product palcement in movies, tv shows, songs

Effectiveness of Product Placements in Movies, Songs and Television Shows: Classification, Role of Modality and Plot Connection Congruence Presented By: Vikram Kasbekar (P1021) Kinnar Majithia (P1026) Chintan Shah (P1051) Ankit Tripathi (P1058)

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  • 1. Effectiveness of Product Placements in Movies, Songs andTelevision Shows: Classification, Role of Modality and PlotConnection Congruence Presented By:Vikram Kasbekar (P1021) Kinnar Majithia (P1026)Chintan Shah (P1051) Ankit Tripathi (P1058)

2. Product Placement - Introduction What is it?Product Placement Embedded Marketing Early examples How does it work? Simply happens Arranged + product as compensation Arranged + financial compensation 3. Product Placement Strategies Implicit Product Placement Integrated Explicit Product Placement Non-Integrated Explicit Product Placement 4. Product Placement Types Corporate Placement Generic Placement Service Placement Idea Placement Historic Placement Negative Placement Innovation Placement 5. Product Placement in Movies For marketers, the availability of a captiveaudience with greater reach than traditionaladvertisements, and the advantage of showingbrands in their natural environment providemotivation for product placements Brand placements are frequently used inHollywood films and have subtly, of late enteredin to Indian films The 98:02 Pareto principle 6. Product Placement in Movies They score over traditional television advertising for two reasons Goodwill gains by associating with a popular program, purchase oflarge portion of commercial time within the programme Prevents communication interference from competition The earliest reference of a brand placement comes in the 1940classic Chalti Kaa naam Gadi with the brand Mobil Brake Fluid The movie Dilwale Dulhanyiyan Le Jayenge of the 1990s was asuccessful story of launching of Stroh beer in Indian market Yaadein was an example of over-pushing of brands like Coca Colaand Pass Pass mouth freshners 7. Product Placement in TV Shows Product placement is not quite as widespread in TVland as it is in the movies, but it is a rapidly growingindustry More commonly referred to as product integration inthis medium Competes with traditional form of TV advertising called30-second ad spot However, now there is a combination of both variantsthat are used to promote products 8. Product Placement in TV Shows Some examples of Product Placement: Vodafonein Bigg Boss 4, Axis Bank in KBC Scenario in UK with regards to Product Placement Situation in India 9. Product Placement in Songs One of the earliest examples of product placementwithin a song can be found in Take Me Out to the BallGame It had mention of Cracker Jack, U.S. brand of snackconsisting of strong molasses flavored candy-coatedpopcorn and peanuts, well known for being packagedwith a prize of nominal value inside In Bollywood, we had an instance of song from Taalwhich had product placement for Coca Cola in asong, Ishq Bina Ishq Bina from movie Taal 10. Other Product Placements Product Placements are not restricted totraditional means as mentioned above, they arealso found in some unconventional sources suchas Books and Video Games Books: The Bulgari Connection Video Games: Crazy Taxi Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza UbiSofts Surf Riders 11. Product Placement and Positioning Positioning is the act of designing companys offering and image tooccupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market Subtle product placement can be very effective in positioning aproduct Good Examples: Krrish, Dil Chahta Hai, Vivah If people find products in the settings of the movie, the productrecall are supposed to be higher. Retention is enhanced if the products are fitted to the genre of themovie. Example: New Zealand 12. Comparison of Product Placements inTV and Films TV brand integration is relatively cheaper than in-film placement of brands Television emerged as one of the largest medium of masscommunication hence offering wide reach & easy accessibility than films Target groups are in regular touch with television than films. Frequency ofwatching a soap > than the frequency of watching a film In serial brand placement also offers the benefit of flexibility In-serial promotion by Bollywood Hum Tum, a Yashraj production,promoted in Sony TVs Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahin. Lead star Saif Ali Khanscameo in one of the episodes 13. Paheli and Tanishq An IndianExample on Product Placement Movie Paheli, Brand Tanishq, Broad TG Women Objectives: To use the actors and director of the film to directly or indirectly to endorse the collection for the film To reinforce the Tanishq design strategy of going back in time for jewellery designs and create an aspirational quality around such collections To associate Tanishq with tradition, grandeur, celebration and festive occasions Paheli and Tanishq TVC Tanishq jewelry in the movie 14. Paheli and Tanishq An IndianExample on Product Placement Media Solution and Execution: Special Line of Tanishq jewellery using the look of the film Joint Promotion (sponsored TVC) of Tanishq and Paheli Point of Sales Promotions Events and Programs Analysis and Results Dipstick survey 13% increase in purchase intent, 10% increase infavorability of brand All created pieces were sold out, some designs part of Tanishqsregular repertoire Total avg. min revenue of Rs. 1.42 Cr. was generated (source:Company Officials from Tanishq) 15. Problem StatementUnderstanding the effectiveness of Product Placement in Movies,Songs and Television Shows and its influence in Brand Recalland Purchase Decision 16. Objectives To find out the frequency of viewing Movies, TV Shows andlistening to music among the audience To find out the awareness about product placement inmovies, songs and TV Shows among the respondents To determine whether awareness has influenced therespondents purchase behavior 17. Methodology Sample Size: 15 Sources of Information: Primary Data: Structured Questionnaire Secondary Data: Internet 18. Observations and FindingsFrequency of Watching a movie in a theatre MaleFemaleOnce a week Once a fortnight Once in a monthOnce in a fortnightOnce a monthOnce in 2/3 months 18% 9% 50% 50% 37%36% Total Once a week Once in a fortnightOnce a month Once every 2/3 months13% 7% 40% 40% 19. Observations and FindingsFrequency of Listening to a Song Male Female DailyOnce in 2 days DailyOnce in 2 days 0%18%82% 100% Total DailyOnce in 2 days 13% 87% 20. Observations and FindingsFrequency of watching TV ShowsMaleFemale Never DailyOnce a 2 days Once a week Never Once in a week 18%18% 50%50%27%37% TotalNever Daily Once every 2 days Once a week27% 26%20%27% 21. Observations and FindingsAre you aware of any brands associated with the following media? IfYes, Name a few.(E.g. Brand X associated with Movie A or Song B orTV Show C) Chart Title No Yes 0246 810 12 14 TV Shows Songs Movies 22. Observations and Findings Are you aware of any brands placed in the following media? If Yes, Name a few.(E.g. Brand X placed in Movie A or Song B or TV Show C)Chart TitleNoYes02 4 6 810 12 14TV Shows Songs Movies 23. Observations and FindingsRespondent Opinion on Brand Advertisement in various MediaOpinion0%Affects my views on 27%the brandActs as an irritant 0%73% Doesnt affect meOthers 24. Observations and Findings Unethical to influence audience through Brand Promotion in Movies, TV?0%13%7% Strongly Agree Agree Disagree80%Strongly Disagree 25. Observations and Findings Effectiveness of Celebrity as Purchase Decision inluencer Celebrity Influence40% Yes60% No 26. Observations and FindingsDo you think such kind of advertisements would help ingarnering more consumer attention and connect for the brand? 27% 53%YesNo 20%Cant Say 27. Findings 37% male & 50% female watch movies once a fortnight while 36% male & 50%female watch movies once in a month Nearly 90% respondents opined to listening to music daily while more than 50%respondents watched TV shows at least once a week Awareness of product association and placement in TV shows (40%) is higher thanin Movies (33%) and is the worst in case of Songs (15%) Nearly 30% respondents views about the brand were affected due to the productplacement technique of brand promotion, a number which would only increase infuture Only 2 respondents were of the view that such kind of promotion techniques wereunethical and should be discontinued Contrary to popularly held beliefs, celebrity endorsements were not an influencingpurchase criteria of a brand for the respondents with 60% respondents vouching forthe same, More than 50% respondents believe that such kind of promotion techniques hold agood stand for reaching out to prospective consumers for brands 28. Recommendations The increasing use of product placements in other media like books and computergames might also be studied, as can long-term memory of product placements Relevance of product to the situation needs to be created: this is possible byincorporating the placement planning at a script level The high failure rate of in India mean that managers are ill equipped topredetermine if audiences will convert negative attitudes about the movie / realityshow into negative attitude towards the brand As success of product placements is dependent on the success of the song, movie orTV show and consequently, its reach, it is not possible to evaluate placements froma sales-generation perspective This technique should be viewed in terms of building a better brand connect withthe audience than to achieve short term higher sales 29. Future Trends Digitization Convergence Product Linking Reverse Product Placements 30. Digitization Amendment in Cable TelevisionNetwork Regulation Act Analogue cable TV to becomeobsolete by 2014. DTH services, more bandwidthavailability. Access to internet andtelephone through the samedigital cable. 31. Convergence All in one DeviceTVDVRInternetApps Networked Devices Linking of stored contentby cloud computing 32. Product Linking What is Product Linking? Develop videos in which users canclick on hot spots to get productinformation. How it works?Custom captions built inside videoHot spots placed on objects insidevideo that link directly to correlatedweb pages. 33. Virtual to Real Life What is Reverse product Placements? Virtual World like Second Life and Online Avatars Advantages: Easy to test market Active Engagement Cost Effective 34. Appendix - QuestionnaireProduct Placement in Movies, Songs and Television Shows and its influence inBrand Recall and Purchase Decision1. Gendera) Male b) Female2. Do you watch the following media regularly?a) Moviesb) Songs c) TV Shows3. What is the frequency of watching a movie in a theatre?a) Once a week b) Once in a fortnight c) Once a month d) Others4. What is the frequency of listening to songs?a) Daily b) Once in 2 days c) Once a week d) Others5. What is the frequency of watching a TV show?a) Daily b) Once in 2 days c) Once a week d) Others6. Are you aware of any brands associated with the following media? If Yes, Name afew.(E.g. Brand X associated with Movie A or Song B or TV Show C)YesNoMoviesSongs TV Shows 35. Appendix - Questionnaire7. Are you aware of any brands placed in the following media? If Yes, Name a few.(E.g.Brand X placed in Movie A or Song B or TV Show C)Yes No Movies SongsTV Shows8. What is your opinion on such kind of brand advertisements?a) Affects my views on the brand b) Doesnt affect me c) Acts as an irritant d) Others9. Do you think it is unethical for media houses to attempt to influence the audience byincluding brand-name product in their shows?a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly Disagree10. You are in the supermarket, trying to choose a brand from a selection. Does the fact thatyou saw a celebrity on a Movie/Reality show using a specific brand make you choose andpurchase the famous brand?a) Yes b)No11. Do you think such kind of advertisements would help in garnering more consumerattention and connect for the brand?a) Yesb) No c) Cant Say 36. Thank You