practice test world history ap #10. the existence of “africanity,” or widely shared customs...

Download Practice Test World History AP #10. The existence of “Africanity,” or widely shared customs across many parts of Africa by 1450, is probably best explained

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  • Practice Test World History AP #10
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  • The existence of Africanity, or widely shared customs across many parts of Africa by 1450, is probably best explained by (A)The lack of geographic obstacles to travel across the continent (B)Powerful centralized kingdoms in early African history (C)The Bantu migrations (D)Early trade contacts across the Sahara Desert (E)Strong native religions
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  • (C) The Bantu migrations
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  • Ibn Battutas detailed 14 th -century written account is an important source of information about (A) China during the rule of Kubilai Khan (B) Life in Islamic lands (C) The lives of ordinary peasants in central Asia and the Middle East (D) Demographic changes in Eurasia as the result of the spread of disease (E) Technological innovations that spread from east Asia to Europe along the Silk Road
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  • (B) (B)Life in Islamic lands
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  • Which of the following characterized political systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia during the late 19 th century? (A)They were almost all ruled by hereditary monarchs. (B)Most had established democracies. (C)Most were authoritarian, but had legislatures that shared some powers with the chief executive. (D)Most were under colonial rule. (E)They were characterized by weak central governments that tried to exert power over fragmented groups.
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  • (D)Most were under colonial rule.
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  • One characteristic that the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen had in common was that both (A)Emphasized liberty more than equality (B)Denounced nationalism (C)Affirmed the natural rights of citizens (D)Affirmed the rights of hereditary monarchs (E)Endorsed equal rights for women
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  • (C) Affirmed the natural rights of citizens
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  • The map shows Europe during the time of (A) The Crusades (B) The Protestant Reformation (C) The Napoleonic Wars (D) World War I (E) World War II
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  • The Napoleonic Wars (C) The Napoleonic Wars
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  • The 19 th -century independence movement in Brazil was different from independence movements in Mexico and Gran Colombia because (A) Brazilian elites were more afraid of slave revolts than were the elites in Mexico and Gran Colombia (B) Few elites in Brazil were influenced by Enlightenment ideas (C) Brazil did not have a well-developed class of elites (D) The movement was ultimately unsuccessful in Brazil (E) Brazilians did not have a written constitution; Gran Colombia and Mexico did
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  • (A) Brazilian elites were more afraid of slave revolts than were the elites in Mexico and Gran Colombia
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  • Which of the following was NOT an innovation associated with the Industrial Revolution in the 19 th century? (A)Mass production (B)The cotton gin (C)Movable type (D)The spinning jenny (E)The steam engine
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  • (C)Movable type
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  • A 19 th -century movement in arts and literature that was a reaction to the Enlightenments emphasis on rational thought was called (A)Secularism (B)Isolationism (C)Socialism (D)Romanticism (E)Marxism
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  • (D)Romanticism
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  • The cult of domesticity is a 19 th -century phrase that describes the (A)Insulated world of middle-class women in industrialized societies (B)Home life of European peasants (C)Urban working class in industrialized societies (D)Traditional values of women in east Asia (E)System of producing goods by hand at home
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  • (A) Insulated world of middle-class women in industrialized societies
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  • Which broad ideology in 19 th -century Europe was reinforced by the action of the Congress of Vienna in 1815? (A)Liberalism (B)Marxism (C)Nationalism (D)Regionalism (E)Conservatism
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  • The Young Turks were motivated to form and take action by their belief in (A)A religious state in Turkey (B)Turkish nationalism (C)The need to restore the power of the Ottoman sultan (D)Turkeys need to join the European Union (E)Non-violent resistance to European domination
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  • (B) Turkish nationalism
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  • After World War II the hegemony of western Europe was broken and replaced by (A)Hegemony of supranational organizations (B)Hegemony of Japan and China (C)Competition between Russia and countries of the Middle East for control (D)Competition between the United States and the Soviet Union (E)Cooperative hegemony of the United States and Great Britain
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  • (D) Competition between the United States and the Soviet Union
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  • One important impact of World War II on the African continent was (A)Colonization by European powers (B)A Substantial reduction in overall population (C)The establishment of many new communist countries (D)Decolonization (E)The strengthening of national militaries
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  • (D) Decolonization
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  • The policies of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin emphasized (A)The spread of international communism (B)Collectivization of agriculture and industrialization (C)More equal opportunities for peasants and city workers (D)The purification of Marxist doctrines (E)Westernization and cooperation with international organizations
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  • (B)Collectivization of agriculture and industrialization
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  • Which of the following 20 th -century ideologies was directly supportive of equality between men and women? (A)Communism (B)Fascism (C)Self-determination (D)Protectionism (E)Appeasement
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  • (A) Communism
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  • Post-modernist values contrast with modernist values in that post-modernist values emphasize (A)Materialism (B)Rationalism (C)Freedom (D)Technology (E)Quality of life
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  • Which of the following explanations for the lack of development in a modern country is most likely based on dependency theory? (A)The political and economic leaders are corrupt. (B)Traditional values hamper development. (C)The country has not enlisted the aid of a more developed country. (D)The country has been blocked by the greed of more developed countries. (E)The county has few natural resources, and those that it has are poorly used.
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  • (D) The country has been blocked by the greed of more developed countries.
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  • Which of the following did NOT live during the 19 th century? (A)Peter the Great (B)Napoleon Bonaparte (C)James Watt (D)Charles Darwin (E)Cixi
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  • (A)Peter the Great
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  • The map shows which of the following empires at its greatest extent? (A)Ancient Rome (B)Ancient Greece (C)Assyrian Empire (D)Byzantine Empire (E)Persian Empire
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  • The concept of private property first came about as a result of (A)Neolithic Revolution (B)Development of the first cities (C)Organization of the earliest civilizations (D)Feudalistic ties in medieval Europe (E)Development of capitalism
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  • (A)Neolithic Revolution
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  • The philosophies of the Ancient Greeks, such as Aristotle and Plato, were based most directly on their (A)Belief in polytheistic religion (B)Fear of dangers in the natural world (C)Emphasis on secularism (D)Support of military power (E)Reliance on feelings and emotions
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  • (C) Emphasis on secularism
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  • In Ancient China, the mandate of heaven belonged to the (A)Scholar-gentry (B)Ruling emperor (C)Ancestors (D)People (E)Emperors mother
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  • (B) Ruling emperor
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  • The Hellenistic synthesis was created most directly by (A)Cyrus the Great (B)Pericles (C)Julius Caesar (D)Alexander the Great (E)Ashoka
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  • (D) Alexander the Great
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  • Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire? (A)Agriculture was a more important component of the economy during the Empire. (B)The Senate had more real governing power during the Republic. (C)Military success was more important during the Empire. (D)Peasants come into conflict with wealthy aristocrats over land ownership during the time of the Republic, but not during the Empire period. (E)The succession to leadership was determined by heredity under the Empire but not during the time of the Republic.
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  • (B)The Senate had more real governing power during the Republic.
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  • In the period between 600 and 1450 C.E., the interregional impact of nomadic movements (A)Was not as great as it had been during the Classical Era (B)Was significant, but not as great as in later eras (C)Was more important in the Western Hemisphere, but not in the Eastern Hemisphere (D)Reached its greatest extent in world history (E)Was minimal, as it generally had been throughout world history
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  • (D) Reached its greatest extent in world history
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  • The lateen sail was an important technology for travelling across the Indian Ocean because (A)Its square shape meant that it picked up more ocean breezes (B)It was more durable than most other sails (C)It worked best when combined with tiers of oars (D)It was especially suited for short distance travel (E)Its shape made maneuvering the monsoon winds possible
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  • The table supports the fact that the vast majority of slaves were traded to areas where the economy was dominated by (A)Gold and silver mines (B)Tobacco (C)Corn and beans (D)Cotton (E)Sugar
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  • Although the political organization of early medieval Europe was decentralized and fragmented, the most important glue that provided structure and order was (A)The code of honor among nobles and knights (B)The extensive trade system (C)Parliamentary organization (D)The Roman Catholic Church (E)A common language and culture
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  • (D)The Roman Catholic Church
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  • Despite the differences between them, which of the following did the Byzantine Empire and the early Islamic caliphates have in common? (A)All were Islamic. (B)None had strong centralized governments. (C)None relied on a strong military to keep their empires strong. (D)All had only limited literary and artistic accomplishments. (E)In all, both political and religious power was concentrated in the rulers hands.
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  • The Inca and Aztec societies were different in that (A)The Inca had a large army; the Aztecs did not (B)The Aztecs had a written language; the Inca did not (C)The Inca diet was based on corn and beans; the Aztec diet was based on potatoes and tomatoes (D)The Aztecs built sophisticated public buildings; the Inca did not (E)The Aztecs used animals as beasts of burden; the Inca did not
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  • (B) The Aztecs had a written language; the Inca did not
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  • Neo-Confucianism was created during the Song Era in China to ease the growing tension between Confucianism and (A)Daoism (B)Shintoism (C)Buddhism (D)Hinduism (E)Legalism
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  • (C)Buddhism
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  • For its subject matter, The Tale of Genji, the first novel to be written in Japanese, focused on (A)The lives of the nobility in the emperors court (B)Ordinary Japanese peasants (C)The adventures of the shogun and samurai (D)Japanese encounters with westerners (E)Life inside a Buddhist monastery
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  • (A)The lives of the nobility in the emperors court
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  • Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the long-term influence of the Byzantine Empire after it fell? (A)Its religion and many customs influenced the development of Russia. (B)Constantinople remained as a primarily Christian city. (C)Its territories remained united for many centuries. (D)It set the example for later civilizations of separation of church and state. (E)It provided a long-lasting common language for all eastern Europeans.
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  • (A)Its religion and many customs influenced the development of Russia.
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  • The structure pictured in the photograph was built by the people of (A)Ancient Egypt (B)Teotihuacn (C)The Inca Empire (D)Han China (E)The Mauryan Empire
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  • (B)Teotihuacn
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  • One difference in the relationships between European settlers and Amerindians in Latin America and North America was that in Latin America (A)Amerindians were usually pushed out of places Europeans wanted for settlement (B)Social classes were generally less hierarchical (C)Few efforts were made to convert natives to Christianity (D)Europeans were more likely to settle in rural areas (E)Many more Amerindians were forced into labor by Europeans
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  • The hold that the Roman Catholic Church had on European society was significantly weakened during the 16 th century by (A)The Mongol invasions (B)The Protestant Reformation (C)Islamic invasions of Spain and France (D)The Italian Renaissance (E)A loss of church lands due to financial mismanagement
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  • (B)The Protestant Reformation
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  • During what period in world history did sea- based powers rise in influence in contrast to most land-based powers, which either lost influence or stayed the same? (A)The Classical Era (1000 B.C.E. 600 C.E.) (B)600 1450 C.E. (C)1450 1750 C.E. (D)1750 1914 C.E. (E)1914 C.E. Present
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  • (C)1450 1750 C.E.
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  • Which of the following people was most likely to serve as a viceroy in the Spanish colonies in the Americas? (A)A mestizo (B)A creole (C)A peninsulare (D)A mulatto (E)An Amerindian
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  • (C) A peninsulare
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  • The Mercator projection map was tailored to aid (A)Explorers as they circumnavigated the globe by going south from Europe (B)Traders on the Indian Ocean trade circuits (C)Overland travelers on the Silk Road (D)European traders on the Atlantic Ocean (E)Inland explorers of North and South America
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  • (D)European traders on the Atlantic Ocean
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  • One disadvantage of the Mercator projection is that it distorts the (A)Size of land masses, particularly those far away from the equator (B)Shapes of land masses (C)Distance between two different points on the globe (D)Size of the oceans, particularly the areas close to the equator (E)Shapes of oceans
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  • (A) Size of land masses, particularly those far away from the equator
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  • One purpose of Zheng Hes voyages in the early 15 th century was to (A)Find a trading route to the Western Hemisphere (B)Reassert Chinas power after the demise of the Yuan Dynasty (C)Conquer lands around the Indian Ocean basin (D)Find and sink the Portuguese ships that were stealing Chinese trade (E)Find new converts to Confucianism
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  • (B) Reassert Chinas power after the demise of the Yuan Dynasty
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  • One reason that personalist leaders have had more political influence in Latin America than in North America is that (A)Latin American leaders generally have been more charismatic than North American leaders (B)Latin American leaders are not directly elected by the people; North American leaders are (C)Latin American leaders were more likely to come from ordinary backgrounds than North American leaders (D)Latin American leaders were more likely to be both political AND religious leaders (E)Latin America was slower to develop stable political institutions than North America
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  • Ever since Canada became a self-governing political system, an important problem for establishing and maintaining Canadian identity has been (A)The significant French minority living primarily in Quebec (B)The inability of the British government to stay out of Canadian affairs (C)Lack of transportation systems to tie people on the East Coast to those on the West Coast (D)A centralized government that gives little authority to the provinces (E)Its open immigration policy that allows almost anyone to settle in Canada
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  • (A)The significant French minority living primarily in Quebec
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  • Which of the following was a common goal of both Peter the Great and Catherine the Great for Russia? (A)Freeing the serfs (B)Expanding the countrys borders (C)Preserving Slavic customs above all others (D)Breaking the power of Russian army and naval leaders (E)Recognizing the rights of ethnic minorities to self-rule
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  • (B) Expanding the countrys borders
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  • this poison has spread far and wide in all the provinces. You, I hope, will certainly agree that people who pursue material gains to the great detriment of the welfare of others can be neither tolerated by Heaven nor endured by men Heaven is furious with anger, and all the gods are moaning with pain! The poison that Lin Zexu refers to in his 1838 letter to Queen Victoria excerpted above was this poison has spread far and wide in all the provinces. You, I hope, will certainly agree that people who pursue material gains to the great detriment of the welfare of others can be neither tolerated by Heaven nor endured by men Heaven is furious with anger, and all the gods are moaning with pain! The poison that Lin Zexu refers to in his 1838 letter to Queen Victoria excerpted above was (A)The plague (B)Toxic gases (C)Opium (D)Food from the Americas (E)Lead
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  • (C) Opium
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  • The cult of the emperor was a campaign to glorify the Japanese emperor by the (A)Fujiwara family during the Heian Era (B)Shogun during the Tokugawa Shogunate (C)Oligarchs during the Meiji Restoration (D)Military leaders during World War I (E)Military leaders during World War II
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  • (C)Oligarchs during the Meiji Restoration
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  • The breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 may be most directly linked to the 20 th -century process of (A)The politicization of religion (B)Globalization (C)Post-modernism (D)Fragmentation (E)Integration
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  • (D)Fragmentation
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  • This map shows Europe while countries were fighting (A)The Napoleonic War (B)The Crimean War (C)World War I (D)World War II (E)The Cold War
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  • (C)World War I
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  • The nature of the warfare fought in the area called the Western Front is best described as (A)Trench warfare (B)Blitzkrieg (C)A combination of infantry and horse brigades (D)A combination of submarine and tank warfare (E)Scorched earth warfare
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  • (A)Trench warfare
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  • Which of the following regional organizations had most successfully come to control the money supply of its member states? (A)European Union (EU) (B)North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (C)North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (D)Organization of American States (OAS) (E)Organization for African Unity (OAU)
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  • (A) European Union (EU)
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  • Which of the following is the BEST explanation for why Germany remained divided into two countries from 1945 till 1989? (A)Germans could not agree on the type of democracy they would form. (B)The cost of rehabilitating Germany after World War II was so great that it made sense to split the responsibility between the two superpowers. (C)Disagreements erupted between the U.S. and the Soviet Union over Germanys new capital city. (D)France insisted that West Germany should fall under its control since Germany had occupied France during World War II. (E)Cold War politics settled in, with West Germany establishing a democratic government, and East Germany establishing a communist government.
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  • Passive resistance is a method employed in a 20 th -century independence movement by (A)Ho Chi Minh (B)Mohandas Gandhi (C)Gamel Abdel Nasser (D)Fidel Castro (E)Salvador Allende
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  • (B)Mohandas Gandhi
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  • All the great civilizations of the past died out because contamination of their blood caused them to become decadentIn other words, in order to protect a certain culture, the type of human who created the culture must be preserved. But such preservation is tied to the inalterable law of necessity and the right of victory of the best and the strongest The excerpt above was written by All the great civilizations of the past died out because contamination of their blood caused them to become decadentIn other words, in order to protect a certain culture, the type of human who created the culture must be preserved. But such preservation is tied to the inalterable law of necessity and the right of victory of the best and the strongest The excerpt above was written by (A)Winston Churchill (B)Mustafa Kemal (C)V.I. Lenin (D)Joseph Stalin (E)Adolf Hitler
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  • All the great civilizations of the past died out because contamination of their blood caused them to become decadentIn other words, in order to protect a certain culture, the type of human who created the culture must be preserved. But such preservation is tied to the inalterable law of necessity and the right of victory of the best and the strongest The philosophy expressed in the excerpt was used to justify the All the great civilizations of the past died out because contamination of their blood caused them to become decadentIn other words, in order to protect a certain culture, the type of human who created the culture must be preserved. But such preservation is tied to the inalterable law of necessity and the right of victory of the best and the strongest The philosophy expressed in the excerpt was used to justify the (A)Purge of kulaks (B)Russian Revolution of 1917 (C)Independence movements of the 1950s and 1960s (D)Holocaust (E)Use of the atomic bomb in 1945
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  • (D) Holocaust
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  • The Brezhnev Doctrine was (A) The USSRs official protest against U.S. conduct in Vietnam (B) The USSRs denunciation of Maoist China, as the Sino-Soviet split worsened (C) The USSRs condemnation of NATOs nuclear-arms buildup (D) The USSRs formal outlawing of all dissident activity within its borders (E) The USSRs ideological justification of its military intervention in Czechoslovakia
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  • What was Jawaharlal Nehrus overall policy direction for India? (A) To put Gandhis dream of a spiritually pure, nontechnological India into action (B) To cement a firm military alliance between India and the United States (C) To modernize, secularize, and democratize India (D) To gain more territory for India at the expense of China (E) To create a theocratic regime governed by Hindu principles
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  • (C)To modernize, secularize, and democratize India
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  • What Marxist regime devastated Cambodia, killing well over a million people? (A) The Khmer Blanc (B) The Sihanouk Serpents (C) The Angkor Brigade (D) The Khmer Rouge (E) The Viet Cong
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  • (D)The Khmer Rouge
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  • In which Middle Eastern nation did a Shiite theocracy succeed a secular, modernizing monarchy? (A) Iraq (B) Jordan (C) Syria (D) Saudi Arabia (E) Iran
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  • Why did apartheid in South Africa end during the 1990s? (A) White leaders began to realize how unjust the policy really was. (B) The African National Congress called for its dismantling. (C) It never succeeded in segregating Africans from whites. (D) It had succeeded in its goals by them. (E) White leaders decided that the policy was hurting the countrys economy and international reputation
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  • In which of the following sequences are Soviet leaders placed in the correct chronological order, according to the years they ruled? (A) Stalin, Lenin, Brezhnev, Khrushchev (B) Khrushchev, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev (C) Brezhnev, Stalin, Khrushchev, Lenin (D) Lenin, Khrushchev, Stalin, Brezhnev (E) Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev
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  • Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran was similar to Mustafa Kemal of Turkey in that he (A) Was a democratic ruler (B) Proclaimed himself sultan (C) Secularized his country (D) Turned his country into a theocracy (E) Introduced a bill of rights
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  • (C)Secularized his country
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  • In sixteenth-century India, the Delhi sultanate gave way to which government? (A) The Gupta Empire (B) The Srivijayan Kingdom (C) French rule (D) The Mughal Empire (E) British rule
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  • (D)The Mughal Empire
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  • The violent suppression of demonstrators by British troops at which city almost plunged India into full-scale civil war? (A) Lucknow (B) Amritsar (C) Meerut (D) Calcutta (E) Mysore
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  • (B)Amritsar
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  • Enlightenment thought is best characterized by which of the following? (A) A complete rejection of religious faith (B) A conviction that logic and reason were capable of solving social and political problems (C) Active advocacy of the rights of women to vote (D) Support of the established political order (E) A deep faith in religious principles
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  • (B)A conviction that logic and reason were capable of solving social and political problems
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  • Which of the following characterized the politics of the Tokugawa shogunate? (A) Rigid social stratification backed by a dictatorial government (B) A gradual opening of Japanese economic and intellectual life to the outside world (C) Ruthless extermination of political enemies and racial minorities (D) A high degree of social mobility (E) A move toward limited forms of participatory democracy
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  • (A) Rigid social stratification backed by a dictatorial government
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  • Timbuktu was renowned for its (A) Gold and its role in opposing the slave trade (B) Salt reserves and Islamic scholarship (C) Large harbor (D) Glass and ceramic architecture (E) Many Gothic churches
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  • (B)Salt reserves and Islamic scholarship
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  • The first united Korean nation, 500s C.E., was (A) Koryo (B) Yi (C) Nara (D) Silla (E) Jomon
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  • (D)Silla
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  • The Grand Canal joins which two major rivers in China? (A) The Yellow and the Yangtze (B) The Yellow and the Ganges (C) The Indus and the Mekong (D) The Yangtze and the Volga (E) The Tigris and the Nile
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  • (A)The Yellow and the Yangtze
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  • Which of the following places in Africa remained Christian despite the spread of Islam on the continent? (A) Marrakesh (B) Swahili city-states (C) Mali (D) Ethiopia (E) Tunisia
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  • (D)Ethiopia
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  • How did women in small communities of sub- Saharan Africa tend to be treated? (A) They were seen as political equals. (B) They were valued as fieldworkers and for educating children. (C) They were treated as goddesses. (D) More women served as chiefs than men. (E) Women tended the cattle and so had a lot of power.
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  • (B)They were valued as fieldworkers and for educating children.