profitable prospecting with social media

Profitable Prospecting with Social Media Maura Neill ABR, CRS, CDPE, REALTOR®

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Post on 11-May-2015




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What does real estate marketing look like in today’s world? Marketing for clients and lead generation have changed dramatically in the past decade, and we’ve entered a new frontier. Reaching clients and potential customers used to be a costly venture – with long printing wait-times and pricey postage. Today, online marketing options offer us a free way to keep in touch with our current spheres and reach potential new clients, but the rules are different. This new school of marketing, with its multitude of social media platforms and opportunities, requires a new kind of marketing savvy and can be overwhelming to navigate. This course teaches you how to combine tools like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (and more!) along with email marketing and blogging, with the tried-and-true marketing techniques you already know. The class will teach you to: - Develop an online brand that expresses who you are and helps you maintain a consistent online presence. - Create a social media strategy that works for you and incorporates the platforms with which you are most comfortable. - Combine “old school” techniques, like direct mail and print advertising, with new school opportunities, like your Facebook business page and blogging, to create a more cost-effective and optimized approach to marketing.


  • 1.Profitable Prospectingwith Social Media Maura Neill ABR, CRS, CDPE, REALTOR

2. WirelessNetwork: MAAR-Members SouthPassword: maar2008 3. On Twitter?Tweet live during this class!@MauraNeill 4. Word of Mouth Marketingis the most powerful form of marketing there is. 5. Technologymagnifies it 6. Business has shifted.How do you market in thevirtual world? 7. You spend less time converting prospects to clients when youalready have people who: Know you Like you Trust you 8. I Have No Time For Social media Blogging Photos Videos Email marketing Anything more than I already do! 9. Rule of Thirdsfrom Chris Brogan NewExecuting on Servicing Prospecting Prospecting Your AccountsPhoto credit: 3 fire buckets by Hadleywal on 10. I Have No Time For Social media Blogging Photos Videos Email marketing Anything more than I already do! 11. Are You the Same Online andOffline? 12. Always have something to sell, but dont always be selling.~ Chris Brogan 13. Facebook Business Pages 14. Who Sees YourFacebook Business Page? 15. Branded Facebook Business Page 16. Where Is Your Facebook Presence Now? Your personal profile what does it looklike? Your Facebook Business Page: Do you have one? Do you use it effectively? Do you need one? Where do you spend the most time andget the most response? 17. What To PostOn Your Business Page Links, links, links to your videos, blogposts, buyer/seller tips drive the traffic toyour site Photos local, your listings, funny thingsyou see while showing homes, captionthis Videos keep them short and informative Local information Open houses and listings okay here 18. What to Post Basic systems in place to keepfans engaged. Fill in the blank Friday Photo Friday Update on stats Pick your palace A and B Questions Quotes Weekend Update 19. Encourage Call to Action 20. Ask Questions 21. Ask Questions 22. Ask Questions 23. Fill in the Blank 24. Dont ForgetYour Raving Fans 25. Use Action Words toEncourage Engagement 26. Community FB Group 27. Facebook:Your Blogs Best Friend Add the Like button to your website to linkyour Facebook Business Page to your site: Integrate your page withyour website: links to blogposts, website pages, etc. 28. Drive Traffic Drive traffic from your Facebook Page toyour website blog with links to posts andinformation Drive traffic from your website/blog toFacebook with the Like button Avoid sending them away from you asmuch as possible use the 80/20 Rule 29. Link Tips Give a teaser, aquote from thepost/article something toencourage thereader to click Dont just post thelink & expect it toget traffic/traction 30. Optimize Your Facebook Profilefor Public Viewing 31. Potential Clients Will Find You On Facebook Give them something to see Let them get to know the public you Create trust, authenticity, and credibility Keep it to the 80/20 rule put somepersonal info out there (but still, onlythings you feel comfortable sharingpublicly) 32. What Does Your Profile PhotoSay About You? Does it look like you? (in other words, is itcurrent?) Is it professional? Or at the least, notUNprofessional? Is it friendly? accessible? relatable? Does it appeal to your target audience? Is it a photo that youre okay with havingseen publicly? 33. How Personal is Your Profile? Not everything you post needs to be private; what can potential clients learn from your public Facebook posts?Image courtesy of jannoon028 at 34. You Can Go PublicWithout Giving Up Your PrivacyUse the options Facebook gives you tocreate a Public Profile within your personalprofile 35. You Can Go PublicWithout Giving Up Your Privacy You can also goback and editpast posts tooptimize yourprofile trygoing back 1month or so. 36. How I Go PublicPublicKept Private (Friends Only) Recipes Photos of family, Photos of food, vacations, personalAtlanta places, occasions, etc.things to do Check-ins (most) Funny (butappropriate) Anything else I would Links to my blognot be comfortableposts with a stranger Things that brand knowingme, i.e., bacon 37. Social ObjectsWhat do people think ofwhen they think of you? 38. Harvesting Facebookfor Hidden Gems 39. Information at Your Fingertips 40. Letting Facebook Do the Work For YouMake a Facebook list that includes all ofyour past & current clients; then peruse for: Find birthdays and anniversaries Learn hobbies, interests, books, movies,music Use what you see on Facebook + whatyou already know about them Share articles, books, points of interest Result: excuses/reasons to get in touch From Raziel Ungar ~ Burlingame, CA 41. Birthdays, AnniversariesAnd So Much More 42. Harvesting Facebook forClient InformationFacebook gathers usefulinfo for you!Timeline-style page(above); old page style(right) 43. Prospect Searches 44. New Prospects? Check Em Out! Search by name and/or email address View as much of your prospects profileas they have made public Send a message via Facebook 45. When a New Prospect Comes In Search for and view profile Learn what you can about Send a message via Facebookintroducing yourself If you usually email a prospect (i.e., an Internet lead), why not also send a brief message on Facebook? Encourage them to view your profile (notnecessarily friend you) theyll see yourpublic posts! 46. Facebook Graph Search Waitlist for Graph Search: 47. Finding Your Facebook Niche 48. Dont Want a Business Page?Find Your Facebook Niche 49. Finding Your Facebook NicheBobbi Howes Saturday Morning Runners 50. Where Do You Fit In OnFacebook? If you enjoy it, youll stick with it. Is there a void to be filled? Create a group around: a hobby an interest a cause a charityImage courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti at 51. Blogging 52. Benefits of BloggingPhoto credit: Buy Fresh, Buy Local (lomo) by stevegarfield on 53. Benefits of Blogging 54. Benefits of BloggingPhoto credit: Bullhorn by carolbrowne on 55. What Should I Blog? 56. Local Market StatsPhoto credit: Central Scottdale *sic+ Real Estate Market by athomeinscottsdale on 57. Local Dining 58. Local News 59. Local Events & Things To Do 60. Buyer and Seller Tips 61. DIY Home Tips 62. Photos and Videos 63. YOU!Photo credit: Who Are You? by adewale_oshineye on 64. Getting the Word Out:Using Your Social Media Channels to Drive Web Traffic 65. Pushing Out Your Blog Content via Facebook 66. Facebook:Your Blogs Best Friend Add the Like button to your website to linkyour Facebook Business Page to your site: Integrate your page withyour website: links to blogposts, website pages, etc. 67. Pushing Out Your Blog Content via Twitter 68. Pushing Out Your Blog Content via YouTube 69. Pushing Out Your Blog Content via LinkedIn 70. Pushing Out Your Blog Content via Flickr 71. Getting Face-to-Face 72. Google and YouTubeNovember 2006 Googlebuys YouTubeOctober 2008 YouTube reported as #2 search engine, surpassing Yahoo! 73. Where Should Your Videos Be? 74. Video: Face-to-Face Redefined How are youalready usingvideo? Where can you use video? How can you make it personal?Image courtesy of Ambro at 75. Consumers and Video Increase length of time theyre onyour site Increase your likelihood of beingfound Build trust and credibility Help potential clients feel like theyknow you 76. Video AppsiMovieSocialCam Videolicious Tout Animoto 77. Video ToolsGorilla Tripod iStabilizer to attachyour smartphone to atripod, monopod, etc.iStabilizer 78. Photo 79. Video TipPeople love videos on YouTube, on blogs, onFacebook heres a quick tip: Upload your videos to YouTube Embed your videos into blog posts on yourwebsite Post the link to that post (with a teaser, aline or two to make people want to clickthrough) to your profile or business page Send your friends/readers/fans to the linkon your blog/website instead of toYouTube 80. Video on the Go Video previews FaceTime / MiFi Video during showings Video for listings beyond the virtualtour Neighborhood videos Closing video Photo slideshow scared of video? 81. The Birthday Video 82. The Personal Contract-to-ClosingFacebook Group Secret Facebook group for you and yourclient Post video messages and remindersevery step of the way Better than a phone call because theycan replay Great with more than one person in thetransaction they each get the samemessage 83. The Personal Contract-to-ClosingFacebook Group 84. Avoiding the Facebook Faux Pas 85. Your Facebook Profile is Not Meant To Be For BusinessBut dont take my word for itask Zuck:You will not post unauthorized commericalcommunication (such as spam) on FacebookYou will not use your personal timeline for your owncommercial gain.Facebook Terms of Use: Pages 86. How To Talk BusinessOn Your Facebook ProfileThink 80/20Social is the name of the game When in doubt, leave business outOkay: Not Okay Links to your blog posts Posting your listings & Check-ins at your officeopen housesor at a closing Are you thinking of Congratulating a client buying a home postsif theyre okay with it Anything that evenslightly resembles spam 87. Using Online To Get Offline 88. Where Do You SpendYour Time? 89. Tweet-UpsWhat is a tweet-up? A way for you to promote yourbusiness and another local business= WIN/WIN 90. Tweet-Ups Traditionally advertised via twitter andguest list is random(i.e., whoever seesit!) New twist = invite select groups of yourclients/local sphere Have a hook to get people there Inviting the social media-savvy willmake the host happy 91. Tweet-Ups Partner with a local business forlocation and to share cost Be picky about your invite list donthave to invite entire client list Be brave put the word out on your FBbiz page/Twitter and attract potentialclients/contacts 92. 93. MeetUp.comFrom Brian Copeland ~ Nashville, TN Join Search for MeetUps that interest youOR search for a void in those areas Join a MeetUp or start a new one Based on geography and interest 94. Brians group! 95. As an aside Theres a void to be filled in Honolulu! 96. Flash Client PartiesFrom Chris Rix ~ Hot Springs, AR Text, email, Facebook a select group(100-ish) 1-2 days before event Guest list-exclusive Those people generate buzz & othersask to be on the list Always plan for more, but if theyreasking to get in, theyre prospects 97. Google+ 98. Are You on G+ Yet? The new kid whos using? Google owns #1 and #2 searchengine Google + YouTube Public posts are indexed (unlike onFacebook) SEO Gold! Hangouts! 99. Google+ Public Posts Make your posts public 100. Pulling It All Together: Hootsuite 101. Hootsuite Manage Facebook, Twitter, G+, Foursquare,LinkedIn, Wordpress, MySpace all from onedashboard Schedule tweets & updates Save time 102. Hootsuite 103. Bonus: SEO Tip 104. Super-Secret Photo-Naming Trick via Ira Serkes, Berkeley, CAName your photo withthe address of theproperty,neighborhoodname, etc.: 4215-river-shoals-court-duluth-ga-30097-river-mill-homes-for-sale-maura-neill-realtor 105. Iras 106. Iras 107. Find This Presentation Online 108. Connect: