prof policy financial bitinswot

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Post on 22-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot




    A fast-growing family of brands that ar ladrs in thir rs!"ti# "atgoris$ Now

    %nown globally& S!lash "ontin's to ma% a di(rn" in mor li#s$

    Com!any Pro)l

    S!lash Cor!oration is a !'bli"ly listd *ili!ino "om!any with b'sinss intrsts in

    !rsonal "ar and food man'fa"t'ring& mar%ting& and distrib'tion in th Phili!!ins

    and in th intrnational mar%t$ *o'ndd in +,.& S!lash was abl to grow from a

    Ph!+/&000 ba"%yard b'sinss into a Ph!1$. billion ntr!ris thro'gh th #ision&

    inno#ation and "ommitmnt of its fo'ndrs Dr$ Rolando 2$ Hortal3a and Dr$

    Rosalinda A$ Hortal3a$

    2ing "onsistntly among th to! "or!orations in th Phili!!ins sin" +,,& th

    Com!any has stablishd its r!'tation as on of th formidabl !layrs in th

    Phili!!in !rsonal "ar ind'stry$

    As of D"mbr /0+1& S!lash Cor!oration& ran%s )fth in th !rsonal "ar ind'stry&

    o'tran%d only by giant m'ltinationals& ma%ing S!lash Cor!oration th n'mbr +

    Phili!!in-basd !rsonal "ar "om!any$

    S!lash is a mar%t ladr in thr !rsonal "ar "atgoris45foliants& s%in

    whitning lotion and hair "oloring basd on D"mbr /0+1 r!ort of AC Nilsn$

    S%in6hit is th n'mbr + whitning lotion with /7 !r"nt shar by #al' and /0

    !r"nt by #ol'm$ 8a5i-!l 95foliant Sol'tion has :, !r"nt shar by #ol'm

    and ;olo'rs is th n'mbr + hair dy !rod'"t with 1+ !r"nt shar by #ol'm and

    /. !r"nt by #al'$

    In /0++& th S!lash

  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot


    Th S6OT analysis is an 5trmly 'sf'l tool for 'ndrstanding and d"ision-ma%ing for all sorts of sit'ations in b'sinss and organi3ations$ S6OT is an a"ronym

    for Strngths& 6a%nsss& O!!ort'nitis& Thrats$ S6OT analysis is !rf"t for

    b'sinss !lanning& stratgi" !lanning& "om!titor #al'ation& mar%ting& b'sinss

    and !rod'"t d#lo!mnt and rsar"h r!orts$ Th S6OT analysis nabls

    "om!anis to idntify th !ositi# and ngati# in>'n"ing fa"tors insid and

    o'tsid of a "om!any or organi3ation$



    -barriers of market entry

    -skilled workforce

    -high growth rate

    -domestic market


    -tax structure


    -future profitability

    -high loan rates are possible

    -future competition


    -small business units

    -investments in research and development


    -growing economy

    -global markets

    -new products and services


    -price changes


    A$ Ind'stry D)nition and O#r#iwsa!ort Cargo Handling ind'stry "o#rs stablishmnts !rimarily ngagd in

    a"ti#itis dir"tly rlatd to marin "argo handling from th tim "argo& for or from a

    #ssl& arri#s at shi!sid& do"%& !ir& trminal& staging ara& or in-transit ara 'ntil

    "argo loading or 'nloading o!rations ar "om!ltd$ In"l'dd in this ind'stry ar

    stablishmnts !rimarily ngagd in th transfr of "argo btwn shi!s and bargs&

    tr'"%s& trains& !i!lins& and wharfs$ Cargo-handling o!rations "arrid on by

    trans!ortation "om!anis and s!aratly r!ortd ar "lassi)d hr$ This ind'stry

  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot


    in"l'ds th o!ration and maintnan" of !irs& do"%s& and asso"iatd b'ildings and

    fa"ilitis& b't lssors of s'"h fa"ilitis ar "lassi)d in SIC .+/B O!rators of

    Nonrsidntial 2'ildings$8anila North Harbo'r Port In"$ E8NHPIF is on of th lading Sa!ort Cargo Handling

    Com!anis s!"i)"ally in Containrs& 2ra%b'l% and 2'l% Cargo in 8tro 8anila$

    Th rl#an" of sa!orts in th G"int wor%ing of an "onomy "annot b

    'ndrstatd sin" all goods and !assngrs trans!ortd by sa r='ir th 's of& at

    last& two !orts$ In th maority of "o'ntris& most intrnational trad E5!ortim!ortF&

    and in som "ass also larg shars of domsti" trad& is don thro'gh maritim

    trans!ort$ *or long-ha'l shi!mnts& thr ar no altrnati# trans!ort mods to shi!s&

    with th 5"!tion of high #al' and small #ol'm "argos& for whi"h air trans!ort

    o(rs s!d as its ad#antag$

    2$ Ind'stry Analysis

    Companys Policies


    Th Com!any 5!"ts #ryon in th organi3ation& from th ordinary ran% and )l'! to th 8mbrs of th 2oard of Dir"tors& in th !rforman" of thir d'tis& tob ob"ti#& fair and to a"t for and in th bst intrsts of th Com!any$ Pri#atand !rsonal intrsts sho'ld n#r intrfr with onJs d'tis& and onJs !ositionsho'ld n#r b 'sd as l#rag for !rsonal or )nan"ial gain or ad#an"mnt$Any sit'ation whi"h may "onstrain or oblig on to fa#or or gi# a "o-m!loy

  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot


    or b'sinss !artnr whom on may ha# had or has a !rsonal& "ommr"ial&familial or othr signi)"ant rlationshi! an 'nfair ad#antag sho'ld b a#oidd$

    Th following and analogo's a"ts ar !rohibitdB

    Slf-daling and CronyismA""!ting gifts& bn)ts andor fa#ors from b'sinss !artnrsIn>'n" !ddlingUna'thori3d 's of "on)dntial informationO'tsid m!loymnt or moonlighting that "om!romis or intrfr with onJs"ommitmnt and d'tis to th organi3ationUsing Com!any tim and !ro!rty for !rsonal ad#antagad#an"mntN!otism

    To liminat or rd'" Con>i"t of Intrst Sit'ations& #ry m!loy& oG"r anddir"tor is r='ird to dis"los any !otntial "on>i"t of intrst Ein"l'ding b't notlimitd to holdings& "onn"tions andor asso"iation with any o'tsid b'sinss

    ntitis and organi3ationsF& and is !rohibitd from r"i#ing or a""!ting gifts orfa#ors from b'sinss !artnrs$ S'!!lir s!onsord trainings"onfrn"s ars'b"t to th a!!ro#al of th 95"'ti# OG"$ Th H'man Rso'r"s andAdministration Di#ision EHRADF of th Com!any is mandatd to !ro#id am"hanism by whi"h m!loys "an d"lar or dis"los thir !otntial "on>i"t ofintrst$


    To ns'r th Com!anyJs adhrn" to a!!li"abl s"'ritis laws and rg'lations onInsidr Trading& and that Com!anyJs in#stors ar gi#n ='al o!!ort'nity& thCom!anyJs dir"tors and oG"rs ar r='ird to r!ort thir bn)"ial ownrshi! of

    th Com!anyJs shars to th S"'ritis and 95"hang Commission and thPhili!!in Sto"% 95"hang within two E/F to trading days from thir a!!ointmnt orl"tion$ In "as of "hangs in thir bn)"ial ownrshi!& s'"h "hangs sho'ld br!ortd within two E/F trading days from th dat of th a"='isition& dis!osal& or"hang in thir sharholdings$

    Co!is of th r!orts )ld with th S"'ritis and 95"hang Commission sho'ld bs'bmittd to th Com!anyJs Com!lian" OG"r andor Cor!orat S"rtary withinth sam !riod$

    *or !'r!oss of r!ortorial r='irmnts& a dir"torJs or oG"rJs bn)"ialownrshi! shall in"l'd not only shars dir"tly ownd by said dir"tor or oG"r&

    b't also sharsBEiF hld by mmbrs of his immdiat family sharing th sam ho'sholdKEiiF hld by a !artnrshi! in whi"h h is a gnral !artnrKEiiiF hld by a "or!oration of whi"h h is th "ontrolling sharholdrKEi#F s'b"t to any "ontra"t& arrangmnt or 'ndrstanding whi"h gi#s him #oting!owr or in#stmnt !owr with rs!"t to s'"h shars$

  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot


    All dir"tors& oG"rs& m!loys and agnts Ein"l'ding "ons'ltants& third !arty"ontra"torF of th Com!any in !ossssion of matrial non !'bli" information andthir immdiat family ar !rohibitd fromBEiF Daling in Com!any shars from th tim th dir"tor& oG"r& m!loy oragnt a"='ird s'"h matrial non !'bli" information and 'ntil two trading daysaftr th matrial non !'bli" information is dis"losd to th !'bli"K

    EiiF Dis"losing or !assing s'"h matrial non !'bli" information to any !rson& 5"!tif dis"los'r is mad to EiF a !rson who is d'ty bo'nd to maintain tr'st and"on)dn" to th Com!any Ei$$ a'ditors& in#stmnt ban%rs& lgal "o'nsls& and)nan"ial ad#isrsF and EiiF a !rson who agrs in writing to maintain th matrialinformation in th stri"tst "on)dn" and not 's th information to trad in thCom!anyJs shars or for matrial bn)tKEiiiF Daling with th Com!anyJs shars d'ring bla"%o't !riods im!osd by thCom!lian" OG"r$

    Th !rohibition shall a!!ly #n aftr th dir"tor& oG"r& m!loy and agnt has"asd to b m!loyd or "onn"td with th "om!any so long as th informationha# not yt bn mad !'bli"$


    Ens!"in# employees con$in!es #"o%$

    Th Com!any bli#s and is "ommittd to th "ontin'o's growth of itsm!loys$

  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot


    It is th intntion of th Com!any to !ro#id a saf wor%ing n#ironmnt forits m!loys$ 9#ry m!loy is 5!"td to %now& follow& and nfor" thsafty standards& and !arti"i!at in th safty !rograms st by thCom!any$ iolation of saftysanitary ho's%!ing r'ls Es'"h as C

  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot


    ++th A#n' "ornr /th St$


  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot


    S"ond @'artr /$0+ /$00

    NoTrad Third @'artr

    *o'rth @'artr +$. +$.


    Th n'mbr of sharholdrs of r"ord as of D"mbr 1+& /0+7 was 0$Common shars o'tstanding wr /:&..&+ shars$

    Total !'bli" ownrshi! shars as of D"mbr 1+& /0+7 was 10$.7Q

    Recent Sales of Unregistered or Exempt Securities, including RecentIssuance of Securities Constituting an Exempt Transaction

    Thr wr no s"'ritis sold by th Parnt Com!any within th !ast thrE1F yars$

    ana#emen$s Disc!ssion an+ Analysis o' Financial Con+i$ion an+Res!l$s o' Ope"a$ions

    Th following analysis sho'ld b rad in "on'n"tion with th "onsolidatd)nan"ial statmntsB

    Res!l$s o' ope"a$ions

    In millions of Pesos

    /0+7 /0+1 /0+/

    Nt sals 1&7: 1&1: 1..:

    Cost of goods sold and


    E+&..F E+&7.F E+&.10F

  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot


  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot



    Total Liabilitis +&:1




    9='ity /&.,



    Total Liabilitis and





    C'rrnt Assts

    C'rrnt assts d"lind by ,Q mainly d' from th d"ras in "ash and"ash ='i#alnts& r"i#abls and in#ntoris Q& +1Q and /0Q&rs!"ti#ly$

    C'rrnt Liabilitis d"rasd by +0: million or by Q largly "oming fromth d"ras in a""o'nts !ayabls& and a""r'd 5!nss& and short trmba"% loans by ,Q and +/Q& rs!"ti#ly$

    Financial Ratios

    /0+7 /0+1 /0+/

    C'rrnt ratio /$+: /$+, /$70

    Dbt to 9='ity


    0$: 0$:: 0$+

    Asst to 9='ity


    +$: +$:: +$+

    Rt'rn on Sals 0$11Q /$+Q /$.,Q

    Rt'rn on 9='ity 0$7.Q /$:+Q 1$1Q

    Sol#n"y Ratio EF $7+Q +0$+:Q $:Q

    Dbt Sr#i"

    Co#rag Ratio


    1$7 /$10 +$7

  • 7/24/2019 Prof Policy Financial Bitinswot


    Intrst Rat

    Co#rag Ratio


    1$.7 1$ 7$:+

    C'rrnt ratio slightly d"rasd at /$+: from /$+, whil Dbt to 9='ity ratioalso d"rasd at 0$: from 0$::$ Dbt Sr#i" Co#rag ratio wnt '! at1$7 "om!ard to /0+1 ratio of /$10 whil Intrst Rat Co#rag ratiod"rasd at 1$.7 "om!ard to 1$ last yar$ Ths ratios ar wll withinth r='irmnt of th dbt "o#nants of o'r long trm dbt$ Rt'rn on Salsand Rt'rn on 9='ity showd d"lin "om!ard to /0+1 d' to th lowr ntin"om in /0+7$