.yet high enough. As "we moved)along the brown" hand of

able, with many ato withdraw back to my seat.

Close Grips Witlx Enemy.By now we were at close grips

with the enemy and our machineand another converged on a Hun.V. was firing industriously and as we the war started, and President "Wii-turned, he glared at me and know- =on ought to feel that he can be as-ing nothing- of the fire, shouted: | sured of two m^ra supporters from

:he hell haven't you fired ' Xew Hampshire in Senator Dren- andI caught sight of a Boehe ! in Senator Keyes, the present war

bus below us, aimed at it and emp- } governor, who has just beea norn-

einsatt in 1SSS a.R<5E at Chicago in i -J392 and 1SS8, Free silver aE«i ii:£',other heresies of the "Chicago plat-form" were too much for issa. Hswithdrew with ihs body of dele-gctes who refused to swallow z'.isxdose. Instead of stopping at thePalmer and Bsckner half-wayhouse, as some aid, he went ov»rwith the Seadets into the republicancamp, where fce has felt at home

since. Altho of late years feenot been personally active hi

poiitics, he has given counsel tomany 01 his associates who h a wbeen, and is a thoro believer in the; Oraparstive statiitJbs of tmBSfas ar.fisoundness of rppubiiean tirineiptes-', «ES:-*?!-:BS os=ratsor.s ia th? states north

^^^th/aanSii^^ &£:g~* S « - ^ s ^ e 1 -^ ;

LIEUT. W. H.TON GOL0SMTTH ELLSWORTH GOLDSMITH jWrites mother of his srfe arrival IE Waterbury fco? reacJiss France ba- i

BUIL&MG STAT^ilCSIfeK- Engiaofl Contracts TetaJ

Eight Sfeatb*


Mr. and Mrs. \TiUiam A. CoM-smith of 22 Uifaton street cave j : : . " 'received a. post card from their s-W. Elton, a iieatenant ia the 532u.


fore fcrotier.engineers, saying he arrived gafel;-011 the other side.

Lieut. Goldsmith exprest a hopeuf meeting his brother Ellsworth.who preceded him to France.


t he

^Cf& S ^ P ° S f ^ o ^ ^ n f t i ^ SS a Irun\ln"shori bursYs. It • inated by his party to succeedclimb Batcae* ot smoke fiom tne before" two of the i ator Hollis. Senator Drew is not a'.- , \%-gunsho-.-ered o-.er_the ground a t ^ i n - K ^ . ^ ^ y

obssrveT-s b u U e t s had together unfamiliar with mil i tary.- -tervals. A score of lazy-looking kiteballoons hung motionless.

By the time we rea'cned Albert,our height was 12.000 feet and wePeered eastward. Beyond the scrapheap that once "was Pozieres, twoenormous mine craters showed up,dented Into the razed surface, ,oneon either side of the Albert-Ba-paame road. Flying very low, a fewbuses were-•'working on trench re-connaissance- Bapaume -was then ahotbed of anti-aircraft devilries, sowe swerved toward the south. Afew minutes in a southeasterly, di-rection brought us to the Bois d'Hav-rincourt, a large ungainly wood,which was known as "Mossy-Face,'at that time the chief center of theBoche Flying corps.

- When Arciiie Barks.From the southwest corner, Archie

(anti-aircraft shells) again scatteredburst and bark at our group but his•inaccuracy made dodging hardly nec-essary- A lull followed and I twist-ed my neck all around the com-pass for, in the presence of hos-Hle aeroplanes, Archie seldom be-haves except when -friendly machinespre- about. Two thousand feet be-!<vw, three biplanes were approach^V^ the wood from ths south. Blackr^-o^is showed up plainly on their•"•ay-white wings. We dropt into aaive toward the strangers.

Under normal conditions, a steepdive imparts a feeling of beinghummed in from e-ery side. Onet?Ues a deep brea*h instinctively andThe novice to flying will grip thefuselage, as if to avoid beingcrushed. But when diving oa aHun. I have ne^er experienced thistroubled sensation, probably be-cause it has been swamped underthe high tension of readiness fortiie task. Ail the faculties must becor^cirat^d on oppnins the attacK,s-nce Ihe air duel is often decidedin the first few seconds at close

What happens during

plugged our petrol tank from under-neath. The pressure went and withit, the petrol supply. The needle

matters. In 1STS he was commis- •

D laTrars*. restrict of -CoUira&ia, VSrgtnla, !Ohis, - -ftvst irglaia, Illinois Xssdiasa, ilo-a-o. TTfeconsa, Jlieitigan, Misnesota.' Automobile owners are reminded 1 Sunday morning services atNM?!: and Soatlj -Da»«a a^a isortiocs of i f^jjj. their cars should remain m the I Bunker Hill Congregational churchSFfffasdS'a STfoSr i ff"^ t o d a l " ~~n compliance with J at 10:30 a. m.. Rev Wallace fromijls si s-s percent x tt "11 «f" «*c t l l s ^ u e ' adniinistration's order. An-• St. John's Episcopal church will


!i56',iT?Iir,i , other reminder for today is that it he the preacher. Sunday school at$3$.ni4.S-! •, is September 15 and good-by to 13 o'clock. There will be a meet-

on the rev.-counter quivered to the ; served three j-ears.left as the revolutions dropt and I Senator Drew is

sioned major of the Third regiment. • isi"Xew Hampshire National guard, and ; ;•>»]•

summer straws for another sea- ing- of the standing committee im-,\ mediately a-fter the morning service.'

Church Xotiee. j There will be no meeting of the!

qleft as the revolutions, dropthe engine mist on first one.


r™rrers What happens dur igthese few seconds may depend on atrifle, such as the position of thesur-mounting, an untried drum ofrlmmunition, a slight swerve, or fir-ing a second too soon or too late.An air-man should regard his bodyas part of the machine when there5s a prospect of a flcht and his brain,-vhich commands the machine, mustp° instinctive with insight into whatthe enemy will attempt

As we dived, then, I estimated theangle at which we might cross theT3oene trio, watched for a changef>f direction on their part, slewed'•r»nnd the sim-niounting to the mosteffective setting for what -would•probably bf> my arc of fire, and fin-r°rpi3 the movable back-sight. Atnrst the Huns held to their.coursef.s tho <i«ite unconcerned. Later,they began to lose height. Tlieirdownward line of flight becamesteeper an<5 steeper, and so did ours.

A Seat Trap.Just as our leading bus arrived

range and feegaa to bul-

two cylinders. V. turned us aroundand, • with nose down, headed themachine for the trenches. Just thenthe engine ceased working altogether.and -we began to glide down.

All this happened so quickly thatI scarcely realized our plight. Next.I began to calculate our chances ofreaching the lines before we wouldhave to land. Our height was 3,000feet and we'were just over nine anda half miles from friendly territory.Reckoning the gliding possibilities ofour tyne of bus as a mile to a thou-sand'feet, the odds seemed unfa-vorable. On.the other hand, a use-ful wind had arisen from the eastund "V., a very skillful pilot, wouldcertainly cover all the distance thatcould be covered.

I located our exact position anasearched the' map for the nearestspot in the lines. The village of• Jay in the middle ofthe curve in the fighting lines. Ipci-ibbled this observation on a scrapof paper which I handed to V. withthe compass direction. "V. checkedmy statements on the map, noddedover his shoulder, and set a coursefor Bou.chavesnes.

Many Complications.Could we do it? I prayed to the

gods and trusted to the pilot. Thrumy mind there flitted impossibleplans to be tried if we landed inBoche territory. After setting fireto the machine we would attemptto hide, and then, at night-time,creep along a communicationtrench to the enemy front lute, jumpacross it in a gap between the sen-tries and chance getting by thebarbed wire and across No Man'sLand Or we would steal to theSonime, fioat down stream, andsomehow or other, pass the entan-glements placed across the river bythe enemy. , .

Wouff! tvduff! Archie was compli-cating- the odds'. Further breedingswere checked by tbe sudden appear-ance of a German scout. Taking- ad-vantage of our plight, its pilot divedsteeply from a point slightly behindus. We could not afford to lose airydistance by do aging, so V. did theonly thing possible—he kept straighton. I raised my gun, aimed at thewicked-looking nose of the attack-ing craft and met it with a barrageof bullets. These mast have worriedthe Boche for he swerved aside when150 yards distant and did not flat-ten out until he was beneath thetail of our machine. Afterwards heclimbed away from us, turned anddived once more. For a second timewe escappfJ, owing either to somehicky shots from my gun or to thelack of judgment on the part of theHun pilot. The scout pulled up andpast a& Pi as. It ?og§

and I Senator Drew is possess of ample,then means and was one of the promo-1

ters and builders of the "Upper Coos i 151S i 9and Hereford railroads and has been . 19*7 -. •a director of the former since its ' !»w •. •organization. He is also a director. ,--'lr'

x—Government 'Werti—Fer ceatSEW XNGSLASB

. , ; Owing to the fact that the room553,175,316 in t i l 6 Q^rJ - .-m jjaii block was

n o t ia readiness for the service Frl-; day night, the service was not held.

1 .-•+*«•'

King's Daughters" Monday evening. IMrs Frank Schoonmaker of Wa-1

tertown avenue has returned home,

in the Lancaster National bank andhas been president of the Siwooga-

r. | | | |

after spending several diys in Bos-m-ssaiwn [But.the first sen-ice will be.held in t o n _•-""->o»; the new quarters today at the usual | sergeant John Madigkn, wio has

.»•: irours. The room has been neatly j b e e n spending- a five iiays airlo atby the parishioners of St M s j j O m e o n Grandvie'w avenue has

liesSsiwn' PaaVR church and will be used un-I33.'s.-s"o<ie ] til a new eirareh is built, -which, the

nock Guaranty Savings bank ofl»H y — H3.|«;gjw I parish .hopes will be in the future.Lancaster since 1S91. To be presi-;dent of a bunk •With, a name like; x—Government irork—i>erthat is no mean distinction. 3Ir.! ;Drew has also been a trustee and



Real Estate Trsnsiee.Paul and Kafherine -Koca havepresident of the Lancaster free li-»

brarv; is an Episcopalian in religion jand a Mason and Odd Fellow In so- j w i v , , , ^ „„,_„ „„ , w „„ ,.ciety affiliation. He married, in . purchased for a home.' The sale -was1869, Caroline Hatch Merrill of Cole- ' H •

their one family- house at ISstreet to Matter Bcsvino. -who

d fo a home' The sale was

brook, N. H., and had three childrenwho lived to maturity, his daughterbeing married to Edward K. Hall ofBoston.

A Popular Appointment.No biographical sketch of Senator

Drew can convey any adequate ideaof the personal characteristics of theman which have made hjs appoint-ment so popular. He is well de-scribed as "a mighty good neigh-bor." One of the most powerfulappeals to Gov. Keyes for Mr. DreWsappointment was made by the Mas-sachusetts senatorial delegation, both.Senator Lodge and Senator Weeksurging- the selection. Senator Weeksand Mr. Drew are not only personalfriends, but neighbors, as Senator- "eejfg'g summer home is in. !La.ncas-ter. N. H. Senator Weeks has foundMr. Drew "a mighty good neigh-bor" and will promote his -useful-ness during his brief term in Wash-ington.

The governor had a precedent forhis action, if one were needed. In1S55 Moses Norris, Jr., of Manches-ter, democrat, who was elected in1849 to the "United states senate, diedin office. His colleag- was Jared W.Williams, another democrat fromLancaster. To fill the -vacancy inthe senate the governor appointedJohn S. Wells, another brilliant Lan-caster lawyer who had just removedto Exeter, as senator from Januaryto March, 1S55.

Even . the democrats of KewHampshire, while loudSs- proclaim-ing that Senator <3allinger's termwill be served out by a democratafter tile election, concede the meritof the appointment of SenatorDrew. So stalwart a dfinocraticpaper as the Concord Patriot aSmitsthat the appointee "is probably asgood a representative New Hamp-shire man as the governor could findin his party to honor with the ap-pointment."

Democrats profess to believe thatRaymond B. Stevens of the shippingboard jn'ill resign his position, comehome from England, and become thedemocratic nominee to succeed Sen-ator ga-Qinger;

made thru the "agencyAdams, 45 Spencer

Soldiers and Sailors to

Briefs.Key George W. Servis. pastor of

Grace Methodist Church, will bebaek' in the pulpit again today, aftera-short vacation. He •will preachat -bothservices.


morning andWaterville


The Royalgiving soldiercomfort kits as rewafter will present spec:insignia "which .a. manwith him to the firing line.

These gifts -will be Rbjal AManumpins and rings and wilnbs present-"ed at patriotic meetings.} A d ito Judge C. Arch. "Williregent of the order,25,000 members are. iacamps or in France.

Councils in scunis citielost a heavy percentageship. Practically everyaway, by his council. wit:brancs from fellow me

When Arcanum, memform are ia a city onable to attend councilare invited to a..honor on. the r.oipresentation of. a gift fey -fce'eIs made. ' ' - """ ' - "

The iadepende# sfemoefatfe dabl t d ih f l l i fSe e p d # ef

has elected ihe following^Patrick J. Flaherty; pre#i«st.? E.T. aionanan, vice .presM©n« MiobaelJ. Sullivan, secretary; pJ X ;3*SCarthy, treasurer; J. E, lsentinel. The "board qf , gelected were: Senator Johaley, Commissioner Uanlel JMSeagon,Commissioner Joiui 3. Lyaih, Mau-rice T. "vvrenn afld ttL T. Sjaijaban.M t tMatters top a i a a g toelection will he discastnight. • -

Peoria, III.," Sept. 4men this afteraoon heldmaster of the' STazeweli county near


church, the regular Sunday schedulewill" he in order, there being both a•tnorninp and evening service. .

Corporal Frank Keliher of -theQuartermaster department, station-ed at F t Wood, is spending- a lewdays at his sister's home on Corn-wall avenue, Fairmount.

Masses will be celebrates at StiMichael's church this morning at S!and 10 o'clock. The Sunday school!session for the children will he held >as -asaal this afternoon at 2 o'clock. 1

-Bruce Young has. moved his house- shold goods from the village to|Plaza avenue.

The Chase baseball team will playthe Co. G- team, of the State Guardtoday at the golf lots. Kest Sun-day the local team will tackle the5Sfew Departure nine from. Bristol.!• Miss Anna Donahue of Phoenix'

avenue is spending a month's vaca-jtion at the home of her parents onDSxon avenue.

returned to Camp. Dis where he' is Ian instructor. Sergt. Madigan wasin the big drive the French andAmericans were engaged in duringJuly.

jtfiss Lena Loyeland and HissFlorence Sherry of Bantam wereVisitors of Mrs TwiHian Buell ofWatertown avenue, Friday.

- The Bunker Hill Liberty chorusmeet Tuesday evening, Sept 17, atS o'clock at the. .church.

The Iwakata camp ©re girls meetFriday evening with aliss .EleanorJudge. It was decided that everyother week the members would go-,to the Red Cross rooms and work


Police Seek Two Men in Brass Theft


AH work guaranteed to yonrsatisfaction

Inducing d e best selection of- paper.

A trial will coa-rince you.


• Tel. 1434.


Sergt. Timothy X!Hickey yesterday arrested fn-e ;charged with stealing from the'Benedict and Bumhana branch oftthe .American Brass Co. A hole was;dug under the fence and when the'watchman -was in another part ofthe yard brass -was removed. The'.

ki th h 'police are seekingbought the brass.

the men who

SEC nriT,Ti-~T> IS"Chicago, Sept. 14.—Sis

ll dpersons;

hChicago, Sep p ;

were killed and 45 injured. when, afreight train.backed into a crowded 1street ear in an. outlying section of Ithe city late this afternoon. All of the "victisJS were Chicagoans. .Ac-cording- to the police the accidentwas due to the failure of the tow-•erzaaTi to close the gates at thecrossing. 1

J1KCKPHEB WAR PERU* jIjTany an old bachelor will be taken 1

in t i e draft and transported into]the state of matrimony in. France, j==gB)m file FJprJto gSmeg-JJaloiu

Listed and UnlistedStocks

Bou-ght, sold or quoted in allmarkets and carried on conssrva-tive margin.

Equal attention given to largeor small accounts.

Wo Lave up'to-date facilitieslor the execution of orders on allExchanges.

Specialists In Curb Issues

L. M. HOLMAN & CO.15 State St., Boston, Mass.

Members ofBoston Cnrb Ksccha&ge

Tel. Main 6505—8075—8G7S

American BrassBOUGHT AND SO.

%££? Investment SecuritiesSI WEST MAIN ST. -,; WATERBURY,

We offers

50 Underwood Typewriter Ffd.

20 American Hardware

10 American Brass

4ee», *•

Private Wire to New York and Haiftfodl

Bench Workers (AsseaubBng} §5Beach Workers (Inspectisg), -43Bench Workers (Soldering} ' 2SBencli Workers (Gauging)Hand Screw MasbJQg 3&Dial "Press Operates^Foot Press Operators,Drill Press Operators,

45.3427p ,

Milling & BrU&ig Operators, 30 .KT labor shortage is largely due to the return, to

seliools and colleges of teachers and students- wh©have patriotically devoted their siasiaer T s e s t e towar work and who must now be replaced.


U. S. Government Employnient32 Harrison Ave. Wateibwy, Gbaa.

With Approval of U. S. Employment ServiceIf You Are Already Working in a War Plant


EVERYTHING FOR THE HOMECome here and you will find the largest line «f

Crockery, Eiamelware, Bardwan^-'EtcWe carry the most of everything, buy in tke ]arges*-q«anti~ties, and sell at the lowest prices. A fall and comjslets Bite..of Americaa Seal Paints on hand at all times.

Our Motto:'Retail at Wholesale Prices.

Waterbiry General Stere



Weigh this question carefully in yourmind and if you are compelled to aftswer inthe affirmative and are anxiolis to changeyour views if upon authentic informationyotir viewpoint is wrong* write for oisr'spe-cial letter (B-79) which will prove invalu-able to the investor,


Property of the Watertown Historical