[ppt]doaa official presentation layout - ga department of … · web viewannual reporting of splost...


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05/09/2023 2

Reporting Issues Session

• Reminder: DOAA cannot provide legal advice or legal assistance

• Points discussed today will be reporting in nature

• O.C.G.A. Code Sections will be referenced where appropriate

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Reporting Issues Session

• Discussion points:• Issues identified in the input survey

• Issues identified as part of our reviews

• Issues identified in contacts whether emails or telephone calls

Reporting Issues Session

• Discussion points to be covered include:

• Components of SPLOST Schedule

• Interfund balances reported by SPLOST Funds (specifically interfund receivables)

• Transfers reported by SPLOST Funds


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Reporting Issues Session

• Amendments to SPLOST projects

• Intergovernmental agreements

• Multiple resources for SPLOST projects

• Completion of SPLOST projects (issues for cities and counties)

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Reporting Issues Session

• Priority of SPLOST projects

• Grant agreements with state and federal agencies

• Grant purposes and requirements

• CFDA #: should be identified by grantor agency

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Reporting Issues Session

• Hotel/motel tax expenditures

• Seized property/confiscated assets

• Special funds held by sheriffs and police chiefs

• Audit of elected officials

Reporting Issues Session

• Reporting entity

• Receiving donations

• Property transfers


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SPLOST Schedule Components• O.C.G.A. §48-8-121: Required elements of Schedule

of SPLOST Projects

• Original estimated cost • Current estimated cost• Amounts expended in prior years• Amounts expended in the current year

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SPLOST Schedule Components• Original estimated cost

• Original estimated cost amounts should remain the same throughout the life of the SPLOST. • This column of the schedule should reflect the

original estimated cost amounts included on the referendum• The amounts approved by voters

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SPLOST Schedule Components• Current estimated cost

• Revisions to original estimated cost amounts

• Grants and other revenue sources can be added

• Column often referred to as the “budget”

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SPLOST Schedule Components

• Amounts expended in prior years

• Amounts for individual project expenditures and total expenditures should agree with the schedule submitted and accepted from the prior fiscal year

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SPLOST Schedule Components

• Amounts expended in the current year

• Total amount of expenditures should agree with the amount of expenditures and transfers out to debt service funds or enterprise funds reported in the fund financial statements

• Differences should be explained on schedule


SPLOST Projects – Funding Sources• The Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA) specifies

that if SPLOST projects are financed from multiple funding sources, the SPLOST fund must be used for the total financing of the project• If expending these tax proceeds in an Enterprise

fund, the revenue should be reported in the SPLOST fund first and then record the transfer • Multiple funding sources (other than SPLOST

revenues) include: LMIG, DOT grants, GEFA loans, issuance of bonds, etc.

SPLOST Projects – Funding Sources

• The amounts of expenditures on specific SPLOST projects reported on the SPLOST Schedule should include expenditures paid from other revenue sources

• Notes may be shown at the bottom of the SPLOST Schedule to indicate the revised estimated cost amounts and expenditure amounts include other revenue sources


Reporting Reminders

• Transfers from SPLOST Funds• Allowed to Enterprise Funds for approved

SPLOST projects• Allowed to Debt Service Fund to service debt

authorized by voters• Transfers to General Fund or E-911 Fund Not

Allowed• State law compliance – all expenditures related

to SPLOST project reported in SPLOST Fund


Reporting Reminders

• Transfers between funds recap:• Transfers to the SPLOST Fund can be reported

• Transfers out of the SPLOST Fund should not be reported except to an Enterprise Fund or Debt Service Fund if for approved SPLOST projects

• Allowable transfers should be included in the expenditure amounts on SPLOST Schedule


Reporting Reminders

• Interfund balances reported by SPLOST Fund

• Interfund receivable should not be reported by SPLOST Funds• State law compliance – commingling of SPLOST

funds• All expenditures of a SPLOST project should be

reported in the SPLOST Fund• Interfund payables are appropriate


Reporting Reminders

• SPLOST Proceeds: General Revenue or Program Revenue• Government-Wide Statement of Activities

• Counties report as SPLOST taxes (general revenue)

• Cities report as program revenue-capital grants and contributions


Reporting Reminders

• SPLOST proceeds: Taxes or Intergovernmental Revenue• Governmental fund financial statements:

• Counties report as taxes

• Cities report as intergovernmental revenue


Reporting Reminders

• SPLOST payments to cities

• Government-Wide Statement of Activities• Reported by functional level according to

referendum and intergovernmental agreement

• Governmental Fund Financial Statement• Intergovernmental character of expenditures


Reporting Reminders

• Interest earned on SPLOST funds

• Reported as program revenue capital grants and contributions

• Includes interest earned by SPLOST Funds reported as non-major funds


SPLOST Schedule Reminders• Debt service payments:• If amount of debt issued included as a project

expenditure on SPLOST Schedule when issued, then principal payments should not be reported

• Amounts should not be duplicated on schedule

• Debt included either as a total at first or when principal payments made but not both


SPLOST Schedule Reminders• Types of debt service payments:• Included on SPLOST Schedule as mentioned on

previous slide for all payments whether bond payments, loan payments or capital lease payments

Interest Payments:Included on SPLOST Schedule when payments are made


SPLOST- General Obligation Debt

• Approved by voters in conjunction with SPLOST levy

• Resolution must include:• Principal amount• Purpose


SPLOST – General Obligation Debt

• Government issuing the debt

• Maximum interest rate

• Principal to be paid each year


Infeasible Projects

• Project becomes:• Impractical • Unserviceable• Unrealistic• Not in the Best Interest of the County or


• Judgement of Governing Authority


Infeasible Projects

• Governing authority determines whether projects are feasible

• Determination of infeasibility provided in an ordinance or resolution


Infeasible Projects

• Resolution includes the modified purpose of the SPLOST proceeds • and

• Estimate of the amounts of proceeds available

• Only allowable modified purposes are reducing debt or ad valorem taxes or both


Infeasible Projects

• Before redirection of SPLOST proceeds to modified purpose:

• Separate referendum question regarding modification conducted with the next SPLOST election

• (same ballot as SPLOST approval referendum but separate question)


Infeasible Projects

• Reallocation to stated modified purpose upon voter approval

• If debt incurred or financing entered into for an infeasible project:• Infeasible ordinance or resolution prohibited

until debt obligation is discharged in full • OCGA §48-8-123


Capital Projects for Non-Public Entities• SPLOST funds can not be used for local charities or

other non-profit organizations

• Gratuities clause of the Georgia Constitution prohibits local governments from using SPLOST revenues or any other public funds to fund capital outlay projects for non-public entities

• Restriction applies to for-profit and non-profit organizations (including charitable organizations)


SPLOST Revenues Between Projects• Voter Approved Projects• Acceptable to move revenue to accommodate

greater costs in one or more of the projects• Project costs are estimates • May shift funds between approved projects• As long as all projects are completed

• Exception: Specific dollar amounts for each project rather than total in ballot language


Methods of Distribution

• Two methods of determining how and whether SPLOST revenues will be shared with municipalities:

• 1) By intergovernmental agreement

• 2) According to a population-based formula in absence of an intergovernmental agreement


Intergovernmental Agreements• Method 1: Intergovernmental agreements

• Minimum requirements in OCGA §48-8-115

• Includes:• Identification of capital outlay projects• Estimated dollar amounts for each project


Intergovernmental Agreements

• Distribution procedures

• Schedule of distributions including priority of projects


Intergovernmental Agreements

• Statement that all projects will be funded

• Statement that proceeds will be kept in separate accounts and used exclusively for the stated purpose


Intergovernmental Agreements

• Record-keeping and audit procedures

• Other provisions the county and participating municipalities choose to address



Population-Based Distributions

• Board of Commissioners may allocate proceeds for the construction of county-wide projects first

• Then remaining proceeds allocations divided among county and municipalities based on population

Population-Based Distributions• Level One County-Wide Projects

• Level One projects:Are capital projects for the use and benefit of the citizens of the entire county needed to implement state-mandated county responsibilities


Population-Based Distributions• Level One projects specifically limited to:• Courthouse• Administrative building for elected officials or

constitutional officers• County or regional jail, correctional institution,

or detention facility• County health department facility• Or any combination of above


Population-Based Distributions• If no Level One projects selected, then Level Two

County-Wide projects may be selected

• Level Two County-Wide Projects:• Capital projects benefiting the citizens of the

entire county, other than Level One projects• Building and renovating existing facilities• Repaying debt on existing facilities• Equipping and furnishing facilities


Population-Based Distributions

• After the allocations for Level One and Level Two projects, remaining SPLOST proceeds allocated between the county and the municipalities


Termination of SPLOST

• Intergovernmental agreement: terminates at the end of time period stated on ballot, not to exceed six years

• No intergovernmental agreement and Level One project consumes less than 24 months of estimated revenues: terminates at the end of 5 years


Termination of SPLOST

• No intergovernmental agreement and Level One project consumes more than 24 months of estimated revenues: terminates at the end of 6 years

• No intergovernmental agreement and no Level One project: terminates at the end of stated term, not to exceed 5 years, or when estimated proceeds collected, whichever comes first



Termination of SPLOST

• Consolidated government issues general obligation bonds in conjunction with SPLOST referendum:

• Terminates when the estimated amount of proceeds collected

Excess Proceeds

• Disposition of Excess Proceeds

• Excess proceeds: those proceeds of a SPLOST that remain after completion of all approved SPLOST projects listed on ballot

• Excess proceeds: defined as proceeds in excess of the actual cost of the projects


Excess Proceeds

• All projects listed in the referendum should be completed before SPLOST can be deemed “excess” and available for use in reducing debt or property taxes

• Intergovernmental agreement: excess proceeds allocated and used according to agreement

• No Intergovernmental agreement: excess proceeds from municipalities must be paid to the county


Excess Proceeds

• Reduce or pay off existing county debt

• Not used to reduce general obligation debt approved on the SPLOST ballot

• No existing county debt, any excess proceeds must be paid into the general fund of the county to reduce property taxes


Annual Reporting of SPLOST• Prior to December 31 each year

• Publish a non-technical report

• Local newspaper of general circulation and

• In a prominent location on website (if one maintained)


Annual Reporting of SPLOST• Each Approved Project:• Original estimated cost, current estimated cost,

amount expended in prior years, and amount expended in the current year• Any excess proceeds not expended for a project

(including all unexpended SPLOST funds held from a prior SPLOST)• Estimated completion date• Actual completion cost of each project

completed during the current year05/09/2023

Annual Reporting of SPLOST• Include statement of corrective action for each

project underfunded or behind schedule

• Include statement of any surplus funds not expended for a project

• County not responsible for reporting information on municipal projects


Grant Agreements

• Grant agreements with state and/or federal agencies

• Should include:• Grant purposes• Grant requirements• CFDA # of the federal program• Grant period


Grant Agreements

• Funds should be expended for the purposes stated in the agreement for program

• Gifts cards should not be purchased just to expend the funds before grant period ends

• Expenditures should meet the requirements or for purposes of grant


Definition of Local Government• Unit of local government, unit or local government

• Means a municipality, county, consolidated city-county government or other political subdivision

• Terms do not include local school districts or boards of education


Definition of Local Government

• Term county includes:• Any county officer who is paid in whole or in

part on a salary basis and over whom the county governing authority exercises budgetary authority



• Board of commissioners is responsible for approving the annual budget for all operations of the county – including the constitutional officers

• Budget must be balanced and account for each unit

• Legal level of control – minimum level must be at a department level



• If reallocates funds at the legal level of control

• Budget amendments subject to approval by board or council through adoption of a local ordinance or resolution



• Budget violations should be disclosed

• Budget violations include• Not adopting budgets• Overspending by legal level of control



• Applies to each debt service fund and each special revenue fund

• Corrective action plan required for violations


Audits of Local Government• OCGA §36-81-7 requires an annual audit

• Financial affairs and transactions of• All funds and activities of the local government

• Includes all offices and departments


Audits of Local Governments

• All offices and departments included in the audits and budgets

• Budgets approved by governing authority

• Some funds may have restrictions on the spending of those funds



• Reminder: Restrictions are either

• Externally imposed by creditors, grantors, or laws or regulations of other governments

• Imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation



• Restrictions on net position

• Restricted fund balance



Local Maintenance Improvement Grant• Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG)

• LMIG is a formula grant• LMIG funds are purpose restricted• Purpose restrictions do not affect revenue

recognition• Fund balance/net position is restricted for

unexpended portion• Should not be reported as unearned revenue

Forfeited Assets

• UCOA requires a separate special revenue fund to be used to account for confiscated assets

• Expenditures restricted for specified purposes

• Required annual reporting to Prosecuting Attorney’s Council


Hotel/Motel Taxes

• Separate special revenue fund

• Tax revenue reported in the separate special revenue fund first

• Restricted portion of tax accounted for in this fund


Hotel/Motel Taxes

• Several different authorizing provisions

• Very important to be aware of the expenditure requirements of the specific provision authorizing the levy

• OCGA §48-13-51


Hotel/Motel Taxes

• At least some of the proceeds must be spent for promoting tourism

• Annual report to DCA

• Prominently reflected in the audit required by OCGA §36-81-7 – submitted to DOAA


Hotel/Motel Taxes

• Disclosed in audit:• Amount of funds expended or contractually

committed for expenditure during fiscal year• Amount of tax receipts during fiscal year• Expenditures as a percentage of tax receipts


Hotel/Motel Taxes

• Noncompliance reported in audit

• Corrective action plan submitted


DOAA Contact Information• Contact information for Financial Audits, the

Nonprofit and Local Government Audit Section

• Manager: Jacqueline Neubert • Email: [email protected]• Telephone number: 404-651-8938

• Section email address: [email protected]• Section telephone number: 404-656-9145
