presented by: earle abrahamson [email protected] higher education academy, assessment...

Presented by: Earle Abrahamson [email protected] Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

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Page 1: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Presented by:Earle Abrahamson

[email protected]

Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Page 2: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

To discuss feedback as learning To explore how best to use feedback to

engage with our students Purposes of feedback – external and

internal Ways to try to make feedback most useful Language of feedback – helpful not bland! Issues for future consideration

Page 3: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

A good teacher is able to communicate clearly with the students. It is not the responsibility of students to interpret what is going on in the teacher’s mind – R Meyers (ISSOTL 2009).

Page 4: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

There is more known, in every discipline, than students in any course can learn!

As a result, in most courseswe ask students to learn too much, with the seemingly paradoxical result that too little is learned and retained.

If students can’t learn it all, what should they learn, and consequently be assessed upon?

Page 5: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Why do we assess?

1. Certification

2. Quality Assurance

3. Learning 4. Sustainability

Page 6: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

• Feed-outwards function: Externals, QAA, Prof Bodies

Showing consistency and fairness and justifying grade awarded

• Feed-inwards function: key part of our dialogue with students about what they have done well, what needs improving and how they can make these improvements

Page 7: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Consider what the specific purposes are e.g.

to give early encouragement suggestions for further work to improve summative work Consider the level, stage and any particular

features of the cohort.

Page 8: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Feedback to feedforward

A key area is to use feedback to help students to improve their future work.

Students may need our help in seeing this. Good to explore their previous experiences

and their expectations about feedback – what it is for and how they can use it.

Page 9: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

How do we give appropriate constructive criticism and ensure rigour?

How do we give accurate feedback on weak work without destroying a student’s confidence?

How do we ensure that feedback to outstanding students is more than the minimal and helps them to develop further?

How do we get students to use the feedback we give them to help them move forward?

Page 10: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Avoid criticising the person rather than the work being assessed

Try not to use language that leaves the student nowhere to go e.g. Appalling

Words like ‘incomparable’ to excellent students feel good but need to be supplemented by suggestions for future improvement

Page 11: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

This is a well argued essay and draws upon a useful set of sources but you could develop this further by.....

There is much to commend your scholarly and coherent approach but you have not....

Where you have drawn upon established methodologies is excellent and you could have taken this even further by.....

Page 12: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Strengths of this work Areas that need improvement Suggestions as to how you may achieve

these improvements Academic style General comments

Page 13: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

What problems have you encountered when giving feedback to students?

How have you dealt with these problems?

Are there other ways forward that might be helpful?

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What do you need to think more about?

Page 15: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Engage students in self- assessment to encourage them to use your feedback to feed forward to their future work.

Use peer assessment Think about different ways of delivering

some of your feedback

Page 16: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Self assessment : Involve the learners feedback as dialogue

For student to complete For staff to complete

These are areas of my work that I think are good for the following reasons

Please comment on the following areas of work

What I want to improve or do differently next time

The grade I think this piece of work deserves is

Page 17: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Get learners to self assess

•Return tutor marked work back to the individual but without the grade•Get the learner to mark their own work•Collect learner grades•9 out of 10 students will be within 5%•Arrange to talk to those where the difference is more than 5% or one criterion

Page 18: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Ask students to mark each other’s work formatively.

One example... Think about your role as overseer and

quality monitor.

Page 19: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Saving time

•Generic feedback within 24 hours on VLE•Face-to-face feedback with whole group or small groups•Peer feedback in groups•Use technology such as:

Sound files e.g. Audacity (Free)

Dragon softwareStatement banks

•SELF feedback

Page 20: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University
Page 21: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Pilot Study – asked students to self assess work and then use wordle to check word emphasis; and then input staff assessment into wordle to check word emphasis – N = 50 (students) Abrahamson 2009.

Students Staff

Page 22: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Cross module moderation for markersGroup marking exercisesMarking buddies across modulesAssess less – or differently – give yourself

more time to complete marking and give good feedback.

Consider the main ideas within the discipline and work on assessing these.

Induct students into the assessment and feedback processes.

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Page 24: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University

Argyrous, G. (2005) Statistics for research. 2nd ed. Sage , London Berger, J. (1972) Ways of seeing Penguin , London Bringing Educational Creativity to All (BECTA) (2006) Tech News — March. Conole, G. and Dyke, M. (2004) What are the affordances of information

and communication technologies?. Alt-J 12:2 , pp. 113-124. Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Standards Unit (2003) The

future of initial teacher education for the learning and skills sector; and agenda for reform DfES , London

Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Standards Unit (2004) Equipping our teachers for the future: Reforming initial teacher training for the learning and skills sector DfES , London

Dyke, M.,  Harding, A. and Lajeunesse, S. (2006) Digital Observation of Teaching Practice.. — Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, April 9, in San Francisco, USA

Page 25: Presented by: Earle Abrahamson Higher Education Academy, Assessment Conference 12/11/09, Oxford University