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-Wh a t is F o r t u n e H i ?Te c h M a r k e t in g

?Wh ic h p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v ic e s d o w e p r o v id e

?H o w c a n y o u e a r n m o n e y

?H o w d o y o u g e t s t a r t e d

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- F o r t u n e H i Te c h M a r k e t in g

• • An international companyAn international company

• • 100% debt free100% debt free

• • Headquartered in Headquartered in Lexington, KentuckyLexington, Kentucky

• • Founded in January, 2001Founded in January, 2001

• • 3A1 Credit Score on the D&B3A1 Credit Score on the D&B

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Whether you want protection for your home or a small business, the GE Security System will fulfill your security needs and most Importantly, fit your budget. You select the package that you desire. The security equipment is yours at no cost. You simply take care of the monthly monitoring.

Here is a reason to trust your security with a GE Wireless Home Security System:

•One Button Arming: Pager Feature:• Additional User Codes: 24-hour Emergency Button:• Fully Supervised (Self-testing): Battery Back-up: •Status Button: Door Chime:


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Fortune Hi Tech Marketing has partnered with Travelocity Partner Network to provide an in-depth travel

portal. You as a travel portal member now have access to many of the top booking clients. Get Your Own Get Your Own TRAVELFHTM.COMTRAVELFHTM.COM Web site and get access to: Web site and get access to:

•Worldwide Travel •60 + Airlines •55,000 + Hotels and Resorts •28+ Rental Car Companies •9 + Cruise Lines •Customer Trips and Packages •Last Minute Travel Deals •1,400 Theme Parks at 150 + Destinations

The travel market is one of the fastest growing world markets.The travel market is one of the fastest growing world markets.   

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O u r P r o d u c t s

a n dS e r v ic e s• Fortune is a relationship

marketing company

• Provides product and service offerings from reputable companies

• Offers individuals their own businesses

• Provides training and support for your success

•Wireless • Nutrition • Weight Control • Satellite TV • Health Care Card • Travel • Skin Care • and more!

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F o r t u n e R e w a r d sM a ll

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O u r B u s in e s sM o d e l

1. You gather loyal customers

Yo u d o Yo u d o 2 :t h in g s :t h in g s

2. You introduce the business to others ….(who gather loyal customers)

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E a r n u p t o 2 5 % ’ o f y o u r c u s t o m e r s b il ls

o rCustomer Generated UsageCustomer Generated Usage



Yo u G a t h e rC u s t o m e r s

• Percentages may vary depending on product mix

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In t r o d u c e t h e B u s in e s s t o O t h e r s

(Up to 25% CGU)PersonalPersonal CustomersCustomers

S t e ve

33 C u s t o m e rs **

• Products and services must be sold and activated within 60 days of Manager’s start date.

= = 1 0 0$ 1 0 0$ Quick Start Bonus (QSB)Quick Start Bonus (QSB)

!f o r Yo u !f o r Yo u


( C u s t o m e r s a r e t h e b u y e r s o f’ F o r t u n e s p r o d u c t s

)a n d s e r v ic e s

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(Up to 1/2% CGU)1st Level

(Up to 1/2% CGU)2nd Level

* Products and services must be sold and activated within 60 days of Manager’s start date.


3 Customer Pts*3 Customer Pts*


3 Customer Pts*3 Customer Pts*

(30 Customer Pts)

(90 Customer Pts)

3 Customer Pts*3 Customer Pts*


(Up to 25% CGU)10

M a n a ge r


10 Customer Pts10 Customer Pts 10 Customer Pts10 Customer Pts 10 Customer Pts10 Customer Pts

(Customers are the buyers of Fortune’s products and services.)


For You!For You!

Personal Customer PointsPersonal Customer Points

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((Up to 1% CGU)Up to 1% CGU)1st Level

((Up to 1% CGU)Up to 1% CGU)2nd Level


R e g io n a l S a le sM a n a g e r$100 Quick Start$100 Quick Start + $100 CAB** + $100 CAB** + up to 1% CGU***+ up to 1% CGU***

* Products and services must be sold and activated within 60 days of Manager’s start date.

Chris Shelly Don

**Customer Acquisition Bonus ***Customer Generated Usage

3 Customer Pts*3 Customer Pts* 3 Customer Pts*3 Customer Pts* 3 Customer Pts*3 Customer Pts*

$200.00 Per MGR.$200.00 Per MGR.100% Pay Raise100% Pay Raise

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R e g io n a l S a le s M a n a g e r F u lly C o d e d B o n u s R e g io n a l S a le s M a n a g e r F u lly C o d e d B o n u s




C G U ( 1% ) u p t o


$100 Quick Start$100 Quick Start + $100 CAB* + $100 CAB* + up to 1% CGU**+ up to 1% CGU**

$100$100( 1% )u p t o









( 2 0 % )u p t o





( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o




( 1% )u p t o( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1 /2 % )u p t o( 1 /2 % )u p t o

( 1 /2 % )u p t o( 1 /2 % )u p t o

R e g io n a l S a le sM a n a g e r

*Customer Acquisition Bonus **Customer Generated Usage

• Products and services must be sold and activated within 60 days of Manager’s start date.








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D o u b le B o n u s e sRegional Sales Manager Coding

Within a Calendar Month:

*S ix Q u a lif y in g M a n a g e r s a r e g a t h e r e d

An a d d it io n a l 5 0 .0 0C AB o f $

*S ix t e e n Q u a lif y in g M a n a g e r s a r e g a t h e r e d












C G U ( 1% ) u p t o

( 1% )u p t o









( 2 0 % )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1 /2 % )u p t o( 1 /2 % )u p t o

( 1 /2 % )u p t o( 1 /2 % )u p t o


R e g io n a l S a le s M a n a g e r F u lly C o d e d B o n u s R e g io n a l S a le s M a n a g e r F u lly C o d e d B o n u s

$100 Quick Start$100 Quick Start + $100 CAB + $100 CAB + up to 1% CGU+ up to 1% CGU

R e g io n a l S a le sM a n a g e r




C G U ( 1% ) u p t o

( 1% )u p t o









( 2 0 % )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o( 1% )u p t o

( 1% )u p t o

( 1 /2 % )u p t o( 1 /2 % )u p t o

( 1 /2 % )u p t o( 1 /2 % )u p t o











* A Manager qualifies by selling 3 products or services that go active within 60 days of the Manager’s start date.

An a d d it io n a l C AB o f1 0 0 .0 0$

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Levels 1-7 = up to 1/2% CGU

P o w e r P o w e r o f o f

R e s idR e s idu a lu a l



55 44 33

66 77


Level ManagersLevel Managers QuQualifyingalifying Customer PointsCustomer Points 1 1 From the Sales of From the Sales of Products and ServicesProducts and Services

2727 270270




6 ,56 ,56 16 1



6 5 ,6 1 06 5 ,6 1 0

Mathematical FormulaMathematical Formula

8Le v e l = u p t o1 0 % C G U *

• • Duplicate through all 8 levelsDuplicate through all 8 levels

• • Example:Example: 6,561 Managers

x 10 Customers x CGU of $25 (Average Monthly Bill) =

$82,012.00 per month$82,012.00 per month• • 10% success is over $8,20010% success is over $8,200• • 1% … over $820 per month1% … over $820 per month

* Percentages may vary depending on product mix

• Illustrates the potential power of mathematical growth but does not represent actual results.

(based on 5% CGU)(based on 5% CGU)


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Le a d e r s h ip C o d e d Le a d e r s h ip C o d e dB o n u s e sB o n u s e s

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Th e F o r t u n e P la t in u m C a r P r o g r a m

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!G e t t in g S t a r t e d• Fill out Independent Representative Application ($299.00 Manager Fee)

• Get trained right away

• Work with your team to build your business

• Fill out optional Trainer Coach Application ($299.00 Trainer Coach Fee)

• Activate your business with 3 customer points

Managing Representative Kit Training Program Detailed Accounting Support System

Earn $40 for trainings

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Is Th is B u s in e s s F o r Is Th is B u s in e s s F o r?Yo u ?Yo u

• • Do you have a desire for Do you have a desire for more more t im et im e , , m o n e ym o n e y and and f r e e d o mf r e e d o m ??

• • Can you gather loyal customersCan you gather loyal customers for brand name companies?for brand name companies?

• • Do you know others who would likeDo you know others who would like to earn money doing the same thing?to earn money doing the same thing?

!Th e n F o r t u n e is f o r Yo u !Th e n F o r t u n e is f o r Yo u

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