pressure compensated solar pump irrigation without water reserwoir2

Pressure compensated solar pump for microirrigation without water reservoir Balint Sule Irrigation team leader

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Pressure compensated solar pump for microirrigation without water


Balint SuleIrrigation team leader

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Today, the importance of irrigation is increasing. However, the mode of irrigation has changed a lot over the years, both energy and water has become increasingly expensive factor. The purest form of energy and water-saving irrigation is micro irrigation. The development of microirrigation particularly, the pressure compensation gave opportunity for PC solar pump application. The installed solar pump offers the opportunity to test in practice the theoretical issues. Irrigation solved by rigid polyethylene tubes and integrated emitters. Main issue was pressure compensation, which required by micro-irrigation principals. Pressure compensation solwed with a more cheaper solution compared to gravity fed use.

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PV panels peak 1.5 kW, 158 V

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Lorentz PumpPs 1200 Centric

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Pressure relief valve 1”

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Expansion tank (optional)

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Built in relief valve

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Built in filter with flushing option

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Assembled Pressure compensation unit for solar pump

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Lines from rigid PE pipe d:20mm

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Plastro Katif emitters (red spots) integrated to each sapling

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Riser from 2” mainline with tap before every line.

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Pressure compensated solar pump ready for microirrigation of orchard.

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Measured flows under free outlet

Cloudy day

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Clear weather

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Extreme values of microirrigation system under 1 bar pressure maximum.

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Conclusions and Recommendations

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Issues shown, this 1 hectared orchard’s water demand satisfied with pressure compensated solar pump.

Moreover this pump could feed a four times bigger orchard .

This method could certainly held pressure in optimal range.

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The most important result is that the pressure compensated solar microirrigation system meets the requirements of microirrigation.

There was uniform application in in drip network.

Water-stressed periods was always managable.

The application of relief valve in this case is clearly superseded the gravity fed tank with a minimal cost.

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Blown water could used for husbandry or ponds, or lower in conventional, or in permaculture farming.

Zero need for water tanks, could reduce acquisition costs more than 30%.

Automated irrigation with this solar pump could reduce personell costs.

Precise use of needed amount of water could length well lifetime.

Increased system relief pressure (3-4 bar) with aright selected PC drippers, could lead to uniform but flow follower water application!

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CalculationThe current pump at 1 hectare (210 pieces of saplings) is suitable for more than four hectares (900 trees) to perform. Based on 4 liters/tree value, 6 hours daily uptime, under 60 l/min minimum flows capacity. The number of potentially irrigated trees were calculated using the following formula:

= number of potentially irrigated trees

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Practically it can be concluded that the resulting 24 liter minimum flow/ wood/ day, is the same as apples and apricots maximum daily water consumption’s lower limit which is 25 liter/day.

In case of direct PC solar pump useful runtime determined with the minimum flow needed for system.

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