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Post on 01-Oct-2020




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    Month of May brought long, hot days,

    And now we have our summer holidays

    Summer holidays mean no to school,

    Little home work, easy to be done,

    Lesser studies and lots of fun.

    Playing and talking and watching cartoon,

    Fun continues till the end of June.

    Beautiful time comes once in a year,

    Summer holidays are best days ever.

    It’s time for mangoes, watermelons, ice creams, lemonades and lots and lots

    of fun! Summer vacation is a welcome break from fixed schedules, rules and

    regulations. Visiting Nani house, Dadi house, picnics, walk in the evening ,eat

    lot of fruits and drink plenty of juices ,splash around in the pool, watch your

    favourite cartoon, exploring new places and watching your favourite shows on

    television. But there is a lot more you can do to make your holidays more

    interesting and meaningful along with doing your masti. Your teachers have

    planned some interesting activities for you. So, try getting up early and go

    for a morning walk with your parents, breathe fresh air and make the most

    of this time.

  • Dear Children,

    • Revise all the work that is done till now of each & every

    subject in school.

    • Improve your handwriting by writing one page of English

    (cursive) and Hindi on regular basis in practice notebook.

    • Holiday homework is to be done in the provided sheets.

    • You need to take a printout of the home work as it is to be

    submitted in the school.

    • Please take care of the neatness of the work.

    Dear Parents,

    Vacation is the time when you can connect with your child in

    many ways. As you are your child’s first and most important

    teacher, you can encourage your child’s love of learning by

    participating in educational activities at home. Working

    together on the activities will help your child build confidence,

    learn to reason and develop skills necessary for his/her

    education. Here are some suggestions:

    • Spend quality time with your children. Take them to see places

    of interest in Delhi. Remember to make notes and click

    photographs of the places you visit.

    • Allow your child to play outdoors, get hurt and get dirty. It’s

    okay for them to fall down and experience pain once in a while.

    Comfortable life within the sofa cushions will make your child lazy.

    • Take your child for a morning walk, talk about things

    you see around everyday.Ask them to note down difficult

    words in a diary and write their meaning respectively. This will

    help your child build good vocabulary.

    • Let your child help around the house doing small jobs like

    dusting,cleaning the table, filling water bottles, watering the

    plants, etc..

  • • Make your child read a paragraph of English

    newspaper or English story book daily. Explain

    them the meaning.

    • A book is a child’s best friend. Develop the love

    for reading in your child. Ensure that he/she reads

    any 3 story books. Help him/her to describe any one

    story in his/her own words on an A4 size sheet.

    Send the sheet in a clear bag.

    • A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Start

    your day early and set a routine of healthy habits.

    Learn to take care of personal hygiene by

    inculcating the habit to brush teeth twice daily,

    washing hands at regular intervals, trimming nails

    and bathing daily.

    • Encourage self-responsibility. Prepare your child’s

    favourite mocktail with him/her.

    • Conserve nature. Educate your child to feed the

    birds with food and water. Plant atleast one tree in

    this vacation. Train them to minimize the wastage

    of resources like water, fuel and electricity.

    • Learn about our heritage. Take your children for

    an educational visit to places like Zoo, National

    Science Museum, Rail Museum, Bal Bhawan, Craft



    SMILING !!!! Do not go out alone without an elder to accompany you.

    Never talk to strangers.

    Do not accept gifts/eatables from


    Play in fenced areas and not on streets.

    Scream for help in case you feel you

    are in danger,

    Memorize your parent’s phone numbers.

    Ask the child to write mother’s and father’s phone number here, after learning.

    Mother’s number:

    Father’s number:

  • Different types of languages are spoken by people from different regions, but the

    most important thing is that any language when spoken should be spoken correctly.

    The two common languages that our children should be able to speak fluently are

    Hindi and English. Since English is a global language and must be understood by our

    children, we need your cooperation. We would appreciate if you adhere to the

    following points:

    SENTENCE BUILDING • May I go to play?

    • May I borrow your pencil / eraser / sharpener?

    • I have finished my work.

    • May I go to the washroom?

    • May I go to drink water?

    • May I come in please?

    • May I go to the bookshop / tailor shop?

    • May I go to wash my hands?

    • May I sit in the front row as I can’t see from the


    • Please repeat the concept as I’m unable to

    understand it.

    • I have lost my shoes / blazer / tiffin box / water

    bottle, etc..

    • I came late as I missed my bus.

    • Could you please shut the door.

  • Father's Day special……………….

    Father's Day is observed on the third Sunday of June. It honors father, grandfather

    and fatherly figures for their contribution. Here is a rhyme that you can help your child

    prepare by heart to recite for daddy.

    “Walk a little slower Daddy, said a child so small, “I am following in your footsteps and don’t want to fall”. Sometimes your steps are very fast, sometimes they are hard to see, so walk a little slower Daddy, for you are leading me”.

    So on this Father’s Day mothers can team up with their children to-

    Pamper daddy with a rose.

    Make him feel special by asking the child to give daddy his handkerchief and

    phone before leaving for work.

    Give child the opportunity to decide his dress for the day.

    Prepare a mouth-watering recipe which might become his all time favorite. An

    example for one such recipe is given below.

  • “Yummy, healthy Monaco Sandwich” by CHEFS- PARENT AND


    How to make:

    1. Slice 1 tomato and put one small slice on the top of monaco biscuit.

    2. Put a small slice of cheese over the tomato slice.

    3. Cover it with mixture of chopped onion, bhujia and garnish it with coriander


    4. Now cover it with another monaco biscuit and make a smiley over it with the

    help of tomato ketchup.

    5. Enjoy the delicious Monaco sandwich.



    What your team will need:

    1. A pack of salted biscuit (for eg: Monaco)

    2. Thin slice of tomato

    3. Finely chopped onion

    4. Coriander leaves

    5. Garnishing cheese slices

    6. Tomato ketchup

  • Art Homework - It’s your day out ! On any one day have a close look at your surroundings while you are in

    the park with your child. Observe how beautiful the flower and plants

    are, how people are having fun and all the activities that

    you do to make your day a memorable one with your precious one .

    What next ? On A4 size sheet, using materials such as leaves,

    match sticks, pencil shavings, etc.. Assist the child to

    create a scene of the park you both visited. Send this

    sheet in a clear bag after vacation.

    SCIENCE IS FUN Discover the magical world of science through this exciting experiment We might spot an Einstein, Newton or Madame Curie amongst our little Princians.

    Experiment 1 Sink and Float

    Theme : Water

    Skill: Predicting, Observing

    Material : Water table or tub, two trays

    Variety of objects:shells rocks

    leaves plastic toys

    stone key

    balls metal spoon

    wooden blocks crayons

    wax paper sponge

    Directions for the parent:

    1) Label the tray with the words “sink” and “float”.

    2) One at a time let the child choose an object and

    predict whether it will sink or float. After he/she has

    placed it in the water and observed it, he/she may

    put it on the appropriate tray.

    3) After sorting the objects, discuss how they are alike.



    Help the child read the’ Sam The Fat Cat’ text book at home.

    Practice a-z in cursive writing with proper formation in a three-in –

    one notebook. (See Reference sheet-1 for proper formation.)


    Make your ward complete page numbers-1,2,3,13,14,15,17,18,19, 20 in Perfect Composite Mathematics text book.


    क से ह व्यंजन माऱा स ेसम्बंधधत शब्दावऱी की बच्चों के साथ चचाा करें, और इनका लऱखित अभ्यास करें I इसस ेउनकी व्यंजनों के अनुरूऩ रूधच और ज्ञान बढ़ेगा !


    Do activity on Page 11,14,15,19,20,26 in Smart Art book.

    Kindly Ensure

    Your child’s holiday home work is monitored.

    The work being done by your child is neat and


    Your child spends quality time in practicing,

    revising and writing the work that had been done

    in the class till May……

    Here are some worksheets which the children are required to complete during

    the vacation. Send the complete work in a clear bag.


    Choose the correct blend and write the word.

    Write the above words in cursive in the lines

    given below.

    sn fl tr

    pl dr

    sp sl



    Make sentences adding the action word to the

    phrase ‘I can….by picking the words from the

    boxes. Write in cursive handwriting in the lines

    given below.


    See the pictures below. Insert the name of the

    things between the words to make a sentence.

    First one is done for you. Write the sentences in

    cursive writing only.


    I can readA Simple Story

    Ken The DogKen is a dog.

    He likes to play, throw and run.

    He puts his ball in a bag.

    Look at his wagging tail.

    Answer the following questions on the basis of given story.

    1. What is the name of the dog?

    2. What does he like to play?

    3. Where does he put his ball?



    Write it.

    (Write the word.)

    Draw it.

    (Make an illustration.)

    Use it.

    (Frame a sentence.)


    Join the words of ‘AT’ Family to come out of the maze.Read

    all the words which you join.

  • हहदंी अभ्यास ऩत्रिका - १ 'अ' व 'आ' की मािा वाऱे शब्द छााँटकर सही जगह ऩर लऱखिए l

    अ की मािा के शब्द आ की मािा के शब्द

    गमला कमल टमाटर छाता

    शरबत खटमल पकवान कलश

    बाजार मखमल भगवान जगह

    दरबार माला मगर बतख

  • अभ्यास ऩत्रिका - २










    Fill the missing numbers.


    Count, add and write the correct answer in the box.


    One More One Less.


    On the left write the number that is one less.

    On the right, write the number that is one more.

  • Take the help of the box and write any four interesting things

    about yourself.

    I love my father.

    I like to play with toys.

    is English.


    Find the body parts in the grid given below.


    Write the daily food items that you had in breakfast, lunch and

    dinner for any one week and colour the healthy food items that

    you ate with green colour.