print screen for meida

 Here is a print screen of the opening credits which inspired us to do our opening titles in our thriller opening. The way how the titles come up are shaky, small and not clear which tells us that the rest of the film may not be pleasant.  Seven titles are similar to ours as the way our opening titles enter are shaky and not clear, you can see this from frame 9 in o ur titles.  This is a shot from the opening titles of a stranger calls, in this shot it establishes the plot of where the rest of the opening will be. This shot is telling us the narrative of the film as we can see that they are at a funfair due to the fact of the ferry wheel. This shot links to our opening titles as we have a medium shot of the girl in the bed which shows that the story will be based in the bedroom.

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Page 1: Print Screen for Meida

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Here is a print screen of the opening credits which inspired us to do our opening titles in our thriller

opening. The way how the titles come up are shaky, small and not clear which tells us that the rest of 

the film may not be pleasant.  Seven titles are similar to ours as the way our opening titles enter are

shaky and not clear, you can see this from frame 9 in our titles.


This is a shot from the opening titles of a stranger calls, in this shot it establishes the plot of where the

rest of the opening will be. This shot is telling us the narrative of the film as we can see that they are at a

funfair due to the fact of the ferry wheel. This shot links to our opening titles as we have a medium shot

of the girl in the bed which shows that the story will be based in the bedroom.

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Here is another opening titles from Se7en, in the opening titles of Se7en mainly low key lighting has

been used which sets the mood and genre of the rest of the film. By low key lighting being used it gives

the audience that the scenes will not dark and scary due to the darkness being used.











This shot is from Dexters and shows the films titles, by Dexter using bold writing and blood writing it

lets the audience know that the rest of the film could to be do with killing. This title inspired us as it isbig and captures the audience attention due to the way the title enters and is presented.


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From Dexter, a close up shot has been used to introduce us to one of the main characters. In our thriller

opening we also used a close up of the stalker as it shows the audience the importance of the characterwhich is being introduced. From this screen shot, you can tell that this character may be playing the bad

guy due to the face expressions on his face as he is not smiling, this is the same as when we introduce

our bad character.



The film Ring introduces its two main characters together during one of the scenes in the opening titles

as it tells the audience that the film will be based on these two characters. In our opening titles, we have

introduced our two characters together in one of the shots as it lets the audience know that the rest of 

the story will be based on these two characters.


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This image is from Dexters opening scene shows a knife which looks like it is cutting flesh. This sets the

audience up for the genre of a thriller as knifes are associated with killing and a bad imagery so as this isin the opening scene we associate it with badness. The main prop which we used in our thriller opening

was a phone to show the unknown making a phone call.




Here is a printscreen from mimic, during this scene it has music which begins to become upbeat

which creates suspense and tension, this type of music has inspired our opening titles to do the same as

we want to attract the audience.  By Mimic having butterflies in its opening titles it shows continuity as

we see the butterflies in different shots of the opening titles.


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This here is an over the shoulder shot from Flash forward. The over the shoulder shot shows

what the character can see. We used over the shoulder shots as an inspirtation to make the stalker

more mysterious as we can not see the characters face who the woman is talking to but yet can see a

figure. As we are making our stalkers identity unknown, using over the shoulder shots of him watching

the girl makes it more interesting as we want to see what he looks like.