presentation products of italy

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Post on 26-May-2015




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School work on Italian products with images and links. It's part of an assignment for a Comenius project called "Five Senses Comenius".


  • 1. We have been asked to speak about the productsmade in Italy. We have manydifferent areas in which our products are very famousand demanded for. Oneis high technology products in the field of mechanicsand electronics.The vehicles we make, from bicycles to motorbikes,cars, trains, aircraft andeven ships have been highly apreciated in the past andare very sought afternow.

2. IIttaallyyss TToopp1100 EExxppoorrttss MMaacchhiinneerryy:: $$110044,,007777,,998822,,000000 ((2200..11%% ooff ttoottaall eexxppoorrttss)) VVeehhiicclleess eexxcclluuddiinngg ttrraaiinnss aanndd ssttrreeeettccaarrss:: $$3377,,440022,,444499,,000000 ((77..22%%)) EElleeccttrroonniicc eeqquuiippmmeenntt:: $$2299,,221122,,550033,,000000 ((55..66%%)) MMiinneerraall ffuueellss iinncclluuddiinngg ooiill:: $$2244,,993366,,335555,,000000 ((44..88%%)) PPhhaarrmmaacceeuuttiiccaall pprroodduuccttss:: $$2233,,558822,,114499,,000000 ((44..66%%)) PPllaassttiiccss:: $$2200,,990077,,441144,,000000 ((44%%)) IIrroonn oorr sstteeeell pprroodduuccttss:: $$2200,,554433,,224488,,000000 ((44%%)) PPeeaarrllss,, pprreecciioouuss ssttoonneess mmeettaallss aanndd ccooiinnss:: $$1155,,662222,,991188,,000000 ((33%%)) FFuurrnniittuurree,, lliigghhttiinngg ,, ssiiggnnss aanndd pprreeffaabbrriiccaatteedd bbuuiillddiinnggss:: $$1133,,998866,,991100,,000000 ((22..77%%)) IIrroonn aanndd sstteeeell:: $$1133,,664444,,339999,,000000 ((22..66%%))hhttttpp::////wwwwww..wwoorrllddssttooppeexxppoorrttss..ccoomm//iittaallyyss--ttoopp--1100--eexxppoorrttss//224422 3. Everything thathas a motor andmovesThe example of a big American car companysaved from failure thanks to the Italianmanagement and technology of Fiat is wellknown to everybody. Fiat, Fabbrica ItalianaAutomobili Torino, is the historic carmanufacturers based in Turin. 4. Everybody knows about Piaggio, based nearPisa in Tuscany and its Vespa. But Piaggio isand has been for decades a great Aircraftindustry making airplanes from small two-seatersto large quatrimotor airplanes. 5. The evolution 6. One of several aricraft factories active in Italyfor decades, like Agustathat sells helicopters worldwide 7. AutomotiveBrands like Ferrari Vs Lamborghini,Lamborghini, Maserati and even AlfaRomeo don't need anypresentation as they are well known for theirflashy trendy luxury cars 8. MotorcyclesThe Italian motorcycle industry has also beenvery active and produced hundreds ofdifferent models. Ducati, Moto Guzzi, Aprilia,Gilera, Beta have made the history ofMotorcycling 9. Food andBeverageItalian food and beverages are also verypopular, so that Italian words such ascappuccino, latte or Chianti are usedeverywhere in this globalized World.Here are some examples in commericalvideos by Buitoni and Chianti Wine producers. 10. CCaappppuucccciinnoo aanndd llaattttee ccooffffeeee IIttaalliiaann CCooffffeeee sseeeemmss ttoo hhaavvee bbeeccoommeevveerryy ppooppuullaarr iinn tthhee llaasstt yyeeaarrss,, wwiitthhccaappppuucccciinnoo tthhaatt iiss nnooww aa ppooppuullaarr ddrriinnkkiinn mmaannyy ccoouunnttrriieess.. IInn IIttaallyy hhoowweevveerrCCaappppuucccciinnoo iiss ccoonnssiiddeerreedd aa mmoorrnniinnggttrreeaatt wwhhiillee iitt''ss ddrruunnkk aatt aannyy mmoommeennttdduurriinngg tthhee ddaayy eellsseewwhheerree.. 11. FFrroomm ffaarrmmiinngg ttoo iinndduussttrryyFood and agricolture in general haverepresented important productions in ourcountry and have given work to generations ofItalians. The current crisis andgrowing production costs have forcedproducers to move to other countries, butthey keep the Italian quality controls andchoices of crops and fruits. 12. Fashion andTrendsThe Fashion industry has achieved great success inthe past years. It is distinctive of a way of living thatis connected to art, style and pleasure. The mostapreciated brands in the World are Italian. Amongthem we find Benetton, Armani, Versace, Trussardi,Gucci, Prada, Missoni and others. 13. JJeewweellss ffrroomm ggllaassssGGllaasssswwaarree iiss aann iimmppoorrttaanntt pprroodduuccttiioonn ooffMMuurraannoo nneeaarr VVeenniiccee.. TThheessee pprreecciioouusswwoorrkkss ooff aarrtt aarree eexxppoorrtteedd wwoorrllddwwiiddee aannddtthhee eexxppeerrttiissee ooff tthhee ggllaassss mmaakkiinngg mmaasstteerrssiiss wweellll kknnoowwnn aadd aaddmmiirreedd.. TThhee tteecchhnniiqquueetthheeyy uussee hhaass eevvoollvveedd tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthheecceennttuurriieess aanndd hhaass ccoommee ttoo aallmmoossttppeerrffeeccttiioonn.. 14. DisclaimerAll the brands mentioned in this work are copyrightand are propriety of their respective owners