probable cause affidavit i obts # j i juvenile f i ori# … · 2020. 3. 11. · probable cause...

PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT OBTS # I I Arrest Affidavit J Complaint Affidavit I I I Juvenile F 2 Notice to Appear 4. Request for Capias 5 Teen Court Referral ORI# FL037275C I Florida Department of Corrections - I Report # 120-04708 Office of Insoector General Location of Offense I Date of Offense I Date of Arrest Mayo Correctional Institution Annex 8784 W US 27 Lafayette Florida 32066 Between February - March 03/09/2020 2020 Name: Jessica Fernandez j Ali as: Race : I Sex I DOB or Age I Height I Weight I Eye Color I Hair Color I Complexion Build W- White 1 - Indian American : W F 509 310 G REEN BROWN LIGHT MED B - Black 0 - Oriental Asian . Address (Street, Apt, Number) (City) (State) Phone LKA : O I Parent Name of Parent or Custodian (Last, First, Middle) Residence Phone 0 2 Legal Custodian ( ) 0 3 Other Address (Street, Apt, Number) (City) (State) Business Phone ( l . Notified By: (Name) I Date Time I Juvenile Disposi tion 2 Turned over to DOH/C&F I Handled I Processed 3 Incarcerated (County Jail ' within Deot and Released Released to: (Name) Relationship I Date Time Activity: S Sell R. Smuggle K Dispense I M Manufacture I Z Other Type B Barbiturate H Hallucinogen P Paraphernalia I U Unknown N NIA B Buy D Deliver Dis1ribu te Produce I N. N/A C. Cocaine M Marijuana Equipment Z Other P Posses T Traflic E. Use Cuhivate A Amphetamine E Heroine 0. Opium I Deriv S Synthetic Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violation of Secti on (ORD) Co nspiracy to Introduce Contraba nd l D Ord 777.04(3) & 944.47(l)(a) Activity j DrugJype I Amount I Unit State Attorney Number I Court Number N 181 PC 181 Capias D AC DBW D PW D luv PU O Citation Date Issued I : rill. Att. D Domes1ic Viol lnj O Order of Arrest # Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violati on of Section (ORD) Money La und er in l? 10 O Ord 896.101 (3llb)(2)(a) Activity I Drug Type l Amount I Unit State Attorney Number I Cou rt Number N N 181 PC D Capias DAC D BW O PW D Juv PU O Citation Date Issued I : rill All. D Domestic Viol lnj D Order of Arrest # Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violat ion of Section (ORD) U nlawfu l Co mo e nsation 10 D Ord 838.016(1) Activity j DrugJype l Amount I Unit State Attorney Number I Court Number N 181 PC D Ca pias 0 AC D BW DPW D Juv PU O Citation Date Issued I : rill. All . O Domes1ic Vio l l nj O Order of Arrest # Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violation of Secti on (ORD) Int roducti on of Co ntraband into a Secure 2 OOrd 944.47 (l){a)l Fac ility (electronic transmissions) Activity I Drug;ype j Amount I Unit State Attorney Number I Cou rt Number N -20 Grams 181 PC D Capias 0 AC D BW DPW D Juv PU D Citation Date Issued I :rill. Att. O Domestic Viol lnj O Order of Arrest # Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violation of Section (ORD) Sexual Misconduct 2 O Ord 944.35(3 )( a )(2) Activity I Drug Type l Amount I Uni t State Attorney Number I Court Number N No 181 PC O Capias OAC D BW OPW O Juv PU O Citation Date Issued lt itt. Att. O Domestic Viol lnj O Order of Arrest # Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violati on Number: Violation of Section (ORD) U nlawful Use of Two- Way Co mmun ica tion 2 O Ord 934.215 Device Activity j Drug Type I Amount I Unit State Attorney Number I Court Number N No 181 PC O Capias D AC DBW O PW O Juv PU O Citation Date Issued I : ri tt. All. D Domestic Viol lnj O Order of Arrest # The Undersigned Cenifies and swears 1ha1 he/she ha s jus1 and reasonable grounds to believe, and does believe that the above named Defendam committed the following Violation of the law On the 9 dav of March 201 9 at 0945 181 AM. D PM ISnecialh include facts constitutin• cause for mesi\ Your Affiant is Inspector Brad Johnson with the Office of Inspector General for the Florida Department of Corrections, and the defendant is Correctional Officer Jessica Fernandez (Officer Fernandez) who is currently employed at Mayo Correctional Institution Annex (MCI-A). Your affiant has investigated circumstances

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Page 1: PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT I OBTS # J I Juvenile F I ORI# … · 2020. 3. 11. · PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT OBTS # I I Arrest Affidavit J Complaint Affidavit I I I Juvenile F 2 Notice



I Arrest Affidavit J Complaint Affidavit

I I I Juvenile F 2 Notice to Appear 4. Request for Capias

5 Teen Court Referral

ORI# FL037275C I

Florida Department of Corrections - I Report # 120-04708 Office of Insoector General

Location of Offense I Date of Offense I Date of Arrest Mayo Correctional Institution Annex 8784 W US 27 Lafayette Florida 32066 Between February - March 03/09/2020


Name: Jessica Fernandez j Alias:

Race : I Sex I DOB or Age

I Height

I Weight I Eye Color I Hair Color

I Complexion Build

W- White 1 - Indian American : W F 509 310 GREEN BROWN LIGHT MED B - Black 0 - Oriental Asian . Address (Street, Apt, Number) (City) (State) Phone


O I Parent Name of Parent or Custodian (Last, First, Middle) Residence Phone 0 2 Legal Custodian ( ) 0 3 Other Address (Street, Apt, Number) (City) (State) Business Phone

( l .

Notified By: (Name) I Date Time

I Juvenile Disposition 2 Turned over to DOH/C&F I Handled I Processed 3 Incarcerated (County Jail

' within Deot and Released

Released to: (Name) Relationship I Date Time

Activity: S Sell R. Smuggle K Dispense I M Manufacture I Z Other Type B Barbiturate H Hallucinogen P Paraphernalia I U Unknown

N NIA B Buy D Deliver Dis1ribute Produce I N. N/A C. Cocaine M Marijuana Equipment Z Other

P Posses T Traflic E. Use Cuhivate A Amphetamine E Heroine 0 . Opium I Deriv S Synthetic

Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violation of Section (ORD)

Conspiracy to Introduce Contraband l D Ord 777.04(3) & 944.47(l)(a)

Activity j DrugJype I Amount I Unit State Attorney Number I Court Number

N 181 PC 181 Capias D AC DBW D PW D luv PU O Citation Date Issued I : rill. Att.

D Domes1ic Viol lnj O Order of Arrest


Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violation of Section (ORD)

Money Launderinl? 10 O Ord 896.101 (3llb)(2)(a)

Activity I Drug Type l Amount I Unit State Attorney Number I

Court Number

N N 181 PC D Capias DAC D BW O PW D Juv PU O Citation Date Issued I : rill All. D Domestic Viol lnj D Order of Arrest


Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violation of Section (ORD)

Unlawfu l Comoensation 10 D Ord 838.016(1)

Activity j DrugJype l Amount I Unit State Attorney Number I Court Number

N 181 PC D Capias 0 AC D BW DPW D Juv PU O Citation Date Issued I : rill. All . O Domes1ic Viol lnj O Order of Arrest


Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violation of Section (ORD)

Introduction of Contraband into a Secure 2 OOrd 944.47 (l){a)l

Facility (electronic transmissions) Activity I Drug;ype j Amount I Unit State Attorney Number

I Court Number

N -20 Grams 181 PC D Capias 0 AC D BW DPW D Juv PU D Citation Date Issued I :rill. Att.

O Domestic Viol lnj O Order of Arrest


Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violation of Section (ORD)

Sexual Misconduct 2 O Ord 944.35(3 )( a )(2)

Activity I Drug Type l Amount I Unit State Attorney Number I

Court Number

N No 181 PC O Capias OAC D BW OPW O Juv PU O Citation Date Issued ltitt. Att. O Domestic Viol lnj O Order of Arrest


Charge Description Counts 181 F S State Violation Number: Violation of Section (ORD)

Unlawful Use of Two-Way Commun ication 2 O Ord 934.215

Device Activity j Drug Type I Amount I Unit State Attorney Number

I Court Number

N No 181 PC O Capias D AC DBW O PW O Juv PU O Citation Date Issued I : ritt. All.

D Domestic Viol lnj O Order of Arrest


The Undersigned Cenifies and swears 1ha1 he/she has jus1 and reasonable grounds to believe, and does believe that the above named Defendam committed the following Violation of the law On the 9 dav of March 201 9 at 0945 181AM. D PM ISnecialh include facts constitutin• cause for mesi\

Your Affiant is Inspector Brad Johnson with the Office of Inspector General for the Florida Department of Corrections, and the defendant is Correctional Officer Jessica Fernandez (Officer Fernandez) who is currently employed at Mayo Correctional Institution Annex (MCI-A). Your affiant has investigated circumstances

Page 2: PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT I OBTS # J I Juvenile F I ORI# … · 2020. 3. 11. · PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT OBTS # I I Arrest Affidavit J Complaint Affidavit I I I Juvenile F 2 Notice

involving the Introduction of Contraband and Unlawful Compensation while Officer Fernandez was employed at Mayo Correctional Institutional Annex (MCI-A).

On March 7, 2020, Inmate DC# (Inmate (a.k.a. indicated to Sergeant Howard Revels ( Sergeant Revels) that Officer Fernandez brought him cigarettes. Upon Sergeant Revels confronting Officer Fernandez, she admitted to him that she did bring in cigarettes and produced two clear zip lock bags containing approximately 60 cigarillos from her bra and provided them to Sergeant Revels.

Officer Fernandez was interviewed post Miranda

All supporting documents and interviews referred to in this affidavit will be available for judicial review and will be further explained in your affiant's report of investigation.

Your affiant affirms these facts establish Correctional Officer Jessica Fernandez has violated the laws relating to Introduction of Contraband 944.47(1)(a) F.S., Unlawful Compensation 838.16(1) F.S., Money Laundering 896.101 (3)(b)(2)(a) F.S., Sexual Misconduct 944.35(3)(a)(2 F.S., and Unlawful use of a two way Communication Device 934.215 F.S., in Lafayette County Florida.

PC. Exists for Charge(s) Judge' s Signature Date

O Miran_da I Hold for Agency Verified By Date· Bond Charge # Bond Charge # Bond Charge# Warnina. Name · Adults Only Bond Type

I ~ Surely I 5 Cert Type Type Type Hold for First Appearance I ROR Bail/ 6 01her

O Do no t Bond Out R .. son. 2 Cash Bond I swear/Anirm 1he above and attached slatements are true Sworn 10 And subscribed before me, Returnable Coun Date Returnable Coun Time DAM and co~ the undersigned authority this D PM

9 dav of March 2020

('2 /_ Name/Tit le of Person Authorized to Release Date Release Time I DAM Administer Oath D PM Ofl~ r 's I Complainan1' s Signature

U'~ Brad Johnson #115136/04

Releasing OITicer

I Name (Primed) ID# / DiSI .. Page

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