ppt trw design

STRATEGIRS AND ACTIVITIES TO USE WITH EXPOSITORY TEXT Presented by : Novita Riyanti (133411001) Mohammad Assola (133411018)

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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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more activities using expository text


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Presented by :Novita Riyanti (133411001)

Mohammad Assola (133411018)

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1. Reciprocal ReadingO 1. Two partners read material.O 2. They stop after reading a designated

amount (page, paragraph,or section).O 3. Partner #1 covers the page and

summarizes or explains.O 4. Partner #2 checks for accuracy and

includes any missing material.O 5. Partners read the next page, paragraph, or

section.O 6. Reverse roles.

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2. I-ChartO I-ChartO Interesting or important ideas (or events or facts):O 1.O 2.O 3.O Inference or big idea:

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3. WindowsO First, students create a window with two panes in their

journal (a line down the middle of the page will work) with one side labeled “clear” and the other “fuzzy”.

O On the clear side they list two or three things that seem clear to them after reading the chapter.

O On the other side they list two to four things that are still a little fuzzy.

O Next, students meet in small group to see if any fuzzy things can be cleared up.

O Finally, the small group creates one large window to hand in.

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4. Support-A-StatementO Use appropriate reasons, detail, or examples to support

a statement, idea, or conclusion.O 1. Make (or view) a statement or claim.O 2. Find information/data to support the statement.O 3. Organize the information (list in visual organizer).O 4. Describe the original statement in terms of the new

information (write a paragraph, make a speech).

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5. Small Group Speeches

O 1. Create a brainstorming web for a speaking topic related to the text.

O 2. Identify two or three nodes or subtopics related to the topic.O 3. Brainstorm to find interesting or important things about

node.O 4. Use the brainstorming web as a guide to give a short speech

about the topic.

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Elements of Oral Communication (EOC)

O 1. Look at your audience.O 2. Use an average pace. Not too fast and not too slow.O 3. Use inflection. Don’t use just a monotone. Make your voiceO rise and fall to make listening more interesting.O 4. Control your stance. Don’t lean or slouch.O 5. Use your hands to emphasis points.O 6. Use correct grammar.O 7. Use known words. Avoids slang or profanity.O 8. Use words carefully. Avoids nonwords and nonphrases such

as: “um,” “well,” “you know,” and “you guys.” Do not use extra words if it can be helped.

O 9. Be concise and to the point. Do not ramble.

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6. KWL ChartK

What do you Know

W What do youWant to know?

LWhat did youLearn?

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7. Group ReadO 1. Put students in mixed ability groups of three to six

students.O 2. Assign roles.O 3. Students read.O 4. Idea pointers point and note takers note.O 5. Students engage in some post reading product or
