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  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515

    1/24 MAY 15-21, 2013 FREE

    Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Classified . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23Editorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    INSIDE THIS ISSUERehabilitate

    Funds being raised to renovateRobeson house. PAGE 2

    The Princeton PublicLibrary is making you an

    offer you cant refuse. Showa little respect. Come on bytonight at 7 and say hello toSteve Schirripa, famous forhis portrayal of BobbyBaccala Baccalieri in HBOsThe Sopranos, currentlystarring as a single dad of ateenage son on ABC FamilysThe Secret Life of theAmerican Teenager.

    In real life, Schirripa andhis wife, Laura, are parentsto two

    daugh-ters, andso he haswrittenBigDaddysRules:RaisingDaughtersis TougherThan I Look (Touchstone,2013), which brings humorand old-school advice to theparenting debate and

    encourages a return to com-mon-sense parenting.The Brooklyn native and

    stand-up comic has writtenseveral successful books,mostly from a humorousItalian-American point ofview. And a cookbook, ofcourse. Columnist/commen-tator Jeff Edelstein will mod-erate tonights book-signingevent. Admission is free.


    Daddys RulesBy KATIE MORGANThe Princeton Sun

    Princeton residents, police offi-cers and municipal officials didtheir part for the CommunityBlood Council of New Jerseysblood drive on May 8.

    The Community Blood Councilworked in conjunction with thepolice department to organize theevent, which took place on thecorner of Witherspoon and Nas-sau streets.

    This is the fourth time wevehad a Community Blood Councildrive here in town, Sgt. MikeCifelli said. Its a great event foreverybody involved. It helps usand it helps the Blood Council.

    The Blood Council organizessimilar drives all over the state.The nonprofit organization workswith businesses, schools and in-stitutions to plan blood drives onvarying scales.

    A lot of the area high schoolswork with us, Lori Burris, re-cruitment account manager forthe Blood Council, said. We want

    anyone who wants to donate tohave the opportunity. If a compa-ny wants to do a blood drive, theydont need a specific amount ofparticipants. They just have tocontact us.

    For Princetons blood drive, theBlood Council utilized a blood-mobile, a large bus that can com-fortably accommodate five donorsat a time.

    We always hope for a large

    turnout, especially in Princeton,Burris said. Were hoping thatparking the big bus right on thecorner of Witherspoon and Nas-sau will increase our visibility.Hopefully, people walking down-town will see the bus and decideto donate. We are accepting asmany walk-ins as possible.

    For each unit donated on May8, the Blood Council made a con-tribution to the New Jersey Hur-ricane Sandy Relief Fund. Thetotal number of units donatedwas not available at press time.

    We cant disclose how muchthe contribution is, Burris said.But its an extra incentive for

    people to donate, and its anotherway to help people in New Jer-sey.

    The majority of the blood thatis donated remains in New Jerseyafter it is processed. Most of theblood goes to area hospitals.

    Community gathers for blood drive

    KATIE MORGAN/The Princeton Sun

    Ptl. Mike Strobel prepares to donate blood at the Community Blood Council of New Jersey blood drive onMay 8.

    please see EACH, page 5

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    By KATIE MORGANThe Princeton Sun

    The Witherspoon Street Pres-byterian Church is running afundraising and awareness cam-paign to rehabilitate the historicPaul Robeson house.

    Robeson, a singer, actor andcivil rights activist, was born inPrinceton in 1898. His father, Rev-erend William Robeson, escaped

    from a plantation and became theminister of the WSPC in 1881.

    Robeson eventually became thethird African-American studentto attend Rutgers University,where he was a standout footballplayer and member of the gleeclub. He was posthumously hon-ored in Princeton for his achieve-ments and work in civil rights.Paul Robeson Place, a well-knownavenue that bisects the downtown

    district, is also home to the ArtsCouncil of Princetons Paul Robe-son Center for the Arts, a theatreand event hall.

    The WSPC recently regainedownership of the house on With-erspoon Street, and plans to com-plete an extensive renovation andadapt the home into a communitycenter.

    Robeson house will become atrue community resource center,

    the WSPC said in an information-al packet about the project. Itwill be devoted to issues aroundthe challenges to human rights,particularly regarding services tothe poor and the powerless in anaffluent community.

    The WSPC believes the com-munity resource center will be anenormous help to the surround-ing Witherspoon-Jackson neigh-borhood, which has experiencedan influx of immigrants, youngprofessionals and students.

    These demographic changes,in tandem with scarce resources,have exacerbated tensions andcreated new challenges, theWSPC said. The encroachmentof commercial interests hasmade it harder for long-term resi-dents, especially low-income fam-ilies, to continue to live in theneighborhood. WitherspoonChurch seeks to continue its roleas a catalyst for racial and ethnicreconciliation, mutual under-

    standing and collaboration in eco-nomic and social initiativesbrought on by these changes.

    Once the renovation is com-plete, space will be made avail-able for community groups, or-ganizations and institutions inPrinceton.

    The house will be a place forgroups to meet, learn and con-nect, the WSPC said. We envi-sion group meetings, discussiongroups, classes, community serv-ices, health screening and jobcounseling, as well as outreachand crisis support from local or-ganizations.

    The renovation plans includemeeting and office space, as wellas temporary housing.

    We are especially sensitive tothe needs of low-income African-American youngsters and immi-grants who often find it hard tonavigate the complexities of anaffluent community, the WSPCsaid. We seek to create hos-pitable spaces where visitingscholars, young families and newresidents can seek temporarylodging.

    Once the community center isup and running, the WSPC willpresent the inaugural Paul Robe-son Award, which will honor agroup, institution or individualwho has made strides in socialservices that benefit the commu-nity.

    The WSPC believes the estab-lishment of the community re-source center in the home wherePaul Robeson grew up is in keep-ing with the virtues he repre-sents.

    The house will be a welcom-ing space that affirms the histori-

    cal significance of Paul Robesonand his many accomplishments,the WSPC said. Especially hisgifts to the human rights move-ment, his role as a humanrights activist, and advocatethroughout the United States andabroad.

    2 THE PRINCETON SUN MAY 15-21, 2013

    Funds being raised for

    Robeson house renovation

    Send us your Princeton news

    Have a news tip? Want to send us a press release or photos? Shootan interesting video? Drop us an email at

    [email protected] . Fax us at 856-427-0934. Call the edi-tor at 609-751-0245.

    National Click it or Ticketcampaign begins May 20Law enforcement officers

    from the Princeton Police De-partment will be cracking downon unbuckled motorists andpassengers as part of the na-tional Click it or Ticket cam-paign.

    Beginning Monday, May 20,and running through June 2,the annual initiative includeshigh visibility law enforcementseat belt checkpoints and satu-ration patrols, as well as localand national publicity designedto ensure that drivers and pas-

    sengers recognize the life-sav-ing value of seat belts.

    Using a seat belt is the sim-plest way for a driver and his orher passengers to protect them-selves when traveling, saidGary Poedubicky, acting direc-tor of the New Jersey Divisionof Highway Traffic Safety. In2010 alone, seat belts saved anestimated 12,546 lives nation-

    wide.Last year, the front seat belt

    usage rate in New Jersey de-clined for the first time in 15years, to 88.29 percent. Poedu-bicky noted that the goal for thisyears campaign is to once againmove the usage rate above 90percent.

    Poedubicky added that thecampaign will focus on rear seatpassengers, as well.

    Despite laws requiring adultback seat passengers to buckleup, adult back seat belt use

    stands at only 36 percent.During the 2012 Click it or

    Ticket campaign, 425 policeagencies nationwide participat-ed in the two-week initiative.

    As a result of the effort, lawenforcement officersissued 29,307 seat belt citations,4,951 speeding summonsesand made 861 drunk driving ar-rests.

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    Located a short distance from Albany, NY, Stuyvesant Outdoor Adventures offers custom tailored packages andaccommodations for serious and casual hunters alike. All of our packages include a full hunting excursion, licensedguide, field dressing, as well as all meals and accommodations at our newly remodeled lodge - Stuyvesant Manor;the former estate of Hollywood Icon Sidney Poitier - which is also licensed as a bed and breakfast.

    Whether you're looking for a short getaway, a corporate retreat, a camping weekend or even a seminar with guestspeakers and instructors, Stuyvesant Outdoor Adventures is a perfect spot.



  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    4 THE PRINCETON SUN MAY 15-21, 2013

    Expires 5/31/13 Expires 5/31/13 Expires 5/31/13


    The Princeton SunLast year, 900,000 American

    families expressed interest inadopting a child from anothercountry. Because of immigrationlaws and difficult-to-navigateadoption systems, only 8,200 in-ternational adop-tions were ac-tually finalized.

    The averageinternationaladoption takes

    896 days andcosts more than$28,000, accordingto Both EndsBurning, a non-profit agency dedi-cated to reducingthe roadblocks to in-ternational adoption.

    Craig Juntunen ofScottsdale, Az., presi-dent and founder of

    Both Ends Burning, thinks some-thing needs to change.

    To spread the word about theissue, Juntunen produced an in-dependent film called STUCKand began entering film festivalsand touring the country.

    STUCK was screened at theMontgomery Cinema,outside Princeton, onMay 11. Local familiesshared their experi-ences with interna-tional adoption andspoke about the im-

    portance of makingthe issues familiesface a political pri-ority.

    Ive been help-ing with audiencerecruitment,said Jen Tang, ofPrinceton. Itsbeen great.

    STUCK film addressesinternational adoptions

    please see TOUR, page 21

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    Were the major providers forRobert Wood Johnson hospital,Burris said. Our blood staysmostly in Mercer County.

    Cifelli said Princeton chose towork with the Blood Council be-cause the blood stays local.

    One of the biggest reasons wehooked up with the Blood Councilis because everything stays in thearea, Cifelli said. This is mem-bers of the community helping

    each other. If someone in Prince-ton needs this blood, its there andits coming from the community.

    Each donor on May 8 received at-shirt, and was entered in a rafflefor a gift certificate to On theBone restaurant in Plainsboro.Burris said that once all the

    donors were recorded, a winnerwould be drawn and notified byphone. Burris said she was un-sure when another Blood Councildrive would be held in Princeton,but she said the Council is work-ing to encourage organizations tobook blood drives.

    We host blood drives almostevery day, Burris said. But theyreally slow down in the summer,so were looking for people tobook summer drives.

    More information about theCommunity Blood Council isavailable at

    MAY 15-21, 2013 THE PRINCETON SUN 5

    We Tweet!

    We Still Twitter!

    Each donor received t-shirtEACH

    Continued from page 1

    Library to hosthistory lecture

    on May 16The Princeton Battlefield Soci-

    ety, the Princeton Public Libraryand the National Trust for His-toric Preservation are sponsoringa lecture at the Princeton PublicLibrary titled More Revelationson the Battle of Princeton onThursday, May 16, from 7 to 9 the library Community Room.

    The lecture features historian

    Robert Selig and archaeologistWade Catts, authors of a majorstudy on the Battle of Princetonfinanced by the American Battle-field Protection Program, U.S. De-partment of the Interior, titledBattle of Princeton MappingProject: Report of Military Ter-rain Analysis and Battle Narra-tive, Princeton, New Jersey.

    The study developed a new in-terpretation of the sequence ofthe Battle of Princeton usingGIS/GPS to map the physical evi-

    dence in 130 original accounts.Selig and Catts will be discussingnot only the findings of thatstudy but revelations and ques-tions that still remain.

    Admission is free.

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    in our opinion

    6 THE PRINCETON SUN MAY 15-21, 2013

    1330 Route 206, Suite 211

    Skillman, NJ 08558


    The Sun is published weekly by ElauwitMedia LLC, 1330 Route 206, Suite 211,Skillman, NJ 08558. It is mailed weekly to

    select addresses in the 08042 and 08540 ZIPcodes.

    If you are not on the mailing list, six-monthsubscriptions are available for $39.99. PDFsof the publication are online, free of charge.For information, please call 609-751-0245.

    To submit a news release, please [email protected]. For advertis-ing information, call (609) 751-0245 oremail [email protected] Sun welcomes comments from readers

    including any information about errors thatmay call for a correction to be printed.

    SPEAK UPThe Sun welcomes letters from readers.Brief and to the point is best, so we look forletters that are 300 words or fewer. Includeyour name, address and phone number. Wedo not print anonymous letters. Send lettersto [email protected], via fax at609-751-0245, or via the mail. Of course,you can drop them off at our office, too.

    The Princeton Sun reserves the right toreprint your letter in any medium includ-ing electronically.

    PUBLISHER Steve Miller

    EXECUTIVE EDITOR Tim Ronaldson


    MANAGING EDITOR Mary L. Serkalow


    COMMUNITY EDITOR Michael Redmond


    ART DIRECTOR Tom Engle



    VICE CHAIRMAN Michael LaCount, Ph.D.


    CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Dan McDonough, Jr.


    Princeton Theological Seminary

    found itself on the hot seat last

    week when some questions

    were raised concerning eligibility for

    public funding of construction proj-

    ects at New Jerseys colleges and uni-

    versities. The state is planning to

    spend a pooled fund of $1.3 billion on

    46 campuses, which includes $750 mil-lion in voter-approved bond issue


    Some lawmakers want to know ex-

    actly what criteria are being used to

    determine eligibility.

    The list includes two religious insti-

    tutions. PTS is listed for $645,313 to

    support a conference center and an up-

    grade of its librarys technology infra-

    structure. The other religious institu-

    tion Beth Medrash Govoha in Lake-

    wood, an Orthodox Jewish rabbinical

    school is listed for $10.6 million to-

    ward a new library and academic cen-

    ter. Some legislators are asking

    whether its proper for the state to

    grant public monies to institutions

    that are not open to students of all

    faiths. And theres another issue:

    While PTS admits women, the yeshiva

    does not.

    The controversy is being argued

    on narrow grounds. Beth Medrash

    Govoha would be funded directly from

    bond issue monies, which were made

    available to religious institutions

    through the language of the bond

    question that was presented to thevoters. This language was tweaked

    to include religious institutions after

    lobbying efforts by the yeshiva, The

    Star-Ledger reported on March 6. The

    PTS application, however, would be

    funded through the states Higher Edu-

    cation Technology Infrastructure

    Fund. State Sen. Paul Sarlo (D-Bergen),

    chairman of the Senate Budget and

    Appropriations Committee, sees an

    apparent conflict with the states exist-

    ing rules and regulations in PTS


    The Christie administration has

    taken the matter under review.

    Thomas Jeffersons wall of separa-

    tion between church and state, be-

    tween private faith and the public

    forum, has never been watertight. Nor

    should it be, when it can be shown that

    religious institutions, like other not-

    for-profits privileged with tax immuni-

    ty, are clearly serving the interests of

    the entire society.

    But there may be storm clouds on

    the not-too-distant horizon. According

    to the Pew Forums recent U.S. Reli-

    gious Landscape Survey, AmongAmericans ages 18-29, one-in-four say

    they are not currently affiliated with

    any particular religion.

    An astonishing 40 percent of Prince-

    ton University students surveyed as

    part of 2012 COMBO III identified as

    None, agnostic or atheist. No one

    would argue that Princetons student

    body is representative of their genera-

    tion as a whole, but one would be hard-

    pressed to argue that they are not rep-

    resentative of the rising leadership

    field in numerous areas of national


    It would be ironic, indeed, if the ulti-

    mate casualties of the social and politi-

    cal culture wars turned out to be

    many of the institutions that insist

    upon waging it.

    Bricks, mortar andfaith in TrentonControversysurrounds state funds for religious institutions

    police reportThe following public information has

    been provided by the Princeton Police De-partment.

    May 2, Mountain Avenue: Following amotor vehicle stop, a 25-year-old Hamiltonman was found to have an $89 traffic war-

    rant outstanding from Bridgewater Munic-ipal Court. He was arrested, posted bailand released.

    May 2, Billie Ellis Lane: A maintenanceworker for Griggs Farm housing reported

    the theft of copper pipe, later determinedto be some 20 feet in length, with damage toa sink, from a laundry room.

    May 3, Mercer Street near Lovers Lane:A 39-year-old New York City man was ar-rested and charged with drunken driving

    after having been stopped for a motor vehi-cle violation. He was later released to thecustody of a friend.

    May 3, Nassau near Washington: Follow-ing a motor vehicle stop, a 21-year-old Bell-

    mawr man was found to have outstandingwarrants for $1,207 from two South Jerseymunicipalities. He was arrested, postedbail and released.

    May 4, Juniper Row: An 18-year-oldPrinceton man was arrested on an active

    warrant for $2,500 outstanding toLawrence Municipal Court. He was re-leased after posting 10 percent of the bailamount.

    please see POLICE, page 9

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    WEDNESDAYMAY 15Cornerstone Community Kitchen:

    5 to 6:30 p.m., Princeton UnitedMethodist Church, Nassau at

    Vandeventer, 609-924-2613. Hotmeals served, prepared by TASK.Free.

    Oppenheimer remembered: 5 p.m.,Institute for Advanced Study,Wolfensohn Hall. Robert Oppen-heimer: A Life Inside the Center,presented by Ray Monk, author ofRobert Oppenheimer: His Lifeand Mind. Free. 609-734-8228,

    Author, author: 6 p.m., LabyrinthBooks, 122 Nassau. ChimamandaNgozi Adichie, author of Ameri-canah, a novel of love and race.

    Free. 609-497-1600.Princeton Country Dancers: 7:30

    p.m., Suzanne Patterson Center,45 Stockton. Contra dance. Classfollowed by dance. $8, 609-924-6763,


    Princeton Farmers' Market: 11 4 p.m., rain or shine, HindsCommunity Plaza, WitherspoonStreet adjacent to Princeton Pub-lic Library. Season opening. Freshproduce, cheeses, baked goods,flowers, cooking demos, familyactivities, music, and more. 609-655-8095,

    Widows Support Group: 11:30 a.m.,Princeton Public Library. WithSusan M. Friedman. Free. Call toregister: 609-252-2362.

    Faculty Music: 12:15 p.m., NassauPresbyterian Church, NilesChapel. Westminster Conservato-ry presents Ena Bronstein Bartonand Phyllis Alpert Lehrer, duo

    pianists. Free. 609-921-2663.Bach on Thursdays: 12:30 p.m.,

    Trinity Church, 33 Mercer. FumaSacra performs a Bach cantata;Andrew Megill conducts. Free.609-883-0261.

    Culinary event: 1:30 p.m., McCaf-frey's, Princeton Shopping Cen-ter. The Perfect DIY Party, withdietitian Jill Kwasny, chef JeanPierre Tardy, and Christine Pitt,director of catering. Register byemail [email protected] or

    call 215-750-7713.

    Girls Night Out! 4 to 9 p.m., PalmerSquare. Palmer Square presentscelebration of its retail business-es. Food, music, tours, prizes, in-store sales. Free admission to in-store events, discounts, promo-tions, one-time access Taste ofthe Square tent, free parking.Those willing to pay $10 admis-sion to benefit Dress for SuccessMercer County will receive food,drink, Salon Pure styling demon-

    strations, prizes, more. Registeronline: date: May 17. 609-921-2333.

    Author, author: 7 p.m., Barnes &Noble, Princeton MarketFair.Teresa Giudice, one of BravosReal Housewives of New Jer-sey, author of 'Fabulicious: Onthe Grills: Teresa's Smoking HotBackyard Recipes. Free. 609-716-1570.

    History talk: 7 p.m., Princeton Pub-lic Library. Princeton BattlefieldSociety presents , More Revela-tions on the Battle of Princeton,with historian Robert Selig,archaeologist Wade Catts, andPBS officer Kim Cherry. Focus:Seligs and Cattss Battle ofPrinceton Mapping Project:

    Report of Military Terrain Analy-sis and Battle Narrative.

    Public Meetings: 7:30 p.m., Plan-ning Board; Bicycle and Pedestri-an Advisory Committee.

    Princeton Sound Kitchen: 7:30p.m., Princeton University, FineHall, Taplin Auditorium.

    Depart,ent of Music presentsCrash Ensemble conducted byAlan Pierson in program of newmusic by Dan Trueman, Cather-ine Neal, Konrad Kaczmarek,Ryan Brown, Troy Herion. Free.

    Argentine Tango: 8 p.m., SuzannePatterson Center, 45 Stockton.Viva Tango, with Andres Bravoand Carolina Juarena. Lessons,practice session, dancing. $12,including refreshments. 609-948-4448,

    FRIDAYMAY 17Professional Service Group: 10

    a.m., Princeton Public Library.Career support, networking forunemployed professionals. Free.


    Lunch and Learn: Noon, PrincetonSenior Resource Center, SuzannePatterson Building, 45 Stockton.'Sleep, As We Grow Older, withDr. Marcella Frank of CapitalHealth Sleep Center. Bring yourlunch; beverage and dessert pro-vided. Free. Register: 609-924-

    7108, Native Plant Sale: 3 to 6

    p.m., D&R Greenway Land Trust,Johnson Education Center, offRosedale Road. Eco-consciousgardening with low-maintenance,drought-resistant plantings.Native floral arrangement demoby Monday Morning Flowers at 5p.m. Plants available in quart andgallon-sized pots from $5 to $12.609-924-4646, Continues Saturday, 9a.m. to noon.

    Art opening: 5:30-7:30 p.m., D&RGreenway Land Trust, JohnsonEducation Center, off RosedaleRoad. Reception for Dangerous

    CALENDARPAGE 8 MAY 15-21, 2013

    Lic #10199 C ont Lic #13VH01382900

    Let us show you how to save money on this yearsutility bill by upgrading your equipment!

    We still do FREE ESTIMATES!Monday through Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

    T. CHARLES ERICKSON/Special to The Sun

    At McCarter Theatre, Ben Steinfeld and Jessie Austrian with LizHayes, in background, are part of Fiasco Theater's 'reimagining' ofStephen Sondheim's 'Into the Woods,' the musical that fractures

    well-known fairy tales. The show is running on McCarter's intimateBerlind Stage through June 9, Wednesdays through Sundays. Tick-ets: (609) 258-2787,

    please see CALENDAR, page 10

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    MAY 15-21, 2013 THE PRINCETON SUN 9

    May 4, first block of ProspectAvenue: A 22-year-old NewportBeach, Calif., man was arrestedfollowing observation that he wassmoking a suspected marijuanacigarette. The man was appre-hended after a brief foot chase.He was later released on his ownrecognizance to a friend.

    May 4, 200 block of Nassau: A20-year-old Potomac, Md., woman

    was observed purchasing alcohol.She presented a fake New YorkState drivers license. She was ar-rested, charged with tampering

    with public records and underagepossession of alcohol, and re-leased pending a court date.

    May 5, 200 block of Nassau: A19-year-old Haverford, Pa.,man was reported asleep,apparently intoxicated, in thecallers vehicle. He was issued asummons and released.

    May 5, Nassau near Washing-ton: A 33-year-old Oklahoma City,Okla., man was arrested andcharged with drunken drivingand DWI in a school zone afterhaving been stopped for a motor

    vehicle violation. He was later re-leased to the custody of a friend.

    May 7, 800 block of State Road:

    Following a motor vehicle stop, a31-year-old Hopewell woman wasfound to have a $186 traffic war-rant outstanding from Princeton

    Municipal Court. She was arrest-ed and released on her own recog-nizance with a pending courtdate.

    May 7, State Road near Valley:Following a motor vehicle stop, a42-year-old Lawrence man wasfound to have $1,500 in traffic war-rants outstanding. He was arrest-ed. During processing, he was dis-covered to be in possession ofwhat appeared to be a small

    amount of cocaine. He wasturned over to the Hamilton Po-lice Department when he couldnot post bail.

    police reportPOLICE

    Continued from page 6

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    10 THE PRINCETON SUN MAY 15-21, 2013

    &%$#"!#%$#!#!%1225 State Rd. 206, Princeton, NJ

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    UtopiaFor Pets

    Blossoms, mixed media art exhi-bition. Through July 19. Free. Reg-ister:

    Author, author: 7 p.m., PrincetonPublic Library. Steve Schirripa,former cast member of HBOsThe Sopranos, author of BigDaddy's Rules: Raising DaughtersIs Tougher Than I Look. Free.609-924-9529,

    Dance from the Inside: 7:30 p.m.,Princeton Center for Yoga &Health, Orchard Hill Center, 88Orchard Road, Montgomery.Guided and free style dance withMichal Ben-Reuven. Register:609-924-7294. $15,

    New Jersey Symphony Orchestra:8 pm., Princeton University,Richardson Auditorium. Prince-

    ton University. Jacques Lacombeconducts the East Coast pre-miere of Princeton composerSteven Mackeys Stumble to

    Grace piano concerto, with OrliShaham at the keyboard, plusmusic by Tchaikovsky. $20-$82,800-ALLEGRO,

    Celebrating Robeson: 8 p.m., ArtsCouncil of Princeton, 102 Wither-spoon. Paul Robeson LegacySeries presents jazz quartetLines of Reason, with CliffordAdams, trombonist from Kool &The Gang. $15, 609-924-8777,

    Out of doors: 8 to 11 p.m. AmateurAstronomers Association ofPrinceton, Simpson Observatory,Washington Crossing State Park,Titusville. Weather dependent.Free. 609-737-2575,

    Finest Kind Trio: 8:15 p.m., ChristCongregation Church, 50 WalnutLane. Princeton Folk Music Socie-ty presents rhythm n blues trio

    from Austin, Texas. $20, 609-799-0944,

    SATURDAYMAY 18Annual Walk, NAMI Mercer: 9:30

    a.m., Educational Testing Service.Annual walk to combat stigmaand raise money to benefit edu-cation and support programs forfamilies affected by mental ill-ness. Register: 609-799-8994,

    Out of doors: 10 a.m., PrincetonCanal Walkers, Turning BasinPark, Alexander Road. Three-mile

    walk on the towpath. Bad weath-er cancels. Free. 609-638-6552.

    Art for Families: 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.Princeton University Art Muse-um. Celebrations Around theWorld, travel and adventure withactivities, story-telling, scavengerhunt, refreshments. Free, 609-258-3788,

    Insight Meditation Open House:

    1:30-3:30 p.m., Princeton Centerfor Yoga & Health, Orchard HillCenter, 88 Orchard Road, Mont-gomery. Sitting and walking

    meditation and mindfulness withJames Pritchett and MarthaElliot. Free. Register: 609-924-7294,

    Central Jersey Chess Tournament:2-6 p.m., All Saints Church, 16 AllSaints Road. New Jersey Chess:Open to kindergarten to eighthgraders at all levels. All playersreceive a medal or trophy. Regis-ter online, $30; on site, $40. Forinfo, [email protected] or vis-it

    Opera Gala: 8 p.m., Princeton Uni-versity, Richardson Auditorium.Westminster Conservatory voicefaculty with the WestminsterCommunity Chorus and the West-minster Community Orchestra.$15, 609-258-9220,

    VOICES Chorale: 8 p.m., St. PaulRoman Catholic Church, Nassau

    Street. Time Passing, TimeStanding Still, Voices Chorale,Lynne Ransom conducting, withthe Princeton Area Homeschool

    Choir. Music by Bach,Mendelssohn, Mozart, premieresby Ken Guilmartin, Robert McMa-han, Sheena Phillips, and DaleWarland. Organ works by EdgarElgar performed by CamillaJarnot at 7:30 p.m. $20, 609-799-2211,

    Boo!: 8 p.m., Witherspoon and Nas-sau streets. Princeton Tour Com-pany offers Ghost Tour. $20, 609-902-3637,

    SUNDAYMAY 19Flea Market: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Prince-

    ton Elks, 354 Route 518, Mont-gomery. Household wares, books,furniture, clothing, art, toys, giftitems, electronics, and more. Raindate: June 2. 908-359-2920.

    Children's Day at Rockingham:


    CALENDARContinued from page 8

    please see CALENDAR, page 12

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515







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    12 THE PRINCETON SUN MAY 15-21, 2013

    Noon to 5 p.m., Historic Rocking-ham, Route 603, Kingston. Activi-ties and demonstrations of 18thcentury life presented by Mont-gomery High School Live Histori-ans Club and Rockingham Associ-ation. Historic games, 18th centu-ry clothing to try on, quill and inkto write with, paper tri-corn hats.Tour the kitchen garden andhouse museum. Light refresh-ments available. Rain or shine.Donations invited. 609-683-7132, Class: 1 p.m., Terhune

    Orchards, 330 Cold Soil Road,Lawrence. Pam Mount talksabout cooking with herbs, creat-ing a herb garden. Rain or shine.Free. Register: 609-924-2310,

    Walking Tour: 2 to 4 p.m., HistoricalSociety of Princeton, BainbridgeHouse, 158 Nassau. Downtown

    Princeton and Princeton Univer-sity including accounts about thetowns early history, the universi-tys founding, the American Rev-

    olution. $7; $4 ages 6 to 12. 609-921-6748,

    Princeton Pro Musica: 3 p.m.,Princeton Presbyterian Church,Meadow Center, 545 MeadowRoad, West Windsor. The Ameri-can Choral Tradition: Music bySamuel Barber, Aaron Copland,William Dawson, Eric Whitacre.Ryan James Brandau conducts.$25-$55, 609-683-5122,

    Original Mind Zen Sangha: 6:45p.m. to 9 p.m., Fellowship inPrayer, 291 Witherspoon.

    TUESDAYMAY 21Quit Smoking: Noon, Princeton Fit-

    ness & Wellness Center, 1225Route 206, Montgomery. AreYou Ready to Kick the Habit?

    with Annmarie Cristino of Prince-ton HealthCare System. Free.Register: 888-897-8979,

    Shanti Meditation: 6 p.m., Fellow-ship in Prayer, 291 Witherspoon.Friends of Conscious Evolutionpresent Acharya Girish Jha, a

    spiritual counselor from theHimalayas. $30. Register by [email protected] 732-642-8895, www.authenticyogatra- 6 p.m., Princeton Ski

    Club. Bring your own everything.Free. Register by email to [email protected], 609-588-4737,

    Public Meeting: 6:30 p.m., HousingAuthority

    Princeton Folk Dance: 7 to 9 p.m.,Riverside School, 58 RiversideDrive. Dances of many countries.Authentic music. Lesson followedby dancing. $3. 609-921-


    PHS Studio Band Concert: 7:30p.m., Princeton High School, 151Moore. 609-395-6769,

    JobSeekers: 7:30 p.m., TrinityChurch, 33 Mercer. Networking,support. Free. 609-924-2277,


    Continued from page 10

    Special to The Sun

    The Princeton Folk Music Society will present the close harmony trioThe Finest Kind Ian Robb, Ann Downey, Shelly Posen from Ot-tawa, Canada, on Friday, May 17, at 8:15 p.m., in Christ CongregationChurch on Walnut Lane. Tickets will be available at the

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    Lic #10199 Cont Lic #13VH01382900

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    Sun Newspapers

    The South Jersey Sun

    The Central Jersey Sun

    108 Kings Highway East

    Haddonfield, NJ 08033


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  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    May is National Elder LawMonth. Elder law is an area oflegal practice that serves the sen-

    ior population. The bulk ofRothamel Brattons elder lawwork is focused on helping fami-lies pay for long-term care. Quali-fying for Medicaid is incrediblyimportant to millions of families.However, just as important aremany other areas of elder lawsuch as financial planning, estateplanning and elder abuse preven-tion.

    Although there are manyfacets to elder law and estate plan-ning, lets just consider three ofthe basics that are often on peo-ples minds.

    1.) Do I need a power of attor-ney? The bottom line to the ques-tion is, absolutely and unequivo-cally, yes.

    Each and every adult needs apower of attorney to authorize atrusted adult to act on his or herbehalf to handle financial, day-to-

    day business and medical deci-sions.

    The two main types of powers

    of attorney are the generaldurable power of attorney andthe medical power of attorney.

    2.) How will I pay for long-termcare if an illness strikes? Its notsomething you look forward tothinking about; however, consid-er that the cost of one year ofnursing home care, in a privateroom, hovers around $110,000(perhaps $220,000 if both spousesrequire care) in the South Jerseyarea.

    Our firm helps thousands ofclients figure out exactly how topay for their care and continue toprovide for their family, whetherthrough the use of private funds,long-term care insurance orthrough Medicaid.

    3.) Will my heirs pay taxeswhen I die? It depends on a num-ber of factors, including whereyou reside, the value of your en-

    tire estate and who receives yourassets. The recent federal lawchanges do not make any changes

    to the NJ Estate and Inheritancetaxes, and it is just as importantnow as it ever was to plan for NewJerseys paltry estate tax exemp-tion of $675,000 as well as the NewJersey Inheritance tax.

    These taxes can range any-where from 4.5 percent to 16 per-cent.

    As with all estate planning, thesooner you consult with an attor-ney and map out a plan, the moremoney youll be able to protect,and the more choices you willhave. But, its never too late tostart.

    Protect the ones you love. Re-quest a free copy of our ElderLaw Checklist [email protected] for your free copy.

    For a free consult, contactRothamel Brattons Attorney,Charles Bratton, at (609) 219-1680.

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    Three legal issues to consider16 THE PRINCETON SUN MAY 15-21, 2013

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    MAY 15-21, 2013 THE PRINCETON SUN 17

    Tips on finding a place to putsparkle into the golden years

    (NAPSI) If youre ever amongthe estimated 65 million Ameri-

    cans caring for loved ones, a lookat one famous familys experiencemay be useful to you.

    Joan Lunden, former host ofGood Morning America, wife,mother of seven and caregiver toher mother, Gladyce, was facedwith the challenge of finding theright senior living community forher mom. Lunden found herselfcompletely unprepared for whatwas ahead.

    As a result of her experience,Lunden has partnered with thenations largest senior living re-ferral service to help educateAmericans on what they need toknow about this difficult, com-plex process.

    At A Place for Mom, knowl-edgeable and compassionate advi-sors counsel families through theprocess, offering guidance at eachstage of their search. These ex-

    perts advise theres no better wayto learn about a community than

    to visit. Families should tour theplaces theyre considering, to-gether, to fully gauge if its theright fit.

    What to look for on a visit

    Check for cleanliness. Follow your nose. Visit during an activity. Meet the management. Go outdoors. Dine. Ask security and safety ques-

    tions. Check on personal care. Ask about move-out criteria. Trust your instincts.

    How to learn more

    For more details on these help-ful tips and further suggestionson how to find the right senior liv-ing options, visit or call (877) 311-6099.

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    MAY 15-21, 2013 THE PRINCETON SUN 19










    SHAFFERS TUXEDOS*)(('&%$#"!$$'''%''!"!#!''


    Pasquale Chiavatti


    Princeton Chamber withdrawsrequest to lease kiosk

    By KATIE MORGANThe Princeton Sun

    The Princeton Regional Cham-ber of Commerce has withdrawnits request to lease one of thekiosks along Nassau Street indowntown Princeton.

    The Chamber has asked thePrinceton Council to table theissue, which the Council was ex-pected to vote on May 13. The or-dinance would have leased thekiosk at Witherspoon and Nassaustreets to the Chamber for re-design and renovation, and leftthe other kiosk, further downNassau, in control of the town.

    The Chambers initial proposalfor the redesign of the kiosk in-cluded paid advertising, whichChamber President and CEOPeter Crowley said would pay forthe cost of the redesign and up-keep.

    The kiosks need to be upgrad-ed, Crowley said. We continue

    to hear from the community thatthey are disorganized and notachieving the goals they were de-signed for.

    This raised the concerns ofresidents who feared that paid ad-vertising would detract from thekiosks, which serve as a commu-nity bulletin board for residentsto post their own information.Fliers are often posted on top of

    one another, and are difficult toread.

    After several Council discus-sions, it seemed that councilmem-bers were headed toward a splitvote on the ordinance leasing thekiosk to the Council.

    We dont want this to be halfagainst it, half for it, or a vocalminority against it, Crowleysaid. So were trying to figureout what are the key issues peopleare having, and then find ways toredesign it. Were looking at whatthe council said, and trying tocome up with an answer thatmeets the needs of those thatwerent in support of us.

    Crowley said that by askingCouncil to table the decision, theChamber is asking for more timeto explore avenues of fundingthat would take away the need forcorporate advertising.

    We want to further examinethe costs of maintenance and up-keep and see if we can come up

    with a different plan, Crowleysaid. Our goal is to have a public-private partnership that does notmake the taxpayers responsiblefor the cost. We are a nonprofit or-ganization, and its difficult for usto complete and sustain a projectlike this without outside fund-ing.

    Crowley said the Chambers re-design would use most of the ele-

    ments of the original renovationplan.

    The design was well-organ-ized and people liked the design,Crowley said. Were trying to fig-ure out how we can provide theinformation without utilizing alot of advertising, or just get it towhere we dont really need the ad-vertising. We have to figure someway to work with volunteergroups or other organizations tomaintain the kiosks as we go for-ward.

    Crowley said he is hopeful thata new design and plan will be pre-sented to Council within the nextfew months.

    I think well end up with agreat plan, he said. We will con-tinue to work with the municipal-ity, the businesses, arts and localresidents in a partnership ap-proach so we can have a designthat meets everyones needs.

    Full ServiceBathroom



  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    By KATIE MORGANThe Princeton Sun

    Former Gov. Christine ToddWhitman decried political grid-lock and warned against publicdisaffection with governmentwhen she addressed a gatheringof the business community onMay 2 during an event presentedby the Princeton Regional Cham-ber of Commerce.

    Whitman told the audience atthe Princeton Marriott, estimatedat 180 people, that many citizensdoubt their governments on thefederal, state and local level.Whitman cited a Harvard pollthat suggests that young Ameri-cans are losing faith in their gov-ernment.

    We have got to start demand-ing, as the citizens of this coun-try, that our elected officials actlike leaders, she said. I thinkfar more of them will find thatthey get a huge amount of sup-

    port for standing up for what theythink is right than they do for justdoing whats political.

    Peter Crowley, Chamber presi-dent and CEO, said he thoughtWhitmans comments resonatedwith the audience.

    Were a regional chamber, notjust a local Princeton organiza-tion, he said. We draw a verylarge membership. It was a greatchance for the region to come to-

    gether to hear what she had tosay. In Princeton, we have thesame problems and issues theyhave in Ewing, in Plainsboro, inRobbinsville.

    Whitmans comments focusedon the partisanship that she feelshas taken over municipal govern-ments.

    Our democracy works whenwe have people who talk to oneanother and solve problems,

    Whitman said. And when wehave two functioning parties thatwork together to overcome obsta-cles. Its not a crime to reach con-sensus on issues. Somehow, thisidea of compromise has become adirty word.

    Crowley echoed Whitmans re-marks, and said that the membersof the business community un-derstood her sentiments.

    What she discussed is thereneeds to be a common ground,

    Crowley said. There needs to beconsensus in government. Therehas to be compromise. You needprograms that benefit everyonelong term. Elected officials canthave this mindset of our way or

    the highway.Crowley said he thought the

    large audience at the event, andthe five-county reach of theChamber, would help the busi-ness community put Whitmansremarks into action.

    If we come together as a busi-ness community, we have a muchbigger influence, Crowley said.We have a great opportunity towork toward resolving those is-

    sues.Whitman was New Jerseys

    first female governor, elected in1994. She resigned in 2001 to be-come the administrator of theEnvironmental ProtectionAgency under the George W.Bush administration.

    Crowley said the Chamber waslucky to have an opportunity tohear remarks from such a well-known political figure.

    We have a program committee

    that sits down and looks at speak-ers every month, Crowley said.Were very lucky to be able tohave really wonderful speakers,people who can really make a dif-ference for our audiences.

    20 THE PRINCETON SUN MAY 15-21, 2013










    Lic #10199 Cont Lic #13VH01382900

    Former governor addressesdisaffection with government

    Special to The Sun

    Former Gov. Christie Whitman speaks at a Princeton Regional Cham-

    ber of Commerce event at the Princeton Marriott on May 2.

    MAY 15 21 2013 THE PRINCETON SUN 21

  • 7/30/2019 Princeton 0515


    Weve had a really warm recep-tion from a lot of local businesses.What were trying to do is pro-mote awareness that this is anissue, not just for adoptive par-ents like me, but its somethingthat everyone should care about.

    Tang and her husband adoptedtheir sons, ages 4 and 6, from Tai-wan. They are currently waitingon a Taiwanese court decisionthat will finalize the adoption of

    their third son.In terms of international

    adoption, Taiwan is the exceptionrather than the rule, Tang said.Weve been extra lucky andblessed. I have tons of friendswho are stuck friends who areadopting from Korea, and gettingpictures every month but notknowing when they can go get(the child). I know a family wholegally became the parents of alittle girl in the Congo, but a man

    claiming he was an uncle justcame and took her. These storiesare so heart-wrenching. Youdream about that child beinghome with you. Its hard for theparents and its harder for thekids.

    Juntunens passion for adop-tion reform came later in life. Hebegan his career as a professionalathlete, playing quarterback inthe Canadian Football League. Hebuilt and sold a successful compa-ny and retired early.

    I got bored with being re-tired, Juntunen said. I got thisnotion that there had to be moreto life than golfing and skiing.

    Juntunen and his wife traveled

    to Haiti, where, at 58, he became afather to three adopted children.The couple also took over an or-

    phanage, and began working tofind the children homes.

    Juntunen wrote a book abouthis experiences. He said the re-sponses he received from readersshocked and angered him.

    I started to hear from peoplewhod read my book, who saidthey wanted to adopt but had hitall kinds of roadblocks, Jun-tunen said. There was some rea-son why good people who wantedto adopt a child couldnt. Thatwas the first of many red flags.

    Once the documentary, narrat-ed by television star Mariska Har-gitay, was complete, Juntunen

    embarked on an 80-city bus tourfull of speaking engagements andfilm screenings. The tour will cul-

    minate with a march on Washing-ton, D.C., in May 17 and the pres-entation of a petition to makechanges to adoption procedures.

    STUCK follows Tihun fromEthiopia, Nate from Vietnam, andErickson and Therline from Haition their individual voyages fromorphanages in their native coun-tries to their homes with familiesin the United States.

    Were hoping we can makesome sort of impact, and forcethis issue in Washington on May

    17, Juntunen said. And thencontinue to put pressure not onlyon our government, but on world

    leaders to say that kids shouldhave a family. Its a basic humanright. We should be working tire-

    lessly to make sure that every kidfinds a family.

    Tang and her husband origi-nally wanted to adopt a childfrom China, but Tang said the dif-ficulties they faced made it im-possible.

    They said the average waitwas nine months. We waited ayear, Tang said. The wait was

    just expanding. I still think aboutChina all the time. We didnt get achance to adopt from China, butweve given money to organiza-

    tions that work with orphanagesthere. I still think about wantingto help the kids who are still there

    in orphanages. There are thesekids out there waiting for fami-lies, and families here who are

    waiting to have kids, and theres awhole bunch of red tape thatcomes in between.

    Tang said she thinks that ex-posing people to the issues associ-ated with international adoptionthrough STUCK is the first steptoward making changes.

    When you see the faces ofthese children, you know thatthey deserve to have a family, too,and to be able to come home,Tang said. You cant see it with-out being moved. We want to

    plant this seed in peoples heartsso it becomes an important issuefor them.

    MAY 15-21, 2013 THE PRINCETON SUN 21

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    Continued from page 4

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    Drop us an email [email protected] .Fax us at 856-427-0934. Callthe editor at 609-751-0245.

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