present existed driver alert system


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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What is Driver Alert System? Driver alert system/Driver drowsiness detection is

a car safety technology which helps prevent accidents caused by the driver getting drowsy.

Present existed systems in Market Volvo


Ford Motor Company

BMW of North America



Nap Zapper Anti-Sleep Alarm

Sleep Detection and WarningSystem Using a Low-Cost EEG Headset

Infrared Pulse Sensor

Volvo Volvo was the first to market with a system.

Volvo uses a camera mounted behind the rear-view mirror.

That looks at road markings

steering movements

accelerator and brake pedals

-If any found drowsiness drivers will hear an audible chime.

Mercedes-Benz The system uses a steering sensor, along with software.

The software tracks 70 inputs, including such details as

where the vehicle is in the lane

how often the driver adjusts the radio controls and moves the steering wheel

and how long they've been driving.

The algorithm constantly compares how the driver performs to the baseline to decide when to set off the alert.

SLEEP WATCHER XR Uses infrared cameras that monitors human eyelid and

retina status.

It watches and assesses the drivers retina and eyelids for signs of fatigue

Within 2 seconds of the driver beginning to fall asleep, the system will recognize these signs and alert the driver with loud audio tones and warnings.

Sleep Watcher Camera

IR BASED EYE BLINK SENSOR This Eye Blink sensor is IR based.

The Variation Across the eye will vary as per eye blink.

If the eye is closed means the output is high otherwise output is low.

This to know the eye is closing or opening position.

This output is give to logic circuit to indicate the alarm.


Nap Zapper Anti-Sleep Alarm The angle of the wearer's head (i.e. if the head nods to

far forward) causes the alarm to give off an instant wake-up signal.

Sleep Detection and WarningSystem Using a Low-Cost EEG Headset The goal of this thesis is to design and test a real-time

sleep detection and warning system using a low-cost single dry-sensor EEG headset.

The device designed in this study records a single EEG signal and filters it into low Alpha (7.5 - 9.25 Hz), high Alpha (10 - 11.75 Hz), low Beta (13 - 16.75 Hz), and high Beta (18 - 29.75 Hz) frequency bands.

When the EEG transitions to match that of sleep for a short period of time, the device produces an audible alarm.

Placement for a 64-electrode System using the International 10-20 standard.

Infrared Pulse Sensor Taking your pulse is as simple as holding a finger to

your neck or wrist.

The sensor itself consists of an infrared emitter and detector mounted side-by-side and pressed closely against the skin.

When the heart pumps, blood pressure rises sharply, and so does the amount of infrared light from the emitter that gets reflected back to the detector.

The detector passes more current when it receives more light.