progress report palakkad, july 31 '06

Introduction This report pertains to the progress of the Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana (RSVY), an initiative of the National Planning Commission of India in Palakkad District. Palakkad is the first District in Kerala to be assisted under RSVY. Under the scheme, a total of Rs. 45 lakhs is given as grant for three years (2003-04 to 2005-06) to be used for the total development of the District. A total of 31 Projects have been taken up under RSVY - broadly classified into four sectors. The details are given below: Sector No. of Projects Outlay (Rs. Lakhs) % of Total Outlay Agriculture & allied 13 1865.04 41.23 Water Resources 12 1909.38 42.20 Social Services 5 647.30 14.31 Human Resources Development 1 32.78 0.72 Besides these, allocations are also for Project Management (Rs. 40 lakhs; 0.88%) and GIS for planning (Rs. 30 lakhs; 0.66%). The total outlay of the scheme is Rs. 4524.50 lakhs for 3 years (the additional Rs. 24.50 lakhs to be met from interest accrued to the RSVY account and/or savings from the projects). So far the District has received an amount of Rs. 3750 lakhs (83.33%) of the outlay in five installments. Inst. I - Rs.100 lakhs (Jan 2004) Inst. II - Rs.650 lakhs (March 2004) Inst. III - Rs.750 lakhs (May 2004) Inst. IV - Rs.750 lakhs (April 2005) Centre for Management Development, Trivandrum 8

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This report pertains to the progress of the Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana (RSVY), an

initiative of the National Planning Commission of India in Palakkad District.

Palakkad is the first District in Kerala to be assisted under RSVY. Under the

scheme, a total of Rs. 45 lakhs is given as grant for three years (2003-04 to

2005-06) to be used for the total development of the District. A total of 31

Projects have been taken up under RSVY - broadly classified into four sectors.

The details are given below:

SectorNo. of


(Rs. Lakhs)% of Total

OutlayAgriculture & allied 13 1865.04 41.23

Water Resources 12 1909.38 42.20

Social Services 5 647.30 14.31Human Resources Development

1 32.78 0.72

Besides these, allocations are also for Project Management (Rs. 40 lakhs; 0.88%)

and GIS for planning (Rs. 30 lakhs; 0.66%). The total outlay of the scheme is Rs.

4524.50 lakhs for 3 years (the additional Rs. 24.50 lakhs to be met from interest

accrued to the RSVY account and/or savings from the projects). So far the District

has received an amount of Rs. 3750 lakhs (83.33%) of the outlay in five


Inst. I - Rs.100 lakhs (Jan 2004) Inst. II - Rs.650 lakhs (March 2004) Inst. III - Rs.750 lakhs (May 2004) Inst. IV - Rs.750 lakhs (April 2005) Inst. V- Rs.750 lakhs (Jan 2006) Inst. VI - Rs.750 lakhs (April 2006)

As on July 31, 2006, the total amount released to the Implementing Agencies

(IAs) is Rs. 3738.07 lakhs. The utilization reported by the IA is Rs. 3489.47 lakhs

(77% of the outlay).

The project-wise financial and physical progress of the RSVY in Palakkad is given

in the following pages. Project wise output/outcomes, issues/observations about

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the implementation of the projects, activities to be completed, etc., have also

been given along with each project.

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P01AG01: Rice Productivity Enhancement

Implementing Agencies: Agriculture Department & Kerala Agricultural University

This project aims at improving the productivity of rice in the district through

‘Mechanisation’, ‘Participatory Technology Development’, and ‘Popularisation of

New Technologies’. The objective of the mechanisation component

(implemented by the Agriculture Department) is to improve the mechanisation

level for paddy cultivation in the District in the areas like sowing, transplanting,

harvesting, weeding and threshing. The Participatory Technology Development

being implemented by the Kerala Agricultural University attempts to identify site

specific and season specific varieties, weed management in dry sown situation

and other need based problems with the active involvement of farmers.

Popularisation of high yielding varieties of rice of uniform duration, techniques in

improving water and fertilizer usage efficiency, popularisation of bio-control

agents, etc., are envisaged under the Popularisation of New Technologies

component. It is attempted to lay out demonstration plots on a padasekharam

basis with the help of facilitators. It is also proposed to give Revolving Fund to

the farming groups (padasekhara samithies) for adopting modern technologies.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 400.82 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 400.81 lakhs*Expenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 387.20 lakhs#

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 13.61 lakhs

*Rs. 387.81 lakhs to the Agri. Dept. and Rs. 13 lakhs to KAU# Rs.376.66 lakhs by the Agri. Dept. and Rs. 10.54 lakhs by KAU

The fund utilisation pattern of the Implementing Agency reveals that highest

utilisation was during July-September 2005, when about Rs. 122.49 lakhs were

utilised, as Revolving Funds were provided to the farmers (Rs. 115.96 lakhs).

The lowest utilisation was reported during the quarter of January–March 2005

which recorded only Rs. 4.69 lakhs.

Till July 31, 2006, an expenditure of Rs. 148.75 lakhs has been incurred under

the mechanisation component where as the total amount allotted for the entire

project period is Rs. 152.70 lakhs. Under the Popularisation of new technologies

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component, the amount utilised is Rs. 227.91 lakhs (total outlay for the

component – Rs. 235.12 lakhs). The amount utilised by KAU under the

Participatory Technology Development component is Rs. 10.54 lakhs (outlay-Rs.

13 lakhs).

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):


Under the mechanisation component, machines/farm implements are

being distributed to farming groups (Patasekhara Samithies) since April 02,

2004. Machines/implements are being supplied by RAIDCO and Kerala Agro

Industries Corporation (power tillers).

The progress of supply of machines to 709 farming groups under 55

Krishibhavans in Kuzhalmannam, Chittur, Nemmara, Kollengode, Alathur,

Palakkad, Pattambi and Shornur Blocks are given below:

Machines Target Achievement

Wet Seeder 931 888Cono Weeder 923 779Dry Seeder 55 54Transplanter 7 6Thresher 33 39*Power Reaper 1 1Power Tiller 57 57Total 2007 1824

*The number of threshers supplied had reportedly exceeded the originally targeted figure owing to the demand from the field.

Rs. 147.80 lakhs had been paid to RAIDCO and KAICO as on July 31, 2006.

9 Field days were conducted in Alathur, Chittur, Kuzhalmannam, Palakkad

& Nenmara blocks and 5 Demonstrations conducted (target 10) in Alathur,

Nenmara and Kuzhalmannom blocks.

During the year 2004 -05, 260118 MT of rice was produced in the District;

increase of 6.64% above 2002-03 and 27.17% above 2003-04

Average Productivity in the District is 2343 kg/Ha (during 2004-05); increase

of 11.36% above 2002-03 and 27.86% above 2003-04

Usage of machinery has resulted in

o 17 Kg/acre reduction in wastage of seed

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o Rs. 2400/Ha. reduction in input costs in the project area

Average turn over rate reported for Wet seeder is 3 hr for an acre, while

for Dry seeder, it is 2 hr/acre

Popularisation of New Technologies

Revolving fund of Rs.1000/Ha has been disbursed to 343 farming groups

amounting to Rs. 185.25 lakhs in Kuzhalmannam, Chittur, Nemmara,

Kollengode, Alathur, Pattambi, Palakkad and Shornur Blocks. The total area

covered is 185250 Ha.

Out of the 50 demonstration plots identified in 8 Blocks in the first phase,

32 demonstrations have been conducted.

50 demonstration plots have been identified for the second phase in 8

blocks and the supply of inputs are completed.

It is reported that pest and disease resistance in the demonstration plots

have increased considerably.

The average increase in yield reported is 390 Kg/acre

Participatory Technology Development

RARS, KAU has conducted experiments of farmer participatory evaluation

and refinement of Integrated Pest Management practices in rice under the

participatory Technology development component in 5 locations (Chittur,

Kulukkalloor, Kodumbu Lakkidi and Kadampazhipuram). 8 sites have been

selected and experiments conducted during first crop, second crop and

puncha season.

Activities like farmer participatory evaluation and refinement of IPM

practices of rice, utilization of native micro organisms as biological control

agents for rice, variety suitability and preference assessment, participatory

evaluation of the preference for rice varieties in the buyer seller markets and

study on suitability of rice varieties for mechanised farming are ongoing.


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The supply of machines to the farming groups by RAIDO and KAICO is

about 90% complete and has overshot the targeted time of completion

(October 2005, later revised to December 2005). The delay was reported to

be due to the delay in effecting the supply by the suppliers. The claims of the

machinery supplied have only been partially settled.

Field days under the mechanisation component: As per the original

allocation, 2 field days/block @ Rs.20,000 had to be conducted in 8 blocks

i.e. 16 field days amounting to Rs. 3.20 lakhs. Later, the allocation was

revised to Rs. 1.60 lakhs (8 field days). Till date, the IA has reportedly

conducted 9 field days in 5 blocks for a total cost of Rs. 0.70 lakhs only. The

remaining amount may also be utilised in conducting field days, esp. in the

remaining 3 blocks.

Similarly, only 5 demonstrations (in 3 blocks, expenditure: Rs. 0.25 lakhs))

out of the revised target of 10 (outlay: Rs. 0.50 lakhs) have been completed

(original target was for 50 demonstrations for a total cost of Rs. 1.50 lakhs).

The supply of inputs for demonstration has been completed.

Utilisation of native organisms as bio control agents for rice: As reported

by the IA, (RARS Pattambi) the desired results of the research oriented project

can be had only if the project period is extended. Due to the lack of time, the

IA is implementing the trial in the field alongside the station trials. It is

reported that the trials in the field would be effective only if it is implemented

in the field based on the findings of the station trial (likely time of completion

– October 2006).

Activities to be completed:

Mechanisation: Settlement of all the claims of the machines purchased

and around 10% of the physical target to be achieved (likely completion

by August 31, 2006 physical and October 2006 financial). The remaining 5

demonstrations are also to be conducted.

Participatory Technology Development: Results of field trials are to be

mapped and reports are to be compiled.

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P02AG02: Integrated Farming System

Implementing Agencies: Agriculture Department & Kerala Agricultural University

The objective of the project is to develop an integrated farming system by

promoting multi-storey cropping system in coconut gardens with allied activities

like introduction of supplementary enterprises viz. bee keeping, fisheries,

piggery, dairy, poultry, etc. The project is being implemented in 7 Panchayats of

Sreekrishnapuram Block and 9 Panchayats of Mannarkkad Block.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 164.40 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 124.80 lakhs*Expenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 38.84 lakhs#

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 85.96 lakhs

(* Agri. Dept.- Rs. 100 lakhs, KAU – Rs. 11.20 lakhs, Rs. 7.50 lakhs for international workshop and Rs. 0.10 lakhs for workshop, KVK-Rs. 3lks, & Agri Engn.- Rs. 3 lks . # Agri. Dept. – Rs. 27.68 lakhs, KAU – Rs. 11.06 lakhs and Rs. 0.10 lakhs for workshop)

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

160 farmers with a total area of 90 acres identified in Mannarkad and 70

acres in Sreekrishnapuram Blocks (10 farmers each from each Panchayat)

to set up demonstration units.

A total amount of Rs. 8 lakhs have been provided as Revolving Fund (for

setting up demonstration plots) for 70 farmers in Sreekrishnapuram Block

and 90 farmers in Mannarkkad Block (Subsidy proposed is 25% of the total

cost limited to Rs. 5000/- for 3 years; to be given in instalments of Rs. 2500

+ Rs. 1500 + Rs. 1000 in 3 years).

A total of 15 seminars/meetings of one day duration were conducted in

both the blocks benefiting 495 farmers.

190 model integrated farming units have been selected in

Sreekrishnapuram Block (by the Agri. Dept.) and 445 units in Mannarkkad

block (of which 230 units by AGES and the rest by Agri. Dept.). An amount

of Rs.12.70 lakhs has been distributed as subsidy to the farmers.

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AGES Trivandrum for Mannarkkad block and KVK, Pattambi for

Sreekrishnapuram Block have been appointed for the implementation in the

model farm units. 1696 farms surveyed in Sreekrishnapuram block. The

scrutiny of the surveyed plots is in progress and 880 farms have been

identified for finalisation. 1899 farms were surveyed in Mannarkkad Block;

the scrutiny of the surveyed plots is in progress and 1650 farms have been

identified for finalisation as on July 31, 2006.

KVK, Pattambi entrusted with the preparation of farm plans, has

developed the formats for the survey. Farm plan forms, invoices and

vouchers were handed over to the Agriculture Dept. and training of the

volunteers were completed. The survey is in progress in both the Blocks.

As reported by the agency, the SHGs have to be formed from the

beneficiaries of 160 demonstration plots of Mannarkkad and

Sreekrishnapuram blocks. The work of organising the SHGs will start only

after finalising the beneficiaries under the scheme. Draft of training module

and activity are ready. The meetings are proposed to be conducted in the

month of August 2006 for the purpose.

Modelling of nutrient flow and recommendation of sustainable enterprise


The component was given Administrative Sanction on July 15, 2005.

The detailed inventory assessment of trees, crops, livestock and other

enterprises in the Demonstration and Model plots in the 16 panchayats by on-

farm interview with the farmer and visit/ traversing of the entire IFS plots and

processing of the collected data have been completed.

A multi-disciplinary team of scientists have scrutinized all the plots and

narrowed down the selection to one demonstration plot and two model plots

from each panchayat for the study.

270 soil sampling and chemical analysis have been completed. Micro site

enrichment assessment is in progress and second set of soil sampling for

chemical analysis have been completed for microsite enrichment studies.

Plant sample collection for quantifying nutrient export is in progress.

Soil sampling for microbial analyses from all homesteads have been

completed and analysis is in progress.

200 litter traps have been purchased and installation is in progress.

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Quantification of leaf litter addition and nutrient input is also in progress.

Soil samples have been collected for PGPR analysis from 48 plots. First phase

(summer) disease mapping and light transmission, PAR availability

assessment in IFS plots, second phase disease mapping, second phase light

infiltration studies, etc. have been completed and soil samples for microbial

studies (160), chemical analysis (370) and PGPR analysis collected, leaf litter

addition and nutrient input quantified, basic details for assessment of nutrient

budgeting and bio-resource flow collected and processing of light

transmission measurement taken.

Labour saving Farm Mechanisation

AS was given for the project in October 2005.

The registered societies short listed to become the custodians of the

machines are reported to be:

(i) Farm Club of Sreekrishnapuram

(ii) Karshaka Sahaya Samithy of Mannarkkad.


The implementation of the project is very slow and it is reported that the

project cannot be completed within August 2006.

An NGO, AGES, Trivandrum and KVK, Pattambi have been entrusted to

carry out the implementation of model integrated farm units. The field level

works were started during January 2006. A total of 4175 model farm units

have to be established in the two blocks together. At present, only 190 units

in Sreekrishnapuram and 445 units in Mannarkkad have been identified (215

by the Agriculture Dept. & 230 by AGES). About 880 farms have been short

listed for finalisation in Sreekrishnapuram (out of the 1696 plots surveyed) as

on July end, while 1650 units out of 1899 units surveyed (as on July end)

have been short listed in Mannarkkad by KVK and AGES respectively. It is

reported that the component will be completed by October 31, 2006.

It is reported that in Sreekrishnapuram block, the project is lagging behind

schedule. About two third of the applications received from farmers had to

be rejected since they did not conform to the requisites. It is also reported

that 605 model integrated farms could not be implemented in the block due

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to these reasons. The drop out of volunteers and lack of co-ordination has

also affected the functioning of the project in the Block.

The project will extend beyond October 2006 at the present pace of


Modelling of Nutrient Flow and recommendation of sustainable enterprise

combinations by KAU are progressing well. As reported by the agency the

project being research oriented, has to be extended so as to facilitate the

providing of an authentic report on the findings. The component may extend

till March 2007.

Labour Saving Farm Mechanisation: The project has been accorded AS

only in December 2005. As per the guidelines, the machinery must be handed

over to a registered body. After holding discussions at the Block and

Panchayat levels, two registered societies have been short listed. Other

activities in the component like assessing the requirement of the machinery

listed in the project and the tender procedures are time consuming.

It is reported by the IA that the Rs 12 lakhs savings likely in the

establishment of demonstration and model plots can be utilised for

mechanisation component in Rice Productivity Enhancement.

Activities to be completed:

Demonstration: Third year component to be completed (likely completion

by August 2006)

Model farms: Out of the 4175 plots to be identified for implementation in

the two blocks, only 635 have been selected; 605 plots in Sreekrishnapuram

have been dropped from the target due to the shortage of farms; 2935 plots

are yet to be identified (2530 farms have been short listed for final


Organisation of SHGs and training component (can be done only after the

physical implementation of model farm units).

The documentation of success stories (to be done after the completion of

the project).

The farm mechanisation component (assessment of requirement, tender

procedures, purchase, etc.) is yet to pick up momentum.

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Modelling of nutrient flow: the recording and analysis of the quantification

of litter addition and nutrient input to continue for a year so that reports can

be developed. Disease mapping to be done for the next two seasons for the

microbial analysis.

P03AG03: Promotion of Bamboo Cultivation

Implementing Agency: Forest Department

The project aims at eco-conservation of Bharatapuzha River through planting of

bamboo species over its river banks along 14 panchayats and Palakkad

Municipality through which it flows.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 20.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 17.50 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 15.59 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 1.91 lakhs

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

4 sites were prepared for nursery and fertiliser application, about 1,15,000

basketted seedlings were produced.

13 Paristhithi Samrakshana Samithies have been formed and 9 micro

plans (by PSS) have been approved. Even though PSS have started

activities in 9 Panchayats and Palakkad Municipal Corporation, all are now


In all the Panchayats and Palakkad Municipality and a total of 83,900

seedlings were planted for about 117 km, 5550 casualties replaced.

4 meetings were held in Puduppariyaram, Malampuzha, Marutharoad and

Pudussery in connection with the preparation of bio-diversity register

(total no. of participants 317) and the bio-diversity registers have been



The survival rate of plants is reported to be roughly about 70 percent in

general. However, on a random verification at a few locations of

Kayaramkode, Vaniamkulam Trangalee kadavu, etc., near Ottapalam on

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March 2006, where the plantings have been taken place during November –

December 2005, the survival rate is observed to be roughly 40%. The reasons

for this are reported to be the floods (when the Moolathara dam was opened)

resulting in washing away of the plants, destruction of plants due to cattle

grazing, and drying up of plants due to lack of watering since the river dried

up during summer months. The Social Forestry Department has agreed to

carry out replanting at these sites at the Department’s own expense.

However, it could only be taken up when the water level recedes and the site

is ready for planting after the monsoons.

The Paristhithi Samrakshana Samithies formed for the implementation of

the project are not seen to be taking interest in maintaining the planted

bamboo and have remained largely passive in activities related to planting

and ensuring sustenance of bamboo.

It is also reported that large scale encroachment and unauthorised sand

mining of the Bharatapuzha river basin is adversely affecting the plants.

Instructions may be issued regarding the maintenance of the plants, after

the scheme period of RSVY as the PSS are not functional in any of the

Panchayats and more active involvement of LSGs, Kudumbashrees, local

voluntary organisations, etc., may be sought for ensuring the sustenance of


Activities to be completed:

Casualty replacement of plants (waiting for the water level to subside).

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P04AG04: Vegetable and Fruits Promotion

Implementing Agency: Vegetable & Fruits Promotion Council, Keralam

The project is to promote vegetable and fruit cultivation through SHGs by

enabling them to adopt improved production practices (9 panchayats have been

covered under RSVY in the District from a total of 20 panchayats). It also aims to

cater to the credit and marketing needs of farmers, develop a model Vegetable

Seed Village and to promote horticulture in the dry areas of the District.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 292.91 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 292.91 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 262.71 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 30.20 lakhs

Out of the total utilisation of Rs. 262.71 lakhs (as on July 31, 2006), Rs. 158.62

lakhs have been utilised for participatory credit management. The expenditure

for the seed village component is reported to be Rs. 53.17 lakhs, while Rs. 6.12

lakhs were expended for activities related to sustenance of SHGs. Monitoring,

evaluation and other expenses were made to the tune of Rs. 6.15 lakhs,

Participatory Research and Problem Solving efforts incurred Rs. 3.46 lakhs, dry

land horticulture Rs. 7.81 lakhs and Rs. 27.38 lakhs were utilised for group

marketing efforts.

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

The physical achievements under various components of this project, except the construction of market centre are the same as those reported on March 31, 2006 as the physical targets of the project, except market centres, have already been achieved.

Development of sustainable SHGs

A total of 178 SHGs in 9 Panchayats have been formed under RSVY, 493

group activities conducted and 2844 regular group meetings held. Around

3000 farmers (1432 - vegetable and 1568 - banana) have been assisted in

the Dist. since April 05

1571.46 hectares are under cultivation (828.77under vegetables and

742.69 under banana) from April 2005 to January 2006

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534 Master Farmers were identified and 187 training programmes have

been arranged for them.

205 training programmes for SHGs have been conducted benefiting 3186


Training sessions for staff were conducted in all 9 Panchayats

Average increase in the area of cultivation for vegetables is reported to be

0.82 Ha/SHG while that of banana is 0.28 Ha/SHG

Participatory research and problem solving, productivity and planting materials

Seasonal data have been collected from 3220 farmers, problem

analysis conducted in 45 instances, 37 PTD experiments initiated of which

21 have been completed and 1463 soil samples analysed and 5 result

demonstrations conducted

732.60 Kg of vegetable seeds and 25,000 TC plants were

distributed, 21 campaigns initiated (15 completed) and indigenous

knowledge collected in 9 instances

Participatory credit management

24 bank branches participate in the scheme and 78 credit planning

sessions were held

1427 loans were availed with VFPCK share as Rs. 2,45,96,418 and

bank share as Rs. 1,63,97,612 amounting to a total of Rs.4,09,94,030.

Average credit uptake per farmer is Rs.28,727. Average time taken for

credit delivery is reported to be 10 days.

Average reduction of interest on working capital through the credit

linkage with the banks (when compared with the interest paid to loans

from money lenders before the project) is reported to be Rs. 2655/Ha for

a vegitable cultivator and Rs. 3190/Ha for a banana cultivator

Group marketing, value addition, product and market information

178 numbers of marketing master farmers are identified.

201 meetings were held to identify marketing issues (109) and

marketing channels (92)

82 SHGs have been identified for group marketing efforts

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6 new market centres were started at Kizhakkanchery,

Puduppariyaram, Karimpuzha, Kollengode, Sreekrishnapuram and


The total volume of transaction carried out in a centre is 2426.82 MT;

veg-1108.98 MT and banana- 1317.84 MT

Out of the 6 market centres, construction of 2 has been complete and

the remaining is in progress (expected date of completion: end of

August’06 – 2 Nos. and end of September’06 – 2 Nos.)

The average increase in yield reported due to the innovative practices

followed in the project are reported to be 4.6T/Ha for vegetables and

5.6T/Ha of Banana.

Vegetable Seed Village

11 tonnes of vegetable seeds have been produced at a cost of Rs.

53.17 lakhs as on March 2006.

Dry land Horticulture

It is reported that 12,200 grafts of mango @ Rs. 27/graft, 1,900

pomegranate grafts @ Rs. 10/graft,365 pomegranate @ Rs. 15/graft 6,150

grafts of gooseberry@ Rs. 25/graft, 1125 grafts of sapota @

Rs.32/graft,500 grafts of sapota @ Rs.20/graft and 14,800 grafts of

drumstick @ Rs. 5 / graft, 35 guava grafts @ Rs.15/graft were distributed

to 355 farmers. The total area covered is reported to be 33.36 acres.


Almost all the components of the project have been completed on

schedule and it is observed that farmers are relatively happy with the

introduction of group farming and for being assisted under the scheme. The

group activities are taking place relatively well. This project has grouped

vegetable growers into SHGs and channelised their produce through the

market centres formed by the IA, making the farmers secure.

VFPCK has purchased the land for the construction of the six market

centres. The construction of 2 marketing centres is complete and the

remaining is in various stages.

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The project will extend till September 2006 owing to the duration

required for the civil construction.

The components included in the Dry land horticulture programme

are the cost of planting material and transportation other than contingencies.

However, no amount is earmarked for the monitoring of the planting activities

of the farmers who received the planting materials. On a verification of 23

farmers in Vadakarapathy and Eruthyampathy Panchayats, the survival rate

is observed to be about 62% only.

Activities to be completed:

The construction of the remaining four market centres.

Monitoring activities and the output analysis of Banana cultivation for the

year 2005- 06 (harvest during August-September 2006).

P05AG05: Floriculture through Women Groups

Implementing Agency: Agriculture Department

This project aims at income generation among the women groups in Palakkad

District by promoting floriculture. Apart from providing revolving fund to the

women groups engaged in floriculture, it also aims at the creation of necessary

infrastructure like reifer vans, facilities for grading, packing, store house and

auction centre and improving marketing linkages. A detailed market study is

also proposed under the project.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 150.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 150.00 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 135.52 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 14.48 lakhs

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

It is reported that 114 flori clubs (3022members) were identified to start

cultivation of Jasmine in Kollengode, Palakkad, Chittur, Shornur, Trithala,

Sreekrishnapuram, Pattambi, Nemmara, Alathur and Kuzhalmannom

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Blocks, and Mannarkkad under VFPCK, 49 flori clubs (1209 members) were

identified to start cultivation of marigold in Chittur, Coyalmannom,

Kollengode and Palakkad Blocks and Mannarkkad under VFPCK . Four

groups (34 members) were identified to start cultivation of Anthurium in

Kollengode, Chittur and Palakkad Blocks.

In jasmine cultivation, all the targeted 2906 units were achieved, all the

975 units were aided in marigold, however it is reported that plants did

not survive in 24 units. For anthurium, out of the 35 units, 12 have been

achieved (earlier, achievement was reported as 20 units, however, plants

in 8 units did not survive).

Group formation for Jasmine cultivation is complete and training schedule

for farmers of 51 batches have been completed (expenditure – Rs.7.94

lakhs: Rs. 16000/batch, 30 participants/batch).

Planting materials of 48,75,000 seedlings for 975 units have been

arranged for Marigold cultivation and planting is complete. Planting

materials of 9,96,100 bush jasmine cuttings have been provided for 2906

units and planting is complete.

The area covered under bush jasmine is reported to be 363.25 acres and

under marigold, 240.50 acres.

Training for adopting anthurium cultivation is over and planting complete

in 12 units.

105 wells were dug under the scheme and 174 pump sets, 377 head lights

and 307 sprayers were distributed.

Women in Agriculture scheme

This scheme envisages creation of infrastructure and machinery to the women

groups engaged in agriculture. Project proposal for Rs. 5 lakhs has been

submitted and AS was issued on January 2006. The project is being implemented

in Palakkad, Kuzhalmannam, Shornur, Alathur, Kollengode and Chittur blocks. As

targeted, purchase of 30 almirahs, 2 minidoor autos, 4 copra driers, 1 power

tiller and 1 power sprayer have been made.

Implementation of the Floriculture in NSS College Ottappalam (outlay Rs. 7.50

lakhs) is in progress. Vermicomposting unit and planting of bush jasmine and the

green house for orchid and anthurium cultivation are complete. The site

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identified to dig the bore well was not yielding water and therefore the well in

the hostel compound was revitalised for irrigation purposes. The inlet and outlet

system work of the rain water harvesting structure is in progress.


The project was a slow starter and gained momentum only during the

latter stages. Practically, the activities related to the implementation of the

scheme began during December 2004 only. The reasons for the delay in the

initial phase were reported to be:

Delay in obtaining the market study report from TNAU (entrusted

during June 2004, but report was submitted only on January 2005 last


Difficulty in identifying the flori clubs that existed in the District as

many of them were defunct.

Lukewarm responses from the groups representing women from

economically backward classes due to the requirement of high

investment, their small land holdings, inability to find suitable land for a

minimum of 7 years at a stretch and relatively low subsidy portion.

According to the IA, the target for anthurium (100 units) has to be reduced

to 35 units and additional bush jasmine/marigold units have been taken up. It

is reported that sufficient planting materials for anthurium is unavailable. The

achievement till date is only 12 units as the plants in 8 units did not survive

(total 20 units planted).

It is reported that approximately 30% of the plants were washed out in the

incessant rains that followed after planting and the replacements were done.

The other components like the setting up of the society, flower collection

centres, etc., are in progress.

It was found that some of the marigold units have sold their produce in the

District level society as well as in the open market and earned a marginal to

average income. Some of them reported that the price offered by the market

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is much more than the price offered by the society which is already

functioning in the district.

All other components under the scheme are complete apart from the

construction of the flower collection centres, which is in progress, the

purchase of the reifer van and the implementation of the floriculture in NSS

College, Ottappalam (85% complete).

Activities to be completed:

Purchase of riefer van

Construction of the flower collection centre which is underway (projected

time of completion: October 31, 2006)

The handing over of the revolving fund to the flower collection centre once

it is functional

The implementation of floriculture in NSS College Ottappalam – rain water

harvesting structures and planting of orchids and anthurium ((projected

time of completion: August 31, 2006)

P06AG06: Setting up of Modern Rice Mill ComplexImplementing Agency: PADDICO

This project aims at making available the critical gap of funds for setting up of a

Modern Rice Mill Complex under the co-operative sector to ensure better price

realisation for poor farmers. The construction of the godown to stock 1000

metric tonnes of grain for Rs. 150 lakhs and the installation of a Sortex machine

for Rs.30 lakhs sanctioned in 2005.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 230.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 200.00 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 50.00 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 150.00 lakhs

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

The first phase of the project viz. fire protection machines, parboiling shed

roof, electrification, 250 KVA DG set, electronic weigh bridge and ETP is

complete and the rice mill has started production since August 2004

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Administrative and Technical sanctions for the godown and the sortex

machine were given. The tender for the construction of godown has been

finalised and the work has begun. The quotation for the sortex machine

has also been accepted and the discussion with the supplier is in progress.

About 288 T/month of paddy processed through Paddico (as on March 31,



At the present pace of implementation, it is highly likely that the project

may extend atleast till December 2006.

The quotation for the sortex machines accepted and discussions with the

supplier regarding the additional /alteration as per the requirement is in

progress. It is reported that, the machine will be installed before 31st August

2006. However, the electrification process and the trial run can be conducted

only in September 2006. The IA has reported a savings of Rs. 1.50 lakhs in

this component and has proposed to utilise this fund to upgrade their

Electronic Weigh Bridge which was given under RSVY since the transactions

will be of a higher volume with the facility of the additional godown.

It is also reported that an agreement in principle has been made by the

Minister to arrange for a tie up with the Civil Supplies Corporation for the

successful functioning of the Mill.

Activities to be completed:

Construction of the godown component

Installation of the sortex machine

P07AG07: Grain Storage Centres

Implementing Agency: Agriculture Department

The objective of this project is to protect the farmers from the adverse market

conditions during the cropping season by the construction of grain storage

centres at Erimayur, Kollengode, Kuzhalmannam and Vaniamkulam.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 36.50 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 36.50 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing : Rs. 36.04 lakhs

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agencyUnutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 0.46 lakhs

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

Work has been completed in Kollengode and Kuzhalmannam, Erimayur

and Vaniyamkulam benefitting 290, 415, 370 and 200 farmers


Construction of all the 4 centres has been complete.

4 grain storage centres of 100 T capacities have been added to the paddy

procurement infrastructure in the District.


The implementation of the project got delayed since the construction

works of the centres had to be re-tendered as the Technical Advisory

Committee had suggested some improvements in the design (date of re-

tender: September 07, 2004). Earlier the work was tendered before obtaining

technical sanction. Another reason for delay is reported to be the shifting of

location from Ananganadi to Vaniyamkulam due to non availability of land at


The physical targets of the project are complete since the construction of

all the 4 grain storage centres is complete. Even though the allocation for the

Vaniyamkulam storage centre is 8.75 lakhs, the tender was finalised for Rs.

9.80 lakhs. AS for Rs. 9.80 lakhs has been issued conditionally that the

excess amount of Rs. 1.05 lakhs has to be met from other sources. The IA has

requested to utilise the interest accrued in the project account or from the

savings, if any, for the purpose.

Activities to be completed:

The project is complete. The sanction and release of the additional

requirement of Rs. 1.05 lakhs is awaited.

P08AG08: Setting up of Fruit & Vegetable Processing Units

Implementing Agencies: CFTRI & VFPCK

The project aims to set up processing units for tomato and mango to protect the

farmers from price fluctuations and exploitation by middlemen.

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Financial Progress (as July 31, 2006):

Amount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 1.75 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 1.75 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

Rs. 1.75 lakhs were given to CFTRI during August 2004 for the preparation of project report.


According to the DPR prepared by CFTRI, one acre of land and 20-30 KL of

water supply per day is to be assured for the plant to run smoothly. A

technical committee was held on 22-08-2005 requested State Plan support of

Rs. 45 lakhs for three years starting from 2005-06. The availability of land

and water supply are not yet confirmed. The SPB has clarified that it is not

possible to provide fund from State Plan. The project has been


P09AG09: Rural Micro Enterprises and Leased Land Cultivation by Kudumbashree

Implementing Agency: Kudumbashree

The objective of the project is poverty eradication and empowerment of women

from poor families through promotion of sustainable Micro Enterprises and

Leased Land Farming.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 347.74 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 347.74 lakhsExpenditure reported by the implementing agency

: Rs. 347.74 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : NilIt is reported that as on July 31, 2006, Rs. 100 lakhs have been utilised for providing RF to NHGs, Rs. 152.74 lakhs for the assistance to micro enterprises, Rs. 78.00 lakhs for the intervention in leased land farming and Rs. 17.00 lakhs for training for skill upgradation.

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

183 batches were given training for skill up gradation benefiting 17,906


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365 micro enterprises (1963 members) have been assisted and 1000

NHGs were provided with RF

Average income earned by a member of the stabilised micro enterprises is

reported to be Rs. 750/month

Under leased land farming, 1388 groups (total no. of members - 9625)

were assisted with subsidy and 892.26 Ha were brought under cultivation

(physical target 1000 Ha )

Average income earned through leased land farming is reported to be

o Vegetables: Rs. 8482/scre/season/groupo Banana: Rs. 44583/acre/season/groupo Paddy: Rs. 3200/acre/harvest/group


The project is complete. The project has benefited the

needy sections of the society.

P10AG10: Promotion of Modern Breeds of Goats

Implementing Agency: Animal Husbandry Department

The project aims at the upgradation of genetic make-up of goats of through

promotion of Artificial Insemination (AI) in goats.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 15.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 15.00 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 15.00 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

Physical Status/Outputs (as on July 31, 2006):

Out of the 100 institutions identified for the programme, Scheme was

Implemented only in 60 institutions

Training for six batches (10institutions/batch) was completed at the

Veterinary College, Mannuthy and at KLDB, Dhoni during July, 2004 and

December 2004.

Purchased AI equipments worth Rs.6.82 lakhs.

District level inauguration of the goat insemination programme was

carried out on October 13, 2004 and awareness camps were conducted at

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Mannarkkad, Kanjikkode, Chittur, Sreekrishnapuram, Vaniyamkulam,

Vadakarapathy, Koduvayur, Akathethara, Coyalmannam and Alathur

A total of 3427 inseminations conducted in 2225 goats so far and it is

reported that 882 kids were produced and 1159 animals out of 2324

tested for pregnancy found to be positive till May 2006(49.80% success)


The project is complete. It is observed that the progress of the project got

slowed down due to delay in providing training at the Veterinary University,

Mannuthy, other procedural delays in the department, implementation of the

Goshree programme, etc. and hence the IA had to reduce its target of

implementation to 60 institutions instead of the original 100 institutions


P11AG11: Reservoir Fisheries

Implementing Agency: Fisheries Dept.

The project aims to utilize reservoirs for obtaining maximum sustainable yield,

increase in production and to uplift SC/ST fishermen.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 40.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 40.00 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 40.00 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

Fish seed were stocked in Malampuzha & Meenkara reservoirs and related

activities like patrolling and fishing, purchase of fishing nets, etc. have

been carried out

The renovations of the sale counter at Malampuzha have been carried out

In Malampuzha sales carried out through the sale counter of the Fisheries

Dept and through local fish vendors. Possibility to market through

Kudumbasree units through the new renovated counter is being explored

The groups are stabilised and training to Kudumbasree ladies in

Entrepreneur Development and Fish Processing imparted

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85652.71 kg of fish for Rs.26.43 lakhs and 97781.28 kg of fish for Rs.

40.52 lakhs have been sold from Malampuzha and Meenkara reservoirs

respectively (as on July end).

Out of the savings of Rs.5.00 lakhs under seed stocking, sanction

accorded for the purchase of nets for the fishermen based on the request

of the implementing agency. The purchase of equipments and nets is


It is reported that 36 and 145 fishermen families of Meenkara and

Malampuzha dams have benefited immensely by the scheme

The average income per member per year is reported to be Rs. 22,870 for

Meenkara and Rs. 11,821 for Malampuzha.


The project is complete.

Harvest of fish stocked under RSVY had commenced during July 2005.

Seed stocking has taken place during the months of July and August 2005.

As suggested by the IA, the project may be handed over to the dept. after

the project period so that the Govt. share of the sales proceeds are credited

in the account, which may be later used for issuing revolving fund to the


P12AG12: Establishment of Common Facility Centre

The project aims at establishing a common facilities centre for producing and

selling bamboo based articles like baskets, flower baskets, ornamental baskets,

etc. It also envisages an integrated approach to upgrade skills and

craftsmanship of artisans along with developing a steady market for their


Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 15.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : NilExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Nil

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Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

Physical Achievements/Outputs (as on July 31, 2006):

The project was to be taken up at the second year of implementation of RSVY.

The location for the centre had been identified as Thenkurissi. However, the

project has been dropped due to lack of interest from the stakeholders. The

District Level Implementation Committee had earlier not approved the project

submitted by the District Industries Centre (due to lack of forward and backward


P13AG13: Technology Development for Agriculture

Implementing Agencies: Soil Survey Dpt., NBSS, B'lore & KAU

The objective of the project is to prepare the cadastral level soil maps for two

blocks (Chittur & Kollengode) and carry out detailed characterisation of the soils

in order to give regional fertilizer recommendation for rice for increasing the


Financial Progress (as July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 138.74 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 136.74 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 94.28 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 42.46 lakhs

The amount released includes Rs. 72.20 lakhs for NBSS, Rs. 52.54 lakhs for KAU and Rs. 12 lakhs for KSSSO.As on July 31, 2006, the expenditure reported by the Implementing Agencies is as follows: Rs. 36.10 lakhs (NBSS), Rs. 46.20 lakhs (KAU) and Rs. 11.98 lakhs (KSSSO; excluding Rs. 5.67 lakhs allotted from the other scheme, establishment of Agriculture Precision Diagnostic Centre).

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

Survey of 42 panchayats to be conducted and the soil samples

has to be analysed. Survey has to be conducted in 30 panchayats by KSSSO

and in 12 panchayats by NBSS


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The entire area of 40,080 Ha. in 12 Panchayats has been

surveyed by NBSS

The targeted 16,000 surface samples collection completed

It is reported that the Agro-ecological map has been prepared

and presented to review team and finalisation of the same in progress

Digital processing of soil map data has been completed for 14

Panchayats and the others are in progress.

Pre-written material for climatic analysis of all Panchayats for

incorporation in all reports is completed

Soil survey report preparation is under progress.


A total of 90,856 Ha. has been covered under detailed soil

survey by 5 field parties (59,068 Ha. under DSS-dry and 31,226 under DSS -


1420 nos. of soil profiles studied and 39,508 nos. of surface

samples collected.

38,870 samples have been sent to RARS Pattambi for analysis.

The draft final report for Pudunagaram was presented at the review meeting and

was well received. Draft final report of Peruvemba and Vadavannur are completed.

The watershed map of Palakkad district is currently being digitised.

A software routine in GIS environment developed for display of

soil fertility data in user friendly manner and its generation in map form. Soil

fertility of individual survey numbers can be displayed on cadastral base

map using the said technique.


RARS and KAU have collected soil samples for soil fertility

mapping and nutrient management plan for rice soils of Palakkad.

Out of 53,818 samples collected and processed, number of

samples dried and weighed- 47,837 and samples analysed for micro and

macro nutrients- 28,065.

Adaptive trials, preparation of soil fertility maps in progress.

Development of regional fertilizer recommendations for rice in

Palakkad District in progress.

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Interpretation of the soil data pertaining to the Panchayats under

investigation for practical applications and collection of plant samples in


Collection of plant samples commenced and in progress.


The project is progressing well. KSSSO has completed their field work and

the report is due on August 2006. KAU has requested for the extension up to

September 2007, owing to the typical nature of the project. According to them, the soil

samples cannot be analysed within the present time frame as the processes are time

consuming. The plant sample analysis is expected to be complete by August end. The

report can be compiled by NBSS only when the relevant data are provided to them.

Activities of NBSS like surface soil sampling, preparation of agro ecological

map, etc., have been completed and digital processing of soil map data is in

progress. Soil survey report preparation is also in progress.

Activities to be completed:

The analysis of the soil samples collected including upland soil samples,

preparation of soil fertiliser maps and development of regional rice

recommendation to be completed (in progress at present).

The plant sample analysis (to be complete by August 2006)

The findings of the adaptive trials to be recorded.

The total soil survey report for 42 Panchayats to be finalised.

KSSSO has completed the field work. Report to be ready by August 31,


KAU has reported that almost 60% of the work is completed and requested

for extension up to September 2007.

P14AG14: Establishment of Agriculture Precision Diagnostic Centre

Implementing Agencies: IISR Kozhikkode & Agriculture Department

The project attempts to establish an Agricultural Clinic with all modern facilities

for the detection and monitoring of pests/diseases in crops, and nutrient

deficiency/excess in soil and plants. It also aims at the production of biological

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control agents of important pests and diseases of crops, production of bio-

fertilizers, etc. 

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 27.93 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 27.93 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 27.93 lakhs

Rs. 2.26 lakhs was released to IISR and Rs. 5.67 lakhs was released to KSSSO for Technology Development, and Rs. 20 lakhs for JD (Agri.) towards Precision Diagnostic Centre

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

Technical Advisory Committee has cleared the modified report of IISR and

Administrative Sanction has been given for the Project Report

Rs. 20 lakhs has been allotted for equipping the lab at Pattambi. AS and

TS were issued on December 2005. Supply order has been placed with

the company (including that for import) and 6 equipments received. The

letter of credit, required for the import of the remaining equipment

(Atomic Absorption Spectro-Photometer) submitted.

The electrification of the bio-fertilizer lab has been carried out.


Project is almost complete. According to the IA, the purchase of

specialised equipments took a longer time than anticipated due to their

shortage. It is expected that the project will be complete by August 31, 2006.

Activities to be completed:

Import of equipment is to be completed

P15WR01, P16WR02 & P17WR03: Irrigation Projects (Malampuzha, Mangalam and Pothundy)

Implementing Agency: Irrigation Dept. (Executive Engineer, Malampuzha)

The three schemes aim at improving the physical conditions of the Malampuzha,

Mangalam and Pothundy irrigation canals so as to improve the irrigation facilities

for paddy cultivation by reducing the water loss in canals and enhance crop

productivity in the District.

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Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 1163.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 1141.15 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 1123.51 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 17.64 lakhs

Till June end, Rs. 666.04 lakhs of expenditure has been reported for Malampuzha, while Rs. 205.61 lakhs and Rs. 251.86 lakhs have been utilised for Mangalam and Pothundy respectively.

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):


All the 31 works have been completed for the first year and 39 works of

the second year have been taken up.

Among the works initiated in the second phase, 38 works have been

completed while one work has been abandoned.

Ayacut area of 1356 Ha. stabilised and conveyance loss in the project area

could be brought down by aprox. 12.50%.


All the five works taken up for the first year has been completed and 11

works have been taken up for the second year.

The 11 works for the second year have been completed.

Ayacut area of 691.71 Ha. has stabilised and approximately 5 days was

saved on the time taken for turn.


All the 18 works taken up for the first phase and 17 works for the second

phase have been completed.

117.47 Ha. ayacut area (total area 211.56 Ha.) has been benefited after

the first phase and the conveyance loss could be brought down by aprox.

5% (after the first phase)


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The project is almost complete. Only the final settlement of bills is pending.

Activities to be completed:

Final settlement of bills of the completed works.

P18WR04: Ground Water Development

Implementing Agency: Ground Water Department

The objective of the project is to improve drinking water/irrigation facilities

through the creation of micro water supply schemes (bore well based, Operation

and Maintenance by the community) and construction of sub surface dykes to

increase the ground water level.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 4.35 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 4.13 lakhs Expenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 3.60 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 0.53 lakhsRs. 2.10 lakhs utilised for purchasing satellite imageries and the remaining Rs. 1.50 lakhs utilised for digging borewells.

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

12 Satellite images were procured from the NRSA, Hyderabad.

23 sites have been identified for constructing bore wells; Ottapalam (6),

Sreekrishnapuram (6), Malampuzha (4), Alathur (4) and Mannarcaud (3).

Bore wells have been drilled in 2 sites each in Alathur and Ottappalam

Blocks and in 1 site in Sreekrishnapuram Block.

4 wells (in Alathur and Ottappalam Blocks) are yielding water and are

suitable for Micro Water Supply Schemes, while the one in Cherpulassery

Panchayat is found to be dry.

Lack of technical experts is reported to be the reason for the non-

completion of the project by the implementing agency.


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The project could not be implemented as targeted. The only activities

taken up so far have been the purchase of satellite imageries and digging of

bore-wells in 4 sites.

As reported by the IA, lack of support staff in the dept. is the main reason

for the non-implementation of the project as per targets.

Tenders called for constructing the water distribution scheme for the sites

were reportedly 50-60% above the estimate, even after re-tendering and

negotiations with the potential suppliers.

Since the tenders received are above the permitted norms, the schemes

have been dropped as the work cannot be negotiated. Decision has been

taken at the 7thSLSC meeting to fix hand pumps at the four locations where

the tube wells have been dug.

However, it is reported that the four wells dug under the scheme have

been included in the micro water supply scheme under Rajiv Gandhi National

Drinking Water Mission, under which the remaining activities will be carried

out. It is also reported that Rs. 0.53 lakhs kept for installing hand pumps will

be returned back to the District A/c and the project will be closed.

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P19WR05: Local level Water Resources Management

Implementing Agency: Maithri (NGO)

The project aims at the revitalisation of the existing local level water resources in

Erimayur Panchayat through renovation of the existing tanks, integrating them

with the distribution system of the near by irrigation projects and providing

training on Operation and Maintenance activities to the farmers. This project is

being implemented with community participation and the O&M activities of the

renovated tanks have to be carried out by the beneficiary groups.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 15.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 9.00 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 6.70 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 2.30 lakhs

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

4 schemes have been originally allotted under this project, of which 2

have been dropped due to lack of interest and non payment of beneficiary


Additional 8 schemes have been proposed in their place.

The works of 6 ponds out of the total 10 have been completed, the work

on one pond is in progress and the remaining 3 are yet to be taken up.

It is reported that the monsoon, delay in approval of the additional list of

ponds and delay in fund release are the causes for the delay.

It is reported that the area irrigated after completing 5 ponds fully is 181

Ha. and the total area proposed after the completion of 10 ponds is 319



The proceeds received from the sale of mud of the excavated ponds are

being substituted for beneficiary contribution. The beneficiary contribution

envisaged is 10% by way of cash or by labour. In certain cases, the income

from the sale of mud (as the beneficiary contribution) goes upto 20% - 30% of

the project cost. This amount coupled with the savings accrued as a result of

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the works being quoted at govt. rates instead of the prevailing local rates, has

allowed more no. of ponds to be undertaken in the project.

Out of 10 ponds, 6 have been completed and only one more will be

complete by August 31, 2006. The IA has reported that the remaining 3

ponds could only be taken up after the two cropping seasons and when the

water level of the ponds recedes during March 2007. It has to be decided

whether the works on these 3 ponds are to be taken up or not.

Activities to be completed:

The balance work of 3 ponds (will only be completed by March 2007).

P20WR06: Model Watershed

Implementing Agency: START (NGO)

This project is aimed at implementing a model watershed in Erattakulam in

Nalleppilly Panchayat

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 70.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 1.65 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 1.65 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil Amount was given during August 2004.

Present Status (as on July 31, 2006):

The project has been dropped.

Activities like base line data collection through PRIs, awareness creation,

reconnaissance survey, transect walk, preparation of resource map, analysis

of soil types, socio economic survey, data collection in the project area, 30

PRAs and 4 awareness programmes have been completed and a micro plan

has been prepared for the project.

However, the micro plan submitted by the implementing agency was for a

total expenditure of Rs. 4.45 crores. The IA was asked to prepare a revised

project for Rs. 70 lakhs by prioritising activities, which did not materialise.

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The DLTAC has not approved the micro plan and subsequently the project

was dropped.

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P21WR07: River Basin Planning and Consultancies

Implementing Agency: IWMI

The project aims at preparing a plan for the development of water resources in

the Bharathapuzha river basin.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 10.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 10.00lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 8.45 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 1.55 lakhs

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

AS was issued in August 2005. Primary data collection from the farmer

households has been completed from the 8 reservoir command areas and

data entry has also been completed.

Secondary data have also been collected for all taluks falling in

Bharathapuzha basin relating to cropping pattern; land use classification,

cropped area in different seasons, irrigated cropped area in different seasons,

area Irrigated by source, number of wells, tanks/ponds, farm harvest price of

different crops, livestock population, human population (Rural & Urban Taluk

wise from 1971-2001), type of industries, location, annual production, rainfall

pattern, etc.

Base map of the river basin has been collected and hydrology data

analysis, GIS map of the river basin, etc. have been completed.

Water resistant seed adaptation pattern, agriculture & water usage

study of Chittur and the investment plan have been completed.

The draft project report has been submitted to the State Planning

board for evaluation.


The project is going as per schedule and can be completed by August 31, 2006.

Activities to be completed:

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Finalisation of the draft report.

P22WR08: Reconstruction of Kunnumpidari Eri

Implementing Agency: Irrigation Dept. (EE, Chitturpuzha Project)

The project aims at reconstructing the breach of the Kunnumpidari Eri (the tank

has a well-built earth dam and is about 100 years old) and other essential minor


Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 65.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 54.54 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 54.54 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

Tender was awarded for 45.90% less than the estimated amount.

It is reported that the work had started on September, 2004.

The project is complete and is ready for inauguration.

The final settlement of bills is yet to be complete.

Water has been stored and used for distribution during the season in


Storage capacity of the tank is 833000 cubic metres and 800 Ha of

agriculture area has been supported additionally. It is also reported that

the existing irrigation streams have been benefited by the percolation

from the eri.

P23WR09: Renovation of Muthukounder Weir

Implementing Agency: Executive Engineer, District Panchayat

The scheme is to strengthen the body wall of the Muthukounder weir, to carry

out the patch repairs in the left bank and removing the blockage of the channel

by weeds.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 15.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 14.57 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing : Rs. 14.57 lakhs

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agencyUnutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

The entire amount for the scheme has been utilised by June 2004.

Project has been completed and payment given.

The weir has a storage capacity of 45000 cubic metre and 300 acres of

agricultural land can be irrigated by it.

P248WR10: Watershed based Master Plan

Implementing Agency: IRTC (NGO)

The project aims at preparing a comprehensive master plan based on watershed

approach for Chittur and Kollengode blocks with the active participation of local

self governments and community.

Financial Progress (as July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 12.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 12.00 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 12.00 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

Chittur Block

A total of 6 Panchayats in Chittur Block had participated, where 24

Panchayat level and 6 Block level meetings/discussions took place for the

effective implementation of the scheme. 106 master trainers were

recruited and 444 volunteers had been identified

Preparation of intervention maps and master plan report is complete.

The Project report of Chittur Block has been submitted.

Kollengode Block

A total of 5 Panchayats in Kollengode Block had participated. Panchayat

and Block level discussions (10 and 3 Nos. respectively) have been

completed. 54 Master trainers and 292 local volunteers have been


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Preparation of intervention map, project estimate and master plan report

has been completed.

The Project report of Kollengode Block has been submitted


The project is complete.

The IA has reported that lack of proper involvement and participation by elected

representatives of local bodies severely hampered the effectiveness and

progress of the programme.

P25WR11: Participatory Irrigation Management

Implementing Agency: CWRDM

The scheme is a pilot project on Participatory Irrigation Management being

implemented in the Kuthannur branch canal of the Malampuzha project. The

project is an attempt to increase farmers’ direct involvement in irrigation

management, which ultimately would result in the transfer of authority and

responsibilities from Govt. to farmer organisations.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 53.38 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 53.38 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 40.89 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 12.49 lakhs

The amount utilised so far is for conducting discussions, meetings, training programmes, etc., and as administrative expenses and for physical system improvements (Rs. 35.54 lakhs).

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

Work has been initiated by CWRDM during June 2004 and the activities in

the preparation phase and organisation phase have been completed and

are presently at the last part of the rehabilitation phase.

PRAs, IEC activities, etc., have been carried out, ayacut maps of the

branch and field canals were prepared, outlet based WUAs have been

formed at 26 places and 17 shutters of sluices of branch canal have been


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Branch canal level WUA was formed, leaders were elected, training

programmes for them were conducted (on roles & responsibilities, agro-

economic activities, O&M activities, etc), bye-laws and MoUs had been

prepared and meetings of women were organised.

BWUA was accorded Administrative Sanction for the rehabilitation works

by WRD.

As part of capacity building, training/discussion was conducted on

accounts keeping, functioning of WUAs/SHGs.

Action is taken to repair farm equipments available in the BWUA area and

training for WUA leaders was conducted on scientific management

practices of Mechanised farming.

Detailed estimates for the rehabilitation works have been submitted

for technical sanction. Labour bank was constituted at the BWUA level.

Bank accounts were opened by sluice WUAs.

A training programme on scientific management practices of

mechanised farming participating about 200 farmer leaders has been

conducted at Kuzhalmannam.

The agreement was signed between the sluice WUAs and the Asst.

Executive Engineer for 24 WUAs on December 2005.

Work of rehabilitation was carried out in 29 samithies. Works in 27 SWUAs

are completed and bills are paid for 17 of them.

Joint bank account has been opened by the President of the Branch WUA

and the Asst. Ex. Engr., WRD. The payments for the works are paid

through this account.


The project was to be completed by December 2005. The rehabilitation

phase which was to be complete by August 2005 is still underway. The turn

over phase which was to be completed in November 2005 has not been


It is reported that the rehabilitation phase will be completed by August 31,

2006 and the turn over phase could be completed with another one month

after that. The project could be completed by October-November 2006, as the

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turn over phase could only be initiated after the water release for the second


It is reported that the delay in preparation of the estimates required in the

system improvement phase by the Irrigation Department was due to the

involvement of the Engineers in their routine activities and the local body

elections during September 2005. The water distribution which commenced in

November 2005 has also restricted the progress of work. The organisational

activity got delayed owing to the harvest season.

The monitoring of the project after handing it over to the WUAs for six

months, as mentioned in the project will not be possible as it will go beyond

the duration of the project.

Activities to be completed:

The rehabilitation works in 2 samithies has to be completed and the

final settlement of bills.

The handing over and the monitoring of the project (could only be done

after the completion of the water release for the second crop).

P25aWR12: Participatory Drinking Water Supply Scheme,


Implementing Agency: EE, Chitturpuzha Project & KWA

The scheme aims to construct a Drinking Water Scheme in a participatory mode

in the water scarce area of Vadakarapathy, Eruthyampathy and Kozhinjampara


Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 570.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 287.96 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 287.96 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : NilAn excess expenditure of Rs. 0.98 lakhs has been reported by the IA. Rs. 2.41 lakhs was provided during August 2005 to meet the expenditure related to the preparation of the Detailed Project Report for the Scheme.

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

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Right abutment and the 4 piers from right are completed up to 107 m.

Left abutment and the balance piers are completed upto 100.75 m.

About 90% of the right bank retention wall is complete.

The remaining work of 55 m of the left bank retention wall is yet to start.

The mechanical work can be commenced from the right side.

Pier, middle of the scour span is in progress.

4 weir spans each from the left and the right and the weir scour spans, right

and left are completed.

Construction of the quarters is completed.

Lying of pipeline is yet to start.

Fabrication of nine shutters is completed in the mechanical section.


The project report envisages a total expenditure of Rs. 5.58 crores for the

scheme. Administrative Sanction for the project has been issued and the

authority to issue TS is to be finalised soon since the project amount is large.

The sanction for the limited tender is yet to be accorded. This issue was

discussed at the 7th SLSC meeting in October 2005. However, the decision

favouring the limited tender option did not figure in the minutes of the

meeting. This has caused unexpected delay in initiating the work.

It is reported that the monsoon and heavy rainfall have hampered the

progress of the work. Also, the design approval from IDRB is yet to reach the

IA. The IA has requested for extension up to November 2006.

Activities to be completed:

The ongoing works in abutment, retaining walls and fabrication works.

4 piers from the left, pier middle of scour pan, lying of pipeline and

construction of generator room, etc.

P26SS01: Strengthening of School Laboratories

Implementing Agency: KSCSTE

This project attempts to establish model science laboratories in all the Govt. High

Schools of Palakkad District and thus strengthen the Science & Technology

education at the school level.

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Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 165.50 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 160.54 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 160.54 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

Refunded the excess amount of Rs. 4.96 lakhs released earlier.

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

A team of 30 resource persons and an eight-member project

implementation group were constituted; schools in the District were

graded and 34 schools have been selected for implementing the scheme

in the first phase and 24 schools in the second phase.

Equipments, consumables and perishables have been purchased @ Rs.

1.87 lakhs per school (items purchased for each school include 117

consumable items, 112 equipment items and 73 perishable items) and

labs refurbished.

In the second phase, teachers of the 24 institutions have been trained.

Supply of equipments and refurbishing of labs have been completed.

All the 58 High schools in the District were provided with excellent

laboratory facilities and 464 science teachers were trained on teaching



The project is complete and the government schools have benefited

significantly by the project and most of the labs have become functional


Delay in the implementation of the project was reported to be due to the

non availability of Biology specimens to be supplied to the schools on time.

P27SS02: Upgradation of Primary Health Centres and Taluk Hospital

Implementing Agency: EE, District Panchayat

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The scheme envisages construction of new buildings and improvement in

infrastructure and other amenities for the Alathur Taluk Hospital and three

primary health centres in the District. The project also envisages the

electrification of the District Hospital, Palakkad at a total cost of Rs. 5 lakhs.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 102.30 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 78.76 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 78.76 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

Funds released-TlkHosp-Rs.42.88 lks, Kadambzhipram PHC-Rs.7.59lks, DMO-Rs. 0.083 lks, Kodumbu PHC-Rs. 14.16 lks, Mankara PHC-Rs.14.05 lks. Exp. Reported by Tlk Hosp- Rs 44.05 lks, Kadambazhipuram PHC-Rs. 7.86 lks, Kodumbu PHC-Rs.14.05lks, Mankara PHC-Rs. 13.93 lks and DMO-Rs.0.08 lks. An excess of Rs. 1.21 lks expenditure has been reported by the Taluk Hospital.

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

The work has been delayed due to excess tender amount and later the

work has been awarded to Costford. The work had been commenced on

18th June, 2005

For the Taluk Hospital, civil works has been completed and the TS for the

electrical works have been awarded to the District Panchayat.

The non availability of funds in time, loss of man days due to incessant

rains and elections are reported to be hampering the progress of the

project. The agency has asked for an extension up to September 30, 2006

Civil work of the PHCs at Kodumba, Mankara and total work of

Kadambazhipuram are completed and payments were made.

The tender for the electrical works of Mankara and Kodumba panchayats

are to be called for and finalised.


The civil works of the three PHCs, Kodumbu Kadambazhipuram and

Mankara and the Taluk Hospital have been completed.

TS for the electrical works of the Taluk Hospital was issued on the 27 th of

July 2006 to the District Panchayat. The tender has to be called for and

finalised at the earliest. As reported by the Ex.Engr. LSGD, the work may get

extended up to September 2006.

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The tender for the electrification of the Mankara and Kodumbu PHC is to

be called for at the rates revised recently. Though the work was tendered

earlier at the old rates, there were no responses from bidders. The work is

expected to be complete by September ’06.

Even if the electrical works are complete, the Mankara and Kodumbu PHCs

cannot start functioning as there is no provision for water facility in the

project. The proposals were submitted by the IA for the provision of water

facility and the construction of the compound wall, but it was not sanctioned.

Activities to be completed:

Electrification works of Taluk Hospital and PHCs.

P28SS03: Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Children and Destitute


Implementing Agencies: Institute for Communicative and Cognitive Neuro

Science (ICCONS), Kudumbashree

This scheme is aimed at providing infrastructure facilities to aid educational

rehabilitation of children with learning disability, cognitive and language

disorders and to enable early identification of disorders of the disabled children.

The destitute care part of the scheme aims at the rehabilitation of destitute

people through centralized community based rehabilitation programmes and

development of proper rehabilitation programmes.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 65.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 45.42 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 45.42 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Nil

Kudumbasree was given Rs. 30.00 lakhs for Ashraya. ICCONS was given Rs. 15.42 lakhs out of the total Rs. 35 lakhs. Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

The work for the rehabilitation centre for disabled children was tendered

on December ’04. All the 3 tenders quoted were above the estimated cost.

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After negotiations, the lowest quote is found to be about 17.5% above the

estimate. ICCONS have requested to award the work to the lowest tender. AS

and TS has accorded for the revised estimate of civil (total area – 10,000

sq.ft.) and electrical works. Electrification work has been started.

Brickwork, roof slab, flooring, plastering of the middle block, work of fixing

door frames and window frames, flooring concrete, plastering of walls, mosaic

tiling, etc. are complete. Flooring finishing, outside painting and sanitary

works are in progress.

Three Projects have been identified under destitute care in Kongad,

Malampuzha and Pudunagaram Panchayats.

Destitute families in the Panchayats have been identified. Construction

works of new houses and repair of existing houses are also completed.


ICCONS have reported that the non availability of the PWD Engineer to

take the check measurements has hampered the progress of the activities.

About 95% of the works are complete and it is expected that the project

can be completed by August 31, 2006.

ICCONS have requested to spend the balance amount of the civil

construction and electrification works (as electrification cost can be met from

their own funds) to be spend on providing a/c and clean air facilities.

In Ashraya, Kongad and Ongallur panchayats were selected for the

implementation in the first phase (target-3 Panchayats). Later, Ongallur

panchayat was excluded from the scheme and the IA has requested for the

inclusion of two other Panchayats (Pudunagaram & Malampuzha). Sanction

for this change had been accorded and the project is complete.

Activities to be completed:


Flooring weather proofing, painting and sanitary works.

A/C fitting.

‘Ashraya’ is complete.

P29SS04: Solid Waste Management and Organic Manure Production

Implementing Agency: Palakkad Municipality

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The objective of the project is to promote clean environment through improving

the solid waste mgmt. system in Palakkad Municipality and collection and

transportation of solid waste through women groups and establishment of a

modern plant to process waste to organic manure. The project also aims to

create a proper waste disposal system for the District Hospital, Palakkad.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 254.50 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 105.48 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 93.63 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 11.85 lakhs* Amount released to PMC is Rs. 95.48lks out of Rs. 240 lks and Dist hospital, Rs. 10 lks out of Rs. 14.50 lks. Utilisation reported-PMC-Rs.83.66 lks & Dist. Hosp-Rs.9.97lks

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

The Project Report for the entire project has been prepared by IRTC.

Training has been provided to 6 employees and 140 NHGs.

Construction of compound wall, office building and road has been

completed, bore well has been dug and motor has been installed. First

phase of levelling and planting of trees have also been completed.

Green belt and construction of compost pit and cow dung pit are also


Installation of rotary sieve is in progress. RCC slab flooring is to be done

and agreement with Kerala Agro Industries Corporation Ltd. is to be


Construction of treatment plant, drying yard, sieving, packing, and manure

store is nearing completion.

Construction of the road within the plant is yet to be started.

Electrification of office building is complete and those of plant, street,

manure store, etc. has started.

Supply orders for 2 three wheelers, 6 tractors and a skid steer loader has

been issued with the council approval.

Tenders for the purchase of dumper placer, HDP sheet and the bins are

invited (tender opening date August 25, 2006).

Quotations for the construction of the biogas plant are invited.

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Effluent Treatment Plant for the Dist. Hospital:

The project was accorded AS in the month of October,2005

The project is proposed to be carried out in 2 segments viz., carrying of

effluents to the treatment site and treatment of effluent.

The Asst. Engineer, LSGD, Pirayiri, has been entrusted with the work of

carrying the effluent to the treatment site and M/S. Polluclean Labs, Kochi

has been entrusted with the erection and commissioning of the ETP.

The ETP is complete and is ready for trial run, while the works for

carrying the effluent to the treatment site is ongoing.


The project is lagging behind schedule

Execution of the processing plant- target December 2005- almost complete and the drain works will be completed by August 31, 2006

Construction of the road within the windrow compost- target December 2005- work is yet to be started as electrical under cable works are in progress (likely completion by September 30, 2006).

Execution of sediment tank etc. - target November 2005 - Not initiated yet and the work has been re-tendered (to be completed by September 30, 2006)

Installation of rotary sieve and components - target December 2005- RCC slab flooring has to be done, Agreement with supplier, Kerala Agro Industries Corp.Ltd. has to be executed (to be completed by October 31, 2006)

Electrical works including street lights - target September 2005– In progress, will be completed by September 30, 2006

Procurement of vehicles (supply order ready), bins, HDP sheet (tender invited), construction of bio-gas plant (quotation invited), provision of water supply (re-tendered), etc. are also to be completed (to be completed by October 31, 2006 as per the IA)

The reasons for delay reported are:

The delay in appointing IRTC as the consultant - appointed only in July 05.

The slow progress of the construction work due to heavy rains.

Work could not be taken up during September 2005 due to the


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The delay due to the preparation of various revised estimates and

revision of the specification of the rotary sieve, changes in the plans

and also the unforeseen contingencies.

The hung state of the Municipal council adds to the delay in the

implementation and the project cannot be completed in time unless it

is resolved.

Unless done on war footing and the components taken up

simultaneously, the project cannot be completed in time.


It is reported that the sewage water from the municipal drain is getting

mixed with the drains of the hospital. Unless the municipal drain is diverted,

the waste cannot be treated as the quantum of the waste will exceed and the

treatment cannot be carried out by the plant. The direction from PMC is

awaited in this regard.

Even though the construction of ETP had been completed, a trial run could

not be carried out since the delay in providing inlet sewer line.

Activities to be completed:

The completion of the construction of the treatment plant, the road within

the plant, installation of the rotary sieve, rain water harvesting tank,

sedimentation tank, purchase of vehicles and bins, water supply, bio-gas

plant, training for workers, awareness camps, etc. and District Hospital


P30SS05: Girivikas Educational Complex for Tribal Boys and Girls

Implementing Agency: Nehru Yuvak Kendra

The project envisages creating necessary infrastructure for providing the right

type of education (Gurukulam approach) to the tribal boys and girls and enabling

them to pass the S.S.L.C. examination by creating a suitable environment for

study and constant motivation.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

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Total outlay of the project : Rs. 60.00 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 58.58 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 54.99 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 3.59 lakhs

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

Nirmiti Kendra has carried out construction work of the complex.

All works for the school building and the hostel building and the compound

wall have been completed. Only the finalisation of the bills and the

payment of the final amount are pending.

The complex was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Kerala on July 3,


The hostel can accommodate 100 girl students, while a portion of the

school can accommodate 30 boy students.


The project is complete.

P31HR01: Capacity Building

Implemented through Dairy Dept., A.H. Dept, KAU, C-DIT, Agri. Dept., etc.

The project is intended to provide training programmes for farmers, facilitators,

and line department officials in the areas of integrated farming, farm planning,

watershed planning, modern technologies, cyber extension, quality control, agro

processing, agro management techniques, horticulture, animal diseases, clean

milk production, inland fisheries, water management, livestock management,

Panchayat Level Resource Mapping, etc.

Financial Progress (as on July 31, 2006):

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 32.78 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 21.10 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 21.05 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs 0.05 lakhs

Rs. 4.00 lakhs released to Dairy Training Centre, Rs. 1.25 lakhs to LMTC, Rs. 12.71 lakhs for Cyber Extension, Rs. 2.01 lks for agro-economic zone, Rs. 0.50 lks for workshop on IFS and Rs. 0.63 lks on training for watershed management.

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The projects taken up under the scheme so far are the modernisation of

Livestock Management Training Centre, strengthening of library and reading

room under Dairy Training Centre Alathur, Cyber Research project to develop

farming informatics for agriculture extension by KAU and CDIT and Development

plans for Agro Ecological Zones by KAU. Amount has also been released for

Training on watershed based management to the Agri. Dept.

DTC and LMTC have reported an expenditure of Rs. 5.25 lakhs and the project is

complete. Amount utilised for Farming System Informatics so far is Rs. 12.07

lakhs. Development of Plans for Ago-Ecological Zones has reported expenditure

to the tune of Rs. 1.50 lakhs, Rs. 0.63 lakhs by JD, Agri. for watershed

management training while KVK incurred Rs. 0.50 lakhs for conducting a

workshop on IFS.

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

In LMTC, Malampuzha the assistance has been used for purchasing

Veterinary and Animal husbandry reference books (62 nos.), other

teaching materials and for conducting 2 day training for Kudumbashree

members (total of 8 camps, 280 persons).

For the Dairy training centre, Alathur, the building work has been carried

out by Nirmiti Kendra and purchases have been made for furniture, books,

periodicals and manuals. A VHS cassette and CD, O H P screen, TV with

DVD, TV Stand, Voltage stabilizer and an emergency lamp have also been


The project is complete.

Farming System Informatics

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

Three Research Assistants and two Research Associates were selected for

the project and meetings/workshops were carried out with various stake

holders to analyse the present conditions and problems and to finalise


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Shooting of medicinal plants of ABARD, ATIC by CDIT, photographing of

fish harvest from farmers’ field, collection of materials for desk research

and visits to institutes/departments to collect information is ongoing.

Survey of farms of Palakkad District, design and preparation of the web

page layout, preparation of the script for DVD ROM in Malayalam, etc. are

also ongoing and initial pages of the web page lay out has been

completed. Collection of photographs from the departments of Pathology

and entomology, fields of College of Horticulture has been carried out.

Visuals of the poultry farm activities, goat farming, culture of aquarium

plants; scampi release to paddy field, ornamental fish cultures has been


Orientation workshop and visual documentation in Trichur and

Malampuzha has been conducted.

Visuals taken from farmers’ fields, fabrication of aquarium, interaction

with fish farmers and preparation of bio-pesticides by ABARD has been

carried out.

Visual images regarding the various aspects related to agriculture,

veterinary and fisheries collected from ICAR, IIHR, VFPCK, Veterinary,

Animal sciences and Fisheries University, Chennai and the internet.

Web page layout has been completed. The corrected template, script in

Malayalam and data collected regarding agriculture were handed over to

C Dit.

It is reported that a trial presentation will be made to the expert team of

KAU to evaluate the DVD-ROM at the end of Aug. 06.


The project is in the final stage. A trial presentation of the DVD will be

done by August end and after making final corrections, it could be

handed over by September 2006.

IA had requested for extension up to September 2006 stating that

unfavourable weather conditions, delay in getting appropriate visual

data and also inability to document agricultural practices and activities

at specific time periods as the reasons. It is also reported that the

documentation period of January 2006 to March 2006 does not figure in

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the project and this period was not included in the year 2005 also. Four

more months after documentation is required for web page designing.

Activities to be completed:

Final editing and handing over of DVD ROM

Development Plans for Agro ecological zones of Palakkad Dist.

Physical Achievements/Outputs/Outcomes (as on July 31, 2006):

The project was issued AS on 1st December, 2005.

Literature review of similar works done (within the state and outside) was

collected and a draft interview schedule was prepared.

One SRA and 4 field investigators has been appointed for the collection of

field data and the compilation and analysis using statistical packages

Collected data from 40 panchayats out of the 80 panchayats included in

the 12 Agro Ecological Zones regarding the total area of the panchayat,

cropping pattern, irrigation sources etc.

The documentation of the data is in progress.

All the panchayats were listed zone wise and PRAs, for the collection of the

required information were fixed in proportion to the number of

Panchayats. The first PRA was conducted on 17-05-06 at Kavassery

panchayat hall. The panchayats coming under the first PRA were

Kavassery, Tharur, Erimayur and Alathur(VIII zone of the NBSS&LUB


A similar workshop was conducted on 31-05-06 at Mankara Panchayat Hall

for zone IX comprising of 9 panchayats.

PLA sessions were conducted in five zones and the balance is in progress.

Activities to be completed:

About 50% of the project is yet to be complete including the compilation

of the data and the report preparation. Likely time of completion is

reported to be December 2006.

Documentation of RSVY Projects

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 7.00 lakhs

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Amount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 7.00 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 5.99 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 1.01 lakhs

The agency has reported that the pre implementation stage of all the

RSVY works has been documented. The documentation of the

implementation stage and the preparation of the News Letter are in


The total number of 47 days of documentation was reported to be

carried out. The total number of CDs prepared till date is reported to be 5

of 32 minutes, 8 minutes, 22 minutes, 30 minutes and 34 minutes of


Quality Control Measures of Civil Construction Works

Total outlay of the project : Rs. 2.70 lakhsAmount released to the implementing agency : Rs. 2.70 lakhsExpenditure reported by the Implementing agency

: Rs. 2.25 lakhs

Unutilised fund with the implementing agency : Rs. 0.45 lakhs

The experts from the dept. of civil engineering have conducted 100 site


Conducted 215 lab tests on the samples collected from various sites of

work under Malampuzha Irrigation project, Pothundy and Mangalam projects,

Alathur Taluk Hospital, ICCONS Kavalappara, market centres of VFPCK, flower

collection centre, Grain storage centre Vaniamkulam and ETP of the Dist.


General Issues:

The local body elections in October 2005 and the Assembly elections in

April 2006 have resulted in the stagnation of the projects for nearly 4


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The lack of availability of funds in the district has hampered the progress

of various projects in the final stages of the project period. The delay so

caused may lead to the extension of many projects beyond the timeline

fixed. It is reported that the final instalment of Rs. 750 lakhs is yet to

reach the State (requested on June 22, 2006).

Various agencies have requested for the extension of the project owing to

various administrative and technical reasons and almost all the projects

except a few like solid waste management and organic manure

production, godown construction at Paddico and some of the research

oriented projects can be completed by August - September 2006. The

data compilation and analyses of the research oriented projects may not

be completed in such a short span. Similarly, civil constructions too may

prolong owing to the typical nature of their work.

The audit of accounts related to the RSVY is in progress at different

Implementing Agencies.

Centre for Management Development, Trivandrum